#the reason i didn't just get one of their mini 2 tiers is cause i love marble cake and the round cakes don't come in marble
jusiri · 2 years
birthday cake for me :)
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literaphobe · 2 years
eh idk if you'll publish this but i wanted to rant about mcc and competitive gaming rly bad, sooo,,,, while i enjoyed event, i'm rather disappointed with aftermath of all of this, mainly: a) why are you trying to organise mcc underdogs in the first place? it feels like a cheap victory. like imagine you win - can you really brag about it? "yay guys i won an event without any s-tiers because... reasons." - is what it feels like to me. i watched red's pov and oh my god pearl did really good with everything: comms, mechanics, etc. and if she won, it would be bittersweet. something along the lines she is not good enough to win canon mcc, but good enough to win half-canon, while deminishing her value a) why organise an mcc underdogs event if 50% of participants are newcomers? call it mcc variety or something and make it non-canon for fun with special coin (even otv talked about it after their stream, they really enjoyed mcc and wanted to do an otv version of it). there's no one of regulars in finals, scott. b) okay, mcc underdogs with 50% of newcomers. why are you inviting really good minecraft event player - FBM - who specialises in mini-games? while he is not the best, he is on par with some s-tiers. strong player + newcomers = blood bath (and we are not even talking about blushi in team with him) c) why reddit is treating FBM like an s-tier after one half-canon event with 50% newcomers and underdogs? like what. it was not a perfomance of century. he did good among NEWCOMERS OH MY GOD. with my competitive side of knowledge (hello, i watched about 50 hours worth of minecraft events), he's not that good compared to many other testers. dorry. d) why people are being angry at FBM for 1st indiv and saying he shouldn't be allowed in mcc overall? his latest testing dates to 2 years ago, so it's not like he has strats or exploits or something like that. i can understand that he is a little bit of a sweaty player (20+ hours of mcci in week and god knows how many before that), but it's possible to balance. if blushi wasn't in this event - purple wouldn't have been in first overall. just give him sapnap treatment, scott.
e) and for the cherry on top: why on earth as of lately mcc can not decide whether they want to be competitive or for fun event? since addition of purpled/jojo/hannah it felt like everyone was getting better and better and more competitive and more competitive to the point where if you don't do vod review beforehand, you are gone.
it was so apparent when a lot of people got locked in sot today. there's A LOT to process if you are a newcomer, and if you don't - you perish. sure, there are a lot of vods and "how-to" videos, but learning strats doesn't prepare you for the real thing (ex: cyan in sot, abe in meltdown). and now they do canon (!!!) events that are mix of competitive and for fun. which is a choice for sure.
and while mccu didn't end up badly due to its nervewracking finale (boxbox vs. blushi finale), pretty close moments (pearl and cyan in meltdown, FBM clutching ar last second, hannah pkt, etc.) and a lot of respect and support for FBM from reddit - mixing fun and competitive today could cause BIG issues. remember mcc all-stars red and how everyone was like "ohhh who would've guessed /neg", even though event was purely for fun? yeah. but oh well, cyan did great comeback, so nobody is talking drama right now. fun fact: i have seen a comment that reads "this is what event could be like without dream" and boy. in how many words do you want me to explain you what is wrong. tl;dr; mcc underdogs was a bad idea. you are one the few blogs that post based takes on mcc, so i decided to join in :D reddit would execute me for this type of post aha
dear god… go off anon. i hope otv and friends do their version of mcc too bc if they do it well i foresee dteam and friends getting invites
a) i feel so bad for pearl. i saw her get top 10 and this would’ve been a great opportunity for her to shine but… lol
b) FBM should’ve never been in this event. the whole point of it is gone
c) LOL im curious to see how he did like. timing wise for certain games
d) its not his fault he was in this event, but scott should’ve never put him in. he could’ve debuted in mcc All Cracked
e) ITS FUCKING SCARY also WHY DIDNT THEY MAKE SOT EASIER??? its so clear that noxcrew wasn’t actually prepared for an ‘underdog’ mcc like why are u giving participation trophies out but making the game OLYMPIC LEVEL HARD
also mcc all stars was established from the start as a NON CANON event that didn’t fucking matter. they called mcc all losers MCC TWENTY SEVEN
thanks for dropping by anon im sure the mcc reddit is dumb and annoying and horrible rn
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flamebearrel · 3 years
Dinosaurchestra Commentary Liveblog
While I work on gathering some forms and finishing my dad's birthday card, let's go through the DSA text commentary! Don't know how much I can say about already behind-the-scenes stuff but it should be fun seeing if any of my theories get discussed
Want to mention that I have done one other commentary on this album before - that being on the titular trio of songs! Check that out if you so desire :)
Woah okay the text changes kind of fast I may need to pause more often than I expected
So he's talking about it specifically being the start of the Jurassic Era? Interesting he mentions it cause I'm pretty sure he pulls the mentioned dinosaurs from different eras
Alright well now he's calling it an "ALBUM of LIES" (capitalization transcribed verbatim). Guess that resolves that
"First musical reference to the cannibalism of children" 😳 is there more than one...
TYPO It's missing the word "of" in the sentence talking about the backwards loop.... (Don't mean to be rude/judging at all - I'm super prone to typos myself, and this is never something I'd call attention to when someone else does it in conversation; I simply get some kind of twisted joy from picking up on them in more professional things like textbooks or pamphlets)
I do have to wonder what other song the backwards loop is incorporated into, though, unless he just means parts 2 and 3
Yeah the junk drawer transitions!! They're so quick and snappy, I love love love the AMHB one lining up with the "I'm bad"
Real maracas :3 I have a box of little maracas and shaker instruments in my room
The first time I heard AMHB, the bridge's desynced stereo admittedly threw me off (but I've warmed up to it since). Glad to hear it was for a good reason though!
It's funny comparing how he describes the guitar solo vs. how he describes the recorder solos from I Earn My Life in Spirit Phone. It seems like they were a similar process but here he's like "It is Very Intricately Stitched Together" and for IEML he's like "Yeah I played two notes and then hit undo and did it again like six times"
But this sure is! The little "One, two, three, four"
Neil called attention to the hi-hats and 1. love that visual 2. I don't usually pay much attention to the drums unless I'm specifically trying to understand how they work for a song, so I'll probably do that for the rest of Fine now
Oh no keep talking about the songwriting nerdery it's good advice
The lyrics for this song in particular are really solid, especially the second verse - it ties up like multiple sayings and superstitions in a really effective and easy to understand way
Never heard anyone but my mom use the word "hifalutin" until now, but now I know it's not spelled "high-folluting" thank you
Is it just me or does the guitar during the breakdown do the kind of thing that Float On by Modest Mouse has too? And they're both kind of positive cheer-up songs! (Or maybe I'm just mishearing it. I'm not a guitarist, so this is all just assumption)
Telling you now, folks: when he says this next one is a song about mowin' the lawn, he MEANS IT
There's mini life stories in this one!! Cool!
Oh he got banned from actually doing it fsjdkfj better call the Lawn-Mowing Man amirite
I think I've also only mowed the lawn a couple times in my life? When we do landscaping I'm more of a tree-trimmer-weed-puller girl
...Okay, starting to think a few of these stories are exaggerated... only a couple though
My personal fun fact is that to me Lawnmower is the most B-tier song ever. I have this tier list I add to whenever I listen to a new LD song and this is right smack in the middle. Perhaps I'll share it sometime
Stuck time yay!!!!! The text segways into this one WONDERFULLY
There's enough distortion on the whistling for it to be hard to tell what it actually is, but if he didn't feel confident in his og performance then this is to good effect! Whistling is hard - the only reason I can at all is because in seventh grade I practiced for a week straight so I could do the Proto Man theme
Don't worry Neil a lot of people on the interwebs listen and skip this song. From what I've seen in various comment sections, anyway
This assortment of punctuation really accents the emotion here (Sorry, still reeling over Carlos Betty; I have got to draw something about that)
Y'all know what comes next!! The hype builds with the transition AAAND...
Ohhh so there is like trivia about how and why certain characters beat each other!! The Shaq and Aaron Carter fun facts are cool
"^_^" :D
Chuck Norris jokes were dying in 2006...? Maybe they just had a revival later on, but I swear I remember hearing those years later
Yes I've always interpreted the Vow of Silence guy as being really, really bad at actually keeping his vow. So it's cool that he mentions how much the song is just chattering on and on
"Of course... It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Hm. Wise words
...Sir I thought you said you were BAD at whistling?
I kind of assumed that the names mentioned in the song were film characters, but wasn't very familiar with 'em I lack culture, I'm sorry... at least him spelling everything out helps ring a few bells
There are absolutely constant sounds that come from yourself and that go ignored! Aren't there like those sensory blocking chambers that make you so much more aware of your own heartbeat and similar sounds, cause there's nothing else to hear? Terrifying yet awesome
"The point is... [memo to self: invent point]"
What makes Neverending Hum so memorable is definitely in part to Neil's version of scatting! I hope he goes over the different distortions he put throughout those sections too
Good to know Corey is good at critterizing :>
Okay, back to good 'ol DSA... Nothing really to say except that it's nice he identified those auxiliary instruments
And also why are the "las" written out like a question
Probably my favorite of the transitions here!! A little bit of bored whistling and clicking sticks together that suddenly just transforms into the actual percussion *chef's kiss*
I've always wondered what the bird tweets were. My guess was that he used something like this one toy I used to have: a little red bird-shaped whistle that you would put water into and it would warble in very similar fashion to this song
ALORA MENTION! She seems really cool
...Got caught up in the song and forgot to commentate for half of it. First of all the text alleviates a good chunk of the tension fsdhfjsh, second that's a very different way to imagine the IF than I've been picturing (which to me is sort of ladybug-esque)
But you said this was the album of lies and now you're saying it's true??? Make up your MIND sir!!
One never notices the backwards stuff until it's mentioned in the commentary... first with Cabinet Man, then here, with this sick guitar echo
This is actually getting much longer than I expected, and we're only halfway (slightly over halfway to be precise; included Your Imaginary Friend here because the second half is longer than the first)... So I'll split this into two posts, and the second one will be linked here once it's up. See you then!
END OF 2021 EDIT: Soooo I ran out of motivation trying to finish this, my bad! Instead of a brand new post, right here is everything else I managed to jot down (from Archaeopteryx up to Indie Cindy).
Birds. Or as my dear sister likes to call them, birdups
So those three notes are supposed to be a doorbell sound? Huh, that makes sense. For some reason I was hearing more "elevator" than "doorbell"
I Can't Get No Aviation is a reference???? ...That does sound kind of familiar now that I think about it
Why does he meow in response to that statement
Those first few words lined up with the beats exactly, I love rhythm and timeliness <3 I always try to put a lot of focus on rhythm in my animatics (the vast majority of which exist only in my head)
"Now, the narrator snaps." Oooh this is like from an outsider's perspective now, time for the hidden lore
My family always used eyelashes for wishmaking too! Except our method involved holding the eyelash between two fingers, guessing which one it would stick to, and if you guessed right that meant your wish would come true
"It never breaks back up again, of course" but the Lo-Fi Lullabies sure do
Well hey dude, your whistling was pretty good so I dunno what it says when you compare it to your humming
The lyrics of Eyewishes are actually really depressing... it's not one I listen to much, but it's a very sobering one
Don't have many thoughts on Bystanding, given it being just an extension of Eyewishes... except like DSA part 2, I like how he tries to point out all these instruments he uses and what he does to distort their sounds. It's kinda daunting thinking about how much you can do to make music, but this definitely helps quantify it a little
With rather inconsistent confidence huh? Hashtag #relateable 🤪🤪🤪
Oh wait, she never actually released it to anyone...? That actually makes it even sadder than what I thought before; I thought it had just gone unnoticed once she released it (Actually reminds me of the band I was in for a little while, that never got to play any gigs before COVID started and I moved away)
Heard the early version before and yeah this one is better
And the tier list I mentioned before, updated as of the end of 2021. Each tier is ordered as well:
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