#the return of the Predacons is a divine act to right some the wrongs
witchofthesouls · 1 month
Another aspect I would include in the 13 if I could write them was all of them being prone to bickering with each other. When you put 13 demigods who are all varying levels of arrogant in one room sparks tend to fly.
Oh, I consider the original Primes as true, full-blown gods as each of them had taken more pieces of Primus on purpose.
But yeah, they most definitely bicker and form posses and shit talk across the planet.
The reasons why there isn't more of those particular fables are because of ongoing destruction via imperialism, colonization, and revisionist history.
You had the remaining Primes by guilt, grief, and rage striking down records in the aftermath of their dead and scattered siblings, the constant warfare between Prima's Guiding Hand and the coalition of Wilders made of Predacons, beastformers, and other bipedal mecha, Lost Colonies with failing space-bridges, the Quintessons immensely fucking with things within their "Crown Jewel of the Empire" to make it more manageable and docile, the aftermath of rebellion to kick out the Quintessons, planetwide operations that destroyed the natural resources to the point of widespread deprivation, the caste system, and another civil war.
So much had been lost either by design or complete accident.
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