#the rowntrees 1350s
aviandtheseals · 1 year
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1359
Content warning for death
During the spring of 1359, Arthur Rowntree went hunting to provide for his family. On the hunt, he got mauled by a bear. While he managed to make it home, he didn't survive long after that.
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The entire family mourned his passing. Sarah lost her older brother, the only steady figure in her life since she was a toddler. Alexandria was especially devastated at the loss of her husband, who had been her only point of happiness during a difficult pregnancy. The man of the household, the Rowntree heir, and the main person making money had just died. They all worried for their futures.
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While the death was rough, it did bring the women of the household closer together. They had all been sidelined in their families their entire lives. Now, they were in charge. They'd need to rely on each other to raise the children and take care of the house.
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Alexandria's pregnancy continued to be rough, and she deeply missed her husband. Kymmie started sleeping in Alexandria's bed to help her through the long nights.
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In the middle of all the chaos, Finnian aged up! The new heir grew to be a hot-headed child, probably affected by all the turmoil around during his childhood.
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The reconfigured family began to settle into a routine. They continued staying close to the Bridgfords, visiting their house where Finnian, Jacquette, and Sarah got to hang out with other kids.
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The third trimester of Alexandria's pregnancy was the hardest, and she was unable to do much. The pregnancy was very hard on her body. It was also a constant reminder of the loss of her husband.
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In the fall of 1359, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Ursula. But Alexandria did not survive the birth.
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Will the family be able to survive a second devastating death in one year? How will a household with a baby, toddler, child, young teen, and one widow function?
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York, a cidade do Harry Potter na Inglaterra
York, na Inglaterra, tem tudo o que você uma cidade medieval tem direito: muralhas, uma catedral maravilhosa do ano 630, ruelas ao estilo de labirintos, casinhas de madeira da Idade Média, ruas estreitas de paralelepípedo e até uma antiga rua Viking.
O cenário todo medieval transformou York em uma das cidades mais bonitas do Reino Unido.
Até hoje, séculos depois dessas construções, York ainda mantém um cenário ao estilos dos do Harry Potter. Tanto que uma das ruas da cidade, a Shambles, inspirou o cenário do Beco Diagonal no filme de Harry Potter. É das grandes atrações de York.
York está a só duas horas de trem de Londres – detalhe: o trem sai da estação King’s Cross, para aumentar ainda mais o clima Harry Potter. É perto e até daria para ir e volta de Londres em um dia só, mas mesmo assim vale a pena ficar pelo menos uma noite porque tem muito o que fazer na cidade cheia de história, fundada pelos romanos lá atrás, no ano 71.
Shambles: a rua do Beco Diagonal
Apesar de York ser toda bonita com o cenário medieval, o que todo mundo quer ver é a rua The Shambles, que inspirou o cenário do Beco Diagonal. E a rua faz mesmo todo mundo se sentir dentro da história. As casas são dos anos de 1350 a 1475, tortas e com tetos de madeira, e abrigam lojinhas que têm tudo a ver com o Harry Potter.
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A mais disputada da rua é a  The Shop that Must Not Be Named, que vende tudo o que é possível imaginar envolvendo Harry Potter: de canecas de cada escola a bolas de quadribol, figurinos e varinhas mágicas. Para quem quer as varinhas, os atendentes desta loja de York estão sempre prontos para explicar a diferença entre as varinhas e qual é a melhor para cada cliente.
Acham que é só essa? A The Shambles é curta, mas ainda há outra loja só com produtos do Harry Potter, a World of Wizardry, o que facilita na hora de comparar preços de capas da Hermione, de cadernos de Hogwarts ou de varinhas mágicas.
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Toda a rua, aliás, tem lojas que remetem a magia ou bruxaria. Uma das mais interessantes é a Potions Cauldron, com total  clima de bruxaria. Um atendente fica atrás de um balcão, de jaleco branco e toda a pose de cientista,  vendendo itens como a poção da invisibilidade, o shot of magic, o bath explosion portion e o basilik blood. O nome pode assustar, mas na verdade, são só sabonetes, espumas de banho, hidratantes, limonadas, cafés e bebidas alcoólicas.
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Outra boa loja para entrar é a de fantasminhas feitos à mão, a York Ghosts Merchant. Eles são típicos de York, tem vários tamanhos e são bem coloridos. A loja não é nada comum. É outra com cenário de bruxaria, vendendo os fantasminhas que costuma ser presenteados pela população para dar sorte.
O que fazer em York
Catedral de York
Claro que York não é só o Harry Potter. Uma das grandes atrações é a catedral, toda imponente, e uma das mais altas da Europa. Foi completada no ano 637, mas está construída em cima de uma antigo forte romano, e por isso é cheia de história. Além de ver a catedral em si, vale a pena descobrir o museu no subsolo, que mostra os artigos romanos da época, e também pagar um tíquete extra para subir ao topo da catedral. Depois de vencer 275 cansativos degraus, você vai enxergar York inteirinha lá de cima.
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Minha foto é com drone raiz: do alto da torre da catedral de York! Essa catedral é do ano 637 e foi construída em cima de um quartel romano. Imaginem o tanto de história que passou por ali? ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Cansa subir até o alto da torre (dá trabalho fotografar com esse meu drone 😂).São 275 degraus em uma escadaria apertada feita muitas centenas de anos atrás. Mas convenci que a vista compensa né! @lovegreatbritain.br and @visityork : thank you for presenting me this gorgeous city! ⠀ #visityork #LovegreatbritainBR #Lovegreatbritain #brasileirosemlondres #yorkengland #york #londontips #dicasdelondres #inglaterra🇬🇧 #inglaterra #towerbridgelondon #londres2019
A post shared by por Natalia Manczyk (@portadeembarque) on Nov 12, 2019 at 2:39pm PST
Jorvick Viking Center
É uma atração imperdível de York. Não pense que é um museu comum, como outro qualquer: esse é em estilo Disney.  A visita começa  em carrinhos com telas e alto-falantes, que levam os visitantes para um passeio pela Coppergate, a rua onde hoje está o museu e que já foi habitada pelos vikings,  dos anos 800 a 1050.
O carrinho vai passando por cenários hiperrealistas e por personagens da época, tudo animado por tecnologias de animatrônica, que mostram vida na época, com caçadores, comerciantes árabes,  comerciantes de escravos, e até cachorros. Nem precisaria de mais, mas é só depois dessa atração que começa o museu propriamente, com 40 mil objetos dos tempos dos vikings.
” data-gtm-event-label=”https://ift.tt/2xmP7Tv”>
York’s Chocolate Story
York, na Inglaterra, fez história com o chocolate, especialmente por conta das fábricas Terry’s e a Rowntree’s, que começou em agora é parte da Nestlé. Se você nunca ouviu falar na Rowntree, o chocolate produzido por ela você com certeza conhece: o Kit Kat. Na York’s Chocolate Story um tour guiado leva para conhecer a história do chocolate em salas com bastante interatividade, e você ainda aprende a degustar como um profissional e faz o seu próprio chocolate.
Vejam mais atrações, fotos e informações sobre York no site Porta de Embarque
York, a cidade do Harry Potter na Inglaterrapublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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aviandtheseals · 1 year
Rowntree Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1358
1358 was a good year, with multiple birthdays and the start of a pregnancy.
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Alexandria found out she is pregnant and told Arthur, who was thrilled. While Alexandria was happy to have another child, she was fearful of physically going through pregnancy again. Her husband's love eased her worries but she still suffered from the discomfort.
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Kymmie has been getting closer to Touilda Bridgford, Alexandria's sister. Kymmie and Touilda clicked the moment they met, and are now becoming close friends and hanging out often. Kymmie also has a crush on Touilda! She doesn't know it yet, and just thinks she wants to befriend her. However, Kymmie is starting to realize she wants more than a friendship, which is terrifying...
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Because of Kymmie and Touilda's "friendship" the Rowntrees have been visiting the Bridgfords more often, so Sarah is finally making friends her own age with the Bridgford kids, and Alexandria is staying close to her sister.
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We also had a couple birthdays. Sarah aged up to a teen!
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Jacquette also aged up to a toddler and looks really adorable. However, she got the mumps, so her toddlerhood has been pretty miserable so far.
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Besides the mumps, everyone has been mostly happily attending to their usual tasks. This year has been unusually lucky, they all think.
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aviandtheseals · 1 year
Rowntree Family Ultimate Decades Challenge: 1356-1357
Welcome to my ultimate decades challenge! I’ve already played it for 55 in-game years, so our family will start at 1356. However, the entire main household and many of the people in side households died in the Black Death in 1348, then we spent a couple years rebuilding, so this is a new family and dynasty.
Quick family tree:
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Astrid and Tobias were the founders. Their oldest son Henry was the heir, and we played with his family for decades until his descendants all died during the plague. David, the next surviving son, and his kids became the new main household. His wife Caroline had already died, but he remarried and had a kid with Kymmie before dying of old age. Now in the main household includes Kymmie, who married David for a short time; her and David’s son Finnian; David’s oldest son Arthur; Arthur’s new wife Alexandria; and David and Caroline's younger daughter Sarah. 
Sims introductions / 1356-57 developments
Arthur Rowntree (teen) - heir, married to Alexandria
Loves outdoors, genius
Arthur had a difficult childhood. In 1348, the plague hit while his father was away at war, and his mother and siblings died from the plague. Arthur and his one surviving sister Sarah got separated – she moved into the main Rowntree farm with his cousin, but Arthur lost touch with them and got adopted by another family. He finally managed to make it back to the Rowntree family right before his father died. However, throughout this time Arthur has stayed strong. Arthur is the heir to the Rowntree line, and takes his duty to care for his family seriously as the man of the house.
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During the winter and spring of 1356, the entire family was sick for the majority of the time and didn't have the strength to work. Their stove broke, but they had no money to replace it so they could only eat salad. Arthur was upset at himself and miserable from sickness. As the man of the house, he felt he was failing at his duties to provide.
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The stress caused Arthur to get into a lot of arguments with his second-cousin Eli. Eli is often jealous and arrogant, and he especially got on Arthur’s nerves by saying he deserved some of the Rowntree inheritance, since he's been working on their farm for years. Eli wanted to get married and use the money to start his own farm. Arthur was upset because Eli isn’t even a Rowntree. They argued for a while, then decided that Eli will get 1000 simoleons, which with his new wife’s dowry will be enough to start their own farm.
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Eli and his new wife Libet got married, and he moved out, making the farm much more peaceful.
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Once summer rolled around and Arthur was no longer sick, he spent a lot of time building furniture to sell around the village and make money.
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And of course, continuing the Rowntree legacy. With all the deaths from the plague during his childhood on Arthur’s mind, he knows his time on Earth is precious and is aching to have a son who will continue maintaining the farm after Arthur dies. Luckily, his wife Alexandria became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy girl in spring 1357!
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Arthur loved spending time with his daughter Jacquette but was often busy with work so most of the care fell to her mother. While Arthur was grateful his wife and daughter survived the birth, he couldn’t ignore his desire for a son to inherit.
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After a few months being busy with making money and taking care of their baby, Arthur and Alexandria decide to try for another child towards the end of 1357. After so many family members dying during the plague they want a big happy family that stays together. Will next year bring more joy, or will deaths dampen the mood?
Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree (teen) - Arthur's wife
Whimsical, daredevil
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Alexandria is a joyful and optimistic person. Living through the Black Death, and generally being a peasant girl, means Alexandria had little control over her own life. She learned to deal with challenges by living in her own pink bubble. Despite the challenges of 1356-57 in the Rowntree household, Alexandria focused on parts of life that made her happy, like her husband Arthur. Even though they were both busy Arthur still managed to romance Alexandria, which helped her get through her pregnancy.
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Alexandria was also happy to become a mother, and spent a lot of time with her daughter Jacquette.
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Another thing that brought Alexandria joy was learning how to play the lute. Arthur improved a lot as a furniture maker and was able not only to replace their stove, but to buy a new lute for the household. Alexandria spent all her time practicing, prioritizing art over keeping the house clean.
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Of course, the best part of these two years was Jacquette becoming an infant in the fall of 1357. (this is Alexandria's day outfit, she spent a lot of these two years in her nightgown as seen in the other photos)
Kymmie Betts Rowntree (young adult) - stepmother of Arthur and Sarah, mother of Finnian
Creative, vegetarian, pompous
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Kymmie has not enjoyed the first few years of living with the Rowntree family. When David first approached her, she was immediately captivated. He was much older, experienced, a strong soldier fighting for his country. Kymmie grew up in a poor family who didn’t care much for a girl they’d have to pay a dowry for one day. She was excited to follow this soldier back to his home village, to start a life where she’d be the head of a household. But they were together for less than two years. David died and left her in a lonely house with his children who barely knew her and a new baby to take care of. Kymmie wishes she could find another husband to start a family with, but she knows if she leaves she wouldn’t be able to take her baby son Finnian with her. As the only potential heir to the Rowntree farmland except for Arthur, they would never let Kymmie take her son away. And she couldn’t bear to be parted from him. So she focuses on taking care of her son, and accepting that she will never be able to have the happy family she always dreamed of.
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Kymmie felt lonely for a while, but in 1356 she was able to finally make a connection with someone outside the family she was forced into: Touilda Butterfield Bridgford, Alexandria's sister. The moment they saw each other, there was a spark. Kymmie was happy that finally there was somebody she could rely on outside of the Rowntrees.
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Because Arthur was busy with building furniture, Kymmie took charge of the garden.
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With more confidence coming from other areas of her life, Kymmie started to have better relationships with the family she married into.
Sarah Rowntree (child) - Arthur's younger sister
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Even though she is a child, for a long time Sarah has had an important role in providing financially for her family. Every day she goes fishing, and her catches help them through hard times. Sarah tries to be a good kid, but as the forgotten middle child, and the only girl, she continues to be ignored by her family who are concerned with bigger problems. Nobody ever considers that losing both her parents so young was difficult for her. She's just the goody-two-shoes who brings home a couple simoleons.
Jacquette Rowntree (infant) - Arthur and Alexandria's daughter
Finnian Rowntree (toddler) - Kymmie and David's son, Arthur and Sarah's half-brother
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Meanwhile, the babies are just hanging out together, unaware of the possibility of coming death... :)
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aviandtheseals · 1 year
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1360s Recap
I started posting this challenge in 1357, so this also includes some major late 1350s events. This decade saw 8 deaths, 3 births, and 1 marriage for the Rowntree family. I've been trying to get back to a large family since the famine, but it has not been working. Hopefully, once Finnian is married a large family will be possible. Everyone died left and right this decade, here's hoping fewer sims will in the next one.
Ursula Rowntree (1359)
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Ursula Rowntree was born in 1359 to Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree and Arthur Rowntree. Her father died shortly before she was born and her mother died at the birth, but she was raised by Kymmie Betts Rowntree, her step-grandmother.
Gilbert Hedgecock Jr. (1364)
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Gil was born in 1364 to Gilbert Hedgecock and Sarah Rowntree Hedgecock. He was loved by both his parents who wanted him to have a happier childhood than they did.
Sabina & Marie Hedgecock (1366)
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Twins Sabina and Marie were born to Gilbert and Sarah Hedgecock in 1366. Unfortunately, Marie and Sarah died soon after the birth, but the family was glad to welcome more children into the world.
Arthur Rowntree (1339-1359)
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In 1359, the Rowntree heir Arthur was mauled by a bear. Arthur was a kind father to his young daughter Jacquette and a loving husband to his wife Alexandria. He was also a protective older brother to his younger sister Sarah. Arthur was a farmer but made most of the family's money by woodworking, which he was talented at. He died at the young age of 20.
Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree (1338-1359)
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Alexandria Butterfield Rowntree was a loving wife and mother. She loved caring for her own daughter Jacquette as well as Finnian, another child in the house. She was also a talented lute player. Alexandria died in 1359, shortly after her husband Arthur, while giving birth to her third daughter Ursula. She died at the young age of 21.
Ursula Rowntree (1359-1362)
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Ursula (left) was a friendly and happy toddler, despite growing up an orphan. She was especially an affectionate sister to Jacquette. She died of chickenpox at the age of 3.
Sarah Rowntree Hedgecock (1345-1366)
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Sarah had a difficult childhood and lost many relatives, but she never let it wear down her spirit. Sarah always worked hard to provide and care for her family. She was a great big sister to Finnian, and always helped Kymmie care for Jacquette and Ursula. Sarah created the life she always wanted and guaranteed her own happiness by marrying her sweetheart, Gilbert Hedgecock. As a wife and mother, Sarah loved and cared for her children. She thought it was important to spend a lot of time with them and for them to always be happy. Sarah died shortly after giving birth to twin girls Sabina and Marie, but her big heart will live on with her family. She died at age 21.
Marie Hedgecock (1366)
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Marie Hedgecock was born with her twin Sabina Hedgecock in 1366, but they were both very weak and Marie died soon after. However, she was loved by her family.
Gilbert Hedgecock Jr. (1364-1367)
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Gilbert Hedgecock Jr. was a curious toddler who enjoyed exploring the house and loved learning from his mom. He died from the mumps at the age of 3.
Jacquette Rowntree (1357-1368)
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Jacquette was a warm-hearted toddler, but after the death of her sister, she became more of a loner child. Although she wasn't the friendliest, she loved spending time with her chickens and always worked hard around the farm. She was also very close with Finnian. Jacquette died tragically in a fire at the age of 11, leaving her family heartbroken.
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Clarice Hedgecock (1346-1369)
Clarice was a mean-spirited older sister to Gilbert, because of their stressful childhood. However, after their older brother Isaac died and Gilbert got married, she became nicer and helped care for GIlbert's kids after his wife Sarah's death. Clarice died from the 1369 famine at age 23.
Sarah Rowntree & Gilbert Hedgecock (1364)
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In 1364, Gilbert and Sarah got married. They were 18 and 19. Gilbert and Sarah met a couple years before and fell in love, but couldn't get married because their families didn't have the money. However, after Gilbert's older brother Isaac died, he became the heir of their farm and finally was able to marry his love. Gilbert and Sarah went on to be very happy for the next two years and had three children, but their marriage did not last long due to Sarah's death.
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aviandtheseals · 1 year
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge Masterpost
All challenge posts
Character introductions
Decade recaps
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