#and then i tried to make it look intentional 😆
jusiri · 2 years
birthday cake for me :)
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mylucayathoughts · 11 months
Little moments that I love in Red White and Royal Blue. PART 7 (cannot stop sorry 🙈)
When Nora says how "Prince Henry is so yummy" Alex doesn't really contest Noras comment on Henrys good looks (read yumminess 😏), he just says how he is not really a good person (which he believed at that time) but that's besides the point. The important thing is that Alex seemed to be in agreement with that view 😏
When Bea snatches Nora away from Alex, you cannot tell me this wasn't intentional because like a moment ago she was telling Henry how she thinks Alex is hot and asked whether Henry met him or not. And next thing she does before Henry is about to meet Alex is take the one person Alex came to the party with away from him and make sure that person sticks with her the whole time. I see what you did there Bea 😏 and she was the most amused when Alex and Henry was having their little fight and the cake fell on them 😆
When Alex sees Henry talking so cheerfully with the cancer patient and stops to stare at them. He couldn't match his idea of Henry with this version. I love how he looks confused yet curious here.
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He was observing a very oblivious Henry intently, and subconsciously he was allowing Henry to change his mind about him.
During the new years party, while dancing, Alex sees Henry sitting alone and comes running towards him and almost hits Henry's face with his 😆 (baby boy was drunk 😏) I love the energy with which he tries to lift Henry's mood up - "it's aaalll in the hips, LOOSEN UP!!", laughs with his entire face, hears his song and screams "OH MY GOD, this is the song of my childhood!!!" and says "you're dancing" and then he grabs Henrys hand and pulls him towards the dance floor. He is adorable here, always trying to keep Henry close or around.
Henry making this face when he says that his brother is completely oblivious about him being gay -
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I noticed it only like a few days ago on my millionth rewatch of the movie and laughed so hard I almost fell off my bed 🤣
When Henry says that he has to belong to himself and he can only belong to someone else momentarily and Alexs first instinct is to hold his hand 🤧🤧 lt was too pure, too kind ❤️ and Henry says "not here" (and you can tell he is devastated that he couldn't let Alex take his hand) and Alex understands the sentiment immediately.
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It's not like Alex didn't know where they were, plus Henry and he were just talking about Henry not being out to anyone but Bea. Alex still wanted to comfort Henry and to him, taking Henry's hand wasn't a romantic gesture, he just wanted to be supportive and make him feel better. But he understood Henry's predicament and played along.
When Alex writes to Henry "I'm out here giving my all for my mother. I cant have smut filling my inbox, corrupting my mind and bulging my pants like this! look buddy, you know I'm incorrigible, so don't incorrige me" and Henry writes "I'll behave" you can tell that Henry is trying to stifle a laugh and that he is so proud that he can make Alex feel that way 🤣 I know that it's supposed to be a written part in the movie but they had Taylor and Nicholas say these out loud and you can hear the emotions in their voices and I absolutely love Nicholas's delivery here.
My dumbass noticed something else a few days ago as well. That Alex practices speaking in front of the mirror before delivering his speeches. My boy really worked so hard to get his Texan votes 🤧
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All the little scenes where Alex is shown to work in his Texas campaign perfectly capture Alex's passion for politics, his dedication to the Texan campaign, his desire to help mom with her election and his wish to do something for people. I love how this part also portrays how mature he and Henrys relationship has become. It was not about just their physical needs anymore, which is still there (obviously 😏) but they act as each others support system. The way Alex tells Henry about his fear "I'll only admit this to you and no one else..." that he is gonna let his mother down, and the way Henry reassures him 🤧 and then Henry says how his ribbon cuttings are so meaningless and how he wished he could do meaningful things like Alex. And even though Henry is not proud of it, Alex still makes sure to watch Henry's appearances. I love how sweet and kind and supportive they are to one another. And the passion with which both Nicholas and Taylor read theirs emails 🤧😭 so good!
At the V&A when they were slow dancing, you can't take your eyes off Taylor and Nicholas's hands 😍 they just keep lovingly caressing each other. It's soo beautiful to watch. They are so gentle and caring in those scenes.. Their eyes are soft, full of love 🤧 This is yet another scene where you can't possibly ask more from Taylor and Nicholas. They really went all in 👏
Their soft little smiles in this scene 😍🥺 Henry looks so relaxed and happy! They make me cry ok 🤧
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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theyluvlyss · 4 months
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𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
because I'm still sick, which means reader has to suffer and be sick, too. sorry not sorry😆🩷.
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𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫-𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤 (what a corny title💀✋🏽)
《 ♡ 》 imagine
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𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 :
regardless of a boosted immune system, an increased recovery time, and the convenience of being indestructible, even superheroes get sick from time to time. unfortunately, you're stubborn and would much rather aid your boyfriend and his family with the day's super-tasks than rest up.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 :
fem!girlfriend!reader x billy batson - she/her/hers pronouns! - reader has the powers of shazam as well!
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
post shazam!: fury of the gods
𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 :
reader being sick :/ - cough/cold&flu medicine side effects - lots of fluff/billy looking after you - reader wanting to play hero so, so bad bro lmao - cussing (not a lot at all) (honestly, just start assuming all of my writing will have curse words in it💀)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Billy Batson had been in the middle of stuffing your pillow with a freshly frozen icepack before both of your attentions had been pulled towards your TV, watching in alarm as some beastly creature continued to mutilate downtown Philadelphia. You couldn't quite make out its features, nor what it was exactly the reporter was saying, her newscaster-like tone and the picture on the screen all just a blur to you.
Too ill feeling to put some clarity on it, all you knew was that it was certainly dangerous and was definitely a call for superhero duty. Mildly delirious or not.
"Let me come with you...!" You boasted rather confidently for someone with flem still stuck in your nose, throat, and chest, and your head pounding so hard you regretted the act of shooting up in bed.
"Absolutely not." Billy rejected your demand immediately, turning back just to shake his head at you while you attempted at more protests.
"*cough* - But I can- I could help-"
Your voice strained terribly while more coughs interrupted, proving Billy's unspoken point more than enough. And even then, he'd still use the perfect timing of your sickly hacks to double down on it.
"And that's exactly why you're not coming. You need to rest so you can get better."
"Oh my god, it's just a cough. I'll be okay, I can do this."
Again, you were shot another shake of the head, along with a deadpanned look of disbelief as he made his way closer in order to stop you from pushing your blankets and sheets away.
"You can barely get up fast without feeling dizzy, but you think you can stop that?"
He pointed back at the TV, the monster actively knocking into buildings and wreaking havoc amongst crowds of running citizens.
You nodded as though you were an eager puppy, wide eyes staring back into his along with a lazy smile as if to fake like you were all better.
Unfortunately for you, Billy wasn't buying it.
"Yeah, no, lay down..."
"And with luck, we'll have it all handled before dinner. I'll come back to check on you, 'kay?"
He hardly acknowledged your pleas, informing you that with help from his siblings, things would go smoothly. Without you.
Pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before replacing it with a cool, damp rag, you tried a final attempt at convincing him to let you come along, fight the good fight rather than wallow in bad health.
The simple call of his name and a pouty look during his urge into laying you down.
Pushing at your shoulders, he succeeded, smiling above you while you gave in to the warmth of your bed once more. He tucked you in and then backed away towards your window, opening it with the intention to jump while you watched, fighting sleep.
"I love you, (Y/N). Rest. Please."
With a pained sigh, both of disappointment and from the literal ache of your body, you did as told and heeded his words.
"Fine. I love you, too."
He smiled, and then, he was gone. A crack of thunder after a loud, "Shazam!!" the last thing you heard before forcing yourself not to worry any longer.
You'd trust your boyfriend and his siblings. Like he said, they'd surely have everything done and cleaned up by the time you finished your nap. No need for your appearance, taking some much needed recovery from the cold that ravaged your normal body.
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"Look, ma'am, that's real sweet of you, but I-... You should really get outta' here!"
"But if I could just have you answer a few more questions, I mean...! I'm sure the public would love to know!"
"Who are you, Lois Lane? You've gotta be the most persistent reporter ever, lady...!"
It was the muffled shouts of adults that brought you back from your sleep some thirty minutes later. If you could even call it that. It was more like a delirious limbo, a point between consciousness and dreamland, all while a fever brewed and festered regardless of the now warm rag that coated over your forehead.
Hell, your pajamas could easily pass as the small towel on your head, drenched in your sweat while you groaned and pushed yourself up weakly. Your body continued to ache, nose stuffy and running at the same time, and god, did you want nothing more than to drink a gallon of water to soothe your sore throat.
Instead, you forced your eyes to open, squinting at the TV in hopes of gauging the situation that Billy assured you would be solved by now.
"bAcK tO cHecK oN y0u bEfOre dInNeR!" He had said, or something like that, which left you rolling your eyes now in the present. Half an hour later, he and his siblings were still struggling to clear out civilians from the scene! Had they even begun to tackle the beast that still roamed free on top of your beloved city? You figured not, considering you could quite literally feel the ground shaking due to its thunderous steps and loud roars.
You had to go. You couldn't not. It's very obvious they needed your help, at least with crowd control or as distraction, something! Whatever you could do to help, to save lives, you'd be more than happy to do it. Even while sick, even if it meant giving up some of your resting time to help those in need. It was what being a superhero was all about, wasn't it?
All of this power... there was no way you could just sit here and do nothing with it! Besides, it's not like anyone would really even notice that you were sick. Sure, you did get dizzy when you rose from the bed, standing on your own two feet. And yeah, your head pounded, and your nose caused your voice to dawn a nasal tone. But you could still fight, couldn't you?
You had to, with only one way to find out...
You went to your bathroom, scanning your medicine cabinet for the bottle of Cold & Flu medicine, and recklessly drank a few swallows straight from the bottle. You did so in hopes it'd hold you over for the next couple of hours, at the very least, curing your symptoms just enough to where your sickness wouldn't affect your performance.
With haste, you were back in your room, preparing yourself for the transformation from your regular self to your super-self, all with the use of the simple, magic word...
Okay, that was gross.
Wiping your nose from the snot and clearing your throat with several "ahem"s and rough coughs, you tried again, moving yourself towards your window just as Billy had and checking to make sure there were no bystanders or any members of your family around to see you.
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"What about the monster?!" Darla shouted amongst the sea of endless screaming people and loud roars of the beast ahead, floating towards her brothers nearby with a look of concern dawning her adult features.
Billy's face mimicked hers, looking up at the beast and then back towards helpless people running in fear in all sorts of scattered directions. It was confusing, to say the least, but he'd do his best to make up for it as long as no one got injured on his watch.
"Uhh... I think we should keep clearing out people! They'll get hurt if we don't protect them!"
"But-!" Eugene started, though Billy clearly wasn't having it. One could even say the stress had gotten to him, this event definitely taking longer than anticipated with more public property being destroyed by the minute. Which meant longer clean-up duty. Which meant late dinner, which meant no time to check up on you, and-
"We'll get there when we get there!" Was his final (and pretty lax) answer, only for Freddy to swoop down and point out the next impending tragedy.
"Well, if we're gonna get there, we should get there now because it's gonna destroy the town hall!"
And it was true, the grotesque being merrily on its way towards arguably one of the most important landscapes in the city. Of course the townhall, of all buildings ever...
"Gee, thanks, Captain Obvious...!" Billy huffed, Freddy merely giving a two-finger salute in order to further solidify his frivolous behavior.
"You're welcome, Captain You-Obviously-Don't-Know-What-You're- Doing...!"
Pedro was next to return to the scene, his face twisted in oncoming question as his eyes shifted between the monster, the building, and back again.
"I mean... Do we really need the town hall? 'Cause it's super white and boring-"
"I- What?!"
And finally, Mary. The wisest of the siblings, surely, and growing increasingly harrowed by the current events and the fact that her brothers and sister were not aiding in the fight whatsoever.
"Yes, we do need the town hall, and us standing around talking about it is not helping anything...!"
"What're we thinking?" Freddy murmured, having leaned over to Billy in hopes of their older sister not being able to hear them.
"Captain Bossy."
A sudden battle cry caused their heads to snap up away from the monster and towards an incoming ball of lightning and fury. Your eyes glowed the same color as your supersuit, fist cocked back with the intention to slam every last bit of force and power you've accumulated onto your enemy. With a loud, cracking sound, it was safe to assume your hit had connected, your entire body colliding with the beast with so much force that the both of you went toppling over onto-
"See? Told you we didn't need it." Pedro smiled and nodded, admiring your bravery and the fact you had managed to subdue the monster with one nearly fatal blow.
Mary, though unamused, marveled at the scene just the same before Billy gave a harsh sigh and a shake of the head.
"I told her to stay in bed..."
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A mere moment had passed where you were in and out of consciousness (for the second time today, might I add), the only thing filling your vision being clouds upon clouds of smoke? Steam? Whichever the case, it caused an eerie, foggy atmosphere that didn't really seem to help your already mildly delirious state. Although, you had to admit, you were quite proud of yourself for taking down the threat in one go, having been pretty unsure of the amount of damage you'd be able to deal in your current state.
You slowly brought yourself to your feet, trying your best to squint through the "fog" in order to make out your whereabouts until you had looked down, taking notice of the weirdly textured road you stood on. It was a deep, deep maroon color. Rough and scaly, almost like a raisin and... moving?
You could've sworn that it - whatever you were standing on - was rising and sinking just the slightest. But, then again, you couldn't exactly trust your vision right now, the effects of your medicine kicking in with a weird, head-spinning affect that caused you to almost miss the loud shout of your name.
"(Y/N)!!" Billy called into the clearing mist, hands cupped over his mouth and very grateful in the moment that his adult voice was loud and deep. He was sure his calls could be heard from miles away, let alone a few feet, his worry growing when he still didn't receive a response despite that fact.
"Baby, where are you...?!"
A smile creeped onto your face at the pet name, turning and looking towards the sound of his voice. It was when the golden glow of his lightning emblem came into view that you allowed excitement to swell in your chest, calling back out to him with a squeal laced in your raspy voice.
"I'm down here, I'm okay! Did you see what I did?! I literally took it out with one punch!"
When Billy was finally able to catch sight of you, another breath of relief left his throat, hurrying towards your wobbly figure and steadying you once he felt your grip on his biceps.
"Yes, I saw, and I'm concerned because I thought I told you to stay in bed."
"Aww, c'mon, dude...!" You practically whined. "I'm totally fine, I literally feel fine! Plus, it was obvious you needed my help, so-"
"We had it handled, (Y/N)."
"Oh, is that why I-..." Harsh coughs cut into whatever attitude you were about to dunk on your boyfriend, stepping away to cover your mouth as he nodded knowingly.
"It doesn't matter when you're still sick and should be resting."
"It's *cough* fine, I'm *cough-cough* I'm fine."
He didn't have time to offer up more lectures with his deadpanned look, his siblings swift to join you two with gracious smiles of their own at your appearance and quick take down.
"That was sick, you know how sick that was?! If I could do an instant replay, I would because that was awesome!" Freddy gushed, blowing your ego higher than need be as Pedro offered up a fist bump. You returned it eagerly, only to pout again when Billy didn't hesitate to inform them all of your unfortunate status.
"You wanna know what else is sick? Her. She is. She's sick and really should not be here-"
"-But I am, and I did my part, and now everything's fine and you're just mad 'cause you're a hater...!" You huffed, being exaggerative with your arms and hands that caused Billy to give you a weird look.
"What are you, drunk?"
You took offense to the half-joking question, unsure as to why he'd ask such a thing when you felt perfectly fine and dandy. Like, cloud nine, hazy eyes, and the weird urge to run a marathon yet so, so sleepy at the same time.
"Am I drunk or am I sick, Batson, which is it?"
A pause, attitude dwindling.
"'Cause...'cause I dunno', either..."
He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head once more in what could only be a mixture of dissatisfaction and worry.
"You took too much medicine before you got here, didn't you..."
Barely even a question, the obvious answer being yes, you could only scoff and toss your head to the side.
"No, just half the bottle..."
"That's way too much." Mary commented, nodding her head solemnly.
Before anyone could continue the odd conversation, the ground they stood on began to rise and fall a lot heavier than before.
"I knew it!" You shouted alarmingly loud, startling the siblings as they struggled to keep balance on the surface that was now beginning to rumble.
"Knew what?!" Freddy exclaimed. "What do you know?!"
"I thought I was hallucinating, but I'm not! We're not on the ground!" You informed, the shaking growing more violent by the second.
"(Y/N), please explain...!" Mary further urged, and before you could, a coughing fit stopped you from doing so and left everyone else in the dark, Billy trying his best to come to your side for comfort only for everyone to lose their balance the higher the "ground" rose.
Without second thought, Eugene flew upwards to get a better look at the entire scene, the rest of you quickly following in suit until you were all high enough in the sky to see that the monster was not yet finished with its rampage.
"(Y/N), hit it with another falcon punch!!" Freddy urged, Billy already shaking his head while giving an answer before you could.
"No, no, do not do that, she doesn't even feel well enough to be flying, look at her...!"
And it was true, your flying abilities suffering majorly from lack of health and increase of the medicine taking full affect making you drowsy and unfocused. You struggled to stay steady in the air, using Billy's arm as a crutch in case you were to suddenly drop from the sky. Hell, even the lightning emblem on your chest was dimming in and out as if you were literally on the verge from powering down while you spoke nasaly.
"He's...he's right, I feel- I'm pretty sure all of my power went into that one attack."
Freddy, dramatically, tossed his arms up into the air before dropping them at his sides.
"Oh, great, so we're screwed."
Protests from his siblings swiftly followed, all of them coming forth at the same time that left Freddy lifting his open palms up into the air in surrender.
"Oh, real nice, bro..." - "We're right here, y'know." - "Don't say that, we can do this...!" - "Okay, (Y/N)'s not the only one who can throw a punch, man!" - "Maybe if we spent less time talking and letting the sick girl do all of the work..."
"Sorry-sorry, my bad, I didn't realize you guys were so sensitive about this...!"
Fortunately, amongst the chaos of their words and the beast slowly rising from the ruins of Philadelphia's town hall for round two, your brain managed to fumble through half of a thought. An idea that could possibly work if executed correctly. A real plan, something that would help, which is what you came here to do, after all.
And sure, maybe you were too weak to carry it out alone, but the entire reason Billy had shared his power with you in the first place was because he trusted you. The same goes for all of his siblings. Because all of you together made a great team.
Besides, a half-assed plan was better than none at all.
So, without further ado...
"What-...What if y'all just... what if we stayed on the monster and then we just used our hands and then...boom. Right?"
You gained looks of concern and confusion at your nonsensical murmurs, the group making it known that whatever had just left your lips made zero sense to them even though you had been pretty confident in the fact that you came across perfectly clear.
Freddy was the first to prove otherwise, though, a barely audible, "...what?" leaving his throat as Billy gave you a look of sympathy and care.
"You're delirious, babe..."
"No, stop, I'm being serious...!" You croaked while pushing him away, which in hindsight, wasn't in your best interest when you were doing good just to stay afloat as well as dealing with an oncoming migrane. You fought to ignore that as well.
"Sounds like someone needs a nap." Eugene quipped, leaving Freddy and Darla to snicker to themselves while you gave what should've been a scoff, but what ended up coming out was more of a weak cough.
"Shut up, Eugene, I'm-!" Taking a second to gather your words, you tried again, doing your best to convey your plan once more.
"We all have lightning powers, don't we? We could land on the monster... and-and boom! Y'know?"
With the movements of your hands and fingers, you nodded as if to confirm that they understood this time around. Unfortunately, no one seemed to catch on, Mary the only one staring ahead rather than at you in confusion until something in her brain seemed to click, and she was suddenly coming towards you with a smile.
"Wait... Wait, I think I understand!"
"You do?!" You jinxed with your boyfriend, your words laced with a tone of relief and excitement while Billy's held more of a shock and surprise.
Mary nodded briskly, taking your hands in hers upon delivering her praise.
"Yes, (Y/N), you're a genius, oh my gosh! Why didn't I think of that?!"
With the two of you giving relieved laughs in understanding of one another, Darla was the first the point out the obvious for the rest of the group, leaving room for Mary to explain your plan much better than you had twice before.
"Am I the only one really confused right now?"
"Guys, we have to electrocute the monster, that's the only way it's going down. And I think, what (Y/N) means is, if we all use our powers together as much as we can like she did when she knocked it out, we'll generate enough electricity to do so."
"Yes!!" You confirmed with a mix of exasperation and relief in your hoarse voice, leaning your head against Billy's shoulder as if just the act of talking about your plan tired you out.
It made you wonder if you'd be strong enough to participate in executing, the feeling of letting down those around you much worse than any monster attacking the city or illness attacking your body.
Billy could sense this, raising and dropping the shoulder your head rested upon to grab your attention before delivering playful encouragement.
"Huh. Remind me never to doubt your sick-brain."
Sniffling, you nodded, appreciating his efforts and gaining back some of that lost confidence.
"Damn right."
It wasn't long before your plan had been put into action, one sibling distracting the monster long enough for another to land on it unsuspectingly until, one by one, all of you had your hands firmly planted on a part of its body. Counting down the seconds, you guys generated any and all electricity your bodies had stored into your hands and finally, found yourselves practically frying the beast to ash.
For the last time today, it fell. And thankfully, not on top of any more buildings. You were happy to witness it all, let alone be a part of it, nodding as if to pat yourself on the back for doing good. You certainly deserved it, you felt, seeing as all of your power went drained, and you were even too sick to stand. You convinced yourself to sit, leaning up against a large wall of rubble in attempts to recuperate.
"Just need to catch my breath..." You reasoned with yourself as though your eyes weren't half a blink away from fully closing.
"Need a second..." You coughed, head spinning with the urge to succumb to the cold that left even super-you ill-advantaged.
. . .
"(Y/N)...!!" Mary called into the debris, only having run into her own siblings rather than you. This worried her, especially once it had been revealed that you were fighting while sick. It also made her wonder why such mystical and magical abilities couldn't cancel out such a common flu or virus. She'd definitely be found reading up on the matter later, that's for sure...
But, until then, the search continued, Billy joining his older sister's side with a familiar concern he always harbored for you.
"(N/N)...!! Where you at, babe?!"
"You don't think she got crushed, do you?"
Mary rolled her eyes before lightly slapping the arm of her other brother, Freddy never one to learn to keep his badly timed jokes to himself.
"Don't say that, we're already worried enough...!"
"Agh-! I didn't mean it...!"
"There she is...!" Darla cheered, pointing up ahead to where you had peacefully laid yourself to rest.
Okay, that sounded a little morbid, but it's meant in the literal sense, not to worry.
Although it's not like they could tell the same, the view to them more of an alarming take on what should've been a more joyous reunion.
With super-speed Billy had almost forgotten he possessed, he was by your side in an instant, crouching down and allowing a giant wave of relief to wash over him when he was granted a clear look of your rising and falling chest. You were still breathing (thank god), and pretty heavily, he noticed, his gaze trailing upwards to inspect your face for any marks or bruises.
He found none, only the beads of sweat on your forehead and your eyes sunken in while you lightly snored, unable to breathe through your nose even in slumber.
"She's okay..." He had spoken to himself at first, a final act of reassurance he hadn't realized he needed before pulling himself together and turning back to shout.
"She's okay...!!"
Naturally, this woke you, your eyes fluttering open and a smile gracing your features at the sound of his voice.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." You apologized, fighting back a yawn as you placed a cold hand into Billy's warm one. "I was just...sleepin'. Tired."
"That's what you get for pushing yourself." He half-joked, granting you a smile of his own that brought some heat back to your cheeks.
"You should've stayed home." He reiterated for what seemed like the millionth time this late afternoon.
"Sorry. Just really needed to help you guys..."
"You did. By a lot." He admitted, gently urging you to your feet. "You did good, really."
You laughed weakly, thankfully using Billy for support as the rest of the siblings approached, glad you were okay, up, and even trying to walk.
"That's all I wanted."
"Say the word." Billy coaxed, and for once, you heeded his advice and muttered it with the hopes that you'd suddenly return home. Safe, sound, and in your warm, cozy bed.
Alas, that was wishful thinking. Instead, you were transformed back to your regular self, gently held in Billy's adult arms with the warmth exuding from his lightning emblem lulling you back to sleep much faster than expelling large quantities of magical power ever could.
"I'm taking her home." He announced, sure of himself this time around before swiftly adding, "And she's gonna stay there...!"
As if you could actually hear him and his directive attitude, he looked down at your figure cuddled against him before going on.
"And hopefully, she'll be better soon enough for people to thank her."
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"Hey, I think my sinuses are finally staring to clear up...!" You sniffled, basking in the glory that was a full, clear breath of air. Oh, how you missed air. How you missed breathing without issue, and-
"Bless you."
And... back to square one.
Normally, you'd apologize for spreading your germs, possibly passing on your sickness to your boyfriend. But, right now, cuddled up against him and finding solace in his care was all you concerned yourself with, having already thanked him a million times as he let the news channel run on your TV.
You got lucky, able to see that your selfless acts hadn't been in vain and that it really was for the best that you had gone out and helped when you felt needed.
"Feeling better?" Billy inquired, placing quick chaste kisses along your temple and forehead upon seeing the tiny smile that graced your features. You nodded against him; though not in regards to your sickness, you certainly did feel better about yourself, drifting off to sleeping knowing your city was safe and to the sound of your boyfriend's heartbeat.
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squealing like the little girl I am, lemme stop omg😭✋🏽-
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 :
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 :
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 :
none :(
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aclowntiny · 1 year
How Enhypen Act Around Their Crush (Gender Neutral Reader)
To usher in 7 more wonderful bois to this blog, the classic scenario I started the others with 😌 hope you enjoy, Engenes 💁🏻‍♀️➖
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♡ Can be sort of obvious, depends on how you perceive his shyness 🤔 he may just come across as quiet, on the reserved side before he gets more comfortable.
♡ He always has a big smile just for you & he listens so intently, like his eyes will be on you the whole time. Will be so expressive, reacting to everything you say.
♡ Wants you to be his partner for everrrryyyy game you guys play. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, Jungwon does apparently 💁🏻‍♀️ but yeah, he comes up with a creative reason to recruit you every time, even if it doesn’t make much sense.
♡ He stumbles on his words quite a bit around you, especially when you catch him off guard. Things that catch him off guard include (but are not limited to): you calling his name all of a sudden, Jungwon looking over to see you smiling/laughing, you just being beautiful (all the time if your name is Yang Jungwon).
♡ Another potential tell is how giggly he can get around you 🫢 man acts like everything you say is funny plS. & tell him something he did was cute he’ll straight up MALFUNCTION
♡ Pretty much UNO reverse cards almost any compliment you give him. Tell him how kind he is no you. Tell him he looks nice today??? DHCVSSGCHSBFDWS no you
♡ If the other members tease you, he’ll pull the leader card so fast to get them to stop, sheepishly (hahaha 양 pun haha) apologizing for them & steering you a bit away (oh darn…that results in more time with you…oh noooo….😉) from the chaos. Unless you really like it/give it back to them, then he’ll just cheer you on like get em!!! (੭ˊ꒳ ˋ)੭
♡ You accidentally kicked him lightly under the table once & felt so bad, but Jungwon lightened the mood immediately & turned it into your little thing instead :3 so you guys pretty much always play footsie at dinner that’s just how you cutiepies flirt 😌
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♡ He’s so sure he’s being super duper smooth with it, but it kinda shows tbh
♡ Literally trips over his own feet trying to help you once but it’s ok, it was cute ☺️ how could you not resist his eagerness??
♡ His goal one hundred percent is to make you feel valued, so your opinion is always taken into account. Suddenly, whatever you want to do is what Heeseung is voting for, too, especially if you’d have been the only one otherwise.
♡ Basically becomes your personal delivery boy. You want a drink? What kind? Heeseung’s already out of his seat, he’ll bring you one. You left your shoes? Oh, just stay there, Heeseung’s got it.
♡ When you talk to him, get ready to see Maximal Big Bambi Eyes™. Like, those things are going to be shining full of stars whenever they get to look at your wonderful face 🩷
♡ “What’s your favorite song? …Oh, no reason.” Heeseung then proceeds to make it his life mission to learn that song & sing it for you. May even…write you a song 👀 if he gets brave one day, maybe he’ll show it to you!
♡ Probably invites you to go get ramen with him because of course he does 😆 anything to have some one-on-one time though! He actually has an easier time that way, no pressure from other sets of eyes on him.
♡ May not initiate touch too much, but if you do he’ll look some of the happiest you’ve ever seen him 🥺🥰 that’ll probably encourage him to do a bit more with you as well!
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♡ Thinks he’s super smooth but it kinda shows part 2
♡ He tries to show off more around you, taking on more challenges & trying to do things that make him look cool. “Oh, yeah, I can do that. Check this out!” If he fails, at least he can amuse you & laugh it off, getting more motivated for next time 💪🏻
♡ 5000% the guy who gives you his jacket when it’s cold (& revels in the way you look in his clothes 👀)
♡ If you laugh at his puns, A. Jay.exe will stop working, B. he’ll make that many more just to make you laugh, his chest swelling a little every time it works 😌
♡ Finds out you like something then does a ton of research on it so he can casually bring it up & be like ‘oh, you’re into that too? nice, had no idea 😎’
♡ Tries to make sure he’s standing next to you in pictures so he can see how you two look together 👀 probably also tried wearing your favorite color more too, just subliminal messages for when you see him & look back on those pictures 😌
♡ Probably the most obvious thing he does is how fiercely he defends you. If anyone teases or even slightly inconveniences them Jay’s ready to fight them for you. Even harder than he is when they tease him for his crush CGDVSCDSFCHVX
♡ Really casually breaks the touch barrier by sitting really close to you, your arms & sides brushing, but is dying on the inside especially when you scooch a bit & somehow end up even closer 💗
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♡ Highkey really good at handling it, not making it obvious in an embarrassing way but dropping just the right amount of hints 😌
♡ He approaches you right away & asks questions to get to know you better, finding a way to relate to as many of your answers as he can.
♡ Definitely asks if you like animals & shows you pictures of Layla because the two of them are a package deal 😤 but of course you love her & gush over the pictures & Jake’s heart goes 💗
♡ Jake is always the first to congratulate you on a job well done, telling you did great even if it’s something as simple as completing a task on the game you’re playing together.
♡ Jake’s the kind of guy to send you songs he thinks you’ll like, please listen to them 🥺 & give them nice reviews especially if they’re love songs because that’s a hint!!!
♡ He will always open doors for you & pull out your chair for you because our Jake is a gentleman 😌
♡ Also the one who buys you random surprises, just cute things in your favorite color or themed like your interests that made him think of you (as if he isn’t always thinking of you)!
♡ The first time he really initiates contact, it’s sort of on accident 😅 you have something in your hair & he gently reaches over to take it out, then realizes what he does & apologies, a blush spreading across his face. His smile returns, though, when you tell him it was quite all right & thank him!
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♡ Doesn’t want to be embarrassingly obvious but, like, what’s the point if you don’t know, you know? 👀
♡ Strategically positions himself at gatherings so he can always have a good look at you if he isn’t talking to you.
♡ Lets you win whenever you guys are playing games because he loves seeing how happy you get, especially if you playfully rub it in his face. It builds a little joke between you two & gives him an excuse to play with you again for ‘revenge’!
♡ Enjoys being able to teach you things, partially for showing-off factor but mostly because it forges a connection between you two & shows that you can learn from each other.
♡ On the flip side of that, Sunghoon wants to try out your hobbies, too. Even if they don’t end up being his favorite, it’s a new experience for him to have under his belt & one more way to show his interest in you.
♡ Smirks a little if your eyes meet his from a distance, but the moment you look away he’s probably crashing into a wall or completely turned around so no one sees how red he is.
♡ If you wear a hat or glasses, he’ll probably steal them from you just to flirt. Coin flip if he just puts them on or if he takes something & runs so you chase him down for it. If he puts it on, he’ll say it looks better on you 😏
♡ He’s not super touchy-feely, so he’ll go with the flow on your signs there. If you’re a hugger, though, oh boy will he lean into that fact. Every greeting between you & Sunghoon will be a hug just because he can 😌
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♡ Definitely could be more obvious, but internally he feels like with everything he does there’s a big flashing Las Vegas sign above his head that says ‘SUNOO LIKES YOU’.
♡ However his hints aren’t always that glaring like he feels like he laughs at everything you say, but also laughs quite a bit naturally so it can easily be seen as part of his naturally joyous personality.
♡ Lowkey his love language is food, like he’ll find out what your favorite candy is & then somehow alwaaaaayssss have some when he’s with you ☺️
♡ MUST be sitting next to you whenever possible. Once stole Heeseung’s seat next to you when he got up on the grounds of the couch being more comfortable than the chair he’d had to be in before.
♡ He really wants to know your favorite things, like your favorite movies, songs, ice cream flavor, etc. because then he can try them too & feel like he’s experiencing a little part of you through them 🥰
♡ Wants to take selfies with you every time you hang out!!! 🥺 what can he say, pictures capture good memories!
♡ Never more will you desire having a personal cheerleader, Sunoo has that covered. Everything you do is amazing in his eyes & he will tell you it’s impressive all the time.
♡ A little shy with initiating touch, but eventually when he feels more comfortable he’ll do little things like resting a hand on your arm as he asks if you’re ok or grabbing your hand to lead you places!
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♡ Honestly one of the better ones at hiding it if he wants to, which he definitely does at first! Later on, though? Different story. He has to win you in the end right? 😤
♡ Definitely the type to try showing off a bit, like he’ll be the one that always wants to show you the choreographies they’re working on, giving his all even into his little demonstrations & immediately glancing for your reaction.
♡ Really loves it if you dance with him, whether it’s letting him teach you or just joining in on what he’s doing. He’ll get so smiley please dance with him lots!
♡ This boy lives for teasing you!!! He loves to imitate you playfully & fake-bicker with you, but it’s just because he wants to play around 🥺 if you ever seem upset he’ll stop & apologize right away.
♡ If you don’t speak Japanese, he’ll teach you some phrases, but only either super weird random ones or cutesy stuff he just wants to see you say.
♡ You’ll probably catch the others (read: Jake, Jay) teasing him for it at one point; even if the context escapes you you’ll just walk in & see Riki getting ready to throw hands 😂
♡ He brings it on himself a little bit because even if he’s pretty good at being nonchalant, he’s always near you, whether it’s following you around to chat or just taking a seat near you, any spot that gets him in your orbit.
♡ Probably tries the ol yawn-&-stretch the arm thing at least twice (fails once) on you 😭😂 if you look surprised, he’ll totally act like he didn’t know that was what he was doing 😅
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magistralucis · 3 months
what happens in the sanctum stays in the sanctum... maybe 😳 [Trazyn/Orikan snippet]
(Excerpt from the second chapter of Viridian. Simple and straightforward, two lovers getting down to business after thousands of words of foreplay. Chapter is mostly done; I've not been very well recently so progress is slow, but we're getting there.
Literally nothing about this snippet is SFW. Please be mindful reading 😆)
In hindsight, the Way had not been his finest choice in life as an oracle; when Orikan broke his vow he suffered little as a result, but he truly hadn't sworn it with the intent of breaking it. He had looked out for himself, he had tried to be indifferent. But fast-forward two decades and Orikan was regularly making love to an overlord, guiding his hot flesh inside his body until the lord was begging to spend, so suffice to say that part of his life plan had been nixed for good. Oh, the soul's ironies, the curious twists of fate.
As soon as the archivist was made comfortable Orikan fell upon him again with kisses, his lips roaming from throat to lip to forehead. Trazyn's hair was most exquisitely mussed about the temples and he kissed that too, nigh clutching the lord's head to his chest. By this point Orikan's inner robes were barely hanging on from his shoulders, and he laughed breathlessly as Trazyn rifled and sucked his bare bosoms, leaving the tips glistening when he finally pulled away. "The lord archivist asks me to take a seat." He said, panting slightly as he felt how firm and keen Trazyn was beneath his hand. "Shall I take you now, then? Should I lead on?"
"Yes, do." Trazyn's eyes were fair glazed with lust. His index traced the metagold glyphs on Orikan's chest, toying with the hardened tip of one nipple. "You can do anything you like with me, dear one."
A smile quirked the astromancer's lips. "A dangerous thing to say to a cryptek, my lord, you'd risk anything?"
Trazyn nodded, too short of breath to speak. Orikan bent down to kiss him again, linking the fingers of both their hands and gently pinning Trazyn in place. He was just raising his hips to get into position when he spotted a slip of cloth trailing from his pocket - Trazyn's blindfold, quite forgotten since they'd stepped foot into the sanctum - and a refined desire bloomed in his heart. "Allow me."
He gently guided the overlord's wrists above his head. "Now what's this?" Trazyn laughed muzzily, glancing upwards as Orikan began to bind his wrists with the cloth. The posture made him arch his back further, his robes sliding from his chest and accentuating the hollow of his sternum. "Keep my hands to myself, I see. Have I been too eager, little one, is this a punishment?"
"You made a promise and I hold you to it." Orikan deadpanned, though his eyes glittered with mischief: the knot was so loose that Trazyn could escape it with a tug, they both knew it was just play. His fingers paced slowly down the dip of Trazyn's chest. "No, it's not. You've been very good, actually, I didn't think you'd hold out for so long."
Trazyn puffed out a laugh. Oh, ye of little faith. He held back the faintest moan as Orikan's hand slid down past his belly, stopping just short of his quivering arousal. "There's one thing in this sanctum more precious than anything else inside it, and he already belongs to me. Why would I stray to anything else?"
Orikan felt a great tenderness overtake him. "Trazyn."
There was no reason to delay any longer. The Diviner moored a knee beside each of Trazyn's thighs to straddle him, then sat back to show off his sex, parted like a seashell and glistening. Primal heat radiated from it, his small opening clenching and unclenching with anticipation. Trazyn blushed and struggled weakly against his bonds, wanting to caress the taut muscles of Orikan's thighs. They were his only Immortals' inheritance, but how lovely and powerful they were, how well he wrestled with them indeed. "Orikan, sweet Orikan. Pray have mercy on an old man."
"Not that old." Orikan coaxed as he slid himself slowly over the erection, his juices slicking it in slow hot drips. (They had a slew of other lubricating products - scented oils, warming balms, salves to tighten or loosen as desired - but they never actually remembered to use them, so easy they were to arouse.) The nether lips brushed against the leaking tip in a kiss, paused to let their fluids mingle; Orikan then grasped the arousal and guided it to his entrance, and embraced it with a steady plunge, savouring the lord's heated moan as they were finally united. "Oh, oh."
Trazyn normally liked to take his time with this part, nudging the tip of his member again and again between Orikan's lips and smiling leisurely at the other's frustration. Oh, how the tables were turned, and how sweetly did the overlord sigh, breathless and languorous and luxuriant. "Darling."
They had missed this so terribly.
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 7 months
Hi Sunny! Can I request Bilbo/Thorin 🤝 for your Valentines prompt, please? Such a lovely idea!! Thank you!
Sorry for the lateness! I managed to get busy the last couple of days. Thank you so much for the ask. Have a little more than 500 words. 😆
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Thorin watched Bilbo wander through the gardens talking intently with Ori. He couldn’t hear the conversation in question, but he could guess from Bilbo’s smiles and Ori’s enthusiasm that it was something related to hobbits and their culture. Ori had been dying to know more about their fourteenth companion since the start of their journey, and now that they reached sanctuary in Beorn’s cabin, he could finally ask all he wanted to know. 
One of the overly large bees decided to investigate their new company much to Ori’s panic. Bilbo’s laughter was bright and musical when the young dwarf threw himself to the ground to avoid the bee that landed on Bilbo’s curls. A smile tugged at Thorin’s face effortlessly in the face of the scene. In the face of Bilbo’s genuine joy. He took a deep breath grappling with the realization that he came to after their escape from the goblins. After Bilbo defended himself and his presence in their company. Thorin was in love with him.
“Are you just going to stand here and stare like a creep, or are you going over there?”
Thorin flinched lightly even if he tried to deny it. He crossed his arms, making himself much more comfortable against the wooden beam in the porch’s shade.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Thorin defended.
“Right.” Dwalin snorted. “Look, I’ve saved your life plenty of times and I’ve never been hugged like that afterwards.”
“Aw, do you need a hug, Dwalin?” Thorin teased.
The other dwarf rolled his eyes as he shoved at Thorin. “Why would I want a hug from your moody ass? I’m just saying it’s plain as day what you feel for the hobbit. So go do something about it.”
“We are on a dangerous quest.” Thorin raised an eyebrow. “Maybe it’s not the best time.”
“Maybe that’s why it's the perfect time. Especially if you’re going to keep throwing yourself at your enemies with no backup whatsoever.”
Thorin was never going to hear the end of that. He honestly couldn’t tell if Dwalin was more worried about Thorin’s safety or more pissed that Thorin didn’t think to help him up. 
“Just do us all the favor and talk…to the hobbit.” Dwalin demanded, pausing as he shoved Thorin out into the open sunshine. 
Thorin looked over his shoulder to glare at his friend, before looking to see if Bilbo had noticed. He was met with the hobbit’s warm gaze and wide grin.
“Hello, Thorin!”
Thorin straightened himself out after his ungraceful display moving towards Bilbo and Ori.
“Hello, do you mind if I join you two?”
“Of course not!” Bilbo exclaimed.
“Yeah, we don’t mind at…OW!”
Thorin stared unimpressed as Ori rubbed the back of his head from where the rock hit before looking back at Dwalin and making his excuses to leave. Bilbo seemed rather worried, but Thorin assured him that Ori was not in any trouble with Dwalin. That the dwarf was just being ridiculous. Bilbo didn’t seem convinced, but at least was willing to go along with it. They weaved through the blooms, in silence at first, but it was not in Bilbo’s nature to remain so for long. He told Thorin of the flowers that they also had in the Shire and their meanings in their culture as well as any practical uses they may have. 
Thorin felt as if his head was spinning from the onslaught of information, but he did nothing to interrupt the hobbit who was clearly in his element. So Thorin would follow it up to ask about a different flower or about Bilbo’s garden back at Bag End, which he could barely remember in the glimpses he caught of it. If anything, it made him happy to see Bilbo so animated and confident, a far cry from how he had been so far on their journey. Feeling particularly enamored after a humorous retelling from the hobbit, he reached over to grab Bilbo’s hand.
Bilbo paused for a moment before carrying on with his tales, giving Thorin’s hand a squeeze in return. Thorin felt as if his heart was soaring back in the sky with the eagles. His mind whirled with the possibilities, and perhaps Dwalin was right. Perhaps he didn’t need to wait until the end of this quest to find what he was looking for. Not that he would ever tell the other dwarf.
Leaving the gardens, he and Bilbo ambled through the rest of Beorn’s property. Hand in hand, and quite contently too. 
Send me Hugs & Kisses!
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mikuni14 · 5 months
We Are - Ep 4
PhumPeem As a shallow person who forgives a lot of characters if they are played by a pretty actor, and as a boomer raised on toxic yaoi manga, this couple is still in my first place 🤡 I look at them with mixed feelings. Hope, because Phum improved a lot in this episode, he apologized - even several times, but most importantly, he said that he was an asshole, didn't look for excuses and tried to make amends. This is crucial for me: not only an apology, but also awareness of what has been done, owning it and compensation (which I mentioned many times during DFF analyses, because THIS was missing there). But I also don't trust them yet, because PondPhuwim had their other series start off quite well, only to disgust me later with the inequalities and simple toxicity in relationships (and yes, even their prettyness didn't help lol). PhumPeem as of this episode have a dynamic that I like, that is, they are both strong characters, with an air of adulthood mixed with a childish banter, acts of service and mutual attraction mixed with keeping a distance and lingering distrust on Peem's part. Plus a "handsome big bad boy" in engineering and a "beautiful artist" - as a yaoi boomer, I am completely defenseless against such a couple 🤡 What intrigues me about them is that they are clearly interested in each other, they are probably types for each other and if it weren't for the stupid and unfortunate beginning of their relationship, it's quite possible that they would have already had their first hook-up and their relationship would be more adult and in my style, and their problems would be more problems of mature people. I'm a little concerned about the speed at which this relationship is moving, knowing that there are 16 episodes. Good lord, what are they thinking of to fill 11 episodes when the boys will probably kiss in the next one? I can only imagine 😬
QToey A very enjoyable pairing that started for me with the scene in the last episode where Q is possessive and doesn't let anyone take care of Toey. I admit that I'm not a big fan of this couple, probably because Q is too dominant in this relationship for me, due to his character, personality and the fact that I like him A LOT. But I'm starting to warm up to them 😉
TanFang Pretty much the same situation: Tan dominates this couple so much for me that I don't see them as a couple at all yet. Besides, I don't really know what Fang's feelings and intentions are, because there simply isn't enough of him.
ChainPun I'm not interested in this couple ngl. Characters like Pun have to have really well-written roles so as not to come off as irritating or cartoonish (something like Khem from The Sign), or so that this kind of personality type doesn't dominate the ENTIRE character.
After 4 episodes, I can say that I'm most interested in Peem, Q and Tan, their relationship, their friendship, their lives, their characters. This is actually pretty funny because they are SO interesting to me that I am more fascinated by their interactions with each other than with their respective partners 😄 (with the exception of Phum, who is a strong enough character to be able to match Peem). But I freely admit that the most interesting scenes in this episode belonged to these three and had nothing to do with romance 😉
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👆This was actually the best scene from this episode 😆
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softguarnere · 1 year
hi dove! i can't believe i've never requested anything on your blog! could you possibly write a enemies to lovers - lewis nixon x reader? maybe where feelings are discovered after one of them gets hurt/captured/something like that! you know i'm a sucker for angst with tons of fluff! thanks for being awesome!
mads <3
Coming Clean
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Lewis Nixon x reader
A/N: omg hi Mads! Thank you so much for the request 🤗 I love your work (especially the way you write Nix) so I really hope you enjoy this! I edited and wrote the last half of this fic while sick, so if this is totally incoherent, that's why - and I'll just have to do my best to fix it when I'm better😆 (As always this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️ Warnings: language, mentions of war
“I am not being overdramatic,” Nixon insists in what can only fairly be described as a rather theatrical tone. 
Dick only glances up from across the table, an eyebrow quirked as he studies his friend. He nods slightly. Thank you for proving my point, the gesture seems to say.
“Nix,” he says, his tone serious, even though he opts for his friend’s nickname instead of a more reprimanding Lewis. “I don’t think comparing anyone to Sobel is fair.”
Nixon drops his fork and holds his hands up in surrender. “Whoa, okay. All I said was that if she wanted to, (Y/N) could give him a run for his money. That’s all.”
“They’re nothing alike,” Dick deadpans.
Nothing alike? A bit nondramatic, in Nixon’s opinion. An understatement for sure. He starts to protest, but Dick cuts him off.
“I think the two of you just got off on the wrong foot.”
Scoffing, Nixon leans back in his chair. “Well, I wouldn’t call overhearing someone explicitly talking about how they think you’re unqualified for your job getting off on the wrong foot. But close enough, I guess.”
“That’s not what I said.”
The voice is enough to startle both Nixon and Winters – although the ginger presses his lips together in a way that suggests he’s only just managing to repress a smile as he takes in your arrival on the scene. Nixon, on the other hand, has to forcibly close his mouth to stop from gaping at your sudden presence.
“What I said,” you continue. “was that I wasn’t sure how well a Yale man would hold his ground amongst the other officers.”
A frown tugs at the corners of Nixon’s mouth. For once, he’s grateful that part of his upbringing included lessons in how to conceal one’s true emotions lest someone gain the upper hand by using them against him. He presses his lips into a thin line and steels himself.
“Remind me where you studied again, Lieutenant?”
Your face pales. Bingo! You may have had him there for a second, but he’s struck a nerve.
“It was just a joke,” you say, your voice quiet.
Nixon only shrugs before turning back to Dick. There are footsteps as you walk away, but he doesn’t turn to see you go. Instead, he tries to concentrate on his tray of food. Tries being the operative word, since Dick seems intent on staring at him with that look of utter disappointment on his face that could make a saint feel guilty.
“What?” He stabs some broccoli with his fork, not looking up.
Dick sighs. “It was a joke, Nix.”
The potatoes on the corner of his tray are his next victim. Unseasoned and questionably cooked as they are, Nixon still puts all his focus into getting them firmly on his fork.
“Why does it bother you so much?”
Now he looks up. “Huh?”
“The joke,” Dick clarifies. “Why did it bother you so much?”
It’s not so much that the jab at his alma mater bothers him. It’s just . . . Huh. Why does it bother him? The way it’s said, perhaps, or the people it was said in front of. After all, it was one of the first things that you said upon Nixon’s arrival after his promotion. Not a good look for a newcomer in such a prestigious position. If he wanted people to poke fun at him despite his achievements, he could have just stayed home.
Sure, that’s probably it, he tells himself. You’ve just hit a nerve. No need to psychoanalyze this whole thing.
To Dick’s question, he only shrugs.
His friend, thankfully, does not press the issue.
. . .
Lewis Nixon, you’re beginning to realize, does not forgive and forget.
Well, that’s too bad, because all the other officers seem to think that he’s funny and charming. And they’re right. But clearly those qualities are not on display whenever you’re around. And you’re not about to ingratiate yourself to him by groveling for forgiveness over some stupid offhanded joke.
Too bad. Because you’re a big enough person to admit that despite his flaws, Lewis Nixon has his good qualities – not to mention that he’s handsome.
“Why are you staring at me?”
The sudden question draws you out of your thoughts. You blink, back in the present moment.
“You’re staring at me,” Nixon says. He doesn’t look up from the stack of mail that he’s censoring, intent on his work.
You avert your gaze, trying to ignore the heat you feel rushing to your cheeks. The words on the letter in front of you turn to nonsense the more you try to focus on them. If you work hard enough, you won’t be tempted to let your thoughts wander to the man sitting across the table from you.
“Here.” A letter lands on top of the one you’re reading as Nixon, once again, interrupts your thoughts. Startled, you look up to find him looking at you rather expectantly.
The letter he’s tossed to you looks familiar. It takes you a moment to realize that it’s written in your handwriting – a letter that you wrote to your family back in the states. When you glance up at him, he turns back to his own work.
“You spelled accommodate wrong. Thought you might want to fix it before sending it off to your family.”
Oh of course he would point out your mistake like that! Anyone else would have let it go. Your family will be so thrilled by the letter that they wouldn’t even give the misspelling a second thought.
The sigh that you push through your nose comes out louder than you expect it to. Nixon, however, doesn’t look up. Swallowing your pride, you aim for a tone that’s halfway pleasant.
“Thank you, Nixon.”
Is it your imagination, or does the corner of his mouth twitch slightly? A smirk, perhaps.
“You’re welcome, (Y/L/N).”
. . .
Though the world no longer trembles with the barrage of artillery fire, you keep your hands pressed firmly over your ears, staying low in the foxhole. Is it the cold causing you to shake, or the adrenaline that still courses through your veins?
You had been out making rounds when the shelling began, just trying to make sure that the rest of Easy Company was okay. The shellings are always unexpected, but this one caught you out in the open, exposed. You had had to dive into the nearest foxhole, hoping for the best as you hid from the explosions just outside.
Someone had grunted when you fell into the foxhole, your elbow connecting with their stomach. There had been no chance to apologize over the loud, cracking booms that filled the air.
After a shelling, there always seems to be a moment – a split second, really – of silence before it all goes to hell again. Then the calls for a medic will break out and everyone will jump into action, throwing around orders amid the screams and groans of the injured.
Now, as you wait for the few seconds of silence, you feel the person beneath you shift.
“Sorry,” you mutter, your arms shaking as you attempt to push yourself off of them.
“Christ,” a familiar voice grumbles. “My fucking ribs.”
Nixon’s voice is all the motivation that you need to push yourself the rest of the way off of him. Still full of adrenaline, you push yourself back on your heels, staying low in the foxhole, but ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
The Princeton man rubs his ribs. “You came out of nowhere. That really – “ He pauses, his expression shifting into one that you’ve never seen on him before as his brows furrow. Gently, he leans towards you. “Hey, (Y/N). Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine.”
“You look – “
The air splits in two as the second round starts. The shell must hit somewhere very near your foxhole, because the reverberations its impact sends through the ground cause you to topple forward, straight into Nixon.
Before you can even think about pushing yourself away from him again, something strange happens: you feel his arms wrap around you, drawing you in, close and tight, as the barrage continues. You bury your face in his shoulder.
When the second round ends, you both remain still, breathing heavily as you wait for whatever comes next. Only when it’s clear that the Germans are no longer firing do you pull away from each other. Neither of you looks the other in the eye.
“Sorry about your ribs.”
“Huh? Oh. They’re fine.”
Neither of you leaves the foxhole until absolutely necessary. And the next time that the Germans begin firing, when you somehow find yourself back in the same foxhole, neither of you seem to question how easily you wrap your arms around each other, bracing for the impacts and explosions.
The fog of war is a hell of a thing.
. . .
“Medic! We need a medic!”
The call is so unexpected that Nixon actually stops midsentence and turns his attention towards the panicked voice. Several others follow suit. After all, in the middle of Berchtesgaden, who would need a medic? It’s not like they’re in combat. And there’s nothing and no one around that should be putting anyone in danger.
Dick jumps into action immediately. Of course he does; he cares so deeply for his men – anyone can see that. It’s especially evident in this moment as he steps forward to intercept the panicked looking Talbert.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
“(Y/L/N) needs a medic.”
Despite his wishes, Nixon feels his heart skip a beat at the mention of your name. It’s because of the startling and unusual news that Tab is delivering, he tells himself.
“For what?” he asks at the same time that Dick takes charge of the situation, charging down the street they’ve been standing on, yelling out that he needs to find Doc Roe.
As soldiers snap to attention trying to find the trusted medic, Nixon moves closer to Talbert.
“What happened to (Y/L/N)?”
Talbert takes a step back, his eyes wide, like he’s being confronted by a madman. Sure, Nixon’s tone was a little demanding – a little worried – but there’s really no need for the other man to look so shocked.
“A couple of us were out exploring the woods,” Tab explains. “She caught her ankle on a root and tripped. Might be just a sprain, but it looks pretty nasty.”
“Where is she now?”
“We got her back to the house that she was quartering in – Hey! Nix, where are you going?”
Talbert’s voice fades behind him as Nixon rushes down the street. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he’s vaguely aware of people stopping to stare at him as he passes, his pace a barely restrained run.
Several shocked faces look up at him when he bursts into the house. He stops in the doorway of the living room, staring into where you are.
You sit on the couch, one leg propped up beside you. Other than the swelling in your ankle, you look okay – if not a little surprised, that is, to see Nixon gaping at you like this. For what it’s worth, the few Easy men who are scattered throughout the living room look just as stunned.  
“(Y/N),” Nixon breathes. Coming back to himself, he clears his throat, willing his heart rate to slow down to normal levels.
“Um . . . I think we should – we should maybe clear out, yeah guys? Give (Y/N) some room to breathe,” Babe suggests.
Casting glances between you and Nixon, the other men squeeze past him in the doorway as they make their way out of the house. Behind him, the door closes, but Nixon doesn’t move. Somewhere within the house, through all the silence between the two of you, a clock chimes to signal the top of the hour.
“Can I help you?” You finally ask.
“We’re at the end of the war.” Nixon’s voice, once again, is louder than he intended it to be. He clears his throat again before pushing on. “We’re at the end of the war, and you somehow got hurt.”
“I tripped in the woods. So what?”
“So what? I was worried about you!” The words are out of his mouth before they have his permission to be spoken. They’ve escaped before he truly grasps the gravity of what he’s just said.
You quirk an eyebrow – a rather sarcastic expression that he’s come to know on you, but your voice is quiet when you ask, “You were worried about me?”
He was worried about you, he realizes suddenly. And he’s been worried about you for some time now, though he can’t place when his feelings towards you softened, when he started to care.
“Yeah,” he admits. “I want you to get home safely.”
“Why is that?”
His head spins. Maybe you should have been put in intelligence, the way that you’re pressuring him for answers while keeping a collected tone. It’s exasperating, honestly, how you’ve somehow gained the upper hand.
But part of him . . . likes the feeling it gives him when the two of you spar like this.
Something tugs at the corners of your mouth. It might be a smile you’re trying to suppress, or one of the smirks that he’s come to know so well.
“Nixon, I think you’re very bad at expressing your emotions.”
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” With your propped leg taking up the space beside you on the couch, you instead gesture to the chair that sits nearby. Without knowing why, Nixon takes a seat. It’s a bit like waiting outside the principal’s office, the anticipation of it all. “But,” you continue. “it’s kind of cute to see you so flustered.”   
You’re messing with him, surely. Yet he can’t find any sort of witty comeback.
After a moment of staring at each other, you nod with the assurance of someone who has finally made up their mind and is resigned to their fate. “I think it’s time I finally came clean.”
“I think you know. But just to watch you squirm, I’m going to start at the beginning.”
He’s heard you tell stories before. The two of you could be here for a long time.
But, he thinks as you start your narrative, he’s starting to realize that he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Hi, I just wanna share that I ship Ashley and Leon since the original RE, and I ship them even more now more than ever. I just wanted to say that I’m glad that I saw your blog. You defend them from hate comments. I could never do that. All I do is hide the fact that I ship them because people online (and IRL) can really be mean when I say that they have a good potential together.
I just think that their relationship can be wholesome and built on trust. It is without ill intention and born out of care & adoration. Which I think are the some of the foundations of having a healthy relationship, that’s why I love the idea of them together. I know this may be cliche to say this, but I think they can complete each other in some ways.
Is it wrong to want a potentially healthy relationship for Leon? I don’t get why people hate on the idea of it so much. I mean people can not ship it, and that’s fine. I just don’t get it when others start attacking because I mention that I ship them. It’s like I feel like I’m about to get executed whenever I say that they have a chemistry together 😆
Also, I apologize for talking so much about them. I just have no one to talk to when it comes to them. I just wanna share it to someone.
Lastly, I wanna say that you make deep analysis on not just their relationship and dynamics, but also on other lores on the RE franchise which I enjoy reading. It really gives a lot of new perspectives & insights on a lot of things that I don’t notice when I play the game. Thank you for this, really!
aw, anon
I also went through a period of very many years where I wouldn't say out loud that I shipped Leon and Ashley, because there was a stretch of a very long time in fandom where you got tarred and feathered if you dared have a Leon ship that wasn't Cleon or Aeon. Even shipping him with Chris was considered taboo back in the day (and, wouldn't you know, I do that, too).
And I was scared that people wouldn't take my (completely unrelated, mind you!!) meta seriously if they knew I shipped Leon/Ashley, so I just kept quiet about it. I even tried to pass it off, for a while, that I had no RE ships at all. It was just easier to say that than be dodgy about it.
It was actually kind of funny. For a while, a not-insignificant portion of the fandom went to me, specifically, for all of their Leon things, and I just had to kind of laugh at how ridiculous it was that these same people would've just stopped agreeing with anything I said about him -- things that they agreed with and had been relying on for their own interpretations -- if they'd known I shipped him with Ashley. It's all very, very stupid.
But now I'm in my 30s and I don't give a fucking shit anymore. I don't care about being an authority on canon anymore. I'm happy to be a reference if someone needs it, but I don't care about being the central hub of information. I don't need to try to make people feel impartially about me anymore.
But, authority or not, I'm still a story analyst at heart before anything else. I look at Leon's character first and then think about any possible ships second. And, yeah. After analyzing him for so long, I've noticed that Ashley brings out a side of him that isn't shown at any other point -- and it's in a positive way that's absent when she's gone. So, naturally and logically, in my head, it stands to reason that there's something to that.
Some people seem to be under the impression that Leon's character arc lives and dies by Ada's involvement, and boy is that just not the case. There's a lot of different moving parts when it comes to Leon's character arc, but he's primarily defined by the striking lack of agency he has, despite being one of the main characters of the series. Ada perpetuates and exacerbates that helplessness, but it would still exist without her. In Leon's own words: "nothing ever changes" and THAT is what's at the center of his character arc.
But even beyond that, Leon is a character who needs to be needed; it's something that's shown over and over and over and over again. So, as much as people like the idea of a "partners" type ship (like Chris/Jill) and so they ship him with Claire -- or as much as people like the whole cat-and-mouse will-they-won't-they thing that Leon has going on with Ada -- neither Claire nor Ada need Leon, so it would never really work in the long-term.
And as much as Leon doesn't want Ashley to need him... he still needs her to. Because he doesn't realize that Ashley can both need him emotionally because that's what romance is you fucking stupid idiot, Leon -- and also be her own independent person living her life to the fullest at the same time.
And you know what? I like queen/knight ships, and that's exactly what Leon and Ashley are. So I just embrace it.
This isn't to discount other people's tastes or ship preferences. Ship whatever the hell yall want. But Leon/Ashley has always existed, will always exist, and it's just as valid as any other ship. Thankfully, the remake seems to have made it more "acceptable" -- which really just tells me that the only reason why we Leon/Ashley folks were blacklisted for so long is because the vast majority of the fandom was just bad at RE4 and took out their impotent gamer rage on Ashley, as though it was her fault they sucked at the game. (If you got annoyed at Ashley screaming for help in OG -- or in remake, even -- it's because you let her get grabbed. It's player error.)
Just sayin.
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bioware-bard · 9 months
I'm suuuuper curious about your draft Hail To The King. I have to know what it's about!
You have a sixth sense for Reyder fics, don't you? 😆 All Hail The King is a Plot? What Plot? kind of smutty fic. It's been ages since I've written any kind of sexy times though, so it's taking me a bit, but I've had this scene wreak havoc in my mind since playing ME:A. I have a feeling it's still going to be heavily edited in the future, but have a snippet.
Behind the cut, because smut.
Sara wouldn’t let him speak. 
She simply walked up to him, the doors of the former Outcast HQ closing and locking behind her, and pressed a finger to his lips. “No words, Shena.” Her intent was clear in her eyes as she bit her lip, regarding him from beneath lowered lashes and his dick jerked in response. She touched her right hand to his chest, stood up on tiptoe and nipped at his lower lip playfully. 
He tried to catch her mouth for a kiss, but she started pushing against his chest, guiding him backward across the catwalk and towards Sloane’s old throne. His hands moved to grip her waist, but she swatted them away with a light shake of her head and winked. Obeying her silent command, his lips quirked up into a sly smile but he raised his hands in surrender. 
Reyes let her guide him backward slowly, her hands skillfully moving beneath his jacket, deftly pushing it up and removing it from around his shoulders. He quickly shrugged out of them and tossed them to the side as her fingers started working on his belt, unbuckling it swiftly and started on the button of his pants. She slid the zipper down while her other hand slipped inside and cupped him through his boxers. He moaned at the feel of her hand on his cock, the slow strokes up and down hardening him even further.
Sara rested her forehead on his chest as she stroked him, feeling the rise and fall with each shaky inhale of his breath, her head moving in sync with the rhythm. He thrust into her hand and she squeezed him a bit, right below the tip of him, making him groan out a muttered, “Fuck.” Raising her head back up to look at his face, she pressed her flat palm completely against his cock and twisted her hand enough so her thumb brushed over his tip. 
His eyes had drifted closed at her gentle strokes but they flew open now and he gave another thrust of his hips, this one so abrupt he nearly lost his footing. She steadied him and laughed softly, the sound traveling through the room like a warm breeze and caressing his skin where it touched. After one last stroke along his shaft, she pulled her hand from his pants and pressed it against his stomach, the other gripping his waist until his knees hit the seat. 
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Random episode rewatch: 3.05 Au Jus, with an honorable mention to 3.06 Frere Jacques
I decided that pain would propel my workout today so I rewatched 3.05 where Rio and Beth kill Lucy. And yeah, they both kill Lucy. Rio’s men pull the trigger but Beth and Rio’s “lover’s spat” makes it happen. On the heels of El Musgo and one of the most painfully intimate scenes in the entire show, we get Brio heartbreak games – both refusing to give in, both intent on pushing this thing forward, casualties be damned.
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You can’t tell me this isn’t just a power trip for them both. Deadly foreplay. The way he flirts with Lucy, speaks softly to her, uses his kindest voice. And the way it’s all for Beth’s benefit and she knows it. It’s almost sexual. Rio’s lip licks and bites and deliberately maneuvering his mouth in ways he thinks are sexual or seductive. Kinda like he did when he invited her to get on top of her desk.
The very specific ways they try to hurt each other, in the deepest, most intimate ways they can.
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“My girl.” He knows what that means to her. The familiarity of it. The way he looks right at her while reaching for Lucy.
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And the way Beth retaliates by mentioning Rio’s son. That was deliberate and intended to wound deeply. Because he allowed her to know he has a son in good times. He trusted her. He opened up to her. And she betrayed him so deeply. Then used her knowledge of his personal life to infiltrate his family, get close to them, cross boundaries in her greatest betrayal of him. You can see Rio’s face change as she mentions Marcus. Maybe that’s what did it. 🤷‍♀️ Probably not – he would have killed Lucy anyway – but Beth knew what she was doing, knew it was careless, and she didn’t care.
The aftermath of Lucy’s death is what made me do an extra 15 of cardio and watch into 3.06. Because I needed my heart to be in complete shreds. Gets the heart rate up. Burns more calories that way. 😆
All three women are all deeply affected by seeing Lucy killed. Each are desperate to try and process the event. How interesting that In My Room is the song of choice here, particularly performed by a children’s choir.
“There’s a world that I can go and tell my secrets to. In this world I lock out all my worries and my fears. Do my dreaming and my scheming, lie awake and pray. Do my crying and my sighing, laugh at yesterday.”
So a safe space. Annie and Ruby both go to their safe spaces and their safe people.
Ruby goes to Stan and they have a very vulnerable and open discussion about their relationship during which Ruby is ultimately comforted. Same with Annie – she goes to Ben and they have a healing heart-to-heart and both fall asleep comforted.
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Beth goes to no one. She carries the event on her own. Even when she discusses it with Annie and Ruby later Beth never shows much emotion. She never leans on anyone and you can almost see her compartmentalize as she deals with the world around her and tries to maintain. Until she can’t anymore.
There isn’t anyone Beth can take this hurt and trauma to. There isn’t anyone who would understand her. Except one person.
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The way she waits for him at that picnic table is like someone holding a heavy weight that they can’t bear much longer. She needs to unload on her person. She needs that intimate conversation that Ruby and Annie got to have. She doesn’t want to talk to Mick. She wants Rio. She says the things to get Mick to call him, and he comes to her. Despite whatever anger Rio is feeling, he comes to her and sits beside her. And she can finally let go.
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Yeah, they yell and they air their grievances
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But in the end she gets to have her moment of comfort with her person. The only person who understands. Despite all the anger and the betrayal, he’s still the only one who sees her.
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Next Major Life Change 🏃🏻‍♀️ - April 2024 - Virgo
Meditation: Random garbled messages, nothing in particular, but you were confident in saying these things, and when others would respond, you’d shrug your shoulders and say “I’m just saying.” 18+ reading, if you’re not 18+ gtfo for this one please.
What It Is: Mystic Healer 🏥, First Light 🌅 (bottom), Perfectionism, 8 Swords, Queen of Wands, 2 Swords, The Hanged Man
“Healing energy flows through you.”
“Beginning a new cycle.”
Be content to know perfection as a distant utopian goal to which we journey but never arrive.”
Your message is kinda cracking me up, very straight and to the point. Your next major life change is your HOE PHASE 😂 It’s time. You’ve kept yourself trapped behind a bunch of rules, standards, beliefs, lists, whatever else you pick and choose from, and Spirit is saying enough is enough. Quit waiting for someone that checks all 500 boxes and allow yourself to have fun with someone you have no intention of actually being with that long, yanno? Date. Have fun. It can be nothing, it was fun for a bit. Your inner hoe is trapped with 8 Swords, it’s definitely in there but it’s like you feel that it can’t escape, you’re the one keeping yourself locked up. Why tho? Even if you’re not single, what partner would complain by you looking hot and wanting to be more passionate?
Now for some there may be an issue with insecurity, about your looks superficially. You need to see things from a different perspective. What celebrities exist that you find attractive that maybe aren’t conventionally “attractive” and still you find them to be the cat’s meow? 😻 We all have one. You’re coming up as Queen of Wands so Spirit is flat out calling you very attractive - but the example is more like of course you’re not *everyone’s* cup of tea, how many people have you been ick about, that maybe ARE attractive? It’s energy 💯 You don’t seem to notice how appealing you are to others, or you feel this way inside and just cover it up. Like a nun. That’s hot I’m sorry, please let it out 😆 It’s possible for someone that there is a particular person you’re really into and intimidated by, because *they’re* very attractive, confident, passionate, and they scare you - or approaching them does. You could feel ignored, maybe you are ignored, maybe you’ve never even talked to them. So talk! Queen of Wands loves to be social, she’s usually pretty easy to talk to, eager even, because she loves the attention too. Compliment her and make her day (whichever gender w/e).
Why It’s Happening: The Tower, Ace of Cups, 5 Pentacles rev, Growth
“Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.”
Either the last time you tried, it failed miserably and it’s taken forever to pick yourself back up from a perceived “failure” - which I don’t see. Growth is here, lessons learned, time has passed, you’re not the same person as whoever went through this rough time anyway, because you went through rejection. You fear that, but at the same time, it’s the worst that could happen. And you move on 🤷🏻‍♀️ Rejection is redirection, you don’t know what Spirit is saving you from - look at it that way. If you like someone, they could’ve entered a room one day and birds started singing, love at first sight energy coming through with The Tower & Ace of Cups. Was there a wind machine or are you imagining it? It’s probably lust but THAT’S OK - you’re human, congratulations. You want to feel swept away with passion, and I see that be possible for you, but you kinda have to open the door or even make a move - this person could be oblivious with 2 Swords. Especially if you go from never talking to always around. Something about this person makes you feel alive again, and heals something in you, which is the point.
If not a person, you could start working on your physical fitness, health, hair, makeup, a handlebar mustache idk what men do, get some joggers 😁, and open yourself up to positive attention from others. It will heal you to be flirted with, looked at, whatever the thing. Get yourself out of the house and among the people - feeling your best, whatever that is.
Advice: The Devil, 8 Wands, Knight of Wands rev with Dolphins 🐬, Affair (Venus Leo), Protection rev (Moon Aries), The High Priestess rev with Fish 🐠 rev and The Chariot
Oh man ok so, I don’t normally give this advice and wouldn’t except to very close friends, so use your discernment here. You need to have some hot & dirty nights with someone - that’s what I’m seeing 🥳. Messy, passionate, obsessive, chained to your soul, gonna fkn devour you - kind of nights. IF that’s something you’re wanting. Could just be talking about p0rn here and needing to get obsessive with that. Or take part in it even, idk. Explore yourself in new ways yanno. Your call. #justdoit so long as you feel into someone, attracted to them, they’re not a psychopath, I don’t see anything worrying it’s just the mom in me you know. There is something here about not wearing protection and that being reckless - don’t do that. Stock up 💯 If not that, this is saying let your guard down a little for people to show you something you wouldn’t let in otherwise. Maybe a reformed player is your future person. Maybe you’ll date around for awhile and realize you prefer this more than some committed long term thing. The High Priestess rev with The Chariot shows to be crystal clear with your plans. Don’t trick people, be honest. Fish rev, you’re not looking for a soulmate, you’re looking for a good time - not a long time. If that changes down the road…you’ll see, but for now it’s about fun. Or at least keep your expectations at that level and let Spirit surprise you if that’s their intention. The goal is to get in touch with a fiery, fun, and passionate person (you) that’s been caged up for too long, and it could’ve been you doing it to yourself! If it’s someone else you’re after, go get them! You could meet someone that checks all 500 boxes and still be bored or not even into them, just keep that in mind. Take healthy risks & feel good about it, that is what life is for ❤️ If going to the gym is your goal, be open about your journey, obsessive even, cutting out things that aren’t healthy for you anymore and enjoy this healing journey - which seems more literal than spiritual in your case. Spiritual too, quietly. As you build your confidence, you heal any past insecurities or abandonment issues, feelings of lack or wanting, there are lots of appealing fish, you don’t even have to be stuck with one, play the field. Someone here could meet someone they’re really into at the gym. If already coupled up, then you’re bringing the heat, or need to, bring some spice back into this connection 🌶️
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hello, I would like to get a COD match up :)
I'm 5ft 6 female, INTJ and Leo. I have a short hair dyed light brown and bangs.
I was told that I'm quiet at work and school. I really enjoy hanging out with friends or someone whom I care about. I love to explore new places such as finding new park, cafe or shops. I also enjoy doing stuff at home such as cooking, watching movies & documentaries, playing games and drawing (in bed lol).
I enjoy talking alot to someone who has the similar interest (I can talk non-stop when given the chance) and to someone who's willing to properly listen. I have a problem with expressing my feelings and I wish to be able to express it to someone who I can trust haha.
I love dogs and I wish to be able to own one. I love dad joke secretly. I enjoy tea instead of coffee. I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge. I can be competitive and slightly perfectionist as I tend to plan things ahead.
Thank you so much for doing this!
🤔 I'll pair you with...
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼
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I think Soap would be your match
I feel like he would be both your best friend and life partner
Opposites but you both bring out the best in each other
For this scenario, lets just say that Soap lives near or close to where you do
You met Soap one day when you were shopping;
You had already seen him around for sometime
He was behind you in line at the register
You were short on some money so he offered to pay for what the remaining amount was
He didn't buy much for himself anyway
"Thank you... you didn't have to..."
"True. But I wanted to. I wouldn't be a decent human being if I didn't help you out, would I?"
You were quite shocked at the actions of this man
You thanked him again and gathered your groceries, having enough going out for the day
The next time you saw him, he came into the cafe to buy him a coffee
He noticed someone was looking at you with malicious intent
He knew the guy was planning something with the way he kept looking at you
Looked like he was concealing a gun, probably planning to mug you and steal your bag
He knew these guys all too well, what with all the training he did before after joining the SAS
So with a small cup of java in hand, he came to where you were sitting and tried to start a conversation with you
"Hey, there you are. I was looking for you"
You stared blankly and blinked in confusion
"You... were?"
"Yeah. Why'd you go off without me?"
Your face: 🤨
In a hushed voice he'd tell you there was some man looking at you very strangely but not to look at him, otherwise he will run away and try to jump you when he wasn't around
"I'm trained to notice guys like that."
"Just play along"
He then started to lead you into a conversation, trying to act normal and casual
"I was worried about you."
"Oh... sorry. I thought you'd want me to go on without you." you replied
He asked questions, trying to find something to talk to you about
He finally got a hit when he asked about pets, or animals
He found out you liked dogs
He did, too
The guy finally gave up and walked out
Soap breathed out a sigh of relief like he was holding his breath, and you did too
"Good job, lassie. He'll probably go else where, but... I think I'm gonna stick around to make sure."
He accompanied you home, being your body guard for the day
No sign of the creep since earlier that day
But during this time, you both were properly introduced
"The name suits you for a bonnie lass like yourself."
He flirted, just a little
He loved seeing your light rosy cheeks
Thought you were such a cutie
Since then, he got to know you more
Soap is always up to go to new places
When going out, is it Soap dragging you around or you dragging Soap around? 😆
"If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you" He'd say to you
He really means it
You've become a special friend to him
And he didn't know when, but he started to fall for you
It was a little crush, nothing harmless
And then he started thinking about you a lot
Then you'd be in his dreams
He'd then notice how his heart would jump and race at the sight of you
And he wants to do everything with you
Welp, he knew it then he had it bad for you
He didn't want to scare you off or ruin your friendship, but he wanted to tell you how he felt for you
When he tells you he waits for your answer....
What do you say? OvO
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lyranova · 2 years
Good morning Lyra! I've just noticed that your fall event has no Magna and I cannot allow for this to stand! My OC would kick my butt if I did not request for her beloved, so here I am... 😆
Can I please request “When I First Saw You” and “Wish” for Magna x female reader please? 🥰😘
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Donna Good morning 😁! Hehe yeah I don’t get very many Magna writing requests (i get mostly HC ones) but I have this request and one other one so Magna simps will have some food hehe 🥰! Of course I hope you enjoy this!
Word Count: 787
Warnings: None
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Magna walked over to Y/N and sat down beside her, he had asked her to hang out with the intention of telling her that he had feelings for her. But everytime he tried to ask her the two were interrupted, either by some of the Black Bulls who were also out for the evening, or by wait staff at the restaurant.
Magna watched as Y/N stared at the sky, he looked up as well.
“ There’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight,” Y/N said cheerfully before turning to look at him. “ What are you going to wish for?”
Magna began to quietly panic, he didn’t really have a wish prepared. He began to try and think of one before Y/N began to giggle quietly beside him.
“ It’s alright, I don’t have a wish prepared either. I figure I’ll just figure it out once the shower starts.” She told him.
“ Heh, that sounds like a good idea, and afterwards we can tell each other what we wished for.” He suggested with a small laugh, and Y/N tilted her head.
“ Hm, you’re not supposed to tell each other what you wished for. But I don’t see the harm in doing so.” She told him. Magna felt his face heat up in embarrassment, he remembered Noelle telling him something like that before too. But luckily Y/N wasn’t as harsh with him as Noelle was about it.
As the two sat together quietly Magna looked at her as he remembered when he saw her for the first time. She had been pretty shy and bashful at first, but as he got to know her the spunkier she was. Sometimes she would get in on his and Luck’s shenanigans, and other times she would scold them. But no matter how mad she got she would always smile at him.
And one day that smile made his heart beat differently than it had before, and he noticed when he was around her it seemed like everything she did was amazing, and she always looked beautiful no matter what she was wearing, and his face would flush a million shades of red.
After Magna had gotten fed up with how erratic his emotions were, he decided to talk to Vanessa about it. He’d never forget the look she gave him and the way she tried not to laugh, but she explained that what he was feeling for Y/N was love. Not a familial or platonic love, but a romantic one.
Ever since then Magna had been trying to figure out how he should tell her, or even if he should tell her. But after getting a stern talking to from both Yami and Vanessa about how it was manlier for him to tell her how he felt, he decided he would tell her up front.
“ Ooh it’s starting!” Y/N whispered excitedly as she pointed up to the sky, Magna turned and watched as meteors streaked across the sky in a beautiful shower.
“ Make a wish!” She whispered again as she clasped her hands together, and Magna, with a small smile, followed suit.
Soon, almost too soon, the meteor shower ended and the two opened their eyes and unclasped their hands.
“ So,” She started hesitantly as she leaned in towards Magna. “ What did you wish for?”
Magna suddenly began to panic again, he knew he had to tell her, and he wanted to tell her. But for some reason he felt like he couldn’t. He was afraid of how she would react once he told her, would she laugh it off as a joke? Or would she accept his feelings?
He knew there was only one way to find out, so he took a deep breath, and decided to ‘be a man’.
“ Y/N I,” he cleared his throat. “ I wished that you would be my girlfriend…” he trailed off sheepishly as he looked away and rubbed the back of his head.
Y/N smiled a bit and tilted her head before she grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him towards her, she couldn’t help but think he looked so cute when he was embarrassed.
“ Y’know,” she started softly as she stared into his eyes. “ My wish was similar, I wished that you would finally have the courage to ask me to be your girlfriend.”
Magna stared at her wide eyed.
“ You knew this entire time?!” He asked in shock, Y/N giggled and nodded.
For the rest of the night the new couple talked about how long they had feelings for each other, kissed for the first time, and tried to figure out how they were going to tell the rest of the squad.
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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ambelle · 2 years
I rewatched Titans S1-3 and made some observations that are interesting, to me anyway, about Dick’s mindset as it relates to romance/relationships and how DK has come to fruition. In 2x04 Garth goes to him for advice on how to move things along with Donna. Dick says he may not be the correct person to ask for advice. Stating that he was at the right place at the right time. Garth goes on about how he landed Dawn (a whip-smart blonde, that doesn’t need a man 🙄) to which he matter-of-fact says “After Dawn’s crash and burn with Hank, she probably just needed someone to fill the void.” Seemingly that’s why he wasn’t hung up about her leaving. He realized that her true love was Hank. He expected that, at some point, she would go back to him anyway. Dick’s advice to Garth - do nothing. “It’s like flooding a car engine. Keep pumping the gas, the more it floods. Take your foot off the petal and wait.” Suggesting to let things happen naturally. That also plays into his approach with Kory. He wanted her to come with him and the kids to SFO in 2x01, but when she said it wasn’t for her, he accepted and let her go (as she had allowed him to find himself). However, he was overwhelmingly happy to see her in The Tower 2x05, so much so that he temporarily forgot Jason had been kidnapped and was being held hostage by Deathstroke. Dick’s feelings for Kory are noticeably more intense than the other LI we’ve seen. She is, in fact, the only woman the audience has been shown any real sign of him being affected when she leaves. In 1x05 after “the sex” he was ready to open up to her, but held back because he thought he misread their intention. He’s abrupt yet pensive when she actually leaves, and thinks about going after her but doesn’t. However, when the Cougar comes a knocking his tone is softer, “Look Kory, I….In 1x08 after they decide to cool things off Dick is the one that has plans to leave, but when Kory gets up to leave his hand immediately goes to the spot she was laying in and agrees that perhaps at a better time they try again. In 1x10 after learning that Kory tried to kill Rachel and Angela asks her to leave, Dick goes after her. Kory wait! Kory! Wait God Dammit, talk to me. What’s going on?!” She’s getting her memories back and heads off somewhere. He enlists Donna to help him go after her. 2x09 after his confession to the team about what really happened to Jericho in the church with Deathstroke, the only person’s departure Dick is truly affected by is Kory’s, “You’re leaving now.” He actually went off and got himself arrested 😂 In retrospect S4 Dick realizing his feelings for Kory and him seeing Mar’i in 3x12 makes perfect sense because Kory is Dick’s true love and him waiting things out in the end pays off. In 4x01 Kory is by his side in the RV and he’s on his family road trip! I cannot wait to see how things unfold. DK is so much more than “the sex” They have a wholesome, grounded partnership. 😆
Yes, anon all of This!!!
when I did a rewatch you can really see the progression and how much he wants to say but just doesn't. I think it'll be poetic if he's the one to make the first move. I feel like the narrative is always prompting him to do something but he's not done it yet. I also feel like in season 2 he wasn't in the right headspace anyway. He could barely stand himself.
It's been a ride watching him figure out he deserves family and love. His father's ghost and his future daughter had to come talk to him even LOL.
Can't wait for him to get out of his own way in season 4.
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moonlightknightess · 2 years
thank you very much dear😳😳😳
I have prompts for erepiku!!!
like Eren and Mikasa as fiance, but they agree on an open relationship.
they going staycation with zeke and pieck (married couple)
So when Zeke takes Mikasa to the museum, the place that Eren and Pieck don't like it.
So Eren and Pieck choose not to go with their partner, they choose to stay in hotel, erepiku do 'exciting and hot' activities with their partner's permission😳😳😳
And maybe zeke and mika will have they 'good' day each other too👀
Idk what is this, but open relationship sounds so hot to me.
Eremika x zekepiku open relationship huh 💀👀!? ngl i can't say I am very fond of it 😳 but im sure af the Jaeger bros are unhinged enough to do it 🤭 😆
CW: EreMika Open Relationship / Mentions of other pairings for Eren and Mikasa
Even though it started as a experiment, both Mikasa and Eren can say that opening their relationship served a good purpose! Like, they got to meet a side or themselves they certainly wouldn't have met if they stayed exclusive 🤭
Now, don't get them wrong, they still love each other just as much as they did when they were just the two of them! 😤 but sometimes they can't help themselves, their intrusive thoughts always got the better of them (they simply got too much love and lust to share!!!), and rather than ending things in a bad way, they decided it could be better if they at least tried something different!
So far things have gone smoothly for them, Mikasa loved the sweet, soft way Colt contrasted with Eren in bed 👀 or how Jean just remined her so much of him and at the same time was a whole new world🔥, making her feel like a renewed woman every time she gets to be with either of them
Eren also liked to enjoy himself too! Willy Tybur's sister was always willing to show him a good time whenever they run into each other at work (plus she looked just exaclty like his type, pale skinned and dark haired!) or just playing as Hitch's rebound whenever she breaks up with his boyfriend for the nth time!
Still, they can't help but get drawn to each other, their love and passion growing once they get to share a bed together, the new experiences always a good pace change and the thought of coming back to each other arms despite their several partners they shared themselves woth just strethening their bond in way they didn't know it was possible
It simply worked, just like that
That's why, when they were invited to Liberio to spent the christmas eve with Zeke Jeager, Eren's brother, and Pieck Jeager, his wife, they didn't think about it too much before agreeing! The two of them sharing a recognizing glance that left the other know their intentions
Zeke and Pieck were already pros when it comes to open relationships, 10 years already on it and several partners from both of them! and not a single marital problem at all! if anything, they are the perfect example of healty open relationships! One of the reason why they decided to try i! And a good couple to share with 🤭
They spent the first days at Liberio exploring it, getting to know it, the whole thing just a ruse for Eren to play his cards against an oblivious Pieck, always offering his hand whenever they had to walk throu uneven ground (since she got high heels) or coping her waist shamelessly whenever they wanted to take a photo! Makig her raise up an eye brow only when he tells her how good her nekclece looked on her big cleavage 💀
Obviously she gets taken aback at his mischeavouness, asking herself if he really was crazy enough to go for his half-brother's wife like that! Later on finding herself arouse just at the idea of it ☠☠☠
Just like the good wife she is, she tells her husband about it, who gives her the green light with the condition of getting Mikasa to himslef too! The Jeagers brothers coming to an agreement know that the cat is out the bag 🔥🔥🔥
They get too excited at the idea to be honest, Pieck finding herself answering at his teasing back with her own arsenal! Offering him to look at the piece of jewelry closely to "get Mikasa one like that" or straight up push her cleavage against his arm 😏 Mikasa finding the sight funny and Zeke just letting a heavy sigh at what was about to come
When they arrive at the Ackerman Museum's Parking Lot Eren and Pieck suddenly are unintereseted on it! Something about finding it boring as their only excuse, which leads up to Mikasa and Zeke going, Mikasa really wanted to know about her own heritage and Zeke researched a lot about the Ackerman clan so he could be his guide!
It's only when they are left alone that the true fun begins 😈
Things start slowly at first, Pieck starting small chat with him about how she never learned how to drive and Eren, the always helpful Eren explaining her the basics 🤭 even bothering to seat her on his lap on the driver's seat in order to teach her properly
Believe it or not she actually gets to learn! At least the parts of the vehicle, moving the steerig wheel and holding the big, hard gear shifting lever on her hands before Eren whisper her that that's not the gear lever
That's the breaking point for them, the two of them unleashing their wild sides once they make sure they are alone in that parking lot and that no one was going to catch them 🔥
It's a little bit crampled inside the car but it's not really an issue for Pieck, her small frame helping her to get on the small place where the pedals are and make sure that gear lever gets easier to handle!
Eren doesn't know exactly the reason why but he absolutlely loves the sight of mature women submitting to him! The fact that Pieck was a couple of years older than him just makes him harder in her mouth, the struggle show in her face expression and the tears ruining her mascara a sight to behold!
Maybe it was because she used to tease him way too much when he was still young and she was just Zeke's gf, but he can't help but drive her to her limits, tugging her face back at his pelvis once she tried to retreat or keeping her there and just letting her off the hook only when she started to run out of air, finding satisfaction in the gasps of air she had to take or how she kissed his dick softly afterwards in a plead of mercy 🥵
It doesn't take them too long before they go for the main dish 😏 clothes are scattered to the floor as she rides him this time in a attempt to take the lead!
The inside of the car gets filled quickly with the smell of sweat and the scent of their bodies! Prints of hands are made against the windows as Pieck gets riled up from the back and the outline of his body is plastered in backseat as she rides him! The windows quickly getting fogged with the contrast of hot temperature on the inside and the cold weather from outside
It doesn't take too much strenght from Eren's part to manhandle her up and down of his dick like a mere fleshlight 🥵 his hips pushing up when he forces her little body down and creating a punishing tempo that makes her eyes go white and her mind fuzzy 🤭 her hold to reality being the bites and hickeys she made on his neck as a way to get back at him
It's only when they get a meesage from Zeke telling them that they were coming back that makes them go all out, foreheads flushed together as they taunted each other before Pieck loses all her strenght in her climax, forcing her hips down on him for the last time and making him fill the condom bag to the brim!
When Zeke and Mikasa finally come back, they get hit with the funny smell of salt and the sight of them sweaty as if they ran a marathon, live bites and hickeys standing proudly on tyeir necks but not mentioning any of it none the less
Mikasa only bothers to give him a quick peck on the lips and let him know she will be looking for a hotel room with Zeke, his mind catching up with the unsaid words but shruggin them off, this was the deal he signed for after all...
Ngl i didn't thought it could be this fun to write open relationship eremika 👀 i missed Sasha so much tho 😭
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