#the ref just had the most exquisite colors
punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
What i assume about you based off your Spiderverse fave(all positive ofc)
Miles:You love ya sunshine boys of color who're also mouthy asf
Gwen:Either autistic pastel girl(shaking your hand!!!)or butch lesbian(saluting you for your service)
Hobie:You had a crush on Percy Jackson as a kid
Pavitr:You're so sillay :)
Margo:Nerdy black woman,probably aspec too and tell some of the funniest fucking jokes ever
Peni:Mcr fan/short monarch irl
Peter B:You like your men pathetic as shit-Either that or you're transfem and you like your WOMEN pathetic as shit(Egg Peter theory from the comics ref)
Noir:You love old time-y vibes but don't associate with the racist shit
Spiderham:Classic Cartoon Network lover
Jessica:Same as Margo but you love milfs or ARE a milf
Miguel:The horniest mf ever or the most aspec one,literally no inbetween.Or hell,even both at once(Which i mean.Based)
Ganke:You hate the Mcu Spiderman franchise so much it's unreal and we're all with you.Also definitely some flavor gay
Jefferson:"FREE MY MAN,WHY IS HE A COP!!!!!!" <You
Rio:You just think she deserves all the nice things and also to have her own canon Spider Variant
Aaron:You like his edge and don't care about looks.As a Jason Todd simp:Respect
Miles G:Black LEGEND and exquisite writing skills(also probably ship with him Margo for that sweet sweet black love)
Gayatri:Minor female character connoisseur
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 6
Requested: No
Word Count: 3922
Warning: Cursing
POV: Reader
Notes: Total fluff piece. Currently finishing part 7.
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The last twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind; to call it a roller coaster of emotions would be too cliché. It was more like that carnival ride, the one called the Zipper; the long-armed ferris wheel type ride that held several free flipping cars, that caged your body in, as it rotated around and around. Spinning constantly, flipping you through the air when you would reach the peak of the arm; the ride left you giddy and nauseous all at the same time. In your teens, it was your favorite ride; now in your late twenties it was a metaphor for your life.
Last night you had no intentions of telling Tyler you were pregnant; in your circle of friends you were known as everyone’s confidant. The fact that you couldn’t keep your own secret wasn’t lost on you. There was no going back now, but what your next move with Tyler was going to be still had you guessing. From the moment you’d found out, you knew Tyler would be a part of the baby’s life; never questioned that. Clearly you hadn’t anticipated the joy he would experience; while not at first, it was quite evident at the end of the night he was excited about being a father.
 So, here you were, sitting on your couch in an old pair of Dallas Stars sweats; eating ice cream straight from the container, while you watched your baby daddy play hockey. While said baby, could not be seen yet; you were obviously taking this mom indulging in her favorite foods’ thing seriously. The only thing missing was the pickles, and since they made you nauseous even before you were pregnant; you had an inkling you wouldn’t be running to the store any time soon. It felt good to watch the Stars play again; you’d blocked them out of your life, just as you had Tyler. Oh, you still kept in touch with some of the wives and girlfriends, not so much now; but the first few weeks you did. It felt odd sitting in front of the television, when it was a home game; the norm usually being sitting in the designated wags section. While you didn’t quite belong there anymore now; this didn’t feel quite right either. But really was there anything in between?
 “Come on ref, that’s a fucking horrible call?” you yelled at the tv, then spooned another bite in your mouth, as you watched Rads get called on some bullshit high stick. Thankfully Tyler wasn’t on the penalty kill unit; it was added stress neither him or you needed. With about four minutes into the second, a bad turnover by the Kings had Tyler dangling the puck around the goalie. Weaving in and out looking for the perfect shot; you hadn’t realized you were on the edge of your seat. Faking to his left he shifted at the last minute, completely fooling Quick in the process; the puck skidded over the goal line, sounding the horn. “Score,” shouting at the empty living room, you cheered.
 Finishing the game, and the container of ice cream, you turned off the tv and headed to bed. Weeks of sleeping, still hadn’t prepared you for this tired feeling pregnancy brought with it; your body was exhausted. Mentally however, you couldn’t make your mind stop spinning; thoughts of Tyler occupying them. When you met him, he’d been your Prince Charming; sweeping you off your feet into a love so grand there was no other possible ending then happily ever after. That Cinderella wasn’t knocked up at the end of movie, after the prince had cheated on her; was something Disney must have omitted. Being the heroine of this fairy tale was going to take more than a pair of glass slippers that was for sure; hopefully, in sleep you’d find a godmother, that brought you sage advice and wisdom instead of a dress.
 When morning came however, you were no further ahead than you’d been the night before; so, getting up, you headed to work. The day went blessed easy in the morning; it was the afternoon that turned into a cluster fuck. First, Andrea brought you in a beautiful bouquet of red roses, long stemmed placed in an exquisite vase; they were the classic, something every woman dreams of receiving. It was who they were from that had you frowning. The card read simply, Hope you are feeling better, Always, Robert. Somehow you had pushed thoughts of him to the recesses of your brain. Despite his possessive nature, Robert deep down was a good person. He deserved to be told face to face, that things between the two of you weren’t going to happen.
 The second time she walked in, Andrea wasn’t carrying anything; which didn’t disturb you; that was not until she held your office door open for not one, not two, not even three; but ten gorgeous arrangements of flowers; all in hues of lilac. That the color was a melding of both blues and pinks wasn’t lost on you; though it surprised you Tyler would come up with it. Delicate blooms of roses, hydrangea dotted with small sprigs of baby’s breath adorn most of the vases. However, one stood out, while it still contained roses, this one had a unique flower interlaced in it; star shaped little blossoms ran up and down the stem. What stood out was the fragrance, sweet smells of springtime filled the air; giving off an aroma of new beginnings.
 Apparently, the florist had come along to deliver the massive number of flowers; she saw you take interest in the bloom. “It’s a hyacinth, the flower of forgiveness. In the world of magic, it is said to symbolize love and happiness as well as protect it’s recipient from harm.” Handing you the card that went with the arrangements, she turned to leave. It read simply, I’m sorry. I’ll never fuck up again. Love For All Eternity, Tyler. That’s when you noticed that damn single tear was back.
 “Thank you, so much. They’re all so extraordinary.”
 “Your welcome my dear. You must be very special and he must be extremely sorry. It’s not every day I get a call with such specific requests. Most men think the rose covers it all. But yours, he knew what he wanted before I could even make suggestions. Trust me they weren’t easy to find at this time of year either, or I would’ve done more than one bouquet.” She walked out the door, and that’s when you lost it. Dropping down into your chair, you sat there and sobbed. Sure, Tyler had sent you flowers after he cheated; now that you thought about it, they’d all been roses. Always in various shades and color, but always just vase after vase of roses. That he had specifically requested these for you this time, meant more to you than every rose he had ever bought you. Your heart melted a little more, the ice thawing so that even you weren’t sure if it existed. He’d said he was sorry, practically begged for your forgiveness, swore it wouldn’t happen again; you weren’t sure it was possible, but this, this was telling you that perhaps you should at least try. It wouldn’t be easy but maybe, just maybe if you did you both could find peace and be able to move forward together.
 The hour you took to collect yourself, put you behind with work and had you staying later than you anticipated; which meant you were running late when Tyler showed up. The small apartment was something you rented on a month to month basis as you tried to determine what the best living arrangement for you and the baby would be; it was nowhere near the house you’d lived in with Ty. Running to the door to answer it; you were still in your work clothes. “Hi Ty! Sorry I got caught up at work and ran late. I just need to change.” He stepped into the apartment, taking in all the surroundings. It had been furnished when you rented it, everything very clinical and clean, nothing that spoke to the person that lived there. All your belongings still in storage. “Have a seat, do you want a drink or anything? God, I think I have some wine or something here, not that I’ll be joining you.”
 “I’m good babe. I’m not drinking anymore either.”
 You were halfway back the hall to your bedroom, when what he said actually registered in your brain. Sliding your heels off, you had to know more “What? Why aren’t you drinking?”
 “I just…I don’t know. You can’t drink, I kind of feel like it’s something I can do with you; at least until the baby’s born.” No wonder you loved this man; that he wanted to do even something this tiny meant more than words could ever say. Entering the bedroom, you quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and a loose flowy top; thank god jeans were made with spandex in them nowadays, not knowing how many more times you’d be able to put them on this easily. Grabbing a pair of chunky wedged sandals, you headed back out to the living room; back to Tyler.
 “So where are we headed?”
 “I already told you, that’s a secret. You ready to go.” Excitement was radiating off of him; it was contagious.
 “Yeah, I just want to grab a quick protein bar. I think someone’s feeling a little snackish.”
 Chuckling he responded back, “Would that be you or the baby? Because I distinctly remember you used to always have snacks in that suitcase you call a purse.”
 Playfully, you swatted his arm. “So, I like my snacks, nothing wrong with that. Besides I also remember a particular someone, who would dig in that so-called suitcase, for something to eat on a regular basis.”
 “You got me there, babe. You did pack two didn’t you,” this while winking at you.
 “Of course.” With that, the two of you strode out the door, to the car. Being ever the gentleman, Tyler came over and opened the door for you; that he took the seatbelt and proceed to buckle you in was new. “What are you doing? You know; I can buckle the seatbelt.”
 “Just making sure you’re both safe and snug in here.” This over-protective thing was going to take some getting used to; though it did tear down yet another wall that you had built up against him.
 The drive was silent; soft music playing in the background; nothing like the drives you used to take. When his hand would be in yours or on your thigh; music as loud as it could be, you both singing the whole way, Tyler mainly off key. Reaching your hand over you began to scan for a station you both enjoyed. “What, you didn’t like what I had on?”
 “Ummm, no, not really. I thought we were in a freaking elevator,” chuckling you added “in a museum, run by dead people.”
 “It’s supposed to be soothing and create a loving environment for the baby.” Raising an eyebrow, you looked at him, like he had just grown three heads.
 “Where did you come up with that?”
 “I read it in one of my daddy baby books.”
 “Oh!,” it was the only response you could think of; your mind still grasping at the fact that he was reading a book for expecting fathers. That wall you thought about earlier was definitely crumbling now. “So, did you learn anything else,” this said while you worked your way back to the station with the elevator music on it.
 “Hmm, that you should start to show soon. That the kid is the size of an apple, pear or orange; that seems to vary depending on what book I read. Oh, and that we should be able to find out the sex at that next ultrasound you mentioned.” He seemed to really be doing his homework. “Do you want to find out the sex?”
 “Ummm, I hadn’t given it much thought. What do you want to do? I think it’s a decision we both have to make. Like I don’t think I could stand it, if you knew and I didn’t. It would drive me insane.” People always said that life was full of surprises; you kind of felt that statement contradictory. There truly weren’t many really authentic surprises left in life, but the miracle of life itself. However, knowing would make things so much easier, you’d be able to pick out the color of the baby’s room, buy all his or her clothes in appropriate colors, even have his or her name all ready. You really could go either way, and maybe this decision could be up to Tyler.
 “Hmmm, I think it would be fun to know. I kind of remember one of the guys talking about doing a baby reveal or something; which sounds like a lot of fun.” Well that decision was made; we’d be finding out at the next ultrasound it seemed. “But you know, when are we ever gonna get a surprise like this. Maybe when we have the second one, we can find out the sex, but I think this first one I don’t want to know. If that’s ok with you?” Woah, and here you thought that there were no real surprises in life, that statement right there was one; first that he didn’t want to know, second, that he was already planning your next child, together.
 Your stunned silence, had Tyler looking over at you wondering if you’d heard him. “Yeah, I agree, I don’t want to know. Unless it’s like super obvious or something.” Staring out the window, you tried not to focus on images his words evoked; a happy loving family, Tyler playing with your toddler on the floor of the living room, while you fed child number two. It was something you hadn’t let yourself think about; hadn’t seen this as your future after everything that had happened. But here, now, hearing his words; the picture was so real, you felt you could reach out and touch it. Shaking yourself, you brought yourself back to the present; seeing familiar homes pass by. “Are we going to the house?” While you’d made headway today; you weren’t completely sure you were ready to walk back into the home you once shared.
 “Umm, no.” His short answer was all you received. A few more turns had you slowing down to the apparent destination. The large house loomed in front of you; recognition dawning on your face as the vehicle made its way through the gate. You’d been here before, probably driven past it over a hundred or more times; always with this same man by your side, but never up the drive to the house itself. To say that the look you gave him was questioning was an understatement.  “Surprise!” That, that was the only word he said, it really didn’t give you any answers.
 He seemed so pleased with himself; yet you had no clue as to why. “Ok, I’m gonna need a little more than that Ty. Surprise, what?”
 “It’s the house, the one we always talked about raising our family in.”
 “I can see that. Why are we here?”
 “I bought it, for us.” He stated it that simply; smiling brilliantly at you. That you needed a deep cleansing breath before you even thought about replying back to him should have made him at least sense your mood; instead the lovable idiot just continued to smile.
 Massaging your temple, from the headache you could feel forming; you spoke as calmly as possible. “You did what? Tyler, what the hell are you thinking?”
 The smile that lit up his face dropped instantaneously. “I thought this could be a fresh start for us. Plus, we’ve always wanted this house. It came up on the market a few weeks ago; obviously I didn’t buy it then, we weren’t together. But I called yesterday and it was still for sale, so I had the realtor start working on everything, it’s practically ours.”
 “We’re not together now Ty. Why would you have him start the whole process? What the hell were you thinking?” That wall, which had been crumbling before, was now being rebuilt by a dozen stonemasons; their incessant pounding making your brain hurt. “Is this some grand gesture to get me to forgive you?”
 “Yes…no. God I can’t do anything fucking right with you; can I?” His head crashed against the back of the seat and he blew out a frustrated breath; hands clenching the steering wheel in front of him.  “I’m trying here. I really am. Can you just go inside and look at the place? Not for me, hell not even for you; but for the baby?” The pleading sound in his voice had you halting progress on the barrier around your heart.
  “Ok,” you relented; it wouldn’t hurt to just look at the place. The door to the house opened then and Tyler’s realtor stepped out; suit and tie all business like, ready to make the sale of the year. Opening the car door, you got out walking around, matching strides with Tyler. Greeting the realtor, you tried to keep an open mind; you’d dreamed about what the interior would look like, this was finally your chance to see it. The massive double doors opened to an understated entry way; an elegant dining room off to your right. The place was tastefully decorated; not ornate or too elaborate, more relaxed as if the people who lived here truly made this a home and not some decorated show piece. The office on the left, was light and airy, not heavy with wall to wall bookshelves; a family portrait hung above the fireplace. You couldn’t help but imagine your own family’s photo hanging there.
 Continuing the tour, next you saw the kitchen; flashes of you baking and preparing meals for Tyler and your children popped into your head. It opened up to a family room; where you saw the kids playing with the dogs. Walking down the hall, you entered the master suite, enormous in size it looked out onto the pool; a king size bed fit easily into the room. Images of you and Tyler rolling around on the bed took control of your brain, arms entangled, bodies sweaty, moans filling the air; you looked away needing to shake the thoughts from your head. A sitting area off in the corner offered an opportunity to enjoy your coffee in the morning light. French doors leading outside to a private alcove overlooking the pool; a lounger large enough for two people covered most of the area. It was intimate, shielding its inhabitants from small prying eyes; a place the two of you could make love for hours on end. It was too much; you were standing outside and yet you needed air. Falling back on the sunbed you’d just sexually fantasied about being on with Tyler; you sat, taking deep breaths.
 Tyler whispered something to the realtor, who strode back inside the house; leaving the two of you alone. Sitting beside you, he quietly asked, “you ok?”
 It was a loaded question, physically you were fine; mentally you thought you were going to explode. “I don’t know Ty.” The look of concern that crossed his face, had you quickly following that up. “It’s not the baby, we’re ok. It’s just this…” waving your hand at the beautifully manicured landscape in front of you. “This is supposed to be our dream home and we’re just not in that place right now. I won’t lie to you; I wish we were.”
 Taking his hand, he made soothing circles up and down your back; the movement evoking all those images from just moments ago. “Babe, we’re going to get there. I know it’ll be hard, but just try to have some faith in me.” Turning your head, you stared into his eyes, searching for the trust he spoke of; wanting so much more. There was hope there, hope for a future the two of you could build. Love, so much love it made you ache; even a tinge of sadness for what had been lost. Finally, you saw it, that small glimpse of faith; that it came from the reflection of your eyes in his, is what surprised you. His hand stopped; simultaneously your breathing sped up. Even though the small voice in the back of your brain told you not to surrender; you pressed forward anyway. Taking his face in the palm of your hands, you brought his lips to yours; it was a sweet caress, filled with promises. Slow and gentle, the kiss left you dizzy; neither one of you fighting for control, just relishing the touch of each other.  Mouths fussed together as one; you could’ve stayed like this for hours, but softly you pulled away, resting your forehead against his.
 His eyes were closed, lids hooded so you couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. Why you thought you’d be able to know what he was thinking, when you didn’t even know where your mind was; you couldn’t comprehend. All you knew was that it was a start; a tiny move in hopefully the right direction. Taking a second waiting for him to look at you; when he didn’t, finally you said, “I’m still not sure you should buy this place.”
 Eyes flying open, he looked at you; grabbing your hands, he helped you to your feet. He drew you to the edge of the water by the pool. Standing behind you, he turned you to look at the expansive lawns. His hands encircled your waist, caressing your stomach, where your child grew. Resting his chin on your shoulder; he spoke, his voice low, “Can you see it? Right over where the water’s real shallow. The kids are splashing around with the dogs. I’m over there by the grill, cooking up some burgers for dinner. And right there,” pointing to edge of the pool. “You have our newest little one in your arms, rocking back and forth near the kids in case they need you.” That you could almost smell the burgers, bespoke of how vivid the image became in your head. You wanted, no needed it all; could only pray for it to become reality.
 That’s when it happened, you weren’t entirely sure what it was at first; but then it fluttered again. “Did you feel that?”
 “Was that the baby?”
 Tears sprang to your eyes; only this time they were tears of joy. “Yeah, I really think it was.”
 “Think he’ll do it again?”
 “I don’t know, maybe? Wait did you say, him?”
 “Did I? Hmmm, maybe I did.” Then as if the little one knew we were discussing him or her; it happened again. “I think he or she likes their new house.”
 “Tyler, don’t you think we should talk about this?”
 “Mmmm, too late, I already told the realtor to have the papers ready, for when we go back inside.” With that he took off running before you could smack him; playfully of course. Shaking your head at what had transpired in the last thirty minutes or so; you wandered around the property. Tyler, had gone inside, you assumed to sign said papers. Maybe, just maybe, he was right and this could be the new beginning you were searching for. 
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Marble is a highly desirable material ubiquitous throughout the fields of sculpture, architecture, and design. It is a natural stone available in numerous colors and styles with connotations to antiquity and luxury. Here we explore its history both geologically and within the arts. We shed light on the famous region of Carrara, its quarries and workforce, and highlight exemplary uses within the 20th century and contemporary design.
All marble is a type of limestone, however, the term is somewhat broad and describes a group of rocks with varying petrographic aspects. In its most refined form – the famous white statuary marble of Carrara – it contains 98% calcite. This type was created over 200 million years ago from the skeletal remains of tiny calciferous sea creatures, which formed deep sediment on the ocean bed. As the earth’s tectonic plates shifted this sediment was subjected to enormous heat and pressure causing the calcium carbonate to crystallize. Over millions of more years this was slowly pushed to the surface and now forms the area we know as the Apuan Alps in Tuscany, Italy.
The Class of Carrara Bianco marble
On the opposite end of the spectrum to Carrara Bianco, there are marbles that display a riot of rich colours and patterns. These are also sedimentary limestones but are usually from detrital (formed of other rocks) or chemical (formed from precipitation of calcium carbonate from seawater) origin and are colored.
The attraction of Statuario Marble
People like marble primarily for its beauty. It has an elusive quality of softness not normally found in stone, and the delicate patina it develops over time conveys an elegant and sophisticated look. However, even though marble is softer than granite, it is still a very durable material, suitable for use a bathroom and kitchen countertops.
Most people recognize marble from the veining. Marble stone has a wider range of colors than most people know, but whether it is white or black marble, the veins are there. The color of the visible veins ranges in color from white to gray, depending on the color of the base stone and the type of impurities in the stone.
It has been quarried since 500BC. Through the centuries Sivec was used for many building and reconstruction sites throughout the world. Its popularity derives from its classy white color used in large scale projects. General Facts about Marble Countertops People have been using marble slabs for many things for many centuries. These range from monuments to chessboards, but the most recognizable use for it is for sculptures.
Artists like to use marble because it is relatively soft and only looks better with age. They use only pure white marble, which is quite rare, as these have very little veining. On the other hand, architects like to use marble of other colors with rich veining for its esthetic features.
Using marble for kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities are a recent development, at least among ordinary folk. Marble as a dimension stone was very expensive, and only the very rich and privileged had it in their residences.
What You Need to Know Before You Install Marble Countertops
If you are aiming to install polished marble bathroom countertops, it is best to stop for a moment and read this article to learn more about the benefits and gripes about manufactured marble countertops.
The best marble countertops out there is an exceptional candidate for making a statement in your residential and commercial renovation. The exquisite and exotic aesthetics of marble exudes a pristine appeal in your kitchen and bathroom. Before making that call to hire our professionals, we are going to share with you some of the essential properties of natural marble slabs.
What is Marble?
Marble stone is naturally made from limestone which has undergone extreme heat and pressure. The overall impact of this process is the unique veining patterns and specks of colors around the slabs’ background.
Because it is mostly made from carbonate compounds, marble readily reacts with acidic solutions and causes etching. This is something pretty natural for marble, but if you want to get rid of this, you can go for our engineered marble countertops.
What Are the Colors Available?
In our factory showroom, we have a substantial collection of different types of marble countertops. Some of the common colors of marble slabs include white, black, pink, red, beige, green-yellow, brown, beige, purple, blue, Choosing the best color depends on your preference, but if you are having a difficult time, you can lean on our professionals to select the most suitable design and hue for your remodeling.
When it comes to modern themes, our stark white marble countertops is a winner. Most customers choose this one because it amplifies the brightness and sophisticated appeal in their kitchen and bathroom. This hue pairs well with earth-tone colors for your accessories, furniture, and cabinetry.
In contrast, other popular marble colors include black, beige, and green. Black marble countertops make a good contrast and focal point when paired with your white or pale-colored cabinetry. Likewise, stainless steel finish from fixtures and accessories blends well with black marble.
What Marble Finish Suits You?
Well, we offer many finishes for your marble countertops, that is, polished and matte. Choosing which finish best suits you entails a few considerations and it must blend well with the existing theme in your kitchen and bathroom. Finishes
Marble Stone Finishes
An important as it is to choose a material that suits the function of a particular project, it’s equally important to select the appropriate finish for the material. When it comes to marble stone, the surface finish helps to dictate the functional characteristics of the material. For example, a honed surface will provide slip-resistance, whereas a polished surface will be highly reflective. The finish can also go a long way in affecting the color of natural stone. Some finishes will intensify the color while others will soften it.
Here is a primer reviewing the three basic categories of natural stone finishes: polished, honed, and textured.
Polishing a natural stone finish involves grinding, sanding, and buffing the stone to a high-gloss, mirror-like surface. It can only be done on crystallized marble stones, such as marble and granite for example, and it’s a very popular selection for marble stone finishing. A polished finish is very smooth and reflective.
Polished surfaces are commonly found used as interior and exterior wall cladding, fireplace surrounds, and kitchen and bath countertops. It’s a good rule of thumb to avoid placing polished finishes in areas with high foot traffic, as its reflective nature makes it more prone to scratches. On the other hand, the polish that coats the marble does offer some stain resistance. But it can get extremely slippery when it’s wet, so think twice before using polished stone on areas like the bathroom floor.
Honed finishes still involve grinding and sanding, but not to the point of a glossy finish. Unlike polished finishes, they’re not reflective. Rather, honed finishes are a satin-smooth surface that reflects very little light. Honed finishes have been popular throughout Europe for some time. But we’re really just now beginning to see this style of finish more here in the U.S.
Honing creates a more natural look that appeals to those who prefer an aged patina or a look that’s less formal than a polished finish. Honed surfaces are best for high-traffic areas such as flooring, interior wall covering, exterior finishes, fireplace surrounds, plus counter- and table-tops—and for good reasons. They’re typically a bit easier to maintain.
Depending on the level of grit used for the honing process, the surface may be easier to care for than polished surfaces. Since color is the result of light reflection, and polished surfaces provide more reflection, a honed countertop likely appears duller in color, with a less dramatic variation. It’s a great choice for homeowners who desire a subtle vein movement to their stone rather than dramatic color changes. Another good reason to choose a honed surface is that etching isn’t as noticeable as it is on a polished surface.
Black Honed marble
A beautiful honed black granite hearth by our expert and export team.
There are several types of finishes that offer texture. In general, a textured finish is one that’s rough or uneven. One definite pro of choosing a textured stone is to create slip resistance. It’s also a great way to add a distinctive personality to a project. Here are but a few of the most common types of textured finishes:
Brushed This finish is obtained by brushing the marble stone with a coarse rotary-type wire brush.
Flamed The marble stone is subjected to the high temperatures of a flame or torch, burning off most of the carbon content. What’s left behind is textured quartzite with very gentle colorations. Flamed finishes are popular for outdoor use where slip resistance is an issue.
Chiseled Looking somewhat like the texture of linen, chiseling creates fine grooves positioned closely together and parallel to the edges.
Bush Hammered To achieve this industrial-styled look, a hydraulic bush is hammered into the surface of the stone. It creates a large number of close and small indents. The result is an evenly textured surface that’s ideal for non-slip characteristics in high-traffic applications.
Tumbled Commonly used for marble stone tiles, tumbling involves placing stones in a solution of sand, water, and mild acid, which creates an old-world look that’s weathered and warm.
Polished Marble Countertops
When you want a sophisticated and expensive look in your kitchen and bathroom, then going for a glossy marble finish is an excellent choice. The mirror-like appearance of its surface reflects light inside your kitchen and bath.
With proper care and maintenance, you can effortlessly keep the shiny and exuberant appearance of your marble bathroom and kitchen countertops. Moreover, we recommend a glossy finish for areas where there are low-traffic and exposure with acidic spills.
Honed or Matte Marble Countertops
If you have a high-traffic kitchen countertop, then getting a honed finish marble is a good choice. With this, you are able to hide the minor scratch and dents caused by sharp objects and acidic liquids in your countertop.
A hone marble floor is also suitable for bathrooms and other high-traffic areas in your house because it prevents slipping. For skimpy bathrooms, we advise our clients to use large marble tiles or slabs to give an impression. Add by Marble stone expert and export team of Bhandari marble group,
India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh-305801 Contact us +91 9672941111 +91 9829040013
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wristwatchjournal · 4 years
BEST FROM: aBlogtoWatch & Friends 31 May, 2020
To say that 2020 has been terrible would be an understatement, but we are almost at the midway mark. Hopefully, the rest of the year will be better. It’s summer and, in this round-up, we have a gaggle of dive watches from Seiko, Sinn, and Christopher Ward. We will also be taking a closer look at a controversial watch from Patek Philippe, the Red. 5520 Alarm Travel Time watch.
Speaking of Patek Philippe, we will also have in-depth guides of vintage Patek Philippe chronographs and also skeletonized Patek Philippe watches. And if that isn’t enough for you, Jeff Stein from OnTheDash has just penned an epic guide to collecting vintage Heuer grails. To close things, Wilhelm Schmid, CEO of A. Lange & Söhne, will talk about his company’s plans for the rest of 2020 and what they do to cope in these challenging times.
Seiko is fully embracing the idea of reissuing its classic dive watches. Give the customer what he or she wants, right? The SPB147, SBP143, SBP145, and SBP149 are four new watches that are said to be modern re-imaginations of Seiko’s very first dive watch, the legendary 62MAS. But perhaps more importantly, they are also more affordable alternatives to the very popular SLA017, which is a much more faithful but also much pricier reissue of the 62MAS. Join us as we take a closer look at these watches in the link below.
Source: aBlogtoWatch
One of the hottest new releases this summer has got to be Sinn’s new U50 series dive watches. It takes a lot of what we love about the U1 and puts it in a more approachable 41mm case that’s just 11.2mm-thick. Yet, despite the svelter dimensions, it’s still a 500-meter dive watch. And it can be had with a tegimented case — that’s Sinn’s case hardening technology. Inside beats a Sellita SW300 and prices start at $2,180. From the looks of it, it has all the ingredients to be a great and affordable entry-level Swiss dive watch for a lot of people.
Source: aBlogtoWatch
The Ref. 5520P Alarm Travel Time watch is one of the most divisive watches to ever leave the fabled manufacture of Patek Philippe. Not only does it look unlike any other watch the brand makes, the overall aesthetic isn’t something that is usually associated with the brand. However, there can be no denying that the movement is quite special. Exquisite finishing aside, it combines an alarm complication with a very handy second timezone complication. This isn’t some buzzing alarm, either; it uses a hammer and gong setup just like minute repeaters. But the questions remains, “Must it look this ugly?”
Source: aBlogtoWatch
The practice of using sapphire discs as watch dials is not new, but it’s one that’s usually reserved for the higher echelons of watchmaking. Now, Christopher Ward is bringing this aesthetic to the masses with its new C60 Sapphire dive watch. As its name suggests, the dial is a clear blue sapphire disc that gives owners a peek at the Sellita SW200 movement beneath. The end result is a watch that has a very interesting look and construction — one that is not very common in this price range.
Source: aBlogtoWatch
There’s something transcendent about enamel dials. Maybe it’s the unique sheen and the richness of color that they possess. Or maybe it’s because they lose none of their luster to the trials of time. Whatever it is, they are one of the most sought-after materials for watch dials. Watches with enamel dials are often very expensive, but credit has to be given to Seiko for making such watches more accessible. And for 2020, the brand is introducing two new models and one limited-edition model featuring enamel dials. Hit the link below to check them out.
Source: aBlogtoWatch
The post BEST FROM: aBlogtoWatch & Friends 31 May, 2020 appeared first on Wristwatch Journal.
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