#the same can be said for juto actually
akkivee · 1 year
a lot lol!!!! some spoilers below:
the most plot relevant stuff i can think of off the top of my head (i’m letting it stew before my next listen lol)
since the mics are offline and it’s causing issues gentaro takes initiative and goes to ichiro with his infamous documents and reveals he knew rei’s name was yamada rei this whole time
genbro was taken out by the special forces in some manner
even if we don’t know whether or not gentaro and his bro are twins as per the popular hc, gentaro refers to him as his older brother
the true hypnosis mic is the center of the drama so ichiro requests they take this info to jakurai as well
we get a nifty party of ichiro gentaro and jakurai investigating leads to find a way to turn the mics back on that eventually leads them to rei’s lab i think??? a facility of some sort that they need clearance for and jakurai calls hitoya to get said access
these four, as the block party is underway, find a computer guarantee to have info they’re looking for but it’s too secure for gentaro to hack into
ichiro says the password is 0123 and yep it sure was lol
we learn yamada mama’s name is nayuta
gentaro jakurai and hitoya are called away because the block party has been crashed and ichiro is left behind with whatever information is left on this computer
running practically simultaneously, rio learned that the chuuoku women have been arrested from kubiki and, rather regretfully, tells samatoki and juto he can’t participate running the block party
upon relaying why, samatoki is worried for nemu so he tags along with rio to infiltrate the prison where rio’s commander should be
in a wild coincidence, dice happened to have been hanging out with mtc during block party preparations to eat rio’s food and had passed out in a food coma lol. after rio and samatoki left for the special prison, dice, very sombrely, left to follow them
samatoki and rio successfully infiltrated the prison, with dice shadowing their every move, and find otome and ichijiku locked up
we see rio get very angry when they act cagey about iojaku’s whereabouts
samatoki and rio split up so samatoki can check if the cells house nemu and rio can find his commander
it’s after they’ve left that dice comes in and frees otome and ichijiku
nemu had been planning to break otome and ichijiku out this whole time and her mission just so happened to run at the same time as rio’s lol so samatoki and nemu run into each other
ofc samatoki’s happy to see her but samatoki questions is this really the path nemu wanted to make??? but samatoki softens up and is always ready to help if she needs it
rio finds iojaku in his cell and out of his mind. he’s banging his head against the cell when rio finds him and unresponsive to rio but he is secured
iojaku does seem to regain some consciousness as they leave the prison tho
and the block party, all’s fcked lol honobono showed up with her squad and brought the tobari bros and the men they amassed along for the extra fck this shit up goal she had lol
of those left at the party (2️⃣3️⃣🐰🍭🥂👔🎋🍮📿🌙) saburo, ramuda, dohifu, rosasa and jyushi were urged to get to safety. rosho tho, pissed that the party’s been ruined, charges into battle and sasara follows after him with a mic stand as his weapon
but it was a lot of people for five guys to contain so the damage done was great
the tobari bros wind up finding some of guys who escaped, one of which was ramuda, and the burly tobari actually starts choking ramuda for standing up to him
he’s saved by jakurai and co arriving at the scene and jakurai makes quick work of the thugs surrounding them
the frieza tobari got away from jakurai but kuukou was on his tail and he’s also shortly beat down
brave soul hifumi goes to confront honobono and upon hearing hifumi still sees her as a friend, she’s a little disturbed to hear it actually
she’s seen enough tho so she retreats and it must turn the tide as well since the bad guys are out commission as well
the party is ruined tho, as jiro and saburo lament, but kuukou gathers the crowd and makes the pro performers, sasara and jyushi, kick off the show
rosho too, gets up on stage with sasara and they perform a comedy skit together ;w;
it does become a stalling game as they split performances based on who’s here in order for ichiro to make it back to the party
said man has found rei at their old home where the five of them used to live
the confrontation leads to what sounded like an absolutely brutal fist fight as ichiro wants rei to turn the mics back on and rei refuses to do so
at some point rei i believe reveals the 2nd drb was a test to find someone who can use the true hypnosis mic
i didn’t catch all that was said but throughout the conversation rei expressed a very defeatist mentality, but ichiro beats (literally) his words into rei that changes his mind to reactivate the hypnosis mics
it is a reckoning bell for the 3rd drb tho
with the mics back on ichiro leaves rei behind to catch his slot in the performance and rei nurses his wounds watching the block party alone in this ruined house by their fight
ichiro goes on stage tho with the hypnosis mics online again and signalling a hope
and lastly, back with otome, ichijiku and nemu, as the three get their bearings and muse what’s the next phase, otome, moved by dice’s words to her as he freed her, tells them that she’s retiring from politics
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
can you do,; jyuto confessing to their crush,, 🥺
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Juto Iruma x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 959
A/N: Juto confessing would be the cutest thing omg I wrote this with the idea that he was a little bit younger, maybe fresh out of the police academy, but really any time period would work! Hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Juto twirled the pen in his fingers as he watched you from across the room. You were typing away furiously on the computer in front of you, more than likely finishing up a write up for the most recent case you solved. There always seemed to be more paperwork needed than was able to actually be completed.
He glanced around the police department and noticed that most of the officers had left for the day. Wondering if now was the right time to make his move, he checked the time and noted that it was getting quite late. He decided it was now or never, so he began putting his things away and slung his bag over his shoulder before approaching you.
You saw movement out of the corner of your eye and as you looked up, you smiled at your coworker.
“Hey Juto! Are you headed home?” you asked, motioning to the bag he was carrying. He gave you a small nod as he leaned his hip against your desk.
“Yes, and I believe you should do the same. It’s getting far too late to be stuck here in the office dealing with paperwork,” he stated with a chuckle. You glanced at the clock and your eyes widened when you realized how late it had become.
“Oh wow, I completely lost track of time!” you exclaimed, shaking your head and beginning to close out of your work. “I’m gonna head home too then, I have an early shift again tomorrow,” you stated, absent-mindedly.
“Alright then, allow me to walk you home,” Juto said with a sweet smile. You narrowed you eyes at his sudden politeness and wondered if he was pulling a prank on you.
“Okay…” you said, warily, letting out a small laugh.
“Did I say something funny?” he asked, letting out a chuckle of his own.
“No, nothing like that. You just caught me off guard, that’s all,” you explained.
You had known Juto for quite some time – you had even worked as partners on a couple of cases. There was no denying that he was an attractive man, and you would be lying if you said you didn’t have feelings for him, but you never knew if he felt the same way. Ultimately, you ended up bottling up the feelings and pushing them aside to remain on good terms as coworkers.
“Come on,” he motioned for you to follow once you had packed away your files. You grabbed you bag and followed him out the door, making small talk as you did.
The night air was cool, but not cold enough to be uncomfortable as the two of you walked through the almost-empty streets. You caught him up on your most recent case and exchanged a bit of office gossip. Before you knew it, you were in front of your apartment.
“Thanks for the company, Juto,” you exclaimed, taking a step forward towards you front door.
“Y/N, wait,” he suddenly stated, reaching out and grabbing ahold of your hand. You turned around in surprise and looked at him expectantly. There was a moment of silence and you wondered what it was that made him suddenly so uncharacteristically quiet.
“What is it, Juto?” you asked, cocking your head in curiosity. He cleared his throat before he began speaking.
“I admit that I had ulterior motives that just simply walking you home,” he began. “I actually wanted to tell you something, now that it’s just the two of us.”
He took a step towards you and you felt your heart begin to speed up at the proximity. Why was he suddenly so close to you? You gazed up into his eyes as your body began to heat up a bit.
“I’m afraid I can’t hold back my feelings for you any longer, Y/N. I have to confess that I’ve been…interested…in you for quite some time. You’re a remarkable police worker, and it appears that I’ve grown quite fond of you. If you would agree, I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime. I know quite a few good restaurants around town,” he finished, looking at you earnestly.
Your mouth slacked open and you fumbled to find something to say. Your aloof, mysterious coworker that was always teasing you and seemingly had no time for anyone else in the office had just confessed to you and you were at a complete loss for words.
“Juto, I…” you began, as your heart began to beat rapidly. He must have noticed your panic because he gave you a small smile and took a step back.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to give me a response right now. Take a while to decided – ”
“No, it’s not that!” you cut him off, suddenly. His eyes widened as you felt your face heat up. “It’s not that…it’s just that I like you a lot too, Juto. I was just too embarrassed to admit it and I wasn’t sure of your feelings to me,” you admitted confessing your feelings as well. “I would love to get dinner with you!”
You watched as Juto’s lips curled into a smile and he fixed his glasses with a small sigh.
“Well, I had no idea you had such strong feelings for me, Y/N,” he exclaimed with a small laugh. You rolled your eyes, but smiled nevertheless.
Juto agreed to text you with more details about your upcoming date, and before you left he pressed a kiss onto the back of your hand, giving you a wink and saying that he would see you again soon. You could barely hold back a squeal and as the door closed behind you to your apartment you didn’t try to stop the goofy grin from growing on your face.
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eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
Animage 483: Interview w/ Matenrou part 2
This is part 2 of the Matenrou interview of Animage 483, for part 1 please read here. It’s about Matenrou and Jakurai’s VA Hayami Show san.
Continuation of the Story by Kannonzaka Doppo’s VA Ito Kento
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Bad at Household Chores But an Able Working Corporate Slave
—— As this is Matenrou’s second CD release, what is your impression of Kannonzaka Doppo?
Ito: When Doppo raps, he steadily becomes more and more dangerous (laughs). Although he wasn’t able to speak his mind when he first started, he might get better at expressing himself little by little. As usual, he’s menial, but I think he is able change that into a strength. For that to happen, it may be because his teammates Jinguji Jakurai and Izanami Hifumi’s presence have become larger.
—— What do you pay attention to when you are acting as Doppo?
Ito: It was a challenge to record with that much negative emotion infused. When I’m in Tokyo, it’s easy to trace Doppo’s actions, like remembering being shaken in a crowded train…. He even wears a suit so it’s even harder. I’m glad my job doesn’t require wearing a suit (laughs).
—— Doppo is perhaps the sole corporate slave character, but how do you feel about this?
Ito: I wonder how much of a corporate slave he is. I don’t think being a salesperson is the most suitable job for Doppo, I wonder if he’s okay. First, Doppo should have a car because it would be tough for Doppo to go around for business by train. Having a car would make it easier. Perhaps Hifumi would buy him a car since he has more money (laughs). I don’t know if he has enough income for a car…
—— A line in Hifumi’s part of “-Division Battle Anthem-” is “12,346,600 Monthly,” so we can estimate his monthly sales to be over 10,000,000 [yen]. If the club shares 50% of the sales with him, then that is a quite an income.
Ito: If it’s not a luxury car, it’s likely that he’d get one for Doppo…?! But if he does that, Doppo’s self worth might fade away (laughs).
——Hifumi possibly has expensive taste, what does Doppo think about him?
Ito: There are times when he’s unpleasant yet he is an indispensable existence. Speaking of it, in the BATTLE CD’s drama part, we learn that they live together.  I thought, “you guys get along too well,” but there are lots of guys that live together. Even around me, I know some people that have roommates. It’s cheaper than paying rent alone, and it’s just easier overall (laughs). The hours they go to work are literally day and night so there is no need for meddling more than necessary. I think they’ve achieved a nice shared livelihood.
—— What do you think Doppo feels about Hifumi’s best-host mode when he’s wearing his suit and his gynophobia side?
Ito: They’ve known each other since forever; Doppo should know why Hifumi has gynophobia. Host, gynophobe, and  his usual mode are the three sides Hifumi has, so Doppo shouldn’t be confused or uncomfortable.
—— There is a scene where Hifumi makes Doppo breakfast, to which Doppo replies with, “Today’s breakfast is grilled salmon, huh?” Did you get the impression that Hifumi often cooks for them?
Ito: On the outside, it looks like Doppo is the one taking care of Hifumi, but it’s actually Hifumi that takes care of Doppo. Like how Hifumi mends Doppo’s suits when they get torn. I’m certain that Doppo is a guy bad at all household chores and decision making, but when he’s out, Doppo is competent. He can contemplate things over and over, and then turn it into action. In the drama part of the first CD, “Matenrou -Clinical Phonetics-,” they head to the apartment of a customer of the host club Hifumi works at. There, Doppo predicted that she would jump and prepared a mat, did he not? How he was able to prepare that in a short time is a bit comedic though (laughs); that was some really good work.
The “Unexpected” Light Shining into the Repetitive Every Day
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—— What impression do you have about Jakurai?
Ito: For Doppo, Jakurai is the person he trusts the most besides Hifumi. He is who Doppo consults with, but I also think he’s a mentor. The two of them, Hifumi and Jakurai, help lift Doppo up as they walk together. In the drama part this time, you can feel the depth of Jakurai’s connection to Amemura Ramuda. You really can’t tell if there’s something there, though I think that the incident that caused this connection surely surpasses any imagination. But even though Doppo is curious, he won’t actively push to know. If Jakurai would someday tell him, I think he would be overjoyed.
—— Is Doppo undergoing Jakurai’s counseling right now?
Ito: I believe he is. Since the setting of the BATTLE CD went from Shinjuku Division to Chuuoku, I can’t say if there has been a change in their regular relationship, though I still think it’s needed for Doppo.
—— In the 1st CD, before becoming a member of Matenrou, Doppo performs a rap in front of Jakurai. In his lyrics is the line “Society is cold but somehow it’s warmer now,” what does it mean?
Ito: I actually haven’t heard from Kimura Subaru-san what his thoughts were when he wrote the lyrics. Maybe holding the Hypnosis Mic is like a portal to something unlike what Doppo is used to. And that might be what he’s been looking for in his repetitive daily life. I wouldn’t say that it’s hope, but it’s a ray of light that shines through and reached him; the warmth [he mentioned in the lyrics] probably refers to that.  He must have been very happy when he first received the mic, after everything that happened.  It’s the same for Hifumi I think. Doppo and Hifumi would be first and second place if the characters held an awkwardness competition.
—— In the BATTLE CD were interactions with each of the other divisions. There is a scene where he drinks Busujima Mason Riou’s special-made drink, although it had a taste that made Aohitsugi Samatoki, Iruma Juto, and Hifumi faint, only Doppo was able to drink it without trouble.
Ito: It’s only my idea of what happened, but I think Doppo loves nutrition drinks. Health recovery maybe? (laughs) Taste may come second for a healthy body. Drinking without prejudice and the likes of not being afraid to try things is one of Doppo’s nice points.
—— In the 2nd drama part “Just A Friend,” Hifumi went out at night in Chuuoku and was then chased by women.
Ito: It was nice to know what Doppo would do when confronting women. Ah, of course he’d run. He even screams (laughs).
—— He didn’t seem happy at all, did he?
Ito: Doppo isn’t the type to go out in public, I guess he never thought he would be like an idol.
—— There, they had a chance encounter with Yumeno Gentaro and Arisugawa Dice and had a quarrel.
Ito: Subaru also wrote the lyrics for that part. Doppo’s “I’m sorry” and similar words are a shield making a nice steady style. The recording this time was also fun, I got carried along by Subaru’s enthusiasm in the direction room. We also learned how the two fight in the absence of Jakurai. But it wasn’t the real fight, which is why they didn’t use their full power. Also, Doppo worried about what others think of him, as he understood that this is not the place to fight. These two are still hiding their claws. I wonder if I was able to incorporate that in my acting.
—— Do you have any members you are interested in after this recording?
Ito: I’m a member of Matenrou, but I like Dice. His gambler way of life is great; it’s something I very much don’t think I can do (laughs). Actually, Fling Posse is a burning presence in me, their songs and relationships are also nice. They don’t have a common goal, and with the exception of Ramuda, a novelist and gambler aren’t very Shibuya-Division-like jobs. However, surely for these three, there has to be a reason why it has to be Shibuya.
Lurking in the Dirty City, the Tale of Matenrou continues
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—— “BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE” begins with Doppo’s attack.
Ito: It was surprising that I was first. Because it’s the firing shot, the lyrics were a simple attack on Shibuya. There’s a strong feeling of camaraderie in this song. For example, Dice attacked Doppo and Hifumi follows up by returning his lyrics. I thought it was as if the three were really fighting. Also, the three’s final lyrics really stood out. They said, “No matter how hard your past was” --- what was their past like? Why did they become the men of Shinjuku? I hope you have fun imagining it.
—— Doppo’s scream of “Matenrou!” is quite impressionable.
Ito: That was originally not in the demo, but was decided during the recording. It really fires up the atmosphere for a rap battle, no? During the discussion with everyone, we talked about adding more Dopponess into the song, and that’s how it happened. However, Shibuya’s “Posse Posse” is chanted by the whole Fling Posse, whereas I’m doing this alone (laughs).
—— What do you think about the team song “Shinjuku Style ~Don’t Make Me Laugh~”?
Ito: Firstly, the demo which was given to us by Rappagariya was amazing. Usually demos are just the melodies without any effects or arrangements, but his demo was so cool and with lots of effects. It was totally ready to be put into a CD as is. Thanks to that, it was easy to picture the final product. But this song is so difficult. When I was practicing at home it almost made me cry.
—— Have you watched the trailer for this song?
Ito: The video shows the streets of Shinjuku from the point of view of the characters. I am glad that there are also cuts where Doppo is getting on subways and walking up stairs. In those cuts, the camera was facing downwards which was so just like Doppo. Shinjuku, especially Kabukicho, is filled with billboards of portraits and texts. There are even taglines like “profession: hottie.” It’s an interesting place. This song seems scarier than Fling Posse’s team song, maybe Shinjuku is seen as a scary place. When I listen to the song, a picture of Matenrou swaggering together through downtown comes to my mind. However, this might make the other divisions more aggressive against us. Don’t get me wrong, Shinjuku is not scary at all… is what I want to tell them (laughs).
—— Doppo’s solo song, “Tigridia,” from the first CD sure has a different impression from the BATTLE CD.
Ito: I think the Doppo in this song is the everyday Doppo. While he says that he’s walking alone, it’s not actually like that. In terms of time, it could be his song from before he became a member of Matenrou, or shortly after he joined. I myself really like this song. Since I sang this song, it’s a bit embarrassing to recommend it to people, but I recommend it (laughs). To start with the song’s track, it’s very cool, so even just the instrumental version is superb.
—— Is there something you would like to do with “Hypnosis Mic” in the future?
Ito: What I had been wanting to do until now is a live show and it’s coming soon. It’s crazy how we made it all the way to hosting a concert! However, now I am a bit anxious that I won’t be able to sing properly. It’s a great challenge and afterwards, I want to try to hold a live show in Shinjuku. It’d be nice if the venue is related to the characters, but we might be yelled at if we do it in hospitals and offices (laughs). Host clubs might be the most likely to let us do so. And maybe a surprise pop-up concert. I think a flash-mob kind of performance would work for this project. How about it? I want to do it.
—— This time is the reveal of the outcome, what will happen?
Ito: From the songs, I get the image that Fling Posse is pop and Matenrou is shady. Which side will be eliminated is determined by the audiences. I am worried that the shadiness of Matenrou might scare away some people. However, the “women and men of Shinjuku”* who support Matenrou probably already know the charm and the underlying enchantment of shadiness. How Matenrou’s story will develop from this point on, I myself want to know as well. Therefore, please kindly vote for us.
* Fans of Hypnosis Mic are sometimes referred to as “Women/Men of [     ] Division”
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 saturday diary
cosplayed/breakfast: same as the other 2 diaries. snack: a twin kitkat.
my eyes only, buckaroo. for future me.
can i b real w u i waited until 3 am to type this n a lot (esp from panels/early in the day) is HELLA fuzzy!!! sry! ;w; also it’s like. 4 am as im typing this n im not in the mood to write a diary! recalling everything is tiring, yknow? n i need to go to bed ghh... anyway!!
we left late bc i couldnt decide who to cosplay n i arrived late :(( anyway, it hadnt been 5 minutes there when i dropped my plastic purple heart ring i had from the dentist n i was so sad :( but i went to the bn-ha panel n i dont remember a lot of it sry. i remember iida wore a giant floppy sunhat that said Sunny Vibes on it tho n momo wore a black n white striped dress w sunflowers!
After this was cafe-stuck and it was fun! everyone kept calling jade a furry n i asked nepeta if she’d ever seen Nyan Neko Sugar G!rls to which she said no n someone asked her if she’d heard of/seen nek0para n she said she’d heard of it but it was “a bit.. too Extreme/Much for me.....” and someone asked the group (vriska, jade, john, dave, nepeta, tavros, aradia) why they were doing this and they said it was equius’ and john’s (i think?) prank that got way too out of hanf bc kanaya made the outfits for reals. someone asked vriska if she was a furyr cuz she had a spidersona and throughout the panel vriska and tavros kept talking abt how vriska took away his legs/him not having any. i asked the aradia n vriska if they’d work good together to make a good hall0ween themed cafe if this cafe were real n they were like “what’s hall0ween?” n the others told them it was a holiday that had candy n dead bodies n stuff! n someone asked abt who has the least human rights or just rights in general n john was like “jade u dont rights, ur an animal” n jade was like “trans rights”.
i decided to skip the d-dlc panel bc i didnt rly wanna write poetry cuz i do that at home n i dont rly care abt theories n discussing stuff like that so! i went walking around the dealers room n stuff. my crown actually came off at this time n i remember feeling like my crown had fallen off bc i thought i heard the mini whoosh it makes when it falls down but when i looked behind me, it wasnt there so i checked the aisles nearby n it wasnt there so i assumed someone had snatched it off my head but after a lot of walking, i found it half-underneath a con table w black tablecloth?? so i picked it up n went to the cosplay help desk and the guy safety-pinned it to my wig so i was all good to go!!
after that, i tried to look around to see if i could find any ens-tars cosplayers bc the meerup but i didnt see any so i was like oh well whatever im going to the LL panel anyway. so i went to the aki hana panel n i have videos of it! so im not rly gonna talk abt it. they played kings game there tho and “who’s most likely”! they said “who’d like an!mal crossing the best” n my immediate thought was rin so i raised my hand but the answer they had thought of was kotori, which actually makes much more sense haha. they said my answer was valid tho. i still got candy for answering! anyway the punk set ruby next to me ended up being the hifumi from yesterday that gave me the flower tin n they said it was nice to see me again n i said i wasnt able to go to the ES meetup bc i was only told when it was, not where it was, n they said that Eri/Eli (?) 9im guessing that was the host of the meetup) had to cancel it n i went oh. at the end of the panel i received a kotori pic! also a girl dressed up as a witch complimented my tsukasa outfit n i knelt down n said “thank you, princess” or smth i was like “i had a ring that i was gonna use to like. pretend to give to pretty girls but.. i lost it” n they seemed flattered but we parted ways!
after this was the aqours panel n the hanamaru did a dance n the you also did one but then they started playing the p0cky game n Headphones n i got kind of bored so i left n i heard “tsukasa!” n it was the jakurai from yesterday (that told me abt the meetup) dressed as mao in a yukata w their friend as oni ritsu n they looked so good! the jakumao apologized saying the meetup was cancelled. i think we talked for a sec then i went to go check out the rw-by q n a n it was a whole lot of roasting from the audience haha bc they did questions one at a time (ex: questions for yang, now questions for blake...) n i asked yang how she gets her hair so nice n she went “...nice?” w an unbelieving laugh/tone then they moved on n i was confused but oh well! they asked summer how she felt abt sloppy seconds bc taiyang n how taiyang’d feel abt a 3rd wife n nora got asked how many pancakes she could eat at a time n she was like “how much time do ya have?” n after the qna they started playing a weird game n it was rly boring so i left but the panel was almost over anyway. 
after i left i ran into a ramuda n they recognized me as tsukasa n they’re into ES n they said they hadnt watched the anime yet n they were surprised to see valkyrie in it bc they thought they werent gonna b but they said they hope the anime doesnt butcher shhu bc they like shu n know a lot of ppl hate shu n stuff. we talked abt the ES cosplayers at the con for a bit n i told them abt the ritsu+mao cosplayers n we had anice time talking n they said they rly liked rabits n i was like oh dude me too!! “i havent met anyone who hates ryu-seitai. like, Good.” n they were like “how could you hate ryu-seitai, they all wanna b nice n make friends” n i was like “yea mayb except midori” there was more but yea! i also ran into the witch girl n her friend from earlier bc they went “tsukasa!!!” n her friend (cosplayin smth from hn-k) showed me they had/got a leo plush n i was like “OH MY GOD. HE’S FINALLY BEEN FOUND!! HOLD ON CAN WE HAV A PIC W IT” so we took a pic of the leo plush beside my “where is leo??” sign like!! hell yea! n i was like “leo needs to pay child support. he’s evading his taxes. tax fraud” or smth around this point i think. at some point, on the escalators, i noticed a juto n a samatoki but when they got off the scalator they were heading for the exit so i couldnt rly ask for their pic so i decided to try n find em later.
then i went to the bn-ha panel but it was full to the BRIM but i made the mistake of sliding into the middle of an empty row for a good seat but the prson sat in front of me had big poofy hair so i couldnt see like half of the characters n ppl filld all the seats to my left n right so i couldnt leave. i was rly bored n trapped so i went on my ipad for almost all of thepanel n read part of a chiana/zu fic n stuff until the girl w the big hair left then i focused a Little more on the panel but i was still bored so wehn i noticed the ppl to my right all leave except the one guy next to me, i left the panel. i was sad bc at the time of that panel, there was a DR murder mystery panel that i couldve tried to attend instead but i was trapped so i couldnt :((
after that i decided to wander around for a bit before idolfest but when i went in at 5 pm, i 4got just how small that room was n how few chairs it had, n there were ppl standing against the walls so i leaned my sign against the right of the double doors BUT I LOOKED AHEAD N THERE WAS!! A HYPM!C PERFORMANCE STARTING TO HAPPEN!! DIVISION RAP ANTHEM WAS STARTING UP N MTR WAS ON THE STAGE!! but there were tall ppl standing in front of me n i was crowded against the back so i raised my ipad way above my head n started recording n watched them thru my ipad util someone opened the right door n i had to scramble tog rab my sign n lean it against me somehow n it made my fildiming falter but!! god i was just so exciting bc i wasnt expecting A HYPM!C PERFOAMNCE!! they did so good too ;w; after that, it was a solo hanayo perfoamnce then 3 songs from a non-anime-specific idol group that did 3 voca songs (one of which was LUVVVORATORY!!) n another non-anime dol group that did kpop songs (they were rly pretty n good) n then a you solo then a you/hane duet! ALSO during the hypm!cperformance, te juto n sama n a gentaro were dancing in front of me n right after the perfoamcne, a BB group opened the door but realized they missed the hypm!c performance n left n i decided to try n find em later too. 
after the last performance, there was still time, so a samus came over to me n asked to take a pic of my sign n they said they like ens-tars too n they said they cosplay tsukasa too n they ran a panel as him back in georgia n we talked abt best boys n i showed them all the keychains on my bag n when i pointed at mika n said 2nd best boy they went “:o me too!” n there was a lot more said but we went on talking for a while abt ens-tars n they showed me pics of the tori n arashi cosplayers that day they saw. 
after that i just walked around for like 45 minutes until the samus saw me again n waved me over so i was talking w them n they were apparently drinking alcohol despite being 18 n their friend was 23 n we were just talking abt stuff n i noticed a trigger group on the escalator n we called out to them n i took their picture n samus was like “dude it’s so cool that ur into id0lish7 too” n then we kept talking n at one point the samus was like “tsukasa i luv u” n made a lil finger heart n i tried 2 make one but my hands were kinda full but i managed to make one! they also said earlier today, they saw a sasuke cosplayer getting arrested n they took a pic of it for their snapchat lmao n it was them in front of a cop car n they said the person said “dont touch me!!” to the cop. the friend w samus said the only idols he knows were the combie one n that saki was def best girl hands down like, its a fact n i was like “ur right. it not even a hot take, its the Facts.” anyway then i wnted to walka round a bit more so i did n at like. 7:10 i decided “why not go near the photosoot area n registration to see more cosplayers that r there bc ive just been walking repetitive loops around the dealers room entrance n the con floor so! there could b some new cosplayers there! n lo n behold i found a tenn n ryuu that i had seen briefly earlier! n took their pic! then less than a few ftaway, i tried to walk past some ppl but there was a bag in the way so i stepped over it (like, not on it, i mean. like, Over, to avoid it) but i noticed it was an MTC itabag n the person next to it had bunny ears n it!! was the juto n sama i was looking for! so i took their pic n was talking abt how cool it is to see more hypm!c cosplayers here this yr until some guy came up n started telling the samatoki they looked like kaworu n they mistook them for kaworu n they said they didnt kno who i was supposed to b but i looked nice (iirc?) so i left n near the prop check table, I SAW THE BB BOYS! so i ran up to them n asked for a picture n then i started talking abt the hypm!c thing n there being so many this yr when there were none last yr n the jiro was like “aa ur tsukasa” n we started talking abt ES a lil bit n the anime then i complimented their ritsu+mao plushies on their bag n left!
after that i just roamed the halls until 8 pm. then the v0ltron panel! keith n lance hd like, a roasting rivalry going on n keith was like “i keep getting bullied! i dont deserve this!” n i kept askiing questions. me, a green ranger, a dave, n the dave’s friend were mainly the ones asking questions lmao. anyway keithd b like “lance dont touch me oh ew” and i asked keith what his fav anime was since he said he was a weeb n he said blue ex0rcist n i asked keith if hed seen LL (bc LL cosplayers were dancing to the music outside the panel room n i heard it) n lance was like “oh yea, he knows all the dances. he does them in his room” n keith denied it n at one point, i was like “since keith n lance share one braincell, who has it the most” n they said keith. the bonding moment was also mentioned a lot and alluras death n how lance can get much more “game” than keith (like, ladies. sorry im tired they might hav used another term) and an amami in the audience told lance to fortnite dance with him aftr thelance fortnite danced n!! just. a lot happened. it was a very casual-ish panel imo. haha.
after that i 4got that the bn-ha panel was at 10 not 9 so i just decided to wander then hit up the dance floor for most of the duration n i spotted the juto n sama n a nurse ramuda that i remember the samus talking abt n also someone who looked like the arashi the samus showed me but in an ali!ce madeness returns dress  o i asked the ramuda for a pic and then started dancing and the juto got into one of the dance circles n just started going hard as HELL n i was just dancing in the area they were near n out of the corner of my eye i’d see juto just absolutely KILLING IT w their dance moves bc they were dancing in front of their friends (occasionally w samatoki or posing w them) n i was just jamming out n during a slow song i pulled up a pic of chiaki on my ipad n started slowdancing w my ipad n the girl near me was like “that’s a Mood” n i think i heard the possibly-arashi n the others laugh a bit bc i was slow-dancing w “chiaki’ haha but god the dance floor was WILD! there was a guy w a saxophone at some point playing along w the music then a guy w a guitar! n we yelled lyrice to dont stop believing n stuff.
the the bn-ha panel! ...i was bored. most of the time i put tape on my leo sign and looked up wigs on ebay n stuff n sometimes i couldnt hear v well bc i sat near the back. they started up like, truth or dare but w a beach ball to decide who got to ask the dare or w/e? but i noticed a gentaro in the back of the room so i was like “ill just wait until the end of the panel then ask for their picture” then trivia started n they eventually asked what episode dabi appeared in n i was thinking “ep 7 of the most recent season” n some guy guessed that (he was the only one who fuessed) but the izuku n katsuki looked at their paper n i heard them mutter “episode 31″ so after somebody guessed ep 42 n the panelists said ‘”guess between 30-42--” i said ep 31 n went up n got a pack of aiw stickers but i shoulve taken the superhero shirt tbh. aftr that i decided to leave n asked the gentaro for a pic n they were one of the ryuus earlier they said n also a jakuarai from yesterday! they were like “oh! ur the tsukasa i keep seeing/running into!” n i was like “oh! hi!”
idk what convo this was in but someone was like “do u like how they did anzu?” n i was like “oh she’s so cute they rly said Fuck Anzu Haters” n they agreed.
0 notes
akkivee · 2 years
rambling about the tdd manga because i can lol:
the entire thing sure did reinforce how convoluted chuuoku’s schemes are lol all that just to test run and create the drbs bruh 😭😭😭
the line at the end where ichijiku and otome are discussing how much more poignant the battles are because they brought them together and then forced them to fight is all sorts of fcked up y’all 😭😭😭😭😭😭
anyway from the beginning lol the mic otome uses is a different mic from even just the next chapter, i wonder if it’s just an non-finalized design or an early iteration of the mic???? like rio has a prototype mic and this is not that lmao. aaaaah but rio’s might be military grade prototype and otome has the version rei presumably finalised on his own???? a different version altogether???? hmmm 🤔
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nemu is 16 in that first chapter and ichiro is 17 which would mean all the territory disputes, fixes, and mozuku’s plot to usurp mcd took place in a week lol hypmic’s timeline is SHAKY
(the official timeline helps this a little actually lol)
kuukou, swinging red flags from the beginning making fun of ichiro’s mom lol, also fcked around making fun of samatoki’s dead father and found tf out lmao
kuukou is an entire menace in the tdd manga i see why i had a hard time telling myself not to like him when he first showed up lmao
that theory kuukou might have some sort of brain damage wound up slightly reinforced when kuukou remembered sasara reused an old joke when he seemed to have forgotten that sasara is not funny by the time they reunited lmao he has a great memory in the tdd manga
(that joke sasara reused was only in samatoki’s presence too so kuukou also broke some sort of dimensional wall lmao)
speaking of sasara!!!!!!
ikeBOOBkuro????? really????? and then he had that dumbshit d🍆ck joke he made in dod the clowns DO NOT have rights!!!!!!!!!!
lol tho every time i read these early chapters with sasara, aramaki-san’s track 3 sasara always comes to mind lol like mcd sasara was intimidating actually that’s exactly why track 3 sasara is like that 😭😭😭😭😭😭
hmmmm are the special forces or whatever that tried to hijack the hospital jakurai worked at the same as rio’s special forces???? i’ll have to keep that in mind reading bbmtc manga lol
still a little pissed mcd vs nb was the first drb in structure and symbolism (forced conflict created by a higher ruling power used to gain/reinforce power by said higher power and wound up entertaining the masses) and yet sasara and kuukou were booted out of the narrative like that
there was a moment where i Almost Almost considered that ramuda had started to consider bringing sasara and kuukou into his plans in chapter 11 based on how pissed he looked after ichijiku told him they brainwashed them. it’s more likely that ramuda’s mad another ‘him’ died more than anything but it’s nice to consider lol
the terrorist scene where nemu and the baby yamada bros got kidnapped is still insane btw
iconic samajuto first(?) meeting lol lemme just handcuff myself to this man who is already listening to me said juto lmao
and what was UP with that orphanage director in the first place???? who do you choose: money grubbing, child labour exploiting for hoes orphanage director or murderous, gets off on torture and sells children for their superiority complex orphanage director
like WTF????
(also: that extra bb tdd chapter is fcked up too you know mozuku only told ichiro about that first director wasting funds because he wanted to replace him with his associate 🤬)
the face nemu makes when samatoki starts kicking her kidnappers while they’re down help 😭😭😭😭😭😭
in the final tdd bonus, they adapted jakurai’s story he told to dohifu during their championship celebration and used that story to show jakurai had already been slowly awakening his ability. so i think it’s incredible smic didn’t suffer from hearing loss after slamming sticks into their eardrums lol maybe that’s where sensei’s ability started forming
kuukou in chapter 9: man check out all these cute girls!!!! 😁
kuukou in the nb drama track: why tf would you pay to talk to women????
(very unrelated instances lol but hilarious out of context tho)
kuukou and sasara going home in the same direction gave them time to talk and get to know each other and i wanna know what their conversations were about soooooo bad bro 😭😭😭😭
mcd/nb break up Did Not Happen I Do Not See It 😑
that moment where samatoki tells nemu ichiro’s kindness is his weakness because he saw ichiro’s breakdown over kuukou leaving him is— it’s kinda— 😭😭😭😭😭😭
yotsutsuji is an unsung mvp in this manga lol look at all the legwork he put in managing territories and finding intel
tdd was the group ramuda made and it was the group he made for himself but it was never his in the first place 😕
but if yotsutsuji never found out ramuda’s secret, or here; if yotsutsuji didn’t manage to send jakurai an email about it, idk if rmjk would have separated???? like what was the plan for jakurai??? ramuda said jakurai was his nirvana so i guess until chuuoku forced it, kp likely would have stayed together huh?? 🤔
ramuda: chuuoku kidnapped your brothers ichiro!!!!!
ichiro: AGAIN?????
me: damn took the words right out of my mouth lmao
samatoki’s beef with ichiro came from the lies they had nemu tell samatoki but like,,,,,,,,,,,, i kinda wanna know how the damage would have shaped if nemu hadn’t been brainwashed and went on her own will,,,,,,,,,,,
like ichiro admitted he likely would have done the same thing as samatoki but that hurt and betrayal at that moment……..????? well ig it’d go the same way in the end lol
chapter 9 had a conversation with rei and otome where rei praises her son for having balls lol so dice was on the run by 18 and making a name for himself lol i need to keep that in mind for a certain few chapters in both fpmtr runs
i thought it was interesting the battle that brought japan under tdd took place in osaka lol
also came out of this experience wondering once again when did ichiro get his hypnosis ability lol like ramuda already had his jakurai’s developed throughout the story, as did samatoki’s on the dl, but ichiro????
also came out of this very concerned for what this story has in store for nemu again lol like the way rhyme anima put focus on what she could possibly do as well as the end of this manga having otome and ichijiku musing her ability and skill might rival ichijiku’s 🤔
ooooooh and that kp bonus chapter!!!!!! ramuda had jakurai suffering under that waterfall lol like he was about to contract hypothermia after a little bit and ramuda ‘reasons’ it’s good training for taking hits without being knocked out SO YOU KNOW WHO REGULARLY TRAINS UNDER WATERFALLS FOR HOURS AT A TIME WITH A FOCUS BASED ABILITY HARAI KUUKOU—
#this is vee speaking#it was a fun time lol always is#samatoki and ichiro’s relationship in those first few chapters cracks me up the same way rio and saburo’s rhyme anima relationship does lol#like both instances rio and samatoki just lay down the law with a smack down and stand up and go ‘here’s some more tools for your success’#smack down be damned lmao#kinda cried over the nb/mcd break up that didn’t happen this read thru lol#it was just the little things that subtly drove home how important kuukou was to ichiro 😭😭😭#like that face off with nb&mcd vs mozuku was a fight for ichiro’s freedom like no wonder that hug was Like That kuukou was happy for him#ichiro was glad he was there 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and ichiro was glad kuukou’s steady presence was staying right by him IM WEAK#nemu was such a good big sister figure to jiro and saburo i’m sad nemu didn’t get to befriend the yamadas like she wanted to 😭😭😭#ik ichiro crying over kuukou was a bit of a reset for samatoki but if anything that should show just how much ichiro would treasure nemu#don’t fight nemu and ichiro getting close samatoki y’all are meant to be one big happy family lmao#and i am not getting over saburo blocking her from memory saburo is not okay!!!!! he’s not!!!!!!#i should analyse saburo’s ability for what it pertains to himself like its name is ‘delete’ and here’s saburo deleting his memories like 😭😭#anyway plenty more to think about which was the point of this reread lmao#canon’s starting back up in less than two months now’s a good time for it actually 🤔#c: rapping boys
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akkivee · 4 years
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First impressions: his voice is kinda annoying lol why does he sound like a such a square
Current impressions: what would mtc be without juto’s sound without his flavor......... juto really is out here carrying mtc’s music....... go head mr bunny cop go head.......
to think i didn’t appreciate juto in the beginning!!!!!!! i’m so sorry juto, you’re not the square i’m the square!!!!! bayside smoking blues saved mtc from being the meme team!!!!! you made them play catch up with your quality of music!!!!! we absolutely stan!!!! (tho lbr, mtc is still a meme team like we got mr. yokohama bad boy, HYOH and rio always asking what his name is lmao)
Favorite thing:
he’s so two faced it’s hilarious. he presents himself as all prim and proper and you know he wants to be seen that way! but he’s a hot tempered diva of a bastard through and through like he wouldn’t get into as many fights with samatoki as he does if his temper wasn’t on par with his lol.
Least favorite:
nothing really! however!!! i would like to know!!! why did he name himself 45rabbit when he gets annoyed when people call him bunny cop!!!! it’s your brand juto you literally call yourself a lonely only rabbit in your first solo what is your problem lmao
What i want to see from this character:
set aside your fear juto. you are stronger than that. remember what it felt like before, when your curiousity was strong and your heart still open. try rio’s cooking again ❤️
Favorite moment:
samatoki/juto cigarette kiss samatoki/juto cigarette kiss samatoki/juto cigarette kiss
okay so my all time favorite juto moment is his entire part in the drama tracks, somebody gotta do it and don’t play no game that i can’t win, from the first full album. we learn about juto’s prerogative in life in the first track and it was the first heavy emotional content threw at us. and then we see how his past has affected him in the second one. boy is utterly unhinged when it comes to drugs man. his completely feral laugh when he was fighting gentaro in that track haunts me to this day!!!! juto is not okay!!!! there is a lot of anger in that man!!!!!!
and because i am apparently incapable of shutting up about the stage plays, please understand stage juto’s actor has a very sweet voice and he is unfairly attractive and this may be clouding my perception of his scenes but there’s this part where rio called samatoki and juto over to his camp but he didn’t provide a reason why. so of course, samatoki thinks it’s because rio wants to feed them something so he immediately tries to leave but juto stops him from doing so. so.
samatoki uses flattery!!! samatoki compliments juto’s appearance!!!!
it’s super effective!!!
juto is flusterred, giggly and pleased and is unable to move!!!
lol juto does snap out of it in time to stop samatoki from leaving but he was so cute guys you don’t understand ��
i always thought juto was that guy who likes wining and dining and hypmic validated tf outta me ✌️ i also headcanon animals just really hate him and the reason he hates birds is because they regularly crap on his car only at the precinct like it’s a personal vendetta against him
lol idk if you could tell, but i have a thing, juuuust a tiny little thing for samajuto (2 of 3 fav moments were samajuto) they’re the epitome of the old married couple trope. like that time in hypquest event in arb!!!! when they got into a spat, instead of fighting with their mics like they usually do, they challenged each other to the game in an unnecessarily outlandish game of cops and robbers and dragged poor rio into their shenanigans. they are both actually 4 years old 😂
mtc poly is fantastic and i think juto/doppo is really cute!!! i really wanna see how juto, hitoya and hifumi would act in the same room tho. three high maintenance men in a room!!! whatever shall they do?????
links to: ichiro | jiro | saburo | samatoki | rio | ramuda | gentaro | dice | jakurai | hifumi | doppo | kuukou | jyushi | hitoya | sasara | rosho | rei
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akkivee · 3 years
rainy season has landed in both japan and arb and everyone has lines dedicated to a very rainy day!!!:
ichiro doesn’t hate the rainy season but it’s hard working in the humidity. the rain can also hinder his work. but after the rain comes the sun!!!! he can’t wait for summer’s clear skies!!!! jiro can’t really play outside when it’s raining. it looks like ichiro is busy so his going to go bug saburo about the joys of anime lmao saburo wonders if he likes the smell of rain. he then shares with us that the scent of rain is called ‘petrichor,’ and the reason we smell it is due to aerosols released when rain and moisture in the air loosens the ground, which has been packed tight with absorbed oil from plants. saburo is next very flustered to have been caught with a charm he made to make the rain go away lmao it’s not he believes in the superstition!!! it’s just that ichiro thought it’d be nice to have one for clear skies in the future!!!! it’s only just in case okay??? lol
samatoki says to not let the rain get you all worn out and offers a pep talk lol and he also gripes about the rain and humidity is making all of his clothes cling onto him and it’s annoying af lmao juto actually doesn’t do so well with the humidity, he gets a little depressed during rainy season. he also complains that all the water on the ground would ruin his leather shoes. like, it’s great that he usually travels by car but he still has to get out of the car and out into wet weather 😓 rio comments that due to the rain, an enemies’ visuals will be weakened making it hard to track you but the same can be said for you as well; the rain can change the terrain and you can get caught in mud pits. it’s important to always be flexible with changes and to keep your senses open on the battlefield. he also says to not neglect your core while training since when it rains, the ground gets muddy and you don’t want to fall 😌
ramuda says since he’s stuck at home all day, might as well call dice and gentaro over and have a sweets party⭐️!!!! but he does like rainy days!!!! he likes to be able to work on fashion styles that match the weather ⭐️ gentaro asks if you would like to enjoy reading a book on a rainy day and also says there is nothing like taking a break from writing as you watch the water droplets trickle down on glass windows to the sound of rain fall. sounds like dice is going to be broke and isn’t going to have any shelter from the rain if he doesn’t play well today 😞 dice doesn’t like the rain; it feels as tho his luck has run dry on rainy days. matches are best experienced under clear and sunny skies!!!!
jakurai wishes for you to take care of yourself since the body can be susceptible to falling ill due to temperature drops and changes in atmospheric conditions. don’t overwork yourself either. and he also comments that it is a shame that the rainy season brings in so many sick people, but he likes the atmosphere rainy season brings. green is especially bright during this season 😌 host hifumi says he doesn’t hate the rain but it causes a lot of problems, such as making laundry hard to dry. malewife hifumi bemoans how all this rain really can bring a guy down!! like even doppo’s even more down in the dumps than usual…….. or is that really because of the rainy season and not just the usual??? and he laughs lol doppo tho really isn’t feeling so hot with all this rain and humidity and feeling like he’s becoming more negative than usual……… but is that because of the rain season?? he’s usually negative regardless of the rain…….. lol
sasara wishes that it was raining candy instead….. and then because this sasara: “feeling down because the rain’s coming down?? ignore the raindrops and cheer up with some candy drops!!” and then laughs at his own joke lol rosho laments that the sports clubs still have to practice out in the rain and hopes the rain will stops soon. he also complains it’s pretty difficult to dry his laundry on rainy days and hopes for his students that they won’t be bogged down by the inconveniences rain brings and that they will be able to wake up on time. rei says that on rainy days like this, it’s hard for him to move so he wonders if maybe he should hire a personal chauffeur for times like this………. and then says he’s just joking lol he’s still a very capable old man lmao rei also muses that regardless of rain or shine, people going about their day doesn’t really change
kuukou is disgruntled about being asked how long the rain is supposed to last and he sharply replies to just let nature run its course; the best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain. he also says super rainy days like this really makes him want to pray to the sun god. normal jyushi cries about how awful the stormy weather is for making a mess and ruining everything!!! vkei king jyushi gives a flowery description of how he doesn’t like the sound of rain………. and ugh!! his hair is a mess now too!!! hitoya may not hate the rain but he’s finding himself wondering how long the rain’s supposed to last. he also shares that jyushi accidentally dropped amanda in a puddle and came crying to him about it lol and grouches that she’ll be fine after a wash lol
#this is vee speaking#the arb chronicles#ichiro is truly a sweet summer child in every sense lmao#if what saburo says about petrichor doesn’t make sense that’s my fault lmaooo he made perfect sense i just looked up what petrichor was#and tried to explain it after a quick skim thru the article i found lol#lol it sounds like juto goes thru it for a few weeks until summer 🥲#ooooh and gentaro actually asks if we’ve heard of a very specific phrase#that roughly means to toil during clear skies and read a book when it rains#idk any quick phrase or quote that comes close to that but he follows up with would you like to read a book to rainy weather so#somber dice was somber#dohifu shared the sentiment that doppo is just depressed and it’s got nothing to do with the rain lol but idk if that came thru#AND THEN#sasara cracks a joke using the play on words!!!!! ame means candy and ame also means rain!!!!!!#so i tried to make sasara proud by doing something similar lmao#i have a fic in production hell where rei jokingly makes fun of his old bones so i’m glad to see he’s canonically the type to do that lol#lol i get the feeling tho that kuukou does that not particularly care for the rain lol but that all comes from the delivery of those lines#have i ever mentioned that hitoya has an embarrassing amount of lines about jyushi for someone who acts that bitchy with him????#i’m sure i have but man lmao#the current event story has this moment with hitoya and jyushi that just about made me ugly cackle but i’ll hold off until that post#c: rapping boys
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
hi!! can i request hcs for jyuto and samatoki being best friends with a fem reader? thank you! ily!
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x Friend!Fem!Reader; Juto Iruma x Friend!Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff; Platonic Relationship
Warnings: None
A/N: I am HERE for platonic relationships ugh I love that there can be a strong relationship between two people that doesn’t have to be familial or romantic. It’s so great honestly. Hope you enjoy!
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having Samatoki as a best friend is going to feel like having a reliable, older brother
he’d probably end up treating you similarly to how he treats Nemu and will be protective of you, just to a lesser extent
definitely the type to not text you for days and then text you for consecutive hours at a only to then not text you for days again
likewise, if he’s stressed out or overworked, he’ll drop off the grid for a bit, but he’ll always come back
sent: “Are you still alive??” - Y/N 21:22
sent: “Wish I wasn’t” - Samatoki 21:31
he’ll probably apologize and offer to treat you to a meal or drinks because he feels a little guilty
whenever you guys meet up, you come prepared with plans to do things, but it always just ends up with both of you lounging around and ordering food or watching a movie
on the off chance you two actually manage to do something around town, it turns out to be really fun and you both promise you’ll do it more often
but the next time, the same thing happens and you just end up binge watching re-runs on TV or drinking together
sometimes if he knows you’re coming over, he’ll cook extra for you so that you, Nemu, and him can all sit down for dinner together
speaking of Nemu, you’re also fairly close to her as well just because you’ve known her for a long time too
you guys don’t really ever get into fights because Samatoki doesn’t like the way hard feelings linger and he much prefers to talk through any problems or situations then and there
he doesn’t mind apologizing if he knows he’s in the wrong, but he’ll get pissed if you don’t take responsibility too
one time you came over to his place for dinner and there were some Yakuza guys there and they just stared at you with their jaws on the floor when they saw how casual you were with Samatoki
it low-key made you feel really powerful ngl
whenever you start dating someone, Samatoki is always wary of them at first, but he trust you a lot so he doesn’t really voice his opinion about it one way or another
if anyone ever broke your heart or hurt you in any way though, Samatoki would literally break every bone in their body
overall, Samatoki is pretty supportive and easy-going as a best friend
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Juto Iruma:
Having Juto as a best friend is always fun and exciting
I can imagine him not being super into texting - he’d much rather meet up with you for coffee every other day than just text long, drawn out conversations
he’s actually really good at keeping a schedule and makes it a point to see you as often as he can
he’s definitely still going to tease you even if he is your best friend, although you know him well enough to see right through it
he’s a really good friend to help you through any problems you have because he’s fairly good at looking at things objectively
sometimes he can be a bit too objective or lack some empathy, but his heart is always in the right place when he’s giving you advice
Juto is the type of friend that always has crazy stories and talks about them super casually
you love hearing him talk about the cases he’s been working on with the police and getting updates about his hypnosis mic group
Juto is a pretty driven person and he’s set in his opinions and morals, so whenever you have opposing views, it can sometimes lead to some arguments
however, because you’re best friends, the two of you always end up making up and it actually leads to both of you understanding the other even better than before the argument
Juto will apologize if he knows he’s crossed a line or said something inconsiderate, but this man can hold a grudge
if you were the one who said something out of turn, you should definitely apologize otherwise he’s going to hold onto it for weeks
since you’ve known him for so long, you’re the only one who gets to call him out when he’s being an asshole
surprisingly (or not) Juto always remembers your birthday and will want to take you out to dinner to celebrate
whenever you start to date someone, Juto is automatically suspicious of them and is personally going to vet them for you regardless of whether you want him to or not
he cares about you too much to let anyone take advantage of you
he’ll run their name through the police database and will let you know of anything and everything he finds
although you might have your ups and downs, your friendship with Juto is something both of you value and neither of you would ever want to let go of that
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eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
Spoon 2Di vol.40 Interview (Komada Wataru)
Please get the spoon magazine and get your hypmic poster and support the original!! 
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Yokohama Division’s mediator, Iruma Juto, as played by Komada Wataru-san. He was asked on how he delivered Juto’s unique high-tension rap style, also on how he approached this project and an outlook to the character.
How do you feel about the huge amount of responses to the project lately?
Since we started the project with a “full-fledged rap”, we ourselves also had an uneasy feeling and was not sure if people would accept it. So we were really surprised to hear that the response was bigger than we imagined. “Hypnosis Microphone” is divided into 4 divisions: for example, Yokohama Division had rappers who’re actually from Yokohama to collaborate in making the songs, etc; they even included sounds that has the characteristics of Ikebukuro. We got comments like “they made it so particular” from fans of hip-hop, which makes me really happy. Also this was from the early days of the project, but hearing things like “that sounds fun” or “I want to try that” from our industry makes me glad.
Was Komada-san familiar with hip hop before the project?
I grew up in Germany, and the hip hop culture there is more active than in Japan so I was familiar to it as a listener. Therefore in this project, I tried to create the feeling and sounds from the hip hop I’ve listened to before.
It is said that there was an audition, how did you feel at that time?
If its an idol project, idol songs are like the set piece. But, for Hypnosis Mic it was a reggae song. Moreover, rather than the hook, I was tested on doing an unique melody line. I think it’s for seeing our vibes and rhythem, which was new to me. Perhaps there’re roles that are already designated during the audition, but I was given rough illustrations of the characters, setting guidelines and also the freedom to choose. Among the ones I was interested in were Busujima Mason Riou, Arisugawa Dice and Iruma Juto. I feel an affinity to Riou, thinking how nice it is to let him use English, and as for Dice I never played a character as easygoing as him. But, the character I’m used with are always the intellectual ones wearing glasses. Although Juto is usually cold-hearted and cool, when he raps he goes on a sudden change so I thought that he is very interesting. It’s not favorable to play the same role twice (laugh), but at least I have a character that I can draw new experiences from..
After your role was decided, how did you build your character?
When I actually started playing [Juto], I still got very little of detailed information about him. Because of that, I got myself several patterns, thinking  “Maybe it’ll feel like this?”.  Those things I came up with, I use as a base, so when I rap I asked on how far should I go on making Juto’s sudden change. Since I was told that he can become a totally different person , I went all out with the rap out. And by nature, I have a powerful voice. So those who listened to the song would say “Juto seems energetic!” (laughs).. But if the tension is to that extent, it is a success to me. When I hear the song, I realized that I challenged myself too much on coming up for something different, so I couldn’t imagine the usually cool Juto.
How were the song recordings?
Whichever content the demo song was given, Hypnosis Mic will make the demo song sound good. It really makes you think, “Isn’t this good enough already?!” (laughs). Since I was influenced like that, once I check the rhythm and rhyme stanzas, I try to face the character without listening to the sound. The rap part doesn’t have a music score, so it is free to insert or take something out. But to get compliments from fans of hip hop,  it is important to have a lot of practice.  Therefore, I listened to a lot of rap patterns that includes freestyle, and made certain rules within myself for the sake of that rap feeling. I think other cast are doing this as well, so everyone gets better every recording, and has a stronger grasp of what to do.
In the Niconama Rap Battle, you showed off your freestyle, didn’t you?
That’s right! That was pretty harsh (laughs). “Will we be given a script?” was what I thought, but we were really told to freestyle. So in order to deal with the responses during the live performance, we were sweating on our foreheads in the dressing room, desperately thinking of lyrics.
But you guys seemed to do it without any difficulty, you guys really are amazing.
We face difficulty all the time! (laughs). But, to take a rhythm and put words to it , it seemed so far away since the first time so it’s fun to accept the challenge. “Thanks, Hypmic!”, kind of feeling (laughs).
So, what do you feel about Yokohama Division’s team, MAD TRIGGER CREW?
Fierce, they give a strong impression of aggressiveness. As of now, they don’t only chop very fast rhymes but their choices of words are the utmost violent, and the characters are placed in the most rough environment. Maybe physically, they’re the strongest team. Since they live in that kind of unforgiving environment, it seems like that is where their sharp piercing words and sounds came from. Their occupation is all over the place too….. I don’t even know if I should call it their occupation as well. (laughs).  
In the songs and drama, I feel that they get along unexpectedly well.
Taking good care of one another is part of the hip hop culture. They are still a team, even if they’re a bunch of pricks. Even though they’re really rude towards each other, when Samatoki somehow got admonished by Riou, Juto would go and stop them, which is unexpected for him to show understanding towards Samatoki. That kind of relationship with each other is what makes a beautiful balance to them. They have no foundation like “I like this guy” or “I trust him” to their relationship, so I thought it would be a challenge for them to battle as a team. Therefore, I got a feeling that Yokohama Division are pretty good guys, aren’t they? (laughs).
What kind of impression do you have on Samatoki and Riou?
Samatoki is the member of the legendary team that established an era, The Dirty Dawg. Due to that fact, it gave him great amount of pride. And of course, this brings a lot of nuisance to Juto and the rest of the police force  (laughs), Samatoki’s a very stubborn man. I feel like he is a leader who will open up if I tag along with him. Juto and Riou do not follow Samatoki, but rather, stand with him as equals, so all 3 of them kept a perfect balance among each other. They might fall if one of them is missing, but if the three of them are together, they seem to be alert and stand for their own in whatever they do, which just gives a feeling of relief.  Also, Riou’s existence just felt like he’s the buffer , doesn’t he? His dishes are brutal, but it has become a key to calm the atmosphere down in a moment. (Bitter smile)
Samatoki and Juto seem to know each other from a long time ago.
Indeed. “A Yakuza whom I befriended” (laughs). I need more details on that!! Now in Chuuoku, their past wasn’t revealed as much. But I’m sure there’s been a cause and effect in the past, that’s how they are able to be in a team now. For that reason, it makes me feel like both of them are drawn to each other, or dependent on one another . They’re foils to each other,  and I find that interesting.
You’re also interested in Juto’s past, aren’t you?
This is just my imagination but, maybe, he did have an upright sense of justice when he was younger. However, the world was heavily infested by evil. With his position only as a policeman, he realized that it is impossible for him to deal with everything so he felt that despair.
Not only he became rotten, by taking in evil he could ruin things from the inside, and that seems like a good idea. Although it’s quite a dangerous thought, it does make sense in a way. I mean, he could also handle a dangerous dog like Samatoki. In that sense, he seems to be good at winning people over and is capable of adapting to his surroundings. I really want to know how his past was like!
In the drama part, Juto gave advice to Jiro and Saburo on how they’re being too dependent on their eldest brother, didn’t he?
Juto is so kind~ (to the kids) !  That why you can call him a guardian (laughs). However, it is because Ikebukuro is their opponent, that’s why you can see this side of Juto. I think he’ll be different with other teams. He’s extremely uninterested to those who can’t do anything or are talentless. It doesn’t take much time for him to crush those people down, by just saying “try to face yourself once again”. While Juto could sense the threat from the future growth of the  Ikebukuro boys, he look forward to that boiling blood of theirs. That is why, Ikebukuro team interests Juto a lot. He definitely won’t admit that, but it’s good that he’s aware of that.
Next, we are going to touch about the songs.First, please show us some key points of your solo song, “Bayside Smoking Blues”.
Basically, it’s as if you’re standing alone, smoking cigarette while watching the scenery of Minato Mirai and its surroundings. Other than that, I was told to do it as how I like. Samatoki and Riou’s solo song has other characters joining in, but for Juto’s song, it’s literally a solo song. There’s no one there to help him sing (laugh). That’s why he’s been saying “I’m a lonely only RABBIT” on every chorus, expressing that he’s a lonely only RABBIT. The hardest part of the song is obviously the rap. At the introduction part, in order to express what kind of person and what kind of position Juto has in Yokohama, I checked and try to say the very Juto-esque words like “I'll arrest you” or “Pig Pen [jail cell]” so that it remains in people’s ears. There’s no way I’d scream such foul word like “mother xxxx”, though (laughs) . Other than that, Juto being the number one brain but a bit nihilistic is beautiful. Since that’s the case, I tried to rap in a calm and charming manner so I won’t change that image.
Then how about Buster Bros!!! And MAD TRIGGER CREW’s WAR WAR WAR song?
This song has the so-called freestyle battle feels. It feels more like a stage battle rather than a song. It has the baton-passing format, so I thought that it was fun with all the clear call and responses. I responded to Jiro (Yamada) but, the recording is different. When Jiro speaks to Juto, his words are littered with sharp glares and phrases meant to knock him off his feet, that’s what I think. However, whatever their enemy says, Yokohama gathers and releases the strength to utterly annihilate them. The tension rises, to the point a policeman said “We’re cold-blooded killers” (laughs). Maybe I’m thinking about it too much, but that phrase is certainly a killer word, it’s important to me.
After listening to the complete product, how do you feel about Jiro’s rap?
Jiro is much stronger than I imagined. If someone were to record half-heartedly, it is obvious that the power balance would collapse, so everyone definitely did their best in this.
There must be a battle among the casts, aren’t there?
We do battle! Haru-kun (who plays Jiro) listens to the complete songs, even now, “that comeback is strong!” he says in regret  (laughs). “You’re strong too!” was what I thought, but it’s great to see everyone’s doing their best.
So what do you think about Yokohama Division’s song, “Yokohama Walker?”
To me, I imagine the 3 Yokohama members riding an open car (convertible), running through the sea breeze while smoking cigarette at the bayside. Juto drives, Samatoki sits at the passenger’s seat raising his legs and Riou sits diagonally in the back seat because he does not fit (laughs). They won’t talk much, driving towards any desired destination as they please. It’s as if they’re taking a short break after the whole deal in the screwed up world of theirs. The song doesn’t make me feel anything as much, but it sure do has a lot of brutal words. “The path home dirtied by blood” or Juto’s “I’ll handcuff and arrest him to kill some time” is definitely not something a policeman should say (laughs). But I don’t feel the least bit uncomfortable saying it, since it’s important for the establishment of this character. The gaps between the sound and lyrics has a meaning that’ll make the song a killer, and I like that.
Which character are you interested in Shibuya Division and Shinjuku Division?
I enjoy listening to Shibuya Division Arisugawa Dice’s song, it makes me want to sing along, so I got interested. As for Shinjuku Division, they have this peculiar vibe that is eerie, but fun. (Jinguji) Jakurai-sensei is really tall!! Our Riou is no match (laughs). I look forward on how will the song be when those two team battles. I really can’t wait to see them battle.
So other than your own song, do you like any other songs?
My most favorite song would be <Hypnosis Mic -Division Battle Anthem->. All 12 people sing in one song, singing all at once and also solo. Moreover they made their own rhythm and it was tough. The song gave the most rap feeling. I really like the feeling it gave, as if beating people one after another. Of course, this song has a demo version and I’ve already sang it before. The demo song was also sung in character, so it really is like the sample (laughs). So, I think we shouldn’t let it get brushed off.  Also, I like Ichiro’s song, “Ore ga Ichiro,” because it’s catchy, isn’t it?
<Hypnosis Mic Division Battle Anthem>’s MV also shows all of you rap, that must’ve been a big deal wasn’t it?
You can watch the MV’s fullsize for free! It's the ultimate giveaway!. The MV’s appearance is so stylish, it gave that mood of “Maybe I’ll try to do rap!” and I’m really happy for that. Of course showing the character is important, but if that’s the only thing that is showcased, the rate of being shaken off by hip hop will fall. On top of the rap, I add in characterization so that the character can be received well. “Hypnosis mic” has become the key to wow factor contents.
It seems like all the casts are having fun, too. All of you who collaborated with “Hypnosis Mic” made a Champagne Tower at a karaoke store.
Yeah we did ! Actually what happened after that is a private matter, but out came the Champagne Tower (laughs) ! First we drank to <Battle Anthem>, and the tension rises. Lastly, we drank to Champagne Gold and………… it was bubbling (laughs) 。 There’s a lot of things you can do only within “Hypnosis Mic”, so I look forward to work with everyone.
There is a second live on 26th of August, isn’t there?
Yes, you’re right. But I’m so scared on how it is going to be like. They’re definitely going to include freestyle battles! Definitely! It’s horrifying!
In the Territory Battle with Ikebukuro Division, Yokohama Division is currently leading.
But the results are very close to each other, so I can’t figure out the outcome. This isn’t about “either way, everyone will be in peace”, but the project will continue on delivering contents only to that outcome, which I think is very unique. The songs and story will definitely be designed by their victory or loss, so I feel like the listeners are truly involved in this. To have a wave of something like “You guys  gotta win!” echoing to us motivates us to not lose. That’s why Ikebukuro should be crushed…………. (laughs).
(laughs) . Finally, any messages to the fans who supported you?
As time goes by, all the songs, story and goods will be brushed up, and it’ll expand rapidly. So in order to not get left behind by the momentum, do fight along with your favorite teams, favorite songs and favorite characters. And, by all means, please listen to rap other than “Hypnosis Mic��, too. I haven’t been informed much, but it seems like there’s going to be secret plan and hidden tricks so I want to support as much as I can. And please! Make MAD TRIGGER CREW be the winner! Cast your last vote and reach out to the summit together (laughs)!
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