#the problem is that is you search abuse or child abuse under HP fics
martinskis-lydias · 5 months
One of my favourite HP fic tropes is Harry’s childhood abuse being acknowledged and it’s honestly kinda hard to find any that I haven’t already read???
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reesa-chan · 7 years
can you rec any HP fics (your favorites or Harry as the lord of a bunch of houses after defeating Voldemort or both)
Sure! I’m not active in the fandom anymore, but I’ve got some definite favorites. Some of these are Lord of a bunch of houses, but I’m going ahead and sharing a mishmash (with a lot of Avengers crossovers because MCU has taken over my life.) I’ll star the ones that are the best fit for the Lord of many houses trope:
Runaway Dragon and its sequel A Letter to Mr William Snape have long been some of my comfort fics. Draco Malfoy flees home after his father lashes out against his mother and accidentally kills her (nothing graphic and this really isn’t the central story at all) and Severus Snape comes across him and takes him into his home, which turns out to be in the “bad” part of town, populated by all the outcasts of society - squibs, halfbreeds, people who are eking out a living even if they don’t live up to society’s standards - and this forces Draco to expand his world view. It’s full of masses of cute and super fun and I’m a fan of world building. 
*Goblin Communications features the Goblins allying with Harry right from the start and meddling in wizarding affairs. More great world building. There might be a running theme here. 
*A Different Beginning Yet more Goblin meddling and allying with Harry!
*Harry Potter in the Claw of the Raven and sequels Harry Potter at the Knees of the Marauders, Harry Potter and the Interlude, and Harry Potter with the Power the Dark Lord Knows Not I just recommend BakenandEggs across the board, really. They do some really fine work. I feel like the title is self explanatory.
Early Retirement this one’s a crossover with Avengers. Always-a-girl Catherine (Harry) Potter has gone into seclusion in the muggle world and is running a bakery in New York city. She’s got a comfortable lifestyle going until one Steve Rogers starts frequenting her shop and shakes things up.
Finding Home AO3 or FFN MOD Harry has stopped aging. He resolves himself to a life of moving around regularly to keep anyone from noticing and tries to avoid connecting with anyone so he doesn’t have to abandon them or watch them grow old and die. Unfortunately, Tony Stark is not so good at boundaries, and once he takes an interest in Harry, he starts chipping away at those walls.
Perception is Everything Severus Snape is left in charge of the students who are staying at school for the holidays. He’s none too happy to hear he’ll be dealing with Harry, but he starts to notice that something’s wrong with this kid and his home life. What’s a long-suffering educator to do but to step in and keep the child safe despite himself?
Resonance and its sequels Revolution and Resolution are a Snape adopts Harry as a young adult series. They’re rich and deep and full of the experiences of growing up and maturing and coming into one’s own with a supportive but not effusive guardian and learning how to depend on and trust that you don’t have to do it all yourself.
*Runaway Wizard Harry is sick of Dursley abuse and makes a run for it after Dumbledore forces him to go back to them. He ends up briefly on the streets and spends some time working in a BDSM club, so be warned that there’s some risque stuff. The Malfoys end up taking him in and helping him learn how to act the part of a proper noble wizard. HPDM and LMSS
*Harry Potter and the Cursed Summer This one has some Lord of many houses stuff going on, but it’s more adventure story than anything. Harry’s family abandons him and he winds up at the Burrow looking for help only to find that the family’s left for Egypt for the summer. Bill’s pretty much on the way out the door for a curse breaking expedition in South America and ends up towing Harry along to act as his assistant. Don’t bother with the sequel - it’s short and unfinished and unlikely to ever be completed. The first story is awesome though.
*Outcast’s Alley Harry undergoes some changes after fifth year that go a bit beyond those standard for puberty. The Dursleys kick him out and he ends up living among those on the outskirts of magical society. Lots of great world building.
I’m mostly recommending completed works, but I’m going to include this one even so - Realizations Harry comes home at the beginning of the summer only to discover no Dursleys and a house with a for sale sign. Any normal kid would consider this an emergency and get in touch with adults, but Harry’s used to being self sufficient. He winds up working in Diagon Alley under a disguise consisting largely of a haircut, a headband, contacts, and clothes that fit. Best summer he’s ever had, bar none.
Dance in the Dark of Night Snape and Harry are both in precarious situations, and Dumbledore sends them out together to keep out of Voldemort’s way. They need to stay on the move, so it’s a backpacking trip, trundling around all over with no one but each other for company. They learn to deal with each other and even start reluctantly forming a connection. HPSS handled in a not-gross way
Yet Another Snape meets the Dursleys Story *gestures to title*
A Hero Dudley is off at school and a class assignment starts to open his eyes to the nature of abuse and the implications regarding his family’s relationship with Harry. 
*Make a Wish and its sequel The Hunt for Harry Potter Okay, technically this isn’t Lord of many houses fic, but at its spirit it shares much of the wish fulfillment that makes Lord of many houses so much fun. Harry’s convinced he’s going to die at the hands of the dark lord, and he wants at least one good thing in life, so he decides to take a vacation and really live, just for one summer. He runs away and starts on an anonymous trip around the world. Over the course of the trip he develops new powers, makes new friends, coincidentally and through no intent on his part (he’s largely unaware it’s even happening because it’s Harry) happens to be in the right place and time again and again to enable Death Eaters to arrange for their own demise under bizarre and amusingly improbable circumstances, and develops an international reputation as a bad ass and a heartthrob. He’s not entirely sure how. Also he’s rich now? HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Paradigm Shift Severus Snape is left to babysit the school and the warding spells on the Dursley home while Dumbledore’s away. Of course THIS would be the time things force his hand and leave him stuck with a depressed kid on his hands who’s convinced he’s going to die- and who promptly makes a run for it at the first possible occasion, determined to make it on his own.
Tony Stark & His Amazing Mutant Platypus A niffler gets into Tony’s lab. No one knows what it is, but it sure loves shiny things, and he has a LOT of shiny things.
A House or a Home Phil Coulson is in every house at Hogwarts.
*Families and Familiars Dumbledore might have plans for Harry, but his familiar is smart and persistent, and Hedwig’s going to protect her wizard. It’s never a good idea to underestimate a Black.
Raising a Wizard Natasha may have been raised Natalia Alianovna, but she was born Mallory Evans. A search for her roots introduces her to an orphaned nephew who could desperately use someone on his side, and next thing you know she has custody over a 6 year old kid who wields some unexpected powers.
*Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart The Weasley boys arrange a birthday trip to Malibu for Harry’s birthday. He ends up having a summer fling with a handsome guy he hooks up with while he’s out there, and comes home to discover that he brought home an unexpected souvenir. But how to explain to a muggle that his male lover has a bun in the oven? Years later, rich and powerful Harry Potter ends up at the same charity event as Tony Stark and they rekindle their flame. Only problem: Harry has a kid running around who’s just the right age to have been implanted during the time that Tony and Harry were first seeing each other.
*Frey of Asgard Harry’s birth father was actually Loki Laufeyson, but this is a well kept secret. Harry is left balancing a world of gods and wizardry, spending summers at Camp Halfblood with other godly offspring, learning about pagan worship from his pureblood peers, and fighting monsters all around in hopes of one day rising to true immortality. 
*The Triumph of These Tired Eyes My absolute favorite of the Harry Lokison category of fics. Long and involved and super well written.
*Teeth Harry messed up when trying to learn how to become an animagus and became permanently partially fused with his animal side... which happens to be a dark creature. Now he has to learn to cope with his new instincts and figure out how to keep those developments hidden so the Wizarding world won’t crucify him for it. At the same time, he’s navigating a world that’s no longer as black and white as he thought it was. He and Snape are building a sense of grudging respect and he’s discovering that not all Slytherins are evil. Somehow he needs to come into his own and find his own path.
Some WIPs:
*This Gonna Be Good and its counterpart This Gonna Be Good Remix Avengers crossover - Between the betrayal led by Dumbledore’s forces and Thanos’s armies, the future is looking pretty bleak. Following the death of her newborn infant and faced with the imminent death of her soulmates, always-a-girl Harriet Potter makes a desperate move and turns back time. Maybe with a bit of foreknowledge and a lot of ingenuity, that future can be forestalled. In the mean time, there’s lots of fun to be had while messing with those who intend the harm and simultaneously building up a tight knit family unit of friends and allies. Lots of silly, lots of power, lots of wish fulfillment. Dumbledore bashing, Hermione bashing, Ron bashing, Molly bashing, Ginny bashing. James Potter is alive. Regularly updated.
*Strangers in a Familiar Land The one where Harry is reincarnated as the ruling prince of a hermaphroditic winged alien species (which is in hiding on Earth after the Skrull destroyed their home.) Oh, and as if that doesn’t make his life complicated enough, he’s the Master of Death and mated to Tony Stark.
Mirror of Maybe A magical mirror sucks Harry in and shows him a possible future. He comes back changed, an adult veteran soldier in the body of a child. Something has to change.
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