#the righteous gemstones fan art
theironribcage · 1 year
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I really didn’t expect to enjoy ‘The Righteous Gemstones’ but I watched all 3 seasons and was subsequently swindled and deceived into giving my heart directly to Keefe ‘Heart Eyes’ Chambers. He just—he’s such a funky little dude. He’s an absolute weirdo and he means so much to me. 🥺💛
(Also I did a version of him with an earring because why not? 💛)
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gloomsday · 6 months
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one of my pieces for the righteous gemzine! and there's so much more where this came from. every single fanfic and fanart contributed to the zine is so so so good, y'all. do yourself a favor and give it a (FREE!!!) read.
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discodeviant · 1 year
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"I'm a Gemstone too, Jesse!"
+ timelapse below! :))
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nysocboy · 1 year
How many Gemstones and friends can you identify?
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This logo comes from Jack Kelley's instagram. He didn't say if it was authorized or a fan creation. How many can you identify? I got all but three.
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kamerlort · 10 months
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who ordered some of the most batshit bonkers crossover art of all time.. nobody nobody sorry oops here’s chris and martin kratt as baby billy and aimee leigh from the righteous gemstones because i need to combine my two current hyperfixations. momma told me not to i did anyway MISBEHAVIN!!!!! (okay to reblog see below for more)
art is based on the album cover tht makes me bawl.. they are siblings of all time fr
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also for any wk fans who are seeing this post and are confused/unititiated. i am so srry ctfu please watch linked video to see the most epic sibling performance of all time (that i will be drawing chris and martin doing next) because this song has an unholy grip on me. no i am not religious just autistic
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obscuremarvelmuses · 3 years
Darkstar headcanons: Laynia dresses in primarily dark cool colors with bright accents in the form of trims, patterns, or accessories. Due to coming from cold Russia, short bottoms aren’t in her wardrobe and most of her sleeves are long. She favors high-necked blousy belted tops with sleek pants and functional but pretty boots. Her long blonde is eternally pushed back. by some sort of headband. Cloth, plastic, wood, plain, pearls, bejeweled, patterned, she has them in near every variety possible and they are her most common accessory. She also owns a large assortment of stylish winter coats, scarves, gloves, and hats. Because, again, Russian. She's not much one for bracelets, preferring brooches and pendants more, typically in oval or starburst shapes. She has a love for black velvet, and it will show up for dressy events in forms such as a rhinestone-dotted envelope handbag or round-toed pumps with ankle straps. Laynia collects small antique music boxes and crystal glass figurines of pretty things like ballerinas and swans. She likes black velvet jewel pillows, black flowers and black butterflies, gemstones (clear, black, or yellow) all sorts of museums (but especially art, astronomy, and natural history) and the sight of pure white snow under the street lamps at night before people can ruin it into dirty slush the next day.  She listens to classical, romantic, disco, pop, and synth music. Laynia likes sweet delicate desserts like rock candy, powder candy, jujubes, marzipan, and bliny or oladyi with varenya style fruit preserves. She dislikes zhurek, tukmachi  and any kind of preserved fish dish (fish should only be served fresh or not at all!) She dislikes being asked about Putin, the Romanovs, etc. Basically, about the only things Americans know about Russian culture. She also dislikes how people don’t know the different between Russian and Belarusian.  Her favorite animals are white weasels/minks (because they're so pretty and cute) and wolves (because they're beautiful too, but also such social animals with strong family dynamics) Laynia likes “slice of life” fictional media, such as domestic drama novels or family-centered sitcom shows. These are fantasies for her, these are escapes from what’s “normal” in her life. For the same reason, she avoids spy thrillers and similar genres, no matter how unrealistic they are in their depictions. She delights in mundane tasks. Likes working in small groups (3-6 people counting herself), dislikes working alone or large groups. She anthropomorphizes the Darkforce, calling it "she" and believing it has feelings or at the very least is capable of pain. What she actually feels when she feels the Darkforce in "pain" is due to simply her mental connection to her own Darkforce constructs that allows her to create, maintain, and manipulate them. When they are attacked, dissipated, or changed against her will, she feels that as pain, and interprets it as the Darkforce being in pain "herself" Though not religious aside from a vague conception of Heaven and its goodness/judgement, Laynia is a strong believer in the supernatural, in particular of ghosts. She is not, however, a fan of them, and would prefer to stay away from anywhere that is rumored to be haunted, had a tragedy occur there, or simply feels creepy to her. Due to her isolated upbringing within a lab, Laynia's social skills are rather lacking. She's extremely polite, but there are so many ways that one can commit a faux pas even with perfect manners, and the nuances of how to navigate complex personal situations escapes her completely. Of course, this applies to plenty of people who WEREN'T raised in a box, so she's really doing marvelously, considering her background. Overall, she comes off as well-bred but clueless, and many assume her to just be a naive rich girl cliche. Her Russian accent also helps with this, making many people attribute her social missteps as merely due to being foreign. Laynia gladly allows them to think this. During times of high emotion or action, Laynia's social niceties deteriorate further, and it's at these times she's at most risk of hurting others emotionally---which, also, is a time they'll most likely be hurt, if their emotions are also running hot. Laynia is more than a little bit of a hypocrite with her morals when it comes to violence and killing in the line of duty. For the most part, she'll always use the minimum force needed to accomplish a task, and will resort to lethal means only when it is truly necessary. At least, until it comes to someone she personally cares about being hurt. For instance, she would probably just teleport a group of bank robbers to jail with her Darkforce powers, leaving them unharmed but contained, even if they shot a hostage. But if they shot her brother? Then they would die. Some people might see this as proof of her devotion to her loved ones, and it is, but it also means that she applies special standards to her own pain and loss over others, and loses her morals when they're actually in a position where it's difficult to uphold them. What's worse, she'll actually be downright irrational in these situations; she'd probably not only kill the person actually responsible for consciously choosing to murder her brother directly, but she'd also likely go after the person who sent them on the assignment. Laynia has precious few people close to her, and her mania at the prospect of having them taken away is something both dangerous and easily exploited. Un-hypocritically, she does understand this in others, seeing it as understandable to commit murder in righteous anger, but not in cold blood. She also understands feelings of isolation, alienation, and being kept apart from others. When she sees someone or something (even an insect) kept prisoner, her instinct and desire is to free it, and she will do so if the being asks, even if it is an enemy. She is far from blindly loyal, and will question her own side should they do things she doesn't agree with, and is also capable of respecting her enemy and even considering them possibly in the right. Despite having been raised to be obedient first and always, she has always had a strong conscience of her own, to the point that she will refuse to work with someone should their methods be too brutal, or reject a loved one if they commit a heinous act. That said, she has trouble openly questioning those in positions of authority over her, specifically those of her own country. She is deeply loyal to Russia, and willing to do things she finds distasteful and wrong if it means saving her homeland, such as kidnapping or pressing someone into service. This same loyalty has made it easy for her government to deceive, manipulate, and just plain strongarm her into serving them in ways she finds wrong. Eventually, she is pushed too far and vows to never again serve the Russian government, but she deeply loves Russia itself and seeks to reform it from within, rather than defecting to the US. She’s basically in an abusive relationship with an entire government/country.  Since her only peers growing up were two boys that grew into very proud and aggressive men, it’s made her a bit sexist, tending to generalize men as always thinking they know best and as always fighting first without question. She believes in battle-forged trust, and will typically consider someone a friend and automatically trustworthy if they fight on the same side together at any point, even if they don’t actually get to know each other at all, and be offended if they don’t think the same of her. Despite her veneer as the softest member of her squad, Laynia is defiant in the face of torture and captivity—-and as kind as she can reasonably be when she is the captor rather than the captive, which has happened more than once when service to her country required her to commit kidnapping. Laynia was raised only to be concerned with the physical well-being of herself and her teammates. It would not be accurate to say that she doesn’t care about the feelings of others, more that she just doesn’t always prioritize them as highly as she should. Because of this, she can frequently ignore or tread on the feelings of others, giving the impression she’s insensitive or mean. Ironically Laynia actually considers herself quite sensitive and emotionally astute, and would be very surprised to learn of such complaints against her. This is because growing up, she WAS considered the emotionally wise one—but only compared to her brother and Ursa Major! Because Laynia was brought up not to complain, she often won’t express that something is bothering her or that someone has offended her. She thinks she’s doing the right thing, but many people would in fact far prefer that she speak up if she’s got a problem. Laynia lacks a lot of basic life skills because they simply weren’t taught to her in the “school” she was raised in. For instance, what outfits are appropriate where, car maintenance, budgeting, cleaning, and cooking. She was taught how to find and prepare food in the Siberian wilderness should she ever be stranded or stationed there, but not how to go to the supermarket and make a normal meal in a normal kitchen. She knows to turn to Google for most of this stuff, she's not stupid, but it can be surprising to some people what she doesn't know, and she often doesn't even know it's something she needs to know until it comes up. Laynia is automatically inclined to trust and obey doctors, professors, and similar people, as well as military personnel. It doesn’t mean she’ll do or believe absolutely anything they say, that depends what it is, but she gives their opinion and approval more weight than she does other people. Laynia has a hard time making big decisions, and an even harder time sticking to them, frequently going back and forth even after she's made her initial choice. Laynia takes criticism from her superiors very personally, but doesn't show it. Crying every time you get reprimanded of course wasn't something you're allowed to do when being trained by the State, so of course she'd never show it, but she would FEEL it because she was taught that her entire purpose was to serve said State, thus her self-worth hinges on it, and a failure hurts that self-worth. This need for approval from authorities means she’ll try to evade blame when something goes awry, and is loath to step out of line. This can make her a snitch, a suck up, and disliked by her peers for it. Laynia does her best to put up a kind and cordial demeanor to all, and retain a polite decorum even when it’s not returned. This is more to avoid making waves in the team than anything else. If there is discord in the ranks, she refuses to ever be the one to blame for it. It’s not that Laynia doesn’t question orders ever. She does. And she does sometimes find her moral conscience at odds with them. The problem is that she seldom acts on these thoughts, instead proceeding with her missions despite her misgivings.
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sagehaleyofficial · 5 years
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After its live debut at Slam Dunk Festival last year, All Time Low released the third single off of their upcoming album Wake Up, Sunshine, “Getaway Green,” as well as a live music video. They are also planning online events as a result of the delay on the album’s release.
Machine Gun Kelly dropped a corresponding music video for his new track, “Bullets With Names.” The musician later performed a live stream on social media, where he also performed a new track.
Alkaline Trio surprised fans with a new three-track EP, simply titled E.P. The unexpected release features the songs “Minds Like Minefields,” “Radio Violence” and “Smokestack,” with the artwork being a snapshot of lead singer Matt Skiba’s neighbor’s house.
On Wednesday night, Hayley Williams teased that a collab would be arriving soon with a studio pic featuring boygenius, composed of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers and Lucy Dacus. The new song is titled “Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris.”
Waterparks collaborated with production duo MC4D for a remix of their hit song “Dream Boy.” The new track is now available for streaming on Spotify, following a previous remix of the same song by JVNA.
Ville Valo, frontman for acclaimed goth-metal outfit HIM, has dropped a new EP. Gothica Fennica Vol. 1 was released last Friday under the name “VV,” featuring the songs “Salute the Sanguine,” “Run Away From the Sun” and “Saturnine Saturnalia.”
Mod Sun further teased a new collab with Machine Gun Kelly and Goody Grace, after first teasing the track back in December. On March 20th, the artist took to Instagram to post a video of him in a face mask.
Poppy returned with another music video for her track “Sit / Stay.” The unsettling video features her as a nude, bald figure trapped in a cushioned room interlaced with shots of her regular self.
During their isolation, Bring Me the Horizon announced they want to take fans inside the creation process of their new album. The band is planning to capture the process in a new project they are titling BMTH8.
Broadside announced that the band has signed with SharpTone Records, as well as released a new single “Foolish Believer.” Prior to departing their former label Victory Records, the band issued a two-song single, “King of Nothing” and “Empty.”
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard is spending his time working on new material and shared a new track. Taking a break from his “Live From Home” series, the new acoustic song is a tribute to Seattle, “Life in Quarantine.”
Fall Out Boy fans can now easily check out some of the band’s earliest material as a number of their demos from 2001 have surfaced on YouTube. Three songs from their self-titled demo, ripped from a cassette version of the release, have popped up.
Highly Suspect’s new video for their track “These Days” shows a family dinner from hell. The video also features the everyman hero, played by Tony Cavalero from the HBO show The Righteous Gemstones.
We Came as Romans kicked off their To Plant a Seed 10-Year Anniversary Tour in Chicago on March 5th with support from the Devil Wears Prada, Gideon and Dayseeker. Less than a week in, they have now postponed the remaining dates. 
After postponing their 20th-anniversary tour due to coronavirus, Silverstein have announced newly rescheduled dates, which will take place this summer. They will be performing three sets: the album Discovering the Waterfall in full, some greatest hits and an acoustic set.
On March 18th, Glastonbury Festival announced it would be cancelling this year’s event, which would’ve been its 50th anniversary. The festival was originally set to take place from June 24th-28th.
Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival has been officially rescheduled due to coronavirus. Originally planned to take place on June 11th-14th, it will now take place on September 24th-27th.
The 1975’s North American tour, which was set to take place near the end of April and continue through June, has been postponed. The band stated that they are currently working to reschedule the dates as we speak and will provide as many updates as possible.
The first Mexican man passed away due to coronavirus, which he believed to have contracted while attending a Ghost concert earlier this month. Not only was it their only scheduled show of 2020, but it also saw Cardinal Copia anointed to Papa Emeritus IV.
Ice Nine Kills, along with I Prevail, Papa Roach and Five Finger Death Punch, are rescheduling their North American tour dates after the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The new tour dates will kick off this fall at the end of September in Florida.
Slam Dunk Festival has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Festival organizers have announced that the rescheduled dates will now be Saturday, September 5th and Sunday, September 6th
The Recording Academy and MusiCares announced a relief fund to assist everyone working in the music industry currently being affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The COVID-19 relief fund is aiming at providing financial assistance to those in the industry.
Dark Horse is giving My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way a special hardcover for the comic The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, inspired by the band’s hit album. The comic will be released in Dark Horse’s hardcover library edition format, subtitled “California.”
Bandcamp is helping out musicians affected by the coronavirus by waiving their cut of sales since last Friday. The news comes in conjunction with a number of labels, who will similarly be giving all proceeds to artists, and so far have raised $4.3 million for artists.
In response to the coronavirus, Ice Nine Kills released a special t-shirt in support of Sweet Relief and Music Cares. A portion of the profits goes toward organizations that are supporting musicians during this outbreak.
Avenged Sevenfold announced on Twitter that they will be offering free band merchandise to select fans. All that is required is to pledge to stay at home, self-quarantined, for a week and post a selfie with a “phrase of the day” as proof.
Hope for the Day checked in on people’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic through a livestreaming chat about mental health and stigmas along with Neck Deep’s Ben Barlow. The chat took place on Sunday morning over YouTube.
Jeffree Star announced he is giving away cash to people feeling the economic pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic. The beauty guru took to Twitter over the weekend letting fans know he was giving away money to fans in need.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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cardtorius · 5 years
I was tagged by @highism - thank ya, thank ya
Rules: once you've answered everything, tag 10 bloggers you'd like to know more about.
Name/Alias: Aaron
Hair Color: Brown
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 5'11 and a half (or so the doctor's tell me)
Hobbies: Pretty typical male nerd hobbies ya know, video games, manga, books, movies, anime, music. I mean i also regularly workout and enjoy taking photgraphs and hikes besides that but pretty sure thats still nerdy.
Favorite Color: i tend to pause at this question because it's always changed since i was like 7 but i tend to generally stick with purple.
Favorite books: i enjoy any good attention grabber big chuck palahniuk fan, lullaby by far my fav i think it has real super hero movie potential. I'm currently trying to read Neil Gaimann's norse mythology. Also manga is apparently considered books i started with a sj sub in highschool got all the top manga reads dbz, yu yu hakusho, hunterxhunter etc. I own/ have read entire gundam seed series, endless waltz, most of black cat, and some beet the vandel buster(fantastic rpg style manga i gave away my first copy to a supposed friend that never even picked it up so that rly sucked)
Last song i listened to: RADICAL HIGHWAY : ACT 2 " VENGEANCE IS MINE by Circuit Freq from the Sonic Generations soundtrack
Last film i watched: Feature length film was Alita: Battle Angel, film series i been watching some dark crystal rebellion and righteous gemstones.
Things i love: video games, music specifically theme tracks and djent and metal sometimes indie, doggos, martial arts, stimulating conversation, women (not to sound controversial or anything i just do) lol edgy darkside antagonists which later become a good guy, mechas more specifically gundams, anything sentai or kamen rider related, dbz & gt and all affilitations except kai because lets be real it was dbz with a face lift for current gen kiddos to rake in the dough also im not the biggest super fan i only like that it gave me goku black and zamasu. And last but not least making real and lasting friendships slash relationships!
What brings me peace: financial stability, music, knowing that i still have alot of love to give despite my flaws/failures with women, having life goals.
Meaning behind my URL: oh god i've changed it so many times i stuck with sekiha tenkyouken because as a martial artist and anime fan G gundam resonated alot with me plus sekiha tenkyouken is the gundam version of kamehameha in my opinion.
Tagging: @0ldirtysenpai @solardrifter @newtypezaku @drzoldyck @final-mazin-blade @tokyopandaclub @goo-viking @jet-grind @araeni @bebopping-samurai
Not gonna lie i have more than 10 followers id like to tag but 10s a good number that doesn't make this annoying i think lol
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Righteous Gemstones Find GODD In Season 2
Midway through the first episode of The Righteous Gemstones season 2, the Gemstone family preaches to a packed congregation at their megachurch, as they often do. The tone, however, feels a little different this time around.
“The Book of Matthew tells of nation rising against nation – a time of famines, pestilence, and earthquakes. Sound familiar?” patriarch Eli Gemstone (John Goodman) asks the crowd with a wink.
“Are you saying people need Jesus’s love now more than ever?” prodigal son Kelvin (Adam DeVine) responds, emerging from the crowd in trademarked ripped jeans. 
“Oh, we always need Jesus’s love, but especially now,” eldest son Jesse (Danny McBride) replies. 
For a moment, The Righteous Gemstones feels primed to do something unheard of for a comedy created by Danny McBride (who, along with frequent collaborators Jody Hill and David Gordon Green, also created the HBO series Eastbound and Down and Vice Principals). It seems as though the show is going to have its characters acknowledge current events, learn from them, and perhaps even grow from them, even if it’s in a cynical way to gain more tithe money. 
But instead of mentioning the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, or political instability, the Gemstones power through with what they really want to sell: GODD…or the streaming service known as “Gemstones on Digital Demand.” 
“It is time to stop the filth coming out of Hollywood. If they are gonna fill the airwaves 24/7 with that garbage, we gon’ do the same thing,” Jesse yells to the cheering crowd. 
The Righteous Gemstones season 2 is more of the same blend of insular idiosyncratic comedy and occasional poignant family drama that season 1 was…and thank God (or GODD) it is. Aside from one hilarious reference to COVID late in the season, no famines, pestilences, or earthquakes play a role in this second go-around for the Gemstone family. The Righteous Gemstones’ world is The Righteous Gemstones’ world, and the show is once again happy to invite you into it.
“To (the writers’) credit, we could have gone another way and really dove in deep on COVID,” DeVine tells Den of Geek. “But I think people are so sick of thinking about it. There’s still a death toll when you watch the news.”
According to executive producer and director David Gordon Green, ignoring the larger issues of the day is perfectly in line with the Gemstone family’s opulent lifestyle.
“These characters would have to somewhat acknowledge the world around them but there’s an entitlement and a self-absorbed quality that works organically to who we’re talking about,” he says. “The broad strokes of what’s going on on the Earth are not on their minds so much as opportunities of wealth.”
Opportunities of wealth abound for the Gemstones in season 2. Jesse and his wife Amber (Cassidy Freeman) have their family whole again, now that their own prodigal son Gideon (Skyler Gisondo) has returned home. Instead of quality family time, however, they’re right onto the next money-making scheme, which comes in the form of Lyle and Lindy Lisson (played by Eric Andre and Jessica Lowe), operators of a Gemstones-style megachurch in Texas.
For Jesse and Amber, the Lissons represent the chance to get in on the ground floor of the massive Christian-themed vacation timeshare Zion’s Landing…but also the opportunity to hang out with a fellow power couple. For McBride and the rest of the Gemstones team, introducing the Lissons also means getting to cast comedy legend Eric Andre of The Eric Andre Show, who very rarely acts in projects in which he doesn’t have a hand in behind the camera.
“It’s my first time scripted-acting in something I gave a shit about,” Andre says. “I’d rather be on both sides of the camera or just behind it. But these guys are so smart and talented and have such a nuanced perspective and point of view that I’ll do anything they do. They’re one of the few companies I trust. I think they make state of the art comedy.”
“I’ve been a fan of Eric Andre’s for a while,” McBride adds. “He’s such a lunatic and he’s so fucking funny. When we were trying to cast this role and think about who would bring this to life, the idea came about Eric. I think he brought such a cool energy to this. Jessica (Lowe) is so funny as well. Every time she was onscreen she had a special hot sauce she could throw on things to just elevate it.”
Eric Andre isn’t the only fresh face on the Gemstones set for season 2, in fact he’s not even the only new Eric. Season 2 delves deeper into the backstory of the all-powerful Eli Gemstone. A big part of that backstory is Junior, an unwelcome blast from Eli’s past played by Eric Roberts. The Mississippi-born Roberts has as expansive an IMDb credits page as anyone, but had somehow not yet acted opposite of the equally omniscient John Goodman. 
“He’s such a kind, generous actor. I can’t go on about him because it will sound fake if I do – it’s so overly effusive,” Roberts says. “He is the kindest, most prepared, funny, sweet, patient guy I’ve ever been on a set with. I’m just in love with him!”
Roberts was so eager to get in on the Gemstones world that he submitted “10 or 12” takes of the provided audition scene to producers to nab the role. As an actor with deep ties to the South, he felt quite attached to both the Memphis hustler Junior, and the outsized version of the region that the show has created. 
“What they’ve done is they’ve taken the South extremities and made them mainstream in the story. They’re so much fun to wallow in because they’re true. They make people laugh because they identify with it,” he says.
Those South extremities include exploring Eli’s previous life as a successful professional wrestler in late 1960s Memphis. And yes, that does mean that The Righteous Gemstones season 2 comes along with another fifth episode flashback “interlude”.
“It’s a great way to build a bigger depth to where these people come from,” McBride says. “Having flashbacks and interludes helps us get a sense of how (matriarch) Aimee-Leigh (Jennifer Nettles) was the heart of the Gemstones before her passing and everything went crazy. You see the seeds of a young Jesse, and Kelvin, and Judy. Both of the times we’ve done it, there is an emotional quality that I really respond to.”
There’s a lot going on in The Righteous Gemstones season 2. There’s barely even time to touch upon the introduction of Jason Schwartzmann as a nosy journalist, Kelvin’s “God Squad” of “muscular boys”, another murder mystery, and a heaping dose of Uncle Baby Billy Freeman (Walton Goggins) among the season’s nine episodes. Through it all, however, Gemstones remains its charming, bizarre self. And that’s because, despite the absurdity around the edges, it understands the core principle of the family’s success: all that singing and dancing. 
The Righteous Gemstones first season was highlighted by “Misbehavin’”, an absolute banger of a gospel tune from Aimee-Lee and Baby Billy Freeman from the aforementioned interlude episode. 
According to the cast, season 2 has a handful of musical earworm candidates of its own. 
“I feel like once a month I thought ‘well that’s going to be stuck in my head forever,’” BJ actor Tim Baltz says. “Misbehavin’ wasn’t a one off thing. There are like five or six this year. Everyone wrote their asses off. There’s going to be a hell of an EP to put out at some point.” 
Production on The Righteous Gemstones gets only two weeks of shooting availability at North Charleston Coliseum & Performing Arts Center that doubles as the Gemstones’ concert hall-sized church. All the religious and musical fervor that viewers see onscreen is packed into a fortnight of kinetic energy for the actors, hammering home why the fictional Gemstones would be so successful in the first place. 
“John (Goodman) preaching is John preaching. I’m believing every word he’s saying,” Amber actress Cassidy Freeman says. “If this were real, of course you’d be pulled into it. I think church at its core, before any of it gets political or weird, is about community. And if that community is a rock show every Sunday? Badass.”
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The Righteous Gemstones season 2’s first two episodes premiere Sunday, Jan. 9 at 10 p.m. ET on HBO.
The post The Righteous Gemstones Find GODD In Season 2 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3q3oknX
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
What’s So Trendy About Watercolor Painting Cartoon That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Watercolor Painting Cartoon
Annecy 2020 Online’s additional beachcomber of appropriate programming for its world-class French action ceremony (June 15-30) will accommodate a examination from the awful advancing “Connected” (October 23, Sony Pictures Animation), the latest affection from “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller, and a Masterclass from stop-motion administrator Henry Selick and artisan Bruno Coulais, who collaborated on Netflix’s accessible demon comedy, “Wendell & Wild” (2021, produced by Jordan Peele and activated in Portland, Oregon), and Laika’s “Coraline.”
Also in the mix will be discussions with administrator Dean DeBlois (DreamWorks Animation’s “How to Train Your Dragon” trilogy), Disney’s allegorical administering duo Ron Clements and John Musker (“Moana,” “The Little Mermaid”), Disney’s arch artistic officer/director Jennifer Lee and administrator Chris Buck on their accessible Disney doc, “Into the Unknown: Making ‘Frozen 2′” (streaming June 26), the art of storyboarding at Cartoon Network Studios (“Summer Camp Island”), a 20th ceremony afterthought of “Chicken Run” with Aardman’s Nick Park and Peter Lord, and a chat with the Blies Brothers admiral about the ability of action for acclamation animal abandon in their blur trilogy: “Zero Impunity,” “Ghostdance,” “Aimer moins.”
Lord and Miller’s “Connected” continues their mission to advance storytelling and stylistic boundaries. Directed by Mike Rianda (creative administrator of “Gravity Falls”), it’s a ball about a ancestors active a tech insurgence of all cyberbanking devices, including a new band of claimed robots, and centers on the battle amid a alfresco dad, Rick (Danny McBride of “The Righteous Gemstones”) and his amusing media-savvy daughter, Katie (voiced by Abbi Jacobson).
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Hand painted watercolor mouse. Chinese Year of the mouse. Cartoon smiling mouse illustration.Mouse with piece of cheese. Isolated on white background .. | watercolor painting cartoon
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Watercolor Cartoon Painting Action by Kitket | GraphicRiver – watercolor painting cartoon | watercolor painting cartoon
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Paint Brush Cartoon png download – 20*20 – Free Transparent .. | watercolor painting cartoon
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Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/watercolor-cartoon-painting-action-by-kitket-graphicriver-watercolor-painting-cartoon_0.jpg
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nightfeellings · 5 years
first things first, did you have a good year? no how old did you turn this year? 31 do you feel your age? not at all, younger + older all at the same time did your appearance change in anyway? got a couple more tattoos & i've been shaving my head lately if you traveled, where did you go? nowhere, i hate that shit which fashion trends did you love? 90's grunge, casual, comfortable which fashion trends did you hate? whatever the fuck cardi b is supposed to be, miley cyrus, post malone what was your favorite article of clothing this year? new band shirts i bought, flannels, my fur coat what song sums up this year for you? Return Of The Mack what album came out & has been on heavy rotation since then? all of Billie Eilish's work, He Is Legend: White Bat, Bayside: Interrobang, As I Lay Dying: Shaped By Fire what was your favorite movie of the year? Us was fucking amazing! Booksmart, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Stuber, Always Be My Maybe, Rim Of The World, The Art Of Self Defense did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? Alexa Demie in Euphoria, Ali Wong, Eduardo Franco, Skyler Gisondo, Nico Hiraga, Noah Galvin in Booksmart, Alessandro Nivola in The Art Of Self Defense favorite new TV show? Euphoria, The Righteous Gemstones which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? Billie Eilish has blown my fuckin' mind all year! but i'm not crazy obsessed like her fans what food did you try for the first time? i don't remember did you make any big permanent changes this year? nah waiting for 2020 what was one nice thing you did for someone else? love them what was one nice thing you did for yourself? treat myself did you develop a new obsession? got deeper into pornog over the year, new music discoveries, candy, ice cream, Shameless did you vote? not yet FUCK TRUMP! fuck conservatives & fuck republicans did you move? nah not yet but i need to move out did you get a job? stuck at my current job looking for a new one did you get a pet? a new kitty & she's wonderful do you regret not doing anything? a lot of things, new year\decade new me though do you regret doing something? lots of regrets but you can't do shit now have you done anything that scared you? broke up with my ex, tried to meet new people did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? shit at the ol homestead did you lose anyone close to you? yes did you fall in love? no did you fall out of love? yes did you start a new relationship? no did you go through a break up? yeah & it still pisses me off hella months later did you have to cut ties to someone? yes, a few. even more in 2020 ;) who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? idk i have all the same friends as always who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? "friends" if you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? yes in a heartbeat what was the best moment of the year for you? going to the final warped tour, going to other shows & meeting my fave bands what was the worst? the breakup & everything after did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? yeah a lot but it's because i'm stubborn did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? same ^ what are you most proud of accomplishing? paying bills & not going insane, being responsible what have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? how resilient i am, no matter what i always bounce back did your opinion of anyone change for the better? yes did your opinion of anyone change for worse? yes if you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? nah didn’t have any if you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? save up, move out, no tattoos til i get a better job, workout consistently, stop eating fast\junk food, stop hesitating if you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this? i just need to fuck someone what do you wish for others for the coming year? save money & lose like 69 pounds what do you wish for yourself? more money! lose weight
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discodeviant · 6 months
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1968. In his youth Eli Gemstone was not a righteous man but ignoble in the eyes of God whose very being was nothing short of absurd to him; Eli believed in the universe. He followed its sermons which were vaguely weaved into their own credence, long out of his realm and into fiercer hands. Those hands were proud of him even when Daddy Roy Gemstone was not. They housed him, for hours at a time, in an old warehouse which echoed the voice of the weekend crowd. They fed him and dressed him in black nylon that stretched to fit his strapping mass while an artificial Tennessee sunset remained static over damp, flushed faces. MANIAC KID. Men read it and wept.
My pieces for @therighteousgemzine! 💎💗 Full fic can be read in the zine or on AO3 here (ao3 requires login).
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nysocboy · 1 year
But where's the sausage dip?
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Parkinart fan picture of Kelvin and Keefe at the Episode 3.3 fire dance. Does that phallic handle appear in the screen version?
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nysocboy · 7 months
Doesn't Martin get a chance?
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nysocboy · 10 months
The Foot Fist Way: Danny McBride's usual character without the hints of humanity
The Foot Fist Way (2006) is the first collaboration between Danny McBride and Jody Hill that would extend through Eastbound & Down, Vice Principals, and The Righteous Gemstones.  
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The version on MAX is grainy, like a home movie, with amaterish direction (give the guy a break -- he was just learning), but that adds to its charm -- if you can call a movie involving constant cussing and beating up kids charming.  We can see the beginning of the character that Danny McBride plays regularly -- foul-mouthed, bragging, bullying, grandiose -- but without the touches of humanity that make Neal Gamby and Jesse Gemstone likeable. But it is fascinating to see the origin of the character, as well as a lot of jokes and situations that were recycled on The Righteous Gemstones.
It is based upon Hill's experiences as a taekwando instructor ("foot fist way" is a literal translation of Tae Kwan Do), and there are a lot of set pieces depicting the funny things that happen in classes and competitions. The story commences about halfway through the movie: taewando instructor Fred  and his very intense high school buddy Mike (Jody Hill) take two of the students, teenage Henry and ten-year old Julio (Carlos Lopez IV, Spencer Moreno) on a road trip: "you guys are gonna see things that you've never seen before...I'm going to do a lot of bad things, and you guys aren't going to stop me.  You ever hae sex?"  
They actually go to a martial arts expo to meet Fred's idol, Chuck "The Truck" Watson (Ben Best), who invites them to a sex-and-drugs party similar to Jesse's in Season 1 of The Rightous Gemstones, except that the guests insult them ("fag," "pussy," "ugly fucking jerk"), and only the little boy gets any action. (Don't get upset -- everyone just comments on how handsome he is, and fondles his head.)
Fred invites Chuck Watson to visit, and spend the night. To his surprise, Chuck has sex with his wife.  Granted, she has been characterized in every scene as into doing it with every guy she sees, but Fred is still incensed, and insists on a fight.  Chuck pulverizes him.
But the ending is positive: both of the kids win awards in the big taekwando competititon, and Fred introduces a new student oath: all about using taekwando honorably and making the world a better place
Sadly, Carlos Lopez IV, who became a stuntman, died in 2014.  He fell off a hotel balcony in Lisbon.  Some media reports suggested that he was trying out a new stunt, but it was most likely an accidental death.
Ben Best died in 2021, a day before his 47th birthday.   Kind of a depressing way to end a movie review.  At least Spencer Moreno may have grown up to be the buffed boxer in the top photo.
Beefcake: Ben Best takes his shirt off.
Gay Characters: None.
Gay Subtext: Maybe between Fred and Henry, who becomes his protege. 
Homophobia: Some "fags" and "cocksuckers," but not a lot.
My Grade: If you're a Danny McBride fan, B.  If not, D.
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nysocboy · 1 year
Joshua Mikel/Daedalus: Keefe's Satanist Ex-Boyfriend
We see Keefe's Satanist friend Daedalus four times in Season 1. In Episode 1.4, he criticizes Keefe for hanging out with "those Gemstone nerds." They meet again at Club Sinister; Daedalus caresses his body and licks his face, but Keefe insists that he's not there "for pleasures." When the police raid the club, Daedalus leads everyone through a secret passage to safety, and asks again for Keefe to join him for "pleasures." But Keefe is with Kelvin now.
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In Episode 1.9, he is the gatekeeper of Keefe's isolation-tank sex party.
They are so obviously ex-lovers that I included Daedalus in two fan fiction stories:
My Boyfriend and my Satanist Ex-Boyfriend at Thanksgiving Dinner
Groom #1 or Groom #2: A Kelvin/Keefe Adventure (yes, he has to decide between Kelvin and Daedalus)
Josh has 92 acting credits on IMDB, including a lot of fantasy and horror: Renfield, Mayfair Witches, Unhuman, Creepshow, 50 States of Fright, The Walking Dead. But a lot of general dramas, too, including the gay-themed Love, Simon, and The Lengths (2014), where he is in love with a man and a woman.
The guy with him is John. I'm not sure if they're romantic partners or buddies.
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Josh has also done storyboard art and set design for everything from Kirksville to The Littel Mermaid. He is a playwright, with two plays for children: Monster Hunters and Good Good Trouble on Bad Bad Island. If he has any time leftover, he is the drummer for the indie rock band Look, Mexico. One of their songs, "It's Been a Long Time Since I Smelled Beautiful," could have been written for Kelvin and Keefe:
Will you compromise, or will you say what's on your mind this time? Will you smile for me, or will you say what's on your mind this time?
But we're not, we're not keeping quiet. So if you think you're ready…
It's our time now.
There are beefcake pics of Josh on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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