#the priest & the beast
swifty-fox · 6 months
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almost 9k of Priest!Gale and Burnout!John having really sweaty sex in a church for your viewing pleasure
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
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Transformers: Beast Wars - Second Chances - Page 17
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Story - Mike Priest Pencils - Ryan Miller Inks - Jake Isenberg Colours - Ray Fromme Letters - HdE
wada sez: See below for Mike Priest’s original script, titled “Lost and Found”.
Beast Wars: Second Chances- Page 17
“Lost and Found”
By Mike Priest
(FIRST PANEL- Starscream’s ghost/spark has phased through the Ark’s hull and is now hovering in a dim hallway.  “Emergency” red lights that line the walls appear to be blinking, indicating something is happening somewhere in the Ark.)
STARSCREAM: (Text box) Hmmm, now if I recall correctly…
(SECOND PANEL- Starscream ghost/spark “zooms” down the hallway and around a corner, leaving a streaking trail behind it.)
(THIRD PANEL- Starscream’s ghost emerges from a wall, half-phased through it.  His facial expression gives the self-satisfied impression of “success!” when he sees the contents of the room.)
STARSCREAM: (Text box) Ah-HA!  I knew I left that old thing lying around here somewhere…
(FOURTH PANEL- The Ark’s computer room, where Tarantulas’s image is on virtually every monitor.)
TARANTULAS: Security overridden.  Preparing to initialize self-destruct sequence.  Even beyond death, I will see my ultimate goal realized!  I will --
(FIFTH PANEL- Tarantulas’s computerized expression suddenly turns to shock as he notices someone enter the room.)
TARANTULAS: No.  You’re not supposed to be online!  That’s impossible!
(SIXTH PANEL- Large pay-off panel of STARSCREAM, in his original body, standing in the room with his hands on his hips, eyes narrowed and smirking his classic smirk.)
STARSCREAM: Wanna bet?
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allyriadayne · 14 days
In a world where alicent is a nun and larys the priest confessor for the convent, he would 100% enjoy torturing her by making her feel like her petty sins are worse than they are just to make her even more dependant on his absolution. He tells her to flagellate herself ten times just for thinking she would be a better mother superior than sister rhaenyra (he makes her show him her back) and another time he tells her she must pray on her knees all night because she didn't confess the day before (so now she will confess in his rooms where he can truly see her). she's wrecked with guilt and anxiety and thinks she's going to hell if she doesn't beg for father larys' forgiveness every day at 4 pm sharp. all this because lyonel pledged larys' life to the church if god saved his wife but when she died, he sent larys anyway
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r-aindr0p · 7 months
Are there any fae-like creatures in french myths?
I know about the story of a giant black wolf that terrorized France back in the day, but that’s all I can remember.
Legends and stories including wolves are in fact really widespread in european culture since middle age ! But yeah the most well known in France is the Beast of Gévaudan which was described as massive ! (and the one from Le petit chaperon rouge/Little red riding hood)
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Concerning other creatures and fairies/faes in french legends and stories, we do have
Mélusine : fairies mentioned a bit everywhere in France, they are mostly described as women with a scaly tail lower body and are sometimes associated with mermaids or vouivres. (far from how they look like in genshin impact)
Vouivre : not to be mistaken with wyverns, vouivres are creatures described as snakes with bat wings, sometimes they are depicted having rear legs and wings (and they look very goofy like that imo). These creatures can be aquatic and in some descriptions, possess a big jewel on their forehead.
Tarasque : a creature from provencal legends, which lived in a swamp near Tarascon and terrorized and ate people. It's most popular description was of a big creature with a spiked turtle shell, six bear legs, horse ears, bull chest, lion head, a human face and a twisted tail. Legend says Ste. Marthe tamed the beast. (I swear they were just being attacked by bowser this is the same creature)
These are the one I depicted roughly in the pic above but there are many more creatures depending on the different regions of France ! (There's a lot of fairies and fantasy like creature in stories from bretagne/brittany) Some others that I find either fun or cool are :
Meneurs de loup : which translates to wolf leaders are people told to be able to talk to wolves and even transform into one, either because they are werewolves or they made a pact with the devil. (it's kinda giving spice and wolf vibes and I love that story sm)
Jambe crue/Came-cruse : Roaming in the Pyrénées at night, this thing is a single leg with an eye on the knee that eats people and runs very fast. (Idk why this one is so funny to me but oddly terrifying as well)
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leaderoffestivals · 3 months
Poltergeist Chapter 16
The Neverland of Grudges Ch 8
Madara: However, times have changed, and I’ve changed a little, too. And it’s all thanks to you guys. 
Scenario Writer: Akira Season: Winter Characters: Mikejima Madara, Narukami Arashi
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Madara: Ohhh. So, that’s how it is.
Regrettably, I’ve not had the chance to interact with NEGI-san personally, but I have carried out extensive research into matters related to her—
Matters which tie into the very foundation of the idol industry and thus, deeply concern us, after all.
It seems NEGI-san was the successor to an entity known as "The Priest", a malevolent figure who ruled the idol industry from the shadows while posing as a god.
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Arashi: Eh?! D—did that child really have such a tremendous status, after all? The "Priest"...?
I guess NEGI-chan must’ve been trying her best to appear plain and unassuming in front of us, huh. She still came across as a little out of this world, though—
But then again, that level of eccentricity isn't uncommon at Yumenosaki or ES at all. That’s why it never occurred to me that she was such an extraordinary personage.
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Madara: No, that’s because in actuality, she’s not a monstrous being. And of course, she definitely wasn’t a God or anything else either.
Whether it’s NEGI-san or her younger brother, Hitsugi-san, they were probably ordinary kids, just like us.
However, the "Priest”—their father— was a deranged lunatic.
I’m not clear about the fine details, but it seems the Priest was obsessed with a bizarre delusion of taking over the bodies of children, believing he could extend his life this way and live forever.
Immortality has always been the ultimate desire of those in power, ever since the time of the First Emperor of China, you knowwww?
As the saying goes, “A crane lives for a thousand years, and a turtle for ten thousand” (1)—
In light of this, the name “Dancing Cranes Home” honestly sends shivers down one’s spine, doesn’t it?
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Madara: The big shot in the idol industry who established Dancing Cranes Home was probably none other than the Priest himself, via one of his proxies.
That would explain why his daughter, NEGI-san, ended up being fostered here—
—in a place built and named after the crane, with its legendary thousand-year lifespan, in an attempt to harness the power and mysticism associated with the name.
By christening his building with such an auspicious name, he might have hoped to extend his own life, even if by a little.
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Arashi: Eh? On the contrary, didn’t it turn out unlucky in the end? Dancing Cranes Home has already burned to the ground once, after all.
Madara: Hahaha. I daresay that was because the Priest no longer felt the need to rely on such magic formulas. He had found a more suitable vessel for his new form—Hitsugi-san. 
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Madara: That’s why he took action to eliminate his daughter, NEGI-san, since she no longer served a purpose to him.
For the Priest who had such an extreme fear of death, the existence of a blood-relation must have been anathema to him. 
There's a possibility someone would be able to trace her lineage back to him—the Priest himself—from her existence, and fearing such an outcome, the Priest took steps to eliminate the evidence, so to speak.
That's probably the true story behind the fire that broke out at Dancing Cranes Home.  
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Arashi: What? He decided to do away with her and burn her up in a bonfire, because he didn’t need her anymore?
Who does that kind of thing? Who does that guy even think he is?  
Madara: HAHAHA! I alreadyyy told you—he’s a guy who’s screwy in the head LARPing as a god. Hahaha, he's totally different from Kanata-san; there’d be nothiiing cute about him as a god at aaall—
—just a murderous, malevolent and abominable god. 
However, that person is no longer in this world. I don’t know the exact details, but he was eliminated by somebody, not too long ago. (2) 
Arashi: Oh? Is he dead? He absolutely deserves to be, but then, who am I going to direct these furious fists of mine at now? 
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Arashi: The children of the Rafflesia Group under my care are still suffering the traumatic effects of that cruel fire to this very day, you know? They lost their dearest friend, their halcyon, happy days—
And simply reading a picture book with the barest mention of a fire in it makes them cry and throw up.  
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Madara: Hmmm. Picture book—a drawing—I seee? 
Maybe that could come in useful after aaall… …
Arashi: Hmm? What’s that? What in the world do you mean? Come on~, Mama, it’s a bad habit to always be keeping things to yourself, you know? 
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Madara: Right. I’ve——MaM has always been a Solo Unit, used to working alone. It’s always been enough for me to be the only one who understood what was going on. 
However, times have changed, and I’ve changed a little, too. And it’s all thanks to you guys. 
Arashi: Once again, what in the world do you mean? 
—————-To be continued——————
Chapter 15 / Chapter 17
Translator’s Notes
Madara says 鶴は千年、亀は万年(Tsuru wa sennen, kame wa mannen). It is an expression that translates literally to “A crane (lives for) a thousand years, and a turtle for ten thousand years”. It is used to mean “a long life is something worth celebrating”. Cranes and turtles are symbols of longevity. The saying originated from a Noh play titled [鶴亀] “TsuruKame” (Crane and Turtle), a congratulatory tale that prays and celebrates the peace of the world and the long-term state.
Nagisa was the one who got rid of the Priest. He set up and managed to trap the Priest with GateKeeper’s help in SS Finals (Main Story 2). The Priest had wanted to take over Nagisa then (since Hitsugi faked his death in BlackJack (Main Story 1.5) and wasn't around to be used). It’s not certain what happened to the Priest exactly, but he was trapped in a car which was driven away after Nagisa passed judgement on him “to be burnt in the fires of hell for eternity” (SS Finals Laurel Ch 23).
This isn't proofed, so you've any feedback, please DM me.
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months
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drew more fellers last night lol(Reblogs appreciated! Fanart is highly appreciated and encouraged!)
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puppygator · 11 months
Not into the priest imagery and fantasies I see around religious kink I would much prefer to be a traveling pilgrim who slips away in the night to fuck a cute little monk who is questioning his god. Press his soft hands into the abbey wall as I take him, getting to feel all the hidden, trembling skin beneath his robes. Fingers on his wet tongue to muffle his moans, cock opening him up and giving him the ecstasy and pleasure he will never find hidden away from the world. Leave him for the night with my cum buried deep inside him, and when I catch his eye tomorrow, waiting to see the relics, he'll remember the feeling of it slippery and warm, more fulfilling than any sacrament.
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krowcall · 18 days
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eddie-rifff · 9 months
ive had a couple people over the past few years ive been into ph/vdgg ask me how to get into them and there just isnt a good answer honestly because theyre so different from yes/ genesis/ elp/ other major prog bands, there's nothing that will prepare you for them. like even if i said listen to refugees to get warmed up they dont do a ton of stuff like that you know.
but whats good about them is that they ARE so different, thats why i love them, there is no good comparison. maybe early king crimson gets close but there is no other vocalist like peter hammill besides like. rob halford and even then hes pretty different, he just has some of the same tricks (the growls, the screams, the shrieks etc)
if you want to get into vdgg, i would say be prepared to get progged hard (that was essentially the warning mrs hammill (alison) gave me when i started listening to them lol) and be prepared for something you've never really heard before. darkness 11/11 was the first vdgg song i fell in love with and i think thats as good of a starting place as any, because it has almost everything you'd want from a vdgg song imo, then maybe lighthouse keepers because it really has EVERY element of a good vdgg song all in one. i know killer is a fan favorite but its so mild imo, its a one-off as far as im concerned.
also, WAY too few people appreciate boleas panic. it might be one of my favorite prog instrumentals ever, its such a sexy song. listen to boleas panic if you have not already, especially if you already listen to vdgg, there is nothing stopping u.
anwyay . why am i talking about this
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eldritchamy · 1 year
me, drinking coffee for once: this is it, this is going to fix me. today I will have just enough of a functional brain to be productive and get important things done
the horrible little creature that lives in my brain and decides what I hyperfixate on and when I go into an infodumping trance on an arbitrary topic and also makes me wildly over- or under-use punctuation:
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#man fuck ADHD#can somebody diagnose me with 'holy shit how are you ALIVE without adderall'#for the record the horrible little creature that lives in my brain just stuck me in a 90 minute rant#about how 'Monstrosity' is a HORRIBLE creature type in dnd#it's so ABSURDLY wide ranging#there are 'Monstrosities' that should be BEASTS like the obvious Owlbear or Peryton or some specific cats and wolves#but there are also things like. horrible centipede monsters and Purple Wurms and disfigured Kraken monsters#AND ALSO CENTAURS AND MINOTAURS WHICH ARE EXPLICITLY PLAYABLE RACES????#as well as a NUMBER of creatures that could EASILY fall into the humanoid category#things that WEAR CLOTHING and use CRAFTED AND MAGICAL WEAPONS and have CULTURE and SPEAK MULTIPLE LANGUAGES#is a YETI less humanoid than a Bugbear or a Grung???#what about Draconian mages which are literally just dragonborn?#what about all the YUAN TI and THRI-KEEN which are literally viable PC races#what about Yakfolk priests and Merrow swordsmen and Driders which are no less humanoid than a Centaur#WHY ARE THEY LUMPED INTO THE SAME CATEGORY AS SPACE HAMSTERS AND WEIRD PARASITES AND GRIFFONS#THERE'S NO JUSTIFICATION FOR ALL OF THESE THINGS BEING A SINGLE CREATURE TYPE IT'S JUST PURE FANTASY RACISM#and also extremely lazy worldbuilding#why the fuck are PLAYABLE RACES lumped in with displacer beasts and mimics?#because you suck at categorizing your creature types that's why#in a fantasy world that has fantasy creatures there's no reason for an owlbear or a peryton or a griffon to not be considered animals#you know the Polymorph spell specifies beasts of your challenge rating (player level) or lower?#did you know the highest CR in the Beast type is 8?#T Rex Sperm Whale and Huge Giant Crab are all CR 8 beasts#so Polymorph can't scale past level 8. even though player levels go to 20.#meanwhile TRUE Polymorph and SHAPECHANGE just say any creature. Shapechange specifies not constructs or undead#and you know what. Wild Shape specifies BEASTS. with a MAXIMUM CHALLENGE RATING OF ONE.#unless you're a moon druid and then it's your level divided by 3#except they're removing that in 'One DND' (shut up it's just 6e)#anyway DND has some CRAZY fucked up stuff in it and Monstrosity is just 'Miscellaneous' but with more racism in it#also I have not been productive today at all thanks coffee
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swifty-fox · 23 days
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it's not true that i had nothing on. A Little Beasts fic (8k words)
John leans in and kisses him solidly, “You should try it on.”
“Excuse me?”
“Try on the skirt, Gale.”
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
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Transformers: Beast Wars - Second Chances - Page 16
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Story - Mike Priest Pencils - Ryan Miller Inks - Jake Isenberg Letters - HdE
wada sez: See below for a thumbnail and Mike Priest’s original script, which he titled “Abandon”.
Beast Wars: Second Chances- Page 16
By Mike Priest
(FIRST PANEL- Depthcharge’s cutlass/spear flying through the air, having been thrown.)
(SECOND PANEL- The cutlass skewers Arachnid in one of its remaining optics.  The giant spider recoils with pain.)
(THIRD PANEL- Depthcharge in a “just threw a cutlass into a giant spider’s eye” pose, his other hand has a “shark rifle” in it, with smoke curling out from within its barrels.  Various bits of “Steel Tech” Tarantulas drone guts and limbs are hanging off Depthcharge’s body, giving the impression that the Maximal has just torn through a great deal of them.)
DEPTHCHARGE:   Haven’t you taken that damn thing down yet??
(FOURTH PANEL:  Depthcharge and Dinobot hurl themselves at Arachnid’s damaged, shambling form, weapons drawn.)
DINOBOT:   You are welcome to aid me in doing so!
(FIFTH PANEL:  Transmetal Terrorsaur, crouched in robot mode on a nearby rocky outcropping, watches Depthcharge and Dinobot deliver critical blows to Arachnid.  He smirks a very Starscream-like smirk.)
TERRORSAUR (STARSCREAM):   Heh.  How very spirited.  But it seems the final act of this battle…falls to me.  
(SIXTH-SEVENTH PANEL:  Starscream’s spark leaves Terrorsaur’s shell and “phases” through the Ark’s exterior surface.  Terrorsaur’s optics go dark as the proverbial “key” is pulled out of the ignition.)
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cuntstable · 9 months
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r-aindr0p · 1 month
Boss I need more elden ring shitpost ←never played the game but has been obsessed with it for the past months and consuming every video i can find
— 🐀
I want to tbh!!!! I still cannot play the game because I have a terrible pc (for now...) but omg the amount of streams I watched and all the times I went to the wiki page to check the lore of certain stuff and I don't even know everything yet because this games is so vast !!
Haven't done doodles lately but I want to !! But you know what I did and never showed here ?
Mini elden beast, gooped in resin
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As you can see it guards all important my grimoires (doesn't show but it's with mini shen qingqiu on the same shelf, they are friends now)
Favorite characters are Miquella and Rennalla (love Messmer's chara design a lot though) but I'm not good enough with clay to make mini them yet
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galatikid · 2 months
Mr. Beast partners with Amazon who is run by Jeff Mr. Moneybags Bezos to do a Squid Games Esq game show and everyone is baffled that it's a bad time for contestants.
I'm sorry that these people weren't encouraged to foster their critical thinking skills at a young age. I'm sorry they didn't have people around them to challenge them and their perceptions of the world.
Mr. Beast sucks and he's played the world for suckers. He's not a philanthropist, he loves money. He doesn't care about people, it's about the revenue. He got too big and the world being what it is he was able to limit test optics for a very long time. It shouldn't surprise anyone that his house of cards is crumbling, people should be disappointed that it didn't happen sooner. Viewers should be disappointed, and use this as a lesson for the future.
Always look closer, if something seems off question it. Confront it.
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aerachnaodnagren · 2 months
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First of Spikes
Yolala, first of healers, who took spear in her hands, first of whom, who protect the one who from weapon suffered with weapons in hand. 
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