#the proportions are wonky the colors swirl in weird ways
master-gatherer · 1 year
So they used AI to make the credits for Secret Invasion
And it looks like ass
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blueshipstealstars · 6 years
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My “little” bio for @fate-insertia au!
Ota (Dakota) Blue
“A cautious novice mage who has spent a good portion of her life taking up magecraft as a dedicated hobby.”
Age: 24
Origin: America (Irish/Italian)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Gradute Student (Teacher) | Printshop employee
Aesthetic: Blues and teals, flowers and plant life, sweaters, cozy atmosphere, ink, thread
Positive: Curious | Humble | Thinks before acting | Generous
Negative: Self doubting | Cautious | Lacks formal knowledge/teaching thus causing ignorance | Worrier
Physical strength: 2 / 5
Speed: 3 / 5
Endurance: 4 / 5
Luck: 3 / 5
Mana: 3 / 5
Power: 3 / 5
Ability: 2 / 5
Primary weapon: Arrays and magic imbued thread (full explanation here)
Magic color: Blue
History: Ota is sort of average. A little too average for someone who is about to fight in a Holy Grail War if she was honest with herself. Coming from a small magical heritage that had been more or less cast aside for other goals and occupations, Ota’s more or less a small spark in the family crest’s revival. Not that she minded, raised to have others dependent on her she has grown up used to the task of taking on challenges and solving her own problems by her own means. She quite enjoys the independency she has come adjusted to as she has also begun to live on her own while working day jobs and taking night classes to further her primary career choice as a teacher.
When the Grail seemingly chose her, and grants her command spells, Ota was more or less a little confused. She wasn’t a strong or deeply rooted mage and it wasn’t as if she had a strong goal in mind that she felt the Grail could grant that she couldn’t grant herself. Nevertheless, after consideration and making a few calls, Ota made her way to Trifas to make a small footing there in preparation for the upcoming battle. Easily scoring another job and landing a small, but rather cozy apartment for herself while she waited for things to unfold.
At some point during these last few months she even temporarily enrolled at Universitate Roșie to take on some night classes to hone her skills and learn a new trick or two that could help her in the war.
Summoning (Rider): Before traveling to Trifas, Ota had been discussing her future involvement with the Holy Grail War with an old professor of hers that she still adored dearly and kept in contact with over the years. He was an English professor and was a big influence on her developing her social skills as well as vocal confidence. Always enjoying a first hand look at her progress in her own career and life, he decided to give her a parting gift to help in her future endeavor.
Looking around his small and packed office he pulled out looked like a small rusted and dust covered circular shield from behind a stack of books in the far back of his office. She eyed it unsure but thanked him anyway before taking her leave to finish packing for her travels.
It wasn’t until she got to Trifas and found a place to stay for the duration that she even considered trying to summon her first servant. Trying to take some the nerves off from worrying how the summoning would go, Ota took time to clean up the metal shield. Freeing it from it’s dusty confines and attempting to buff off some of the rust she inspected it thoughtfully. Fingers running along the markings and indentations with curiosity and interest before setting up the array she would need to begin the summoning.
“Guess I gotta try it sooner or later, huh? I’m almost still nervous I won’t be able to do this…Like it’s some sick joke or fluke. Heh, how lame would that be?” She joked bitterly to herself while she used long, thick needles to keep her special threat in places to create the circle. Part of her was sure it would be fine, but that nagging worry still itched at her as he placed the shield at the outer rim of the array before standing at the other end before she begun.
“Time to see what you gifted me with…Let’s hope it’s not someone totally out of my league haha…” Of course they would be, all summoned servants where these great heroes from legend. Anyone she was able to call forth would be amazing to someone so average.
Summoning (Caster): ▊▊▊▊
Summoning (Archer): ▊▊▊▊
Wish for the Grail: “Frankly I’m not sure why the grail even picked me but…I would love to bring back this extinct breed of magical flower! It’s said to have all kinds of uses. Sure it’s not as great as the Swirl of the Root but…it’s still useful!”
Is a dog lover and owns 2 little scamps
Has a wonky sleep schedule and can lose track of time
Loves potato focused foods
Allergic to some seafoods
Likes dabbling in crafty hobbies like printmaking or knitting
A tune for you
Achilles | Servant: “He’s pretty reckless, not to mention sudden and ambitious. Or more so he just sort of does what he wants and it can cause some problems for me since he doesn’t realize how his decisions can effect the situation. He almost acts like a weird curious puppy…especially when we’re just out and about.” | Bond Rank: D
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Rider | Achilles
“Standing as one of the most prominent heroes of Greek mythology, Achilles is known for his weak heel as well as living his life as a hero.”
Origin: Greek Mythology
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Positive: Independent | Charismatic | Straightforward
Negative: Stubborn | somewhat Arrogant | Prideful
Physical strength: 4 / 5
Speed: 5 / 5
Endurance: 5 / 5
Luck: 2 / 5
Mana: 3 / 5
Class Skills:
Riding: (A+) “ The ability to ride mounts and vehicles. ”
Magic Resistance: (C) “ Grants protection against magical effects. ”
Divinity: (C) “ The measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not. It can also decrease due to one's dislike for the gods. ”
Personal Skills:
Bravery: (A+) “ The ability to negate mental interference such as pressure, confusion and fascination. ”
Comet Running Form
Type: Anit-Unit (Self)
Rank: A+
Range: N/A - 0
Description: “The embodiment of the legend of being the fastest among all heroes of every era. Dashing through a vast battlefield in the blink of an eye, even if there are obstacles on the field, his speed won’t falter. Although he must expose his weak point, his Achilles heel, there are few Heroic Spirits who could catch up with his speed.”
Amaranth of the Brave
Type: Anit-Unit (Self)
Rank: C
Range: N/A - 0
Description: “The blessing of immortality was bestowed on his whole body with the exception of his heel by his Mother, the goddess Tethis. Any kind of attack is invalidated, however, those who hold the inherent skill 『Divinity』 can negate the effects of this skill.”
Spear-tip of the Star Traversing the Skies
Type: Anit-Unit
Rank: B+
Range: Mid-range
Description: “A long spear gifted by Chiron to Achilles’ parents when they married. [ ▊▊▊ Secondary Skill Locked]”
Noble Phantasm(s):
Troias Tragōidia (Tempestuous Immortal Chariot)
Type: Anti-Army
Rank: A
Range: Full-range
Description: “A chariot pulled by three stallions. The animals are two immortal divine horses given by the Sea God Poseidon and a single fine horse plundered from a certain city. It tramples down the battlefield by means of divine speed. It is possible to bestow additional damage in proportion to the rise in speed. At maximum velocity, this is just like a giant, dashing lawnmower.”
[Locked] ▊▊▊▊
Ota | Master: “She’s a little shy, but really not the type to be pushed around I’ve learned. Heh, little lady has a real stubborn streak and tells me how it is when she feels it’s needed to be said. I can stand behind that sort of confidence.” | Bond Rank: D
Caster | ▊▊ ▊▊▊▊▊▊
Origin: ▊▊▊▊▊▊ Mythology
Alignment: ▊▊▊▊▊▊
Positive: “…”
Negative: “…”
Physical strength: 1 / 5
Speed: 3 / 5
Endurance: 2 / 5
Luck: 2 / 5
Mana: 4 / 5
Class Skills:
Territory Creation: (?) “ A Caster-class Skill. It is the Skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as for the purpose of collecting mana. ”
Divinity: (?) “ The measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not. It can also decrease due to one's dislike for the gods. ”
Personal Skills:
Type: ▊▊▊
Rank: ▊▊▊
Range: ▊▊▊
Description: “…”
Noble Phantasm(s):
Type: ▊▊▊
Rank: ▊▊▊
Range: ▊▊▊
Description: “…”
Ota | Master: “…” | Bond Rank: D
Achilles | Servant: “…” | Bond Rank: D
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