#the reblog button is the most important tool on tumblr since it permits to share a content with your followers
miyakuli · 3 months
Hi Lola! I'm rather new here, f.ex I haven't posted any of my own art yet. So I'm not 100% about the etiquette yet, but better ask one time to much and don't have to look like an a-hole, right.
A lot of jibberish for this one little question: you write when you posted another's art with their permission, to please not repost. But reblog is ok, right?
Hello <3 yes totally, reblog is ok :) reblog is the fact to share the post so it appears on your dash & blog (so the original poster is still the one appearing on the post, it's like a retweet for twitter :3).
A repost is the act to create a full new post while using the content of someone else so it can be a problem if the person didn't have the consent of the original poster/creator.
I hope it's clear enough, don't hesitate to come back with more questions about tumblr if you're not sure of something :) and good luck with your artworks, I hope people will reblog it a lot to spread it so you'll be able to have more visibility here <3
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