#the screen isnt cracked but the touch is broken on one side of it
plastography · 2 years
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sweetmisschesire · 4 years
Pt 2
Maysibelle (mayday)
Mayday is the last fight before eve
So the fight starts with her singing and the brothers blasting their way in
Since they dont have a guitar player they just sort of use some recordings they render to their liking to make up for it
So in their interruption imagine it like the Highway to Hell opera video, only right before the singing of the rock song starts maysibelle stops the music by snapping her fingers
She has both those mannequins neon j made for her and actual people dancing
After she stopped the music the dancers stopped with the human dancers moving off to the side of the ballroom for their own safety
This is the dress she is wearing
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And this is the mask
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And hair
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(She speaks in an aloof, emotionless tone)
“Ah so this is the infamous duo who don’t know their place”
(Z is zuke w is west)
W: and what exactly is our place
“Away from these districts, learning how to play respectable music”
Z: you all need to come off it already, what do you have against rock?
“It boisters itself as superior in music and yet now look at it. Only the talentless dare practice it. “
W: me thinks the lady doth protest too much
“How dare you. Leave, now.”
Z: sorry but not without this district
*laughter* “very well then have at you”
So the video i linked before with the three songs is what plays during her battle
(This is not a fun fight for west, gotta add some humor)
While she sings west and zuke have to dodge the mannequins as they dance towards them as a attack
They find out they’re mannequins when a mask gets knocked of one of them leaving the oulines of pupiless eyes on a blank face
W: mannequins why mannequins?
Z: seriously those things still freak you out?!
W: yes! Especially ones that dance on their own!
They also keep getting hit by something they cant really see
Zuke: what the heck is going on what is even hitting us
W: she’s got nice pipes though, but we can play better
The next phase starts with the second song and after theyve beaten the mannequins, with a head of one being knocked into her mask damaging it
The mannequins are cleared out and some life sized marrionettes drop down
W: it gets worst! Please no dolls.
Her costume in this phase is this (it was under her dress)
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And both her and the marrionette dance ballet as she sings
The difference here is the marionettes will lift up and drop down so they have to watch the shadows to see where they land
This is also how they start understanding what’s hitting them
Z: *watches a shadow fly towards his brother and hit him* so that’s what been hitting us? Bro! Watch for all the shadows on the floor, i think that’s what was getting us in the last phase!
W: why am i the one she keeps aiming for?! Lady lay off already!
Z: bigger target?
They cut down the marionettes from their strings leaving them useless with west panicking when one touches him and throwing it at maysibelle, fracturing her mask more
“I’ll get you for that.”
W: you’ve literally been going mostly after me already!
(She changes her costume during the convo, she walks behing a screen and steps out in it)
“As your brother said you are indeed the larger target. And your brother has been far more respectful than you.”
W: hey
Z: she’s kind of right though
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The skirt is a bit shorter covering her feet bit easy to move in
No assistance this time though she has fans she throws that are weapons and they still have to dodge the mystery attack
At one point dk west trips over a doll that somehow lands on the floor
W: *screams*
“..... it’s just a doll. And don’t you dare break her.
Z: bro we’ve gotta do something about this fear of yours
The end of this phase after they’ve hit her enough ends with wth west knocking on of her fans back into her mask which is now covered in cracks
“Are you incapable of anything but disrespect?”
W: are you capable of talking like you can feel emotions?
“Perhaps i should hit you harder?”
Z: you are just on fire today bro
W: what she acts and talks like she can’t feel anything
“Emotions are meant to be controlled, it is inappropriate to let others see you in such a state.”
Z:... what
W: you know you would probably have an easier time telling people how you feel eithout that mask
“Don’t you dare to touch it! I am never to show my face in public!”
Z: okay this is getting a bit uncomfortable
W: what kind of messed up logic is that?
“I don’t expect you to understand his teachings. Nor do i expect you to understand that you two could never power Vinyl City!”
W: says you and every other so called artist. Can’t wait to prove you all wrong
“I’ve had just about enough of you. Since you’ve made it further than i thought capable, allow me to show you my true power. Bask in trance techno opera, all i was ever born to do.”
Z: alright now it’s really uncomfortable
She walks behind another screen and steps out in this
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The lights center on her and the brothers can make out this black smoke like mist surrounding her a bit
She moves her hands to the start of her phantom of the opera performance and the mist moves with her
Z: that’s what was hitting us before?!
As she sings she sends out this mist that is basically like energy and they have to dodge it while attacking her
They get to the lull in the song with no singing
Z: whoever you’re doing this for you dont have to
West isnt quite following yet
“Hmm, charming. I do this because i must. But since you seem to love doling out advice, allow me to return the favor.”
“Apologize. She deserves that much from you, and more.”
Zuke is surprised by this and maysibelle gets in a hit as she goes back to singing
W: maybe focus on the fight instead of small talk?
Z: ...
W: seriously she’s just messing with ya
Z: no she’s not. I know exactly who she’s talking about
It takes a lot to get through this fight and maysibelle actually shows some signs of anger and frustration before immediately pushing them down
This is where west starts picking up on something being wrong with her
Towards the end of the song they work their way up to her and zuke manages to push though and smash his drumsticks down
Hebhad been aiming for her microphone but accidentally hit her mask finallt shattering it
The music stops as she screams and drops to her knees covering her face
W: woah man that was a bit much don’t you think? You coulda broker her nose
Z: I don’t think that’s the reason she screamed.
He notices some of the people left are peering over and sees the cameras oving to see her better
Z: *frowning* do you all not know how to respect someone’s privacy?!
They back off a bit startled at him zuke picks up a cloak that came off a mannequin from earlier and drapes it over her
Maysibelle readjusts it so the hood shrouds her face completely she grasps at the shards of her mask trying to put it back together
“can’t let them see can’t let them see can’t let them see”
W: okay what is wrong with-
Z: west don’t. Look i have no idea why you think those things. There’s nothing wrong with your emotions or the way you look
“How would you know? You’ve no experience of them.”
Z: yeah but do you either?
*voice quivers, but still remains emotionless not crying* I don’t remember my face. It’s been so long.”
W: how do you not-
Z: west. Just...why? Why not let yourself feel or show?
“I’m not allowed.”
Zuke moves towards her but she cuts him off
“Leave. I don’t need your pity.”
Z: that’s not what i-
“I said go.”
The two leave her ballroom and she calls out to them still gripping her mask pieces
“Remember to apologize. You owe her so much.”
Z: that was super uncomfortable
Kliff appears
“What was uncomfortable?”
West goes to answer but zuke cuts him off
Z: the walk back, the fight was really exauhsting so it was uncomfortable wslk back
West gives he brother a loo and kliff shrugs
“Well good job getting another district. She was gonna beca hard one. Go get some rest we’ll take the last district tomorrow”
As the two leave to their rooms west talks
W: what was that back there?
Z: kliff keeps ignoring me when i mention how bad the nsr artists look and i dont know if you’ve noticed but i listened to some of maysibelle’s fans on the way back
W: and?
Z: they were praising her for staying “proper” during our fight, like they really do expect her to not show emotions and when i asked them about that thry say it’s what they expect of her how she’s always bern this way
Z: west there’s something really wrong with the nsr artists it’s like they’ve been... broken
W:... what did she mean by apologize
Z: it has to do with the last district.
Z: it’s nadia’s district.
This was a long one
Next one will be long too, mainly cause if the last fight with tatiana
I’ve really hurt mayday huh? :D
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sarahrcubitt13 · 3 years
The Secret Garden - Modern TV show pilot.
Okay let me explain - idea isnt finished but i gotta explain what im up too. I am a HUGGGGGE secret garden fan - top favourite novel ever since i was little, adore the bbc mini series, the animated film, the 1993 film was just beautiful... but the new film had a few things that just didnt work for me (real magic being the main one.... the magic being real just ruined what the theme of the book was.) so in talking about it with a pal we got chatting about how we'd adapt the book and i thought what about a moderniseation - like the Misselthwaite Archives but more!
So i sat down and tried just that; this is the opening main scenes but yeah thoughts?
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Into The Garden
EPISODE 101 - Welcome to Misselthwaite
Written by; Sarah R Cubitt
EXT. LONDON - night
A downpour of rain. Rumble of thunder.
A High-End hotel. Lit up. Bustling with business.
Bell-boys with umbrella’s usher people hurriedly into the building from their car’s. Everyone is in high spirits.
UPBEAT music is softly playing from an upper Suite.
LAUGHTER and the CLINK of glasses. A celebratory party in full swing.
INT. high-end hotel - mary’s room - Night
Darkened hotel bedroom.
Unmade bed. An antique vase of SINGULAR RED ROSES - the only personal touch.
From the light of the cracked open door, the sounds of music and laughter increase.
INT. high-end hotel - upper suite floor - Night
A young girl, dressing gown and slippers on, sat in shadow at the top of the grand stairs.
MARY LENNOX (then 16), a stubborn, rebellious girl, is watching in interest as well-dressed adults glide into a large party. Her gaze on two figures in particular.
MRS ROSALIND LENNOX, who is meeting and greeting guests. In her element. Dressed to the nines, the bell of the ball. The most beautiful woman there - and she knows it.
Stiffly stood next to her is OFFICER ALBERT LENNOX, in military uniform. Clearly uncomfortable.
Albert glances up and spots Mary watching from the bannister. A genuine smile creeps onto his face. He winks to her - having caught her watching.
Mary smiles at this attention.
Rosalind follows his gaze up. She sees straight through Mary.
Mary’s smile drops.
Rosalind puts a hand on Albert’s arm.
Albert’s face falls as he turns his attention back to the guests.
Mary gets to her feet, scowling down at her mother, before moving off.
INT. high-end hotel - master bedroom SUITE - Night
A door CREAKS open. A sliver of light.
Mary tiptoes in, she looks around curiously.
An extravagant room.
Unlike Mary’s room, this one feels lived in. Clothes scattered about, a cluttered vanity, bed unmade. Personal touches everywhere.
Mary passes a table overflowing with photos in shiny frames. Mainly photos of Rosalind and Albert at events, or Rosalind on modelling shoots. The only photos of Mary are in older frames pushed to the back, hidden, and only her father is present in them with her.
Mary wanders over to the cluttered vanity.
Mary investigates her mother's things - greedily taking in the small glimpse into her mother's glamorous life.
Mary opens a music box. Waltz of the Flowers plays. An empty space where a dancer would be - forcefully snapped.
Among the bits and bobs inside is a FOLDED PICTURE.
Mary glances at the door. Just in case. No one is coming.
Tentatively Mary picks up the picture and unfolds it.
The picture shows FOUR PEOPLE stood in a garden, an ENGLISH MANOR house in the background. Young Rosalind and Albert are smiling happily with two others. A female, hair windswept, wide grin, arm looped with Albert’s, LILY LENNOX, and a male, smartly dressed, sickly pale, walking cane in hand, ARCHIBALD CRAVEN, looking adoringly at Lily.
Mary turns the photo, written on the back; “Lily and Archie’s engagement”.
MARY (whisper) So you’re my Aunt Lily
Mary drinks the photo hypnotized, her focus entirely on her Aunt - the family link between the two clear. Mary could be her double if she wasn’t so sour.
Mary is broken from her trance as someone approaches the room angrily.
ROSALIND (off-screen) Honestly, the things I do for that bloody vulture of a woman.
Mary dives under the bed to hide.
From under the bed; a pair of Louboutin heels and the bottom of a silk gown enter the room, expertly navigating their way to the vanity.
Mary peers out to watch her mother.
Rosalind throws back her head. Downing her drink. Clattered down the empty champagne flute on the vanity.
Studying the vanity, noting the music box is open.
A dark look crosses her face.
Rosalind bangs shut the music box. Music cuts off.
Rosalind lets out a sigh, forcing herself to relax before she glances at her reflection - taking in her perfect appearance.
UNKNOWN MALE Everything alright Mrs Lennox? Your husband sent me to find you.
Rosalind looks around flustered. A shadowy figure is seen by the room’s door.
Rosalind picks up an EXPENSIVE looking bracelet.
ROSALIND Oh, here it is! Sonja said she wanted to see what Berty bought me for our anniversary.
Rosalind lets out fake laugh before elegantly leaving the room.
The door CLICKS shut.
Mary lets out a breath.
Mary scrambles out from under the bed.
Mary CREAKS open the room door. She checks the hallway. Empty.
INT. high-end hotel - upper suite floor - Night
Swiftly Mary creeps back into her room.
INT. high-end hotel - mary’s room - Night
The room door is left ajar.
Mary’s eyes flutter shut to the sounds of the music and laughter, clutching the photo she found to her chest.
INT. high end hotel - mary’s room - Night
FLASH of lighting. THUNDEROUS rain.
SCREAMS are heard from downstairs.
Mary scrambles from her bed in a sleepy daze.
From the crack of the door she sees…
People frantically running from room to room. 
Backing up in fear she runs to her bed. Hiding in the duvet, her hands to her ears willing the noise to stop.
Images blur and distort as if Mary has purposefully forgotten what happened exactly…
Screams are heard from all sides. Things clattering to the ground in people’s rush to escape.
Siren’s blaring. Camera’s flashing. Utter chaotic panic.
An echo of a voice is heard above the rest, frantic, but weakening.
ALBERT (echoing/worried) Mary! My Mary! Mary!!
The echoing of the voice gets louder and starts to change…
AGATHA CRAWFORD (annoyed) Mary. Mary Lennox.
INT. train carriage - late Afternoon
AGATHA CRAWFORD Mary Lennox! Wake up girl!
Mary (now 17) bolts awake with a start.
Mary glances around. She is in a train carriage. There are no screams of terror, just screams of young children.
Mary’s uneven breathing calms. She is safe.
Agatha’s attention is now on her squabbling children.
Mary’s shoulders slump as she falls back against her seat.
She glances at Agatha’s LOUD children with a look of disgust.
Mary rubs at her eyes before glancing at the window.
EXT. ENGLISH countryside - late Afternoon
A train is seen racing through the frost-covered countryside. Miles and miles of brown farmland on one side and a cliff with the sea crashing angrily on the other.
INT. train carriage - late Afternoon
AGATHA CRAWFORD For goodness sake girl, our station is next. Get your things together.
Mary whips her head around and scowls at the older woman.
Agatha misses the look due to another fight breaking out between her boys.
YOUNG GIRL Do you like it?
Mary looks around for the voice.
Sat opposite her is a small girl - adorably cute with pigtails.
Mary shoots her a confused look.
The little girl points out the window to the countryside.
YOUNG GIRL Out there. Mama says it's different from where you come from.
MARY (bluntly) No. I hate it.
Mary’s American accent is clearly heard.
The little girl looks shocked - not the expected answer. Thankfully she is saved a response as -
AGATHA CRAWFORD (calling) Jessica dear, come here.
Agatha ushers the girl over. Agatha and the boy’s next to her now in jackets.
Jessica glances to Mary before scarpering over to her mother - who proceeds to put on her jacket.
Mary lets out a sigh. Glancing out the window once again before getting to her feet.
EXT. COASTAL train station PLATFORM - late Afternoon
The train pulls into a station. Waves can be heard crashing in the distance.
Train doors open. A small crowd leave the train.
Wind whipping them all, causing people to pull jackets closer to them as they hurry off the platform.
Agatha and her children climb off. Agatha fussing them.
Mary climbs off behind the family.
Mary carries a single suitcase and hosting a backpack onto her shoulder. She glances around the bare-bones station. Unimpressed.
Agatha marches her children to the exit of the platform.
Agatha turns to see Mary isn’t following them.
AGATHA CRAWFORD For goodness sake girl, come on!
Agatha looks to her watch as she continues to off the platform.
Mary scowls but follows the woman and her children.
EXT. COASTAL train station - late Afternoon
Agatha and her children are stood at one end of the empty station entrance, and Mary is stood at the other - as far away as she could get from the family.
Agatha keeps looking at her watch then at the car park entrance - clearly expecting someone.
The two young boys next to her point to Mary before whispering to each other giggling.
The two start singing teasingly.
TWO YOUNG BOYS: (singing) Mary, Mary quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, And pretty maids all in a row.
Little Jessica can’t help but giggle at her brother’s teasing.
Mary glares at them all.
The two boys seem happy at getting a reaction. Laughing and continuing louder.
Little Jessica joins in. Quietly, heart not in it.
CHILDREN; (singing, louder) Mary, Mary quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, And pretty maids all in a row.
Mary scowls, rummaging through her bag. Pulling out headphones putting them in to drown out their singing.
Suddenly, a LAND ROVER rumbles into the car park.
The children’s singing trails off.
Mary pulls out one of the headphones. Eyes on the car.
The Land Rover SCREECHES to a stop. The engine switches off.
SARAH MEDLOCK, late early 40s, A formidable woman.
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
Here you go @aestheticallytiredandpathetic :)
Fic #5 should be out soon, but I'm not sure how long it will be, hope that's okay :D
Please be warned there is a blood/injury warning!!
Hope you enjoy!
Hawks and Tokoyami walked out of the agency, ready and raring to go. "You wanna fly or walk?" Hawks asked his intern, grinning down at him. Tokoyami looked up at the bright sky. "I'd like to fly, if you dont mind."
Hawks ruffled his feathers. "Nice. We're going the normal route, you'll be happy to know." The last patrol they had Hawks tried a new route, which ended with them running into Endeavor, who always seemed to be in some sort of danger. Both Tokoyami and Shouto went home in stretchers that day.
Tokoyami nodded, following his mentor onto a near roof, and kicked off. The pair flew around the outskirts of the city, searching for any signs of danger. At first, there was nothing, and Hawks got bored. He chatted with Tokoyami about little things, how classes were going, training.
Tokoyami answered simply, trying to stay in the air. He wasnt as good as Hawks when it came to flying, but he tried. Hawks landed on a roof, calling a time-out. They ordered a takeout and sat on the roof, bored out of their minds.
"Normally there's at least one criminal running around..." Tokoyami stated, chewing on his food. Hawks nodded, swallowing. "It's a little too quiet, if you ask me." Hawks hopped off, stretching his wings. "Let's go, maybe we'll stop by Endeavor's place. Give us something to do." Hawks laughed at Tokoyami's wince.
They continued to patrol, and finally, something of interest happened. "Sir!" Tokoyami pointed at a tall building, where people were screaming. "I see it. Hold on." Hawks banked right.
They landed, and Hawks sent feathers out. Tokoyami made a border with the help of Dark Shadow, stopping people from getting closer. People were cheering. Hawks brought the feathers back, cussing. "What's the situation?" Tokoyami asked, swallowing his nerves. When he asked for something interesting, this isnt what he had in mind.
Hawks turned to his intern. "There's twelve hostages. Seven on the third floor, five on the bottom floor." He thought for a moment. "There aren't even that many villains. There are... eight? Nine villains at most." Tokoyami nodded at the information given to him.
"You run for the stairs through reception, and distract the villains on the higher level, and I'll grab the hostages. Got that?" Hawks looked at his intern. He specifically said distract, and prayed the message got across. Tokoyami nodded. Hawks grinned. "Great, I'll get you your opening."
Hawks sent feathers out, and took the guards closest to the hostages out first. Tokoyami ran forward as civilians were pulled out screaming. Tokoyami went for the stairs, taking a breath as he ran. Hawks soared upwards, watching his inter climb the stairs with Dark Shadow's help.
Tokoyami got to the third floor, and scanned the area. There were two people with guns trained on the hostages, and two more close by. A fifth person stood tall next to a machine. Tokoyami was weary. Hawks needed his kid to get working soon. Tokoyami knew if he jumped right out he'd get the people killed.
Instead, he sent Dark Shadow to the side, making a commotion. As the villains looked, on guard, Hawks sent feathers in. It was over in less than a minute. Tokoyami noticed a little girl who Hawks had missed, and jumped forward as one of the men had their gun pointed at them.
Using his body as a shield, Tokoyami took a bullet to his shoulder. He bit back a cry of pain as the child screamed. Dark Shadow took the girl into Hawks's line of sight, and she disappeared. Tokoyami realised his mistake as someone grabbed his cloak, dragging him over to the machine he saw earlier. He cursed himself for not thinking.
Hawks was there in a second, shoving the man back and pulling Tokoyami away. A gunshot sounded out and the hero froze. They were surrounded. "I'm sorry, Hawks—" Tokoyami bit out, shoulder going numb. "Dont be. You saved that little girl." Hawks reassured.
Hawks turned ro the villain who shot, and saw the machine himself. The man grinned ferally. "Hawks, the number two hero! What a surprise." He chuckled, and pointed the gun at Tokoyami. "And isnt that the kid who got third place during the sports festival? Whoa, we got ourselves a hustle." His grin was wider now.
He pushed a button in the machine. "Hey, get us outta here, Kay." The person in question, a person with an animal-type quirk, snapped their finger and the villains disappeared. Hawks groaned. "Why do all the villains have teleportation quirks?!"
Tokoyami looked up at him. "Hawks." Hawks looked down at his intern. "What's up, kid?" He moved so Tokoyami was sitting down, and walked over to the machine. "What do we have here...?" Hawks looked at the screen closely. Hawks's eyes widened.
"It's a bom—!" Hawks turned to shield Tokoyami, just as the bomb went off. Hawks was shoved forward, his wings burning slightly and falling face-first into Tokoyami. The whole building shook and fell, crushing them both.
"What's happening?!" Endeavor ran up as the tremors in the ground stopped. Miruko shrugged, and Shouto looked around at the damage. Bakugo and Midoryia looked around, too. "....I think we got everyone out in time, so there's nothing to worry about." Shouto sighed. Good, no one was hurt.
There was a little girl, and she was trying to run towards the rubble? Did she lose something? Shouto walked towards her as Gang Orca showed up, Shouji hot on his heels. The little girl was crying. "What's wrong? Did you lose something?" He bent down to the girls level. She looked at him, fear in her eyes. "You have to help them! They're still in there!" She clung to him and sobbed.
Shouto was confused. "Who?" The girl wiped her tears away. "The man with wings! And the bird! The heros!" She yelled. Endeavor came over as Shouto's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" Shouto turned towards the rubble. "Hawks and Tokoyami–?!" Endeavor raised a brow. "What about them?" Shouto turned to hair father. "This girl says she saw them in the building. They might still be in there."
Tokoyami lifted his head with a groan. His head was pounding, and it was pitch black all around. He sat up, trying to balance himself with his arms. One of his arms gave out, and he fell down again. Right, he couldn't feel it after he had been shot. It wasn't bleeding that badly, so what was wrong?
There was a groan from his left. "Hawks! Are you alright?" He turned on his phone flashlight, and gasped. Hawks was covered in blood, many feathers gone. His eyes were lidded and unfocused. There was blood trailing down from his head and nose. "M'fine... I justs–" Hawks closed his eyes.
Tokoyami shook him. "Sir?! Hawks, wake up!" Tokoyami didnt know how to deal with this. Sure, he'd been taught first aid, but he'd never had to apply it in an actual situation before. He didnt know where to start, his mind went blank. Hawks groaned and moved onto his back, and Tokoyami nearly doubled over. There was definitely a broken rib, and his leg was twisted at an odd angle.
Hawks was mumbling nonsense. He must have hit his head hard, how was Tokoyami supposed to help?? He ripped his cloak without thinking, wrapping it firmly around his head to stem the flow. Hawks hissed in pain, and Tokoyami apologised. He did this again with other places that bled, until there wasnt any place left.
"Okay, can I pick you up? Am I strong enough for that...?" He said to himself, and tried anyway. He couldn't with his arm out of commission. His left arm hung loosely, and he tried desperately not to panic. He managed to get half of Hawks's torso over his right shoulder, and clung on for dear life. "This may hurt, sorry." He started walking, dragging Hawks with him.
They moved slowly through the rubble, using Tokoyami's phone light as a guide. Tokoyami's right arm tired after a while, but he refused to stop. He couldn't stop, Hawks was hurt. Tokoyami looked up as rubble moved.
Large rocks same crashing down hard, and Tokoyami barely had time to shove Hawks back. Something hit his head with a crack and he fell, shouting out in pain. Dark Shadow was going haywire inside him, wanting to keep their host safe. Tokoyami fell to his knees, and waited for the rocks to stop falling.
Tokoyami gingerly touched his head with one hand, and inhaled sharply when he brought his hand back. There was dark, thick blood coating his hand. Tokoyami shivered as it dripped down his beak. His vision swam. He was going to pass out.
No, he couldn't. He had to stay awake. He slapped his face, trying to keep conscious. He had to get them out of here, but Hawks was limp, and there wasnt any sign of sunlight. "Okay, okay. What would your classmates do?" Tokoyami asked himself, shaking his already drooping head.
Midoryia would analyse the area as best he could, and Yayorozu would probably try gauge the their whereabouts and the stability of the rubble. His eyes drooped closed. No, he couldn't think straight. Who else...?
Shouji. He would worry about everyone else, make sure they're okay. It was getting harder to think anything. Bakugo would blast his way out, probably—
Wait. Tokoyami looked up at the rubble over his head. Even if he could, Bakugo was accurate with his blasts, and he probably wasnt two seconds away from passing out, either. Still, if Dark Shadow could make at least a dent in the rubble...
The whole thing might collapse on them, and then what? Tokoyami looked nervously down at Hawks. His eyes were closed and his wings twitched once before falling still. No, Tokoyami was sure Hawks wouldnt wake up anytime soon.
Were people even aware they were down here? The question made Tokoyami freeze. What if they didnt know? What if everyone had left them already...? They wouldn't do that, surely someone had noticed Hawks's absence. Tokoyami's breathing was uneven, and he shook.
If they died down here, how long would it take people to notice? In Hawks's case, not very long.
But in Tokoyami's case...
He took in a shaky breath, he couldn't waste the little oxygen they had. He wiped the tears that had falled away and sat up. "Dark Shadow, please stay calm..." Tokoyami let Dark Shadow out, his phone staying on full brightness to hopefully keep him at bay.
It sort of worked. Dark Shadow roared and hit a large boulder, and then had to stop it from crushing them. "Dark Shadow, could you please try find any safe way to the surface?"
Dark Shadow nodded once and slinked off. Tokoyami sat back, going over ways to stay calm. Hawks moved slightly, and made a noise of pain. "Sir...?" Tokoyami looked down at him.
Hawks coughed up an excessive amount of blood, and his breathing went shallow. Tokoyami panicked and reached forward, supporting him. Hawks couldn't get anything out, and fell quite in Tokoyami's grip again. The silence that followed was deafening.
"Sir?" Tokoyami shook him. There was nothing. "Hawks? Please get up." Tokoyami didnt want to beg, but he really didnt want to be alone. Not like this. Hawks didnt respond, his blood falling out of his mouth into Tokoyami's knees.
Tokoyami was shaking, panic rising in his throat. "Sir, please dont leave me..." It came out as a broken whisper. He was trying not to freak out, in fear Dark Shadow may destroy more rubble.
"Fumi! I found something!" Dark Shadow zipped back to Tokoyami's chest, trying to comfort him. "What? What is it?" Tokoyami moved to stand, holding Hawks up. Dark Shadow pointed the way they came. "There's an easy way out. We'll have to climb, but we can get out."
Tokoyami let out a relieved breath, trying not to sob in relief. "Lead the way." They walked, a little slowly, but within a few minutes, they made it to the point Dark Shadow told him about.
It was a steep uphill climb. "How are we supposed to get up there with Hawks? I cant climb up that far holding him." Tokoyami stared up at the small streaks of sunlight. Dark Shadow bobbed around excitedly. "But I can help! I'll carry Hawks, and you climb up."
Tokoyami thought for a few minutes, but nodded. They started climbing, and Tokoyami's vision swam every once in a while. He slipped and fell the first few attempts, and he smacked his head again after the fourth attempt.
"Fumi!?" Dark Shadow floated uncertainly around him. Tokoyami groaned and felt the back of his head, and felt something sticky. There was more blood at the back of his head. Tokoyami felt a sudden wave of exhaustion sweep over him, and he fell back.
He struggled, his left arm was completely numb and now swollen in a few places. What was in that bullet? Tokoyami climbed, and got halfway when he heard it.
"I'm still not getting anything. I dont think they're here."
Shouji. They were looking, but he couldn't— they thought they were—
"Shouji!" Tokoyami yelled, trying to get higher. He slipped but help fast. "Shouji!" He yelled louder. He couldn't hear him. "Dark Shadow, get Hawks higher. Get him through the rubble." Tokoyami wheezed out, chest feeling tight.
Dark Shadow did what they were asked, and brought Hawks up. Tokoyami tried again to get Shouji's attention. "Shouji, we're down here! Please!" He was getting desperate. Hawks wasnt going to die down here, not if Tokoyami had any say in it.
Tokoyami screamed. "Shouji!!"
The rubble moved and Dark Shadow and Hawks made it to the surface. The rocks around him crumpled and Tokoyami slipped back. The sunlight was getting further away. Did he really climb this high? Tokoyami decided, this was fine. Hawks was alright, that's all that matters.
He'd already come to terms with the fact he might not graduate from U.A.
The fact that he might never make it to eighteen, he accepted. It was fine, he was okay with that. He'd long since come to terms with the fact that he might die, and found he didnt mind as much.
He did what he was supposed to do.
Tokoyami closed his eyes and hit the bottom. Something cracked and it all faded away. The last thing he saw was something reaching towards him. He wondered vaguely if he'd see his mother again...
Hawks groaned and opened his eyes. He'd finally kept them open for longer than a second, and looked around. He wasnt under the building anymore, which was good. But where was—?
"Tokoyami?" He looked around, and Endeavor stopped him. "Calm down. You were crushed by that building over there. You were hurt." Hawks shook him off, standing wobbly. "Where's Tsukuyomi?" Endeavor didnt answer. "Where is he?!" Hawks yelled, getting worried.
Endeavor didnt look at him. Hawks walked as fast as he could towards the crowd. He heard yelling. Bakugo was yelling, clearly panicked. Shouto had his hand on someone's shoulder. The shoulder was trembling. Oh, it was Gang Orca's kid. Shouji? He had his dupliarms shoved down a large gap in the debris.
He shoved past Miruko and asked what was happening. Shouji let out an intelligible noise, shaking his head. Hawks caught sight of the bottom. There were lights shining down so they could see. Hawks gasped loudly.
"Tsukuyomi!" He yelled, and Miruko held him as he tried to jump down to his intern. "Miruko, let go! Let me fucking go!" He was so, so angry. Shouji ducked his head, and let out a sob. Hawks shoved Miruko off, and ran forward.
Gang Orca put a hand around him, stopping him. "That's my kid! My fucking kid! He's down there! Let go!" Hawks screamed, fighting with every ounce of strength he had left. His wings spread out, catching the hero off guard. Hawks ran forward, still yelling. His jumped down.
He reached the bottom. "Tokoyami! Kid, please be okay." Tokoyami wasnt breathing. Dark Shadow was no where to be seen. "Kid? Hey, come on kid, you cant leave yet..." Aziawa arrived, looking down.
"Kid...?" Nothing. Tokoyami was gone.
Hawks sobbed as he held his kid close. He screamed. It was a loud, broken sound that echoed through the cave. Bakugo knew the second he heard it that Tokoyami was gone, and stopped yelling. Aziawa's eyes widened. Shouji broke down, curling into himself. He'd been so close, he heard him, and he still—
"Kacchan?!" Midoryia half caught Bakugo as he fell to his knees. Shouji didnt look up. Gang Orca kneeled next to him and pat his shoulder, silent. Shouto was two seconds away from going down himself. Endeavor walked over, uncertain. Shouto just collapsed into his farhers chest, high on emotions.
Aziawa tensed as Miruko stood next to him. There were unshed tears in her eyes, and Aziawa knew he wasnt much better. Hawks was still screaming. His voice cracked, and he held Tokoyami tighter. This was all his fault. If Hawks had been faster, maybe his kid would still be alive.
The new crew, still filming, broadcasted Hawks's breakdown to the whole of Japan. All Might watched as his students broke down. Yamomo, Jirou and Kaminari watched as their guitarist, their friend died alone. The whole of class 1A was in the common area, watching the news. They heard Hawks screaming their classmates name in agony.
The league watched from the bar. Not even Dabi could form a solid joke as they watched. Instead, they gave a silent moment. Well, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Compress and Dabi did. Spinner wasnt there and Toga and Twice didnt care. Dabi was still a little shocked by Hawks's outburst.
Mr. Compress tutted about 'wasted potential' and Magne swatted his shoulder. "The kid just died, Sako. Be nice." She was also quiet. As much as she hated to admit it, she had a soft spot for kids. This physically hurt to watch.
Shinsou watched his childhood friend die. He couldn't help the tears that fell from his eyes, and he cried.
It seemed the whole of Japan had gone silent for Hawks and his intern.
Hawks had to be dragged away from the body, kicking and screaming. He was two minutes away from being sedated. Aziawa gave the kids a ride back to the dorms. Shouji was still shaking, and Bakugo was quiet. Midoryia held onto Todoroki, who was silently crying.
Once they got back to the dorms, the band held Bakugo and Shouji close. The class stayed together. And for once, not even Mineta made a peep. Mina was clinging to Shouji and Shouto, tears streaming down her face, reminiscing on old memories.
Tokoyami's funeral took place after three days. It wasnt a huge funeral, but many people played their respects after the ceremony. Hawks had to be held up by Miruko and Best Jenist. Tokoyami's father didnt show up, but they didnt need to.
Tokoyami's family had always been 1A.
So, as a ghost, he enjoyed watching them go through the rest of their years of training. He was glad it was Shinsou that replaced him. Hawks had never stopped visiting him, and Tokoyami enjoyed the stories he shared from the day. He enjoyed the new music the band played, and was touched when Jirou made a song for him.
He saw other ghosts wandering, and he decided fuck it, death was lonely. He met Oboro, Sir Nighteye and Nana Shimera. They all had their lives cut short, and they bonded over that. Oboro and Tokoyami got along better, as their ages were so close.
All in all, Tokoyami found death wasnt as bad as people made it out to be. Sure, he'd never make it to eighteen, but he found it was much easier to watch. Watch with his mother and Dark Shadow, and the other ghosts.
Sure, he'd left it all behind, but for a split second, he was okay with that.
This physically hurt to write—
This was supposed to have a happy ending, too but idk what went wrong xD
Hope you enjoyed!
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loki-fanfic-whore · 5 years
Doppelganger ch.11
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Warnings- trigger warnings!!!! Noncon!!! Adult situations, nudity, fighting, torture
@drakesfiance @thatweirdwalangpake
Chapter 11 Fruition
As they breached the compound, Loki could feel his heart in his throat. As soon as they were within the walls they were swarmed with half naked clones of what looked like teenagers. They weren't actual clones just very similarly looking girls. All of them gaunt with thin feeble arms and legs and shaved heads. There were numbers tattooed within their hair line. Loki recognized them instantly as the soldiers they were mass producing.
"Try not to hurt them! They are being manipulated and controlled!" He roared as he incapacitated as many as he could.
Tony groaned as he went from full destroy mode to render unconcious mode. Natasha and Clint switched their tactics too. Thor was still slamming into them full force.
"They look like sigyn." He spoke to Loki after knocking several out in one swoop. Their eyes were all different shades but Loki was looking at numbers not features.
"Find 9457!" He spoke urgently to the others.
"She isnt here." Silver spoke up after they had cleared all the 'clones'out. She had her rifle raised and cocked. Aimed right for Natasha.
"Sorry, but orders say you got to go." Loki teleported behind silver and slit her throat angrily. Thor stood speechless as Loki was splattered with blood.
"That was for earlier." He spoke angrily. Hatred evident in his eyes.
Silver gurgled and slumped at his feet.
Medic was next and they kept her from touching silver by picking her up and throwing her. She hit the wall a sickly crack ringing out as she slid down the wall dead.
After what seemed like countless battles the avengers stood panting and exhausted. There was still no sign of you and Loki began to worry they were, intact, too late. They moved into the next room which was completely unfurnished except for a flat screen on the wall which buzzed with static until it switched on.
You screamed out hoarsely, your voice almost completely gone as Tom thrust into you. He grinned at every scream because even though you sobbed no and stop your cunt was dripping for him and he reveled in it. You wanted the monster and now you have him. He rutted in you like you were a common whore. Only once you were full of his cum for the third time did he get off of you and allow you to slump nimbly against the table. You stared up at the ceiling not giving him the satisfaction of seeing you cry and break down. He put his thumb to your lip and pulled it back gently playfully.
"Come now dearest. Your friends are here to play. You dont want them to see you like this do you? Play nice for the camera." He grinned as you screamed out in agonizing realization. You snapped your head to the side and looked directly into the camera as sobs wracked your whole dirty body.
Loki's eyes widdened in disbelief. There you lay, bare and dirty, head shaved and sobbing beneath him.
"Dear gods, he is raping her!" Thor roared angrily. A laugh echoed through he room.
"My name is Maximus, you can call me Max. Tom is a special breed. He stole 9457 from us to protect her but she proved she didnt deserve that protection. So Tom revoked it and she is just now coming to fruition with all of the decades of training she skipped put on."
"So raping her is training?!" Tony yelled angrily. He felt sick to his stomach watching this sick snuff film.
"Well yes. We train each soldier in every type of torture. Your little angel in there is actually quite the soldier. She has been destroyed in every way you can think of. Broken down and built up stronger." Max laughed again and the intercom cut off. Loki snarled as Tom climbed off you and laughed. He watched as you looked straight at the camera and screamed. His heart was breaking for you.
A door opened to the left and Tom emerged with a towel cleaning his hands, he was sweaty and panting lightly but still wore a grin.
"Hello Loki. I saw the disgusting love bite you gave her. I have to say, she wont be thinking of you any time soon. Not with what I have done to her." He laughed a deep boisterous laugh. Thor raised Mjölnir but Loki raised his hand to stop him.
"No. Kill anyone else but Tom...Tom is for her." He knew once you were released you would want nothing more than closure and to escape and he planned on giving you that.
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chrome-mind · 6 years
Angel Wings
Summary: Not everyone wants to go along with Angel’s plan. Note everyone wants to lose a friend.
Warning(s): Character Death
“Hey Angel, you listening in? Angel?”
“Yes… sorry.”
“Nah, just wanted to talk to you anyways.”
“Of course.”
    You shifted the Jakobs sniper rifle in your arms uneasily. Something was wrong. The sick sense of dread was creeping in as you finally neared the Core with the other Vault Hunters. The BNK3R had been an unexpected surprise, but even after it’s destruction it caused you worry. Jack was putting a lot of effort into defending this place. Sure the Vault Key was there, but if his ever increasingly hostile ECHOs were anything to go by, this was something more personal. He was getting desperate.
“Hey Angel, why are you helping me- well, us.”
“Pandora needs your help, it needs a hero like you.”
    “Angel… what exactly is in here besides the vault key?” you asked hesitantly. “Me.” the response was instantaneous, but not enlightening. “Alright, but why are you in here?” your expression turned worrisome “What are you doing in there?” One of the other Vault Hunters moved forward towards the voice recognition, the weird alien looking one, waiting for Angel’s instructions.
“The password is: I love you.”
“What’s life like for you? There’s no way you could actually be an AI.”
“You… catch on very quick.”
“Do you live on Pandora?”
“Not exactly.”
“Helios, then?”
“It’s rather complicated.”
    With the voice modulator, the door was soon open. You were the first to enter, peering warily over your now raised gun “Angel?”
“Consider this your final warn-- no, consider this MY final warning. Turn around and I promise I'll make it quick. But I swear, you take one more step, every soul back in Sanctuary will die staring at their own lungs as I rip them from their chests.” Handsome Jack threatened viciously, all previous signs of arrogance wiped away.
“Hey Angel?”
“Thank you.”
“Jack acquired his Siren catalyst a long time ago. He kept her hidden from the world for years, but finally -- you will be able to set her free.” Angel continued speaking as if he didn’t exist at all. “Eridium alone could never charge the Vault Key. It needs a catalyst -- something to awaken its power. It needs... a Siren.” the elevator you had stepped into, which you would embarrassingly admit you did not notice was an elevator, let alone that it had begun moving, was starting to slow down.
“What are we doing here Angel?” your voice was starting to sound more forceful, your anxiousness getting the better of you. She seemed intent on ignoring your questions “I detect you're getting close. Hurry and reach me -- you must get the Vault Key and... deal with me.” “Angel.” The elevator stopped.
“Executing phase shift.” she spoke again “The Key is here, but…” the sense of dread you had was resurfacing the more she spoke. The ECHO she had been using since the first time she had spoken was fading as you and the Vault Hunters got closer. “To truly stop Jack from waking the Warrior, you cannot just steal the Vault Key -- you must destroy his catalyst.”
“You must destroy…”
The girl who has only been a repetitive video feed of a face on your ECHO, whose been the voice in your ear since the beginning of this mess, appeared. You looked over her form warily, it looked worn down. Hopeless. “...me.”
“What. I did not do all of this just to kill you!” you burst out angrily. From the corner of your vision you saw the other Vault Hunters shift. You did not know if it was from discomfort or if they were preparing for a fight. Sad blue eyes stared at you “Jack's spent years pumping me full of Eridium, using me to charge his Key and manipulate his enemies.” you couldn’t tell if she was trying to make it seem like it would be worth it to do this, but all you could do was sit in your frustration as she spoke. “Destroying the Eridium injectors that keep me... alive... will stop the Key from charging. And it will end a lifetime of servitude. Now--” She was suddenly yanked back, away from you and the others.
“You get the hell away from MY DAUGHTER!” Jack yelled angrily, even as Angel screamed. You rushed forwards immediately to follow after her, not even waiting for the rest “What the hell are you doing?! ANGEL?!” He seethed, still out of view. You finally set eyes on the Core itself, the machine that was holding Angel in place. The Vault Key. “What the hell is this?” you said aloud, horrified. “Stopping you, you piece of--” Angel cuts herself off, though Jack responds anyway. “Rrgh -- language!”
“The Eridium injectors! Destroy them!” Angel shouted. The siren Vault Hunter was quick to raise her gun and aim at the injectors. “No!” You shouted, slapping the gun in her hands away from the injectors. This gave Jack the chance to raise shields over the mechanisms. “What are you doing?!” Angel looks at you desperately, hands raised but not touching the barrier around her. “You can’t be serious!” You’re sure Jack is watching your every move now “How is this the only way?!” “I’m-” “You were put in that machine, don’t you dare tell me you can’t be taken out!”
Angel looks so sad now, but it looks odd. No. Not sadness. Pity. The other Vault Hunters are wearing the same expression as they watched you, gun raised. “I’m sorry.” she speaks softly “There isn’t.”
You realize her odd pity was also bitter. She wanted to live, but knew she couldn’t. You let out an agonized laugh. “We’ve been through a lot of shit that we didn’t expect to live through, this isn’t much different.” Even as you talked, your gaze flicked all over the room for something, anything.
“I’m sorry soldier.” Roland said through the ECHO.
“No you’re not,” you spat harshly “You’ve been ready to do this since the beginning.” “Look, kid, we can’t let you risk everything for one person.” Lilith decided to put out unkindly. You threw your ECHO comm on the ground, cracking it against the hard floor.
“You, Vault Hunter.” Handsome Jack spoke up. Everyone in the room turned to face at least one of the screens. He pointed at you, an uncharacteristic frown on his face. “If you protect my baby girl- if you let her live, I’ll pay you more than anyone could give you on Pandora.” he said seriously, almost desperately. You sneered at him after only a moment of silence “I’m not doing shit for you. She’s not dying, but she sure as hell isn’t staying here.” The CEO’s features darkened and you could see Angel’s pained expressions from the side of your vision. The first wave of loaderbots began materializing in The Core.
You lifted your gun to aim at whoever attacked first, the loaderbots or the Vault Hunters.
A sudden blow to the back of the head made you stagger and drop. You instinctively turned your body over to face whatever had hit you, your eyes met the blank mask of the assassin. On the ground, your ECHO still crackled, Lilith's voice filtering through. “Sorry kid, we can’t let you screw this up.”
Your ears rang and you let your head drop onto the ground with gritted teeth. Consciousness wavered for who knows how long, the sounds of guns firing and going off reaching your ears at random intervals. You were sure that the loaderbots had stepped over you a couple of times. In a moment of clarity, you gripped the gun that still lay in your hands, somehow never being knocked out of your grasp while you were incapacitated. You shakily raised the gun towards a panel on the side of one of the Hyperion made constructors. With a deep breath, your arm steadied and your finger pulled the trigger.
The shot almost missed, nicking the panel only just enough to do what you wanted. The constructor began materializing more loaderbots, faster than it should have now that the regulator had been damaged. Loaderbots seemed to stream from the constructor now. You did not get the chance to see if they had overpowered the other Vault Hunters as your awareness finally failed you.
When you awoke, it was silent. You were afraid to open your eyes. When you did, you wished you had kept them closed and just lied there for eternity. The sparking and scattered pieces of loaderbots littered the room, the gun arm of one of them had fallen on you sometime after its destruction. Picking yourself up with shaky limbs, you scanned what was left of the room.
Angel’s body laid limpy against what used to be The Core, Eridium pools surrounding the structure. You hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye.
These thoughts plagued you as you stared at the broken figure of what used to be Handsome Jack. He was still alive, but barely. The Vault Hunters had left him to bleed out, or get eaten by one of Pandora’s wildlife. Whichever came first. All you had to do to retrace the other Vault Hunters steps was follow the trail of dead bodies. The corpse of The Warrior lay half submerged in the lava.
“You could have let her go. You should have let her go.” there was no emotion in your voice as you sat in front of the man, hands resting on your knees.The former CEO simply stared at you bitterly. His mask had been taken by the Vault Hunters, the mark of the vault in plain sight. He remained silent, even as he bled to death only feet away from an Anshin hypo. You stayed there until the Rakk’s began to circle overhead.
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So I have a rant and a half build up of rambling about my very first Percy Jackson Oc Elysia and I need to let it spill so all of you get to hear this info dump about her and my feels
Im putting a trigger warning here I made her when I first read the whole series a few years back. Her backstory isnt the happiest. So im going to put trigger warnings for mentions of (but not going into detail of) abuse, self harm, suicidal thoughts, so if you cant handle mentions of that please dont read this I dont want to upset you
Anyways I have years of work into this bab of mine and I need to get it all out
Also An important thing to note is the timeline of her(and my other ocs) stories. Basically it kinda takes place...as if Trials of Apollo didnt happen?? Sorta? I made her before it ever came out and set her story after Blood of Olympus before trials of apollo was announced so its basically diverges after Blood of Olympus...if that makes sense...I hope it does. 
So basically....At the start of her story Elysia is 13 Nico is 16(from what I remember its been about two years since I read the books so please forgive me)
Ok this might jump around alot because im kinda word vomiting and info dumping about her so if something doesnt make sense please feel free to ask me to clarify I love to
So her full name is Elysia Angela Melina and shes a Daughter of Hades. At the start when she gets to camp shes 13.
Im going to attatch two pictures ive drawn of her to the post here
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This is her with a referrence sheet of her at 13-14 and the digital picture is one of her at the present time that I tend to write about her at age 16.
So Elysia doesnt have things easy. She comes from an abusive household that really fucked her up mentally and emotionally before she got to camp. She ran away at 13 after getting kicked out of her sixth or seventh school and thigs got ugly at home. Stuff happened and she was brought to camp(im refining and probably going to redo how that happens) and well...she doesnt exactly fit in.
Shes on the shorter side for her age and shes lanky and skinny(partially from both skipping meals and sometimes only eating when she can sneak food at home) and she comes onto the scene wearing oversized hand me downs in all dark colors and long sleeves thats got a clear fearful and insecure posture and stance and is always trying to blending into the background and hide from being noticed. Shes got a thick mane of not very well cared for black hair and eyes so dark in color they look completely black, sometimes even in the light with pretty dark bags under them highlighted by really really too pale skin. So it makes her an easy target to be bullied ya know? But she silently takes it like she always does while clutching this beat up little backpack she ran away with as shes put in the Hermes cabin until she’s claimed(which has a 1-3 day delay depending on the god, because a lot of kids come to camp especially at the start of summer) 
When she gets claimed she freaks out and panics because everyone is staring at her and shes suddenly the center of attention because it happened in the middle of the campfire.
So begins the bonding with her big brother.
Shes got alot of inner turmoils and traumas and problems and inner demons and as a result she has undiagnosed anxiety disorders, depression, and some PTSD along with a very low amount of self-esteem and confidence in herself from the ordeals of before reaching camp. Though once shes at camp and she eventually settles in she starts recovering bit by bit. She slowly gets close with nico(it starts kinda awkward for both of them and she comes off really quiet and shy and terrified of sudden movement so its a little hard but they overcome it)
 By the end of her first year at camp shes gotten close to Nico but has a really hard time making friends with other campers her own age so she ends up sticking close to Nico and following him like his shadow because theres a period of time that heś the only person Elysia feels even remotely safe and comfortable around. And as a result at first she spends alot more time with Nico’s friends and various members of the Big Seven and she gets close to them as well(more to her siblings at first but she gets there shes a nervous bean give her time)
Though in the middle of that first year she meets a girl that soon becomes one of her best and closest friends, a daughter of Hephaestus named Karter Becks(the second oc for this fandom I made) and I’ll get to more about their friendship later.
So by the second year at camp shes settled in a little, shes decidedly become a year-rounder because she would rather be eaten by a harpy than go back to “that horrible place”as she dubs it(not to mention its very very dangerous for her outside of camp)
More things about Elysia!!!
At thirteen she had absolutely NO control of reign of her abilities. She couldnt raise or summon the dead, her shadow travel was horribly spotty and half the time she couldnt even do so correctly and her most experience with spirits is that she can sense them and she can hear and speak to them but she cant really see them( they appear as really really blurry shapes that hurt her eyes to look at for too long) of course she beats herself up over this lack of skill, mostly because she(stupidly but understandably) compares her lack of teaching and training and beginner skill level to Nico’s at the time current skill level. Yeah its dumb and yeah in the back of her mind where her common sense is she realizes this but she cant stop herself from doing so, just like she unfairly to herself compares her sword fighting skill to older campers that have been there longer. 
She eventually gets her own sword of Stygian Iron, because no matter what else she tries no other swords feel...right to her. They’re always too heavy or too light too awkward to hold dont work right with her swings or just dont feel right to her so at some point shes overthinking herself to death about it and beating herself up for being too picky when Karter suggests innocently that she tries swinging around her brother’s sword. “After all Elys, whats the worst that would happen, that it feels too heavy?” 
But what ends up happening is that though its too heavy for her, it still feels...right. The best way to describe it is that she feels more connected to her powers and to herself in a way. After hearing that she gets her own of Stygian iron and its...perfect to her. Its not too heavy on her wrist or too light to wield. And afterwards she actually starts getting some more confidence which helps her improve a little faster than before.
Once Elysia is fully apart of camp life it takes a long time for it to fully click that her belongings...are hers and her likes and interests and likes are respected. They wont get taken away or threatened, she doesnt have to hide what she likes or pretend she doesnt like one thing or another. She’s free to be her own person for the first time in her life and she struggles for awhile to adjust to that and accept it. Those struggles result in alot of scattered breakdowns and even one or two...relaspes that for once in her life she has a support system of her half brother and half sister, his friends, her two close friends, and chiron to catch her and help her back to her feet. She has people to lean on and depend on and not have to be afraid of and this helps alot into her recovery and acceptance of herself and her mental illnesses. It takes her two of the three years shes been at camp for her to get at the better place shes at when shes 16, where she now has a small group of good friends, shes managed to bring up some of her self-esteem and self  confidence, shes been clean for a year and shes in therapy for her PTSD and depression and shes opened up more to those around her and shes not the terrified jumps at her own shadow kid but a more quiet but kindhearted and sometimes even giggly teen whose slowly getting her life back together with plans for the future.
But on the topic of things she likes...
This girl loves-no ADORES animals, all kinds mythical or not. She didnt show it at first but she was so SOOOO excited when she realized the camp had Pegasi even though she tried to keep a distance from them because she realized she made them nervous. Oh man you shouldve SEEN her when Chiron took a group of campers her age into the woods and they caught a glimpse of a passing through unicorn. She was giddy about it for DAYS guys. She just...she has so much love and admiration and excitement for animals its so cute you guys.
Elysia also loves(ironically) learning about Mythology, from all over the world. Its her special interest and when she finds and buys a old broken touch screen phone(or one of those touch screen i-pod or something) and gets Karter  to fiddle with it and (eventually after shenanigan filled misadventures of trying to upgrade it to not be detected by monsters and fix the cracked screen) she fills that thing to the brim of downloaded auidobooks of different mythologies as she can and she listens to them when doing schoolwork(she ends up having do be “homeschool” by online classes because things just do not go right when trying to attend schools outside of the protected borders)
She also loves anything soft. Especially stuffed animals. Oh my god she loves stuffed animals, well into her teens. She had one she managed to bring with her to camp that is her ultimate comfort object, a older beat up and been through a life time of ringers and back stuffed husky doll that she cherishes and takes care of like one might take care of gold. Over time (once they found out her birthday--October 5th) she starts getting stuffed animals as presents or just even as little splurges on herself . She also loves soft blankets soft clothes soft anything. She loves the texture and feel of it and it makes her happy.
She’s an aspiring writer and songwriter and can even sing a little but she has no confidence in her ability in any of those. But she has boxes and piles of notebooks and journals filled with little cartoony doodles and pages upon pages of stories and songs shes been writing for years now
Fun fact during her first year at camp Percy and Annabeth dropped by for a visit during their winter break to visit friends and I have this whole little story I might post about hoe when Percy’s walking to go meet someone he finds Elysia sitting alone at the beach doodling animals in her journal and he goes up to her(shes sitting all curled up so at a distance it probably looked like she was crying or something) to see if shes ok and because Nico had been telling him about her via iris messages and updates since she got there but he didnt get to meet her during the summer(stuff happened and she kinda hid from alot of people) but he finds her and he sits with her(after announcing his presence because Nico has told him about her being very jumpy and easily scared and that at that point hes the only one she really opens up to so dont take offense to it) and they sit for a bit and Percy asks her about her doodles and she just, for the first time like ever, she starts to open up because she gets so freaking excited and hyper about it that she just starts babbling away about her doodles and the animals of them and then about animals in general and she goes on this whole, like 30-40 minute info dump/ rant about them complete with diverting tangent questions that she answers herself before continuing with this just lit up and openly happy and ecstatic expression as she goes on and on while hes sitting there just listening to her and smiling down at her partly nostalgically because at that moment she reminds him so much of how Nico was when he first met him and you got him started on Mythomagic and that shes being so open about her excitement and then she looks at him and realizing what she was doing and she shuts herself up now panicking about how much she just word vomited on her big brother’s friend and more importantly this huge shot demigod Son of Poseidon whose saved the world not once but TWICE and who is probably very busy too busy to be hanging around with her--you get the idea of her panicking until Percy slowly reaches out his hand and she nods to let him know its ok and he ruffles her hair and tells her its ok he liked listening to her and holy shit I went on a tangent about that. 
She also has alot of sweet bonding moments with Nico and Hazel because they teach her about having a loving and caring family and what thats like and its really sweet and cute and emotional
Did I mention she likes taking Nico’s shirts? Oh yeah she likes “borrowing” Nico’s shirts, and some of his jackets, mostly t-shirt and long sleeved shirts because once they get close his scent and presence really relaxes her nerves if she gets anxious. Of course its not stealing, its just borrowing and eventually giving back on laundry days...or he just lends it to her without being fully aware of it. Its cute because shes so short that they end up really big on her and she loves flapping the sleeves and the feeling of being engulfed in the safety of his presence without him even being there
uhhhhhhh....yeah thats alot about her huh I think i’ll leave you all with that to take it and make sense of and I might make a part two(or you guys can ask about her too) 
and yeeeeeeeeeee thats my PJO oc Elysia Melina!!
@demidorks (im sorry if im bothering you by tagging you youre one of the pjo blogs I follow and one of my favorites)
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softkimnamjoon · 6 years
my notes when i watched the fake love mv
(this is so long oh my god i really tried to cut as many notes as possible but idk everything just seemed important
also some of these are supeerrrrrr obvious please bear with me)
flower in a jar/cage thing
the curtains in jins room are pink and the room is white
on the floor of the room in a fallen lamp (theres a reason i wrote this down aosdfju)
jin closes the curtain and the shot switches so we can see jk’s face disappearing into blackness as if a curtain was being drawn over him (wow karri poetic writing and totally not obvious from a cinematic perspective)
Side Note: there are 7 sets of curtains and they were all closed except the one jin closed in the beginning.. which is now closed (presumably)
taekook dance which featured a move which looked like tae was helping jk up by lifting him with his body
jin standing in the middle of the white room when the walls smash in. he covers the flower jar with his body (to protect it)
the debris isnt... debris. its lots and lots of ripped paper and you can see theres text on them but you cant read it
the scene changes to namjoon standing in a warehouse looking place that reminds me of where he was in the reflection short film
he’s standing in front of a mirror
a quick front shot of namjoon with his arm over his eyes. im mentioning this bc it has a weird pink distortion over it that reminds me of bs&t. (also pink is the colour of jins curtains and that feels important for some reason)
shot of jk fading through a keyhole, probably just a reference to him getting a key from the magic shop in teaser 1
hobi is in a room with lots of childrens toys particularly small carousels and carousel horses. it seems likely to me that this is because in the love yourself highlight vid his mum left him at a fair in front of a carousel.
he hits the very likely to be locked door with something and i cant tell what it is??? a small metal rod of some sort
Side Note: hobi being in a locked room and wanting to get out is also a focus theme in the mama short film
hobi and jk do a lil dance together in the chorey and they both do an action to each other thats strongly associated with telling someone off
a snickers bar falls through a hole in hobis door (this shot was actually really fast i had to go back and pause quite a few times to get it)
jimins standing in a dance practice room like in the ly highlight vid (you can tell by the mirror and ballet bar in the corner of the shot)
hes also standing next to a sink.. which is weird.. in my experience theres never been a sink in any of my dance practice rooms
jungkook is in complete darkness but hes kneeling over a fucking glowing book and reading it i guess (??? bts explain)
the shot switches between jin standing up from protecting the flower jar and jk standing up from reading the glowing book
the flower jar doesnt have a flower anymore but its got some sand in it now. jin walks away from the sand jar (leaving the room entirely im pretty sure)
scene moves to jk running towards a slightly ajar door with a light emitting from it (which is a concept we’ve also come to know from the awake short film)
jk runs through the door and right into the wall of a hallway. he immediately starts running left
theres a shot of tae standing in a strange room with what looks like phones and empty picture frames hanging from the walls
he’s also holding a phone and looking at the screen. the shot moves very close to his face and his eyes widen at whatever he sees on the phone
jk is running through the corridor as the floor falls behind him (to me it feels like a metaphor.. like hes running away from something inevitable)
taes phone turns to sand and falls through his fingers
jk is standing at the end of the corridor and in front of what i thought was a painting but is in fact a very very dirty mirror
Side Note: jk’s shirt says “blank mirror” on it. there sure is a lot of shit going on with mirrors in this story line
(ok this is getting ridiculous im putting a read more, pease keep reading tho ajsfhwhr)
the shot pans down from jks mirror shot through the floor to tae standing in that strange room
behind tae in the middle of the arch is “save me” and upside down it reads “im fine”
all the phones on the walls light up and flicker
it goes back to namjoon who is standing in front of the mirror. he raises his arm as if hes going to touch it
shot switches to jk whos doing the same thing to the mirror at the end of the corridor
back to namjoon again and this time its at an angle that we can see his reflection. his reflection is different to him. his reflections hair is slicked back and is wearing a cheetah style jacket (similar or the same as the one jimin was wearing in the dance room shot)
theres also a red/white badge on his reflections jacket but its too small to see if anythings on it
nj walks toward the mirror and the shot moves through the wall
on the other side of the wall yoongi is sitting at a piano
theres a broken lamp on the ground again like in jins room
yoongi throws a guitar (im pretty sure its a guitar correct me if im wrong) at the piano which mirrors the scene in the run mv where he throws a chair at a mirror
hobi is still in the locked room with the toys but now hes lying on a huge pile of snickers
theres a very quick shot of jk in the corridor from the mirrors perspective
jk looks through the cracks of the boarded up hole under the mirror and sees yoongis room with yoongi sitting in an armchair looking at the piano
yoongi turns behind him to see flames appear then disappear from behind the boarded up windows (this part isnt from jk’s perspective) he then looks at the fireplace
jimin turns off the tap in the dance room sink
jk walks towards a man-made/artificial waterfall which has 3 sections
theres a pile of sand and the flower-turned-sand jar on the ground
jk kneels to pick up two handfuls of sand
the shot moves to show the shadow of jks hands on the wall. we see the sand falling through his fingers but also something that looks like petals (but is actually pieces of ripped pages) flying out of his hands. (this part reminds me strongly of the just one day mv)
jk stands up and watches the paper pieces flying away
a tunnel starts to pull out from the waterfall towards jk
jimin stands in the middle of the dance room as water pours from 3 vents high up and to the left and right of his head (1 on left 2 on right) ((i think this is definitely connected to jimin turning off the tap but idk how/why))
the fireplace in yoongis room suddenly bursts into flames engulfing the piano (among other things)
hobi curls in on himself in the same way jin does in the i need u mv and the awake short film
yoongi smirks at the flames in front of him (this seems important since jimin kept a neutral expression the whole time)
jk starts walking towards the tunnel in the waterfall
Side Note: this isn’t really imporant but jin looks so good in this mv i love him
tae is walking around staring at the flickering phones on the wall. i cant read his expression it seems to range between fear/wonder/awe/curiosity
he suddenly focuses on something on one side of the room (here we go boys this connects to the ‘tae is the hooded figure’ theory)
shot goes to jk starting to open a pair of doors (which are assumed to be in the tunnel)
goes back to tae but this time hes looking at the ‘save me’ sign in the arch
in the chorey tae and jimin walk around each other then past one another while holding each others arms.
Side Note: jimin turns his head to look back at tae but tae just looks at the floor in front of him
jk walks through the doors into jins white room. 
jin isn’t there anymore. all the curtains are closed. theres still paper on the floor from the explosion. there are 6 coat racks (there could be 5 but im pretty sure theres 6) in the middle of the room (from singularity)
jk walks over to the coat racks and you can see over his shoulder a figure wearing a dark cloak/hood. (there are pictures of tae wearing this cloak with the hood down and BOY)
in the chorey jin and jk stand facing each other with the other members in a circle around them. both jin and jk have their hands raised as if theyre reaching for something
the other members run forwards very close around jin and jk and freeze around them with heads lowered
at the very last second jk drops his head and his hand and leaves jin reaching up alone.
thanks for reading all the way through please let me know if anythings wrong or if you have anything else to add!
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