#the pokehumans we deserve
science-whore · 1 year
Pokémon object heads. You’re welcome.
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(Obviously they’re just quick edits to get the concept out of the way— I might end up doing proper artwork later.)
Oh. And this guy was in the anime:
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it’s a costume but still
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shari-berri · 4 years
Palkia x reader
Your POV
As I wandered the streets, I came across a young man being attacked in the park. Seeing nobody doing anything to stop it and the man not defending himself, I quickly ran in front of him and shielded him behind me.
"Hey! Just what do you think you're doing!" The angry attacker yelled, revealing himself to be a Team Skull Grunt.
"Leave him alone! Your fight is with me now! Send out your pokemon and we can settle this!" I demand, grabbing a pokeball I knew very well from my pocket.
The grunt nods and does some hand movements, pulling out a pokeball and throwing it.
A Zubat pops out, flapping angrily and ready to fight.
Looking at the pokeball in my hand, I run my fingers over the dents.
"I need your help, old friend, come and assist me!" I call, throwing the ball into the air.
Out pops my Blaziken, talons ready for a fight.
"Alright lets start this! Blaziken, use sky uppercut on that Zubat!" I command, thrusting my arm out in front of me.
"Blazeeee!" He calls, his arm glowing and then slashing the Zubat in the stomach.
The Zubat fell onto the ground, struggling to stand. It quickly used confuse ray.
Blaziken got hit and looked around confusedly.
"Blaziken return, go Gardevoir!" I say, calling Blaziken back into his pokeball and throwing out Gardevoir.
"So this is really unnecessary but I feel like you deserve it so...Gardevoir, connect our hearts as one, Mega Evolve!" I scream, grabbing my wristband with my mega stone.
Gardevoir is surrounded in rainbow light and when it fades, is mega evolved into mega Gardevoir.
Waving my hand, Gardevoir uses moonblast. The hit faints the Zubat.
The grunt quickly returns his Pokémon and runs, leaving me to tend to the injured man.
"Are you alright? I ask, helping him up.
He just points to his side which is gushing blood.
"Gardevoir, teleport us to the hospital!" I call, grabbing onto her hand.
"Gar!" She calls. Next thing I knew, we were in the hospital and the man was rushed into the ER.
As soon as he was released, I allowed him to come and stay at my house until he recovered. Only when we got home did I notice his outfit.
"Are you one of those pokehumans?" I curiously ask.
He nods. "Palkia." He simply says.
I nod and grab his hand, leading him to the guest bedroom to rest.
Palkia has been with me for 2 years. He got better in about a month but continued to live with me. We eventually started dating. He later proposed and we were engaged.
"I am so glad I was wandering that day we met." I say, snuggling into my fiancé.
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shari-berri · 4 years
Liepard x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend was notorious for playing little pranks or tricks. It was in his nature after all. Originally being a Liepard made him a sly and cunning creature, always wanting to create some mischief on unsuspecting people or Pokémon. That carried over when he was turned into a pokehumans by some unknown reason. Nobody knew why Pokémon were turning human but they were. There was nothing wrong with this. They could still use their moves and could still evolve. I loved him a lot but this got on my nerves very quickly. We could be trying to have a nice dinner date, only for him to ruin it by 'accidentally' spilling water everywhere or making me sneeze with pepper.
This also caused problems when we went to town. From terrorizing little kids with harsh pranks or beating up bullies, he did it all. He was my little trickster. It's not to say I didn't like his little quirks, just that I don't like how he would display them so openly.
"Babe! Let's go to the park!" Said boyfriend called out. I agreed but seemed to miss the mischief sparkling in his eyes.
We got to the park and walked around. I had a good time smelling the flowers or watching the Pokémon playing. He walked by my side holding my hand. We got to a small pond where people were fishing quietly. I spotted some small fish Pokémon so I leaned closer. I felt a harsh push on my back and felt myself falling forward. I heard Liepard gasp and reach for my arm but it was too late. I landed in the pond with a loud 'splash!' I came back to the surface, hair stuck to my face and face red from anger. I stomped out of the pond, ignoring my boyfriend's cries of apologies. I sped all the way home, ignoring him the whole time. I got home and ripped the door open, sprinting towards the bathroom. I peeled myself out of my wet clothes and turned the shower on hot. I called out for Liepard to fetch me some clean and dry clothes and he complied. I hopped in the now hot shower. I stayed there for a while, contemplating what to do.
It wasn't until later that I decided to speak to my lover.
"Liepard." I sternly but softly called. "I'm really upset you pushed me like that. I know you meant it as a prank and we're going to pull me back but that didn't work. I'm getting so tired of all your pranks. I just want to spend some time with you, just us. Could you do that for me?" I finished, close to tears by this point. He was silent for a moment before locking his eyes with mine.
He pulled me into a hug, laying his head on the top of mine. I felt tears hit my head so I pulled away. I wiped away his tears and nodded. I pulled him back into an embrace and we stayed there, giving silent apologies. After that was over I lead him towards our shared room where we settled down for a well deserved rest. I fell asleep cuddled into my trickster, finally with peace and quiet.
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