#the s/o from this fic being confronted by link's s/o who isn't coping well with link's supposed death?
dgmagines · 5 years
Hi Hi Hi!!! So how about a scenario with Allen running away from the order simallar to episode 12 ending but instead of lenalee going after him it's his s/o. You can keep or change the ending if you want!
Hey hi hiiii~! This came out longer than expected and uhhh I sorta,,, deviated from the request (I only realized this when I finished writing so,,, whoops?). Regardless, I hope this is to your liking anon!! q w q Please enjoy!!
Also, under the cut because this got hella long uwu;; and the ones in blockquote are “flashbacks” uwu
Word count : 1,542
“Exorcist?What are you doing down here?”
Somethingwas wrong.
“Oh,Cardinal,” they bowed their head respectfully before throwing a concerned gazetowards the hall that lead to Allen’s cell. Inspector Howard had been in therefor too long now.
“I’mjust waiting for the Inspector is all,” the man smiled – a most comfortingsmile had it not been for the chill that ran up their spine. Why… Why did hissmile look out of place…?
Somethingwas wrong - they could feel it in the way their heart wouldn’tstop worrying and their head wouldn’t stop theorizing as their feet franticallycarried them through the maze of a hallway the Order called home.
“Perhapsyou should wait for him upstairs, my child,” the kind-looking elder pattedtheir head, moving past them as he disappeared down the corridor. ______ staredfor a moment more, waiting with bated breath for something – anything really –to happen.
They’dbeen down there.
Theydidn’t know what they had expected and, with a minor self-deprecating remark,they turned and made their way down the opposite hall; towards the stairs thatwould lead to the upper levels.
They’dbeen down there before it happened.
“Lenalee!”Their hoarse voice yelled out to the taller woman- the tears streaming down herface matching that of their own; they felt their heart clench.
Theexplosion caught them off guard – the young (h/c) stumbling as they desperatelytried their best to not fall down the long flight of stairs. Bewildered, theirfrantic mind considered running back towards the cell, already anxious mindcoming up with several thousand scenarios that flitted through their eyes inthe split second it took for them to blink – none of them looked good.
Togetherwith the young Asian, _______ ran through the crowded halls; throwing outfrantic – almost rude – ‘excuse me’s and ‘pardon me’s. They parted when theycame to the stairs - _____ taking the one that would lead them to the groundfloor while Lenalee took the ones that would lead her to the roof.
______took several steps back out of shock as they stared at the guards who were supposedto be guarding the room – at the guards that now lay unconscious on the floorwith… with… something coming out of their eyes. Their body shook; theair felt heavy and suffocating and-
Wasthat… the cardinal…?
Theirlungs burned as they skipped several steps, feet pitter-pattering wildly asthey tried to reach the ground floor as soon as possible. Not once, not twicebut multiple times had they found themselves almost falling – almost sprainingtheir feet from how reckless they were running but their safety was the lastthing on their mind.
Stumbling,______ felt their hands shook as they cupped their mouth – not trustingthemselves to not make any noise as the cardinal started to move. With theirheart in their throat and the sting of tears in their eyes, ______ started tomove; they needed to get away-
Theyneeded to l e a v e.
Theyweren’t safe here and they knew it.
Gasping– out of breath - _______ winced as the branches and the leaves cut at theirskin, leaving tiny nicks here and there. Faintly, they heard the sounds ofbattle as their fellow exorcist fought teeth and bones to get rid of the akumassurrounding them.
Fromup above, they saw Lenalee landing on a tree – closer to the ground so that shecould talk with the (h/c). The noirette was clearly as out of breath as _____was. As they each exchanged information about Allen’s possible whereabouts,several level threes had spotted them and had taken to attacking them.
“________,go! I’ll hold them off and join you!” gritting their teeth, ______ glared atthe young noirette. Their heart was heavy – they were afraid and frustrated andconfused and angry all at the same time and they couldn’t – not for the life ofthem – make much sense of what was happening.
Whywas this all happening?!
“Don’ttry to play hero, Lenalee! You’re much faster than I am- you have a higherchance of catching Allen with your boots!” quickly doing away with the levelthree that tried to attack her, Lenalee turned towards her friend – barelyavoiding the swipe of another akuma.
“Youhave a better lead on his location!” and, you have a better chance ofconvincing him to come back, was what Lenalee wanted to say but her throatburned with the unsaid words and her tears were starting to cloud her visionand goddammit she has akumas to deal with!! She can’t be crying right now!!
Andso they left.
Butthe path the (h/c) took was dark and confusing and they felt like they’d beenrunning around in circles and goddammit- they just wanted to see Allen!!Stopping to catch their breath, _______ honed their senses so that they couldhear of any approaching danger; the threat of the akumas were still aroundafterall. Letting their guard down right here, right now would be a stupid move.
“Link…?”_______ choked on their words, tears burning their eyes as they stared at theunconscious body of the inspector. Hadn’t the cardinal been watching over Linkjust a moment ago? Why was he… all….. messed up?
“Giveup on him, exorcist,” the voice snapped the (h/c) out of their reverie –shoulders tensing as they reached for their innocence. In front of them, with alaidback smile on his face, was the damned Third himself – Tokusa. He smirkedin his usual condescending manner, ______ gritting their teeth and growling inreturn.
“Shutthe fuck up,” they cursed, feeling all the repressed emotions frombefore bubbling and threatening to break under the surface. They wanted to lashout – wanted to grab the man by his collar or his hair and straight up yellprofanities in his face or punch the living daylights out of him but theshaking of their fingers and the almost painful clenching on their musclesprevented them from moving.
Deepdown, they knew they were weaker than the former CROW and that fact irritatedthem to no end.
“Letme through, Tokusa,” the man hummed, tilting his head to the side in aquizzical manner.
“Andwhy? You know you won’t be able to catch up to Walker in time right? He’s justgoing to join the Earl – just as we did,” the chuckle that fell from his lipsgrated their ears. _______ clenched their weapon tighter, swallowing thegrowing lump their throat as they readied for an attack.
Friendor not, Tokusa had turned to the enemy - ____ would’ve had to fight him sooneror later.
“Isee your hesitation, ______,” Tokusa smiled, closing his eyes as he slowlyretreated into the writhing mass of darkness behind him – a portal of theEarl’s making, perhaps.
“You’reweak. Just like the rest of us. Maybe we’ll ask the Earl if you can join us,”with a final, irritating chuckle, Tokusa disappeared; and so did the barrierthat surrounded the (h/c). Gritting their teeth, ______ gulped down the screamthat wanted to tear through their throat.
Frustrationbubbled under their skin and their heart felt like it was being boiled alive.It hurt it hurt it hurt it hu r ts-
Thefaint voice yelling for their lover’s name snapped them out of theiranger-induced stupor and the lead that weighed down their feet seemed to liftat the hope that surged through their veins. Breathed in deeply- shakily-before pushing themselves to their feet, _____ found themselves running at fullspeed to where they had heard the voice come from.
Allenwas close-!
Breakingthrough the foliage, ______ gasped when they saw the ark – the unknown devicefloating several inches off the ground as Allen and Lenalee conversed severalfeet away from it. They saw Allen smiling as he cupped Lena’s cheek and, justfrom that smile alone, _______ knew they were fucked.
Thatwasn’t a smile.
Thatwas a parting.
Theirlips shook as tears cascaded down their cheeks. Frozen, they began to move –slowly at first; walking towards the center of the clearing where her friendand her beloved stood – before their feet picked up speed and they startedrunning.
Pleaseplease please-
Forthe love of god-
Allen,p l e a  s  e  -!
Allengave Lenalee one last smile, his back drawing ever closer to the ark – to theportal that would take him somewhere far far away from here. It was thenthat ______ found their voice – the burning sensation in their throat too muchfor them to handle.
“Don’tleave! Allen!!”
Theirvoice carried across the field – hoarse with unbearable emotions that theydidn’t want. It seemed to shock Allen, his eyes immediately drawing towards thestill running (h/c). ______’s heart clenched painfully in their throat at theresolve in Allen’s eyes – their lungs too out of breath for them to continuepleading for much longer.
“Takecare, ______,”
_______reached forward, gritting their teeth and hoping against all hope that theycould grasp his hand but – as the ark dissipated – the only thing they managedto grasp was the air that their beloved left behind.
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