#the preaker name would be cleaner if she were to die
villanevehaus ยท 2 years
this is kind of random but this has been nagging at me for a little while and i havent been able to format it into like a question?? like i dont even know what my own question about it is but i know theres an answer you know?? but i was wondering if you had thoughts on the last names in sharp objects?? i always thought it was interesting that camille was the only preaker left that wasnt dead, and adora treats her like a stranger even though marian was also a preaker.
[contd] maybe im crazy. but i always thought adoras adherence to the realistic but unrealistic and kind of eerie social construct that literally drowns every woman in wind gap was an integral part in her character that i couldnt quite piece together in a way that clicked. like camilles identity as a preaker vs her mothers as a crellin but also most importantly as something other than a preaker is just hmmmm and i wondered if u noticed that too and/or had thoughts on it ?? - letterboxdanon
OGH yeas i have sooooo many thoughts as you are about to see by the length of this response because camille IS the only preaker!!! alan is both marian and amma's father, but he's just camille's step-father. preaker is adora's maiden name and since she had camille out of wedlock as a 17(18?)yo kid, it's not even the last name of camille's father- but then adora left all that embarrassment behind by marrying alan (still in her teens, also!!! alan sucks!!!) and having marian a few years later. adora cut herself from the preaker name through marriage, a normal thing that often changes women's names, had a child with that new name, and gained a cleaner social standing from doing both. idk why they didn't just erase the preaker name entirely by making camille a crellin but i think alan is so old fashioned that he'd be against giving a child that's not His his last name. maybe it just made it that much easier to hate camille, who knows.
iirc also adoras parents were sooooo pissed about her getting knocked up by some dude as a teen they both died within like a year of camille being born as well?? so adora really did a speedrun from child to mother to orphan to wife to mother of two, and i think for her having a new name and a new child with that new name was a good way to reinvent herself and her image- and isnt windgap aaallllllllllllll about image? changing her name while also continuing to reap the benefits of Preaker Hog Farm TM also means that she gets to almost fossilize?? the name and her family's empire/fortune, bc she still gets money from that.
so like! she treats camille as a stain on the preaker name/line because she literally is one in adora's eyes: she was a mistake, she killed the only other living preakers while retaining the legacy connected to the name- undeservedly- she doesn't adhere to windgap rules (or adora's rules, which are the same honestly), she mourns her sister too loudly, and then she leaves. but its fine, thank god she left, bc now adora gets to continue to reinvent herself and her image with amma and anne nash and natalie keene: adora crellin, that fine woman with her beautiful house and her beautiful roses and her beautiful daughter- bless her heart for helping those girls, especially after losing her first.
and then, camille shows up.
camille is a walking talking violation of adora's reinventation- she's a reminder to adora of her accidental pregnancy, camille's father, the deaths of her parents, the loss of marian- but she's also a reminder to the entire town of wind gap that adora used to be a preaker, too.
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