#the screws used do not match the screws in the manual by the way
irradiate-space · 9 months
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willownwisp · 8 months
starry skies, blue eyes
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ii. loving you and the little things you do. (re4r!leon x gn!reader)
author's note: no proofread i work and die alone. i write and called it a day,,, hehe,,, hurrah for second entry of leon valentine's advent !!!! this is actually two parts bc the fic on the third day follows the events after this fic. <3
cw: SFW, SILLY IDIOTS IN LOVE !!!!! part 2 of ree's leon valentine's day advent.
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The baby blues melt into pink hues against the watercolor bloom skies as the sun slowly sets.
Leon presses a kiss to your temple as you both hike side by side to the camp site.
"Stay close, baby. It's getting dark soon. It's my bad, we should have gotten here earlier."
You blush and shake your head, it's not like he was at fault. Leon is a man of action, ask him what needs to be done and it is done. Perhaps it's drilled into him to obey and follow orders, or that after a turbulent run as a DSO agent, he just wanted to get away. Desperately so that the minute you impulsively chatter how romantic it would be to have a camping trip, he's on his ass getting ready that same day.
"No, lovey. It was spontaneous anyway. It's kinda more romantic, yeah?"
You giggle at him, linking your arms around his thick ones as it flexes underneath your touch as he guides you to the spot.
This playfulness earns you a sigh from him. Not one out of frustration, you know him. Know how his trauma operates in the way that there is a small cork in his heart that needed a bit loosening up before he shows his tenderness, it was a sigh of fondness from him as he pulls you close.
"Of course, baby."
He'd reply with a half-smile because you're adorable. The light to his life that seeps warmth in the cold crevices of his being. There was something in your spontaneous nature. Your laidback demeanor, and playfulness that had lured him in. A breath of fresh air.
It was almost night after that small hike, and you're currently faced with your mortal enemy.
Forgetfulness and a knot. A freaking knot.
You wanted to impress Leon by offering to be the one to set up the tent as he leaves you for a little while to gather wood for the fire.
How hard could it be to set up a small two-person tent?
You ask yourself, and this was your downfall.
Upon Leon's arrival, bringing in wood for the fire, he sets the wood down to roll his neck before removing his jacket. His muscles flexing underneath the fabric of his muscle fit turtleneck and you gawk at him like a horny teenager while pretending to be busy "reading" the manual for the tent.
Leon turns to you, oblivious to the fact that you were eyeing him.
"Do you need any help, baby?"
He asks, blue eyes and the softest gaze and fuck if he isn't the prettiest man on earth.
"Psh. Who? Me? Nah, I can do it lovey. People used to ask me for help with these you know. I'm like an expert."
A bald-faced lie, and you even had the audacity to throw a boast. In your defense, you do have the experience. The faint memory of your childhood suggests you do.
"I used to be a Scout, you know."
You give him a wink as a reassurance and he chuckles, an amused smile graces his lips as he pets your head.
"Wow, I didn't know I was in the presence of a camping veteran. I'm in your care, baby."
He replies with a playful wink, matching your energy before he turns to start the fire, busying himself with lighting up the wood and setting up the camp site.
Meanwhile you stew in the fact that you're screwed, and yet instead of helping yourself, your gaze wanders to that of your boyfriend.
You've always known that Leon is dependable. He's brilliant like that even if he doesn't see it. That seriousness in his sapphire eyes, the way he moves around to check for any hazards and dangers around the camp site. He was walking all over, completely engrossed with his tasks. Setting up the portable mini gas stove on the ground. You were just… staring.
You've always known you love him, but sometimes there are moments when you look at a person and that feeling of love washes over your being, because that's him. That's your boyfriend. The only Leon in the world, there with you. In this space, breathing the same air.
Your reverie is cute short when he calls out to you.
You respond quite taken aback and Leon quirks his eyebrows at you.
"Are you okay? I've been calling you. Is there something on my face? You seem occupied."
He asks and you clear your throat before shaking your head to try and find your voice.
"Oh no, just… nothing."
You clear your throat again, but Leon's eyes narrow at you.
"You don't know how to set up the tent, don't you?"
He asks with a playful smirk on his lips and you respond with an over-the-top gasp of horror.
"Why I never!"
You huff and turn to tug on the little poles on the tent.
"I swear I still remember how to tie my knots!"
You exclaim before Leon looks at you and just… laughs.
A laughing Leon Kennedy is a treat, because you get to see him throw his head back in laughter, his dirty blonde hair delicately framing his pretty face and from up close you could see the mole on his neck. He was always so majestic.
You blush in embarrassment, but mainly at the fact that you were absolutely whipped for your boyfriend you can't help but admire him a like a living artistic sculpture.
He continues after he laughs, his arms wrapping around your waist as he hugs you from behind.
"You don't even need knots for that, all you have to do is put the poles in those holes."
He grins, looking down at your pouting face before snickering and kissing your cheeks.
"Aww, is my baby upset?"
He asks, tilting his head to get a clear view of your sheepish face, now blushing and huffing at him.
"Come on my Scout, let's put this up together yeah?"
He pulls away from you to give you a boyish grin, the look in his blue eyes is enough to get you to soften as you pick up the poles, with present pout.
Leon looks at you and he melts at how adorable you are.
Perhaps this is what makes life a little more light and a little more bright. The small things like the way you pout and the way you're already red-faced at light teasing. He doesn't say a word but only grabs your chin to plant a chaste kiss on your lips.
Short and sweet as he smiles.
"I love you. Let's go on camping trips more often."
You smile at that and nod. For Leon, this is what makes life bearable. Silly moments like this and the love that you two share.
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thewholecrew · 5 months
@headstrongblake said: if i wanted to kill you, i would have done it already. / nick & nate
nate cursed under his breath, biting onto a wrench as he had a smaller one in his hand trying to fix the... damn what was this thing even called again? a grunt left him as he finally managed to yank the bolt free, watching as it fell to the pavement and began rolling. "oh fuck!" he dropped the tools as he reached for it and hearing footsteps he called out, "don't let that get past ya!" he scrambled for it only for a foot to step on it and secure it in place. "hey, thanks," he said as he looked up only to see nicklas glaring at him with his usual unamused glare.
he'd been back for only a little while and hadn't really been at the nightclub much since he returned so nate was surprised to see him. "uh... hey nick," he said as he waited for the man to get off the bolt. what are you doing to that thing? he asked while taking in the state of nates bike. he frowned as he raised to his feet since nick was also refusing to get off the screw. "i'm trying to fix it so i can ride it," he answered, wiping the sweat from his brow with his arm as he waltzed back over to it, picking up the instruction manual he was using. it was old and came with the bike and well, helpful for figuring out what everything was and named and what it did... kinda. if nate was being honest he was kind of just winging it.
looks like you're ruining it, nick so politely muttered as he was drawn closer and finally off the screw so nate could pick it up. he watched as nick seemed to observe it mildly but maybe with a little bit of intrigue? that was until he scoffed, this isn't even the right manual, this is for the VMAX 1700 and clearly this is a 1200 so it doesn't even match.. he scolded, tossing the book to the side which had nate scramble to grab it, "what? really? you know your bikes huh? i had no idea, how can you tell?" he asked which had nick roll his eyes, explaining how this model had v-boost, whatever the hell that was but to nate it sounded pretty cool.
"that's a good thing right?" he asked as he watched nick seem to study the bike like it was a new project, yeah, if it works, he scoffed which had nate scratch the back of his neck. "uh, yeah, see and we're back to me trying to fix it." he rolled the bolt between his fingers, glancing up in surprise as nick offered to help fix it. "what? are you serious? you're not just saying that to secretly sabotage the bike so it explodes and i die?" the way nick seemed to ponder that for a moment had nate's cautious smile turn to a wince. if i wanted to kill you, i would have done it already, he told him as well as pointing out of he wanted the bike to blow all he had to do was not help.
nate's eyes lit up as a grin spread across his face, "alright, sweet, thanks man that'd be awesome. uh, what do you need? i mean you don't have to start helping now if you've got other people to see or...ya'know..." he trailed off at the glare and shrugged, "alright cool, lemme know what's first, boss."
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
I can’t explain enough how much I liked Fecund Hamper part of the festival. I dunno, it was just very neat. 
(fecund meaning: 1. (formal) Highly fertile; able to produce offspring. 2. (figuratively) Leading to new ideas or innovation. LOL tbh I’m pretty sure EN screwed this one up, the other languages use “abundant”, not uh fertile, productive, prolific) 
Fun details: 
Most are signed, but some aren’t. Some obviously left out their name on purpose, like Stanley, but some seem to have forgotten. Some are also more into the spirit of “you never know who will find it, so let’s keep it a fun exchange between strangers.” 
They got a Fatui do to one. That’s Mond for you. 
Barbara’s note matches the furnishing you get from her chest, which is cute. Diona’s too. 
A lot of the NPCs just remind you of the on-going joke or trait regarding their character, but I recognize all but two, which says something about Mond or me. 
Playable characters!! We love to see it. 
Marjorie, the sigil shop lady, is Cyrus’s daughter???
Goth, the hotel owner, refers to his family as “house of Goth,” which is quite formal. I wonder if they were a noble family during the aristocracy days. 
Bennett’s hint for the chest location tells you to be careful on the bumpy road... our boy...
Jean’s is unexpectedly somber but determined, and I could go on for days about how much more weight it has than other versions of “preserve our traditions” we’ve seen. 
Full text of the messages: 
Barbara: Are you enjoying yourself at Weinlesefest? Every time a festival comes along, the roads and streets are lined with all sorts of decorations, and the conversations people have with one another grow light-hearted. They talk about how they'll be spending the holiday, what they'll buy... Their happiness is truly infectious. This harvest festival, I'd like to send you some small flags that I made myself. If they can be used as decorations to liven up your day, that would be great!
Old Finch (Springvale NPC): I once heard the voice of nature here. She did not return even after many decades, yet the springwater is ever sweet. Youngster, let me share the joy of the harvest with you. I believe that if she could hear us, she would bestow her blessing upon us too."
Jotun (hunter NPC): Huh. Never thought the day might come when someone as dispassionate as me would be asked to prepare a Fecund Hamper. Still, I've yet to shake the rust off my brain, so I simply have no clue where to hide it... or what to write in this note. Uh, Happy Weinlesefest, I guess?
Mikhail (Fatui NPC): Honestly, I can't help but miss my mighty homeland Snezhnaya every time such festive events roll along. But I'm afraid I can only take time off at night to drown my sorrows in wine... To be honest, I'd recommend trying the drinks they sell here... But if you were able to find the gift, I reckon you're already a regular here, eh?
Grace (nun NPC): To whomsoever finds this gift: How do you do? I thank Lord Barbatos for allowing my gift and note to come into your hands. May His blessing be upon you. If you ever have any troubles, then stand here and pray. Lord Barbatos will surely help you find an answer.
Charles the Bartender: Whether you're a regular here, or whether you are a friend from afar... Well, since you found this gift, why not come in for a mug? I hope that you'll enjoy this Weinlesefest, and I hope that Dawn Winery's wines will be able to add some extra color in your live.
Amber: Congratulations! It probably wasn't that easy to find this place, so you must be someone with some real spirit! Well then, have a look around. Isn't the view here great? Heh, I'm glad that I was able to share that view with you. Well, just remember to follow the Gliding Instruction Manual as you make your way down using your wind glider. Otherwise, you might get your license revoked...
Noelle: The training grounds have a very special place in my heart. I've trained there many times to become a true knight and better myself... And I'll work hard in the future too! If you need stakes pared or firewood chopped, leave it all to me! If you run into any trouble at all, you can call me, and I'll be there!
Branch Master Cyrus: Hahaha! So you know my daughter well, do you? Well then, make sure you patronize her shop more often! Marjorie always loved to hear my tales of adventure, and now that she's all grown up, she's carrying the legacy of an adventurer's passion and valor in her own unique way. It's truly a wonderful thing, and she will always be my pride and joy... But don't let her hear that. It, uh, might be awkward, haha! If you wish to join the Adventurers' Guild, just contact me,
Goth: The house of Goth has always served the people of Mondstadt with distinction, and this hotel plays host to many memories. The years of my youth have passed and will not return, but at least my family and friends are still with me. Dear friend, I wish you a lovely Weinlesefest. Don't forget to spend more time with those close to you.
Beatrice: The blades of the windmill mindlessly go round and round... they're just like that childhood friend of mine! No matter how many hints I give him, he never seems to get it... but I don't want to just say it to him either! Stranger, I wish you a happy Weinlesefest... and if you would, wish the two of us luck.
Timmie: The ducks and I are good friends. They look very cute when they're swimming. My mother once told that although their movement may seem slow, their legs actually paddle very quickly in the water! Amazing, right? Why don't you try feeding them? I'm sure you'll make good friends with them too!
Guy (Knight NPC): *sigh* What a bore... It's Weinlesefest, but I still need to stay at my post. You know, at this side gate that no one will ever come over to? Ah, kind-hearted soul whom I have never met, please come at chat with me, if only because of this gift. Tell me what everyone is having fun with! Please, I need some of that festive cheer too!
Fischl: Ye who are blessed by dictum divine, and who bear in your breasts earnest hearts that yearn for endless knowledge, browse through this treasure trove of endless wisdom! Here, in these halls that link your realm to the Immernachtreich, lies a paradise in which your Prinzessin finds repose. Now, now, thou needst not rush to seek an audience. When you have witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds and deciphered the truth behind all enigmas, the ladder to the highest of royal courts shall appear before you.
Klee: Wow! Hehehe, so you've found Klee's present! Awesome! Does that mean Klee's made a new friend? Psst, next time I can slip out, let's go fish blasting together! It'll be fun, I promise!
(Bonus, her hint: So, there's this old battered cart at the place where I usually go fish blasting, right? I hid my present behind it! If you can find it, it's allll yours! Uh, by the way, I didn't blow that cart up. alright? Really! Razor can vo— um, vouch for me!)
Bennett: hanks for finding the gift that I left here! Solving puzzles, avoiding traps, completing challenges, collecting precious rewards... These are my favorite things! It's quite rare that I get this kind of chance, so I hid my treasure somewhere out in the wild before designing a little quest around it. I hope it didn't bring you too much trouble. This treasure is yours — good luck in your future endeavors!
Diona: Hmph, and here I was looking to come and retrieve my gift, but you know what? I guess you're pretty good after all. Well, this wind chime is yours to keep, but remember: don't drink too much wine — not even if it's Weinlesefest! If not, the wind chime will ring, and I'll hear it — don't you underestimate the hearing we Kätzlein have! And when I do, you'll be in trouble! Seriously though, when will they just rename it to the Harvestfest, or the Fruitfest, or something like that...
Kaeya: Well now, I imagine that this one wasn't too difficult. Don't worry, I'm not pulling a fast one on you. I just want to spend more time on drinking festival-exclusive wine, and you don't have to run all over the place looking for the present, so it's a win-win for both of us. Of course, if you would like to savor some drinks or have a chat, I'd buy you a glass any time.
Pepe (Springvale NPC): Hello there, you who are the bravest and most skillful person in the world! Call me Pepe! Mr. Draff placed this Fecund Hamper here for me. I'm not tall enough to climb cliffs this high right now, but I'm training every day! I wanna become an awesome hunter as soon as I can! Once that happens, I'll be able to place these gifts myself!
Brook (Springvale NPC): Come on, it's a festival! Just having fruits and wine isn't going to cut it. And that's why, apart from the usual little tokens, I've also left you some steak I made myself. I don't mean to brag, but I used the freshest meats and the greatest care in making these — it would be no exaggeration to call them the best delicacies in Mondstadt. I even matched them with the best wine at this festival. You'll know it once you try some. Happy Weinlesefest!
Jean: I know by heart that neither the peace nor the harvest are easy to come by. Only by steadily moving forward can we remember those who went before us. Unknown friend, I ask of you, should you be willing, to raise a glass to the winds — to toast Mondstadt, and to toast its resistance in the past, and its freedom today.
“Stanley”: In the past, I would often go camping with my friend. We would watch the stars and talk about our dreams... When I look at the wine in my cup, I cannot help but think back to those wonderful times. I know... I will try looking into the future... Ah, Stanley... How I miss you...
Connor (Winery NPC): As a winemaker at Dawn Winery, getting to watch the fine wines that I made myself get loaded into carts and shipped to places all across Teyvat makes me proudest of all. If you are willing, do come to the stall run by the Angel's Share at the Wine Market to try our festival-exclusive non-alcoholic drinks.
Tunner (Winery NPC): Thanks be to Lord Barbatos! Not only has the grapevines been laden by his protection, but my son, Guy, is also putting in his best for Weinlesefest as a valued member of the Knights of Favonius! Now, though we are both very busy people, I believe that our feelings cross the distance between us, connecting us both together...
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mechanical-creature · 5 months
On the design of the Tomy MicroPets, 2002 I've edited together some messages I sent last year.
I have a Banjo, 2003. There are manuals, and some videos of disassembly online, and that's about all there is. It is an electronic pet type of thing. It can move around using concealed wheels, and it takes voice commands. Deceptively simple. Inside it is quite interesting. I always thought it used off-the-shelf mini brushed DC motors. It does not. It's more like a solenoid.
The movement of each leg is powered by a coil of magnet wire (copper colored enamel, but probably not copper.) This incredibly thin wire runs up into the head with just barely enough slack to allow you to remove the mechanism. In a central column are two permanent magnets in opposing orientations. When current passes through the coil one way, it is attracted to the top magnet and repels the bottom, and vice versa. I managed to get a video of this movement. The plastic post on the coil arm engages with a cavity in the outer leg to move it. The coil arm pivots around a central metal axle. To move the dog, there are two rubber-rimmed wheels with inwards-facing ratchet teeth which also sit on this central axle. A small plastic piece sits inside the wheel, free to slide up and down on the axle, so that its single tooth may slide over those of the wheel. (No springs are used; the toothed piece engages with the wheel under gravity alone.) It engages with bar-shaped projections on the coil arm to transfer the rotation. There is also a plastic bar (not apparent from the bottom) that gets pushed upwards by the coil arm to move the ears in the head.
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Apologies for the blurry video. The sleight of hand required for it to run disassembled was kinda painful lol.
Notes for disassembly and reassembly:
Be careful not to break the wire. Good luck soldering it if you do.
The mechanisms are mirror images of each other, so be sure to match the correct wheel and tooth to the correct side, else the dog will travel backwards.
The screws to open the head cannot be reached without disengaging the legs from the posts.
Inside the head we can see the board and the ear-pushing bars.
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And that's not all here. These toys respond to a set of voice commands with their name (in this case "Banjo") as a wake word. And this is the smallest speech-controlled thing I have ever seen. The only word I see on this PCB is the "CollieR4" above the button; I was unable to find any documentation for this design, and the blob chip isn't giving up its secrets easily. But I can make some guesses. It is known that they look for syllables, not words. It will tolerate its commands being spoken incorrectly, as long as the number of noise spikes is correct. I didn't spot any transistors on the board, so I'm guessing the chip also includes H-bridge drivers for the magnets or something, since they must switch polarity. It's probably an existing microcontroller die from somewhere, with the magnet drivers taking 2 to 4 I/O pins, the button taking 1, the eyes taking 2, the speaker taking 1, and the mic taking 1, for a total of 7 to 9 pins on the chip itself. The mic input may very well be 1-bit and made logic-level using some components on the board. I might try later to map out the PCB and investigate further, but that's all I got for now.
Neat to see how compact and optimized these guys are.
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transienturl · 5 months
all my big talk about how I wasn't going to try a horizontal nav layout userstyle, I mean of course I thought pretty hard about how I'd make one anyway whether or not I published it, come on, who do you think I am.
but actually I don't think I can do it the way I'd want. the account menu is just totally different depending on if the window is wider than or narrower than the 1162px breakpoint, there's no realistic way to hack the breakpoint (it has to match in the code and stylesheets), and I'm not going to manually restyle the thing so that one mode matches the other. sure, it's a thing you can do—pixiel did it, I assume—but there's no reason for me to make a clone of an already-existing style with some improvements under the hood.
especially since the entire point of this would be to guarantee that, if e.g. if pixiel quits or if the css map changes enough that they aren't able to update their code, the users who will demand an alternative can at least get the standard of maintenance and compatibility I know I can provide. that relies entirely upon the code being something I actually can maintain, and, yeah, nope. I have a few tricks up my sleeve re: modifying the site behavior, but I would only be willing to create something using one of them at a time, and that I can tell, making a consistent user experience in this case would require broad modifications no matter how I did it.
there are some things staff could do that would change this—if you could click to toggle the left navigation between expanded and not, for example, I would both like this feature anyway and also some subset of the methods of implementing that (class components basically) would make a mod easier—but as things are I don't see a way really.
(and... also, you know, certain fans of the old layout are so devoted to making categorically false statements about the topic extremely loudly that I as a developer am disinclined to spend time and energy on it. and I do feel sorry for the people whose preferences and ways of expressing them are perfectly reasonable who are getting screwed over in this. but, such is the way of things. it's funny, people keep saying things like oh you must have so much to work on, I get why you wouldn't do this—nope, I actually have plenty of capacity to do this; I am actually working on this for my own amusement and not publishing the results. I just have, by my own choice, zero capacity for doing this and dealing with the fact that the most vocal people who would benefit spend all of their time making my job providing support for all of this stuff significantly harder and more annoying.)
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cheaperthandirt · 6 months
5 Tips for Zeroing a Rifle Scope
You just got a new scope, but it’s been so long since you last had to zero a scope from scratch that you can’t quite remember how to do it. Instead of heading to the range and wasting all of your 5.56 ammo trying to dial the scope in, follow these tips to get it right quickly.
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Check the Adjustment Values Your first step is to check the adjustment values for the elevation and windage adjustment knobs. Each click will move the reticle a specific amount in that direction, but the amount could be anywhere from one-quarter Minute of Angle (MOA) to a full MOA. You might also have a .1 MIL, or milliradian, adjustment. MOA is 1 inch of adjustment at 100 yards, while 1 MIL is 3.6 inches. If the values aren’t printed on the turrets, refer to the user’s manual. Hit the Paper Your next step is to hit the paper. From how your optic is mounted to the optic itself, plenty of factors can determine if your 30-30 Winchester is accurate or not. Shooting and adjusting is the only way to zero your scope accurately. You might want to start at 25 yards, helping you get a rough zero just to ensure you can hit the target at 100 yards. The closer you are to the target, the more clicks on your turrets you will need to move your reticle. For example, if your turret is one-quarter MOA, you need four clicks at 100 yards to move the reticle an inch. Get a Group at 100 Yards After you are on paper at 25 yards, it’s time to head out to 100. Use a rifle rest if you can or anything else that will help stabilize your shot. This takes out human error as a factor as much as possible. Shoot between three and five rounds. It’s best to use a target that has 1-inch square grids, which makes it easy to see exactly how far off the mark is from your point of aim. Once you have a tight group, you can move on to the next step. Make Adjustments Measure how far the center of your grouping was from the point of aim. This should be easy, thanks to the 1-inch squares. With this information, you can adjust your turrets, both windage and elevation, as needed. If you were off by 3 inches to the left, for example, you need to move the windage turret 12 clicks to the right to move the reticle 3 inches at 100 yards. Keep repeating this step until your point of aim matches the point of impact. Reset the Turrets You have now zeroed your scope. You can move your turrets so that the “0” on the knob is lined up with the center indicator on the scope body, showing it is now the zero. If you ever need to adjust windage or height due to shooting conditions, you know to move the turrets back to the zero. Completely loosen the hex screws on the outside of the turret, turn the turret, and re-tighten the screws. You shouldn’t hear any clicks, and the turret should spin freely. About Cheaper Than Dirt! High-volume shooters have chosen Cheaper Than Dirt! as their one-stop bulk ammo destination. The brand continues to be an industry leader with some of the best prices on the market. Cheaper Than Dirt’s mission is to provide fantastic prices on an expansive selection of ammo, supplies, and firearms, along with top-notch customer service. Whether you are a seasoned competitive shooter looking for boxes of 12 gauge ammo or you’re new to the world of firearms, Cheaper Than Dirt caters to everyone. Kick your shooting experience up a notch with quality products from Cheaper Than Dirt! Browse their full selection of bulk ammo, handguns, rifles, accessories, and more. Get all the ammo you need and range supplies to help you zero your scope at https://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/4aAobg7
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smarthometekkie · 1 year
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kaliawai512-v2 · 1 year
How to Make Your First AMV/MMV/Comic Music Video
Have an idea in your head for nearly six years without doing anything with it.
Be several months away from your 30th birthday.
Decide, "Screw it, I'm turning 30, might as well make this thing."
Download a ton of comic dubs of the source material because it's easier to work with videos than unedited stills.
Import all the comic dubs into iMovie because that's all you have for editing.
Cut, leaving only the clips that will maybe fit the song.
Start throwing the clips together to music.
Do it all out of order because you only have a few sequences planned in your head.
Stay up too late over and over because you lost track of time.
Somehow come up with a complete, if very messy, sequence.
Spend way too long timing each clip to the music.
Show your brother the WIP to make sure it doesn't look completely awful.
He likes it!
Realize that you can't complete this in iMovie.
Or with the comic dub clips (you already knew that part).
Ask your brother to show you how to use Premiere Pro.
Export your video from iMovie and take a screenshot of all the individual frames.
There are over 360 frames. Ask yourself why you decided to do those flash montage sequences.
Import all those screenshots into Premiere Pro, in order.
Slowly match all the clip timing between iMovie and Premiere Pro.
The timing is somehow way off. Manually adjust.
Realize that the screenshots definitely aren't high-quality enough to work with.
Search through the original comic and download all 360+ panels.
Recreate every screenshot in Photoshop with the higher-quality art.
Figure out how to do effects and animations.
Add effects and animations. Then change them. Then realize it was better the first time and change them back.
Obsess over the details and rewatch the video until your eyes bleed.
Realize you can now hear all the instrumental layers of the song because you've listened to it so many times.
Show the video to your brother again. He doesn't know much about the source material but he likes the finished product.
Export the video and upload it unlisted to test it on YouTube.
Be pleasantly surprised that the song's artist allows its free use.
Watch your video on a different monitor and realize that the shots need more cleanup.
Go through each shot in Photoshop and clean it up more, then re-render and re-upload the video.
Repeat twice. You keep missing things.
Decide it's as good as it's going to be.
It's been almost two months since you started this project. Feels great to have it finished!
... you've got another video idea.
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Faux Stone Wall Panels – A Quick and Easy Home Transformation
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Faux stone wall panels are an attractive and affordable way to add stone veneer to your home. They are easy to install, low maintenance, and come in a variety of styles and colors. Whether you are looking to add a touch of class to your fireplace or transform your kitchen backsplash, faux stone panels are a great option. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of faux stone panels available, as well as the benefits of using them. 
Types of Faux Stone Wall Panels 
Faux stone wall panels come in a variety of styles, colors, and textures. The most popular styles include limestone, fieldstone, and ledgestone. Limestone panels have a smooth surface with a soft, natural color palette. Fieldstone panels have a more rugged look with their irregular shapes and deep colors. Ledgestone panels have a linear appearance with long, thin stones stacked on top of each other. Rocky mountain ledge stone is another popular type of faux stone panel which has a rough texture with a mix of light and dark colors. No matter what style you choose, faux stone panels can add beauty and value to your home.
Benefits of Faux Stone Wall Panels 
Faux stone wall panels have many benefits over real stone veneer. First, they are much easier to install because they are lightweight and can be attached directly to drywall or plywood using construction adhesive or screws and nails. Second, they are low maintenance and do not require sealing or annual cleaning like real stone veneer. Third, they are more affordable than real stone veneer because they are made from recycled materials such as concrete and plastic. Finally, faux stone panels come in a wide variety of styles and colors so you can find the perfect match for your home’s décor. 
Faux stone panels are an attractive and affordable way to add stone veneer to your home. They are easy to install, low maintenance, and come in a variety of styles and colors. Whether you are looking to add a touch of class to your fireplace or transform your kitchen backsplash, faux stone panels are a great option. 
You can explore various faux stone wall panels options here: https://canyonstonecanada.com/wallpanels/wallpanel/QuickFit-Ledge-Stone https://canyonstonecanada.com/fieldstones/fieldstone/Field-Stone https://stoneselex.com/Decorative-Stone-Veneers/Interior-Stone-Veneers https://canyonstonecanada.com/rockstone/rockwalls/Rocky-Ledge https://canyonstonecanada.com/limestones/limestone/Lime-Stone https://canyonstonecanada.com/Installation/Manuals
Photo by Julie Kwak on Unsplash
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bradley-knight · 2 years
The right way to install car stereo Houston
The sound system in your car is probably where you listen to music and podcasts as you drive. You may listen to music, talk radio, and podcasts all through your car's stereo.
Choosing a factory radio car play that fits your needs perfectly can take some time, but it's well worth it when you enjoy better in-car entertainment. Choose the best car stereo for your needs based on how you listen to music and what kind of sound you want to get out of it; today's stereos can play everything from CDs to cellphones.
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The right steps for car stereo installation Houston:
Before undertaking installation or any repairs, you should review the owners or repair manual. The story's rules are broad and shouldn't be used in place of the manual for your specific car. There is a wide range in the difficulty of car stereo installation dependent on factors such as the model of the factory radio car play being installed and the condition of the old stereo.
Nonetheless, it is possible to make the procedure of installing car stereo less scary by completing the steps in the order given below:
First, make sure the car's negative cable is disconnected. This can make things safer by reducing the possibility of a short and doing away with a potential fire risk.
Unscrew the screws securing your current sound system before attempting to remove the trim. Ensure that all cords are disconnected before attempting to remove the parts. You may want to snap a photo of the plugs and cables for future reference.
You may need the radio removal key that the car dealership gave you at this point. To take out the stereo, you need to insert a key into one of the two slots on its face and spin.
Remove your new stereo from its packing, arrange the wires to match up with the ones from your old stereo, and plug it in.
Initially, attach the wires to the harnesses, specialized connectors that can only be wired in one direction. If there are no wire harnesses, you'll have to do the wiring yourself.
Use the instructions with your new stereo to assemble the mounting kit. After putting everything together, the metal sleeve may be inserted and the tabs can be tightened by hand.
If you're not using wire harnesses and instead have to manually join the wires, you'll need to locate a bolt, wire, or screw to connect the bare chassis. After sliding the stereo's ground wire under, loosen and retighten it as needed.
At this stage, plug in any additional wires, such as a wiring adaptor or an antenna cable.
Put the car's battery back in, turn on the radio, and test its volume and other features to ensure it is functioning properly. Always install the best quality car speakers Houston for an improved listening experience.
In the final step you need to connect the stereo again by pushing the stereo in place. Insert the stereo until you hear a click, and fasten it in with any screws. Put the finishing touches in place and screw them in if necessary.
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craig144 · 2 years
You push on the door handle, but the latch doesn't retract. It's been sticking for a while, and it's starting to bug you. You know you should fix it but you still need to get around to it. Sound familiar? Many of us put off repairs because they seem daunting or because we're unsure how to fix them. In this article, we'll show you how to fix a door latch that won't retract, and we'll make it easy for you. The door latch won't retract Assess the Cause of the Stuck Latch If the door latch is stuck, the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause. Is the latch getting stuck because of something on the door? Is it dirty or full of cobwebs? Are the hinges loose? Once you've identified the cause, you can take steps to address it. If something on the door that's causing the latch to stick, you can try cleaning it off or moving whatever is blocking it. If the hinges are loose, you can tighten them up. But if there's nothing wrong with the door and the latch is still stuck, then you should call a professional to look at it. Manual Disassembly and Reset of the Latch It sounds like the door latch is not retracting because it may be dirty or something may be caught in it. Before disassembling the latch, you can try to reset it by following these steps:     Make sure the door is unlocked.     Open the door and locate the red button on the latch mechanism.     Firmly press and hold the red button while closing the door.     Keep your finger on the red button until the door is completely closed.     Release the button and try opening and closing the door again. Lubricating Door Locks The best way to lubricate a door lock is by using a lubricant designed for locks. You can buy this type of lubricant at any hardware store. Spray the lubricant into the keyhole and then use a key to work it in. Turn the key back and forth a few times to ensure the lubricant coats the entire inside of the lock. If your lock is stuck, you can bang it gently with a hammer. But be careful not to hit it too hard, or you could damage the lock. Replacing a Worn or Broken Latch If the latch has stopped working, it might be time to replace it. You can purchase a latch from your local hardware store or DIY and replace the latch yourself. It's a fairly straightforward process that even a beginner handyman/woman can tackle. First, you will need to remove the old latch. This is done by unscrewing the screws on the doorknob or handle. Once you've unscrewed them off, you can remove the old latch from the door. Keep track of all the parts so you can reassemble them later. Once you have removed the old latch, check that your new one is compatible with your door and hinges by ensuring they match up in size and shape.  Once they are lined up correctly, use a screwdriver to attach the latch firmly into place using screws that came with it (if not, you can buy some at your local hardware store). Finally, reinsert any pieces of hardware (knobs or handles) back onto the door, and you're done! When to Call an Experienced Contractor If the issue persists and you're still having trouble with a door latch that won't retract, it may be time to call an experienced contractor. A qualified door repair or locksmith can diagnose and fix the problem, saving you the headache of replacing the entire door latch assembly. However, before you call a professional, turn off the main power switch for safety's sake. Unplug any of your electrical appliances near the door if no main power switch is found. Also, keep in mind that if an electronic keypad entry system secures your door, you'll need a locksmith specializing in access control systems. It's important to hire a reputable person or company. And remember to ask if they carry spare parts and materials needed to perform the repairs, just in case there's something specific required for your particular job. FAQs on Door Latch won't Retract Are you still scratching your head with
puzzlement as to why your door latch won't retract? Understandably, this can be a source of frustration and irritation. Let's take a look at some of the FAQs so you can quickly get some answers: Q:  Is the latch stuck or broken?  If it's stuck, it could be because of debris or dirt accumulated in the latch mechanism. If it's broken, then it may need to be replaced. Q: What type of door latch do I have?  If you have a spring-loaded door latch, it could be due to weakened springs or worn-out parts. Q: How do I know if my door latch needs replacing?  These indicators indicate that the latch needs replacing if the door won't stay shut or the latch won't retract. Now you know more about why your door won't retract and how to diagnose further problems. Now you should be able to take action and find a solution! Conclusion In conclusion, you have a few options if your door latch won't retract. You can fix it yourself or call a professional to do it for you. If you decide to fix it yourself, read the instructions carefully and use the right tools. If you choose to call a professional, be sure to ask for references and reviews.
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robert98 · 2 years
You push on the door handle, but the latch doesn't retract. It's been sticking for a while, and it's starting to bug you. You know you should fix it but you still need to get around to it. Sound familiar? Many of us put off repairs because they seem daunting or because we're unsure how to fix them. In this article, we'll show you how to fix a door latch that won't retract, and we'll make it easy for you. The door latch won't retract Assess the Cause of the Stuck Latch If the door latch is stuck, the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause. Is the latch getting stuck because of something on the door? Is it dirty or full of cobwebs? Are the hinges loose? Once you've identified the cause, you can take steps to address it. If something on the door that's causing the latch to stick, you can try cleaning it off or moving whatever is blocking it. If the hinges are loose, you can tighten them up. But if there's nothing wrong with the door and the latch is still stuck, then you should call a professional to look at it. Manual Disassembly and Reset of the Latch It sounds like the door latch is not retracting because it may be dirty or something may be caught in it. Before disassembling the latch, you can try to reset it by following these steps:     Make sure the door is unlocked.     Open the door and locate the red button on the latch mechanism.     Firmly press and hold the red button while closing the door.     Keep your finger on the red button until the door is completely closed.     Release the button and try opening and closing the door again. Lubricating Door Locks The best way to lubricate a door lock is by using a lubricant designed for locks. You can buy this type of lubricant at any hardware store. Spray the lubricant into the keyhole and then use a key to work it in. Turn the key back and forth a few times to ensure the lubricant coats the entire inside of the lock. If your lock is stuck, you can bang it gently with a hammer. But be careful not to hit it too hard, or you could damage the lock. Replacing a Worn or Broken Latch If the latch has stopped working, it might be time to replace it. You can purchase a latch from your local hardware store or DIY and replace the latch yourself. It's a fairly straightforward process that even a beginner handyman/woman can tackle. First, you will need to remove the old latch. This is done by unscrewing the screws on the doorknob or handle. Once you've unscrewed them off, you can remove the old latch from the door. Keep track of all the parts so you can reassemble them later. Once you have removed the old latch, check that your new one is compatible with your door and hinges by ensuring they match up in size and shape.  Once they are lined up correctly, use a screwdriver to attach the latch firmly into place using screws that came with it (if not, you can buy some at your local hardware store). Finally, reinsert any pieces of hardware (knobs or handles) back onto the door, and you're done! When to Call an Experienced Contractor If the issue persists and you're still having trouble with a door latch that won't retract, it may be time to call an experienced contractor. A qualified door repair or locksmith can diagnose and fix the problem, saving you the headache of replacing the entire door latch assembly. However, before you call a professional, turn off the main power switch for safety's sake. Unplug any of your electrical appliances near the door if no main power switch is found. Also, keep in mind that if an electronic keypad entry system secures your door, you'll need a locksmith specializing in access control systems. It's important to hire a reputable person or company. And remember to ask if they carry spare parts and materials needed to perform the repairs, just in case there's something specific required for your particular job. FAQs on Door Latch won't Retract Are you still scratching your head with
puzzlement as to why your door latch won't retract? Understandably, this can be a source of frustration and irritation. Let's take a look at some of the FAQs so you can quickly get some answers: Q:  Is the latch stuck or broken?  If it's stuck, it could be because of debris or dirt accumulated in the latch mechanism. If it's broken, then it may need to be replaced. Q: What type of door latch do I have?  If you have a spring-loaded door latch, it could be due to weakened springs or worn-out parts. Q: How do I know if my door latch needs replacing?  These indicators indicate that the latch needs replacing if the door won't stay shut or the latch won't retract. Now you know more about why your door won't retract and how to diagnose further problems. Now you should be able to take action and find a solution! Conclusion In conclusion, you have a few options if your door latch won't retract. You can fix it yourself or call a professional to do it for you. If you decide to fix it yourself, read the instructions carefully and use the right tools. If you choose to call a professional, be sure to ask for references and reviews.
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cress857 · 2 years
You push on the door handle, but the latch doesn't retract. It's been sticking for a while, and it's starting to bug you. You know you should fix it but you still need to get around to it. Sound familiar? Many of us put off repairs because they seem daunting or because we're unsure how to fix them. In this article, we'll show you how to fix a door latch that won't retract, and we'll make it easy for you. The door latch won't retract Assess the Cause of the Stuck Latch If the door latch is stuck, the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause. Is the latch getting stuck because of something on the door? Is it dirty or full of cobwebs? Are the hinges loose? Once you've identified the cause, you can take steps to address it. If something on the door that's causing the latch to stick, you can try cleaning it off or moving whatever is blocking it. If the hinges are loose, you can tighten them up. But if there's nothing wrong with the door and the latch is still stuck, then you should call a professional to look at it. Manual Disassembly and Reset of the Latch It sounds like the door latch is not retracting because it may be dirty or something may be caught in it. Before disassembling the latch, you can try to reset it by following these steps:     Make sure the door is unlocked.     Open the door and locate the red button on the latch mechanism.     Firmly press and hold the red button while closing the door.     Keep your finger on the red button until the door is completely closed.     Release the button and try opening and closing the door again. Lubricating Door Locks The best way to lubricate a door lock is by using a lubricant designed for locks. You can buy this type of lubricant at any hardware store. Spray the lubricant into the keyhole and then use a key to work it in. Turn the key back and forth a few times to ensure the lubricant coats the entire inside of the lock. If your lock is stuck, you can bang it gently with a hammer. But be careful not to hit it too hard, or you could damage the lock. Replacing a Worn or Broken Latch If the latch has stopped working, it might be time to replace it. You can purchase a latch from your local hardware store or DIY and replace the latch yourself. It's a fairly straightforward process that even a beginner handyman/woman can tackle. First, you will need to remove the old latch. This is done by unscrewing the screws on the doorknob or handle. Once you've unscrewed them off, you can remove the old latch from the door. Keep track of all the parts so you can reassemble them later. Once you have removed the old latch, check that your new one is compatible with your door and hinges by ensuring they match up in size and shape.  Once they are lined up correctly, use a screwdriver to attach the latch firmly into place using screws that came with it (if not, you can buy some at your local hardware store). Finally, reinsert any pieces of hardware (knobs or handles) back onto the door, and you're done! When to Call an Experienced Contractor If the issue persists and you're still having trouble with a door latch that won't retract, it may be time to call an experienced contractor. A qualified door repair or locksmith can diagnose and fix the problem, saving you the headache of replacing the entire door latch assembly. However, before you call a professional, turn off the main power switch for safety's sake. Unplug any of your electrical appliances near the door if no main power switch is found. Also, keep in mind that if an electronic keypad entry system secures your door, you'll need a locksmith specializing in access control systems. It's important to hire a reputable person or company. And remember to ask if they carry spare parts and materials needed to perform the repairs, just in case there's something specific required for your particular job. FAQs on Door Latch won't Retract Are you still scratching your head with
puzzlement as to why your door latch won't retract? Understandably, this can be a source of frustration and irritation. Let's take a look at some of the FAQs so you can quickly get some answers: Q:  Is the latch stuck or broken?  If it's stuck, it could be because of debris or dirt accumulated in the latch mechanism. If it's broken, then it may need to be replaced. Q: What type of door latch do I have?  If you have a spring-loaded door latch, it could be due to weakened springs or worn-out parts. Q: How do I know if my door latch needs replacing?  These indicators indicate that the latch needs replacing if the door won't stay shut or the latch won't retract. Now you know more about why your door won't retract and how to diagnose further problems. Now you should be able to take action and find a solution! Conclusion In conclusion, you have a few options if your door latch won't retract. You can fix it yourself or call a professional to do it for you. If you decide to fix it yourself, read the instructions carefully and use the right tools. If you choose to call a professional, be sure to ask for references and reviews.
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marion485 · 2 years
You push on the door handle, but the latch doesn't retract. It's been sticking for a while, and it's starting to bug you. You know you should fix it but you still need to get around to it. Sound familiar? Many of us put off repairs because they seem daunting or because we're unsure how to fix them. In this article, we'll show you how to fix a door latch that won't retract, and we'll make it easy for you. The door latch won't retract Assess the Cause of the Stuck Latch If the door latch is stuck, the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause. Is the latch getting stuck because of something on the door? Is it dirty or full of cobwebs? Are the hinges loose? Once you've identified the cause, you can take steps to address it. If something on the door that's causing the latch to stick, you can try cleaning it off or moving whatever is blocking it. If the hinges are loose, you can tighten them up. But if there's nothing wrong with the door and the latch is still stuck, then you should call a professional to look at it. Manual Disassembly and Reset of the Latch It sounds like the door latch is not retracting because it may be dirty or something may be caught in it. Before disassembling the latch, you can try to reset it by following these steps:     Make sure the door is unlocked.     Open the door and locate the red button on the latch mechanism.     Firmly press and hold the red button while closing the door.     Keep your finger on the red button until the door is completely closed.     Release the button and try opening and closing the door again. Lubricating Door Locks The best way to lubricate a door lock is by using a lubricant designed for locks. You can buy this type of lubricant at any hardware store. Spray the lubricant into the keyhole and then use a key to work it in. Turn the key back and forth a few times to ensure the lubricant coats the entire inside of the lock. If your lock is stuck, you can bang it gently with a hammer. But be careful not to hit it too hard, or you could damage the lock. Replacing a Worn or Broken Latch If the latch has stopped working, it might be time to replace it. You can purchase a latch from your local hardware store or DIY and replace the latch yourself. It's a fairly straightforward process that even a beginner handyman/woman can tackle. First, you will need to remove the old latch. This is done by unscrewing the screws on the doorknob or handle. Once you've unscrewed them off, you can remove the old latch from the door. Keep track of all the parts so you can reassemble them later. Once you have removed the old latch, check that your new one is compatible with your door and hinges by ensuring they match up in size and shape.  Once they are lined up correctly, use a screwdriver to attach the latch firmly into place using screws that came with it (if not, you can buy some at your local hardware store). Finally, reinsert any pieces of hardware (knobs or handles) back onto the door, and you're done! When to Call an Experienced Contractor If the issue persists and you're still having trouble with a door latch that won't retract, it may be time to call an experienced contractor. A qualified door repair or locksmith can diagnose and fix the problem, saving you the headache of replacing the entire door latch assembly. However, before you call a professional, turn off the main power switch for safety's sake. Unplug any of your electrical appliances near the door if no main power switch is found. Also, keep in mind that if an electronic keypad entry system secures your door, you'll need a locksmith specializing in access control systems. It's important to hire a reputable person or company. And remember to ask if they carry spare parts and materials needed to perform the repairs, just in case there's something specific required for your particular job. FAQs on Door Latch won't Retract Are you still scratching your head with
puzzlement as to why your door latch won't retract? Understandably, this can be a source of frustration and irritation. Let's take a look at some of the FAQs so you can quickly get some answers: Q:  Is the latch stuck or broken?  If it's stuck, it could be because of debris or dirt accumulated in the latch mechanism. If it's broken, then it may need to be replaced. Q: What type of door latch do I have?  If you have a spring-loaded door latch, it could be due to weakened springs or worn-out parts. Q: How do I know if my door latch needs replacing?  These indicators indicate that the latch needs replacing if the door won't stay shut or the latch won't retract. Now you know more about why your door won't retract and how to diagnose further problems. Now you should be able to take action and find a solution! Conclusion In conclusion, you have a few options if your door latch won't retract. You can fix it yourself or call a professional to do it for you. If you decide to fix it yourself, read the instructions carefully and use the right tools. If you choose to call a professional, be sure to ask for references and reviews.
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partida752 · 2 years
You push on the door handle, but the latch doesn't retract. It's been sticking for a while, and it's starting to bug you. You know you should fix it but you still need to get around to it. Sound familiar? Many of us put off repairs because they seem daunting or because we're unsure how to fix them. In this article, we'll show you how to fix a door latch that won't retract, and we'll make it easy for you. The door latch won't retract Assess the Cause of the Stuck Latch If the door latch is stuck, the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause. Is the latch getting stuck because of something on the door? Is it dirty or full of cobwebs? Are the hinges loose? Once you've identified the cause, you can take steps to address it. If something on the door that's causing the latch to stick, you can try cleaning it off or moving whatever is blocking it. If the hinges are loose, you can tighten them up. But if there's nothing wrong with the door and the latch is still stuck, then you should call a professional to look at it. Manual Disassembly and Reset of the Latch It sounds like the door latch is not retracting because it may be dirty or something may be caught in it. Before disassembling the latch, you can try to reset it by following these steps:     Make sure the door is unlocked.     Open the door and locate the red button on the latch mechanism.     Firmly press and hold the red button while closing the door.     Keep your finger on the red button until the door is completely closed.     Release the button and try opening and closing the door again. Lubricating Door Locks The best way to lubricate a door lock is by using a lubricant designed for locks. You can buy this type of lubricant at any hardware store. Spray the lubricant into the keyhole and then use a key to work it in. Turn the key back and forth a few times to ensure the lubricant coats the entire inside of the lock. If your lock is stuck, you can bang it gently with a hammer. But be careful not to hit it too hard, or you could damage the lock. Replacing a Worn or Broken Latch If the latch has stopped working, it might be time to replace it. You can purchase a latch from your local hardware store or DIY and replace the latch yourself. It's a fairly straightforward process that even a beginner handyman/woman can tackle. First, you will need to remove the old latch. This is done by unscrewing the screws on the doorknob or handle. Once you've unscrewed them off, you can remove the old latch from the door. Keep track of all the parts so you can reassemble them later. Once you have removed the old latch, check that your new one is compatible with your door and hinges by ensuring they match up in size and shape.  Once they are lined up correctly, use a screwdriver to attach the latch firmly into place using screws that came with it (if not, you can buy some at your local hardware store). Finally, reinsert any pieces of hardware (knobs or handles) back onto the door, and you're done! When to Call an Experienced Contractor If the issue persists and you're still having trouble with a door latch that won't retract, it may be time to call an experienced contractor. A qualified door repair or locksmith can diagnose and fix the problem, saving you the headache of replacing the entire door latch assembly. However, before you call a professional, turn off the main power switch for safety's sake. Unplug any of your electrical appliances near the door if no main power switch is found. Also, keep in mind that if an electronic keypad entry system secures your door, you'll need a locksmith specializing in access control systems. It's important to hire a reputable person or company. And remember to ask if they carry spare parts and materials needed to perform the repairs, just in case there's something specific required for your particular job. FAQs on Door Latch won't Retract Are you still scratching your head with
puzzlement as to why your door latch won't retract? Understandably, this can be a source of frustration and irritation. Let's take a look at some of the FAQs so you can quickly get some answers: Q:  Is the latch stuck or broken?  If it's stuck, it could be because of debris or dirt accumulated in the latch mechanism. If it's broken, then it may need to be replaced. Q: What type of door latch do I have?  If you have a spring-loaded door latch, it could be due to weakened springs or worn-out parts. Q: How do I know if my door latch needs replacing?  These indicators indicate that the latch needs replacing if the door won't stay shut or the latch won't retract. Now you know more about why your door won't retract and how to diagnose further problems. Now you should be able to take action and find a solution! Conclusion In conclusion, you have a few options if your door latch won't retract. You can fix it yourself or call a professional to do it for you. If you decide to fix it yourself, read the instructions carefully and use the right tools. If you choose to call a professional, be sure to ask for references and reviews.
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