#the power of the manboobs is too strong
nattravn-art · 2 months
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@thecrimsonvalley-creates and me were talking/joking about certain characters and uuuh, my hand slipped.
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x-strokeofmadness-x · 7 years
King and Estarossa :D
Oh boi. My favourite character and the shitpost queen at the same time. Before I start, I’ll say that I can’t really take Esta that seriously, so there. I’ll begin with him, so Estarossa can get Estaroasted. 
Why I like them: I liked him because he was the most mysterious TC when we first met them, as he was the one who had multiple appearances before (poster + Eli’s dream). He gave off this incredible aura, while being completely nonchalant. He was my number 1 (you had it all Esta!!). Then he got his ass handed to him, and I got into this fandom, and since then he’s become my victim for shitposts. I like to bully him a lot and like it when other people make fun of him (whelp). And on another serious note I like the fact that Mel’s betrayal did do something to him. He was such an innocent cutie when he was smol.
Why I don’t: His colour scheme is one of the most atrocious I’ve ever seen. It’s hard to emphatize with him, or truly care for him, because he’s such a nonchalant shet. He’s an attention whore: he always appears everywhere, in every conversation, in each nnt google search. He has the anatomy of Popeye (jk, but he’s terrible to draw). 
Favorite scene: When he stopped Mel’s revenge counter, but it was probably him cheating with his commandment, so it will have to be him letting that bird explode. That was the epitome of his power.
Favorite line: ‘ESCAAA…NOOOOOOR!!!’ (Escanor: scream my name, bby)
Favorite outfit: When he secretly dresses up as David Bowie in the Labyrinth. When Escanor burned much of his clothes. 
OTP: Escanor/Estarossa, Escarossa are my One True Crack Pairing. Make a shitpost/meme about them, and I will love you.
Brotp: He and Zeldris are still best bro’s.
Head Canon: He likes to show of his manboobs and gets excited when people look at them. Which is why he likes to make risque photos of himself in secret. In fact, he even has multiple albums filled with them.   
Unpopular opinion: Every opinion that trashes Esta is true.
A wish: That he fights side by side with Escanor (the fandom will explode with shitposts, I swear). That he reconciles with Mel. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: That he dies. 
5 words to best describe them: Nonchalant, shitty excuse for a brother, lazy, loving, sleepdeprived (just look at the bags under his eyes).
My nickname for them: Esta, Asstarossa, Moprossa, Manboobrossa, Shitpost Queen.
And now my precious smol anxiety bean:
Why I like them: Oh, where do I even start. The first thing I liked about him was that he was so sassy/snarky. It was cool that he was pretty much the straight man act of the Seven Deadly Sins at the beginning. Despite him being the Fairy King, so strong, serious etc. he was such a dork at the same time. When he started talking to Oslo about his crush on Diane, it really endeared me to him. But my most favourite thing is his selflessness. Later on when we learn about all the tragedies he has to had suffer through, and the fact that he still blames himself, breaks my heart. It overeats him, and he shouldn’t do it, but I admire him for taking responsibilty instead of blaming/hating someone else, and for the fact that he does admit to it when he’s wrong even though he’s stubborn (for example, in the past when he realizes that not all demons are bad, and that he gave Mel a hard time because he was biased). He’s just so many sides to him, to him being incredibly nice, to him being flawed (like running away when seeing Elaine’s body), and nevertheless it doesn’t throw his character off balance, but it makes him incredibly human. It makes him relateable, and that’s what makes him my favourite character from both a biased as well as objective standpoint.
Why I don’t: Sometimes the manga focuses too much on his dorky qualities, like as of late with the flashback. I really want to see more of his serious/sassy side again. The fact that he hesitates with certain things (like with his relationship with Diane) still frustrates me, though it doesn’t make me dislike/hate him. 
Favorite scene: I like pretty much every scene with him, but the one that will always hold a place in my heart, was when he first fought against Guila, and dissed/rekt her hard. This one made me fall in love with the manga, even though I didn’t want to admit it (I was a real tsundere to the manga when I first read it).
Favorite line: ‘Why…can’t I ever…ever…protect… what matters most to me?’ (*heart breaks*)
Favorite outfit: When he wears no jacket, like in the spar against Ban in chapter 51 (I like his jacket, but it’s kind of kiddy, and don’t get me started on that helmet, sorry Helbram).
OTP: King x Diane, Kiane. The memories thing being abused sucks a lot, but they’re my no.1 pairing. 
Brotp: He and Helbram have a great friendship. I also like to imagine that he and Gloxinia could be great friends, where Glox is kind of the annoying friend who always makes fun of him/trolls/teases him.
Head Canon: Since King’s great at sewing, he makes plushies both for children as well as for himself. The ones he made for himself, are of the people that are closest to him (Diane, Elaine and Helbram) and he treasures them a lot. He fantasizes sometimes about making ones for his children (with Diane) when he has them.
Unpopular opinion: A lot of people dislike King for being unreasonable to and not trusting Meliodas. I personally thought it was logical in that situation, especially with how Mel never tells them anything. It was rather a breath of fresh air in a manga where everyone is ‘supposed to go with the flow’ and ‘berief in their friends, because power of friendship!11!’. It gave depth to their relationship, instead of relying on the mere fact that Mel is the mc so he somehow has to be automatically trusted (and King has already admitted to himself that he was shallow). 
A wish: For King to be happy. Nakaba really throws a lot of shit at him. So I want King and Diane to finally get together, and for him to show a scene where Elaine finally forgives her brother, so he can get his self-confidence back. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Nakaba throwing more bs at King. That he never does the things I wish/makes him happy, until at the very end of the manga or even never. That King will become a background character because he is not strong enough/can’t keep up (even with a power up).
5 words to best describe them: Protective, sassy, logical, lazy, dorky.
My nickname for them: Kingu-chan, smol anxiety bean (thanks to Trinity).
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