#the second youre married he'll walk around your little cottage w/ his whole d*ck out
ihatebnha · 2 years
Hum idk if I remember everything I wrote let's see: barbarian Bakugou from the fantasy Opening probably brings you dead animals/trophies like a random stray or pet hunter animal who is showing affection/trying to show off/worried you need help getting food
Thank u sooo much for sending this again (I'm just a big boo boo about pets dying, literally makes me SO upset , seems like u got everything included so hopefully i was able to capture the initial vision right, too <333
(warning: slight dubcon but it's mostly just confusion, some eating stuff + i take a lot of liberties here)
LMFAO YES THOUGH, barbarian!Bakugo acting so much like a feral (momma) cat trying to live in your house. Bringing you combinations of dead animals and foraged goodies, even if the animals are like... concerningly weird and strange (sometimes deer, rabbits, and birds... but also foxes, wild pigs... skunk).
And what's funny is you try to get him to stop and explain that you're fine and you don't need his shit, but... he just DOESN'T believe you and continues bringing you stuff. No matter what.
Maybe cuz he's the village's best hunter but like... seeing that your cottage (?) isn't decorated in pelts and branches of herbs and drying meats 24/7 makes him soooo concerned. The first time he manages to bully his way through your door, he's sitting at your humble little eating table and just looking around... terribly grumpy while he unloads his pack.
(He's thinking about the fact that his future bride is probably starving, you're thinking that he's WEIRD).
And he can totally speak but... in my head I always imagine barbarian!Bakugo as super quiet, so it's not like he ever explains any of this to you, either. Just sort of... wedges his way into your life via brute force.
You see him at the market, haggling with the meat stall about how much he should be paid for his most recent hunt.. and the second he notices you without a fur pelt on, just like... rushes over to throw his own over your head. You try to stop him and shove his arms off of and he's just blocking your way until you keep it on.
And he's always like... coming over and skinning animals right there in your yard, salting them and everything and leaving them out to dry as though you don't have your own curing processes going on. Probably even takes off his furs and just does it in his loincloth, too. You can't even ask him what's going on without having to bear witness to all... that. All the girls who live next to you flock to your fence to watch except he just keeps glancing at you to see if you’re looking.
(It's also funny cuz after, he always waits for you to eat, too. Won't leave until he sees at least something go into your mouth... and when he does, sits there until you to tell him the cut of it was good, or the seasonings were right. Literally with his ears perked up and eyes all wide.)
It's probably not until the your country's yearly courting festival that you realize his goal. It's kind of a big deal for your village mostly cuz everyone is expecting Bakugo to like... compete for another nation's princess... but nah. The second all the eligible men are allowed to ask for someone's hand in marriage, he's running right for you.
(And the same stuff still happens, skunks and all, just... now you're officially engaged LMFAOOOO.)
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