#the seven years thing is probably gonna be in relation to charlies mom
writerquil · 8 months
please no because it is so funny to imagine vox confessing only for alastor to go “ok hold that thought 🙂” before leaving the room and proceeding to vanish for the next seven years
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a deancas college roommate AU
Chapter 4 is up on AO3! (Chapter-by-chapter masterlist here.)
They’re Gonna Love You
Three Years Earlier
Cas was terrible at making friends. 
He really was trying his best — he spoke up in class whenever he could, he talked to his seatmates when it was appropriate. And that was fine, everyone was perfectly nice to him. But he couldn’t figure out what exactly he was supposed to say to make himself less “that one guy from accounting” and more “Cas Novak.” So, he was three weeks into college with nothing to show for it.
Nothing, save his roommate.
Unlike Castiel, Dean had already found a group of friends from their floor. He was hardly ever in their room. Cas didn’t mind so much; it gave him space to focus on his homework, which already felt overwhelming and never-ending. But every day, like clockwork, Dean was back by seven, and he dragged Cas away from his computer and into the dining hall with him. 
Castiel had to admit that dinner was the best part of his day. Dean rarely failed to take his mind off of the dangerously constant spiral of social anxiety and school-related stress. Cas learned that Dean moved constantly because of his father’s job, that his brother, Sam, was “a textbook nerd,” that Dean’s guilty pleasure was Grey’s Anatomy (“Don’t look at me like that, Patrick Dempsey is in it”), that he loved pie probably more than anyone should be allowed to. And Castiel told Dean things, too, things he’d never had the luxury of sharing; how he decided to be a writer after reading The Great Gatsby for the first time, that his attending college had made him the black sheep of the family, how he had never lost a game of Trivial Pursuit (“Is that a friggin’ challenge, Cas?”). 
They had occasionally eaten with Dean’s friends from the dorms, most often on Fridays when the group was heading to a party afterward. That is, until Castiel brought a copy of Pride and Prejudice to the table to read before his next literature class, and Cole Martin asked him if he was gay with a smirk. The table had gone silent; Cas just looked at him, heat flaming across his face; Dean was staring daggers. Cole, refusing to get the message, prodded for a response, at which point Dean asked if he could talk to him for a minute. 
Dean didn’t speak to Cole again after that. 
He apologized to Cas profusely on Cole’s behalf, the “sorry’s” punctuated by assurances that it was great if Castiel was indeed gay, that Dean didn’t care, that Cas was Cas. But even if he was curious, Dean never asked the question. And that was good, because Cas wasn’t quite ready to have that conversation, seeing as coming out to Bartholomew during his senior year had led to six months of no-contact. Instead, Cas just informed Dean that he was accustomed to the treatment by now, that bringing Twilight to school his freshman year placed him solidly in the “insert homophobic-slur here” category, according to his peers. This only partly fixed the issue, because while Dean stopped apologizing, he started on a tirade against Castiel’s high school demons. 
Cas had never had anyone care enough to stand up for him. He thought he was very lucky to have Dean Winchester as a roommate
It was Thursday, and Castiel was agonizing over a problem set for accounting when Dean walked in. 
“All right, Einstein, let’s go,” he announced, dumping his backpack next to his desk. “Dinner time.” 
“Give me a minute,” Cas muttered.
Dean moved over to Cas’ desk and leaned over his shoulder. 
“Damn,” he said. “You really are a genius. I don’t know what any of this shit means.” 
“Save your accolades for when I pass the class,” Cas said, sighing. 
“You’ll pass, but not if you die from starvation first.” 
Cas rolled his eyes. “I think you’re projecting.”
“Maybe I am,” Dean said, shrugging. “But you still need to eat.”
“All right. I’m coming.” 
The pair walked to the dining hall, Dean explaining the details of the party he was attending the following night, how he hoped the girl from his English class would be there. Cas never had much to add to these types of conversations, but he typically tried to remain engaged. Tonight, he just uttered monosyllabic responses when it seemed appropriate. 
Cas couldn’t stop thinking about how alone he had become. The novelty of college had worn off; all Cas could see now was how many hours he spent in solitude. He couldn’t help but feel as though he was doomed for a repeat of high school. The interaction with Cole certainly didn’t help matters, and though Dean was a great friend, Cas couldn’t escape the feeling that everything he did was out of pity.
“Okay, dude, what’s up?” Dean asked. 
“You’re acting all weird. Kinda mopey,” Dean explained with a mouthful of pizza. 
“Oh,” Cas said. “I apologize. It wasn’t intentional. I just…” 
Dean raised his eyebrows. “What?”
“I’ve just been distracted tonight.” 
“By what?”
Cas gave Dean a look. “It’s not important.” 
Dean opened his mouth to argue, but Cas interrupted him, changing the subject.  
“How are your classes?”
Dean shrugged. “Eh. Whatever. I don’t pay attention much.” 
“Have you thought about what you’re going to major in?” 
“Wish I was smart enough for engineering, but… Nah, I haven’t figured that out yet.” 
“Dean,” Cas said. “I’m sure you’re smart enough for anything you want to study.” 
Dean chuckled. “Appreciate that, Cas, but definitely not.” 
Cas eyed his friend a moment, but didn’t say anything else. 
“Hey, you know the party I was telling you about?” Dean said after a moment of silence. “You should come. It’ll be fun.”  
Castiel nearly choked on his chicken strips. There was only one thing that would make Dean invite him to a party. The thought of Dean feeling that bad for Cas made him want to become one with the floor. Not to mention the idea of attempting that level of social interaction was enough to send him into a tailspin. 
“That’s very kind, but I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Cas said. “I’m not much for parties.” 
“Oh come on, Cas. You’ve never even tried it!” 
“I understand the general idea.”
“Man, it’s the experience.”
“Dean, I’m not going to a frat party. I have enough to worry about with my classes. Besides,” Cas looked away, refusing to meet Dean’s eyes. “I’m not… particularly adept at social interactions.” 
“What?” Dean exclaimed. “Dude, you’re awesome. You do fine with me!” 
“That’s different.”
“I don’t know,” Cas sighed. “You tend to do most of the talking. It saves me from ruining things.” 
Dean just looked at him. “Ruining things?” 
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly your typical college student.” 
Dean laughed. “Well, I mean, no, but that doesn’t ruin things. Plus, I can guarantee that every girl at that party would be all over you. Most of the guys, too, probably. You’ve got the sexy nerd thing going on.” 
Cas blushed profusely. “That’s irrelevant. The point is, I’m not going.” 
Dean sighed, long-suffering. “Fine. I give up. For now.” 
Cas let out a breath of relief.
They finished dinner and headed back to their dorm. Dean asked what class Castiel liked the most, which led to Cas gushing about creative writing for ten minutes. Dean graciously humored him, and when Cas apologized abashedly, Dean punched him in the shoulder and told him to shut up. 
When they got back to their room, Dean put on another record (Wish You Were Here, by Pink Floyd, Cas was informed) and left to take a shower. Cas finished his problem set with “Have a Cigar” in the background, grateful for the distraction from his earlier thoughts. That was the one good thing about his double-major — he truly did not have time to ruminate on his problems. 
Dean returned to work on an English essay, talking to himself the entire time. Cas did his best not to laugh at the muttered “what the hell am I even trying to say” and “I can’t use ‘demonstrates’ again.”
Hours later, after trying, and failing, to read ahead for philosophy, Cas resigned himself to his bed for the night. 
“Tired?” Dean asked from his desk. 
“Yes,” Cas said, throwing off his t-shirt and getting in bed. “But you can leave the light on if you have more work to do. I’ll fall asleep eventually.” 
“Nah, I’m tired too.” 
Dean flipped the lights off and climbed in his own bed. Cas closed his eyes against the quiet blackness. 
“Are you all right? Level with me, man.” 
Cas sighed. He supposed this conversation would happen sooner or later, if this friendship was to continue. “I’ve never had many friends,” he said. “I told you, after Cole, about the comments regarding my sexuality?” Dean made a grunt in understanding. “Well, it didn’t help that I was homeschooled until I was fourteen. I was what I believe is called ‘the weird kid.’”
Dean snorted. “You? Weird? Never.” 
Cas rolled his eyes in the darkness. “I’m serious. I just don’t want to be the ‘weird kid’ again, I suppose. I believed college would be my second chance, but it’s beginning to feel like a bad sequel.”
“Dude,” Dean said, “you have me. And Benny and Charlie like you, too. If you just went out more —”
“I’m not sure I want my friendships to be predicated on underage drinking,” Cas replied, and cringed at the way it sounded. When Dean didn’t respond, he added, “I just mean… I want people to like me, not my drunken antics.” 
“Right,” Dean mumbled. Then, “What was homeschool like?”
Cas furrowed his brow at the change in subject, but humored Dean, anyway. “Terrible. My father attempted to teach all five of us on his own. It was mostly history and religion, which, coming from him, meant racism, fire, and brimstone. He had this grand plan for me, and for my brothers, to become pastors.” Castiel paused. “I had to sneak out to the library with Anna just to teach myself basic algebra.” Another pause, a breath. “Anna kept me sane most days. She was more of a mother than a sister.” I miss her.
“Where was your mom?” Dean asked.
“Not sure,” Cas said. “We were all adopted as children. My father never took a wife, and I never knew my real parents. I asked my father about them once. He told me they died ages ago.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry, Cas.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“That makes more sense,” Dean said after a moment. “I was wondering why none of y’all looked alike.” 
“I probably should have explained that earlier. I forget it isn’t common knowledge,” Cas replied. 
Dean was quiet for a long time, so long that Cas suspected he may have fallen asleep. Cas was about to follow suit when Dean said, quietly, “Sometimes I was the weird kid, too.”
Castiel snapped his eyes open at that. It seemed unbelievable to him that Dean Winchester could be disliked by anyone. “What?”
“Yeah,” Dean mumbled. “Always moving, you know. Sometimes, people liked me. Sometimes, they really fucking hated me. It sucks, you know.” 
“I do.” 
tagging @nguyenxtrang :)
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 58
 Hi<3 Time to do a Fanfic Progress Update, as is the done thing on Saturdays. Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure gone Mini AND a new exciting Hazbin oneshot!
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 36 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 18th of March. Chapter 37 is finished and will be posted on 8th of April. Chapter 38 hasn’t been started.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three weeks waiting period.
That month of the year
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Every year, for a single month, the Radio Demon gets… emotional. His antlers are in velvet and he’s pumped full of hormones that make him behave quite unlike himself: suddenly, everywhere he looks, instead of seeing fellow demons all he sees are helpless little fawns that nobody is taking a proper care of! Solution? Adopt them.
Husk, Niffty, Camille, Honey, and the rest of the older Fawns put up with their Mom/Dad’s nonsense every year, but this time there’s a new, rotten apple in their midst and they have to protect Alastor from this crook. Without Alastor knowing about it. As Husk likes to put it: “This is fucking bullshit. …I mean fudgy nonsense.”
(Crack taken seriously. Gen)
Progress: The first two chapters are finished (with some heavy editing still required for the second one). The third chapter has been started. I want to have at least three chapters written before posting anything, preferably more than that because I don’t know how long this fic is gonna be. I can tell it’s longer than the originally planned five chapters tho, since we’ve barely gotten the ball rolling with the first two chapters!
This fic is co-authored by Maximillian!
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe of “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 9 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of March. Chapter 10 is about 2/3 done and is scheduled for 10th of April (Friday). This story will have at least seven more chapters, but who even knows at this point. Additional prompts are not accepted at this moment.
This fic receives a new chapter every Tuesday and Friday, unless something comes up. I’ll post a sneak-peek for Tuesday’s chapter on these updates, and one for Friday’s chapter in a separate post on Wednesday.
What boundaries?
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Summary: It was a fact that Alastor was incapable of existing in the same room – or even the same house – as Husk without initiating some form of physical contact on a constant basis. Husk swore it wasn't what it fucking looked like. Too bad nobody ever believed him. Alastor actively stroking his chest fur as he made the claim probably didn't help his case. Progress: Hey it’s a new thing! This is a very long oneshot (6000 words so far, and still missing a bit) that I’ve been randomly working on all week instead of writing the things I should have been writing! : D But that’s fine, this is almost finished now and I’m going to get this done and posted by 7th of April (Tuesday). ...Is this Radiohusk, you ask? Hehe, you’ll have to read and find out~ And look! There’s a sneak-peek for this at the end of this post! ;)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Possibly worth staying for (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Experiment in Romance (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here is the promised sneak-peek into Adventure gone Mini and What boundaries? (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
Misteri led the two of them through the Toadstool Town, as it was called. The town wasn't very large, especially compared to the capital, which was the last city they had been to, but she used the little time it took for them to walk to the town hall to animatedly talk about her home. She explained how they, indeed, used magic to keep the toadstools preserved, and in some cases even alive if it was known that the building would need more space in the future – the Minish who wanted large families would start with a small house and then let it grow bigger as they had more children. It was very fascinating and practical, and Sidon looked like he wanted to stop and observe the growth with his own two eyes, as silly as that was. Also, turned out that the local Minish were called Mist Minish, while the "regular" ones were Forest Minish. Rumor had it there were Mountain Minish around the mountains, and Field Minish in the Hyrule Fields. Misteri didn't know if there were Desert Minish in the Gerudo lands, Water Minish in the Zora Kingdom, Jungle Minish in the Faron region, and maybe some specific kind of Minish around the Hylian and Sheikah towns, but assumed it to be so. Link suddenly felt like their mini adventure was woefully inadequate now, since there was so much more to the Minish world to be seen all over Hyrule. He wanted to explore all of it one day. Maybe with Sidon, maybe with Zelda, maybe with both. It didn't seem like he was going to be running out of adventures anytime soon. Good. They arrived to the town hall before they could get too deep into their speculations, which may have been for the best. Said hall was very small. In fact, it seemed more like a-
"Welcome to my home!" Misteri said, arms wide and a smile on her face. Yep, that's what Link thought. "We don't actually have a set town hall as there really isn't that much of a need for one. It's just the home of however is in charge, and that's been me for the last few years. Make yourselves comfortable; I'll prepare the dinner!"
What boundaries?
Husk should have known this would fucking happen. Honestly, he couldn't believe he hadn't seen this coming, because this was a fucking inevitability.
What was "this", one might ask? "This" was Alastor hanging onto his person every fucking time they were in the same room for literally any amount of time. This very moment was a prime example of the phenomenon. Alastor and Charlie had entered the lobby together, discussing something or another about the hotel's development. They had walked over to the window that had a view of the hotel's front yard and stopped there to continue their discussion. Husk, at the time, had been at the bar counter, as per usual. But within the first five minutes of the pair's appearance he suddenly found himself no longer leaning against the counter and making cherry blossom strings out of the paper packagings the plastic straws were wrapped in, but instead he was between Alastor and Charlie, with Alastor's arm around his shoulders and his pointy nose nuzzling his cheek while the guy continued the conversation like nothing was amiss.
He had to give Alastor some measure of credit: they had been at the hotel for three entire days now and this hadn't happened in front of company until right then. His summoning here not counting.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
AO3    FFnet    Purple Crayon    Ko-fi
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svbcritic · 5 years
ok  so  we  back  at  it  again  with  my  second  and  newer  son  prince  !!  he’s  my  soft  boy  compared  to  the  hobgoblin  that  is  charlie  so  pls  luv  him  !!  i’ll  stop  my  ramblings  to  spare  u  all  but  u  all  know  the  drill  ...  tap  that  lil  heart  if  u  wanna  plot  and  i’ll  pop  right  on  over  to  ur  im’s  !!
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⌈ jung wooyoung, cis male, he/him ⌋ hey, is it PRINCE YEUN that you’re looking for? you know, the TWENTY year old STUDENT. typically i see them hanging around LICKETY-SPLIT! so you could try there! i hear they’ve been in living in PRINCETOWN for SIXTEEN YEARS. gristol wouldn’t the same without them, right? anyway, whenever i see them they make me think of THE LASTING SCENT OF CINNAMON GUM, TIRED EYES HIDDEN BEHIND GLASSES, DYED HAIR WITH HIS ROOTS BEGINNING TO SHOW, & CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKES WITH EXTRA WHIPPED CREAM.
full name: prince yeun / nicknames: mainly just prince / ethnicity: korean / sexuality: bisexual / occupation: student & barista / spoken languages: korean, english, german, & conversational spanish / hogwarts house: ravenclaw / current hair color: lilac
okie dokie so first things .. prince’s Look is in the gif i used bc im whipped for wooyoung in these glasses and his hair is a cute lil newly dyed shade of lilac purple so i love that for him .. an intellectual and a cutie .. he hates explaining how he was named prince bc i imagine his parents struggled having a kid so when his mom became Pregnant and was giving birth .. they always fondly called him their lil prince and it kinda just stuck when prince popped out !!
prince was born and raised in ansan , south korea for a good four years of his life where his mom was a tax accountant who moved from busan and his dad was a marine biologist in the korea institute of ocean science and technology , they loved one another v much and managed to juggle their respective careers with their relationship before prince came along
eventually his mom got heH $$$$ a good job offer in new york city so his dad stayed at home following their move to take care of the house and whatnot until he managed to finesse himself another job as a fish biologist for the department of the interior / u.s wildlife service or w/e the official job title is
bc living in the city is uHHH expensive as h*ck and ny state taxes are whack , they find themselves in gristol bc at the time it’s a cute lol seaside town that his parents fell in love w and thought it was good to raise prince and their other kids
prince was always a fun loving kid when he was younger , always joking around and smiling and got along w people well flexed w those dimples and got away with a lot of shit when he was growing up fkdfsskl swindled a lot of extra tips from restless married women when he had a job delivering pizza’s for $$ during high school . peter parker who ?? prince can’t relate bc he was always on time and made that solid tip .. except when he realized he hated pizza delivery and got a job as a barista during high school and it’s what he does still for that $$ while he;s in school !!
academically prince was brilliant and was in the top 5 of his graduating class and it was his stupid grade in his elective art class that brought his gpa down bc he can’t draw anything to save his ass fndsj .. any stem subject and he’s golden but anything creative based and prince is not as thriving .. but put a math problem in front of him and he can solve it within a moment .. probably does a side gig during tax season to help ppl out filing their taxes and makes some $$ while doing so jfhdslk
but yeah for college prince attends baruch college where i s2g he has no sense of what’s fun or self preservation bc goes as a double major for chemistry and biology so keep prince in ur prayers at this point bc dude is gonna be running on his anxiety and caffeine at this point and he still is until he graduates next year
at this point prince is juggling some ideas of what he wants to do later on as a career path and then one night he’s pulling an all nighter he stumbles across the show forensic files and a bitch is shook and hooked on it ,, this beginning prince’s fascinating w true crime along with solving them
he figures in john mulaney’s ever lovely words “ he has the backbone of a chocolate eclair” so prince knows he wouldn’t do well as a police detective , so he figures forensic anthropology is the next best step even though he’d mainly around dead ppl’s bones a lot of the time but it’s ok
yeah mans flexes w the education and plans to go on and get his phd in biological anthropology at binghamton university in new york where he plans to spend the next seven years earning his phd so flex !! rip his mental stability bc it’s gonna be hanging on a thread at this point
overall  , personality wise prince is v kind , v loving and compassionate and is dedicated to those he values . 10/10 is the dad friend who makes shit jokes and probably rambles on about how cool his major is bc he loves it so much )): even though it’s kinda out there compared to everyone else he loves it and enjoys talking about it whenever he can !! just a v sweet boy who’s softspoken and can be a bit rambly but when he smile he lights up a room bc he wears his heart on his sleeve and now im emo bye
one of the less ideal things about prince though is that he’s v obliging and often just wants to believe ppl and can be a bit naive , just especially when ppl are taking advantage of him ): he just wants to help ppl and see the good in everyone so he’d be that friend u have to yell at to stop being so giving to others bc it’s to a fault
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midcing · 6 years
okay so i have some New Kids.... they are all trash but some of them are trying their best which should honestly count for something imho... i’ll probably bring some more muses in at some point during this week bc i legit have 25 apps in my drafts right now and i just didn’t apply for all at once bc didn’t want to overwhelm myself... honestly tho? i want all the plots.... so like... pls like this and i’ll im you or come to me throwing ideas at my face so we plot and have some connections and threads ?? love my new trash sons pls ?? thanks !
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JAMES WEST looks an awful lot like CHARLIE WEBER. HE is THIRTY NINE and while they’re LOGICAL, they have a tendency to get pretty CONTRARY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to POLARIZE by TWENTYONEPILOTS.
inspired by ;; frank delfino from htgawm, walter white from breaking bad and jaime lannister from game of thrones. 
a lawyer
has 2 daughters.
would probably start a war for both of them if they asked him to.
thinks his daughters are angels who can do no wrong. if he saw them murdering someone in front of him, he would probably come up with a reason why they were doing it and defend them which isn’t great bc they are both like wild kids who are not actual angels ( wc ?? anyone ?? i’m trash for families ngl )
sketchy morals at best? ? doesn’t think of himself as someone who would do anything wrong but if something wrong is being done for his benefit he is sure as hell not gonna stop it
got into an ivy league school because his father - criminal known for money laundering, corruption, and fraud - donated a huge sum of money to the college. will die pretending he got in on his own merit 
the older brother of my character mark west bc i love families sue me
would probably google ‘how to know if i am a dilf’
says thing like ‘lit’ and ‘on fleek’ to relate to the youth
pretends everything is fine until it blows up in his face
wants to much ! a perfect life, a perfect house, a perfect family, a perfect wife, a perfect job ! pretty good ? nah. not good enough for james west. scratch that and start again. everything must be 10/10
wants to be everybody’s dad even tho he isn’t a great dad to his two kids
will make your life choices for you if you let him
will bail you out of jail but only if he is allowed to give you a 3 hour lecture on Responsibility 
will logic his way out of moral conundrums
the kind of person that turns a blind eye to corruption if it benefits him in some way
tries his best, which really honestly can only be said about 5% of my characters, so i would give him some credit
if you ask him a question he doesn’t want to answer he will just straight up ignore the question and change the subject 
feels guilty about the way his helps criminals and does wrong stuff for his benefit and the benefit of the people he loves but also doesn’t try to change
aesthetics — watching the sunset through the office window, loud alarms playing an hour later than it should, unrecognizable reflection in the mirror, child laughter and the heavy feeling of stress in your chest, hushed whispers of assertions amidst a crowd, old wedding rings saved away after the divorce, big houses and empty space, thousand dollar watches, the smell of jail permanently stuck to a three piece suit, painfully happy memories, ignoring the way guilt makes it hard to breath, arguing in a favor of a guilty party.
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FRANK HAMILTON looks an awful lot like DAVID HARBOUR. HE is FORTY ONE and while they’re DEVOTED, they have a tendency to get pretty UNPRINCIPLED. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to SEDATED by HOZIER.
inspired by ;; hank from detroit become human and chief hopper from stranger things
                                                              tw: gambbling, alcoholism
a mess trying to pass for a functioning human being
he is a dirty cop that accepts bribes to let people off the hook and gets money from gangs to look the other way when he knows they will be doing something wrong somewhere bc he truly cannot bring himself to care
honestly i have no excuses for his behavior
has a huge problem with gambling. 
born in kola. lived in kola for almost 30 years. moved out after his marriage fell apart, but has recently moved back
the kind of human being who thinks blood and gasoline are sexy
the kind of person that goes All Fucking Out for things and then when things don’t turn out exactly how he expected them to he makes a fuss about it and goes like “why did i even bother?”
will call you out on your bullshit and then act like people just throw shit at other’s face like that. stare you in the eye after exposing you and ask ‘what?’
says stuff like ‘i might be a shitty person but at least i’m upfront about it’ and ‘i prefer not to get involved in people’s lives.’
there is no such thing as a acquaintances. frank either loves you with all his heart and would kill a man for you OR he hates you and the fact that you are able to talk annoys him
you’ve heard of overachivers ?? well frank  is here to present you A True Underachiever. he tries to do the bare minimum amount of work possible 
the personification of /r/notmyjob
would probably go to an underground fighting ring for fun
channels his unhappiness into unhealthy habits. drinks too much, smokes too much. doesn’t do anything to change the fact that he is unhappy
gambled his marriage away by which i mean he gambled everything owned away and kept trying to find excuses for it until she was done and left . he still loves her but he feels like shit and he doesn’t wanna drag her back into his shitty life ( wc ? pls ? )
moved away from kola when his marriage ended and went to las vegas. lived there until he got in dept there too and he couldn’t find anywhere else to play then came back to kola 
at some point was wide-eyed and hopeful and interested in helping people but slowly became unhappy with how he didn’t go anywhere, didn’t become better, greater, didn’t do more and then slowly things just went to shit
aesthetics — casual cruelty in the name of honesty, cigarette buds collecting on an old ashtray, crumbled dollar bills found between couch cushions, falling asleep at three o’clock and waking up the next day, bloody knuckles, handcuffs and police siren, the smell of alcohol in your breath at ten in the morning, unironed shirts and old cologne, knowing something is wrong but doing it anyway, ignored calls from concerned family members, remembering you have to do something just as it is too late to do it, the thrill in heartbeat when you land a punch in someone’s face, drunk steps stumbling out of the bar, begging people for one more chance.
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SEBASTIAN “BASH” VANCOOP looks an awful lot like LIAM PAYNE. HE is TWENTY TWO and while they’re CHARMING, they have a tendency to get pretty SELFISH. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to PLAY ME LIKE A VIOLIN by JEREMY.
inspired by ;; hakeem lyon from empire and aaron burr from hamilton
that one sort of famous person that is always shirtless in other famous’ people instagram stories
treats people like things he can use and drop when he gets tired of
fake af. will say he likes you and then shit talk about you behind your back
that one person that goes ‘ooooooooooh you are gonna let them talk like that about you ?? ’ when other people are fighting 
only wears prada chanel and gucci
can actually be really nice if you get to know him but how ? when there are three hundred walls up ??
thinks people are gonna take advantage of him or make fun of him so he just doesn’t trust anyone. can’t get betrayed if you never let anyone in right ??
doesn’t understand internet culture
was born in an insanely rich family. his father was a famous movie producer and his mother was a famous movie star. picture like spielberg as his dad and kate winslet as his mom 
hates when people say like ‘Oh So You Are [    ]’s son?’
the first movie he was ever in was when he was about 5
he was in a bunch of movies from ages 5 to 12 but it was never really anything big. he was just the main character’s kid or that one kid that doesn’t get much screen time in movies like goonies
he never really liked acting but what else woUld he do ?? look at his family !! look at his legacy !! [ cue ‘wait for it’ from the hamilton soundtrack playing in the background ]
when he was 20 his father produced and directed a movie in which he stared. it was like his first Real role in hollywood action blockbuster. before the movie was out there was this whole hype about him and his dad working together and wow it’ll be awesome but it pretty much bombed. picture like After Earth bomb. everyone shit talking about him and the movie and how dumb it is on youtube bomb. the movie doesn’t get money to pay for itself bomb.
despite the fact that his parents said it didn’t matter. it was just a bad movie. everyone making fun of him and people shit talking about how he didn’t have his parents’ talent got to him real bad. he stopped acting all together.
his parents keep telling him to Do Something but he just doesn’t
is living in kola bc LA is a dumb of reminder of everything he thinks he did wrong
aesthetics — the blinding lights of camera flashes, the light feeling of being drunk, loud songs blaring through club speakers, interviews stopped halfway through, rude comments and anger, crowded parties in expensive summer homes, the overwhelming feeling in your chest when someone gets too close to fast, feigned charm and stranger’s company, running out of things to say after you have known someone for a while, wasted champagne dripping off a tilted bottle and loud laughter coming from the other room, the slow but continues pain in your heart that reminds you you are disappointment.
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MATTHEW “MATTEO” DECKER looks an awful lot like JON BERNTHAL. HE is FORTY TWO and while they’re WILLFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty BLUNT. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to SEVEN NATION ARMY by THE WHITE STRIPES.
inspired by ;; frank castle from daredevil, frank castle from the punshiner, frank castle from the born comics series. ( they are three different people, fight me ) seeley booth from bones in season five
                                       tw: alcoholism, ptsd, mention of army, and war
former us marine
mostly goes by decker. his family used to calls him matteo but when other people do it it’s like .. “no”
you have been heard of resting bitch face ? matteo is here to show you the resting i fucking hate you face
swears too much like Wayy too much
he can be honestly really fucking soft i’m ngl but then you gotta be that one person that breaks down walls and again ? who has the time for that ? in the twenty first century?
wants to take care of everyone but pretends he is not interested in people bc he “Knows” everyone is gonna die or leave so there is no fucking point
actually just pretends he isn’t The Absolute Softest for everyone and tries to keep them all at arm's length but then people say ‘hi’ and are nice to him and he is like ‘Fuck me now i like them’
can actually laugh and make jokes which is Impressive imo
but then goes back to being bitter and angry at life
too straight up about things : could heavenly benefit from learning how to read social cues
you have to Tell him things if you want him to understand it. you can’t go around dropping hints. he won’t get it.
drinks his coffee black and without sugar
enlisted when he was eighteen bc patriotism and american dream and red white and blue stars but then that slowly stopped being the point. then he was just doing it bc He had been doing that for years what else would he do ? and then at some point he just saw too much … and then when he was discharged he just Never came back
after he came back he couldn’t find a job and he didn’t know what else to do and he slowly started getting involved with shady stuff and now he sells drugs to pay the bills
disappointed in who he is right now. 
he is honestly Trying his very best.
aesthetics — punching a wall until your hands stings and your chest doesn’t anymore, the pleasant light feeling of holding back laughter, completed tasks and unachievable peace of mind, low chatter in dive bars in dark parts of town, questioning your belief system, roadside motels and failing neon lights, moonlight coming through the bedroom window, leaving the morning after, combat boots, loud honking cars and shaky hands, fighting the urge to shove someone away when you feel their touch against your skin, quiet places and pleasant loneliness, old dusty books and rock music, waking up multiple times in the middle of the night, whiskey mixed with coffee
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OCTAVIANUS BRUNO GENTILLE looks an awful lot like FRANCOIS ARNAUD. HE is THIRTY SIX and while they’re ROMANTIC, they have a tendency to get pretty UNREALISTIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to SOMEONE NEW by HOZIER.
inspired by ;; jay gatsby from the great gatsby, romeo from romeo and juliet, tom hansen from (500) days of summer, a slam poem i saw on youtube once
                                              tw: bullying, mention of learning disabilities and stutter
romanticized every bad thing that happened in his life.
will romanticize every bad thing that ever happened in your life.
the kind of person that says “things happen for a reason…”
goes by his middle name. honestly thinks his first name is the Most Stupid Thing In The World if you call him octavianus he’ll be legit annoyed. kids used to make fun of him at school all that jazz. just call bruno
he is legit in love with italian culture and history. his father was italian and he just highkey Cannot Shut Up About It
art history professor in kola’s college
the kind of professor that just loves what he is doing… you know when the professor like kinda looks excited that he is talking or sharing knowledge or just talking about shit they truly like ? that is bruno
a nerd but pretends he isn’t
could not do a one night stand without catching feelings if his life depended on it
loves people too much too fast with all his heart
there is an argument to be made for him not actually falling in love with people and just with the idea of love that he made up in his mind but let’s get to that when we get to that
will spend the entire lesson arguing with one student about how inaction in our current political climate is just as harmful as supporting people who are doing harm when he was supposed to be talking about impressionism or something like that
thinks people have a soulmate and he is just trying to find his
100% not only Shows up to slam poetry sessions but Helps organize them
real political. the type of person that rallies when things are wrong and gets others to do it
has too many exes
posts pictures with his current girl/boyfriends on instagram and then doesn’t delete them when they break up bc ‘that’s who i was at that moment’
can recite poetry for you in italian but do not let him trick you. he’ll only be around for the honeymoon phase of the relationship then he’ll be like wow this isn’t perfect. time to end it
loves art !! all type of art !! is terrible at all of it : writing, panting, photography. but he loves it and he does it despite being bad and he tells people to do what they love !! and follow their dreams !!
his parents got a divorce when he was 7 and it was pretty bad. his dad was italian and moved back to italy shortly after. his mother was from kola and he stayed with her.
it was as if his world had fallen apart at that. bruno had never even seen his parents fight and then one day his father just moves out to Another Country he was pretty lost and confused
bruno moved back and forth between italy and the u.s. throughout most of his childhood and adolescence. never spending a lot of time in one place.
though his parents tried to remain friends after the divorce for his sake it never really worked out. his father wanted his mom back while his mother moved on and got married again.
growing up, he had a lot of trouble with accents and language. his father used to speak only italian at home. and his mother used to speak only english.
he developed a learning disability and a stutter after his parents got divorced
kids in school used to make fun of him. the way he talked and his name specially.
doesn’t stutter anymore but when he is talking about something that is hard to talk about, he talks really slowly to make sure the words come out properly
aesthetics — ukulele songs playing softly in a room with echo, piano recitals with ten people in the audience, walking around aimlessly, kissing greek statues, being happy that you are sad because it means that you are alive, cheering on others success, lacking ambition and living the present, old songs hummed in the shower, waking up early and staying in bed until 10am, cuddling under warm blankets, failing in love with a stranger, laughing loudly with new friends, white wine, beautiful paintings in an empty museum, admiring something for way too long,
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ANTHONY MILLER looks an awful lot like JOSH DALLAS. HE is THIRTY NINE and while they’re PATIENT, they have a tendency to get pretty SELF-RIGHTEOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to JACKIE AND WILSON by HOZIER.
inspired by ;; prince charming from once upon a time, ned stark from game of thrones, bob belcher from bob’s burgers
                                                                      tw: cancer
cannot talk about his feelings . cannot accept his own mistakes . cannot show weakness . at any point. no matter the subject . cannot let anyone take care of him.
Must be the best at all times for everyone and take care of everyone
self-care is a myth anthony does not believe in
works too much
he needs glasses to read stuff but he pretends he doesn’t so he does that squinting and pulling things close to his face thing. at which point you would probably ask ‘anthony if you don’t want to wear glasses wouldn’t it be easier ? to just ? wear contact lenses ?’ and yes it would it definitely would but anthony likes to make things harder for himself
slow to anger but he has that temper that you literally cannot see coming. he looks serious and stoic and then wow thunderfucking storms breaking chairs and stuff
loves beers and american football
the type of person that says this generation is lost
might smoke too much but he doesn’t talk about that
he doesn’t talk about anything actually
although i love him with all my heart. i would not rec
there is a right way to do stuff and anthony as the holder of all the knowledge and morality Must tell you about it
rarely ever smiles bUT when he does ? smiles like a prince. if we had a royal verse he’d be the king of the entire universe honestly.
he was a oldest child in a family of 7. his parents were super wealthy and he was the One favorite child who both parents used to love and cherish and cheer on.
he got his high school sweetheart pregnant. his parents didn’t want him to marry her bc she was Poor and Not up to standards but he chose love over his family and got disowned for that. hasn’t talked to his family since
his dream life was always to have the perfect picket fence house and american dream type of family. it was supposed to be him, his wife, his son and maybe some day he would have a daughter and it would Be great
he and his wife had a son and they named him hendrix bc she loved rock and jimi hendrix and he loved the name even tho he never liked rock. but honestly ? he was so weak for her he would have loved the name lkgjdflajf if she suggested it
a few months after their first son was born tho she was diagnosed with cancer and a few months later she passed away
after that he raised his son by himself. he really threw himself into it. spent most of his life focused on it and work and now his son is going to college and he doesn’t know what to do with himself
the only person he ever Truly dated was his wife and then he just focused on his son and raising him so he never really allowed himself to date bc then he would have to introduce someone else to his son’s life and all that … sO anthony is usually all cool and fine and then you show romantic interest in him and there is like a visible shift ya know? like he goes from anthony to a truly profoundly awkward person trying to pretend it’s cool
aesthetics — organized work tables, color coded to-do lists, trying your very best at all times, mental exhaustion showing through physical symptoms, dad jokes and laughing by yourself, the smell of new books, comfort found in old libraries, forgetting your reading glasses at home, losing your temper and breaking something, old family photos lost somewhere in the attic, pushing someone else on a swing, sundays afternoons lost at the park, working extra hours instead of going home, cold breeze and hugging yourself to your jacket, trying to explain to someone why they are wrong when they don’t want to listen
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umjulikins · 8 years
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it?
patricia, and i really hate it actually lol
2. are you artistic?
i like to consider myself to be, though i don’t think so...
3. Have you had your first kiss?
lol yeah, but i feel like a dick not remembering when it was. i thought it was a different time, but i’ve been told otherwise whoops
4. What is your life goal?
being happy and financially stable probably
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person?
actually, i performed at a bernie sanders rally. i have a picture with him, and i’ve also met shailene woodley through the rally. it was hecking neat.
6. Do you play any sports?
if i hear that marching band is a sport one more time, i’m gonna mcfreaking lose it. so, no. i do not.
7. What’s your worst fear?
abandonment or distrust
8. Who’s your biggest inspiration?
oh man, that’s hard to say. i really like jaiden from a youtube channel called jaidenanimations, because she’s so humble and artistically talented.
probably my mom too, she’s number seven on the greatest wonders of the world
9. Do you have any cool talents?
whistling? i can play ukelele? i’m good at crying idk
10. are you a morning person?
it’s so debatable honestly. i hate getting up in the morning, but i love being awake in the morning. so yes and no.
11. How do you feel about pet names?
fuckin love it, give me pet names
12. Do you like to read?
no not at all, it takes me a really good book to get me engaged on reading
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life.
parks & rec, supernatural (not bc i loved it but because i befriended people bc of it, i actually am over spn lmao), south park??
14. Do you care about your follower count?
no, because i’m sick and tired of porn bots following me, and they are the huge majority that try to follow me until i block them
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had?
hahahahah, i had a dream that me and my bf were taking care of this proportionably large frog that could speak fluent english and was wearing a diaper. to this day, when we call each other bf and gf, it really means “big frog” and “giant frog” bc of my dream.
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
nope, but i’ve dreamt of it.
17. Do you have any pets?
no!!! but we might get a dog pretty soon... 3/4 of the family is all in for a dog.
18. Are you religious?
lmao this sounds pretentious, but i’d say my entire family (along with me) identifies being roman catholic, but i personally consider myself for agnostic. i wouldn’t want to ultimately reject my familial identity because i was raised catholic my entire life, it would be disassociating a part of me. but if it all comes down to my beliefs, i would happily defend people who are a little ignorant against catholicism.
19. Are you a people person?
i used to???? i’m really not anymore, especially with senior year i’m really tired of people’s shit lmao
20. Are you considered popular?
oh definitely not. i don’t mean this in a very modest way either, i mean it in a way that i often disassociate.
21. What is one of your bad habits?
being oversensitive???prolly idfk
22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable
23. What would you name your children?
i know i’m homestuck trash but i would legitimately name my child jade. not because of homestuck, but i identify so much relation to the name jade. it’s my favourite colour, my favourite type of plant, and it’s a simple four letter name with a letter j.
in terms of boy names, i really like the names jude or charlie. how fucking weird would it be having two kids name jude and jade though holy shittttt
24. Who’s your celebrity crush?
winona fuckin ryder aka pls adopt me
25. What’s your best subject?
science for sure!
26. Dogs or cats?
unpopular opinion: cats and dogs are both a gift to this world and there’s no reason to point them against each other
27. most used social media besides tumblr?
snapchat, instagram, and then facebook.
28. best friends name
um i have more than one?? dean, ana, emily, makena, and zany?
29. who does your main family consist of
my mom and dad, and my younger brother.
30. Chocolate or sugar
31. have you ever been on a date?
yeah, my first one was ridiculously awkward though
32. Do you like rollercosters?
yeah sure, it’s aight. i have a friend who has a mental list of a bunch of rollercoaster facts, so i refer to him in case i’m really hesitant to go on one.
33. Can you swim?
kinda? i know how to actually swim across water, but i have trouble treading it
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse?
ok here’s where my hiding place would be. and i encourage people to do the same actually.
hide the fuck out in costco. the walls are thick as hell so it’d be a struggle for zombies to break into. costco is spacey as fuck, so you can camp out anywhere and it’d be okay. you pretty much have a life supply of food, as well as other supplies because it’s a mega mart.
you’re good pretty much for the rest of your life if you think about it, i know i would!
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder
i don’t believe so. i’ve never been diagnosed of anything but i also never know.
36. Are your parents together?
37. What’s your favourite colour?
green, but i can’t decide on any shade of green. i love all the greens.
38. What country are you from/do you live in?
usa! usa! usa!
39. Favourite singer?
currently the 1975 from the top of my head
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?
absolutely not, i don’t wish to be
41. Do you like dresses?
yes!!!!!! i love dressing very feminine!!!!! dresses with pockets are the best
42. Favourite song right now?
“lifeboat” from heathers the musical
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
kind of, i’m actually a bit repulsed by sex... but mayhaps in the future when i find the right person?? idk
44. How old were you when you first got your period?
12 y/o i think
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
oh no, not really. kinda intimidating
46. Have you ever done yoga?
not as an active hobby
47. Are you a horror girl?
oh HELL yeah, i’m a horror to this socie––
just kidding, yes i do like horror movies. still scared of it though, but i like it!!
48. Are you good at giving advice?
the irony here is that i’ve been told i do tell good advice, but i NEVER follow my own advice
49. Tell us a story about your childhood.
one time, my dad accidentally left the back door locked from the backyard when i was in a kiddie pool. it all of a sudden started raining, and i couldn’t open the door to get inside because it was locked. i was sick the next day.
50. How are you doing today?
honestly, i could be doing better but right now i’m just chilling
51. Were you a cute kid?
i think so!!! i take pride in my days during elementary school....middle school is a different story though.
52. Can you dance?
yes!! it bothers me when people say they can’t dance, when i think anyone can! it’s all a matter of taking pride in your dance moves!! can you take pride in your dance moves?
but, in terms on doing it as a hobby, no! i used to.
53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing?
i don’t understand this question lmao
54. Have you ever dyed your hair?
no, but i actually would love to die the underside of my hair a deep teal/turquoise!!
55. What colour are your eyes?
dark brown, but golden under light. it’s pretty neat.
56. What’s your favourite animal?
i don’t consider this my favourite animal but i still love them a lot
look up the argentine red tegu lizard
also, i really like ladybugs!!
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?
always everyday
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
with my mom, yes! i tell her everything, and she’s so sweet and patient!
with my dad, kinda!
59. Do you have good friends?
sure :^)
they just are too far away
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
a lot of people yes! two of my best friends are bisexual, and majority of my friends are allies!
61. What’s your favourite class?
i actually don’t have one, every class that i’ve ever known has some form of annoying the hell out of me
62. List all the tv shows you are watching.
none currently as we speak, but i’m waiting for the next season of american horror story and stranger things to appear. i am watching a series of unfortunate events with dean, but we’re only on episode 4 together. it’s been a long time since we’ve watched an episode though, because we always want to watch it together.
63. Are you organized?
somewhat? i am more organized than others, but i’m very great at hiding my disorganization from others to give off the illusion that i am organized.
i like to think that my obsessive compulsive personality is the cause of that honestly.
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
la la land, a fav of mine
67. Which tv character do you relate to most?
shit man, there’s a lot of fictional characters i relate with.
veronica sawyer from heathers
jade harley from homestuck
dirk strider from homestuck
heather mcnamara from heathers
lucy van pelt from charlie brown
terra from teen titans
over half of these aren’t from tv though lmao
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
i try to confront it. if i failed even after confronting it, i accept that it’s simply just not meant to be. which sucks if you think about it, but i am way too passive for my well being.
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
traveling, and maybe saving that money for my future children and their college intuition.
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
probably being friends with certain people... there’s a lot of relationships i really regret.
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
being more bitter and negative publicly. people sometimes feel the need to take advantage of others who are considerably weaker than them, and i feel that i often put myself in that position. if i relentlessly take no shit and kinda??? scare people away, i don’t feel the paranoia of getting hurt by others
yikes this is getting negative zero to a hundred real quick
also, i know i’m not really phrasing it right, but hopefully you know what i mean!!
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
but at the same time, i’m also really content where i am now. i know i can improve more internally, but i also don’t really care for change.
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
during christmas break, i went to big bear!!
i also went to las vegas that same break, but it’s not a new place hahaha
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
shit, idk i’m still drowning in teen angst at the moment, i’m not doing anything revolutionary or some shit atm
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
a cartoonist. i still kinda wanna be one, especially knowing my art is improving so much, and i’m getting more exposure as an artist, and i’m landing myself on better platforms of art.
but it’s a tough and risky job opportunity. i’d love to do it as a hobby.
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
um, probably my relationship with people now. i don’t have a lot of artsy friends except maybe four; but even so, putting my effort all in an animation project requires a lot of independent work.
probably financial stability too.
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
when i realized that i was slowly losing my closest friend.
i still miss them lmao
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
financially stable, happily in love with someone who accepts me, in a small home with plants and dogs.
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
i’d probably be on top of my homework, and applying for a full ib diploma
but i wouldn’t really be artistically and musically talented, nor would i have a lot of friends
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
i would consistently changing personas every decade and seek out a whole new lifestyle
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
irresponsibly, realistically
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
future. the past sucks ass no matter what. but years after trump became president and then some, assuming the next president has a lot of cleaning up to do.
85. What motivates you to succeed?
knowing that someone out there genuinely believes in me.
even one person makes a difference.
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?
probably being in love in such a young age. albeit it’s lame to assume of such idealistic things like that, but it’s always something worth fighting for. the future sounds brighter if remembering that someone loves you unconditionally.
also i have met more dogs everyday.
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?
woods? i really wanna do a lot on my garden if i can!!
88. Do you believe in life after death
i consider it hopeful/wishful thinking, so i wouldn’t be opposed to it being true.
though i think of eternal bliss as a bigger possibility since i was brought up to believe it.
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?
my sophomore and junior year english teacher, mrs. beatty. she never forgot about me despite how quiet of a kid i was, and she always believed in my fullest potential.
dr. vanstrom, my human anatomy & physiology teacher is really great too, i consider her a really great teacher, but i have no person relationship with her. 
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory?
my old family friend, christopher, and i were vacationing with our families at lake arrowhead during winter break when i was like, eight i think. there’s this very quaint townsquare near the area we were staying at, and the two of us walked around the townsquare.
we really freaked our parents out though, because they thought that we were lost or kidnapped because we left without supervision or telling them where we were going, but i remember going to a candy store to get gummy bears in the freezing cold.
i wonder how christopher’s doing though.
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?
malala yousafzai, just because she’s such an inspiration.
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
it doesn’t take me a lot to cry over anything, trust me.
i cried once because someone’s chocolate meringue pie was delicious.
i cried once because a really fluffy puppy was rolling over.
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
it’s okay to miss people from a distance, but it’s not okay to ask them to come back. i think it’s important that the toxic relationships you decide to refrain from is a very valid and hard decision to make, so i’m proud of you if you get out of it. you deserve so much better to put yourself back into such a vicious cycle.
94. What do you think happens after we die?
everything is black for eternity
95. What would you do if you would be invisible?
?????honestly?????what CAN you do while you’re invisible other than spying people???
invisibility is such a shitty power, i want the power to read minds selectively so i can ace every academic test in the future and be accepted from every job application FUCK
96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try?
i can’t really seem to shake the idea of negative thoughts and insecurities. of course it’s inevitable for literally everyone at some point, but it still sucks having
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?
no, i really want to give my child the freedom to choose who they want to be or who they want to present themselves as. i as the parent should love them unconditionally
98. How did your first crush develop?
eh, his friend told me that he liked me and i believed it
i shouldn’t have though, because there was really no evidence that he liked me, and he even denied it when his friends straight up told me
thinking about it now, i think he never really did like me, and his friend was just being a dick. and i latched onto that idea which was even worse holy shit
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?
yeah dude, i’m sure everyone is though
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
existing for sure.
thanks dude!!!
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