#the random things I decide to do instead of being productive and finishing a oneshot smh
noahtally-famous · 1 year
some Dave family & childhood/adolescence headcanons:
bc I wanna dissect this guy and his mind fr-
(fyi I'm desi (a person of South Asian descent born in another country), and I'm like 99% sure Dave is desi as well, so this is just a note for ppl so y'all are aware that I'm an Indian too! however, if anything at all mentioned below doesn't sound right (and not opinions, though I'd love to hear those too, I mean like actual info) pls lmk!)
uh, also mentions of homophobia, internalized homophobia, and trauma relating to mysophobia
some of these might be subject to change or tweak here and there, but overall, I'm satisfied with what I have!
- his father is a prestigious businessman who was born in Canada—he worked his way from the ground up as his parents (Dave’s grandparents) were immigrants from India; his reputation is everything to him, and he sees his family as a way to enhance said reputation so that he doesn’t lose face.
- his mother is descended from a wealthy family—she likes to say her great-grandfather was a Baron who’d resided on the India-Nepal border—and she was born in London. It was her grandparents (Dave’s great-grandparents) who emigrated from India to the UK. She’s artistic and the lower level of their house is her own studio.
- Dave’s parents marriage was more of an ‘alliance’ than anything. It’s little details that are also glaringly obvious that signified to him that his parents really didn’t love each other in that way—and if they did, it isn’t a priority; things like his mother hyphenating her last name and not fully taking his fathers, the distance in the way they interact, just slight emotional ticks that let him know their love was more of a facade.
- since then, Dave vowed that if he ever found someone, the love they’d share would be real and genuine—ironically, he became a bit of a romantic (okay, a huge romantic). Obv his parents weren’t good role models in the romance department but all those movies he’d watched are!
- anyway back to the family; Dave’s father spent long hours either at the office or traveling for business. Whenever he’s away, their house feels a bit more like a home—his mother unfurls like a flower and her already overprotective nature due to his weak immune system heightens, and Dave let’s himself believe he’s a normal guy in a normal family when this happens.
- but eventually his father returns and the emotional distance ensues, the high expectations, his mother retreating back into her shell, and the reality hits that he just can’t ever be ordinary.
- only one person has brought up the topic of a divorce and it’s his older brother; it’s mentioned half-heartedly too as though he knew she’ll disagree. It’s a funny thing; Dave’s mother does love his father and maybe that feeling is returned, but there’s so much weight and expectations and pressure they’d placed upon themselves that whatever affection is straining.
- his father reacts to this by overworking himself; his mother by retreating.
- (Dave also vowed that him and his lover won’t have a relationship this complicated. It’ll be simple, cliche, normal, and perfect.)
- Dave has Middle Child Syndrome. He has three other siblings and he’s not just the middle kid, but also the kid who doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing (in other words, who doesn’t seem to be able to ‘enhance the family name rep’. He’s just…There.)
- perhaps that’s why he and his father are so distant—more than his siblings are. No matter how hard he tries to impress his father with anything, it goes awry and/or his father never seems to give him more than a curt nod.
- there’s his older sister: she’s graduated from law school, is 25, and is currently an attorney for their fathers business. She goes with him on his business trips, and Dave is so not jealous. She’s strong, bold, and isn’t afraid to look assholes, sexism, and racism in the eye and shoot them down with her words and expressions. She’s like the shield, a mature presence in the siblings’ lives.
- his older brother is second. A double-major in history and business, and 22 years old. At first, he was meant to take on the mantle of their fathers business when the time was right. However, that took a drastic turn when news got out that his brother was fully and utterly homosexual. Naturally the equation in his fathers head was: ‘homosexuality = hate = losing precious reputation’ and the following arguments that spawned between the two of them from this were some of the nastiest. That’s when Dave, listening in keyholes, over banisters, and in other random locations, found out one huge thing: his father is a homophobe.
- (not that that mattered to him. He’s straight, he liked only girls. Right?)
- anyway, their father told his brother to ‘hide his gayness’ and pretend he’s straight. His brother said that’s bullshit and that everything rich ppl do is ‘pretend’. Long story short, his brother moved out. Currently, he lives in Europe and owns an art gallery that his mother sends her artwork to (his father found out abt that once, and that resulting fight was a mess too--but dw she still does it and he can't stop her).
- Dave hates him. He wants to hate him so fucking badly for leaving him behind, for not listening to their dad and pretending to be straight, for being gay in the first place! Bc he and his brother were tight; they were super close and he’s the one guy Dave felt he could rely on and now?? He’s in another damn continent and Dave’s stuck in this suffocating atmosphere and ugh, goddammit he wants to hate him but he can’t bc he’s his brother and he loves him. So yeah. He def has mixed feelings lmao
- (this is also when his internalized homophobia started. He doesn’t care who other ppl love, he just cares who he loves. He’s not making the same mistake his brother did.)
- his younger sister, 14-15 years old, going into high school. Unlike the rest of their siblings, she doesn't want to be bogged down by office work or business drags. With a foot in every sport imaginable and an expert breakdancer, she's already got her sights set on making it professional in the sports category or becoming a famous dancer (maybe both, depending on how good she is, and she is good). She may only be in 9th grade, but words already spread that she's been scouted to go pro. She takes self-defense classes, helps coach soccer and softball for the younger kids during summers, and basically whatever her siblings didn't do in the athletic field, she's making do with flying colors.
- so yeah. After all this, you can see why Dave feels as lost as he does. Whichever way he turns, there's one or more of his siblings achieving great things, and he's just there...doing nothing...not being recognized because he's good at nothing. Just average. At every goddamn thing.
- normally he'd be fine with that, considering that's what ordinary ppl feel and that's what he wants to be, but it goes at odds with the side of him who wants to impress his father, make his mother proud, also stay at the same level as his siblings are.
- he's just so confused, he doesn't know what to do, and he's too scared to take a step forward. He's just some sheltered rich kid who doesn't understand/know cues in society, what good is that?
- onto his childhood/adolescence; boarding schools. That's basically all he's known. And ofc it has to be fancy boarding schools that the parents of other rich kids send them bc despite Dave being so average, his father will be damned if he sends him off to some middle-grade school.
- boarding schools left their own respective impressions on him as well. He used to be made fun of, teased, and even bullied bc rich ppl are nasty and they don't hold back—even to one of their own (especially to one of their own). One stark incident that left a huge mark on him was when he was eleven and his bullies took things a bit too far--you can't put a bunch of kids whose parents are competitive maniacs in a harsh cooperative and/or political world together and expect nothing crazy to happen; this was one of those crazy incidents. Long story short: some older kids took advantage of the fact that Dave has a weak immune system, lots of dirt was involved, a near burying-alive incident, lots of name-calling and taunting, and, as a result, on top of his immune system problems, he developed mysophobia too—which added more to his germaphobic tendencies.
- Whenever he's in a situation similar to the one that triggered this phobia, he falls into a panic. Those first few weeks, months, couple of years, it was horrible; only his siblings (mainly his younger sister and older brother bc his older sister was away a lot) and his best friend at the time would make any headway pulling him out of that trauma. Overtime (and the only time Dave was actively determined to do smth) he forced himself, his mind, his body reactions, to tune in with his thoughts so that if he ever got into a panic, he'd have a greater chance of pulling himself out instead of relying on someone else.
- but yeah. He has mysophobia, is a germaphobe, and has a weak immune system (smth his father considered a weakness) so him asking if smth is unhealthy or dangerous or "of questionable origin" isn't just him being a hypochondriac.
- that wasn't the only thing he went through in boarding schools. But, before we get to that, imma just say after that incident, he learned his lesson—he learned that rich kids are nasty pieces of shit and he's not gonna get anywhere the way he's being right now. So he excels in the art of people-watching, of careful observation that over time just becomes a habit/instinct—scoping out the opposition. He knows who's the assholes, who're worth interacting with, what to do to stay under the radar. Like magic, the lack of bullies dwindles once he starts doing that, and he finds out that everyone rlly does have something to hide—but he's not a blackmailer, he just observes, gives a mental nod, and moves on with his life.
- he often fluctuates with what his father would expect of him, and what he expects from himself; one of them is the lengths to go to stay on top. For example, despite knowing he's not a blackmailer, he'll still hesitate bc it's "what his father would've wanted".
- anyway, he's switched boarding schools twice—the first bc of the dirt incident, the second bc that's when he got his sexual awakening:
- his best friend in that boarding school—the only person he lets loose around—ends up also being someone he, to his horror, gets a crush on. Why horror, you might ask? Simple: his best friend is a guy.
- see: Dave's internalized homophobia. My dude already has fluctuating feelings abt impressing his dad, if he comes out as liking guys, he just knows that's not gonna be well-received. Literally, the one thing he thought wouldn't ever happen does. So he reacts in typical Dave-fashion: he panics, and does what his mum would do: retreat. He basically runs away from the problem lmfao, he ignores his best friend—which he still feels guilty for to a degree bc the one person who accepted him for who he was and supported him, and he just...stomped on him bc of a sexuality crisis lmao. And that's not the worst of it: he actually nails the head in the coffin by asking his dad to switch him to another boarding school bc his roommate is gay. (And yeah, ofc, they were roommates lmao).
- not his best moment, everyone's well aware.
- (and try as he might, his bisexuality (though he doesn't know that he's bisexual yet) isn't "gone" like he hoped it was; it's more so repressed, buried, deep within him, but in a manner that one tilt off-axis will send him spiraling into another sexuality crisis)
- anyway, he's in his third boarding school when he comes across the Total Drama audition flyer online, and decides why the heck not lmao.
- before his younger sister was born, Dave spent most of his early childhood at his aunts place—his mother's younger sister. The utter normalcy of the place compared to what he’s used to astounds little him, and his visits there leave a great impact on him. His aunt, an art teacher at a local school, had a small, modest house filled with sketches, paintings, murals, and the various designs and bright colors were mesmerizing to him. They took him to a world where only colors mattered and nothing else. His aunt doted on him too, and Dave loved spending his days in that house more than his own place.
- Unfortunately, when he was seven, his aunt died—a mundane way to die for a mundane young lady, he couldn’t help thinking; (I'm thinking either getting hit by a car while crossing the street or what is a 'simple viral infection' which turned out to actually be a tumor). As mentioned though, those times left a great impact on him. Made him realize that it is possible to an extent to lead an ordinary life even while connected to such extraordinary. It also made him harbor a love for art—any and all kind of it (except maybe pottery bc it’s messy, as well as the unconventional types like using dirt and the outdoors as tools).
- her death, if I wanna go the tumor route, will emphasize his germaphobic tendencies and his mysophobia. Depending on which road I wanna take, if I do this, the dirt incident at the boarding school won’t have happened, maybe?? not quite sure 🤔
- given all this, it's no wonder he has attachment issues. Usually, he's standoffish, he keeps to himself, he still interacts with ppl but he doesn't trust or get close to ppl easily. But when he does, when he finds someone who he actually vibes with, he sorta just...latches to them bc of this worry that they might leave him, or the other shoe will drop, or smth bad will happen to them. Basically, it's hard for him to let go. He's capable of it, but it's difficult for him to process—heightened depending on how strong the bond is with the other person.
- being ordinary is the center point of this guy's persona—his core existence. it's why when he auditioned for Total Drama, he's labeled as "A Normal Guy". He didn't mention anything abt his family and if he had to, it was the bare minimum; no one knows who his parents are, who he's connected to, they just know him as a germaphobic average joe.
bonus stuff:
- for his last name, I'm thinking Jha??? idk I rlly like it and I think it suits him.
- vegetarian, due to his cultural background.
- hates horror movies, he's the guy to cling onto your hand or arm if you're watching one with him, and def the type to scream at the jump scares and then curse up a storm.
- gore is a no. it's too messy and makes his stomach twist; same with zombies bc uh...the effects are basically overkill for him. (Shawn dared him during one of their scavengings that if he won the show, Dave would watch a bit of The Walking Dead with him. Rip Dave lmao.)
- he can tolerate horror and gory movies, btw, he just doesn't prefer it.
- I've this standing silly hc that he and Noah are family friends; as a desi, let me tell you, we've a lot of family friends lmao. The opposites of his and Noah's home lives only serve to prove that it is possible to lead a normal life where your emotions aren't secondary to the public.
- despite leading a variety of lives, Dave and his siblings are pretty close! When they were little, they used to have tree-climbing contests, which is why, even if his arms might look chickeny, his legs are pretty strong stamina-wise. They might be more distant now with a lot more differences between them, but they're capable of standing together when need be.
- speaks English and Hindi; due to his upbringing, he's fluent in several other languages too.
- obv closet disaster bi; his main fear is someone will find out and his sexuality will be exposed on international television
- likes to garden, but only if he's wearing gardening gloves; he also feels productive when doing so bc it makes him feel strong tackling the dirt to let beautiful plants grow—like facing his fears to let smth else grow there instead. He has several potted plants in his house.
- while he seems standoffish and 'colder' at first, ironically, he also has the tendency to get emotional easily. Especially when it comes to rejection—he's not very good at handling that. Basically he's a mix of nervousness and distant—he can be quick to judge, especially when it comes to ppl who have different quirks like Beardo and Leonard.
- he learned coding bc that’s what his dad wanted him to do. All he got from his father was the usual ‘curt nods’ so he thinks he’s just average at it. Whenever his dad gives him one of those nods, Dave just assumes that means he’s not particularly exceptional at whatever it is he’s currently doing—even if that may not be the case.
- the attachment issues and emotional detachment of his family are one of the main reasons for his snarky self-aware yet also lack of self-awareness (and, at times, rude) personality; I want to say it's like a shield--the snarkiness, I mean--but it's also basically an ingrained habit.
- doesn't like being called David. his father (and his mother, oftentimes) tend to call him that, and hearing the name reminds him of them and the expectations and pressure and everything he cannot be. He much prefers Dave.
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anonquack · 3 years
| His Merch |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 4256
Warnings: None, just some curse words. Fluff :]
Summary: Being such good friends with Quackity leads to the inevitable; catching feelings. In fear of ruining your friendship with him, you kept quiet about your feelings. Although usually good at that, after a merch drop and a slip-up on stream, you prepare yourself for the worst. Queue the incoming call from Quackity himself.
Today had been a productive day, in your opinion. You'd woken up earlier than usual, ate breakfast, cleaned around your apartment, and managed to get started on editing a video you'd recently filmed.
That's why you considered yourself very deserving of sitting down and enjoying your friend's stream as you ate some snacks.
Quackity had a fun stream planned, and had hyped up a 'big announcement' on Twitter, and the whole timeline was already speculating what it could be as they awaited for Quackity to start stream.
Being his friend had some perks though, contrary to popular belief. He'd discussed with you what the big announcement was as you sat on call with him a few nights prior to the big day. It was merch, and according to your past experience with Planet Duck products, it was sure to be soft and super comfy. You were very much looking forward to getting your hands on some of his new merch.
He'd brought up sending some to you, one of the previously mentioned perks of being his friend, but you politely declined. Much to his surprise. He'd asked why and you'd simply stated that "It was fine," and perhaps it came off as a bit rude. A 'no thanks' to his merch that you hadn't even seen.
But you had plans of your own, you wanted to acquire said merch on your own, and support him financially in the process. He didn't have to know that though, so with a small 'Oh' from him as his response, you swiftly changed topic of conversation.
Now here you sat, watching the stream as Quackity explained what he'd be doing with his friend John Smith. Riding go-karts around what looked like a storage unit. You couldn't help but worry as you watched them zoom around, occasionally getting close to crashing, and eventually doing just that.
The stream itself was rather fun to watch, but you kept your debit card beside you. This was in case he decided to drop the merch announcement out of nowhere. And that was exactly what he did. Another perk of being his friend was you grew a 6th sense for these type of things. Always had a feeling for what was about to happen when it came to Quackity.
You watched as the chat freaked out, watched as the notification from Planet Duck went out, notifying everybody that the merch had been released. You quickly typed into your computer, and the internet seemed to be taking its time to redirect you to Quackity's merch site.
After some time, it finally loaded and you began to look at all the options. The merch was wonderful, Quackity had been hyping it up to you (you'd asked for no reveals, wanting to wait like everyone else) and he had been absolutely right.
Most of the designs were new, except for the iconic Planet Duck logo, and were all very cute. You had Quackity's stream playing in the background as you maneuvered your way around the site, finally deciding on which merch you'd be buying.
As you went to purchase, a red sign alerted you that there was no shipping to your location. To which you quickly raised an eyebrow, panic starting to rush through you. Maybe you should've accepted his offer.
After refreshing multiple times and watching the Twitter timeline freak out as well over the inability to ship to several locations, it finally seemed to work, and the payment finally went through. A big "Thank you for your purchase" appearing onto the screen.
You let out a sigh of relief, clicking back onto the tab where the stream was, a small smile on your face. You'd actually managed to get it on your own. It was nerve-racking, when it seemed like you wouldn't be able to get the shipping to work, when it seemed like it'd sell out before you had the chance to buy some.
Now you finally understood what it felt like, the stress of getting your hands on merch before it sold out. It'd been an exhilerating experience.
You relaxed into your seat as Quackity's laugh filled the room. He was recreating bits from Fast and Furious, and zooming all over the place. You watched with a fond smile as he drove around, throwing random Spanish profanities at John Smith here and there.
The funky heart glasses he had on did nothing to ease the warmth that was spreading through your chest at the sight of him. You were suffering due to your confusing feelings towards your close friend, but nobody knew, or at least that is what you told yourself.
You tried to focus on something else, something that wasn't solely him. The go-karts were going pretty fast, and you remembered the scene they were recreating from the movie. Whichever random thought came to mind, you'd focus on it instead, too scared to let your thoughts wander elsewhere.
When it came to and end, you were conflicted. You were glad your heart would be able to catch a break, but you also missed him almost immediately. Sickening, really.
You took some time to reflect on what you'd done so far. Cleaned, ate your meals, worked on some editing, got some Quackity merch, and enjoyed a fun stream. It was rather productive, to say the least.
But there was still some time left in the day, and you figured you'd put the energy coursing through your body to use.
Taking a seat at your desk, you turned your monitor on before opening the twitch app. An alt stream would be perfect right now. After going live and sending out a tweet letting your followers know you were live, you patiently waited for the viewers to start coming in.
Considering this was an alt stream, you figured you'd play some random game and just chat for a bit before heading to bed. As the viewers came in, you gave your greetings before opening a tab for roblox, getting on a random server to play an obby game as you talked to chat.
There was a content smile on your face as you asked chat how their day had been, how they were feeling, your little character jumping around and passing through the beginner levels on the obby game.
"I'm actually in a really good mood, chat. My day has been going so well." You began, glancing at chat here and there, smile growing at the memory of the adventures acquiring Quackity merch.
After the chat was flooded with questions asking about what had happened, you indulged. "I was watching Quackity's stream earlier today, and it was so much fun!" The smile grew before softening as you focused on the obby. "I was also able to get some of his new merch."
The chat erupted into bits of 'friends supporting friends' to 'y/n in quackity merch???' and people yelling that they had been or weren't able to get merch.
Seeing the chat made you laugh, nodding your head a bit. "No because I was so nervous I wouldn't be able to get some-" you admitted, attention now focused solely on telling the viewers about your own experience.
"I was trying to purchase, and there was a line, and then it said it wouldn't ship to my location?? I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get some. But it finally worked. I'm excited for it to get here." You finished your small rant, a content smile on your lips.
Chat consisted of people agreeing with the technical difficulties occurring at the time of the merch drop, others saying they were too broke to buy anything. It felt nice, to see something from their perspective and also have shared an experience like this.
"Big Q actually offered to send me some, but I told him no because I wanted to get it myself.. Wanted to get it fair and square." You said as you refocused on the obby in front of you, fond smile on your face as you thought about how nice he was. He was willing to send all of his friends some of his merch, free of cost.
"Also wanted to give him my support by actually purchasing it, you know?" You added, resting your chin on the palm of your hand as it leaned against your desk. You took this time to read chat, which was exploding with what you thought was a combination of Quackity's username with yours, and 'bffs ur honor!!'.
You smiled at that, hands finally moving your character around. "Really, he has been such an amazing friend, extremely welcoming, always fun to be around. And just.. life is never dull when he's around. He's always been there for me when I needed it and well‐" A pause. "I'm glad I was able to support him in some way." You hummed softly as you finished up yet another small rant about Quackity.
At the realization that you'd been talking about him for far too long, and that he was not meant to be the focus of your alt stream, you cleared your throat and began focusing on the obby game once again.
You shifted the topic of conversation to the video you'd also been editing today, and that quickly took everyone's attention away from how affectionately and fondly you'd been speaking of your dear friend. Everyone was now excited about the new video.
Seeing how easily the chat's focus changed made you ease up a bit, and you were able to enjoy the rest of your stream playing random roblox games and discussing some stuff with chat. It lasted for a bit longer before you finally decided to end stream.
Some goodbyes and after stream officially ended, you found yourself on Twitter. Everything seemed pretty peaceful on the timeline, up until the trending page came up.
Your name was trending, along with 'QUACKITY IN CHAT' and the infamous combination of usernames. A monstrosity, really.
You heard yourself audibly gulp as you clicked on the trending topic 'quackity in chat'. Much to your dismay it was true. There was screenshots that showed Quackity was watching your stream. That meant that he'd heard you talking about him in that sickening tone. That tone that was unnecessarily sweet and fond.
You didn't know who was freaking out more, the so-called shippers, the timeline, or yourself. You gently bit at the inside of your cheek, scrolling and reading all the tweets of people trying to guess how Quackity must've felt while hearing all that. Others raising an eyebrow at how long you'd gone on about Quackity and how 'perfect' he was.
You'd fucked up, that was for sure, and it wasn't even intentional or fan service of any kind. It was an alt stream, it wasn't planned in any way, shape, or form. He'd been brought up, and you'd accidentally spilled all fond thoughts you held of him.
Your cursor hovered over a specific tweet that read, 'want someone to talk about me the way y/n talks about big q'. It was sweet, and perhaps made you smile just a little bit.
As you read it over in your head, a notification popped up on your screen, the discord notification ringing in your ears as you read who the message was from. Quackity.
You messed around with your mouse for a bit before finally closing the Twitter tab, and instead opting to open the unread message.
hey (:
You stared at it for a bit, blinking in disbelief at how normal the message came across. Perhaps he'd tuned in during the last half of the stream. Perhaps he hadn't been able to watch while you rambled about him, and perhaps he hadn't been on Twitter either. One could hope.
y/n hi (:
It showed that he was typing almost immediately after, and you tried your best to calm your nerves.
Quackity call?
You felt yourself tense at the message. Maybe he wanted to let you down kindly. 'Hey! Saw your stream, and I just wanted to ask if you could chill the fuck out. That was kind of creepy. Maybe never speak of me ever again. Do not perceive me any longer, thanks!'
Something along those lines for sure. That's what probably awaited you if you said yes to this. But what exactly were you supposed to do instead?
y/n ofc
It only took a few seconds for the call to come through. Stalling wouldn't help, so you answered by the third ring.
He greeted you, and everything seemed normal. The calls were normal between you two, but you were just on edge due to twitter trending and the stream that took place less than an hour ago.
"How are you feeling, Quackity?" You asked with a small smile, today was a big day for him, and you were sure he'd enjoy talking about how fast the merch sold.
"I'm doing great. Really happy that the fans liked the designs and just.. we sold a lot. I'm happy." He restated the last bit, the smile was obvious in his voice. You didn't have to be seeing it to know. Another perk of being so close to him. You had a clear visual image of what he probably looked like right now. Cute smile plastered onto his equally cute face.
"I'm really happy for you, Big Q. You deserve all the success that is coming your way and more." You hummed softly. Everything you were saying, you meant wholeheartedly. There was silence for a bit before he finally spoke again.
"I watched your stream."
Fuck. There it was. You should've expected it but it still hit like a ton of bricks. You felt your mouth turn dry, could barely manage to get out the word, "Yeah?"
"Mhm." Straight to the point. There was a bit of silence, you were unsure of what to say. Why had he brought it up? It was bound to happen, but what was the reason behind bringing it up? To tease you, let you know he wasn't interested, or because roblox obbies are just so much fun?
"You didn't have to buy it, you know?" He finally said, breaking the silence.
"I wanted to." You reassured, "the merch is really pretty. Worth every penny."
"I could've sent you whichever you wanted." He stated bluntly. As if it was weird of you to have gone and bought it on your own.
"Thank you, but I wanted to buy it myself. Let me? Please?" Let me show my support this way, is what you meant to say. It came out softer than intended, and you could feel your heart beating against your ribs. You really needed to watch your tone around him.
"Of course." He responded, just as softly. He'd drive you crazy one of these days. They'd have to lock you up, and you'd never see the light of day again.
"Did you have fun riding the go-karts?" You asked, a small smile on your lips as you wandered back onto the Twitter tab, a clip of his stream now on display on the timeline.
He let out a small laugh, "I did. Did you enjoy watching it?" You nodded before responding, "Of course. Was concerning watching you crash into walls though."
He hummed softly in response, possibly contemplating what to say with how long he took before he spoke again.
"Did you really mean all the things you said on stream?"
Somehow, even with your own attempts to change topic, the focus was back on your stream and the things that had been said. You wouldn't be able to dig yourself out of the hole you'd dug.
It was entirely your fault, for even allowing yourself to consider him as anything but a great friend. It was your fault for taking the late night calls, the sweet tones, and messages the wrong way. Your interpretations were all wrong and now you'd have to sit here and apologize for practically outing yourself on stream. For letting the whole world know that you had romantic feelings for a good friend of yours. You'd probably made him so uncomfortable.
You felt yourself cringe slightly at his words, already gone quiet for far too long. You had to speak up, even if it lead to a good friendship ending a few minutes from now.
"Of course I did. You're great, Alex." The use of his name was meant to assure him you meant it wholeheartedly. It made the moment feel more intimate, too. Much to your own dismay, yet again. You couldn't help it.
The possibility that your friendship with him could come to an end real soon made you act on your feelings. It left you unhinged. If it was all going to end here, maybe you'd allow yourself to act on impulse. End it with a bang.
"Thank you, really. I know I probably wasn't meant to hear all that, but it was really nice. Made me feel nice as well. And just, seeing that you didn't accept the merch from me because you wanted to support me directly.. thank you."
His voice was soft, felt like warm honey to your taste buds. You could almost hear your heart melting inside your chest, could feel it dripping down and touching your diaphragm, oozing into every single crevice in your body. You'd never understand how he had such effects on you. How he was able to make you so fond of him.
"I meant every single word. You deserve that and so much more." You reassured yet again, a small smile on your lips. You heard him let out a small chuckle, which made you laugh as well.
Moments later, he had turned his camera on, wanting to show you all the merch. You'd asked for him to put it on, since you were a 'visual learner' and had to see it on him in order to fully understand what it looked like. He had playfully rolled his eyes, but hadn't really argued against it.
So there you were, watching as he changed from hoodie to hoodie, moving out of frame to change into the shirts. You could feel your heart thumping harshly against your rib cage at the sight of him. Some looked bigger on him, some looked just right. They all looked wonderful, and super comfy. Perhaps that was simply because they were on him, and he looked so comfy.
He looked like he could give the best hugs.
"You really think so?" His voice came out a bit sheepish, and the light pink that dusted his cheeks was becoming more and more evident. Huh?
"What?" You said, a dumb look on your face as you tried connecting the dots.
"That I could give the best hugs." He stated slowly, as if he was testing how it sounded before adding, "Do you really think that?"
Had you really said that out loud? Fuck. It took acting on impulse to a whole other level. This wasn't something you two usually did, but I guess it was okay since everything might be ending soon. Ballsy moves.
"Yeah. You make the merch look so cozy." Your throat felt dry, eyes glued to his face, wanting to catch every single second of his reaction. Wanting to see each movement of his facial muscles, to find out what it could possibly entail. "Makes me wonder what your hugs feel like." You admitted.
Your eyes scanned the entirety of his face, perking up slightly at the sight of his face flushing, leaving him with the softest tint of pink to spread across his cheeks, almost matching his pretty lips. What the hell did that even mean?
"Maybe you won't have to wonder for too long. With guidelines being lifted and all." The line. Blurred at that very moment, for sure. His eyes were glued to you as well, which only made you hesitate every single movement you could think of doing at that moment.
"And in the meantime? What am I supposed to do?" Risky. Crossing lines, jumping over hurdles. This all had to be against friend rules or something. You could feel your sanity decreasing each second this call went on. But he wasn't stopping any of this either.
"I could send you a hoodie." The sentence brought you out of your Quackity-induced haze, making you quickly shake your head. What? Before you could protest or ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, he explained.
"My hoodie. Y'know. Mine. One I wear. You can give it back when we meet up, perhaps."
Your mouth went dry again, shocked at the domestic feeling it gave. He was suggesting he send one of his hoodies. It would smell like him. It was the closest thing to giving him an actual hug. It would be paradise.
"You'd really do that?" You asked, still in disbelief, but he quickly nodded his head. "Oh." You said softly, before a smile appeared on your face. "I would like that, then."
"I'll send it then." He hummed, smile spreading on his lips as well. Everything going on was making you feel dizzy. It felt so surreal.
You'd mentally prepared yourself for the worst, but instead were met with a flirtatious Quackity. He'd said sweet things to you before, but you never allowed yourself to take it seriously, not wanting to get your hopes up. And it never went to this extent.
It seemed he realized what just went down, a loud laugh escaping his lips. "Holy shit. You're gonna have one of my hoodies soon."
"I am." You chimed in, smile on your lips as well.
"And you'll wear it around." He added.
"I will."
"You'll look good, as always."
You could feel the heat rush to your face. What was going on? Was this real, or just a very cruel dream? Alex Quackity was fucking flirting with you.
"Are you flirting with me?" Bewildered tone, raised eyebrows. Your brain couldn't even begin to progress what was being said.
"What the fuck does it look like I've been doing?"
"Have you really?" Warmth spread across your chest at how blunt he was being. The line was gone. It'd been erased, never to be seen again. There was no shame in him. Admitting he was flirting with his whole chest.
"I have. Why are you so surprised though? I've subtly flirted with you before.. and I mean, were you not confessing your undying love to me on stream?" He raised a brow, feigned confusion on his face. He was teasing. You let out a groan, covering your face with your hands as he let out a laugh.
Surreal. He confessed to having flirted with you in the past. So you weren't delusional, nice to know. "Are you done?" You asked, face still covered by your hand in shame.
"I saw a tweet that was saying they felt like third wheels since I was in chat, and you were just going on about everything you liked about me." You kept your face covered. He was not stopping. Now he was the unhinged one.
He was visibly scrolling through the timeline at this point. "Oh, and one saying they want what we have. What do we have?"
You finally uncovered your face. "I don't know. Whatever the fuck this is, I guess?"
"Well, what is this?"
"Mm... whatever you want it to be." You finally answered, and there was a surprised look plastered on his face at that.
"Whatever I want?"
"Yeah." You paused. Would he regret this after he got out of this haze? What if it had just been flirting for fun? But he wouldn't play with your feelings like this, would he?
Alex Quackity was perfect though, and perhaps he had a sixth sense about when stuff was wrong with you, because he caught on to your hesitation.
"Hey." He called out softly. The teasing, flirtatious tone was gone, now replaced by the softer tone reserved for late night calls, or when everybody else in the vc had left and it was just you two.
You look at where his face was on your monitor, relaxing a bit simply by his tone and the soft gaze he held on you.
"I know everything sort of progressed pretty fast tonight.. but your stream really helped me realize a few things. I do like you, y/n. Not fucking around or anything." He said it in a firm tone, one that told you he wasn't messing around, but still felt oh so intimate.
Everything he was saying was exactly what you wanted and needed to hear. Reassurance that your feelings weren't unrequited. You couldn't believe your rambling on stream had lead you guys here.
"I like you, too. If that wasn't obvious already." You mumbled out, eyes averting before glancing to see his reaction. He had the biggest, cutest, grin on his face. Charming, and extremely contagious. You couldn't help but smile back.
Holy shit.
"Is this real?" You asked out loud, smile never leaving your face.
"It is. All thanks to your ranting on stream. How cool is that?"
You couldn't help but still feel rather embarrassed that he'd heard all of it, but it had brought you two here. All embarrassment was worth it. Especially if it meant it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for you two.
"Very cool." You mumbled, before a smile appeared on your lips. Today really couldn't have gone any better.
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Awaken the World (oneshot)
Pairing: Wayv Ten (Nct Ten) x Reader
Word count: 11k im sorry
Warnings: smutty smut, pure filth, Ten is an alien with two dicks... that’s it, that’s the warning, mention of suicide, (keep in mind, this is a fiction and has nothing to do with real people in real life, also, use protection!!!)
*new Years party*
-You deserve a break from time to time, Y/N, - Trish said while talking to you, - besides, you rarely go out, it feels like you are stuck in that apartment of yours.
-I know, I know, you and Shin always tell me that, give me an hour and I will be ready, ok?
-Yes, we will get a taxi and let’s go!!!
Your friend hung up and you went straight for the bathroom to get ready. It was unusual for you to go out, but you did like it from time to time. What you didn’t like in fact was the “gropers” as you called them. People who randomly grab other people, it did not matter how drunk were they, it’s just one of the things that you disliked, and your body proportions did not help either. Being tall and curvy (can be any other description, remember Y/N has a variety), always gave you peoples glares and staring, which did not pay any compliment at all, it made you more insecure.
What if people stare cause I’m ugly?
That was always there in your head, but your friends reminded you it is not like that, they stare because you are gorgeous.
*La Wanderlust club* two hours prior.
-Jack, I don’t think we can do that, - Michel spoke softly, he was new to the business and this was the first time he was about to do something bad.
-They will pay us near hundred grand for every girl, I ain’t gonna lose that money, if you do not participate you might as well leave.
Michel bit his lip, he knew this was bad, and if ever anyone finds out, they will all go to prison, but money like that did not grow on trees, and despite the fact, that their club was doing great, extra money for themselves for a “tiny” thing like that, would not be so bad.
-Fine, - he finally spoke, - I will do it.
Couple of hours later the club was getting busier, girls, loners and couples kissing in the booths that they provided. Everyone having a drink in their hands, enjoying themselves. Michel checked the pills under the bar, in total just 10 pills. Ten girls.
Tonight he will spike drinks for ten girls, and later send them away, no questions asked, spike the drinks and get the girls in the back on the club until the buyer collects them.
Shin was the first to drag you to the bar.
-Cosmos for the girls!!! – she nearly shouted while Michel prepared your drinks. He was watching you all carefully, thinking about who’s drink to spike. It was a hard decision, he was not yet able to make, so all the pills stayed where they were.
A couple hours later Trish was dancing with a random stranger while you were sipping coke by yourself at the corner, your eyes looking Shin who said will be back after she went for a fag. You felt a light tap on your shoulder.
-Hey, sexy, want a drink? – a stranger asked you, he could barely stand on his feet. Michel was fast to approach you and take you to bar.
-Annoying, huh? – he asked, and you nodded. – Anything to drink at all?
-Yeah, uhm, gin with tonic, please, - you said and gave the bartender bank card, while you turned around to spot your friends, he smoothly put one of the pills I your drink. In fact, that was the last pill. His brothers had already taken the other girls to the back, stripping them from their ID’s and purses, putting them in separate boxes.
Their buyer said they will sort It out themselves, so the guys do not have to worry about anything.
The dizziness hit you like a brick and two minutes later you were dragged away, your friends both busy with their newfound partners (always make sure your friends are not like this, yeah? They should care about your well being as well as their own), not noticing how you go missing, in front of their eyes. You were half asleep, half awake, you felt how you got thrown on the ground, and your beating heart knew nothing good will come out of this, but your body was shutting down faster than you could react.
You were out cold when the buyer got here, paying the bar owners huge money, taking your belongings as well as all ten bodies, putting them in a trunk, driving to a different place. They gave all girls sedative to keep you out for the hours needed. You were being prepared for an exceptionally long drive, far, far away from home.
Noticing lights further down the road, the buyers didn’t waste no more time and drove to where your destiny would start.
Up on the entrance pass code was required, which was sent to one of the buyer’s phones, the gate opened and what looked like some sort of “space station” was waiting for them. A big looking fella greeted them when they got out of the van.
-I assume you did well, - one of them spoke, as he was approaching with a bag full of cash.
-Yes, just like you wanted, there is ten of them, you can check if they are your liking, - buyers face smirked. Truth to be told, the “big man” did not care at all, the girls would probably look a lot different after quite a while, but it was none of his concerns. He had a hand in this business for a very long time and no one had ever suspected a thing.
Traveling from country to country, every five years some girls go missing? Who cares! People go missing every day. Business is running like normal.
Buyers unloaded the package and left with the cash, while “big man” made sure they were far away from sight before the center of the building ground opened, a platform moving higher until a spaceship was spotted. Opening the doors, he entered, taking the girls in one by one, taking of their shoes, putting on something that looked like a onesie of someone who works in a chop shop, smearing their make up with wet wipes so they looked ruined, make up running down like that.
Not that his clients needed their faces to look good anyways.
Walking through the ship towards the controls he noticed that an error had come up.
“ERROR 401, assistance needed, fuel tank”, to what he checked and decided it still would be enough for the journey, and if his clients will require some more of the product transported, they will provide him fuel generously.
-Safe journey, - he whispered before setting the coordinates and walking out, securing all bodies, making sure the spaceship is set for its destination. Walking back and starting the system up he fare welled with a bow and watched how the spaceship disappeared into the sky with a speed of lighting. This would be the last time you would be seen at all, and he had no regrets. A smile formed on his lips and a yawn; it had been a long day preparing. Time to rest.
*10043567901;1102033149001. PLANET DYVLONY*
Detective Ten pulled his spent cock out of his partners mouth, smirking.
-What a good girl you’ve been, - he said, while wiping her smeared lips with his thumb, his sperm glistening on her chin, - but I have one more in need of a touch.
His partners eyes widened noticing that instead of a one graceful phallus, he indeed (as the rumors had said) had been gifted with a second one, which even with one glance was visibly thicker and more veiny than the other.
She licked her lips in anticipation.
-Get on all fours for me, lovely, will you, - she did as Ten told her to, and soon her entrance was filled to the brim with just one thrust. Ten was still wearing all his clothing while his partner was borne down to nothing. She mewled at Ten’s sharp pelvic movements and thanked him for each slap she received. His hands moved to grope her breasts and pinch her nipples, while his thrusts never stopped. Her core was clenching, she was close, but Ten would not have this. He pulled out, grabbing a hold of the ceiling chain and tying her hands, pulling her up in standing position, before she even could comprehend a sentence to somewhat – bastard, how dare you!
His interrogation room, which normally was used to invest in pains of criminals, was now used for the pleasure of sex, and Ten spanked his partners bottom, he swatted away her bare cheeks till they were red in color, and the sounds his partner was making, didn’t make no sense. Ten lifted her leg up, and found her opening with his fingers, two of them making their way inside her body, thrusting as fast as he could manage, finishing her off within a minute, but before riding her orgasm, pushing his cock in her again, till tears were streaming down her face.
-I cccaaa…nntttt… - she was trying to say, but Ten would not stop, she was climaxing again, her core muscles milking Ten for all he’s worth, his hands letting her leg down, and his front pressing against her back.
His cum was leaking down her thighs, together with her essence, both of them breathing heavily. He whispered.
-So, is it true what they say about me? – he smirked against her shoulder. While trying to come up with a proper sentence, his partner turned to face him, she stood 6`1 tall, - taller than him by all means and, bit her lip.
-Ah, you know what, - she whispered, - you are not too bad.
Ten laughed.
-You could not even say anything five minutes ago, so I take that as a lie, - he said, setting her down on the ground, letting the chains rest on the floor, before securing them up again, Ten zipped up his pants.
-There is a shower, you can clean up.
-Well, - his partner spoke up, - you do suck at aftercare.
With that she stood up and left to where Ten had pointed to. Ten was all she wanted in a man, he was fearless, strong, good at what he does, and yes, oh yes, great at sex, but she knew this would be the first and last time they would sleep together, which does not even count as sleeping together, it was just raw fucking, her abused cunt convulsing around nothing imagining how great it was.
Dressing up, she was greeted by Ten, who as a gentleman he was, had opened the car door, where he would put a seatbelt on her, give her a bottle of juice, driving her to the town. His phone went off.
Ten put the phone on speaker.
-Detective Ten, this is Xiao Dejun from the High court, there has been a crash at the GYPE beach, and it has been secured by SWAT teams who have cleared the area, we are waiting for you and your colleagues to arrive, it is an emergency. Sir, are you alone?
-I will be in a couple of minutes, - Ten stopped the car and gave the woman a sympathetic look, before she stepped out of the vehicle and slammed the door, well, at least it was not his face, she slammed. – I am now.
-It is…, - Xiao Dejun stopped before continuing, - it is a spaceship, we are on a high alert now, I am surprised no one had called you.
-I was occupied elsewhere, no one dared to trouble me, but I will be with you ASAP.
-See you soon then.
Couple of minutes later Detective Ten parked his car and was trying to get through the public crowds and reporters, who were trying to catch a glimpse of what is happening. Ten showed his V card as soon as he was approaching the secured area. It was crowded with SWAT teams of all sorts. White, none see through plastic covering all around the area, police teams in full gears and weapons. Ten stepped inside.
It was dusty, the ships landing must have created a sandstorm of some sort, the spaceship itself was covered in dust, the electronics on the other side being ripped apart from the intact with ground, the wires spiking an electric volt from time to time.
-What are we seeing here? – Ten asked, when he was approached by High Court man, Dejun in front.
-We were waiting for you, you have worked with anomalies like this, so we are in need of your assistance with this.
As they talked, they had approached the entrance of the aircraft, as they had assumed. As a detective, Ten had come across various forms of UFO’s that had probably drifted away from their main coordinates, but they had always kept things from public eye, since it was nothing harmful, just something that had proved they are not the only ones in universe.
The fire rescue team were waiting for a signal to cut the door out, the SWAT teams ready to shoot at any point, officers from the station were Ten works, standing next in line after SWAT team. Ten put on a west and secured his weapon. Putting his hand up, two fingers signaling for action, fireman cutting down the metal door, taking it out, putting ladder board to the entrance, he was ready to enter first.
Slowly moving towards the entrance, careful as they could, detective Ten with two swat members went in. Sweeping the aircraft bit by bit (since it was quite small), shouting -CLEAR, after checking every corner they spotted, moving forward until they reached a clearance, where they stopped, eyes widening.
-What the… - Ten spoke, in front of their eyes was bodies of girls/women, dressed in weird clothing, but it didn’t seem like they would be able to operate this aircraft. Ten spotted a movement, approaching straight away, putting his gun down and checking the pulse of the girl. Both SWAT members ready to shoot if she would attack the guy.
-We need ambulance, - he shouted, realizing that they are alive, but not in the “mood to fight” and heard the response teams through microphones, soon the medics were there, untying girl bodies, ushering them in ambulances, sending them away to a secret facility that lies below the High court for special occasions such as this. Teams provided with extreme medical equipment, wearing full gear, in case this was some sort of diversion, or something far more dangerous or poisonous for that matter, were ready to start working as soon as the bodies would arrive.
Once the ship was cleared, detective Ten with some of his teammates, were doing the “detective work”.
-Does not look like they were supposed to crash here, - one of them said, - coordinates are not ours.
-There is a glitch in the system, - Ten said, - but to check what is that this ship is in need of fixing.
-Like hell it is, - other one said, - this is nothing like ours, Ten, it is probably near to impossible changing any parts, this is not as advanced as ours, if we could find a clue to where it comes from, that would be a record.
-I know, but you also know how good I am at my job.
-Detective Ten? – he turned around to see High court man coming in his direction.
-How may I help?
-We will move this aircraft to a different facility, location we will let you know once it will be secured, we need to make this as clean as we can, is that right?
Ten and his teammates nodded.
-Of course, sir, - Ten bowed, and cleared the ship.
-We should be heading back, detective, - his mates said before leaving, Ten’s phone rang at the same time.
-Detective Ten speaking.
-You should come to High court, there will be a member of staff to greet you and take you to us, they are coming to their senses.
Ten nodded and hang up. Soon enough he was going down the elevator with a member of staff, going lower than Ten had imagined of how deep the facility was build. And how?
-Detective, - Xiao Dejun greeted him, taking him though corridors, - so far, we have discovered all of the bodies are female, we are checking their health balance as we speak, they are definitely from another place, even Planet… so we have given them an injection of microchip, and also a vaccine, looks like they have taken them well. Also, since we do not know why they are here, do not think of this being uncivil, when they have not given us any answers either.
Ten ached a brow.
-You’ll see, - Dejun opened the door. On a high platform was ten chairs, all girls seated on them, tied up, all looking scared as ever, - and if you can get a criminal to talk, I assume this will be a piece of cake for you.
Ten smiled and nodded. Oh yes. He would enjoy this.
-Greetings, aliens, - Ten said walking towards the platform, none of the girls said anything back. – I am Detective Ten, and I will ask you some questions, if you do not answer there will be consequences, and I am sure none of you would like the ones I have in my mind.
You were shaking in your chair. You had no idea where you were, why were you tied up, how you came to this, and the detectives look was even more terrifying, especially his smirk.
He stood in front of one girl.
-Who are you? – when she didn’t respond, Ten walked over to the girl next to her and slapped her hard across the face. You jumped in your seat.
-Let me make this clear, if I ask, you answer, if you don’t answer, I make sure the person next to you pays for it, clear?
You and others nodded. A tear slipped from the corner of your eyes. Ten walked over to the girl next to you. Which meant- is she did not answer, he would slap you in return.
-Why are you here? – detective asked again, it looked like she was trying to formulate a sentence but trying to speak was getting difficult. The language felt strange on her tongue, the microchip that was planted, was only now starting to work. The question was understood, but to speak was a difficulty.
Not satisfied with “no answer”, detective was striding towards you with his hand ready, but before he could smack you, you found your voice and shouted loud and clear.
-I WILL TELL YOU ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW, - and then you went quiet, Ten leaned closer, - just don’t hit me, o-o-o-or anyone, p-p-please.
The tears you had felt frozen in place, and the saliva in your throat seemed to dry out too fast. The stare the detective was giving you, sent chills through your body.
-Who are you? – he asked.
Your throat was dry, and you couldn’t speak. Ten took this as a sign for water, he knew this face well after a long session of sinful pleasures, even his mouth was dry at some point. He was handed a glass, that he put to your lips and gave you a small sip. A little bit of water dripping down the corner of your lips. Ten’s cock twitched in his pants. His previous activities coming to mind.
-My name is Y/N, - you stated.
-Who are you, Y/N? – detective continued.
You were thinking to yourself- what do I say? Who am I, really?
-I am a regular girl, - you said, detective eye-level with you.
Ten was pushing you for answers, and you were trying hard, really trying, he walked to the girl before you and smacked her, since you had not given an answer.
One of the girls started sobbing, and Ten went to her.
-Who are you? – she sniffled, and tried to speak, Ten gave her water as well.
-I am Anna, - she spoke softly, trying not to cry, - I c-cannot remember…
Ten turned to Dejun.
-Had they been on drugs?
-Here is a report, - Dejun’s assistant handed Ten a piece of paper, various blood tests showed signs of unknown supplement in their blood. Even their blood was nothing they had ever seen. DNA looked completely anomaly, compared to theirs.
-We were trying to make a sample, but it was too fast to clear from their blood stream.
Ten nodded, thinking to himself. He looked at all girls, eyeing them carefully. They were female. Why would someone send females to attack? He checked photos of the girl naked bodies, curves and a bit of chubby thighs, so they were not sent to war, fighters have fair share of muscles, which none of these girls possessed. Their bodies were free from poison, so they were not sent here… or not meant to land here in the first place.
-I need to see the ship, - detective Ten spoke, - for now, leave them here, I will be back as soon as I can.
With that he left the building together with Dejun’s assistant.
The facility was located a few miles from the GYPE beach, the ship cleared from all the dust, all parts, that had broken apart, next to the ship. Engineers were working to recover any sort of information to help them.
-Detective Ten, this is the engineering team A, specializing in UFO’s, you have worked with them in past, - a man in his fifties shook hands with Ten. -My name is Leon Yah, I am their team leader.
-Yes, I remember, anything yet?
-A little bit, - the man said, taking Ten closer to the team. – This is Jungwoo, one of our best  new mechanical engineers and biochemists, he is helping us with this case, - Leon proudly presented Jungwoo, even putting his hands on the guys shoulder, - tell them what you know.
-So, I found a piece of electrics that I actually can use to pinpoint the location this ship came from, it carries the information, sort of like the black box, if you will. It is trying to get it now, so, then at least we might get a clue, what is the reason for crashing here, or any info at all.
Two beeps later, Jungwoo was the first to run towards his computer.
-Just what I though, - he said and then stopped, - what? How is this possible?
-What’s that? – Ten asked.
-There are fragments similar to CASE 101, 1992… but I have no idea of what that is.
-Whatever do you mean? – Ten asked, seeing Jungwoo’s face expresion, and the team leader Leon came closer.
-A while ago there was similar crash, only partly one, there was a ship that contained 2 people, and at that time we came across a different DNA, using one of the bodies, one of the females died, and the other…
-What’s with the other? – Jungwoo asked surprised, he had not heard of this.
-The other is my mother, - detective Ten spoke.
Jungwoo’s jaw went slack, he could not say a word. How had he not heard of this? This is important information.
-At that time, your mother told us, she was sent as a prostitute, because when she got drugged, she hadn’t used alcohol, so she was half awake when it all happened. And your father as a doctor, made sure she was taken care of. I remember that, as if it was yesterday…
“And fucked her like a prostitute he thought she was,” Ten gritted his teeth thinking about this.
-And a few years later I was born, half human half DYVLONY, - detective Ten never liked this part of the story, first of all, who knew, humans could carry a DYVLONY child, even be able to copulate in the first place, also, that is why he was born different. - Could they all be human females then?
-They might be, there is documents about your mother, that could be used to identify if they indeed are human, also maybe there is still metal research of the previous aircraft, that we could use. They should be with the High court, I will ring Xiao Dejun and let him know.
Jungwoo was checking through the information that he had received and sighed. For him this was indeed the first-time seeing UFO and hearing about different species gave him a weird tingle.
-This ship was not crafted by humans, that’s for sure.
-How can you bee certain? – Ten asked.
-If we do not possess this sort of metal, I do not think there is a possibility that this would come from humans, maybe the older report had more on that.
Yes, humans. Fragile creatures. Ten sighed, his mom was human, but heck she was strong woman, whom he loved dearly, and his father, who might have taken her for the wrong reasons, later fell in love and married her.
Team leader came back a few minutes later, giving the papers of what they had discovered to Ten, so he could get back to High court.
Stepping through the threshold, Ten was greeted by the ten females again, all still sat on the chairs provided, all still looking scared, but a bit more relaxed. After checking the papers about his own mother, Ten came across the idea of these females being sent to a different Planet as whores, the same as his mother once was. He just needed some answers to see if it is true.
-How did you end up in the aircraft? – Ten spoke, this time more softly.
-All I remember is me and my friends on a night out, - one girl spoke. You nodded, you remembered that as well.
-I had a drink, and then… - other one spoke, your memories were there as well, you remembered being dragged to the back.
-They took our identification, - you spoke, - and that is all I remember.
-I cannot even remember that, - another girl said, - I wish I didn’t drink that much.
Ten left together with Xiao Dejun to have a chat about further actions.
-It is clear that they were meant to be sent somewhere else, and they are harmless, - Ten said.
-What do you think we do?
-The same as thirty years ago, - he said, - we take them into our community, make sure they are taken care of, and see where it goes.
-I propose, we put each female together with a person who would take care of them, teach them our culture and see.
-Yeah, true, it’s not like putting them in prison, they are not criminals, - Dejun agreed.
-What about members of society council? There is plenty of men capable, - when Ten said those words he nearly choked, he knew half of the council would have them girls eagle spread on their beds in less then twenty hours, and he would be one of them.
-And you? – Xiao asked, Ten nodded, - let’s ask and see, shall we?
Two days later, all females were dressed in casual clothing, they were cleaned and fed, taught a few things about ownership, since that’s what they would be, OWNED. That meant that the household they would stay in, would have their own rules to follow.
You were anxious. Who are you going home with? Before your parting, all of you had a small chat, just expressing your worries and fears, since this was not exactly a trip to Maldives, or a trip in general. Besides, you were not friends, you were bunch of randomly selected girls for prostitution.
-I hope he will be nice, - Anna spoke, and then the thought of you going away with some random men started to scare you. It could go two ways, either way nice or, he would treat you like shit. All these men want is just one thing, which with your lack of experience would be -nothing. If he even would dare to touch you, you’d probably kick him in the balls, run away and hide.
At that point it didn’t seem like a bad idea, oh boy, how wrong you were.
You were the last one waiting for the person to pick you up. You never got to see who was here to collect other girls, so it was possible, that you would not see any of them again. Not unless, the person who you are going home, could tell you were they are.
Minutes turned to hours, your palms were sweaty, your heart was beating fast until…
-Miss Y/N, - you nearly jumped out of your body upon hearing your name. You stood up and walked through the door. – There is a paperwork to get signed and you should be able to leave as soon as it is done.
Next thing you know, detective Ten walks through the door.
-Ready? – his gaze found yours within seconds. Surely there must be a mistake… no way you are going home with this crazy dude… When he was in front of you, you realized that you must have spaced out, but detectives face looked like he was about to hit you.
-Ah, yes, - you managed to speak. He handed you paper where you had to sign, and after you followed him, no questions asked. When he opened the car for you, you sat down, Ten put a seatbelt on you, got in the drivers seat, started the engine and got going. It was silence. Long silence.
-So… - you wanted to start a conversation, and turned to your new “legal guardian”, he put his hand up and you put your hand on your mouth to shut it, turning your head to the other side, feeling the tears threatening to fall, he was about to smack you. So, he was abusive… oh no.
-Let’s make some things clear, - he started in a low voice, - you do not speak when you are not spoken to, no asking questions, you will not get any answers, make sure not to be in my way, when I leave for work, you do not leave the house at any point. Understood?
You nodded.
-I need words, Y/N, - he said it in clear language, even though normally people struggle with your name pronunciation.
-Yes, - you said quietly.
-Yes what? – he re-asked.
-I do not know, - you said your voice smaller than before.
-Call me Ten, better yet sir, if you wish, that’s more polite, yes?
-Yes, Ten, - you spoke in barely a whisper. Minutes later Ten turned left and you approached his house. Once inside the garage, Ten helped you out of the car, and you took in your surroundings. Everything was neat. Things on shelves, DIY items, you could not spot a dust anywhere. You noticed doors with password access, wondering what could be there, but were cut short with Ten waiting for you at other doors, which were the entrance to the house.
-You can walk through the whole house to see what’s where, but do not disturb me when I work, also since I am a detective, there is a few things you do not need to know or see. I will show you to your room.
You followed behind keeping your mouth shut. You did not want to anger a guy who was abusive, it terrified you to the bone, so you better stayed quiet. Your room was simple, it contained a bed and a nightstand next to it, the bedding was white, like half of the things in his house. There was a wardrobe, which was empty.
-There is a passage to bathroom, I will get you a towel, give me a second, - Ten walked inside, coming back with a towel, putting it on your bed. – how do you sleep?
Ten bit the inside of his cheek. His patience was running thin, the whole idea of a female staying at his house was somewhat disturbing, but also alluring in some way. Maybe soon he could have you tied up in his interrogation room, naked, pussy dripping and ass on display, he licked his lips.
“What is he thinking about? Pervert!” you thought to yourself.
-What do you wear?
If you were on Earth, you would crack a joke how you would sleep naked, but this was not the place or time to do so.
-Pajamas, - you answered, - really, it’s just shirt and trousers, - something more on, god know what this guy could be up to! Duh! Your brain signaled crazy thoughts.
-Ok, I will get you some, - with that he disappeared. You felt like you were in boarding school, not that you had a clue to what that feels like, but hey, imagination. You sat on the bed, your eyes were threatening you with tears that were gathering, but you looked up and thanked the gods for that you were alive. Could have been worse. You could have been sent to another Planet and could have been sold to some asshole as a whore.
Alright, he might not be the nicest guy, but he is providing you with a place to live so you were grateful. For the time being, once you figure out how to get away.
Ten was just about to get his car keys and go to store, when he received a message from Xiao Dejun. They used to be students, going to the same school when they were kids, as hard as it was for Ten, Dejun was always there to protect him, so they became friends.
-A video? – Ten said to himself and transferred the video to his tablet, - I will watch it when I come back.
With that he left. Once you heard the door being locked, you got up from the bed and went to explore. Passing by Ten’s room, you noticed it was not personal, there was no pictures, but at least he had a plant. A very weird looking one, but still a plant. Walking further through the house, you went in the kitchen. There was a tablet left on the table, you didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but walking past it caught your eye. It lit up, a video had been received and you checked if no one was watching you, and pressed “play”.
-??? – what you saw, made you question if the girls that got drugged were actual prostitutes. High court magistrate Xiao Dejun was balls deep in Anna and looked like she was enjoying it as much as he was. But she left only what, like two hours before you?! What the actual fuck was going on? Was this expected of you? To give your body to some alien? Did detective Ten fancy some good old human-alien pussy or what?
-Guess what, he ain’t getting nothing! – you nearly shouted, not noticing how detective Ten was right behind you.
-Getting what?
You jumped, before turning around, not even looking him in the eye.
-Getting what? I asked you a question!
-Uhm, nothing, sir, - you managed. Your back was covering the tabled, the video left on “pause”, as if nothing has happened, you had not seen nothing.
-Were you watching that? – detective Ten asked and you nodded a “no”, did not have to be a detective to see how your eyes darted elsewhere but him to know that you were lying, - I won’t tolerate liars.
Was he about to smack you? You couldn’t really tell, one thing for certain, he was not pleased.
-Let me ask you again, - he warned, - were you watching the video, that is my private property, and you did it without any permission?
You nodded your head. You felt like being scolded by your parents.
-I need words when I ask you question!
-Yes, sir, - you said quietly.
-Turn around, - he ordered, and you looked up at him as to ask “huh?”.
-Was I not clear? – he said again, - turn around, - so you did. – press play and watch the video.
Only then you noticed the length of it. A solid hour… You pressed “play” and closed your eyes. Ten didn’t see that you had closed your eyes. When moans and slapping sounds echoed through the kitchen you were trying not to cringe. Behind you, detective Ten was near enough grabbing his own crotch to relieve some stress, but he needed to punish you first.
-Are you getting wet listening to them? – you thought “what the fuck”, - I bet you are. Dirty girl, cannot wait for me to do that to you, yeah?
You were biting your lips in hopes of him stopping talking. On Earth you would have turned around, smacked the asshole and told him to fuck himself. Here… uhm, you stand and wait. A whoosh reached your bottom cheeks. A smack so loud, louder than the video being played, had reached you. You jumped and opened your eyes.
-How do you like it? – he was so close, you felt his breath on your neck, he smacked you again, groping your ass, - you are a good girl, aren’t you? Letting your hair down, biting your lip, teasing your partner just to see a reaction, well then, baby, I am all yours, besides, I have something others do not possess.
Your eyes were bulging out from your eye sockets. Was he dirty- talking you in sleeping with him? How to politely decline? Yikes.
-I apologize for watching this video, and I won’t do that again, I promise, - you stated, getting out of detectives grasp and running to your room, leaving Ten in the kitchen with growing tent in his trousers, squinting his eyes, trying to figure out what just happened.
His dirty talk always works, so why it had not affected you?
You were no virgin, but your past experiences were not the best either, so might as well count yourself as a reborn virgin. You were not the type of person to sleep with someone just like that, it just was not your thing. Being on a different Planet does not help either. Remembering how magistrate Xiao was even able to fit in Anna’s delicate body, had your body shutting down, ah a migraine was on its way.
You would think about that all night.
Ten didn’t return, at least you didn’t hear him. Only later he came by your door to announce that dinner was ready.
-It’s not much, since I don’t know what you eat, it’s spicy though, - ha warned, you thanked him and sat down, having the first spoonful only small, in case it was something you would not be able to eat. He was studying you, there must be something about you, there was no chance he had lost his charms.
The food was fire.
Your run to the sink was so fast, Ten burst out laughing.
-You eat this? – you cried, pouring cold water on your tongue.
-Too spicy? – he giggled, you would have laughed as well, if it didn’t burn your mouth or lips.
-This is poison!!! – you still kept watering your mouth, while Ten continued eating. When you sat back down, your face red and puffy as if you just had an allergic reaction, Ten looked up at you, standing up and walking towards the cupboards, he opened one up.
-What of this can you eat? – he started a conversation.
You turned around and saw something similar to oats.
-Do you have milk?
Ten opened the fridge. At least a porridge, that will do, nothing much, but hopefully will be edible.
Few moments later you were enjoying a porridge that actually tasted like porridge.
-I bought you clothes, - Ten said, - left them in a bag by your door.
-Thank you, - you stated, and Ten didn’t incline that he was angry with you for not addressing him “sir” like you were meant to. You washed the dishes and went back to your room. Opening the bag detective had left you, surprised laugh left your mouth. He had bought you jumpers and trousers, shirts and even a couple of underwear, at least you though that was an underwear, some holes missing, he must have bought them from somewhat “kinky” section.
From time to time you started to hear screams, loud, so loud, you could not sleep. Turns out, Ten as a detective did quite a lot of methods in catching criminals, that no one knew about. Forbidden methods, the ones, you cannot use, if you work for police task force. He assured you, that it is nothing to worry about, but how can you not?
-It just sounded like someone was about to die, - you stated at the dinner table, chewing on your porridge.
-I did tell you not to ask questions… - Ten warned.
-I don’t, - you talked back, - it’s a statement of the sounds I heard.
-You wanna see how I do business? – Ten offered, - I can take you downstairs and show you how I deal with criminals.
-No, thank you, - you turned around, going to sink and washing your bowl.
-Come on, don’t be scared now, I will show you, - to be true, Ten wanted you to see what happens if you become a perp. Also, that would work as a warning in case you want to do something that Ten would not approve of, like- running away, which, you have thought of every night before going to sleep.
Ten dragged you downstairs, typed the code for the other doors, which you were curious about, and you stepped inside.
Blue colors, chains from the ceilings, a table further down, your eyes had to get used to the lighting, until you spotted a chair, before looking around to see other “interesting” instruments, that gave you creeps. Ten walked further, opening a cupboard, taking out and loading a gun, pointing it at you.
-What the… - you choked on your saliva, - uhm, are you doing?
-You know what this is? – he asked, still pointing a gun at you, you nodded. – this is paralyzer. Guess what it does?
-Paralyzes people? – you asked in a small voice.
Someone coughed, diverting your attention, turning around, you noticed the criminal, who was beat to a pulp, looking closer you noticed sharp pointers in his back from the chair he was sat in.
-Wh-what are those? – you whispered.
-I did an acupuncture, - he stated easily, - tell you what, - he kept a pause, - it works miracles...
You swallowed. The blue light made Ten look especially evil. You watched as Ten pressed a couple of numbers on remote control, and the spikes disappeared. The gun was now pointed at the criminal, and without a single thought, you saw Ten shoot the guy, without remorse, not even a flinch. You jumped. On Ten’s command, the spikes went back through the guys back, he screamed in pain.
You did not want to end up like the guy, your feet moving faster than your brain, out of the room, through the door, through the garage entry, running away, not even knowing where. You ran till you were out of breath, stopping randomly to breath in, catch your breath and get going. You were sure, detective would hunt you down, and if you don’t move faster, he might catch you, and god knows, maybe torture you like that guy.
Lungs on fire, seemed like you had run for hours. Taking in your surroundings you smelled freshness from something close, walking further you found out you had come to beachside. Blue water, clear and see-through greeted you with opened arms. There was something else that caught your attention – police tape, surrounding what looked like a hole in the sand.
-This must be where they found us, - you said to yourself.
-And here I thought you were a good girl, - a voice not much further behind you startled you. You turned around to see detective Ten with a serious expression on his face.
-Why? – you asked, Ten didn’t say a word, - why do you treat me like that, huh?
Not knowing, your body moved closer to Ten’s, your pointer finger poking at his chest.
-What do you want from me? – you shouted, - I am not like Anna or anyone else, I won’t do what they are doing, I should not be here! Why are you abusive? Do you want to hit me? – you breathed in, - I am from another planet, I do not know how to be someone I am not, I do not wish to be owned, and certainly not by someone like you.
You finished your sentence in barely a whisper. Ten got a hold of both your hands.
-I don’t like your tone, - he started, and you laughed in his face.
-So what? – you laughed, - what now? I end up like the guy you tortured?
You got out of his grasp, fleeting towards the see as fast as you could. Ten was after you, as you ran in the water, he chased after you. Your feelings on high alert, there was no turning back if you wanted to go back home.
Not even reaching deep enough you got on your knees without holding your breath and getting under water. Ten’s strong arms pulled you back up.
-No, - he said in warning voice, - this is not how we do things here.
You still were trying to get underwater.
-No, - he said again, grabbing you towards his much stronger body, - STOP!
Tears felt down your cheeks. You really thought that killing yourself was the exit. When you didn’t struggle anymore, Ten started to pull you out from the water. He was completely silent. Bringing you with him to the car, he put the seatbelt on, got in the drivers seat and drove.
Both of your bodies were soaked, and the closest person to help him was his own family. Pulling up in the drive- way, Ten got out of the vehicle first, then helping you out. Soon a knock on the door, they opened with Ten’s fathers face.
-Hmm, what do we see here? – he asked and smiled, opening the doors wider, letting Ten drag you inside, - honey, we have a visitor.
His mother came rushing from the kitchen, when you saw her you had to blink a couple of times, she was a bit shorter than you, near Ten’s height, looking not at all alien- like (if that was even a thing), and you started questioning things.
-Ten! – she greeted with big smile on her face, and then she noticed you, - hello!
She came straight for you.
-Let’s get you all cleaned up, shall we? – with that she took you upstairs, towards the bathroom, opening drawers she took out a bathrobe and a towel, she made sure water was warm in the shower, she helped you undress, not saying a word, she washed your hair, helped you get out of the shower, she took care of you, not even asking questions.
Meanwhile downstairs.
-What did you do? – Ten’s father asked, handing him a change of clothes, that looked like parachute on Ten’s smaller body.
-I did nothing, it’s a new case.
-Case? – his father ached an eyebrow, Ten nodded, - don’t tell me she’s an…
-Human, - Ten sat down, his father handed him a beer, - I’m driving, - Ten stated, declining.
-What happened? – his dad questioned.
-Another ship crashed, with ten females, all alive, we just took them in, I got her..
-What’s her name?
-Y/N, - Ten said sighing.
-She’s beautiful, - his dad stated, - so what’s the problem, she’s not giving you any, or is she bad at it?
Ten looked at his dad with “??” (what the fuck) expression.
-It’s complicated, - Ten said quietly.
-Hey, I know what is complicated, - his father let out a small laugh, - I have lived with that for a while now. But let me give you some advice. You must be clear about your wishes, if you wanted her for sex, I trust you have no issue with that…but ask her first, yeah? I am a doctor after all son, but humans are more than that. They have feelings, they have issues, they have past, if she is here, think about what she was like back on her planet, she is missing what she had, doesn’t matter if that was something special or nothing, heck, she might have not been anyone, but even that she might miss.
Ten nodded. He hadn’t thought about that. His penis was thinking first, by the looks of the situation.
-Never forget that there is trust in any relationship, you do not have to be a couple to have some kind of relation between you, even if she just lives in your house, or you “own” her for now, you got to look deeper, - Ten smirked, his dick would be up to your cervix, cannot go deeper than that, and his father re-phrased, seeing his reaction, - Ten, you know what I mean.
-I can’t help it, - he stated,- that is all I think about, all of them are something I have never seen before, it’s like a desert I didn’t think I needed until I saw… wow!
-I believe so, you know your mom and I, that’s how I feel.
DYVLONY people were all sorts – there was not a single one that Ten would count as somewhat other-worldly, all his sexual partners were gorgeous, taking him the best ways possible, but he had not felt any attachment to any of them. It was sensual acts with no strings attached. But being with you even for a dinner time, his thoughts always travelled elsewhere.
You were sat together on their bed, while Ten’s mother combed your hair.
-He is not a bad guy, - she started a conversation, you looked up, - I don’t know what has happened, but I am sure whatever it is, you can talk it through. But first, do you know anything about me?
You nodded a “no”.
-A while ago I was out, clubbing with my friends, when I saw a girl being dragged out forcefully, she didn’t look like she was moving, and I saw that only because I went to use restroom, so, instead of getting my friends first, I headed straight into something I should not have. Hours later I found myself on spaceship, eyes wide opened, seeing outer space, solar system, until I was knocked out when transferring into another galaxy, and later, naked on a medical table.
You were shook, not knowing what to say.
-Turned out I had landed on a planet, while the other girl I tried to save, had died from the impact when we crashed. I was an alien to them, was taken to the doctor’s home, he was collecting material on me via my DNA. I was so, so shy, while he was doing his job, I had to remain without clothing. When he discovered that my body was similar to his fellow female mates, he wanted to experiment and so…
-I don’t think I want to know more, - you said in low voice, - it’s horrible.
She giggled.
-No, no, I will give you advice, - she smiled and whispered in your ear, - we are much tighter in that area than woman here, so, guess what I did?
You looked surprised. She continued to brush your hair.
-I let him sleep with me and he gave me everything, on top of that, he did not touch me if I said no, and trying for a child, even unexpectedly, was our common decision, until we married before Ten was born. Our bodies are more appealing to them than their women, and we can use that to our advantage from time to time. If you want something from my son, use your sex-appeal and body, he will be at your feet in no time.
She leaned again closer to you and whispered.
-Besides, you are where fantasies come from… - you looked at her and she wiggled her eyebrows, - and my son has been gifted very well… - It was weird listening to his mother speaking those things, but you guessed she was not wrong. Remembering how Ten had eyed you up and down, thinking you don’t notice, it was perfectly clear what his intentions were.
Soon enough you were downstairs eating hot soup together with Ten’s parents. Looking closer you saw similarities between him and his dad, and him and his mom. His charms definitely came from his mom.
What if you did use your body, until you would be ready to give it to Ten?
Later saying farewell’s, you left, going back to Ten’s house. A sudden phone call startled your calm journey, detective Ten picked up.
-Hey, tiger, - a female greeted, and Ten didn’t hesitate to answer.
-What do you want?
-Oh, is that a way to treat someone? I thought we might meet up and have a chat, - she moaned in the speaker, - have that fat cock of yours stuffed deep in…
Ten ended the conversation. You felt your face warm up but didn’t look up. You both had not spoken a word to each other.
-Don’t mind that, - Ten finally said.
-Ok, - you nodded.
Ten opened the doors for you like he usually did, locking them behind both of you.
-I will be down here, so keep upstairs will you? – he said, you nodded and left to your room.
Nothing was heard from downstairs, and you fell asleep.
Ten moved the ceiling chains, washed up, cleared table and disinfected all his toys and torture equipment. He looked at the butt plugs, taking one, he thought of how much time he would need to prep you, till you could be rewarded with one of his cocks. Assorting vibrators by speed, size and use, he also put various lubricant bottles next to them.
Giselle was on speed dial, and he was hesitating.
-Ring, rriiingggg, rrrrringggg!
-I thought you will call me back, tiger, I suppose it was not the best timing?
-No, I needed to speak with you without others listening, - Ten’s words were soft, - whatever we had going on, it’s over. I want you to respect the decision I have made.
-What? – Giselle felt angered, - who is she? Does she suck you off better than I do? Can she squirt like I do? What is it Ten?
-It is nothing like that, Giselle, you were brilliant and we had much fun, but that’s it, I hope you understand.
-No, I don’t, - she was honest, - I cannot believe you are leaving me for some other hoe!!!
-Just let go, - Ten spoke, - we were never together.
He ended the call, deleting Giselle’s number from his contact list. The same time he received a photo from Xiao Dejun. Selfie with him and Anna tangled in bedsheets, text under the picture “she is all I wanted”.
Passing by your bedroom, Ten stopped.
-You are all I want, - he whispered and went to bed himself.
-Ten, I had to show you this, - Xiao Dejuns voice echoed through his earphones, Ten was re-watching the video he had received, one hand down his trousers. Anna walked over to Dejun, while he sat on the edge of the bed. Her hands was massaging Dejuns legs through his sweats, and she continued to bite her lip, while moaning sweet nothings.
Ten rested his head against the headboard, slowly attending to his member, Anna in the video, had just pulled down Dejuns trousers, licking on his penis at no time, her hand wrapped around the base. Her pretty lips wrapped around Dejuns cock, sucking on the head, then licking it up and down.
-She’s a naughty girl, -Xiao spoke to both, Anna and Ten to hear, - aren’t you?
She just nodded and continued to suck. Ten felt the wetness from his cock onto his hand and used it as a lubrication to continue his masturbation. Going up and down, a little harsher each time, stopping in between to see the video.
Anna was wiggling her butt while lying on her stomach, and Dejuns dick was seen in the picture, she got on her knees, spreading her ass cheeks, showing herself of. Seconds later Xiao had his dick spreading Annas lower lips, sliding in her opening a little by little.
-Ugh, it’s gonna be…- Xiao swallowed, - so… so tight…
He couldn’t even formulate a sentence, and Anna continued to tease him, wiggling her booty, allowing Xiao’s member to slide deeper and faster, until it turned into a proper pounding, which Anna gracefully received.
Ten felt his balls tighten, the orgasm was near, through his earphones he heard a noise of something crashing, getting out of the bed straight away, headphones and tablet on the bed, trousers up, he was ready to search for wherever the sound came from. Mentally kicking himself, it was hella hard to put his dick in his trousers when it was like this.
-Fuck, - he swore under his breath, going through the corridor, spotting the light from kitchen. You were on your knees, picking up pieces of smashed glass, until you saw a figure approaching, nearly jumping back.
Seeing it was Ten you quicky apologized.
-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, - you said, - It’s an accident.
Somehow for whatever reason, your eyes travelled from Ten’s face to his disheveled shirt and trousers, where it was as clear to see outline of his penis as it was to know you were an alien on this planet. It was long and hard, begging for attention. You looked away, continuing to “be looking” for some glass pieces that you could have left behind unnoticed.
Ten was just standing there not saying nothing. You disposed of the glass, he still said nothing. While washing your hands, his mother’s words came back to you – use your sex appeal and he will be at your feet no time.
Harder done than said, but all or nothing, you thought to yourself.
-You need help with that? – you asked, not turning around. Ten looked at you.
-What’s that? – he asked.
-Do you need help with that…? - you turned around to point to his lower body. Ten ached a brow, there must be a catch, were you referring to his dick or were you playing him?
He stepped closer.
-What do you mean? – he asked still moving closer, and the next thing you did, surprised your inner self as much as it surprised Ten.
You grabbed his penis through his trousers. Ten nearly choked, you were kicking yourself mentally. Shit. What now?
Looking him in the eye, you moved your hand on his length a couple of times, only to reach in his pants to stroke his naked member seconds later. Ten was used to his hands doing the job, and he had no problem finding a partner either, so why was this so weird?
-I want… - you started, - I want to make a deal.
-Mmmh? – Ten questioned, your hand stroking him ‘oh so well’, if you would continue, he sure would give you everything. You got down, pushing his trousers down as you went, not far enough to see his other dick.
-You could… - you were about to strike a deal while performing a blow job, this was just ‘no’, if you would see yourself right now. Your lips licked his tip, Ten could have come right there, he waited patiently. Your mouth was wet and warm, Ten groaned from the sight and feeling, how your cave welcomed him, your tongue licking the sides of his dick, and then you started sucking. Pre cum tasted bitter on your tongue, but you managed to deepthroat him in no time, letting Ten control your movements a bit, holding on his hips, now using your mouth only. You stopped to breath in. – you could let me leave the house from time to time… for walks… maybe go to the shop… etc.?
Ten nodded. He definitely was not thinking straight.
You took one of his hands and put it at the back of your head, taking him back into your mouth, letting him finish. Ten’s hand grasped a handful of your hair as he fucked your mouth mercilessly, quiet moans (but still moans) left his mouth, until he stilled, hot liquid filled your throat and mouth, all you could do was swallow. Coming down from his high, Ten noticed how your nipples were pressing though the fabric of your pajama shirt, so you were enjoying it. His charms were working.
Ten didn’t let you say or do anything, pulling you up quickly, just to push you closer to living room where the sofa was. Not saying a word, he pulled your pants down together with your underwear. Staying on the floor, Ten made you sit on the sofa, spreading your legs opened for his hungry gaze. You sat back up to say something.
-Shh, - he whispered, - I won’t do anything to hurt you, let me take care of you, - you nodded. Kissing the inside of your thigh, he let you put your guard down and relax a bit. You hadn’t shaved, but he didn’t seem to care either. To test the waters, Ten slid his tongue through your pussy lips lapping up all the nectar that had gathered there, moaning at the taste, diving back in, grabbing onto your hip, pulling you to him. He watched you through his eyebrows. He looked hungry to say the least.
This was the first time someone performed oral sex on you. Your hand went down to play with Ten’s hair, but he grabbed it before you could reach him. He moved your fingers to your clitoris, pressing onto it, your nerves coming alive, his hand together with yours circling your nerve bundle, his tongue sliding in your vagina, with a couple more thrusts you came, a powerful orgasm (which you were sure had never reached before) making you close your eyes, as Ten still was licking you up and your bound hands continued assault on your clit. All of the sudden there was something else, a new sensation, your eyes shot opened straight away. Ten watched your reaction. One of his fingers was massaging the tight rim of your ass, his lips came back to latch onto your clitoris, the feeling nearly making you lunge forward. His finger was now the first knuckle deep between your butt cheeks.
It was as scary as it was exciting. Your body grew used to it, and then Ten would push his finger deeper, penetrating you slowly and then faster, stretching you out, your legs were near to giving up on you, your sticky substance providing Ten’s fingers with more lubrication. It went from one finger to two. Another orgasm going through you in vibrations, only then Ten let go of your clitoris, licking up last time, you shying away from his touch, as it was too much. His fingers were still in your other entrance moving in and out, your vagina convulsing around nothing.
There was a sound of silence. Only the clock announcing it’s 1AM. You looked at him, and Ten back at you. He smiled.
He freaking smiled!!!
Only then his other hand left your other entrance, now resting on your legs. His other hand was touching your hip tenderly. A long pause of silence in between the silence.
-I want you, - Ten spoke, - I want to do so much to you… and I won’t hide it. I want to fuck you so badly you won’t be able to walk for days…
You silenced him leaning in and smashing your lips onto his. Your hands holding on his shoulders, your tongue tasting yourself on his lips. The kiss was gentle, you were exploring each other’s mouths, Ten was standing up from the floor, taking you with him. Your legs around his lower back, as he carried you to his room.
This would be the first time he would make love to someone on his bed/ in his bedroom.
Once on top of the bed, Ten took of his sweats, revealing his other counterpart, your eyes widened. How was that even possible? Ten pulled up your shirt, throwing it somewhere kissing your chest with chaste kisses, sucking on your nipples for a short period of time, discarding his own shirt next. His body was lean, no abs, but inviting, with a tattoo decorating his chest and you licked it, swirling your tongue around his left nipple.
He laid you down, disposing of whatever was left on his bed, and it landed with a thud, his body finding it’s way between your legs, a trail of kisses left all over your body, your hands in his hair, no restrictions this time.
Ten reached your lips, an eye contact was made, and he whispered.
-Which one? – you didn’t understand at first, but he grabbed your wrist, and you were soon touching his cocks. – this one?
He let you touch it briefly before moving onto his other dick.
-Or perhaps this one? – the same pattern of you touching him happened again, and you were confused. It was clear that one of them was thicker, but the other was longer, and you didn’t know which one to choose. Ten kissed your lips seeing your hesitation. – are you worried?
He asked, and you nodded. The stretch will definitely hurt, you were sure of it, so you chose randomly. Little did you know, that the one you chose was the longer one. Ten fondled with your breasts, while kissing you, slowly moving his hand down, to position himself at your entrance. He was holding his breath when he slid inside an inch, and you gasped at the intrusion, spreading your legs to make more room, he looked down, pushing in a bit more then looking up at your scrunched face.
-Just a bit more, - he said quietly, tenderly stroking your hips and your waist, your sides and back down, sliding in a bit more every time. Kisses reached your lips again, he tasted blood from them, it was clear that he had hurt you a bit, but he would make up to it.
-I am going to move now, - he spoke softly, you nodded. Ten pulled out almost all the way just to thrust back in, earning a whelp from you, shallow thrusts were changed for deeper ones, as he studied your features and body language to what you enjoyed more. Once he discovered that longer/deeper thrusts make you arch your back from the bed, he would suck on your nipples and penetrate you like that just to hear the volume of your moans. Your body was like a violin he enjoyed playing.
Ten felt the pressure coming in slow waves of pleasure, he needs you to come first, your hands leaving scratch marks on his back as a proof, that you needed the orgasm as much as he does. He changed the tempo. Shallow thrusts, faster tempo, quick kisses on your lips, quiet whispers in your ears.
-Will you come for me, - he questioned, you could not answer with words, so you nodded.
-More, - you whispered, - more Ten, give me more…
Wet squelching sounds echoed in the room, your essence dripping on the sheets, thrust after a thrust, Ten was providing you generously, his hand coming between your bodies to give you that one last push, when he circled your clit, your core clenched furiously straight away, and you screamed, reaching your high, grabbing onto Ten.
His thrusts became faster only to go slower when he came after you, your core milking him for all he’s worth, his cum dripping from your entrance. Pulling out he leaned in.
-Hold on for me a bit more, - a quiet whisper reached you. His other cock was being pushed inside of you as you nearly cried out. It stretched you a lot more than the first one. You had never felt fuller of something, like in that moment.
Your muscles kept on clenching around his other member, the sliding in and out was making your head spin, you felt like you were about to burst.
-Ten…. Ten… - his name was the only thing on your lips, - Ten… I can’t….
You begged.
Your erratic moans and pained whispers were edging Ten towards another orgasm of his own. He kissed you as he stilled inside you and came, quickly rushing his thrusts to not to hurt you, when your body started to convulse again, trapping Ten’s cock in a vice like grip, Ten thrusted forcefully a couple more times, and when the pressure felt too much, he pulled out only to witness a clear fluid squirt on his lower abdomen, your body going limp in the process.
He placed you on the pillows carefully, cleaned you up, got a glass of juice, waking you up with soft touches.
-Hey, - he greeted giving you a sip.
-Hi, - you said back.
-How are you feeling? – Ten asked, you reached for him and kissed his lips. – I see.
He giggled, earning a laugh from you, he looked at you again, kissing your lips.
-About your request about going out… - he started, - you think after this you are leaving the bed?
You smacked his shoulder playfully.
-Come here, - he smiled pulling you closer to him. Maybe staying on this planet won’t be as bad as you thought it will be. - DYVLONY is now home… will you stay with me?
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worldwidebt7 · 6 years
“Turned Around”
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》Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
》Genre(s): [Fluff] [Reality] [Slow-Burn] [OneShot]
》 Words: 10,914 
》Rating: T
》 Warnings: Language
》 A/N: Is it...? No, it can’t be... BUT IT IS! Finally, the long-awaited “Turned Around” has been completed! At first I really wasn’t sure how on earth I was going to finish this one. I struggled so much with it. But I was struck by a great deal of motivation to write today and so I buckled down and finished it-- I’m actually pretty pleased with it as well, even if it was supposed to be shorter than it turned out to be. I hope you’ll enjoy!!
[Summary] The work you did for the magazine production company you were employed by often had you running circles about the building to please them. However, during one such time, you are surprised to find a very handsome, very lost-looking Korean idol wandering about…
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Today was not your day by any means— not that any day was your day per se, but you were having an awful run of bad luck since this morning in particular. You had somehow managed to burn your breakfast of oatmeal in the microwave and your coffee maker decided it was going to clog and effectively get coffee all over your tiny kitchen. Then, probably worst of all, you had forgotten your headphones in your mad rush to clean the kitchen and make it to your bus on time, leaving you without your beloved music. So, instead of listening to the beautiful voices of your Korean artists, you were forced to bear through the muffled sound of the bus radio and the symphonies of coughing and chatter created by the other patrons on the bus.
Yes, you enjoyed K-pop. More than you enjoyed any other type of music in fact. Those around you thought it was strange because how could you like music when you couldn’t understand what they were saying? In moments like these you would swiftly turn on ‘Despacito,’ and most would simply look at you and walk away, knowing you had won the argument. It was beyond you why others had to decide whether or not your musical taste was normal or not. It made you happy, and that’s all that should matter. But today you had been stripped of this happiness due to the treacherous betrayal of your coffee maker.
So, when you got to work, on time somehow, you were already on edge as you approached your cubicle. Of course, you shouldn’t have been surprised to find papers, packets, and folders scattered on your desk from the late-night workers the night before waiting to be copied or reviewed. You had simply glared at it for a few moments, wondering if the life of an intern at a magazine publisher was for you. Still, you sighed and picked up the projects that needed to be photocopied, knowing that those would need to be passed out first.
You loved writing, which is how up ended up here, working for the EnCeleb Magazine in Los Angeles as an intern. It was mostly to get some experience so you’d have a better chance at getting hired somewhere you were really interested in, but the month you had been working here was slowly making you realize that perhaps you should think of another career path. You hadn’t done much of any writing; you mostly got coffee for the editors, made copies, and ran random errands for whoever needed something done. It wasn’t exactly your dream job, but you were determined to make it at least a year here in hopes that it would lead to better opportunities in the future.
And that’s how you got into the situation you were in now, aggressively smashing buttons on the ancient copier your company refused to replace because ‘it still worked.’ It took every ounce of restraint in you not to begin screaming at the cursed piece of machinery when it suddenly decided to start spitting out pieces of paper that were covered in black smudges instead of words. You punched the ‘cancel’ button and gathered up all the originals, giving the copier a kick for good measure, before wandering down the hall to the staircase in the back of the building that no one but you seemed to use. It seemed you would need to find another copier to complete your morning tasks.
You threw the door open in an over dramatic fashion, ready to scream your frustrations to the empty stairwell, only, you quickly noticed that it wasn’t empty. And the person standing on the stairs peering down at you was not at all a person you expected to find. Your eyes were surly playing tricks on you, right? There was no way… But that was a face that you would recognize anywhere. It was hard not to recognize when it was all over the television and internet like a beautiful virus. Not to mention it was a face that you had seen mature handsomely over the years, being the ever-vigilant fan that you were.
Still, there was no way that it was Jeon Jungkook staring down at you with startled doe eyes. Slowly, the door you had kicked open began to slowly close, and you let it as you were in an equal state of shock. It had clicked closed mere centimeters away from your nose and you stared at the metal blankly.
What had you just seen…? Slowly, you opened the door again, clasping the papers to your chest with one hand tightly to try and calm your nerves. It did little to help as you could feel the erratic beating of your heart through your entire body, causing you to shake as if you were sanding in an ice-box. You stuck your head in first, peeking around the door as if checking to see if there were something on the other side aiming to murder you— which, you supposed, wasn’t totally wrong, because your heart threatened to stop when your suspicions were confirmed.
Dark hair, round chocolate eyes, sharp jawline; sweet Jesus, it was him. You were tempted to run in the other direction, but he had already seen you twice and surly knew that you had intent on taking the stairs at this point. To flee now would only serve to hurt your pride even more. Therefore, with all the courage you had, you stepped into the stairwell, looking at the ground in hope that not looking at his perfection would help to slow your crazed heartbeat. It did not. You glanced up, noticing that he hadn’t moved from the spot you originally spotted him in. He wasn’t looking at you either, his eyes fixed on something he must have found very interesting on the ground.
Well this was awkward. Your own ineptness aside, his silence only served to freak you out even more, and when you got freaked out—
“Hello— sorry, I scared you right? I didn’t know anyone would be in here, let alone you— I mean, not that you being here is a bad thing I just— what are you doing here anyway?” you rambled, unable to contain your need to fill the stagnant air around you. As you progressed, you only saw the panic that he had been able to keep exclusively in his eyes spread to the rest of his features. Oh God, you’ve freaked him out now and you are, at present, resolved to staring at each other with equally rattled faces.
Even with a look of alarm on his face, you had never seen someone so beautiful before in your life. Hell, even his terror was good-looking and how he managed that was beyond you. To have him standing so close to you in such a casual setting was as shocking as it was exciting. How was it that you hadn’t heard about BTS coming to the magazine’s studio? They were one of the biggest celebrities in the world, not to mention your favorite Korean idol group— you were almost ashamed at how uninformed you were.
Past the strained attempt to hold a dialogue, you also noticed that, if he was here for an interview or photoshoot, he was on the wrong floor in the wrong part of the building. How on earth did he end up here? You cleared your throat and prepared yourself to attempt communication again, this time remembering to speak slowly and clearly as if talking to a cornered animal.
“So…” you started, softening your tone as to not frighten him again. “…do you… need help?” You cleared your throat as your voice cracked a bit, still a bit too in shock to be completely calm. No one could blame— it wasn’t just a regular person standing in front of you, it was Jeon Jungkook of BTS. Any kpop fan in their right mind would be awed with the Golden Maknae mere feet away, and with him looking as fine as he did at this moment in his fitted black pants and casual, but surely pricey, light blue button-up, you’d be the first to admit that you were more than star-struck.
At the sound of your calmed voice, his eyes flicked up to look at you briefly before looking back at the ground again, seemingly unsure of his answer. It was only after a quick nod of his head that you were able to breathe, finally able to get some sort of response from him other than freezing up like a rabbit.
“Are you, um… are you lost?” You ask, starting to cool down as you began realizing that the boy may actually need your assistance. You patiently waited for him to decide his answer again, receiving another curt nod when he finally did. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear nervously, slightly bobbing your head in understanding. “Okay…” You started, drawing out the word as you deliberated a bit. So, he was lost— Now it was just a question on where he was going, or rather, trying to go. You stared at him, your brows furrowed with thought, and he stared back, finally looking a little less startled. “Do you know where you’re supposed to be?” He gave you a perplexed face and you could see his mind working within his expressive eyes and, God, you thought you could just drown in those eyes. You decided to rephrase the question; “What are you here to do?” That seemed to click, and his face brightened as he answered, even if he did sound a little unsure of himself.
“Ah, photo— photoshoot,” His hands shifted a bit until they were subtly gesturing as if he were holding a camera and snapping pictures with it. It was your turn to perk up, knowing now that he indeed needed to be in the studio, and, luckily for you, they department in charge of the visuals of the magazine had the best printer/copier in the company. You could easily kill two birds with one stone, if you didn’t die from a heart attack yourself first and the next thing you suggested was sure to do just that:
“I can, um… take you… to the studio.” You pointed at the stairs leading downwards, you hand slightly shaking from your body’s acute awareness of the beautiful idol standing within arm’s reach. And it was just the two of you in the stairwell, probably for the best because had anyone been there, they would have surly laughed at your obvious discomfort and his apparent panic.
Another nod of his head assured you that he would follow and you began to descend the stairs, your heels clicking loudly in the otherwise silent stairwell until the sounds of his footsteps echoed behind you as well. They were light and uncertain; you didn’t blame him for not being comfortable around you— your actions had made it pretty clear that you knew who he was. So, in his mind, he was not following not just a stranger, but a fan also, into the depths of an unfamiliar building. If that didn’t scream ‘I’m going to kidnap you’ then you weren’t sure what would. You weren’t though— going to kidnap him that is— you really were just trying to help, even if your mind was coming up with absurd scenarios of him spinning you suddenly and pressing his lips to yours. These imaginations were wildly unhelpful in your attempts to calm yourself.
You peeked back at him, not being able to resist looking at his perfectly built form. You found him still shyly gazing at the ground, watching your feet descend the linoleum-covered stairs. You still couldn’t believe that you were showing Jeon Jungkook back to the studio where, you assumed, the rest of the members waited for him. But still…
“M-my name is Y/N by the way…” Was there really a need to introduce yourself? You were sure he didn’t actually care what your name was, but you hoped that giving him your name would put him at ease somehow— as if him knowing your name somehow negated the fact that you were leading him down the stairs of an empty stairwell to the basement of a foreign building that he had already gotten himself lost in once. Yup, giving him your name definitely made you seem like less of a kidnapper. “H-how did you get all the way up here?” You asked, curious as to how the idol had gotten himself so lost. You were no longer peering back at him, but you could assume that he had stiffened a bit at the sound of your voice. He was so timid— how on earth had he survived as a celebrity all this time? “You’re pretty far from the studio…”
There was a pregnant pause as he tried to determine an answer to your question, which you hoped he understood. You guessed that’s why he seemed particularly uncomfortable; you didn’t speak Korean, and he wasn’t fluent in English. While you knew he could speak it from what you’ve seen in interviews, you assumed most of the time he had some time to prepare and study his answers to the questions. So, you weren’t entirely sure how much he actually understood, which would make it difficult to communicate without a doubt.
“I…” He started, and your breath caught in your throat. Holy crap— you almost hadn’t expected him to respond seeing how nervous he was, so the sound of his voice certainly caught you off guard. “Ah, bathroom was… broken…” His voice was as soft and uncertain as his footsteps and you knew that he hadn’t torn his eyes from the floor. You wanted to giggle at the intense cuteness of his voice, but you resisted and cleared your throat to make sure the urge was completely suppressed.
“Ah, that’s right… they’re re-doing the studio bathroom…” You nodded in understanding. You could only assume that with the bathroom broken, the Maknae had to use the restroom on a different floor and, being unfamiliar with the building, got turned around.
As you reached the basement-level, you turned to face him to make sure he was doing alright. As much as you were fangirl-ing on the inside, you were still aware that this was probably stressful for the boy. You smiled warmly at him when his eyes locked with yours, finally looking up from his feet. When he returned the gesture with a tentative smile of his own, you nodded and turned away from him, releasing a heavy breath in an attempt to contain your reaction to seeing the little smile pressed on his lips. You opened the door leading out of the stairwell and took a step back, holding it open for him. He stood, looking rather confused for a moment, before giving a brief bow of thanks and quickly scurried through the door. You bit your lip just in time to swallow a squeal.
You followed him through and barely saw that he had stopped just on the other side of the door in time to avoid crashing into him, coming to a halt abruptly. You hadn’t, however, taken into account that the door was shutting behind you and before you could process what was happening, the heavy door swung closed, hitting your back and jerking you forward ungracefully.
It happened quicker than you could follow— your body lurched forward, causing a surprised gasp to leave both of your lips as you stumbled forward into his solid form. All the papers you had been carrying scattered almost immediately on contact as you dried to brace yourself on his arm that had outstretched to assist you. For a long moment, you could only stare at the fallen white rectangles, too afraid to move.
You could die right there on the spot— from happiness or embarrassment, you were unsure, but death was imminent one way or another. You felt the strength of his large hand has it gripped your upper arm to steady you and the warmth of his form that was honestly too near as you mused on how bursting into flames seemed to be a fitting death. You swallowed, daring to look up at him in such close proximity.
He was clearly as uncomfortable as you were, looking away from you with his entire head turned in the opposite direction, a distinct red tint covering the entirety of his face. Oh, good, it couldn’t get any more awkward than this. Only, this was you, and things could always get more awkward. As if your body was too embarrassed to carry on, it began to slowly slide away from his grip and towards the floor. You had turned your face away from his and now stared at nothingness in front of you, absolutely petrified. Your knees touch the floor when he finally let you go and took a large step away from your form that was currently trying to curl in on itself against your better judgment.
“S-sorry— ah, and th… thank you…” You whispered out, and as you were gazing out at the papers scattered on the floor, you didn’t see the quick nod of his head in acknowledgment of your statement. As mortified as you were, you couldn’t help but notice two things: First, the man smelled amazing, but it was a much more delicate scent than you would have previously imagined. Somehow you always thought he would have a headier, musky scent; something manly and earthy, but it was warm, and sweet, and you supposed it suited him well considering his pretty face.
The second thing you noticed was that despite the fact that you could feel the taunt strength his lithe body held he was entirely gentle with you. As if he were afraid to break you or overstep the boundaries between a man and a woman. It was endearing and also, strangely, tremendously attractive. You could feel your pulse wrack through your body as if a rave was taking place in your chest— oh, you had to get your heart in check. You had already managed to mortify the boy beyond mending, if you continued to let your emotions get the better of you, he’d soon be fleeing from your sight; no doubt getting himself lost again on the process.
So, you steeled your nerves and went about picking up the papers you had thrown over the hall floor, trying to distract yourself. It, to some degree, worked, seeing as how you were becoming mildly irritated knowing that you would have to spend a lengthy amount of time reorganizing each piece of paper. You were, however, startled when a large hand appeared in your line of sight, carefully taking a few pieces of parchment from the ground. You snapped your head to the right to see the young man slowly picking up paper, as if any quick movements would cause you to flee or, worse, attack him. You smiled gently at him, hoping to bring him back to a partial level of calm.
“Thank you,” you spoke softly, as you would to an injured animal you were meeting for the first time. His eyes snapped up to yours only for a split second before he went back to peering down at the scattered mess on the floor, nodding at you. ‘Ah, he’s still so quiet…’ You looked away, feeling guilty at the way you had been behaving. You were a spazz; you couldn’t really help it. But you were still able to acknowledge the fact that you had not made it easy for the boy to relax with you. You sighed, “I’m sorry…” your voice came out in a quiet breath. “I, uh… I don’t mean to make you nervous…” His movements had halted and you peeked over at him to see that he had locked his eyes onto you, wide and concerned. “I’m sorry that I’ve made you… uncomfortable…?” You tried rephrasing your apology, and even if he didn’t understand every word, he seemed to understand your intent, finally giving you an awkward smile and he waved his free hand in front of him.
“Ah, no, I…” He paused and looked away from you, his tongue flicking out over his bottom lip as he continued to smile shyly. “…I am… my English is… bad…” He ran his hand over the back of his neck, letting out a breathy chuckle. The lovely sound rang in your ears and you found yourself smiling back at him. You wondered what it would be like to hear his true laugh in person— the one where he throws his head back and plants a few hard smacks to his knee or, for the member unfortunate enough to sit near him, someone else.
“Your English sounds good to me.” You said, shrugging a bit before going back to picking up the scattered documents you had been meant to copy. You didn’t see one corner of his lips twitch up fractionally as he too began picking up the parchments once more. There was silence again, only, this time, it was comfortable— an easy hush between two strangers who were wordlessly trying to become accustomed to each other’s presence.
He was very different from how he seemed on stage— you had been lucky enough to get nose-bleed seats at the American Music Awards where they performed ‘DNA’ for hundreds of unknowing live audiences and thousands more through the broadcast. It was the best night of your life; you had been so proud to be an ARMY, and you felt strong next to your fellow fans. To say that the boys had dominated the stage would be an understatement— they made that stage their bitch. But, one member stood out from the rest; powerful, demanding attention, and radiating a confidence so strong that it electrified the air and suffocated you with sensuality. However, having that very member crouched next to you picking up papers in the hallway would make you second-guess that this was the same man who could’ve killed you with a glance.
The energy he was emitting now was so soft, almost timid and uncertain. But as much as he seemed unsure of the situation, unsure of you, he was still sure of himself. The way he carried himself was enough to tell you that, as even his shy footsteps were planted firmly in front of him. He knows who he is, what he is, and the air around him seemed to glow. He truly was something else— completely otherworldly.
Finally, the two of you had finished gathering each piece and you stood, Jungkook following suit quickly. He handed you the stack that he had neatly collected with an abashed look when you thanked him softly. He retracted his hand quickly to nervously rub his palm against the fabric of his pants and you smiled— you weren’t sure which version of Jungkook you preferred, but both pulled at the strings of your heart, so you honestly couldn’t say that one was lesser than the other. You shuffled the papers in your arms a bit, trying to align them, before looking at the singer once more.
“The studio is down this way,” you said, but you assumed that he had figured that out on his own by now. Honestly, he could probably find his own way at this point, but you would do anything to spend another few moments in the company of this Golden Boy, if for no other reason than to bask in the feeling of being surrounded by his amazing aura. God— did he know what kind of effect he had on people? What kind of presence he had? Surly he had to after the years of screaming girls and love letters.
You began leading him down a narrow hallway, cold, and devoid of decoration. There were doors places sparsely along the left wall, the right holding but one, at the very end. This was your destination— the entrance to the photography studio. You grew increasingly sorrowful as you neared the door, and you could faintly hear muffled voices bouncing off the walls in the quiet hall. Something told you that the voices belonged to the other BTS members and staff, and when you heard the slightly raised, yet distinctive voice of none other than Park Jimin. Suddenly, you were six times more nervous than you had been before with just Jungkook walking two steps behind you the last five minutes.
You hadn’t realized that your steps had reduced in speed until you saw the maknae’s form appear in your peripherals and you quickly looked up at him. He looked down at you, vague concern in his eyes as he seemed unsure as to why you had slowed. You awkwardly smiled at him, re-positioning the papers in your arms. He glanced at the door, then back at you before pointing at his destination.
“…Here…?” The word would have been less like a question and more like a statement if he had said it with more confidence, but you could tell that English was not something he was entirely comfortable with. Or, perhaps, it was you that he wasn’t entirely comfortable with? You nodded, taking the last few strides towards the door and reaching for the handle with shaky hands. You could’ve just let him open the door on his own; there really wasn’t any need to step through the doorway yourself. But, of course, you were mid-stride into the next room by the time you thought of this, making you almost want to literally throw the door open and hope that he slides his way in fast enough as to not get hit by the heavy door. It was too late for that now, though, your body crossing the threshold into the studio where you then stood with the door resting on your back, holding it open so that Jungkook could also step inside.
You expected it to be noisy— there were quite a few people in here preparing the boys for what you assumed was a photoshoot for the article being written about them in the magazine. The magazine staff hovered about the equipment, trying to look busy while stylists attended the six, now entering seven, members. You figured no one would notice your entry, but it seems that they were anticipating the arrival of the youngest, so, in the moment the door opened, the activity ceased immediately and all eyes turned towards the door.
Like a mannequin, you stood stiffly and silently, wide eyes scanning the room— or, more correctly, scanning the six other members’ faces. At first, the had turned towards the door expectantly, but their faces dropped to something akin to disappointment or frustration when they didn’t immediately see their missing brother. Thankfully, said boy was two steps behind you and passed through the door, cringing a bot when he noticed that all eyes were on him. At that’s when time began to move again, at the entrance of a boy.
Makeup artists and lighting crew immediately returned to their work, coloring lips and adjusting screens. Among them, the members reanimated as well, some of them huffing a bit in a way that said ‘finally,’ and others took this opportunity to speak up, which jolted your nerves even further, as if you hadn’t expected it. Why, you weren’t sure; perhaps because you were still recovering from spending so much alone time with the quiet Jungkook, that hearing the others speak so freely was jarring to your senses.
“정국아— 어디에 있었어?” You recognized that voice as Jin’s the moment he spoke Jungkook’s name. Your eyes flickered around the room until you caught sight of him lounging in a chair with a stylist adjusting his hair. His head was turned towards the younger boy, and while his face read as serious, something about the tone of his voice left you feeling as if there was a bit of a teasing. The youngest rubbed the back of his neck and, even though you could no longer see his face as he had fully stepped into the room at this point, you could hear the slightly embarrassed smile that was more than likely gracing his features.
“길을 잃었습니다.” Oh, so that’s what he sounded like when he was speaking comfortably. You only just caught yourself staring at the back of his head in wonder when you heard his voice— you didn’t know what he was saying, and it wasn’t even the first time you heard him speak, but somehow his voice sounded entirely new when speaking in his native tongue. You averted your eyes to the ground, hopefully before anyone noticed that you were staring, though it would seem that your presence there had been over-looked since your initial entry so you stayed quiet.
There were some teasing chuckles, most notably from Jimin who then strode over to Jungkook and slung an arm around his shoulders, muttering something in Korean that was probably poking fun at the younger idol if Jimin’s smirk was anything to go by. It is at this moment that you realize that you’re still standing there, holding the door open for no one at this point. You should leave, make the copies of the papers that you had thrown about in the hall not but minutes earlier. The urge to say goodbye to the idol you had spent a short time with kept you in place for a moment longer, staring longingly at his retreating form. But he never turned back to face you and now had a stylist applying a soft layer of makeup to his forehead. You sighed, finally deciding to uproot from your spot at the door, switching the papers from one arm to the other to more easily handle the door.
“Ah, good, is everyone h— can I help you?” The voice was male, definitely American, and most certainly being directed towards you. Again, you froze, and for a split second you thought to just walk out without acknowledging the fact that you had been spoken to. Of course, you moved back into the room to politely answer the man who had addressed you, but you weren’t expecting the irritated look scrunching up the features of his face. Taken aback by the undeserved anger directed towards you, you opened your mouth to answer, but were interrupted when he let out an exasperated groan. “Look, you’re obviously not from this department, and I don’t know how you found out that they,” you assumed he was talking about BTS by the way he shifted to gesture with his entire body towards the group, “were down here, but you really should have more respect than to stalk them while they’re doing a private shoot.” The entire room was silent again, and you could feel everyone’s eyes on you.
Oh God this was embarrassing— this man was calling you out for stalking the biggest kpop group in the world right in front of them, and wrongly, may you add. You were stalking no one, and, yes, while you were a fan, barging in on their photoshoot was not something you would have done even if you had known they were in the building. You felt you face heat up as you began to sweat and pressure began to build behind your eyes. No. You were not going to cry. Not in front of them. Not after this man had basically called you a saesang more or less. So, you swallowed the lump in your throat, and only dared to glance at the youngest member, who was staring at you with his large doe eyes. You weren’t sure why you looked at him, though your entire body was screaming for him to save you for a second time today. When all he did was simply look at you, not that you could have expected much else from him honestly, you composed yourself enough to look back at the angry man, who, you assumed, was the shoot director.
“Sorry,” you said meekly before slipping out the door, and it’s only when you hear it shut heavily behind you, the sound echoing in the empty hall, that you are able to breathe. You paused to gather your bearings— why hadn’t you stood up for yourself? You could have easily decimated that rude man with your words alone, but the way they had all been looking at you… the way that Jungkook had been looking at you… you felt pathetic and small. You had only been yelled at like that once before, when you had mistakenly ordered 500 boxes of paperclips, rather than a singular box of 500.
Giving a heavy exhale after a sniffle, you trekked forward, back down the long hallway to the stairwell where you had originally bumped into the Korean vocalist. You pulled open the heavy door and began ascending the stairs without another glance behind you. However, if you had wavered for a moment longer, had taken that last glance behind you, you may have noticed that the shoot director that had been so irate at you earlier had opened the door to the studio to see if you were still there. And if you had seen that, maybe you would have seen the round brown eyes and head of dark hair that had been peeking over his shoulder to check if you were still there too.
For the rest of the morning you wallowed in your misery. First, you had made Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of BTS, scared and uncomfortable, even fell into him, and then somehow managed to get yelled at and called a stalker in front of not just him, but the entire group. And instead of sticking up for yourself like you would have done any other time, you ran. Not to mention you spent an hour reorganizing all of the papers you had dropped when so carelessly let the stairwell door throw you into the arms of the youngest member himself. Today was a loss. You give up. What could have been the best day of your life— meeting a member of your favorite idol group and then having an opportunity to see the rest of them in close proximity— has turned into the worst day in your existence. Death, surely, would have been a blessing at this point. At least then you wouldn’t feel so embarrassed, and insignificant, and just plain miserable.
Your coworkers made comments about the look of defeat you wore all day, and you hadn’t the energy to even glare at them. The only glimmer of hope you had to keep you going after the entire fiasco was that, just maybe, they hadn’t understood what the director, Mr. Kline, as you had learned later after divulging a fraction of your experience in the basement to your cohorts, had said to you in the heated moment. Of course, you knew Namjoon was fluent in English, but hopefully he had enough grace not gossip about it, for your sake that is.
That being said, you couldn’t get the last look that the youngest singer had given you. He looked so shocked, afraid even. You weren’t sure if it was just because there were raised voices, but a little part of you imagined that it was because those raised voices were directed at you. Ah, there you go, fantasizing as if the ten minutes you had spent with the boy actually meant something to him. If anything, he was probably relieved to see you leave considering the moment he had entered the room his back was towards you and only when you were being called out did he look at you again. You sighed, inelegantly placing your head on your desk with a loud ‘thud.’ You wished you could actually die from embarrassment— anything to end this suffering.
“Y/N?” You heard your name being called and you turned your head to look at one of your fellow interns, not bothering to sit up from your hunched position over your desk. She blinked at you, seemingly surprised at the state you’re in. “Are you feeling alright?” She asked, and you could tell that she was genuinely concerned. You sighed again.
“Yes, just trying to forget that this entire day ever happened…” you mumble and close your eyes, hoping that she’ll catch the hint and leave you alone. You hear her hum with thoughtfulness before the sound of her clearing her throat makes you peer up at her again.
“Uh, then…” she looks hesitant to continue, and you can already feel the oncoming train about to wreck the rest of your day. “…I’m really sorry about this, but Mr. Kline’s assistant came looking for you earlier when you when you were away from your desk and asked me to send you down to the studio the next time I saw you, so…” She trailed off, shifting on her feet awkwardly, knowing about your little experience with Mr. Kline earlier that day. You stared at her blankly for a moment before rolling your head away from her with a distraught groan. You say up and looked at her with pleading eyes.
“Now?” You asked, hoping that you could somehow get away with not running into BTS again. She smiled at you apologetically, and you knew then that you had apparently been gifted with only bad luck today. You let out a choked whine as you flung your head back dramatically before standing, your shoulders wilted from the weight of the events of today. “Fine.” You only took two steps from your desk before your coworker spoke again, with an even more apologetic voice.
“Um…” You halted and stared at her, your eyes wide in disbelief. There was more?! How could there be more?! If you weren’t so drained you would have been fuming— but seeing as you were just that, exhausted beyond a doubt, you merely stood there in anticipation to yet another train coming to collide with your already devastated soul. “H-he also said that… that they ordered lunch for everyone… and that since you’ll already be on your way down…” She didn’t need to finish; you knew what they were asking of you. ‘Go to the main lobby, sign off for the order, and bring it down.’ You had half a mind to take the lunch and flee the building, never to return. But the thought of those seven innocent boys and their staff starving left you grumbling as you made your way to the elevators to pick up the food from the front desk.
Seven boxes. Eight pieces per box. Fifty-six pieces in total.
And one little ol’ you trying not to drop them or run into any walls with your vision as eclipsed as it was. You wanted to kill them; Mr. Kline, his assistant, the pizza boy who had abandoned you with the surplus amount of pizza, the receptionists who merely giggled at your misfortune and offered no help. All of them were now on your hit list. You seethed as you rode the elevator down to the basement floor, your energy coming back two-fold through the strength of wrath alone. The elevator dinged as the doors opened, and, thankfully, the doors leading into the studio from the room that held the elevators had already been propped open, most likely in preparation for the arrival of—
“FOOD!” The shout alone made you jump, it had been much nearer to you than you had expected. But the secondary surprise came from recognition of that voice. It was masculine, yet soft, even if the particular inclination at the moment of the bellowed word came off as rather goofy. You let out an airy chuckle to yourself; you could only imagine the excitement written over Jungkook’s face at the arrival of—
The pizza boxes suddenly became lighter, and you realized that four of the boxes had been lifted from the pile. You beheld your savior with a smile as your vision became un-obscured, only for it to fall from your face and be replaced with a look of shock. Oh. Of course it’d be him. Though, at the moment he seems too transfixed on the food to realize that you’re holding the other three boxes. Or maybe he doesn’t recognize you? Ouch. That would be the finishing blow to your ego after how today has went. Still, you muster up enough courage to smile and verbalize your appreciation.
“Thank you,” You mutter, hoping that he can hear you over the commotion that had erupted after Jungkook’s declaration of your arrival with their lunch. Everyone seemed more than a little enthusiastic at the notion of food, not that you could blame them— it had probably been a long morning for them, and you had a sneaking suspicion that half of them hadn’t eaten anything yet today. But you had apparently spoken loud enough because he turned to you and, upon meeting your gaze, straightens, his body stiffening in either surprise or discomfort or both. You notice immediately when his eyes widen and you smile at him apologetically before moving your own away from his face. You turn slightly and move towards a table that’s set up against one of the walls in the large room and place the three pizzas you still currently had on it. Then, as if suddenly remembering that there were four more pizzas that the idol had taken from you, you turned around to retrieve them, only to find that he had followed behind you and was not placing them beside the others. 
You tried not to openly gape at his profile as he situated the food, but to be able to study his face like this, with all of the small imperfections that made up his entirely perfect face��� and then, for the first time, he turned to look at you, initiating eye contact, and smiled. A genuine, pure, beautiful smile. Your heart nearly leapt from your chest. Now, you couldn’t be sure what exactly he was smiling about— it could’ve been for the damn pizza for all you knew— but just the fact that it was directed towards you made your knees go weak. Never, in a million years, had you expected to see that brilliant bunny smile, right in front of you, shining for you.
“Thank you,” You said again, unsure of what else to reply with at the moment as your mind was wiped clean of any intelligent responses from the blinding boy in front of you. He looked down at his feet shyly, though still smiling, and gave a curt nod. You followed suit, blushing and turning your gaze towards the ground with an ear-to-ear smile that almost hurt your cheeks.
And then in a swift second the moment was gone, as the other members and staff began migrating in your direction, clearly being drawn in by the scent of pizza that was quickly filling the large space. You backed away from the table, allowing everyone else access to the food, and Jungkook’s head snaps up to look at you, almost as if he had something to say. You raise your eyebrows and smile, gesturing to the boxes upon boxes of cheesy-saucy-bready-goodness that you were sure he was dying to tear into. But his gaze on you is only broken when Taehyung wanders over and nearly pushes him out of the way to get to the food with one of his signature boxy grins. You release a quiet laugh at the interaction, specifically the alarmed expression that had overcome the younger singer.
With most of the people in the room now distracted with slices of pepperoni and mushroom, you remember that you were instructed to get the food because you were already called down here for another matter. A matter which still eludes your understanding. What on earth were you doing down here, and why had Mr. Kline’s assistant asked for you? You looked around for the angry man, finding him already approaching you with a plate of pizza already filled. He still looked stern, but no longer angry, for which you were grateful. But you were also on high alert; the anger that you had seen earlier also came from seemingly just the sight of you, so you couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t just snap and berate you again.
“Mr. Kline,” you greeted simply when he came to a stop in front of you, not wanting to say anything that could irritate him. He nodded at you, took a bite of his pizza, swallowed, then sighed.
“Y/N, right?” His tone indeed still sounded irritated, so you opted to simply tilt your head in affirmation, knowing that your face was probably betraying the fear you felt rising in your throat. Out of the corner of you eye, you saw another figure pause to observe and you were suddenly very aware that you were about to get reamed out in front of BTS and their entire staff once more. That small, insignificant, helpless feeling returned and your hands began to shake. The man only nodded again before continuing. “One of the boys said that he got lost, and you were returning him. Is that true?” Your eyes widened and suddenly relief was over the panic and you were able to breathe. Instinctively, you turn to look at the figure who had been standing by, somehow knowing it was the ‘boy’ in question. And, as if by some great fortune, or misfortune depending on your perspective, you were able to catch Jungkook’s gaze just as he shoved more than half of his slice of pizza into his mouth, causing the idol to freeze and glance between you and Mr. Kline nervously. After a moment, he bit the pizza and attempted to chew the large piece of food in his mouth with as much grace as he could, both of his cheeks expanding to accommodate it. You had to stifle a laugh at the sight, both for your sake and his.
“Yes, sir,” You finally answer, looking back at Mr. Kline, who sighs yet again and shakes his head.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner then?” He scoffs before taking another bite of his pizza and gesturing over to the table where the food sat. “Help yourself.” And then he walked away. You blinked a few times, watching him go. Well that was… rather rude of him. But you suppose getting some of the food was his way of apologizing and that it was the best that you were going to get from the man. So, you shrugged and turned to the boy who had saved you yet again, for the second time today (third, if you count the pizza you later realized).
He had somehow managed not to choke on the overwhelming amount of food he had taken in one bite, and was now glancing awkwardly between you and his plate, which held little more than his pizza crust at this point. He was only a stride or two away from you, so you closed the distance, and while he chose his plate as his focal point, you could still see a pink blush dusted over his cheeks, and you still smiled.
“Um, J—” Oh, you were really about to butcher his name, you knew, but even through your insecurities of the pronunciation of his name you wanted to say it, so that he knew that everything you were about to say was for him specifically. “Jungkook…” And he actually glanced over at you. “Thank you. For sticking up for me.” He seemed to swallow, even though you were sure there was no more food in his mouth. “Um… you really saved me back there.” He averted his gaze again and nodded, his hair flopping a bit from the way that it was styled parted at the side to show a healthy amount of his forehead. He looked less like a boy, and more like a man with this hair style, so his shyness would have seemed almost out of place if you had never met him before.
“He seemed really… angry.” He said, and you were a little surprised that he had verbalized a response, and when you didn’t answer immediately, he looked over at you with the same shy expression. You couldn’t stop the grin that spread across your face.
“Well, I understand why he was mad,” You responded, causing his brows to pull inward in question. Your own eyebrow raised and you sent him a playful smirk. “You guys are kind of a big deal,” You tried to choose your words carefully so he would have no trouble understanding, though you were sure that his English comprehension skills were far greater that what he let on. “You are worldwide famous, and I’m just some weird girl who walked into your photoshoot.” At that, he chuckled and grinned at his feet, still shy. You gave a lighthearted giggle as well, only stopping when you hear him speak again.
“You’re not… weird…” He said, almost hesitantly, and you openly stared at him, even when he decided to make eye contact with you. You saw the small smile on his face and softness in his eyes and you couldn’t help the sudden erratic beating of your heart or the red that your face was surly painted in at this moment. After all the strangeness you had put him through today, how on God’s green earth could he tell you that you weren’t weird with such a gentle yet serious expression? And why was he looking at you like that? Oh lord— the man was trying to make you fall in love with him. Of course, it was already too late for that. You loved him long before you met him.
You could have gone on staring at him like that for the rest of eternity, but the abrupt and loud noise erupting from your stomach interfered with the precious moment, and you silently berated your basic human needs as you ripped your eyes from him to glance at your traitorous stomach. You placed a hand over it and smiled up at him sheepishly. He blinked at you a few times before pointed at the emptying pizza boxes behind him.
“Hungry?” He asked with an adorable raise of his eyebrows at the sudden awareness of your empty stomach. You were half tempted to tell him no— the thought of eating in front of not just him but all seven of them had you nearly losing your appetite all together— but at another noisy grumble from your tummy had you nodding. After all, you had burnt your breakfast, spilled your coffee, and nearly arrived late to work, so you hadn’t actually eaten anything today and the smell of pizza was too hard to resist.
At the sight of your nod, the Korean idol sprung into action, stepping up to the table and grabbing you a paper plate and a napkin. He turned back to you and handed you the newly acquired items, which you took gratefully with a smile.
“Thank you,” For some reason, you only now realized how many times you had thanked this boy today— once for catching you before you face-planted, once for helping you pick up all the scattered papers, twice for helping you with the pizza boxes, once for telling Mr. Kline why you had been in the studio, and now once more for making sure you were fed. God, this child really had a heart of gold didn’t he? Surly this was another reason for his Golden Maknae nickname. You pondered a moment and, without thinking, the next words that left your lips were: “How do you say ‘thank you’ in Korean?” He looked at you, and, honestly, you were just as shocked as he was that you had asked such a thing, but you did want to know. You wanted to know because you wanted to thank him as many ways as you could, you decided, in his way more than anything.
“Thank you? In Korean?” He asked, as if not sure that you had actually meant it. When you nodded, he blinked, and you noticed the small twitch of his lips, seemingly trying to fight off a smile. Did he find it cute, you wonder? “Thank you is: 감사합니다.” It was your turn to blink at him as you tried to comprehend the syllables that had flitted over his tongue and passed his lips. You began trying to mouth it, but you were sure it would have come out as a garbled mess and, thankfully, he seemed to recognize your plight. “Ah, say ‘감’,” You repeated the sound ‘gam’ a few times with some difficulty, Jungkook repeating it for you again until you settle on a sound that was something along the lines of a hard ‘G’ and soft ‘K.’ He seemed pleased as he continued to the next syllable. “사,” This one was easy and the sound ‘sa’ left your lips smoothly. He nodded, and, again, continued. “합,” Another slightly tricky one— you could have sworn the first time he said the word there had been an ‘M’ sound in there, but now it was a soft ‘B’ sound, almost as if it were an ‘M’. However, you pronounce it as he did as best you can, though you still weren’t sure if it was ‘hab’ or ‘ham’ so you melded the two sounds together and received another nod of approval. “니,” You were relieved when the simple ‘ni’ sound was uttered and you repeated, noticing that Jungkook’s small smile had started to stretch across his face slowly as this miniature Korean lesson continued. “다.” And he finished with a ‘da,’ which you dutifully echoed with a small triumphant smile of your own. “감사합니다.” He repeated the work in full, still slower than the first time he said it, but enough so that you would know what it sounded like when the syllables were spoken together. He then stared at you expectantly, waiting for you to attempt the word that you had just learned and, even though you were terrified that you would still say it wrong, the excited and slightly proud expression he held in anticipation made you throw all insecurities to the wind to please him.
“Gam-sa-ham-ni-da…?” You more asked than said, and you bit your lip while nervously trying to read his face. You only needed to worry for a moment, though, as his blinding bunny smile was once again directed at you and you knew that you had gotten it at least semi-correct. You smile back, happy that this small thing made him happy, happy that you had gotten the chance to see him happy, happy that you had gotten the chance to see him at all. And in the back of your head, you were slowly turning all of the mishaps of the day into small treasures that you would cherish forever, leaving no bad memory of time spent with Jeon Jungkook.
This was a moment you wished could last forever, and, as happens to such moments, it was bitterly ended as Mr. Kline asks the translator to gather the boys to continue the shoot. Jungkook looked over his shoulder before peering back down at you.
“Ah, I have to…” He pointed over at the set that they were currently adjusting for the next part of the photoshoot, and you nod, knowing that, no matter how much you wanted to stay and talk to him, even if it meant learning more Korean, that he was here to do a job. And so were you, you remembered. He gave you one last smile, his shyness creeping back into his expression, before he turns and makes his way over to the group, a stylist on him almost immediately to do touch-ups to makeup that he’s surely ruined while eating. You watch as Seokjin leans over to say something to the youngest, making said boy look at him with bewildered eyes that were eventually redirected towards you. You have no idea what the eldest member had said, so you simply wave with your free hand and send him a smile from across the room, to which you notice a prominent change in the flush of his cheeks as he shies away from your stare. You only laugh silently to yourself as you finally turn towards the pizza and manage to find two pieces left over from the feeding frenzy.
At the first click of the camera’s shutter, you return your gaze to the group of young men under the bright lights. You scan over each of their flawless faces, noting on how each of them was very aware of their bodies and how to position themselves to look their best, all the while doing to effortlessly. Your eyes, though, of course lingered on a youngest of the seven.
It was the first time since you had the great fortune of bumping into him that you have been able to see the sheer duality that was Jeon Jungkook. Gone was the boy who was too shy to look you in the eye. There, sitting dead center of the image, was a man. A man who was neither uncertain or timid— he was sure, of himself and his surroundings. He knew who he was, what he was, and how to work a camera. This was a man that could kill you with one glance, if he’d only look your way. This was BTS’ Jungkook, and he was stunning. More stunning than you could have ever imagined being so far away at the AMAs as you had been. 
But as you watched his professional persona, you couldn’t help but imagine that beautifully bright smile and the nervous watching of his feet. You weren’t naïve enough to believe that one of these very opposite identities was an act. No, with the way he so seamlessly shifted from one to the other, they were both fully ingrained into his being. They were both equal parts of one whole Jungkook. You wondered how many other parts of him there were, how many other sides to him that were left unseen? All the parts of him you would never know…?
As the sad realization sank into your bones, you took one more long look at the beautiful boy you had the privilege of becoming acquainted with before turning away with your pizza back towards the elevators. With your back turned, you would have never seen a pair of dark eyes flicker to your retreating form.
You had spent far more time in the studio than you had realized and struggled to catch up with your work once you had gotten back to your desk. The coworker that had delivered your earlier ‘bad’ news approached you, concerned that you had gotten told off again. You explained to her, with a laugh, that it had been a misunderstanding that that everything had been worked out. You even pointed out the fact that you had returned with now cold, pizza. She seemed relieved, and left you in peace, only to come back mere minutes later looking as frazzled as she had when she had been instructed to tell you to go to the basement.
“Uh, Y/N…” She seemed antsy, and for a moment you were becoming anxious as well. What on earth was it this time? “Well, um…” Another head appeared above your cubicle wall, a familiar mop of hair that was parted to the side to show a healthy amount of his forehead. You blinked, knowing who it was before you saw the rest of his face as he peeked over the flimsy barrier.
“J-Jungkook?” you stuttered, looking at his sheepish expression in bafflement. He was in the middle of a photoshoot not an hour and a half ago— was it over? Had he needed to use the bathroom again? Your coworker interrupted your inner string of questions.
“He asked for you, and he seemed a little…” She glanced over at him, eyebrows raising a bit before she cleared her throat. “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” She said, hastily walking away while fanning herself with her hand. You would have laughed at her reaction if you too weren’t frazzled by his presence. You motion for him to come inside the cubicle, and he slips around the wall, nervously glancing about without his eyes really ever landing on you. You turn to face him completely in your swivel chair, curious and concerned as to why he had been asking for you.
“Jungkook,” You say, and he finally looks at you. “Are you okay? Did you get lost again?” Your inquiries were met with a simple shake of his head, to which he paused with a thoughtful expression, and then retracted, nodding in an affirmative. You relax a little, sighing and then smiling up at him. “How did you get lost again?” You ask with a chuckle, not expecting a response back as you stand and step around him. “Come on, then.”
You were pleased to see the he had taken up stride next to you this time, instead of walking one or two paces behind you. However, he still seemed to be as nervous as you lead him to the elevators this time. It was curious that he could ask for you by name, but still have such a difficult time looking you in the eye. You shrugged it off though, seeing as you were just happy to have another chance to interact with him. But as you reached for the ‘down’ arrow for the elevator, his soft voice caused you to pause and turn to him.
“Ah—” He was looking at his feet again, but this time only for a short moment. Abruptly, he straightened, looking at you with an uncertain expression. However, this time, he seemed to be as uncertain of himself as he was of you. You blinked, silently waiting for him to continue when all you wanted to do was squeal and flail about at the adorable but intense look he was giving you. “Y-your e-mail…” He muttered so quietly that you were afraid that you misheard. “…can I…?” But when he thrusted his cellphone at you with shaky hands, you knew you had heard right. This boy, this beautiful magnificent man, had just asked you for your contact information and who the hell were you to deny him?
With the same level of uncertainty, you take the phone from him, only to be met with a pass-code screen. You show him, and he quickly takes it back to unlock it, clearly flustered. You smile at his awkward nervousness— awkward, yet dangerously endearing. He spends another moment tapping away on his phone until he passes it back with a shaky exhale. You only smile warmly at him as you take the phone back into your hands, your fingers brushing his this time. You expected him to flinch back at the contact, but he simply allows you to slip the phone from his hand. 
When you look back down you notice that he’s already pulled up the ‘new contact’ screen, or what you assume it is considering it’s all in Korean. You go to start typing your name and email, but notice the keyboard is also all in Korean. Thankfully, you have enough knowledge of phones that you check to see if he had an English keypad downloaded onto his phone, breathing a sigh of relief when you find one. You diligently enter your information, and as you hand back the phone, you give him a playful smile, which he returns with a shy, yet rather fun one of his own. And, suddenly, he reached forward and pushes the down arrow. You expect the elevator to take a moment to reach your floor, but it opens immediately and he steps in. For a minute, you look on, confused— and then you see him press the ‘L’ button to send him to the Lobby. Hang on… He grins broadly and holds up his phone, waving at you with the same hand.
“I’ll call… if I’m lost again.” And the last thing you hear before the doors shut is a happy little giggle erupting from the boy. You stare dumbly at the closed elevator, wondering if he had accidentally pressed the wrong button, or if he had… perhaps…
You must have been standing at the elevator longer than you realized, because your phone made a distinctive buzzing in your pocket and you reached in for it, thinking it was you boss, or one of your coworkers, or you mom. But when you looked at it, it was from an unknown sender. Your eyes widened— no, there’s no way— you hastily opened it to find a short series of messages:
Unknown Sender [2:24 PM]
Unknown Sender [2:24 PM]
I will call
Unknown Sender [2:24 PM]
When I’m not lost too
Unknown Sender [2:25 PM]
You grinned at the messages, but raised your brow in understanding that he, in fact, had not actually been lost this time. Cheeky little—
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Back to the Frollo, Epilogue
Warning: I’m dying.
EPILOGUE It had been a productive day at the Palace of Justice. Using his trademark methods to make people talk, Claude Frollo finally got all the necessary information out of Esmeralda. Now, he could finally apprehend that gypsy villain and make him pay for his crimes.
I don’t even want to know what he did to poor Esmeralda. That poor woman. She needs a hug.
However, the man was nowhere to be found. Patience...He'll show his face again...He'll truly regret he tangled with Claude Frollo! Esmeralda had left town. For reasons of his own, Claude decided to let her go. Little does she know that she's being used. If I know her, she'll go directly to that gypsy 'king'. And I'll be ready for them all...
Wait, what? Okay, so Esme’s fine, which is good because she’s awesome and deserves happiness. But how is she being used, exactly? Is Malus the “king?” Because I thought that was Clopin anyway. Eh, whatever. Like this author knows or cares.
He then focused on Renée de Chateaupers. Poor child...losing her parents...then her brothers. At least she has Phoebus... Phoebus had managed to pick up the pieces of his life and return to his job as caretaker of the d'Arcy estate. For some odd reason, Claude had offered Phoebus his old post as Captain of the Guard.
Here’s to hoping the events of the first movie play out again, except this time Danisha and Frollo both die. Let Quasi push Frollo into lava, and let Esmeralda kill Danisha. I’d pay to read that!
Even the King made some noises about the possibility of appointing Phoebus to a plum position within the Royal Army, but Phoebus politely refused. As he told Claude, "With all due respects, sir, I feel I need to be with Renée." Claude agreed; Renée had not fully recovered from the loss of her brother.
Okay, so Phoebus’s life isn’t that bad, and Esme’s okay. This is ending better than I figured it would.
Quasimodo had taken up American dialect. He found it amusing to recite the poetry of the American Heartland; somehow, Claude couldn't help but smile at his young charge's new-found hobby. It was Danisha who uncovered that talent -- she should be here, now, listening to Quasimodo imitate the perfect Hoosier twang and drawl.
Wait, so Danisha isn’t the one narrating this? What?
And what's become of Claude's postmodern American lady? She stays in touch with Her Man whenever she can, sending him notes and little gifts to amuse him. He unlocked the drawer that contained mementos of her; he took out that curious sterling silver device. Hmm...I wonder what she's doing now...
Ah, self-indulgent narration telling the audience how great you are. Right.
Claude Frollo then took something else from the drawer. I had meant to give this to her before she left. Well...my work is complete, and I would like to see her again. After all, she did invite me to Thanksgiving dinner... Claude Frollo stood in the center of his study, pushed a red button, and, in a flash of white light, he was gone...
Come ON! Just when I thought this piece of trash was over it spouts another head like a Hydra and attacks me once again! Just end already!
ŽŽ€€€€€€ Where am I? Claude Frollo found himself walking down a now-quiet hallway of a 20th Century American high school. It was nearly four o'clock; school had been out for over an hour. If I had made this trip earlier, I'd be up to my neck in boisterous adolescents! A delighted smile spread across his face as climbed the stairs to her classroom. Hmm...she must be working late. How many times have I told her not to work so hard. She should take her own advice. Now, which one is her room?
Why do I have a feeling random old men wandering the hallways of a school would raise eyebrows? Even if the day is technically over sports are still practicing, clubs are still going on, etc.
Claude Frollo found the door unlocked, the room empty, papers and books neatly piled on her desk. I told her to keep her door locked...Why, ANYONE could simply walk in and...Ah, what is this? Claude picked up a book then sat on a nearby table and started to read. She should be here soon....
She’s probably gone home, seeing as school’s been out for an hour now, and Danisha doesn’t seem responsible enough to actually grade papers or do any work.
****** What a way to start a weekend! I knew this would happen! Stupid copier! I tried to get a jump start on the upcoming work week: finish grading papers, copying work for lessons. I wanted this extended weekend to be as carefree as possible
Like she cares enough about her job to put any weekend effort in anyway.
Besides, this was one Thanksgiving I didn't have to cook everything! Fern had invited me to share dinner with her; Jacki would be there, along with Kyle and his girlfriend. The photocopier kept jamming on me; I'd thought this would be a quick job then I'd be out the door. Just need to get this paper unstuck...Oh no!...Hope I didn't break a nail...Finally got that job done!
Because the audience cares about Danisha’s photocopier issues. This is just more aimless filler to make this thing longer.
I took the elevator back to the third floor. Nearly everyone was gone –– except me. Pack up everything and go home! I wonder if Claude got my message to come this weekend? This should be fun... I walked into my room, and was taken by surprise. Claude Frollo! In my classroom!
I immediately put down my stack of papers and threw my arms around him. "Honey! I wasn't expecting you until later this evening. Claude kissed my lips and said, "My darling, I was so anxious to see you, and I wanted this to be a surprise." We kissed each other again; then, Claude surveyed my room. "Charming classroom, Danisha," he favorably assessed. "It's well-organized, attractive..."
I find that hard to believe, seeing as she slacked off all summer instead of putting it together.
[long, boring passage about Jehan, cut for time]
"He's in Italy -- Venezia -- of all places! Apparently, Jehan is quite taken with her, or is it she with him..." I could only comment, "So, Jehan Frollo's found himself a 'sugarmama'." Claude broke down in laughter as he removed his hat and cloak. I then asked about Esmeralda. Claude sighed as he began building a cozy fire. "My dear, I gave that gypsy witch the...what's that expression?" He snapped his fingers as he recalled, "The 'works'!" A wicked smile spread across his face as Claude continued, "I had her revealing things that she'd long forgotten."
WHAT THE FUCK. STOP. I DON’T NEED DETAILS OF THIS. STOP. NO. Have you ever heard that scene in the Star Wars radio drama where Vader brutally tortures Leia until she’s crying on the floor? It was super uncomfortable and hard to listen to. And that’s how I feel right now.
He then went on and explained how he had let Esmeralda go, all in a carefully orchestrated plot to finally capture the man who nearly killed Claude that winter. "I wish you luck, sugar", I said tenderly, kissing his cheek.
There’s gonna be a sequel, isn’t there? Crap.
He then asked me about our exposé, a written account of what really happened that night following the Feast of Fools. "I already have the initial installment in print, detailing how Malus, and that other man, drugged you, and fell for that imposter's scam. I've read Jules' confession, and all I can say is this –– The people of Paris will be totally blown away when they read this."
Ah, the good old “Frollo did nothing wrong and it was an imposter the whole time” theory that makes no goddamn sense.
Claude then kissed me as he sneaked a few pecans while I was putting a pie together. "I knew I could count on you to set the record straight." He then paused, shifted his eyes from side to side, while slowly chewing on a pecan. "Mmm...these are very good", said Claude, adding, "I hope you are baking two pies." "Two pies? You plan on doin' some damage tomorrow?", I asked playfully. Claude Frollo then looked at me with sultry eyes and said in a seductive voice, "Now, Nisha, I had hoped to have a little taste tonight..."
Negative two billion, people.
He flashed a dazzling smile at me as I went to the freezer and produced another pie. "This", I said, indicating the frozen pie, "is for tomorrow. All I have to do is bake it." Claude smiled again as I sashayed over to him, refilled his wine glass, and said in my own deep, sultry voice, "This", pointing to the freshly-assembled pie, "is for tonight...afterwards..."
Negative three billion.
Claude's hand caressed my thigh as he asked, "After what, precious love?" I kissed him deeply, then cooingly replied, "You know what I mean, sugarbritches."
I can physically feel myself dying. I’m withering away.
****** Later that evening, Claude and I shared pecan pie and hot coffee. It sure is good having him with here with me. Claude then produced something he had nearly forgotten to give to give to me. It looked like lace –– crocheted lace. But this was unlike any lace I've ever seen. "Jehan 416 brought this back from his first trip to Italy. He said the nuns do the most exquisite lacework." Claude handed me the lace, adding, "Since you are intrigued by the needlearts, I'd thought you'd like it." I examined this 500-year-old work of textile art, then embraced Claude Frollo and expressed my gratitude.
I don’t care. Stop.
Afterwards, Claude Frollo took a deep breath, gazed into my eyes and said, "Darling Nisha! When you show how grateful you are, you do so with such style!" That said, we soon embarked on another night of passion and romance. He always does such nice things for me. I wonder what he'll give me for Christmas? Hmmm...I wonder if Claude will like the Christmas present I bought him...sure glad I called that order in early. He's gonna be REALLY surprised!
THANKS BE TO GOD. Let me check the author’s page to make sure I got it all- HOLY HELL THERE ARE OVER THIRTY ONESHOTS, A DECADE’S WORTH OF FANFICTION AND MANY LONG SEQUELS! Kyrie elision. 
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