#the question I have is if we are all assuming Boeing is also Sand’s ex???
scrumptiousstuffs · 1 year
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“Welcome Boeing” - P’ Jojo caption
Only Friends, Episode 9 (BTS)
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lalalovesbl · 1 year
Why I don’t think Boeing is Sand’s ex: AKA An insane plot to convince myself that Mix is still Sand’s ex.
In before I’m proven wrong but I just want to put this out there.
Part of this is Delulu but, I don’t think Boeing is Sand’s ex.
Point 1: Style/Type
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Now unless Boeing has pulled a Nick and is dressing like Top in an effort to somehow seduce Top, From what we know about Sand, he doesn’t seem like his type. That’s not to say that Boeing wasn’t his type at one point and he didn’t want to be with anyone like that anymore but, Boeing seems like Top 2.0 and perhaps they have remained friends after breaking up because they are a lot alike. Sand coming from his somewhat rough background doesn’t seem to rub shoulders with the upper class that much. Granted we don’t know anything about Boeing yet but he seems to be well off enough given his clothing. In contrast, Sand is a rough around the edges intense guy. He also speaks his mind. If Ray and Boeing had any similarities given their financial background, I feel like Sand would have brought it up. Saying something along the lines of “Your kind blah blah blah” he does call him out for being a rich boy that throws around money but he doesn’t draw any parallels between the two.
Again, this part of the theory hangs on the fact that Boeing is in the upper class like Top and hasn’t changed himself for Top.
Point 2: Contact
In episode 6, when Sand and Top meet at the hospital, he attempts to “bury the hatchet” with Sand and tells him he no longer is in contact with Sand’s ex
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While Top isn’t above lying, volunteering this information seems weird unless he’s trying to hide it from Mew. At this point he doesn’t see Mew and Sand interacting much (truthfully they don’t interact). So stating he doesn’t keep contact with Sand’s ex is a weird flex. However, it seems he has kept in contact with Boeing. He states that Boeing has a key to the condo, and seemingly calls him on nights when he can’t sleep and doesn’t want to take pills. I assume so he can sleep next to someone.
To play the devil’s advocate for my own theory. This isn’t to say that he isn’t lying to Sand in an effort to keep the peace or even that he has recently reached out to Boeing after a long period of Non-contact. The two seem to be on friendly terms.
Point 3: Relationship
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While we don’t know the nature of Boeing and Top’s relationship other than he’s his ex, the question remains. “Why did they break up and why are they still friends?” Top stole Sand’s ex for what? Was it just a one night stand? Did they have a relationship? Given Top’s nonchalant attitude about Sand’s ex, I’m lead to believe that Sand’s ex was a conquest that once he won, cast them aside. If Sand’s ex and Boeing are the same person, he has too much attachment to Boeing to have been a person he dumped after winning over. Whatever their relationship is, he willing to lie about it to Mew. Also, if Top had stolen Boeing away just to dump him either his relationship with Sand was bad and he was looking for a way out, he realized he couldn’t go back to Sand and just let it be, or he still pines for Top.
Again to play my own devil’s advocate, Sand doesn’t seem all that bothered by cheating. He’s with Ray who is basically cheating on Mew with him. Be it that he knows Ray is going through figuring out his feelings or because he’s in too deep with Ray, he doesn’t push him away because of the cheating, but rather because he doesn’t want to be Ray’s back up. So I feel that his anger at Top over his ex is because Top made a concerted effort to steal him away knowing he had a boyfriend. Which seems like a lot of effort if you’re just gonna turn around and dump them but remain friends. But, it’s possible they couldn’t work it out after the novelty of the situation wore off.
In conclusion. I feel like there isn’t enough evidence pointing to the fact that Boeing is Sand’s ex. I could be wrong and have Delulu blinders on but, Not enough adds up to me. We don’t know where Boeing and Sand met if they are indeed exes. It could be school, it could be the club, it could even be through his work as a moonshiner. I guess we’ll know this coming Saturday.
Anyways, Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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thewayuarent · 11 months
Can I hear your thoughts about Sand/Boeing potentially getting together? I’m so so scared they would do it and also I don’t understand why Sand would fall for it? Seems very out of character for him
Hello, thanks for asking. I didn’t have that much thoughts about it cause I’m still thinking about everything happened in ep 10, but I’ll try my best.
The first thing is: while I’m totally competent in separating actors from characters, that’s definitely my weak spot. I need my First and Mond scene, I’m not joking. I don’t care how, when or where, I’m eat this ship up and be happy. So I’m not totally objective with this one.
Honestly, I don’t think that what worries people - I may be wrong with you, anon, then I’m sorry - is SandBoeing getting back together. I think what worries people is the possibility of Sand having sex with someone who is not Ray. And my question is: why? Now let’s talk about possible scenarios I can come up with.
Scenario 1: SandRay are on a bad terms when Boeing makes his move. If that’s the case, than Sand can totally fall into this shit. It’s questionable for me why he would chose his ex who left him for other guy, but we don’t know how SandBoeing were as a couple and maybe Sand has still some feelings left and in a moment of weakness and with right words (and Boeing is very good with his words) he can fall for it without thinking twice. They’ll have sex, Sand will decide it was a mistake, they’ll move on, it’s all cool.
Scenario 2: SandRay are together as a monogamous couple and totally happy. Than this scene will last like for 15 seconds: Sand will be like “No thanks bro, I have my rich hot mentally unstable man and it’s the whole package, 10/10, don’t need you”. And than I’ll get my FirstMond in a flashback.
Scenario 3: SandRay are in a good terms but still playing their stupid game of “We’re friends who constantly have sex and totally in love with each other but we’re not in a relationship”. Sounds like them tbh. In this scenario, why is it out of character for Sand to sleep with Boeing? It’s not like he promised Ray anything and it’s not like Sand has that “purity culture” mentality to start with. He is young sexually active guy who is very much into casual sex, it was clear since the beginning. It may be something about him having enough self-respect to sleep with his ex, but like, he’s not always good with self-respect thing when feelings are on a picture.
Boeing says in preview something like “I know you’re seeing someone” - but I, for example, didn’t know that. I know that Sand and Ray are in love with each other and have sex with each other, and says cheesy stuff like “I’ll be addicted to you for the rest of my life full-time” but nothing implies that they are boyfriends. Or that they are exclusive. Nothing in this show implies they are exclusive to be clear.
We know they have sex constantly since episode 2, but we don’t know if they have sex with other people. We just assume that cause for most people monogamy is way more comfortable.
We know Ray doesn’t like to see Sand with other people, but it’s less about sex and more about fear that Sand will move on from him. It’s about “I want to be you first choice”, it’s about “I want you to be always with me”, not about “You can’t fuck other people sometimes”. We know that Sand was jealous of RayMew thing, but not because of sex, but because of Ray loving someone else. Top and Mew have this monogamy problem, Nick had this problem with Boston, but Sand and Ray never were about that. Their relationship conflicts are not based of just sleeping with someone else, not once.
So them being monogamous is an assumption based on the idea of one true way of romantic love. But it’s not like that. Them sleeping with other people doesn’t make their love to each other lesser. It’s not about that at all.
And we all know Sand and Boeing whatever it’s gonna be is not about them being in a relationship again. They won’t, it’s no time for that in two episodes. So the worst case scenario is that they will have sex. And what’s that scary about it? Sand won’t betray Ray doing that based on any scenario except second one (and again if that’s the case than no SandBoeing). Ray may be hurt seeing Sand moving on - not having sex with someone, but choosing someone else to love - and it’ll be painful for him, I get it, but we all know Sand won’t move on from him for long. They can’t leave each other alone, they will get back together.
Even if show won’t go for endgame (but I think it will), they’ll end up being alone, not with someone else, there is no chance gmm will risk that much. So, Boeing is an obstacle, nothing more than that.
I don’t know if any of that make you feel better, but that’s my view on the situation. I don’t personally care about the sex stuff that much, but I understand it can be frustrating for a lot of people. And there is nothing to do with that, only try to get over our personal biases. But we don’t know what’s gonna happen and how it will be introduced, so my point is just not to worry about it that much and wait for next episode to see.
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