#the shield/bcc/renee poly
moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Mirror Images
Pairings: Seth Rollins/Wheeler Yuta, Seth Rollins/William Regal, Seth Rollins/Jon Moxley, Seth Rollins/Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Seth remembers the Betrayal storyline, the way his in-ring persona betrayed his brothers, he can see the hurt and anger in Yuta’s eyes, a mirror image of what Seth saw in his own eyes all those years ago. He hopes he hasn’t lost his younger lover before he’s gotten the chance to truly love him.
Continuation of Enough is Enough
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
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(Gifs not mine)
Seth hears Roman sigh on the phone as Seth describes why he has to make the trip home. He knows Roman doesn't understand why he's so concerned, but Seth is truly scared.
"Babe, I just think you're overthinking this. Yuta is fine, we talked when. I was there a few weeks ago, remember?"
"Yeah, but I also know that he is having. a hard time forgiving and trusting Bryan again, especially since the BCC is still fighting the JAS. I just-" Seth stops and sadly sighs, tugging on his hair. "I remember how this goes, this anger."
"That storyline wasn't entirely fictional, and you know it, Ro! That story almost broke us before it even played out. I can't lose him; it feels like we just got him. Please let me do this, if I'm wrong and being dumb you can laugh at me later, all of you can, but if I'm right, I gotta try and fix this Ro."
"No one is going to laugh at you Seth, you're doing this for all of us. If anybody knows what happens traveling down this road, it's us. If you're wrong, great, but if you're right? If you're right and he leaves, I don't know what would happen to all of us. Just text me when you get there and keep me updated. I know Yuta misses you, so he'll be happy to see you early."
"I love you, Big Dog, I'll let you know how this all goes."
"Love you too baby. Be safe."
Seth hangs up the phone with a sigh and grabs his bag, heading out of the hotel and into his car. Shooting a text to Regal, Mox, and Renee, he puts the address into the GPS and heads home.
The drive goes faster than he thought, partly because he knows he's overthinking and partly because, being so late, there's no traffic. When he pulls up to the huge house (he'd call it a mansion, but Regal always rolls his eyes), he sends a text to Roman, letting him know he's safe, and to Regal, who he knows he's probably still awake. Getting out of the car, he stretches his legs and back out, groaning at the twinge in his knee. He had refused to stop on the way, wanting to get here as quickly as possible.
Unlocking and relocking the door, he quietly goes up the stairs, first stopping by Regal's room. Entering the room quietly, he sees Regal still awake and reading a book. He stops by his older lover's side of the bed to give him a kiss, trying not to wake up Bryan.
"Welcome home Seth. I hope your drive was pleasant enough?"
"Definitely don't recommend doing the drive all in one sitting, but I'm happy to be home." Seth knows he's anxiously rubbing his wrist.
"Oh petal, you really are worried about this situation, aren't you?" Regal grabs his hand, pulling it from his wrist. "Roman called, darling. Explained how you predict this going in your eyes. I spoke to Moxley so I could understand your stance and worries, and I can see why you're so upset."
"I just- I almost lost Mox in 2014 because of a storyline, I can't lose Yuta because of this feud between the BCC and JAS." Seth lets Regal pull him down gently so he's sitting on the side of the bed, and groans lightly when Regal scratches down his back, letting his head drop forward.
"Seth, your worries are justified, my dear boy. You should go and see Yuta, even if it's just to sleep." Seth leans over and kisses him again and stands up. "Go on dear, get some rest. I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight William."
He closes the door quietly behind him and immediately runs into Mox, who wraps his arms around Seth's waist and kisses the breath out of him. When Mox pulls back, Seth puts his face in his lover's neck and breathes him in, calming himself down.
"I love you, my beautiful Hound, always remember that." Mox runs one hand through Seth's hair and clenches the other arm harder around him, hugging Seth tightly. "I know what you're thinking about, I fucked up in 2014, and I know that I can never take that shit back. I let my goddamn anger get the better of me, but Yuta's not me, baby," Mox can hear Seth's small sniffles and feels him shift his head into Mox's shoulder.
"When we were on FaceTime the other day, he was talking about how he's trying to forgive Bryan, but the feud is making him paranoid and making it hard to put this all behind him. He's so afraid that Bryan will turn back around and treat him shitty all over again, and it makes him angry." Seth's voice is watery and muffled, getting quieter toward the end of his statement. Mox sighs and rubs his tired Hound's back, trying to comfort him, wishing Renee was out here to help.
"Go lay with the Pup, baby, get some rest, and tomorrow we'll all have. a talk, okay? We'll put it all on the table." He steps back slightly so Seth will bring his head up, and Mox grabs his face, kissing him softly. "We'll get it all fixed up, okay?" Seth nods tiredly, and Mox chuckles. "Good, now go lay down, I gotta go chop some damn wood or something so I can feel like a badass again and not some softie. Got me feeling things." Mox shudders and starts to walk toward the stairs.
"Hey Moxie?" His lover turns around. "I like it when you're soft, you're still my badass no matter what." Mox rolls his eyes and starts walking again. "Love you, Mox" He starts walking toward Yuta's room, smiling at the quiet love you too from behind him.
Seth makes it to Yuta's room and quietly enters, hoping that, if the boy is asleep, he won't wake him. He places his bag in the chair that's in the corner of the room and decides to just take his shirt off and sleep in the pants he drove in. Climbing into bed, he's startled when Yuta turns over, puts an arm on his chest, and props himself up, smiling in excitement.
"You're here!" Yuta kisses over his heartbeat and Seth falls in love a little more. "Are you okay? I thought you were coming this weekend."
"I was, but I decided to come early, I wanted to come home and see my family." Yuta blushes slightly and sits up with his back against the headboard, grabbing Seth's hand when he copies Yuta's position. "I really wanted to see you and check in with you, especially after our video call." Seth adds quietly, looking down at his lap.
"Hey," Yuta uses his other hand to bring Seth's face up to look at him. "what's wrong? I know I've been stressed out about this Bryan/JAS stuff, but Bryan really is trying to make it up to me and he's checking in before and after we do segments with JAS. I think was just being paranoid, but Renee and Regal have been helping me and Bryan talk through things." Seth sighs in relief.
"So you're okay? We- you and Bryan are okay?" Seth catches the slip and hopes Yuta didn't, but his baby is more perceptive than he thinks.
"Yeah Seth, we're okay, all of us are okay." Yuta squeezes his hand and uses the other hand on Seth's face to stroke his cheek. "Ya know, Roman called me on your way here and told me to talk to Mox, don't be mad at him, he was really worried about you. Mox told me about what happened in 2014 during the betrayal storyline, about how y'all almost broke up and he thought you wanted the storyline to happen." Yuta hears the small whimper that escapes Seth without his permission.
"Yeah, it was a bad few weeks after that, Mox was refusing to talk to me, and I told Roman not to get in the middle of it. Triple H finally was able to get through to him and explain that it was his idea. Mox and I were pretty tense still even after Mox apologized because I was mad that it had even come to that. I was angry that someone else had to step in to make him see what he was doing was wrong."
"Kind of like how Roman had to get Bryan to see what he was doing to me, right? Mirror images almost, and that's what scares you, huh?"
Seth sighs and nods slowly, and Yuta gives in to the urge to try and kiss the sad look off his face. When Yuta pulls away, he lays back and pulls Seth down to lie on his chest, playing with Seth's long hair.
"I was scared that I would lose you just as I was beginning to truly love you, so I needed to see you, in case this was the last time I would." Seth kisses Yuta's chest, running his fingers over Yuta's stomach, enjoying the way it clenches when he hits certain spots.
"I was mad at Bryan, I was mad that Roman had to intervene to make him see that what he was doing was wrong, but I know Bryan isn't perfect, none of us are." Yuta tugs on the end of Seth's hair and makes him look Yuta in the face. "I'm not going anywhere Seth, I love y'all, I love you, and that won't change. Will we get into fights? Sure, but we'll talk it out and makeup. Bryan is still making things up to me and I'm still working on trusting him, but we'll get there eventually, and we're both patient enough to put the work in. We're okay though, all of us, and especially you and me. You drove all night to come see me, babe and make sure I was okay. My own Prince Charming, I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"Yeah, Prince Charming, sure. I love you too, Yoots. I'm sorry I doubted that." Yuta kisses Seth again and pulls the covers over the both of them, gently pushing Seth's head to his chest.
"Not doubt, Charming, concern. Now let's get some sleep, I have a feeling Mox is gonna come jump on the bed to wake us up in the morning and Roman will want a phone call."
Yuta runs his fingertips up and down Seth's back, enjoying the shudders going through his lover. He can feel Seth calm down and fall asleep, tightening the arm across Yuta's waist and nuzzling his head further into his chest. Yuta looks up when he hears the door open, seeing Mox looking in on them.
"How is he?" Mox whispers when he sees Seth asleep.
"I think he's okay now, but he'll probably be better when he can see Bryan and I interact together tomorrow." He can see a look in Mox's eyes when he looks at Seth, a mixture of guilt and love. "Come sleep with us, you know he gets cold if he's not sandwiched in."
"Already learned that, huh?" Mox doesn't argue, just climbs in bed on the other side of Seth, propping himself up to stare at Yuta and Seth together.
Yuta watches as Mox moves the hair away from Seth's cheek, kissing it gently, and moving to his ear to whisper something that sounded like softie. He then leans over carefully and kisses Yuta goodnight, then lays down and throws his arm over both Yuta and Seth, falling asleep quickly. He stays awake a little longer to think about the conversations he had with both Mox and Seth. Yuta knows that he truly loves all of his lovers and there was no way he'd give any of this up. He'll make sure he squashes Seth's fear tomorrow, but tonight he's going to enjoy sleeping next to very loving Hounds of Justice.
I 100% blame @sarahcakes613 and her "Yuta reminds Moxley of someone else"
This was also supposed to focus solely on Yuta and Seth, but apparently, Mox and his Lordship wanted some Seth loving too, so *waves hand* here we are.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Much love! Also! You don't have to read Enough is Enough to understand any of this story! ❤️
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Enough is Enough
Pairings: Roman Reigns/Wheeler Yuta, Roman Reigns/Bryan Danielson, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Roman sees the interview, he decides it's time for a visit
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
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Gifs belong to @allelitewrestlings and @kriole
Yuta is distracted as he walks into the house, Claudio and Mox have given up trying to talk to him or talk him out of his mindset since they left the building. It had been a few hours, but he just can't move past that interview with Bryan. He knows he should be a better boyfriend and check in with Mox after that ending to his match with Hangman, but he's stuck too far in his head.
He kept hoping that maybe Bryan would come after him after he left the interview, but he hadn't seen him even when they were getting ready to leave. Yuta suspects that he's already here at the house, or he had gotten a hotel room, he really didn't know which was worse at this point and that scares him.
With his head down and checking Twitter (again) to see what people were saying about the show, Yuta didn't see the figure waiting on the couch, but the three men behind him did and they decided to make himself scarce for now.
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Roman waits on the couch for the arrival of the rest of his lovers, having already been welcomed by Renee and Bryan when he got here. He is lost in his thoughts, thinking back to the conversation he had had with Bryan after Renee left them alone with each other.
With a soft kiss to Renee, he had whispered to her that would like a moment alone with Bryan. She gave him a long look, communicating her plea to him not to do anything rash with that look. He nodded and gently nudged her toward the stairs, then turned to walk toward the couch.
"Roman I can't believe you're here. Are you okay?" Roman puts his bag beside the couch, deciding to move it to a room later when he decides if he's sleeping in his room or one of his lovers'.
"I saw the interview," Bryan's face falls and Roman can't help but feel a small shiver of glee. "and considering I already did my tapings for Smackdown, and I was close by, I decided I should come visit."
"Roman-". Roman's face hardens, and Bryan stops the excuse coming out of his mouth.
"Don't Roman me, Bryan. I was going to come earlier, at the beginning of all of this bullshit, but Seth and Mox convinced me to give you some time. We all know how you get when you're determined, you become single-minded, and we've always been fine with it, but I've decided that someone has to pull your head out of your ass." Roman glares at Bryan as he opens his mouth to interrupt.
"I would shut your mouth if I were you, I'm really not in the mood. I have watched Yuta wilt for weeks, every time we're on video chat or phone call I can see and hear how tired he is. Of course, any time I ask him about it he comes up with another reason, but it all circles back to you and your precious Daniel Garcia." Roman spits the name out like it was poison. He pulls out his phone and opens Twitter. "Let's see, what was it you said about Garcia in front of your boyfriend and student? Oh yeah, here we are."
Roman plays the interview back for Bryan again, rolling his shoulders as he hears Bryan praising Daniel Garcia and the future he sees for him, calling him the best, and Roman tries to hold back his Tribal Chief anger. All he can picture as the video plays is his baby's face. The heartbreak and sadness that people mistook for a mentee's sadness or the loss of a hero, Roman knew was Yuta's heart literally breaking at the thought that his boyfriend no longer cared for or loved him.
"I want you to see his face Bryan, actually look at him. How can you act like you have no idea what could possibly be wrong with him? You're not just his mentor and hero in this situation, at least that would be easier to swallow and get over."
Roman steps closer to Bryan, grabbing him by his face and making him look up into Roman's eyes. Bryan struggles for only a second before he lets Roman take control, putting his hands on Roman's hips. Roman can see tears willing in Bryan's eyes, but he can't focus on those right now, he has to make sure Bryan understands.
"You are supposed to be his lover, one of his confidants, and you are especially supposed to be his safe space." Roman squeezes Bryan's face gently for emphasis. "He is breaking apart inside and you don't see it, or you're choosing not to, I don't know which is worse really. Are you really so determined to have this student at your side that you are blinded to the one that has been there since the beginning?"
Roman can feel the tears that are filling up and going over his hands, dripping onto Bryan's white shirt and down Roman's arms. He can't stand it anymore and pulls Bryan into his chest, holding him tight. Bryan, who rarely cries, freely does so now into Roman's chest. They don't know how long they stand there like that, Roman petting down Bryan's back and whispering into his ear. As the tears slow, Roman makes Bryan look up and focus on him again.
"Bryan listen to me carefully, you need to make this right. I don't care how you do it, but it needs to be done. Please don't take this as a threat, but don't make me choose between you and Yuta, Bryan, I love you both and it would break my heart." He leans down to place a soft kiss on Bryan's lips, holding him gently and stroking his cheek, breaking away after a few seconds. "Do you understand, my Dragon?" Roman lowly growls out.
"I understand Big Dog, I'll make sure to fix this, I don't know how yet but I will." Bryan sighs and steps back away from Roman. "They should be back soon, I'll let you have time with Yoots for the rest of the night and I'll speak to him tomorrow. Maybe Renee can help me with some ideas." Bryan starts to walk away but turns back to Roman. "I love you too, Ro, I'm glad you're here."
Roman's eyes follow him up the stairs until he can no longer see him and sits down heavily on the couch. He scrubs his hands over his face, trying to figure out how he can help ease this process between Bryan and Yuta along.
Roman snaps out of his thoughts and turns to see Yuta looking at him concerned. Roman smiles and places his hand on Yuta's face, almost purring when his baby leans into it. He can see traces of sadness and exhaustion on the young man's face and hopes his presence can help get rid of some of the negative thoughts.
"Hey baby, hope you don't mind some company." He looks around to see that he and Yuta were alone. "Where did everyone go?" Yuta looks confused and turns to look for the others, seeing that they were gone.
"Oh, I guess they decided we needed some alone time."
Yuta throws himself into Roman, pushing the bigger man further into the couch. Roman situates himself and Yuta so that he's reclining back with the smaller man almost on top of him. Yuta sighs happily as his head is pillowed against Roman's chest and he almost moans at the feeling of his lover petting through his hair. His other hand rests on his lower back and Yuta can feel the heat radiating through his shirt.
"You comfortable baby?" Yuta can feel his boyfriend's chest rumble from laughter and situates his head so he can lay it directly over Roman's heart.
"Yeah alofa (love), I'm good." Roman can hear the slight slurring of Yuta's words. "I'm so glad you're here, I've missed you and Seth so much. I love you, Roman. Thank you for coming.
Roman runs his fingers through Yuta's hair until he feels him fall asleep. He looks down as best as he can without disturbing his sleeping lover and kisses the top of Yuta's head, then gets closer to his ear.
"I love you so much, o lo'u alofa (my love), hopefully, it'll all be better tomorrow." He whispers. Roman slowly pulls his phone out and sends a quick message to Seth, then lays his head back and drifts off to sleep.
A huge thank you to @sinderellanightwolf and IperOuranos for all the help with this drabble and the others to come! I wouldn't have started writing them without y'all! I hope you all enjoy these and be on the lookout for the others to come! Much love ❤️
Also @sarahcakes613 this is your Comfort!Yuta story that I promised you ☺️ And I 100% think that Yuta would want to learn Samoan after hearing Roman and his family speak it, so of course, Roman taught him the most important word 😍
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
I'll Show You Disrespect
Pairings: Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta, Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Yuta's finally had enough, Mox will fix the situation somehow.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
CW: anxiety spiral, biting (could be seen as abuse, I see it as violent BCC boys being violent), Mox cusses like a trucker (same 🙄)
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(Gifs aren't mine)
Swiss Supes ☕️: 911, BCC LR
"I have to go, man. I need you to find Renee and send her to the Club's locker room asap."
"Jonny, what the-?"
"No time, Eddie! Now!" Mox doesn't wait for Eddie's response, spinning around and stalking off toward the locker room.
He storms through the doors, wincing when they hit the wall. The scene he witnesses when he walks in makes him want to taste someone's blood. Claudio walks slowly towards him, hands out like he's trying to calm a wild animal, but Mox drops the belt and pushes past him. Regal looks up at him from his kneeling position in front of Yuta.
"Oh, Sunshine look, Mox is here." Regal sadly reports as he stands with Claudio's help, petting through his young lover's hair gently, leaving the room when the two-minute warning for the match is announced through the door.
He falls to his knees in front of Yuta, putting his hands on his face and pressing their foreheads together. "Tell me Pup, give me a name and I'll bring you their head."
"You can't Moxie, not this time."
"I can do whatever the fuck I want Yoots, and I certainly would do anything for you."
"I'm done, Jon." He freezes, ice filling his filling his veins slowly. "I'm done trying, I can't stick my neck out only to be hurt every time, so I'm done." Mox lifts his head and swings it toward Claudio.
"What the fuck happened? What did he do?" Claudio doesn't answer, just replays the promo for him. "Oh, hell no, I'm gonna kill him!"
“Enough Mox, please, I want to go to the house, I want to sleep in my bed.” Yuta grabs his face, making him look at him. “Please I want my bed.”
My bed. The phrase runs through his head on repeat, getting louder, screaming at him until it rips a whimper out of his throat. Claudio comes up behind him, strong hands on his shoulders, keeping him centered, and Yuta, seeming to realize what he said, taps his fingertips against Mox’s face like Regal taught him to reclaim his attention.
“No Moxie, we are not done, I’m not giving any of you up, I’m too selfish for that. I just refuse to fight for someone who’s already given up the war. I-I can’t keep getting hurt by him, so until everything settles down or he comes to me, I don’t want to be with him, professionally and friendly sure, but not romantically.”
Mox’s breathing comes a little easier after his Pup’s declaration and he breathes deeply before looking up at Claudio. “Take him home babe,” he sees Renee push the door open, finally arriving. “Both of you take him home if you’re done. I’ll stay here and wait for Regal and Bryan.” 
Claudio tries to argue, but Mox waves him off. His Swiss lover sighs deeply, grabbing his and Yuta’s bags and walking away with him. He hears him tell Renee he’ll explain in the car, before Mox feels thin arms wrap around his waist and a kiss is placed on his back. 
“I love you Mox, I always will, nothing will change that, I promise.” He turns around, not letting the arms release him, kissing his Pup deeply, nibbling on his lower lip toward the end. 
“I love you too, Yuta, now go with them and call Seth or Roman when you get into bed, please let Renee or Claudio stay with you.” He places a kiss on Yuta’s lips again, watching his three lovers walk out. 
He pulls up a metal chair close to television, watching Bryan’s match with Sammy Guevara, the kid and his wife making his lip curl into a snarl. His phone dings, a quick glance letting him know that the trio was home safely, and Yuta was in bed with Claudio. Another ding sounds and it’s from Seth, letting him know that he’s on the phone with Yuta because Roman is too aggressive at the moment. He sends a quick thumbs up as a response, getting distracted at the sight of Bryan’s bloody face. His mind drifts as the match goes on, splitting his attention between Bryan and Yuta, his mood continuously darkening. He is taken from his thoughts by the sound of the door opening and he feels a stinging pain, looking down to see eight perfect bloody crescents on his palms. 
“Demon, you’re still here? I thought you would have head on home with the others.” Regal questions warily. 
“Wanted to check on Bryan, I know Sammy boy can be an ass sometimes, and I saw the blood.” He watches Bryan head for the showers. “He get checked out?”
“Yes Jon, he did, what is really going on? You never let Sunshine go home without you. Please Jon, I know things are tense, but he’s hurt.”
“William, I know he’s your golden boy, but this has gone on long enough.”
“Yuta said he’s done! He’s done letting Bryan hurt him, so until things settle down, or Bryan comes to him, he’s done with Bryan romantically. He swears that he’s still going to be with us, but how long until he’s so miserable he leaves all together?” Mox sighs and scrubs his face roughly. “I’m not going to hurt him William, but I am gonna give him a goddamn wake up call, so stay or don’t, your choice.” 
“I trust that you know the limits, he has truly been hurt tonight, so please let us go home in one piece tonight, My Demon.”
“We will darlin’, we will, I think Ortiz wanted to ask you some questions about submissions.” Mox stated, giving Regal an out.
They hear the shower shut off, both looking toward the bathroom doors. “Yes, I think I will go find the lad now, call me when you’re ready to leave.”
Mox walks inside the bathroom toward the shower stalls, eyeing Bryan as he dries off and steps into a pair of sweatpants. His footsteps are silent as he closes in on his Dragon, mentally mapping and categorizing the bruises littering his back. He appreciates the beautiful sight of Bryan before seizing him by one of his shoulders and pushing him into the closest wall. His other hand shields his lover’s face, so it doesn’t make contact with the hard surface. 
“Mox, what the fuck? Let me go!” Bryan tries to twist out of Mox’s hold unsuccessfully, and Mox brushes his lips against the Dragon’s ear.
“So, you feel disrespected, do you? By Jericho, by your boy Daniel, and by our boy Yuta, am I right?” He kisses Bryan’s ear, feeling the shiver run through his body.
“Mox please, I was just upset, I got carried away,” he shivers as Mox switches to his other ear, running his nose across the back of it, before nuzzling his way down to the back of his neck. “Mox, come on-.”
“How about I show you some disrespect, baby?” He sets his teeth on Bryan’s neck, biting deeply when he hears his lover’s whine of confusion.
“Ah! Mox what the fu-?” 
Mox keeps his teeth sunk in, making sure to create a bruise, before releasing the skin. Bryan is breathing hard, letting his head lay against the wall. Mox wraps his arms around Bryan, gently pulling the both of them backwards until he can fall onto one of the benches, Bryan in his lap. He leans in near his ear again, blowing on it softly to feel him writhe in his captivity, his Dragon whining softly when Mox runs a finger over the bite mark.
“Oh, I’m sorry baby, did I hurt you? Do you feel disrespected? I would absolutely hate it if you felt that way.” He scoffs angrily, moving his hands to Bryan’s hips, making him stand up so he can walk back into the sitting area.
It doesn’t take long for the fog to clear from Bryan’s mind, filling with anger instead of hazy confusion, and he storms after Mox, slamming the doors against the walls. His anger grows we he sees Mox lounging peacefully on the couch.
“What the fuck was that Mox?!” He brushes his fingertips against the bite mark, wincing in pain. “You think I don’t have enough bruises from tonight? You had to add one more? For what, huh? Me saying I feel disrespected by Yuta?” He paces back and forth, feeling Mox tracking his movement like a hungry predator. 
Mox shrugs nonchalantly, “What can I say, baby? I thought I should let you feel a little bit of the pain that the Pup is feeling right now.”
“Is that why you stayed? To show me how much pain Yuta is in? Well thanks, so glad you could take the time to fucking bite me so that I know that I hurt his feelings, much appreciated.” Bryan realizes he’s said the wrong thing when a snarl is ripped from Mox’s throat.
“No, sweetheart, I’m here to deliver a message before we three go home to the others, figured you’d want us to be alone when I tell you.” Mox leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, and his hands clasped under his chin. “The bite was just for me, let’s say it’s almost like a timer.” Bryan wants to wipe the smirk off his face. 
“Delivering a message? A fucking timer? Speak fucking plainly, Jon, I’m tired of this game!” Bryan gulps slightly, backing up as Mox rises from the couch, stalking toward him. 
“Yeah Bry, a message from Yuta actually. He says he’s done letting you hurt him. That until you’re ready to come to him and talk things out like a goddamn adult, or things settle down, he’s done. He’ll be your friend and your stable mate, but he can’t be your lover right now, not until you grow a pair and apologize, or calm the fuck down.” 
“N-no, Mox wh-?”
Mox crowds Bryan into the wall, grazing his fingertips around the bite. “And yeah, a timer Bryan. Until this bad boy heals, you’re to keep your distance from Yuta. I can’t trust you around him because you can’t stop hurting him. He’ll train with me, Claudio, or Regal and I’m sure we can figure out a sleeping arrangement.”
“Please Jon-.” Mox brushes a finger over Bryan’s lips. 
“Hush, Dragon. When this bite heals, you’ll fix your mistakes, but until then, Yuta is off limits to you. I know it sounds cruel, but I refuse to lose any of you fuckers. You made me love you all; you and Regal moved me in, and I made my home with you. I won’t lose anybody, so if this is what needs to happen, so be it, I’ll be the bad guy.” Mox butts his forehead against the side of Bryan’s temple gently. 
They are interrupted by the locker room door opening, surprised to see Renee walk in with Regal. He backs away from Bryan, giving him room to breathe and calm down, walking towards their duffle bags. 
“I’m glad you’re here baby girl, think I can bum a ride from you?” He situates the bags to one hand, holding Renee’s cheek, and kissing her sweetly.
“You seem nice enough, so I guess so.” She shrugs, fighting a smile, giving Regal time to go check in with Bryan.
“You bit him Jon. Don’t try and say you didn’t, this absolutely was not here earlier.” Bryan places a hand on Regal’s back.
“Don’t William, I-I don’t like that he did it, but I know why he did. It’s no different than when you slap us, yeah? This is my timer, I accept that. Can you and I please just sit down for a moment? I need some down time with you before we go home.”
Mox drops the bags by Renee’s feet, striding toward Bryan again. “I love you Bryan, so much, I’m sorry for the bite, I really didn’t plan that.” He nuzzles his nose on Bryan’s cheek.
“I love you too, Mox. I know you didn’t, we all will fix any tension between us and when this heals, I’ll fix things with Yuta.” Mox feels tears hit his nose and he leans back to look into Bryan’s eyes.He pulls his lover into a tight hug, burying his face into his neck to let him cry for a moment, stroking his neck and humming into his ear until Bryan pulls away. He watches as Regal grabs Bryan by his hips, pulling him back into his chest gently, whispering in his ear. Mox gets his older lover’s attention, kissing him over Bryan’s shoulder.
“I love you, old man, we’ll see you at the house, try not to stay much longer, okay?” He pecks his lips again before backing away.
“I love you too, my Demon, go and take care of our Sunshine and I will come in and check on you all when I get home.” Mox looks into his eyes to see if he can find any anger, but all he sees is love and understanding shining back at him. 
Renee grabs his hand, and he takes the bags from her before they turn to leave. As they reach the doors Mox turns back to glance at his lovers, seeing Bryan in Regal’s lap, face in his neck. Regal looks up to see him staring and sends him a small, sweet smile before turning his attention back to Bryan. Renee leads him to the car, and he decides to let her drive, too unfocused at the moment. He is worried that Regal is mad at him, so he pulls his phone out.
Me: We’re okay, you and me?
He anxiously bites his thumbnail, waiting for an answer, starting to drift off in his thoughts, but the notification brings him back before he can start his spiral downward. 
Old Man 👑💛: Ease your thoughts my Demon, we are okay. I love you Jon, my darling Wild Thing. Get home and take care of the others and I will take care of you when I get home my sweet boy 😘
He texts Yuta and Claudio quickly, letting them know they are on the way, and puts his phone away. Renee puts her hand in his lap, giving him the option to hold it if he wants to, which he gladly accepts. Laying his head back against the headrest, he allows his mind drift, letting his wife’s presence calm his mind until they arrive home. They will be okay, he knows it, they just have to get through the hazards in their way. 
Thank you so much for reading! This one is for @bambihausen, who I promised I'd write this.
Dynamite made me a little upset okay?! Bryan's a jerk but I still love him. My poor Yoots though 😭
Much love as always!!
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
The Real Man's Man
Pairings: Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta, Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta/William Regal, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Bryan shows Yuta the Real Man’s Man
Sequel to Do You Still Love Me?
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
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(Gifs aren't mine)
Yuta holds the phone between his shoulder and ear as he unlocks the door, and he can hear Roman laughing at him.
“I can hear you struggling baby boy.”
“How about you shut up, Roman.” He chuckles and can hear the twins in the background laughing at them. 
“How is everything going since your birthday?” Roman asks suddenly and it makes Yuta pause. “Yuta? Please tell me he’s not being an ass again.”
“No! No Ro he’s been really sweet actually.” He says as he kicks his shoes off and putting them and his bag away in his cubby by the door. “And I don’t mean he’s overdoing it. He’s just- it’s like it used to be and that’s how I want it. We train, we cook together, and we just do things with each other again. I love it.” He sighs happily and smiles when he hears a rumble from Roman. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear and I know Seth will be happy to hear it too.” Yuta stops in the doorway of the living room, and he knows he has a dumb smile on his face. “Baby? You still there?”
“Can I call you back, alofa?” Bryan lets out a small chuckle and pats the sofa cushion next to him. 
“Everything okay?” Bryan waves his hand for the phone as Yuta sits down and puts the phone on speaker. 
“Everything’s great Big Dog but I’m gonna steal him for the rest of the day. Is that okay with you?” Yuta laughs softly when Bryan places a kiss at his temple. 
“Yeah, you two have fun and text me later. I love you both and tell everyone else I love them too.”
“We will! We love you Ro and tell Seth the same. I’ll text you definitely before bed.” Yuta calls out and Bryan says the same before hanging up the phone. “So, what’s all this?” He asks as he looks at the blankets and snacks.
“Well, I figured that since we have some time to ourselves with Mox and Claudio being gone and Regal taking care of some business with MJF, we could spend some time together.”
“Where’s Renee?” He asks as he lays back against Bryan.
“She decided that since she’s not needed at AEW until Wednesday she would go meet with Seth and surprise Roman.” Yuta smiles when he feels Bryan kiss his cheek. 
“What are we watching?” He turns his head to look his Dragon when he starts to laugh.
“There’re some episodes of WWF that I’ve wanted to show you. An old lumberjack/working man gimmick of William’s that he’d never let me show you if he were here.” Yuta leans forward to grab the remote and one of the snacks from the table, handing the remote to Bryan. 
He settles back against his boyfriend and covers them with a blanket. “Oh! Mox has talked about this before, but I haven’t looked the episodes up.” He says excitedly as he holds some popcorn over his shoulder for Bryan to take and blushing when he eats it from his fingers. 
They get comfortable as one of the episodes start only making noise when they laugh. After a few episodes they decide to move to when Regal came back to the WWF and follow their older lover’s career at the Fed. He even jokingly changed William’s ringtone to the Real Man’s Man entrance song.
“That’s your gear!” Yuta points out and it makes Bryan laugh. 
“I’ve never told you about that?” At Yuta’s head shake, Bryan jumps into the story of how Regal gave him the gear and Yuta can’t help but be mesmerized at the happiness in his boyfriend’s voice. 
“I can’t believe they got away with this crap!” Yuta states wide eyed and shocked. “I mean I get that it was like the Wild West and no holds barred but what the fuck?” 
“Yeah, they pushed a lot of limits back then. I think Hunter once said that he almost got fired because of some the stuff DX did. They edited out the really awful scenes, but it was pretty bad.”
They both hear the door open and close. “Darlings? I’m sorry I’m late but I’m home now.” Yuta smiles happily as their English lover appears in the doorway and he hops off the couch to greet him. 
“Welcome home!” He leans up slightly and kisses him before helping him out of his jacket and belt. 
“Thank you, Sunshine.” He takes the jacket and belt upstairs quickly and comes back to see Bryan and William kissing, watching them pull away when they notice him back. “Are you two hungry or are you full on snacks and such?” 
“We have snacks William so why don’t you just come join us? Mox and Claudio won’t be back until tomorrow and we have plenty of snack food to fill us up until breakfast tomorrow.” Yuta doesn’t give him a chance to say no as he grabs his hand and pulls him to the couch. 
“I believe I have not been given much of a choice, have I?” Yuta gently pushes him down into the nest of blankets and sits in between Regal and Bryan. 
“Hm, no I don’t think I’m gonna give you choice, your chest happens to be one of my favorite pillows and I feel like I haven’t gotten to see you in forever so I’m going to take advantage of our time.” William opens his mouth to speak but Yuta cuts him off with a deep kiss and pulls back to situate himself and William so that he can lay on his chest. 
“I think it’s just best you do what our Yoots says William and lay here with us.” Their Dragon says as he puts Yuta’s feet in his lap and rearranges the bigger blanket over all three of them. 
Yuta purrs as Regal runs a hand through his hair and he cuddles deeper into the Englishman’s chest. “What are you two watching?”
“2001 of WWF, Mr. Commissioner.” Yuta and Bryan burst out laughing when Regal yanks on Yuta’s hair for the statement. 
“Have any of you seen my phone? I had to use Bryan’s phone last night to call Roman, but I still can’t find it.” He says as he looks around where they were laying the night before.
“Don’t worry my Sunshine, I can call it.” Yuta’s eyes widen and Regal’s already pressing his name as he tries to stop him.
“Wait-.” His face turns beet red as the Real Man’s Man ringtone blares out from the couch cushions and Regal just stares at him as Bryan is dying laughing from the kitchen. 
“I-is that my old entrance music, Sunshine?” William asks as he’s trying not to smile.
“And if I say no?” Yuta asks as he finally finds his phone and shuts it up and puts it on silent. “I’m not changing it.” He says as he passes William and gives him a quick kiss before hurrying into the kitchen with Bryan, listening to his oldest lover burst out laughing. “Shut up, Bry.”
Bryan puts his hands in the air. “I didn’t say anything.” He states in between laughter. 
I'm alive! I just forgot to post two of my stories lol! This is the sequel to Do You Still Love Me? My darling big polycule and the light of my life 😍
Thank you for reading and I hope you like it! 😘
Alofa: love
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Do You Still Love Me? (1/?): The Birthday Boy's Escape
Pairing: implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: It's Yuta's birthday, he should be celebrating, but he and Bryan are fighting again.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
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(Gifs belong to AEW and @allelitewrestlings)
Yuta watches Bryan leave the locker room as soon as they are able to cut the chains off, letting the door slam behind him. He knows that Bryan is worried about Mox, but he can't help but think that he's trying to get away from Yuta as fast as he possibly can.
"It'll be alright sunshine. He's only worried about Jon, he'll come back around and we will continue the conversation, settle this once and for all." Yuta leans into Regal's hand and almost purrs when those long fingers scratch at his scalp.
"Besides, it's your birthday, mein Liebling (my love), we should be celebrating you. So let us put this aside for the moment and take you home, we have a surprise for you later tonight."
Claudio comes up behind him, wrapping his strong arms around Yuta's stomach and shoulder. Yuta leans back against his Swiss lover, relaxing his body and trying to calm his thoughts, but one is very prominent.
"I think I want to see Mox real quick and then I'll come back here," Yuta sees Regal out of his peripheral jerk his head up at that. "I promise I'm not going to start anything or fight with Bryan, I'm too tired to do that again. I just want to check on Mox and maybe talk to Renee."
"Of course, sunshine, do you want us to come with you?"
"I'll be back soon," he says, getting up after Claudio unwraps his arms from around Yuta. "Don't look so sad, mon cheri (honey), I'll be back soon." He lays his hand on Claudio's cheek, tapping it when his lover laughs at his attempt at French.
"We really need to work on your pronunciations, darling." Claudio chuckles again as he watches Yuta grab his phone and wallet.
"You're the one teaching me French, sweetheart, so I blame you."
Yuta leaves the locker room, hearing a conversation had started between Claudio and Regal, probably about the situation, but he tunes it out. He runs into Danny on his way to medical, trying to just walk by him, but is jerked to a stop by a hand clutching his upper arm.
"Are you okay, Wheeler? I saw the confrontation, you didn't deserve that, especially not today." Danny speaks low, knowing that anyone could walk by and hear them.
"I'm fine, everything's fine, Danny. Thank you for the concern though." Yuta tries to walk away but is stopped again.
"Hey, listen. We're still friends. okay? We always promised we'd never let any of this get in the way, so if you ever need a place to crash or get away, just text me."
"Work and friendship separate, yeah. Thanks Danny, I really appreciate it." Yuta ducks his head slightly and feels Danny squeeze his arm before releasing him.
"Happy birthday, Philly." Yuta lets out a surprised grunt at Danny's hug before returning it.
"Thanks, Death." He whispers quietly into his friend's shoulder before letting him go and walking toward to medical bay.
He hears them talking, but can't make out what is being said and decides to just walk in. His heart skips a beat at the sight in front of him, staring at the scene of Bryan running his fingertips around Mox's face, neck, and shoulders. He loves to see his lovers when they are focused on one another, any of them in any combination, it lets him know how loved they all are. He clears his throat gently to get the men's attention and his heart freezes at the ice that enters Bryan's eyes as he makes eye contact with Yuta.
"Hey Pup, coming to check up on me too? You should be getting ready to go home, we have a surprise for you tonight."
"Yeah, Claudio told me there was something, I was just really worried; I know how hard Morrisey can hit so I wanted to see you for myself." Yuta is surprised to see sadness flicker through Bryan's eyes, but he ignores it when he watches the anger flash through Mox's.
"I swear-" Yuta puts his hand up to stop Mox's tirade.
"Hey, we already talked about this, none of you could have known what was happening, you two were getting ready, Claudio was hurt, and Regal was going between all three of you. I wasn't gonna let Max talk about Regal like that." Yuta shakes his head. "But really, I just wanted to check on you and see for myself that you were okay, but you're in good hands so I'm going to head back to the locker room."
"Hey, c'mere birthday boy." Mox rumbles and opens his legs so that Yuta can slot himself in between them.
Mox grabs the back of his neck and kisses him sweetly, and Yuta whimpers unexpectantly. Mox chuckles as he leans away, and Yuta tries to follow him but steadies himself. His hurt lover takes pity on him and kisses him again, this time with more bite.
"I love you Pup, and I can't wait to celebrate with you when we get home," Mox says as he leans back again. "I'm sure we're all going to have fun and drop things for the night, right Bry?" Yuta freezes momentarily, forgetting that Bryan was still here.
Bryan just continues to lean against the wall, looking at the floor like he doesn't hear Mox speaking to him. Yuta whimpers again, closing his eyes so he can't see Bryan, but shakes his head to clear the dark thoughts in his brain. He can hear Mox sigh and start to berate Bryan, but Yuta puts his hand on Mox's arm to stop him.
"Just- get checked out and we'll go home, okay Moxie?"
Yuta runs his hand down Mox's arm until he reaches his hand and squeezes, kisses Mox on the forehead, and then leaves the room. He can hear Mox yelling at Bryan, but he doesn't hear anything from Bryan. He feels wet trails fall down his cheeks, but he doesn't wipe them away. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick message, surprised when the response is almost instant.
Philly 🤛: Can I crash with you tonight?
Red Death 🤜: 205, Hilton, I’m rooming alone.
Yuta's tears flow faster, and he decides to leave his things so he doesn't have to return to the locker room. He puts his head down and walks as fast as possible without looking suspicious. He almost makes it out the door when he accidentally knocks into someone's shoulder.
"Hey watch- Yuta? Yoots, are you okay? Hey, why are you crying? Talk to me, Wheeler!"
Yuta feels his throat close up, and he truly starts to cry when he feels arms wrap around him and his face pressed into a familiar neck. He doesn't know how long they're there before he can make himself stop crying. He picks his head up and stares at Chuck, surprised.
"Feel better, son?" Chuck brushes the fringe off Yuta's forehead when they step back from the hug.
"Yeah," Yuta sniffs softly. "Thanks Chuck, I don't know where that came from."
"You shouldn't be crying on your birthday, Yuta, that's like, against the law or something." Yuta laughs, almost forcing it so he can feel something but sadness. It's almost a perfect moment until-.
"So, guess it's not so great being one of the best wrestlers, is it? Bet you're wishing you were still a Best Friend, huh Yoots?"
"Trent," Yuta puts his hand up to stop Chuck.
"Thank you for that Chuck, I think I really needed a hug from my dad, so thank you, I gotta go though, birthday plans with friends." Yuta quickly hugs Chuck again and breezes past Trent without acknowledging him and heads out the doors. He hears his phone chime and recognizes it as the polycule's notification sound. He steals a glance at his screen, then silences his phone and puts it in his back pocket, feeling the vibrations as his lovers realize he should have been back by now.
Polycule ❤️ (Yuta’s Phone)
His Lordship 👑: Darling, where are you?
Swiss Machine ☕️: Amoureux (lover)?
Wild Thing 😡🩸📌: What are y’all talking about?
Where’s the pup?
Renee 🎤😇: Yuta, sweetheart?
Big Dog 🐺: What is going on?
Charming 🤓☕️: Baby, please answer
Dragon ❤️🐉: Wheeler? Please… where are you?
I was feeling super angsty after a long night at work, so have a sad Yuta, basing this off what happens after relationship counseling by Mama Claudio and Daddy Regal and after Mox got jumped by the Firm.
I was sad so Yoots had to be sad, and then Trent had to be a jerk *waves hand* do with it what you will lol
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Much love! Also wanna give this one to @blackpoolcombatwriter for keeping my soul fed with their wonderful BCC series 😘
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Beautiful Traditions
Pairings: Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli/Seth Rollins. implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Traditions are special and wonderful memories.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and pictures aren't mine.
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(Pics aren't mine)
Yuta watches lovingly as Claudio gets out the ingredients to make cookies for Christmas tomorrow. He feels the warmth of a body at his back and smiles when arms wrap around his waist and a bearded face nestles into his neck. He knows it’s Mox when soft lips brushing against his neck turn into nips and bites and he groans softly as he tilts his head more to the side. 
“Hey Pup.” Mox says as he places a kiss under Yuta’s ear. “Thought I’d come supervise while you and our Swiss make a mess.” 
“You’ll have to let Yuta go for him to come help me, cucciolo mio.” Claudio beckons him over with a crook of his finger and Mox lets him go with one last bite to his neck that has Yuta glaring at him as he gets up and heads to the other side of the counter.
“What?” Mox smirks. “I missed a spot and wanted to fix it. So, what are y’all makin’? My favorite’s chocolate chip; just throwin’ that out there.” He states smugly as he takes Yuta’s seat and leans back with his hands laced behind his head. 
“We are making everyone’s favorite cookies Jon and you and Roman have been chocolate fiends for as long as I’ve known you both so of course we are making chocolate chip.” Claudio shakes his head fondly and kisses Yuta on the cheek before whispering in his ear. “Our silly Jon.” 
Yuta blushes and turns his head to connect with Claudio’s lips. “Yeah, but at least he’s ours.” He throws a smile at Mox who acts like he didn’t hear them, but he can see the blush on his cheeks. 
Yuta and Claudio get busy with mixing ingredients and setting up the baking trays. His thoughts are brought back to when he was a child, standing on a step stool and helping his mom. It brings a tear to his eye as he thinks about the other traditions, and he speaks before his brain catches up. 
“Do you think we could make-?” He stops himself quickly. “N-Nevermind, it’s a stupid idea.” He shakes his head and drops his focus back on the dough in front of him. 
Mox’s head shoots up and Claudio takes the spoon from his hand and puts it in the bowl. “Nothing you suggest is dumb, tesoro. What would you like to make?”
Yuta sighs and turns his head away from his lovers’ attention. “My mom and I used to make cookies every year for Christmas and Santa, but we’d also make reindeer treats to leave out beside the cookies.” He shrugs. “Obviously my mom and dad would eat it, but we kept up the tradition and when I left home, I continued it too.” 
“So, why wouldn’t we do it too?” Mox asked. 
He tries to stay looking away, but Claudio grabs his chin and makes Yuta look at him. “Tesoro? Why is it a dumb suggestion?”
“Trent said-.” Mox lets out a low growl at the name and Seth walks in before he can continue. 
“What’s going on?” Seth asks as he stares at Mox. 
“As soon as our puppy finishes his statement, I’m gonna go kill Trent as a Christmas present to all of us.” Mox cracks his neck and Seth stands behind him and puts his hands on their irate lover’s shoulders. 
“Go on sweet boy.” Seth says gently. 
He looks between the three men in the kitchen with him and leans against the counter. “I brought up wanting to share that tradition to Trent.” He drops his head down and sighs. “He said it was stupid, childish, and that I was ‘annoying as fuck’ to suggest it, so I never brought it up to Chuck and Orange. It shouldn’t have affected me as much as it did, but Trent’s opinion meant a lot to me because it meant a lot to Chuck and Orange.” 
He can hear Seth muttering calmly to Mox and he flinches slightly when Claudio spins him around and crowds him into the kitchen counter. “Amore mio, listen to me. I don’t care what that stronzo says; your traditions are important to you, and they are especially to us, so please tell us how to make these reindeer treats.” Claudio bends down slightly to kiss Yuta on the nose and that makes him smile. 
Seth joins them as Yuta tells them excitedly about reindeer treats and helps spoon cookie dough while Claudio finds the new ingredients they need. He’s so focused on mixing up Bryan’s cookies that he’s surprised when he feels Seth swipe icing on his cheek. He blinks surprisingly but when he turns to look, he gets another swipe of icing down his nose from a returned Claudio. 
“Hey! Not fair you two!” He laughs. “Mox, I’m being bullied.” He whines playfully as the three chuckle at his dramatics. 
“Come ‘ere Pup and let me protect you.” Mox rumbles and smirks when Yuta leaves the other two to go to him. “You look cute with icing on your face baby boy, but you definitely look better without it.” He whines when Mox pulls Yuta to sit in his lap and licks at the icing on his cheek. 
He gasps when Mox’s licks his cheek again to get the last of the icing off. “You missed some, Moxie” He mutters as he swipes the icing off his nose and places it on his tongue.
“My deepest apologies puppy.” Mox growls out before kissing him hungrily. 
“You two done?” They pull apart breathless and smiling when Seth’s voice distracts them. 
“Think he wants some attention from you, Pup?” Mox whispers in his ear and chuckles lowly when Yuta makes it a point to slowly pull himself off his lap and kisses him sweetly. 
“That true Seth?” He asks as he wraps one arm around Seth’s neck and uses his other hand to get some icing on his finger. “I can fix that.” He says, smiling sweetly.
“Well-.” He successfully interrupts whatever Seth was going to say by placing the icing in Seth’s mouth and kissing him as well.
He pulls away from a dazed Seth and turns to Claudio. “I don’t want to leave you out, baby.” 
“I never thought you would.” He kisses Yuta deeply and he lets out a small moan. “Your kisses are sweet enough already, but you taste beautifully with icing on your tongue, amore mio.” Claudio whispers into his ear when they pull apart. 
The trio finally get back to baking their Christmas cookies and he’s happy when Seth asks for stories of his childhood and traditions. He reminisces about his parents and past Christmases. Claudio helps him make the reindeer treats while Seth goes to sit by Mox, and they wait for the batch of cookies to come out of the oven. 
“So, it’s like trail mix?” Mox asks.
“Yeah basically!” Yuta chuckles. “Little kid me was sad that Santa got cookies all the time, but the reindeer were always pulling his sleigh and getting nothing. Mom asked if I wanted to make something for them and I jumped at the chance. Pretzels, chex mix, candy, you name it, and it went in.” He laughs happily at the memory. “My dad tried to say that reindeer couldn’t eat candy but Mom said they’re magical so they can eat anything and voila! Reindeer treats became a tradition.”
“That’s adorable sweet boy. I’m glad you shared it with us, now we can keep the tradition going.” Seth grabs the cookies out of the oven when the timer goes off and places the next batch in before kissing Yuta on the cheek. “Fuck that Trent guy’s opinion. You’re with us now and we love you so much. I love your traditions and I know Roman will devour those treats of yours.” He looks Yuta up and down leeringly. “He’ll like the trail mix too baby.” Yuta blushes when Mox snorts and he gets redder when Claudio kisses him on the cheek. 
They happily finish the Christmas sweets under the watchful eye of Mox. Yuta’s ears perk up when he hears the door open and close to signal the rest of his lovers’ return from picking Roman up from the airport. 
“It smells wonderful in here my darlings.” Regal calls out to them.
“Ooh, chocolate chip.” Roman groans out. “My favorite.” He places a kiss on the top of Mox’s head and goes through kissing everyone else. 
“Claudio said you and Mox were chocolate fiends.” He states happily as he wraps his arms around Roman’s waist. “So I made some triple chocolate cookies too.” He brags and sighs happily when Roman gives him another kiss. “We also tried out a new recipe for you Bryan, so I hope you like them.” 
“Thanks Yoots, I’m sure they’ll be amazing.” He preens a little when Bryan smiles at him and Roman rubs his hand across his lower back. 
The rest of the night is filled with more traditions and all the love that Yuta can handle. He thinks back to a year ago and it makes him even more thankful to have his lovers and Renee. He thanks every lucky star as Mox hands him his homemade hot chocolate with a smile and a kiss. 
“Everything okay Pup?” Mox asks lowly as everyone pretends to not be paying attention to them. He smiles and sips his drink happily with one hand while he uses the other one to grab onto Mox’s hand. “Everything’s perfect Moxie.”
I'm alive! I just forgot to post two of my stories lol! So have a very late Christmas story for my lovely big polycule 😍
Thank you for reading and I hope you like it 😘
Cucciolo mio : my puppy Tesoro: darling Amore mio: my love Stronzo: asshole
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Do You Still Love Me? (3/3): Never Tear Us Apart
Pairing: Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Yuta comes home, he wants to fix his family.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
Title from the song Never Tear Us Apart by Bishop Briggs
These gifs have really nothing to do with the story, they were just cute af and I feel like we deserve them after being sad lol
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(Gifs aren't mine)
"He's going to be so mad at me for this, but I had to do it, he's so unhappy. It's not just Bryan, you guys, apparently a lot has been building up to this. I know he won't say anything, though, because he knows it's nobody's fault. He said that Roman and Seth's schedules have been insane lately, Regal has been locked in his office with managerial duties, and now with you working for AEW, it's like he sees you, but can't talk to you. I'm only saying this because he feels like he's being selfish for being mad."
"Oh, my poor sweet boy." Renee sighs. "I wish he would have said something, we would have tried to work something out."
"Has he said anything about me and Mox, something we can do?"
"Only that he feels bad for making it seem like you aren't enough for him, but he thinks that all he does is whine and cry to you both and that you may be tired of it, of him."
Tears well in Yuta's eyes as he overhears the conversation between Danny, Renee, and Claudio. He wants to be angry at Danny for calling them, but he understands why he did, he knew Yuta wouldn't. He feigns sleep but knows he's been caught when he feels as the bed dips down beside him. Renee's gentle hand pets through his hair and she smiles sweetly at him as she wipes the tears that escape his eyes.
"Hi sweet boy, do you want to come home with me and Claudio, or do you want to stay here with Danny?"
"Nothing will get solved if I don't come home, right?" Yuta whispers.
"It doesn't have to be solved tonight if you're not quite ready yet, baby." She whispers back and he watches her make eye contact with someone over his shoulder. "Claudio and I will tell them that we talked to you and that you're okay, that's all anybody needs to know."
"It's true Tesoro, you can stay here, and nobody will say anything about it." Renee moves over to the side so that Claudio can sit down, but she can stay physically connected to Yuta.
Yuta reaches out and takes Renee's hand, loving her smile when he does. He thinks about what they are offering him and decides that he wants his family whole again, he wants his Dragon back. He takes his hand back momentarily as he pulls himself into a sitting position against the headboard, seeing Danny staring warily at him as if waiting for Yuta to yell.
"Thank you for calling them, Danny, I really appreciate it. Don't look so scared Death." Yuta chuckles softly when Danny smiles and rolls his eyes at him.
"Yeah, yeah, Philly, I just want my room back, I decided to kick you out, so I called Mom and Dad to come get you."
"More like Mom and Daddy, but whatever." Yuta has to hold his stomach with how hard he laughs when Danny chokes and sputters, trying to come up with a comeback.
Claudio and Renee start laughing too, and Yuta feels happier than he has in a while. He sobers slightly when he thinks of the serious conversation to be had when he gets home but keeps his smile. Yuta turns to Renee and Claudio and gets their attention.
"Can I have a moment with Danny before we go? Just a minute, then we'll go home."
"Of course, baby, take as long as you need, we'll wait by the elevator for you, just text us if you change your mind about staying." Claudio kisses him on the forehead and moves off the bed to let Renee kiss him on the cheek, rubbing the lipstick she leaves behind. When the door closes behind them, Yuta wraps his arms tightly around Danny, laughing when he hears him grunt from the impact.
"Thank you, Danny, really, I appreciate it." He pulls away, stepping back.
"You're welcome, Philly, I knew there was a chance you'd be mad, but I had to call them. Like you said, you can't fix anything if you're hiding out here, not that I think you're hiding, of course. I just know that these people make you happy and I want you and them to fix whatever is broken."
"Yeah, I want to fix it too, especially with Bryan, he may be an ass, but he's still my Bry and I miss him."
“Just… look, I know you love him Philly, but make him explain himself, forgive him sure, but not right away. The others being busy is out of their hands for the most part, but whatever he’s doing isn’t okay. So, listen to what he has to say, make him explain himself, and make him earn your forgiveness and trust.” Danny wraps him in a hug again. “Now go, before they think you changed your mind.” Yuta squeezes him once more and let’s go. 
“Yeah, I’m sure when I get home, Mox is gonna grab me and not let me go until we have to leave for New York with Claudio. I promise that there’s gonna be a difficult but necessary conversation between Bryan and me. I love him, but I won’t let him treat me like this anymore, I deserve better.”
Yuta meets up with Renee and Claudio at the elevator, hearing the end of whatever phone conversation Renee is having.
"Yeah, here he comes now, we'll be there soon, just be patient for a little longer, okay? I love you too, bye."
"Everything okay, Re?" Yuta asks, taking the hand Claudio offers him, smiling when his lover laces their fingers together and kisses the back of his hand.
"Just Jon checking in with us," she trails off and looks at Claudio.
“What is it? Is Jon okay?” Yuta looks between Renee and Claudio, trying to find a hint of the issue at hand. 
“Listen baby, Mox had, what we think was an anxiety attack.” Claudio cuts him off before he can freak out.
“No, Tesoro, it is NOT your fault, Mox got worked up and he was able to be calmed down quickly, it happens, you know that, so it was not your fault. He Is going to tell you the same, after he lets you breathe, of course.” Yuta sighs sadly. 
“I’m still sorry it happened. I’d like to check on him for myself though, can we go home? I want my family.” Claudio kisses him deeply. 
“Of course, mi amor, let’s go home.” 
Yuta notices that it’s past midnight when they get in the car, though he doesn’t know why it surprises him. He sees Renee look back at him again for what seems like the millionth time.
“I’m not cool enough to have teleportation powers, Re, I promise I’m still here.” He chuckles mirthlessly and Renee sighs.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry, I just… none of us realized how busy we were getting and how little time we were spending together. No, don’t tell me it’s not our fault, when this was starting we promised that being on different promotions wouldn’t affect us. We promised that we would make sure there was time for our relationship.”
“Renee, I should have spoken up, I don’t think the busyness would have been so bad if Bryan and I weren’t fighting. I know you feel bad about this but please don’t. Y’all being busy didn’t do this, it was a very small part of the problem that I didn’t speak up about. I’m mad at Bryan and a small part of me is mad at Regal for not stepping in like he told me would, but we all have demanding jobs so being busy is an inevitable thing.” Renee sighs and Yuta leans up to put a hand on her shoulder, smiling at her when she covers his. 
“Okay baby, hopefully that will be fixed tonight, but we are going to make sure that we do something about the schedules, or at least make sure we spend some time together at the shows, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, you hear me? I can’t do anything about Seth or Roman’s schedules, but I can make sure we in AEW see each other.” Renee squeezes his hand and rubs her thumb over it. 
“Tesoro, I hope you know that no matter what, you can come to me for anything, and I know that Mox would agree. I don’t care if you tell me something every hour, if something is bothering you, please let someone know, capito?”
Yuta agrees and they both leave him to his thoughts for the rest of the drive. He thinks about what he hopes happens tonight and how, if they make up, what happens when they get back to work. Forgiveness and closeness are easy when you’re home and have nothing else to focus on, but will that change at the next Dynamite? He decides he can’t take the worry he still has for Mox and decides to send him a quick message, just to let him know he’s thinking about him. 
Me: i love you Moxie 😘
He doesn't have to wait long for a response, like Mox was just staring at his phone waiting for him to text or call, and that makes his heart ache more for what he realizes he put Mox through doing this.
Wild Thing 😡🩸📌: i love you too Pup, can’t wait to see you and give you your present ❤️
Renee snaps him out of his thoughts when she reaches back and grabs his hand, realizing that he must have been rubbing his palm on his pants, the slight burn confirming it. 
“Sorry, I must have been deep in thought, thanks Re.”
“I just don’t want you to hurt your hand, baby.” She squeezes his hand briefly and smiles at him, turning back around. 
The rest of the drive goes by quickly after that, his thoughts stay quiet as Claudio distracts him with his singing to the radio, and Renee laughing at him. Despite Renee only being in a relationship with The Shield, he knows he truly loves her for her heart and kindness. He knows no matter what happens tonight, his family will survive.
Yuta opens the door to the house that Regal rented for them while they were in Maryland. He had said it was because they wanted to celebrate his birthday in a house if they couldn’t be in their home. Claudio is at his back with his arms wrapped around his stomach like he’s worried Yuta will run if he’s not holding him. Yuta stops when they and Renee get through the doorway, turning his neck and demanding a kiss from his Swiss lover, feeling Claudio relax. He hears Renee talking to someone and Mox appears in front of him, Claudio stepping back for a moment. Mox’s hands cradle Yuta’s face and he can see the residual panic in the former Lunatic’s eyes settle as he realizes Yuta is actually home. He puts his hands over Mox’s and bumps foreheads with him in greeting. 
“You’re okay?” Mox whispers.
“I’m okay, Moxie, and I’m home now, not going anywhere.” He feels Mox deflate at that statement and the guilt starts to consume him. 
“Hey, no, don’t do that, I can hear your brain screaming.” Mox kisses him deeply, blanking his mind momentarily. 
“I love you Mox,” Yuta whispers against Mox’s lips.
“I love you too, Pup. Wanna see your present now?” Mox leans back and grins like a child who’s gotten away with something, Yuta can’t help but smile at him. “Yes please, Moxie.” 
Yuta will deny squealing when Mox picks him up and wraps his legs around his waist, taking him into the living room where Regal, Renee, and Bryan are, Claudio close behind. He makes eye contact with Bryan and sees something that looks like sadness and guilt swimming in his eyes, but as he looks around, he sees something that surprises him more.
“Seth? Roman? Wha-How?” Mox allows him to drop down to his feet.
Seth swoops in with a hug of his own, letting Yuta burrow his face into his neck. When Seth feels his tears start, he beckons Roman over to join the hug, making Yuta cry harder when he wraps his arms around them. 
“Shh, it’s okay Baby Boy, we’re here. Happy Birthday, alofa.” Roman murmurs into his hair, hand rubbing his back.
“Happy birthday, sweet boy. Decided since you, me, Mox, and Claudio are going to New York, I’d come travel with you, even if we arrive a day early.” Seth whispers in his ear. 
They hold Yuta for a few moments longer until he starts to pull away slowly, kissing each of them before stepping away completely. Mox instantly molding himself to Yuta’s back, wrapping his arms loosely around his waist. He strokes one of the arms gently as a reminder that he’s not going anywhere. Yuta clears his throat, getting everyone’s attention.
“I just wanted to apologize,” he raises a hand when the protests begin, silently asking for them to let him finish. “Not because I took time for myself, but because I didn’t answer any text messages or calls. I’m sure that freaked you all out and I’m sorry, I should have at least sent a text about where I was and that I was safe. I didn’t think about your side of this and I’m sorry I scared you all. I’m especially sorry that I wasted time with you two, we have so long together, and we lost some of that time because I didn’t check in.” He squeezes Mox’s arm, silently apologizing to him personally. 
“Darling, as long as you’re okay now, we are okay. Did you get what you needed in your time away?” Regal asked softly. 
“Yes and no, I realized that I can’t run from my problems, but before I get into that, I have a request.”
“Anything Pup, you name it.” Yuta shivers as Mox nuzzles against the back of Yuta’s neck, his breath warm against his skin. He sees everyone else agree with Mox, nodding and smiling at him. 
“I just want a family lunch together before we have to part ways again, call it a birthday lunch, whatever you want, I just want all of us together.” He makes sure to make eye contact with Bryan. “All of us. Please?” 
Bryan gets up from the couch and makes his way to Yuta. He can feel Mox tense behind him, growling lowly, calming only when Yuta runs a hand over his arm again and puts his other hand out for Bryan. Bryan hesitates for a moment before taking Yuta’s hand, holding onto it gently like if he moves too fast, it’ll go away. 
“Whatever you want, sweetheart. We’ll have lunch tomorrow for your birthday and spend as much time as we can before you have to leave for New York.” Bryan runs a thumb over the back of Yuta’s hand. 
“I-I also want to talk.” Yuta declares lowly. “I want my family back, I want us to be okay again, I want you back, Bry, but we have to talk first and be honest with each other.” Bryan exhales sadly. 
“I know sweetheart. Any particular way you want to do this? I’ll do whatever makes you comfortable.” Bryan still isn’t looking him in the eyes but stroking the back of his hand. 
“I want Seth and Claudio with us, I-I don’t trust you as much as I did before, Bry, so I want them with us, they know you.” Yuta shushes Mox as he makes a sound of protest. “Shh, Mox, it’s okay, I want you to go with Roman, Regal, and Renee just for a little bit, okay? And after we’re done, we’ll have a puppy pile. Maybe we can get two mattresses and put them on the floor, have one huge bed like at home. Renee would it be okay if I asked you to join us?” 
“Of course, baby, I’d love to join the puppy pile.” Renee giggles and Yuta smiles at her. 
“Please Mox, only for a little bit, I promise.” Mox sighs, but goes with Roman and Renee, Yuta can see Regal hesitate for a moment. “Please Regal, I-we have some things I’d like to discuss just you and me when we’re done in here. I just need this with Bryan, Seth, and Claudio, please.”
“Of course, Sunshine, find me when you’re ready, I love you.”
“I love you too, old man.” Yuta smiles at him and watches him follow the other three, turning back to Bryan when he’s gone. 
Bryan pulls gently on the hand still in his grasp, leading them to the couch. He watches as Seth and Claudio sit in the chairs by the couch, close enough to comfort Yuta if needed, but far enough away that it feels like a personal conversation between him and Bryan. Bryan never lets go of his hand, turning so that he’s facing Yuta on the couch. Yuta clears his throat uncomfortably. 
“I just want to know why, Bryan.” He utters softly. “I want to know what changed between you and me. Did I do something to make you ignore me, to make you so mad at me?” He hears himself whimper at the end. “No, no sweetheart, not at all. I-I, it’s hard to explain without sounding like the biggest asshole, or maybe the stupidest one according to Mox and Roman.” Bryan sighs dejectedly. “It’s nothing you did, I swear Yoots.”
“Will you tell me? Please Bryan?” His eyes start to water.
“Yeah sweetheart, you deserve to know.” Bryan exhales again before takes Yuta’s other hand in his, holding both of them. “You didn’t need me anymore. Let me explain baby, just let me talk and I’ll let you say whatever you need to after, I promise.”
Yuta listens as Bryan explains that Yuta learned from Bryan so quickly that he had nothing left to teach him, he was exceeding in everything that Bryan had for him to learn. He told him how proud he was of Yuta, but that Bryan felt that he was only holding Yuta back from time he could be spending with the others in training. The plan was always to have others join and he saw Danny almost stuck in place with the JAS. 
“I knew that he could be more if he was with us, Jericho is a good mentor, but he gets caught up in himself and his needs and he forgets those around him. I guess I can’t really say anything though, can I? I was so focused on savinghim, I was letting you drown.” Yuta can’t help but nod and agree with Bryan.
“You just… stopped. You weren’t around anymore and even when you were, we weren’t talking. Why were you so angry at me? Why push me away?” Yuta ducks his head slightly and feels Bryan touch his forehead to Yuta’s gently.
“I got in my head, I got fixated and you suffered for it. I forget that you don’t know much about me from before and that everyone else does, you only really know me from AEW, and that’s my fault. It’s not an excuse, but I get over focused. I don’t even realize I do it until someone knocks me upside the head. I got upset at you for not understanding something that you had no prior knowledge of, and that’s on me, sweetheart. You did absolutely nothing wrong, this is all on me.”
Yuta can feel the tears stream down his face, and he feels the comforting presence of Seth behind him, not intervening or interrupting, just comforting. Bryan releases one of his hands to cup his cheek, swiping a thumb through the tears and kissing his temple gently.
“Let me earn your trust and forgiveness back, I’ll spend the rest of my life doing so if I have to, but please give me a chance to make this right. However long it takes, sweetheart.” Yuta sighs and sees the sadness deepen in Bryan’s eyes, thinking he’s about to be rejected. 
“Okay, Bry,” he whispers, seeing Bryan’s eyes light up. “You have a lot of work to do, I just don’t trust you like I did; you broke something between us. I really thought you were falling out of love with me and just didn’t know how to tell me.” He gently places his free hand over Bryan’s mouth to stop him from speaking, Claudio chuckles from his chair quietly. “BUT I’m willing to let you make it up, because I need to learn how to speak up too, we both did things the wrong way here and we both need to work on things. Don’t do this again, Bryan, I couldn’t take it a second time, just be honest with me please.”
“I promise, Yuta, I swear I’ll do better and if I slip someone will yank me back to reality.” 
“Don’t worry Tesoro, I’ll put him in the Swing, I think he’ll remember then.” 
Yuta laughs loudly; he feels lighter now that they’ve talked. He leans and kisses Bryan deeply, moaning when he wraps his arms around Yuta’s back and pulls him closer. Pulling back, he sags against Seth’s chest, enjoying the closeness and comfort he provides for Yuta. 
“I need to talk to Regal; will you all meet us in whatever room Mox set the bed up in?”
“Of course, Tesoro, do you want me or Seth to go with you?” He gets up and walks to Claudio, placing his hands on the back of his neck, Claudio tipping his head to look up at Yuta. 
“No, I want to talk to him one on one, but thank you mon cheri.” He nuzzles his nose against Claudio’s and kisses him gently. “I love you, Claudio.” He whispers so it’s for Claudio’s ears only. 
“I love you too, Tesoro.” Claudio pecks his lips again, then gently pushes him towards the stairs. “Go to His Lordship and meet us when you both are done.”
Yuta makes his way to the first bedroom upstairs, seeing Regal sitting in a chair, reading a book. He knocks gently on the open door, startling his Englishman slightly. 
“Sorry about that, I was hoping we could talk.” He stays at the door, waiting to be invited into the room.
“Yes, of course Sunshine, come in come in.” Regal puts the bookmark in place and sets the book to the side. 
Yuta surprises the Lord when he sits on his lap, draping his legs and wrapping his arms around his neck. He puts his face in Regal’s neck, breathing his lover in, and calming himself before the discussion they need to have. He purrs softly when Regal scratches his nails gently up and down Yuta’s back, further relaxing him. 
“I’m not mad about the busyness, ya know?” He tells Regal after a few minutes, with his face still in his neck. 
“Oh? Do you want to tell me what is troubling you, darling?” Regal pets a hand through Yuta’s hair.
“You and I discussed the Bryan situation after the interview, and you told me that you would help me speak to him like I did with Seth and Claudio. I kept waiting, but you never did anything, even when I set a meeting up. You just got busier, and I understand that, but I lost some trust in you when you didn’t even try to help even though I came directly to you.” Yuta breathes in Regal’s scent deeply to stay calm. 
“Oh Petal, I’m so sorry, you did come to me and all I did was faff around, not helping in the slightest. Can you ever forgive me, love?” 
Yuta knew he had forgiven him the moment he sat on Regal’s lap, so he just nods, and places kisses up Regal’s neck, making a trail to his lips, kissing him lovingly. He stays in Regal’s lap, reconnecting with his older lover after so much time apart. When they separate, Regal strokes Yuta’s cheek idyllically, kissing him one last time on the forehead before Yuta gets up and holds his hand out. 
“Let’s go find the others and join the birthday puppy pile. What do you say Your Lordship?” Regal chuckles and grasps Yuta’s hand.
“Yes, darling, let us go find the others, I’m feeling quite tired after the events of the day.” 
Regal and Yuta leave the room to find the rest of their polycule in one of the guest rooms. Yuta claps his hands gleefully when he sees the bed that Mox, Roman, and Renee made up for the night, piled with every blanket, sheet, and pillow they could find. Everyone was already settled in waiting for the two of them. Mox and Roman were in the middle, Seth had Renee cuddled up between him and Roman, Claudio had Bryan between him and Mox, and as Yuta got closer to the bed, Mox grabbed him and laid him right in the middle between him and Roman. Bryan and Claudio made room for Regal between Bryan and Mox as they knew that Mox preferred to sleep next to the older man in sleeping situations like this. As Yuta drifted to sleep with Mox molded to his back and himself buried in Roman’s chest, he felt Renee’s hand grab his and another hand join Mox’s on his hip. For the first time in a while, he felt peacefully content. Tomorrow they would have to separate once more, but Yuta knew nothing in this world could tear his family apart.
Tesoro: treasure Mi amor: my love Capito: understand Alofa: love Mon cheri: my dear/sweetheart
Disclaimer: I've read so many BCC stories that have ideas about why Bryan did what he did and why he's mad at Yuta that it all lives in my head... if these ideas are yours please let me know so I can give you the credit you deserve. I know @blackpoolcombatwriter is one that deserves credit ❤️
Thank you so much for reading! We finally reached the end of the story, Muse Yuta demanded peace haha so here we are! Much love!
A HUGE thank you to @sinderellanightwolf and IperOuranos for y'all's help
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Started: November 2, 2022
Last Updated: November 20, 2022
Total Works: 10
*Standalone Fics
One Big Happy Polycule
*His Dragon/ AO3
*His Three Exceptions/ AO3
Enough Is Enough/ AO3
Mirror Images/ AO3 (Continuation of Enough is Enough)
*Do You Still Love Me?/ AO3
Chapter 1: The Birthday Boy's Escape Chapter 2: Let Me Down Slowly Chapter 3: Never Tear Us Apart
*The Tribal Chief's Respite/ AO3
I'll Show You Disrespect/ AO3
Can Beauty Come Out Of Ashes?/ AO3 (Sequel to I'll Show You Disrespect)
BCC Poly
Memories of a Stolen Place/ AO3
Jon Moxley
You Caught My Attention/ AO3
You're Worth Every Mile Between Us/ AO3
Chapter Zero 1: You Taught Me A Lot, But Not Love 2: Am I So Hard To Love? 3: For One So Small, You Seem So Strong 4: With You, I Feel Peace 5: No Rain, No Flowers 6: The Moment Our Eyes Met 7: The Start Of A Brew-tiful Relationship 8: A Broken Crayon Still Colors 9: Summer of Puppy Love: TBA
13 notes · View notes
moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Do You Still Love Me? (2/?): Let Me Down Slowly
Pairing: implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: It's Yuta's birthday, he should be celebrating, but he and Bryan are fighting again.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
Title from the song Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin
I listened to this a lot while writing this and it sounded like Yuta talking to Bryan
CW: Mox has an anxiety attack and cusses a lot
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(These gifs belong to AEW and others, not me)
Yuta's POV
Yuta only has to knock once on Danny's door before it opens and he is yanked inside, colliding with the chest in front of him. The door is closed and Yuta is wrapped in the arms of his friend, tight enough to be on the right side of too much. He can feel the anxiety of the night's events slowly ebb away and he sighs into Danny's neck before pulling away.
"Thank you again for this Danny, I really appreciate it."
"Yeah, Philly, of course. I'm always here if you need me."
Yuta hears his phone buzzing again, so he decides to switch on his Do Not Disturb, wanting just a second of peace. He feels guilty for worrying and ignoring them based on one person's actions, but things have been slowly building up. Seth and Roman had been so busy lately that they barely had time for calls and Regal has been so busy managing the BCC, he hasn't even had much time to spend with any of the polycule. Lately, he feels the only lovers he has are Mox and Claudio. He wishes now that he had something before all of this mess.
"I'm getting bombarded with texts too, mainly from Chris, asking if I've seen or heard from you." Yuta shakes himself from his thoughts at his friend's voice and he can feel himself rubbing his wrist, something he noticed he picked up from Seth. "Don't worry Yoots, I didn't say anything, as far as everyone is aware I haven't seen you."
Yuta sits on the bed against the headboard, putting his phone face down on the table beside him.
"Chuck and Trent are the only ones I've seen besides you tonight. I-I told Mox that I was going back to the locker room to wait for them, but Bryan was so... cold to me. I decided that Regal and Claudio would ask too many questions if I went to grab my things, so I just... left, and came here. I didn't know where else to go." Yuta can feel tears run down his cheeks but he's too numb to wipe them away. "He was so cold, Danny, it was like there was ice in his eyes. Roman, Seth, Renee, and Regal are all so busy we barely see them much, unless Renee and Regal can see us in the morning. Now with Bryan and I fighting, I feel like all I have is Claudio and Mox, I hate saying that like they're not enough, but all they ever hear is my whining and crying. I don't know what to do anymore." He pulls his knees to his chest, wraps his arms around them, and buries his head- crying harder.
Yuta can feel the bed move as Danny climbs in beside him and pulls him into a hug. They don't speak, Danny lets Yuta cry on his shoulder as he rubs the back of Yuta's neck. It feels like hours, but Yuta thinks his ducts are finally empty.
"What do I do Danny? What can I do? I don't even know if he still loves me, he's been so-so fucking distant!" Yuta throws his hands up in frustration. "And he won't even talk to me, at least I know the others are busy with work and other things! This can't just be about you joining us, it just can't, Danny." Yuta's voice is so low toward the end of his rant that Danny barely picks up the last words. Danny can see Yuta rubbing his wrist again and grabs his friend's hand, holding onto it gently.
"Hey, hey Philly, look at me. I know you're worried, and I know you're scared, but you won't get answers if you hide out." Yuta shakes his head sadly and tries to take his hand back, but Danny holds onto it tightly. "Hey, no, I don't mean you have to leave. Why don't you get some rest first? I'll wake you up in about an hour or so, and we'll talk some more."
Danny situates himself so he's reclining back, but still slightly propped up, and pulls Yuta to lay on him. He uses Danny's chest as a pillow and slowly drifts to sleep when his friend starts rubbing his back, he never feels Danny grab his phone off the side table.
Mox's POV
Mox chucks his phone after his call goes to voicemail once again. He can feel his anxiety spiking after each "leave a message".
"God fucking dammit!" Mox begins to pace trying to calm himself down, seeing Seth in his peripheral being held back by Roman when he tries to comfort his agitated lover. He wishes he could make himself calm down, it had only been a few hours since Yuta said he was going back to the locker room, but each ignored text and call had ramped him up past calming. Yuta was their steadfast lover, he never deviated from what he said he would do. Mox knew he was acting erratic, but when it came to Yuta, Seth, or Renee, his feelings came tenfold.
"Darling, please, come sit down a moment and rest, our sunshine is okay, he must be. He just needs a bit of space."
"He wouldn't need fucking space if he didn't think his boyfriend hated him!" Mox throws a glare at Bryan, who drops his head into his hands and scrubs his face viciously, only to be stopped by Claudio before he can hurt himself.
"None of that, Bry, please. Mistakes have been made, but they can be fixed, they can always be fixed." Mox stops his pacing long enough to watch Claudio kneel in front of Bryan.
"NO! No, he does not get to be comforted, Claudio! He did this! He hurt Yuta! And fuck- we let him! We never paid enough attention to the situation! We've all been too busy, I've been too damn busy! I let- I ignored the situation, and now he's gone." Mox lets out a whimper and he stumbles toward Roman. "He's gone, Ro, what if he doesn't come back? What if we lost him?"
Roman holds Mox's face and helps him fall gently to the ground. Regal comes up beside them and gently places one hand on Mox's shoulder and the other on Roman's, lending support as Roman leads Mox to his chest to help calm him down. He knows he's spiraling, losing himself in his anxious mind, the dark thoughts clouding any reasoning his brain is trying to send him. Roman scratches his short bristles and slowly runs his fingertips down his neck to the end, squeezing slightly, helping him settle his sporadic nerves slowly.
"Hush now brother, we can't think that, Yuta will be home, you'll see. This is just your anxiety speaking, don't listen to it." Roman pulls Mox away from his chest and makes him look him in the eyes. " We're gonna trust that when Yuta takes the time he needs, he'll reach out to us, okay?" Mox watches as Roman looks over his shoulder and it makes him tense slightly.
He looks over his shoulder and sees Claudio and Seth whispering to Bryan, whatever is being said seems to be getting through to their recently wayward lover. Mox watches as tears stream down Bryan's face and he can't help but feel smug and a little mean-spirited. He slowly makes his way to his feet and doesn't realize he's getting closer to Bryan until he feels Claudio place a hand on his chest to stop him. He looks up at his Swiss lover, seeing the look of please don't hurt him in his eyes.
"You're angry, right? You're frustrated he talked back to you right, Bryan, after all you've done for him? Wanna know what he's angry about? What he's been wondering every single day for weeks? Or how about the fucking question he asked me and Claudio after that goddamn interview?! Huh?!"
Mox can feel spittle flying from his mouth, but he can't stop his rant, he can feel Claudio wrap his arms around his shoulders from behind, trying to keep him calm and whispering to him in German, only understanding the words love and mine. He calms slightly and looks at Bryan, seeing the slight fear and guilt in his eyes.
"Wha-what did he ask you, Jon? Please just tell me." Bryan speaks quietly like he’s afraid of the answer, and Mox and Claudio sigh sadly. Mox opens his mouth to answer but is stopped by Claudio, who answers instead.
"Mio caro (my darling), Yuta was truly upset after the interview, he came to me and Jon after the night was over and everything with Adam had settled down. He- We were laying down that night to go to sleep and he asked us if we thought you still loved him. Of course, we assured him that you do, but with everything going on, I can only assume he is having trouble."
Seth wraps his arms around Bryan as tears start to run down his face and Mox can see he is staring at the spot in front of him but is unfocused, no doubt running through recent memories with their younger lover. Regal and Roman come closer to their group, waiting to see how this scenario all plays out. Bryan, surprisingly, is the first to break the deafening silence.
“What can I do? How do I fix what I broke? Who I broke? Fuck! I should be asking if he still loves me?!”
Bryan slams his hand against the table next to him, making everyone jump. Mox instinctively grabs Bryan’s hand so he can’t do it again, already feeling a shiver go down his spine.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Mox, I’m so sorry, baby. I won’t do it again.” Bryan gently kisses the hand holding his as another way of apologizing.
“It’s fine, just- don’t fucking do it again, alright? As for Yuta loving you, of course, he still fucking loves you, he wouldn’t be so goddamn hurt if he didn’t love your dumbass. You just gotta stop fucking with his feelings, he’s a person Bry, not some robot. Apologize and mean it, I’m serious, or I swear, the next time you hurt the kid I’ll take you down to the gym and put you in the Bulldog ‘til you pass the fuck out. You got me?”
“Yeah Jon, I swear I’ll fix this, I mean it.”
Mox gently headbutts Bryan’s forehead and rubs his nose against Bryan’s beard for a moment. As he goes to pull away, Bryan grabs the back of his neck and pulls him into a quick, biting kiss. Mox can see the blood on his lip and watches as his lover rubs his thumb against the small cut, seeming to ground himself. All six men snap their heads around as Renee comes running into the room, Roman steps toward her in case she needs to be caught, but she stops on her own with her phone in her hand.
“We found Yuta, Danny called from his phone, he’s okay.”
Sighs of relief echo through the room.
Don't worry guys we're getting there... hopefully everyone makes up soon!
My anxiety attacks look a lot like how I wrote Mox's, I blame everything on myself, I can't stop moving, and I need someone to ground me, I know that's not how everyone's is but I based Mox's off of me and mine.
I got a lot of help from BrokenApeiron on this one and this is once again for @blackpoolcombatwriter ❤️
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Much love!
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Homemade Is Best
Pairings: Mox/Seth/Roman/Yuta, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: The Hound invites their Pup to join in on their favorite Christmas tradition.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
Look Ma! More fluff! Zero angst and Seth is thirsty y'all!
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(Gifs aren't mine)
“So y’all do this every Christmas?” He shifts on the counter as he watches Mox add ingredients to the pot and watches the timer count down on the oven.
“If we're able to all meet up at one of the houses. We’ve missed a couple of years before for one reason or another but we always video call and do the tradition together.” Yuta watches as he smiles at the memories that flash through his head.
Yuta jumps down from the counter when the timer sounds and goes to get the brownies out of the oven. He smiles and pinches Mox’s side and jumps away before he can repay him. He sighs happily as he smells the fresh brownies and can’t wait to eat them. 
He makes his way back to the counter and has to ask. “Ok but why does it have to be homemade? What about Swiss Miss? OW Mox!” He rubs his ass where Mox slapped him.
“Don’t ever say that again. S’illegal when you live with a Hound of Justice. Homemade is the best, you’ll see.” He stirs the contents as it starts to bubble and points to his phone when it goes off. “Check that for me, will ya Pup? They better be here soon, or they’ll be getting cold chocolate.”
Princess 👑: 5 mins
“Seth says they’ll be here in five minutes. Want me to go set up the TV and couch?”
“Yeah, go ahead while I finish up here. Oh hey! C’mere a sec.” He heads back over to Mox and is kissed breathless before he’s let go. “I forgot about that.”
“Well, I’m glad you remembered that.” He says dazed, ignoring Mox’s laugh as he walks into the living room to set up the TV and look at the movies Mox queued to play. “Are we really watching horror movies for Christmas Mox?!”
“Yeah! Tradition Yoots! You asked to share the Hound Christmas tradition so that’s what you’re getting!”
Yuta is stopped from answering by the sound of the front door opening and suitcases being wheeled over the wood floor. He smiles widely and takes off toward the door. He hears Seth laugh as he catches a happy Yuta in his arms and hugs him tightly before launching himself at Roman as well.
“I’m so happy you could make it! Mox said there was a chance y’all were heading home for Christmas.” They head to the living room to put their things down and watch as Seth goes into the kitchen with Mox. 
“Well, when we heard there was a puppy that wanted to join in on the Hound tradition, we couldn’t say no could we? I see my cousins almost every day and you only get one first Christmas.” Roman puts a knuckle under his chin and tilts face up gently then bends to give Yuta a sweet kiss. “This our first Christmas together as a complete polycule and we’re right where we need to be this year.”
Yuta smiles and opens his mouth to respond when they hear Mox and Seth coming in with four mugs topped with whip cream and sprinkles. Mox hands him a mug and waits for him to try it so Yuta takes a sip… only to  moan loudly before blushing in embarrassment.
“If that’s how you react to the hot chocolate, sweet boy, we really need to up our game tonight when we go to bed.” Seth states as he leers at Yuta and winks.
“Flirt later Princess, I know y’all are hungry and we cooked dinner… well Yoots cooked dinner while I supervised and cut vegetables. Tell them what you made Pup.” 
Yuta blushes lightly and shrugs sheepishly. “I tried the recipe your mom gave me the last time we talked on the phone. I hope it turned out okay.” 
“It’ll be perfect baby boy because you made it.” Mox clears his throat dramatically. “Sorry you made it while Mox supervised and cut vegetables. So, let’s go dish out some food and settle in for movies.” Roman kisses his forehead as he passes.
“So homemade is better right puppy?”
Yuta smiles happily and takes another sip. “Yeah Moxie, fuck Swiss Miss.” Seth chokes as he bursts into a fit of laughter and starts to cough. 
“Shit Princess.” Mox pounds on Seth’s back. “Breathe, because if you die I’m gonna be pissed man.”
Seth clears his throat a few times before speaking. “Damn sweet boy, there’s better ways to make me choke ya know?” Yuta blushes but slinks up to his last Hound. “You need something baby?”
“You’re the only one that hasn’t kissed me and I like a complete set.” 
Seth chuckles and takes the mug from Yuta’s hand, laughing at the small whine from his younger lover. Setting them both down, he cradles Yuta’s face and gives him a deep kiss. They don’t notice Mox leaving and heading into the kitchen as Seth drops one hand to wrap his arm around the back of a boneless Yuta. They separate finally when it’s apparent they need to breathe.
“Anymore of those and I might die, damn Seth.” Yuta states breathlessly.
“Nah, I want to keep you around. Come on and let’s go grab some food.” The four men grab their food and Yuta laughs as Roman groans happily at what he made.
“Don’t tell my mom but this is perfect baby boy.” Yuta blushes and ducks his head into his plate.
“Don’t get shy puppy. That comment is like catching a unicorn so own that shit.” Mox grins as he leans over and kisses Yuta’s reddened cheek. 
After dinner they get refills of hot chocolate and make some popcorn to eat during the movie. Yuta can’t help but laugh when Mox grabs the pan of brownies and three forks to take back to the living room. 
“You only grabbed three forks Moxie.” 
“Yeah… and?” Yuta looks at him confused.
“Uhm… there’s four of us.”
“You really think we’re gonna let you feed yourself puppy? Nah, fuck that, let your wild Hounds take care of you.”
Yuta did just that for the rest of the night. Mox made sure to sit him on his while Seth and Roman sat on either side. He let Mox support most of his weight through the first movie and decides to spread out across his Hounds, laying his head in Roman’s lap and his feet in Seth’s. He lets Mox pick at his shirt when he zones out for a moment, at peace with being surrounded by Yuta, Roman, and Seth. He lets Seth massage his legs and Roman scratch his scalp because he knows how much they miss being together with everyone and this is a way to show that. He lets himself breathe as he is surrounded and protected by the Hounds of Justice and he loves that they let him share this tradition with them. Their first Christmas together is one that he will remember forever and it’s only going to get better when the rest of the polycule join them later. 
A special present for @bambihausen because I promised if I didn't have to threaten them to rest and go to bed, then I would write a fluffy prompt of their choosing. Shield/Yuta was chosen so you all get a Christmas story with the Hounds and their Pup.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this fluffy mess! Much love! ❤️
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
The Tribal Chief's Respite
Pairing: Roman/Yuta, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Roman is burnt out from the "Tribal Chief" persona, the twins call in reinforcements.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine
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(Gifs aren't mine)
Respite: a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.
Roman stalks into his hotel room and throws his duffle bag on his bed, his cousins walking close behind him. He sighs angrily when they act like they're not going to leave despite there only being one bed.
"You two don't have to stay, you can go."
"Aw, come on Uce, we can hang out for a bit, it's been a long night." Jey shrugs, heading to the chair in the corner, but stopping when he notices the heated look on Roman's face.
"Exactly, sorry but I've had enough of people tonight, I'd like to be alone." Roman sits heavily on the bed, scrubbing his face. His phone buzzes, so he checks it, and his frown deepens.
Tesoro 💙: I'm sorry Chief, I can't get away. I will try to call you tonight if I have a chance. H is trying to kill me 🙄
He sends back a quick message letting him know that it's okay, that he understands and can't wait for his call later. He gets back the kiss emoji and he decides to silence his phone and put it on the charger.
"Uce, you sure you want to be alone?"
Roman startles, forgetting about Jimmy and Jey being in the room, he flops back on the bed, hand over his eyes.
"Yeah, I really would, I'm tired and I'm done with today. Let Heyman know that I don't want to hear anything about work until Monday at the earliest." With his eyes covered Roman never notices the look that passes between the twins or Jimmy checking his phone and smiling.
"Sure Uce, whatever you say, we'll head out, just text us if you need anything."
Roman waves his other hand in goodbye and hears the door close. He sighs heavily when he hears the twins speaking lowly, probably to each other about his moodiness. He feels bad about how he dismissed his cousins, but he is just so exhausted tonight, this persona of his is making him tired and irritable. He really liked it in the beginning, relished in it really, because after Mox left, he wanted away from the Shield “Big Dog” persona that everyone booed.
As time went on though, with the abuse he had to put Jey through, it started to weigh on him. Now some fans find him boring, call him a part-time wrestler due to his new schedule and contract, and want him to drop the championship. Seth told him to stay off social media because those fans didn’t know what they were talking about and there were way more fans that love him and this championship reign. Roman scrubs his face again and swings his legs around, sitting up, to check his phone again. His hand is on the phone when he hears a knock on the door.
“I told you I’m not in the mood for company guys, go on and have a good night.” Roman calls out and is frustrated as the person knocks on the door again.
“I swear guys if y’all don’t-“ He yanks the door open to yell at his cousins when he is stunned into silence.
"You gonna make me go away too, alofa (love)? I did make sure I got all of your favorites, so I hope that gives me enough brownie points to be allowed to stay."
"Yuta? What are you doing here, baby? How-you're supposed to be at Rampage wrestling tonight, it's a live show." Yuta shrugs.
"I got done with everything early, then I got a message from the twins saying that you were being. a grouchy menace, so I told Regal and Mox I was going to come and keep you company. So," Yuta drawls out. "Can I come in? Or do I have to take all these treats and share them with the twins?"
Yuta giggles as Roman takes the drink holder out of his hand and grabs his wrist, dragging him into the room, with his other hand. Roman sets the drinks down on the dresser, then takes the bags from Yuta's hand, sitting them on the bed, and pulls Yuta into his chest, hugging him tightly. Yuta relishes in the heat of Roman's body, nuzzling into his chest until Roman pulls him back slightly. He puts his hands on Yuta's cheeks, tilts his face up, and kisses him deeply.
"Hey, I'm here. I don't know what's wrong, but I want to make you feel better, okay?" Yuta pulls back from the kiss and brushes his nose across Roman's jaw. "I didn't know how I could help so after I got the text, I went to the people that know you the best and asked for ideas to cheer you up." Yuta pulls back from Roman's arms and heads toward the bed to the bags.
"You did? Baby, you could have shown up empty-handed and I would've been happy." Roman skims his fingertips down Yuta's back, relishing in his baby's shivers. "Just what goodies did you bring to make me less grouchy, baby boy?" Roman whispers, leaning down across the younger man's back so that his lips touch Yuta's ear.
"I," Yuta clears his throat. "Mox told me about the Shield tradition, how after a bad match, you guys would make hot chocolate and relax together. I couldn't make it, but Starbucks was still open, so I decided to order us some. While I was there I saw these chocolate croissants and I remembered how much you love chocolate when you're stressed."
You're the sweetest, baby-"
"I'm not done, Ro! So, then Seth told me about this traditional Hawaiian dish that you love but can't find sometimes, so I did some digging and found a place on the way here that has really good reviews, now we have Musubi for dinner!" Roman's sour mood almost disappears at Yuta’s excitement about his accomplishments. “Finally, Renee told me the ultimate secret. She said that Seth kinda hates Monsters and how they taste so you don’t drink them around him because he won’t kiss you. Then I thought, if I can kiss Mox after he chain smokes, I can absolutely kiss you with your Monster breath as long, of course, as it’s my favorite kind.” Yuta winks, laughing when Roman rolls his eyes and kisses Yuta.
“So, they just told you all my secrets, huh?” Roman jokes as he goes for their hot chocolates, sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard.
He hands Yuta his drink when he settles in next to Roman, taking the croissant his baby is offering him. Taking a drink of the hot chocolate, he sighs as he remembers the nights he and his Hounds would sit around, cuddled up, and relaxing.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong? What’s making you so upset?”
Roman takes a minute to get his thoughts collected, then decides to just lay it all out and be brutally honest. Yuta just listens, only interrupting to get clarification or give some advice. When the drinks and croissants are gone, Roman is feeling much lighter, Yuta had finished his snack a bit earlier than him and had been drawing patterns on Roman’s thigh, keeping him calm.
“I’m just frustrated, and I hate how I have to treat my family, I hate how I have to cheat to win almost every match, and I hate that people seem bored with me. I wish I could work with Seth or Mox again; I miss how easy and flawless it was, I just miss them.” Roman sighs and Yuta rolls himself over on his chest, propping himself up by his elbow.
“Why don’t you and I go take a shower and relax, we’ll get clean, come back and eat, and maybe I’ll give you a back massage. It may not cure you completely, but hopefully, it helps a little bit.” Roman swears he falls a little more in love with Yuta.
“Yeah baby, that sounds amazing.” Yuta's smile brightens and he rolls out of the bed.
“Perfect! Stay right there, I’ll go turn on the shower and get it ready.” He runs off before Roman can answer.
Roman smiles when he hears the shower start running and reaches over to grab his phone, shooting off a text to one of his group chats.
OGs ❤️ (Roman’s Phone)
Me: Y’all just giving away all my secrets to Baby Boy huh?
Tesoro 💙: Awww he made it? That’s great!
Canada ❤️: You needed some tender, loving care and Yuta is magical at that
Cucciolo 🐺: Let the Pup take care of you, Big Dog. You’re grumpy and angry, J&J said so… we love you, go relax and text us tomorrow
“Roman! The water’s ready! Come here.” Roman’s glad that Yuta isn’t in the room to see him almost fall off the bed with how fast he moves to get to his boyfriend.
He walks into the bathroom to see Yuta surrounded by the steam, smiling when Yuta beckons him over with the crook of his finger. He puts himself in his lover’s hands, shivering as Yuta skims his fingers up Roman’s sides as he pulls his shirt off, and throws it on the floor near the door. Yuta places his hands on the waistband of his sweatpants and looks into Roman’s eyes shyly.
“May I? Or do you want to do this part?”
Roman puts his hands on top of Yuta’s and pushes his pants down an inch or so, moving his hands to his baby’s face, stroking. He groans as Yuta kneels, taking his pants down to the floor and hears his lover gasp as he realizes Roman isn’t wearing underwear. Yuta keeps eye contact as he helps Roman step out of the pants, a small blush coloring his cheeks. Roman puts his hand down to help Yuta up, then takes his time stripping Yuta of his clothes and steps into the shower with him.
His lover refuses to let Roman do anything except tell him what product to use.
“Mox uses 2-in-1, and everyone else’s things are different. Seth and Mox told me you’re particular about your products, so I want to make sure I know what to use for you.”
Roman is speechless and can’t think of a response that doesn’t make him sound like he’s ready to sell his soul to Yuta. He chooses to kiss the life out of his baby instead while Yuta scrubs his body with a rag and his body wash only pulling away so Yuta can scrub his legs and thighs quickly.
“I love the smell of your body wash,” Yuta groans as he buries his face in Roman’s neck for a moment. “I can’t reach your hair though.” Yuta pouts as he backs away and looks up into Roman’s face.
His baby’s eyes grow wide, and his mouth drops as Roman turns around and gently kneels in front of Yuta.
“Does this work Baby Boy?” Roman looks back, smirking when he sees Yuta’s slack face and chuckles when his lover shakes his head to clear the cobwebs.
“Ye-Yeah that’s perfect, Big Dog.”
Roman growls lowly as Yuta buries his fingers in his long hair. He usually only lets Renee or Seth do this, sometimes even Regal, but Yuta is being so sweet and gentle trying not to hurt Roman. His baby listens attentively as he explains how he takes care of his hair in the shower, groaning deeply when he feels Yuta run the comb through his hair.
“I’m sorry, did that hurt? I was trying-“
“Shh, you’re okay baby, that definitely wasn’t a sound of pain. You’re doing perfect sweet boy.” Roman tips his head back to look up at Yuta and reaches his hand back to grab Yuta’s and gets him to continue.
Yuta finishes Roman’s hair and helps him stand back up. His lover tries to protest when Roman goes to give him the same treatment but lets him do as he pleases when Roman persists.
“Come on alofa (love), let’s get out, dry off, and eat something, if I know you, you haven’t had much today.”
Roman lets Yuta dry him off and after he does the same, they put on sweatpants but leave their chests bare. Yuta leaves him to finish his hair care to set up the food. Roman comes out to the food on the dresser and Yuta sitting on the edge of the bed with a comb and a hair tie.
“Come here and sit in front of me, Mox taught me to braid using Bryan, he said you like your hair braided and played with. Just tell me if I pull too hard or hurt you.” Yuta gets quiet for a second but continues. “I don’t want to make your night worse.” Roman walks over and grabs Yuta’s face, bending over and kissing him deeply, and he smiles when his baby whimpers as he pulls away.
“The only way you would make my night worse is if you left right now, not that I would let you, of course.” He chuckles and pecks a kiss on Yuta’s lips again. “If Mox taught you, it’ll be perfect, and I absolutely love your fingers and how they feel, especially in my hair.” Roman lifts Yuta’s hands and kisses his fingertips.
Yuta reaches back to grab a pillow and puts it on the floor so Roman is comfortable then helps Roman sit on the floor in front of him. Yuta makes quick work of the braid, face reddening each time Roman growls or moans when he tugs on the strands a certain way. Yuta finally reaches the end of the braid and wraps the hair tie around it, tugging gently so that Roman’s head is tipped back and kisses him on the forehead.
“All done, Chief, now let’s get some food and watch a movie, then maybe I’ll give you a massage if you’re lucky.”
Roman gets off the floor, going to grab the food from the dresser and a few drinks from the hotel’s refrigerator. He turns around and his heart stutters when he sees Yuta leaning against the headboard of the bed. He sets the food down by Yuta and grabs his phone from the side table.
“Don’t move baby, stay just like that.” Roman snaps a couple of photos while Yuta laughs and covers his face when he realizes what’s happening.
“Roman!” Yuta groans as his phone goes off with a text message to the Polycule group chat. “No more pictures, come sit with me and eat, Harry Potter is on and it’s almost over so that’s perfect.” Yuta pats the bed, urging Roman to come sit with him.
Roman laughs as Yuta tries the Musubi for the first time, having to tell him it’s okay if he doesn’t like it, kissing Yuta’s pout off his face.
“But it’s one of your favorites, Ro. I, at least, want to like it!”
“Seth hates it too, I don’t even think Claudio or Mox likes it either, maybe only Renee or Regal can eat it, they don’t love it but they like it.” Roman chuckles.
Dinner and Harry Potter pass without incident after Roman gets Yuta some leftovers from the fridge that he’s sure was one of the twins’ food, but they’ll get over it. Yuta ends up curled against Roman’s chest as they finish the movie, subconsciously drawing patterns on Roman’s chest and stomach. His fingers draw up his bigger lover’s chest to his neck, and he lets them bury themselves into Roman’s beard. Roman growls as Yuta scratches at his jaw and pets through his beard.
“Baby Boy, you are definitely not watching the movie.” Roman rumbles out.
“Hmm… no I’m not Chief, have I ever told you how much I love these greys in your beard?” Yuta asks as he nuzzles his nose along Roman’s jaw. “Why don’t you turn over and lay flat, alofa (love), I think you’ve earned that massage now.” Yuta whispers as he leans close to Roman’s ear, nipping at his earlobe sweetly.
“I think you were secretly sent to kill us all slowly, angelo (angel).” Roman groans out as he lies on his stomach.
“Kill you? No, more like torture, but none of the others would ever believe you, I’m too sweet to be found out.” Roman’s chuckle is cut off as Yuta seats himself on Roman’s lower back, grinding down slightly to tease him. “Oops, sorry about that, Big Dog.”
“The Devil, I swear.” Roman growls out, feeling a shiver roll down his back as Yuta runs his fingers down his back, leaning down to kiss the back of Roman’s neck.
“You’re so tense, Chief.”
Roman has no chance to answer as Yuta starts massaging his back in earnest, all playfulness put aside as his lover focuses on the knots in his back. Roman is sure he dozes off after a few minutes, waking back up when Yuta resettles on his back and puts lotion on him to help him relax further. He tries to move, but Yuta refuses to let him and lays down next to Roman on his back. He pulls Roman closer to him, leading him to lie on Yuta’s chest, scratching his back to get him back asleep.
“Shh rest alofa (love), get some sleep and I’ll be right here when you wake up tomorrow.” Roman does as he’s told without a fight, exhaustion suddenly overwhelming him.
Yuta grabs Roman’s phone from where it was thrown on the bed earlier, finding the group chat he needs.
OGs ❤️ (Roman’s Phone)
Me: It’s Yuta, got him relaxed and resting, I’ll call tomorrow
Tesoro 💙: Damn, you were definitely the right choice for calming him down, so proud of you baby
Cucciolo 🐺: Well shit Pup, you blow him?
Canada ❤️: Jon! Great work babe! Knew you could help him settle and relax! Let us know how you are tomorrow! We love you!
Cucciolo 🐺: What?! That’s what I would’ve done. Love ya Pup, get some rest too.
Tesoro 💙: Love you baby!
Me: Love y’all too, good night
Yuta sends off a quick text to the twins telling them the same thing and locks the phone, placing it on the table next to him. He looks at Roman, who is sleeping peacefully, and smiles, knowing that he is the reason that Roman is happy and content, at least for tonight. He can’t help but feel so in love with this man. He makes sure that Roman is comfortable on him, then lays back, relaxes, and closes his eyes, joining his lover in sleep.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Much love!! My brain wouldn't work for Chapter 3 of Do You Still Love Me? (but it is coming soon!) so I wrote this!
A HUGE thank you to @sinderellanightwolf, who I'm surprised hasn't gone crazy from getting 3AM messages from me, you have been such a huge help! And to IperOuranos who has been reading snippets of this for me as well! Also, @sarahcakes613, here's another Roman/Yuta for you!
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Can Beauty Come Out Of Ashes?
Pairings: Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta, Bryan/Yuta/Regal, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Bryan wakes up cold and alone. Sequel to "I'll Show You Disrespect"
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
CW: temporary death, temporary suicide, self-harm (while sleeping), blood
(The only gif I could find of that trio 😭🤷🏻‍♀️)
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(Gifs aren’t mine)
Bryan wakes up freezing and alone, he hates when nobody is home to sleep with him. Only Yuta and Renee are home but Bryan is still working for his lover’s forgiveness, and Renee sleeps alone unless Mox or the Hounds are home. He sits up and rubs his neck where Mox bit him a few weeks ago, swearing the healed spot hurts more now than when it was caused. The spot feels wet and pulling his hand back, he’s alarmed to see blood covering his hand. He reaches for his discarded shirt, putting pressure on the wound. 
He shivers violently when he slides out of bed, wondering why it is so cold. Deciding to check on Yuta and Renee to see if they are as freezing as him, he takes the shirt off his wound and is shocked that it was still bleeding. He makes a detour to the bathroom and covers the spot with gauze and tape.
He shivers violently when he slides out of bed, wondering why it is so cold. Deciding to check on Yuta and Renee to see if they are as freezing as him, he takes the shirt off his wound and is shocked that it was still bleeding. He makes a detour to the bathroom and covers the spot with gauze and tape.
He leaves his room finally, a sickening feeling in his stomach that refuses to go away the closer he gets to Renee and Yuta's rooms. He checks on Renee first, staying for a moment to watch her sleep peacefully. Closing the door quietly he walks toward Yuta's room with the nauseating feeling getting stronger. It had been months since he had been to Yuta's room, between his obsession and everyone but him sleeping in the big bed. He places his hand on the door, hesitating a moment before opening it and his knees buckle, but he stays upright somehow.
“Yuta? Yuta, no!” He runs to the bed, finally dropping to his knees to clutch at his lover’s head. “No no no baby, where’s the wound? Where’s the fucking wound, Wheeler?!” He scrambles on the bed trying to find where Yuta is bleeding from so much. He feels slickness running across his shoulder and neck, his blood dripping onto Yuta, adding to the gore. Bryan can see Yuta’s mouth moving, trying to speak.
“What? What is it, baby?” He uses the sheets to wipe the blood away but more seems to replace it, he doesn’t understand.
“I-I’m sorry, Bry. I was-wasn’t enough, d-disrespected you.” He mutters, losing strength and getting paler.
Bryan shushes him. “No baby, no. Stop talking like that and tell me where the fucking cut is.” He can hear himself screeching hysterically but he can’t find the wound.
“I lo-love you, Bry.” Yuta’s hands weakly grab at his face, leaving blood across Bryan’s cheekbones. “I-I’m not worried, Da-Danny will take care of y-you. You c-can finally be happy and f-free of me. You wanted him f-first so now he can be yours. But I love you, Drag-.” Yuta’s hands drop lifelessly from his face and he clutches onto his younger lover’s shoulders, shaking him.
“No, Yuta NO! I don’t want him, come back please! I want you! Please baby, no no no! YUTA PLEASE!”
Yuta’s POV
“I am so glad we can do this Yoots.” Renee says, looking up at him from her spot in his lap. “I feel like we never get time to hang out just us. Mox always hogs you and you’re such a comfy pillow.”
He chuckles, running a hand gently through her hair. “I’m glad we could too; Netflix, popcorn, and candy with my favorite Canadian.” He sighs, remembering the man asleep upstairs and Renee sits up.
“I know that sigh, how’s all that going?”
Slowly, which I’m thankful for but damn it, I miss him Renee. He’s been so sweet and attentive ever since the bite healed. We run together, he helps me with submission holds, he cooks meal as with me, and it’s like it used to be.” He sighs again.
“But?” She drawls out.
“How long will it last? It took Mox biting him, Renee. Why did it need to come to such extremes? I want to trust him and his intentions but I’m scared.”
“Well, that’s fa-.” She’s cut by screaming coming from upstairs and Yuta shoots up off the couch.
“Shit, Bryan!” He doesn’t wait for Renee, just sprints up the stairs to Bryan’s room, throwing the door open.
He sees Bryan throwing his head side to side, screaming for Yuta, and clawing his shoulder where Mox bit him. Yuta climbs into the bed with him, holding the hand to stop him from hurt himself further. He hears Renee enter the room, gasping at the scene.
“Hey, hey Bryan, wake up baby, you’re okay.” He looks back at Renee. “Can you grab the first aid kit from the bathroom and call somebody? Anybody please.” He turns his attention back to Bryan as he starts thrashing and screaming again.
“Yuta please! I’m sorry, Yuta! Come back please!” Tears are streaming down Bryan’s face.
“Bryan! Bryan, wake up! It’s just a nightmare Bryan, come back to us.”
He shakes Bryan, finally getting desperate enough and slapping him hard. Bryan’s eyes shoot open, sitting up and nearly hitting Yuta. He pants harshly, covering his eyes and trying to calm down. Yuta places a hand on Bryan’s arm softly, humming a random tune. He can hear Renee on the phone, telling someone to hurry home and coming back into the room with the medical kit.
“Thank you, Re, I appreciate it.”
“I called Regal, he’s the closest with Jon and Claudio visiting Roman and Seth. I’m gonna give you two some time alone, text me if you need me.” With that, she walks out the door, phone to her ear again, no doubt calling the Shield boys and Claudio.
Bryan is calming down as he unpacks the things he needs to fix the bleeding shoulder. He continues to hum lightly as he gently grabs Bryan’s shoulder.
“Turn to the side for me so I can see your shoulder, you made yourself bleed and it looks like you clawed it pretty deep.” Bryan hisses as the peroxide hits the open wound and Yuta shushes him, humming a different song. “I know I’m sorry, just bear with me, baby.” He blows gently on the spot.
“Is that Ashes by Celine Dion? The song you’re humming?” Bryan mutters.
“Oh, uh yeah. Renee made me listen to it and it’s been stuck in my head.” Yuta continues to treat Bryan’s shoulder, not wanting to say he’s been listening to it on repeat because it reminds him of their situation.
“I guess it fits huh? You and me with our problems?” He curses under his breathe, swearing Bryan could be a mind reader. “Yeah, I figured.” He chuckles darkly.
“Do you want to tell me about the dream?” He asks after the wound is taken care of and he’s sitting with his back on the headboard.
Bryan sighs. “I have no right to ask this, but can we lay down? I-I need to hold you, or you hold me. Please? I swear I won’t cross the line again until you tell me, but I just- I need this. I’ll beg if I have to.” Yuta lays down and pats his chest, opening his arms.
“No need to beg, ever. Come on, come lay down and tell me what happened. You scared me, I’ve never heard you scream like that and I don’t ever want to again.”
Bryan hesitates only for a moment before he gingerly lays down, careful of his bandaged shoulder. He seems to collect himself, burying his nose in Yuta’s neck, like he’s trying to convince himself of… something. Yuta shivers when he feels Bryan’s hot breath on his neck, memories of better times flooding his mind.
“You promise not to be upset?”
“I swear Bry, I won’t be upset.”
He listens as Bryan tells him his dream, crying as he hears “his” last words. He runs his hands through his Dragon’s hair, trying to calm him down as he shakes in his arms. The door opens, revealing their older lover quietly entering the room. He sends a questioning look to Yuta and he waves him over, looking to the other side of Bryan, telling Regal to sandwich Bryan in. He dresses into sleep clothes quickly, molding himself to Bryan’s back, kissing his neck and the back of his head gently.
“Don’t leave us, Wheeler, please. I promise you’re enough. I’m the one who messed up. Just please don’t leave us baby.”
“Oh Bryan-.”
“Promise me that no matter what, you won’t leave us that way.” He pushes himself up, Regal moving to allow it, “Promise me baby, please, even if it’s a lie to appease me.” Yuta grabs his face, pulling him down to kiss him deeply for the first time in months and both men groan.
Yuta breaks away, chuckling as Bryan follows him. “Hey, I swear I’m not going anywhere, okay? I promised Mox and I’m promising you; I’m not giving up on us, ever. Okay Dragon?” He kisses Bryan again, then lets him lay back down, burying his face in Yuta’s neck.
Regal lays himself back against Bryan’s neck, muttering declarations of love and pride softly into his ear until he is breathing deeply, fast asleep against Yuta’s neck. Regal lifts his head to check in with him, and he knows he sees the tears streaming down his face.
“What happened Sunshine?”
“He dreamed that he woke up alone and went to go find me and when he opened my door, I was bleeding out on the bed. He said he tried to stop it, but he couldn’t find the source. I died apologizing to him and telling him that at least Danny would replace me, I died right in front of him.” He sniffles, wiping the tears away, and accepting the hand that Regal offered him. “I had to slap him to wake him up and I bandaged his shoulder where he ripped it open with his nails.” He is interrupted by the buzzing of Regal’s phone.
“It’s Claudio, the others must be worried.” Yuta nods, gently covering Bryan’s exposed ear so he is left undisturbed.
Yuta listens to the phone conversation, throwing in an “I love you” at the end to his other lovers. He continues to lovingly stroke Bryan’s hair and face, pushing his fingers gently into his beard, still as soft as he remembers. He can feel Regal staring down at them before kissing Yuta goodnight and telling him how much he loves him, cuddling into Bryan and drifting to sleep. Yuta stays awake long enough to watch his lovers a moment longer and send a selfie to the group text of the sleeping arrangement. He relaxes, taking in Bryan and Regal’s calming scents, letting himself join his lovers into more pleasant dreams.
Let beauty come out of ashes
Great! Awesome! I don’t feel burned or poked with pitchforks so I’m assuming we all survived the story (including Yuta, yay!)
I hope you all enjoyed!! Thank you for reading! I love you all and hope you still love me 😘
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
His Three Exceptions
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Renee Paquette, Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Mox only answers three people's calls/texts with urgency, two of them make a group chat.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
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(Gifs aren't mine)
Mox fucking hates technology, he would rather talk with someone face to face so he can see their expressions and hear their tone of voice. He knows that text messages and social media posts can be misconstrued, so he'd rather not deal with the drama of it all. He will say that when nights get long and he's alone with his thoughts, when he misses his wife and lovers most, he will video call them so he can hear and see them. AEW has also asked that he try and post occasionally, bare minimum work, but he usually lets Yuta and Renee take care of it, Seth too if they're together. All that said, there are only three people he will answer immediately.
Renee was the first one to break his texting rule, he couldn't help it, goddamn she was perfect, and he wanted to keep her attention. He was always with Roman or Seth, so it was unnecessary to text them all the time, but Renee's schedule was unpredictable, so it was more convenient for her to text. His Hounds made fun of him for it, but they were happy for him. As he and Renee got more serious, it seemed like his Hounds were taking a step back from him. He had been honest with Renee from the beginning about the Shield's relationship, letting her know that she didn't have to join, but they were a package deal. So, when the guys backed away, he went to her for advice, and she offered to help.
He was sitting in the hotel room waiting for, anything really, he heard his phone go off as well as a knock on the door. Grabbing his phone, he went and opened the door, seeing his two beautiful Hounds sheepishly waiting on the other side.
"Okay, so maybe Renee is kind of perfect." Roman stated after he got comfortable on the bed.
"She said she would text you." Seth added, his nasally laugh filling the room.
Mox looked at his phone to see she had indeed texted him. He opened the message and fell a little more in love.
Canada ❤️: Our boys are a little dumb 😘
2. Shooter
Shota Umino (Shooter) was the second person. Mox was so impressed with him and his in-ring skills that he decided to unofficially adopt the little shit. Renee and the Hounds may laugh but he was absolutely serious, Shooter was his child, damn it.
When Mox came back from Japan, he and Shooter found it was easier to text than to call, so Renee added a special ringtone for him so Mox would know it was Shooter. Mox liked texting him because their conversations consisted of wrestling, advice, and things that each of them had seen throughout their day. It was an easy, carefree relationship and he was just happy that Shooter thought about him randomly throughout the day.
3. Yuta
Mox always swore Renee and Shooter would be the only two that made him stay glued to his phone texting, until he met Wheeler Yuta that is. All of his lovers understood his aversion to technology, they knew if they really needed him, it was better to get ahold of Renee or even Regal, if it was an emergency, they called twice.
Yuta though? Yuta's in his twenties and stays glued to his phone, so he was always texting, or tweeting, or whatever the fuck younger people do when they're glued to their phones. The first and only time he didn't answer Yuta's texts, his Pup came home sulking, curling into Mox's side while they watched Netflix.
Yuta sighs quietly while plucking at the dog tags Mox usually wears tucked into his shirt, never taking his eyes off the television. Mox glances down at him to check in.
"What's wrong, Pup? Wanna watch something else?" He brushes the fringe off Yuta's forehead.
"Did you get my texts today?" Mox stares at him for a second, then pauses the show.
"Yeah, I saw them, laughed at a few, actually downloaded TikTok, saved the pictures." He kisses Yuta's head. "Your selfies were cute as fuck. Why?" He glances up at Mox, eyebrows furrowed.
"Then why didn't you text back? To any of them?" Mox thought Yuta's slight pout was adorable as hell, but he didn't dare tell him that. He always forgets how young his lover actually is until these moments.
"Ah hell, I'm sorry Pup, you usually text Seth or Renee, not me. I'll do better at that, okay? Quit with the face, you know I'll give you anything with that damn face." Mox tilts Yuta's chin up to kiss him. He pulls back slowly, looking at Yuta's smug face.
"Yeah, I know, that's why I do it." He sounds pleased with himself, bratty Pup.
"I'm limiting your time with Seth, no more unsupervised visits, you're picking up too many of his habits." He shakes his head and begins the show again. Yuta stretches up to get his lips next to Mox's ear.
"You promise you'll be the designated supervisor, Wild Thing?" Yuta presses a kiss to Mox's ear, nipping it slightly as he leans back from him.
"Fuck this show." Mox chucks the remote and tackles Yuta, laying him out on the couch, cutting his Pup's laugh short by kissing him deeply, the show completely forgotten in the background.
The Group Chat
Mox groans as he rolls over to find his phone, hoping to silence it before it wakes up the other man in the bed. Feeling around the sheets, he finally finds it and stares at the screen with bleary eyes, startling when another notification pops up.
"If you don't shut that thing up, I'm going to kick you out of bed." Bryan puts the pillow over his head, trying to fall back asleep.
"Sorry babe." He puts the phone on silent, then leans over, moves the pillow, and kisses Bryan's head and cheek. "I'm getting up anyway, gonna find some coffee. Get some more sleep and I'll wake you up when I get back. Love you." He slides out of bed after hearing Bryan's grunt and quiet I love you.
Looking at his phone again, he groans at what he sees.
Mox’s VIP Chat
Wifey ❤️: Figured it’d be easier to put us in a group chat since Yoots usually sends us the same things.
Pup 🐶: Omg yes! This is going to be great {image} Oh! Look at this! We should get it for Seth!
There are at least twenty messages going back and forth between the two and he rolls his eyes. He refuses to admit that it's the cutest shit he's seen. Mox lights a cigarette when he gets outside and heads toward the coffee shop they stopped at yesterday.
Pup 🐶: When do you think Mox will wake up?
Wild Thing 😡🩸📌: I hope you two know that Bryan almost kicked me outta the fuckin bed because of this
Wifey ❤️: 😂 That’s hilarious! Poor Jon! ❤️
Wild Thing 😡🩸📌: This gonna be our thing now?
Pup 🐶: Yep! 😂 {gif}
Wild Thing 😡🩸📌: greeeaaatt can’t wait 👍 Also.. did you two change my contacts?
Wifey ❤️: 😂😘
Pup 🐶: Oh! We should add Shooter too!            What if the answer is yes? 🧐
Mox rolls his eyes, putting his phone away as he walks through the door and up to the counter, and as he orders his and Bry's coffee, he can feel his phone buzz. If his smile got a little bigger, that's nobody's damn business.
I hope everyone enjoys! Thank you for reading! Thank you @sinderellanightwolf for all the help!
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Home Isn't Just A Place
Pairing: Shield/BCC/Renee Polycule
Summary: Regal has a surprise at home for Yuta, what could it be?
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and pictures aren't mine.
All the fluff, I don't even think there's a drop of angst (I'm so proud of myself y'all)
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His Lordship 👑: Hurry home my darling I have a surprise waiting.
“Philly!” Yuta jolts out of his thoughts and looks up to see Danny running at him, smiling when he stops in front of him out of breath. “What’s got you smiling at your phone like that? Which boyfriend is it?” Danny laughs as he dodges the lazy punch Yuta throws at him.
“It’s D-Regal, says he’s got a surprise so I should hurry home. You all done here, or do you need more time?” He watches his friend scratch the back of his neck guiltily. “It’s okay if you do, I can wait for you.”
“Nah, you go home and I’ll ask my dads to take me to their hotel room. I’m glad I got to hang out at The Manor this weekend, we should do it again sometime.”
“You know if you joined the BCC you could live there and train with us.” Yuta suggests and laughs at Danny’s eye roll. 
“I’m not joining your sex cult Yoots and training with those guys, especially Bryan and Roman when he can be here, isn’t enough incentive to change my mind. Besides,” Danny shrugs. “Jericho may be shortsighted sometimes, but he can be a good mentor and I’m with my dads. Maybe one day I’ll change my mind but today’s not that day. Now go and see what surprise is waiting for you.” 
“Thanks Death I appreciate it.” He hugs his friend tightly and as he pulls away; he punches his shoulder. “And it’s not a sex cult Danny, I love them. If you’re happy right now, then you’re happy. You know you can always come and hang out with us no matter what. Just like we promised; work is work and home is home.” Yuta hugs him again. 
“Alright, alright get outta here and text me later, preferably way after you and your boys have sex please.” He dodges another punch. “And stop abusing me! Go home and stop taking asshole lessons from Moxley!” Yuta laughs as Danny pushes him toward the car and runs off back to the building after waving goodbye. 
Yuta makes it through the door of the house, laughing at the text Danny sent him about Jericho bad mouthing the BCC because he had had a sleepover with Yuta this weekend. He is intercepted by Mox and smiles at the soft kiss he’s given then moaning when his Hound deepens it. 
Mox pulls away and glances down at Yuta’s phone. “You textin’ our boy Pup?” He teases and smiles sharply at Yuta’s pout. 
“I thought I was your Young Boy Moxie?” He giggles as Mox attacks his neck with kisses and gentle nips.
“In the ring you are my Young Boy, but when we’re home? Oh darlin’, when we’re home, you’re my Pup.” He snarls into his ear and Yuta shudders. 
A throat clears. “Sorry to interrupt my loves but we’re waiting for you.” Moxley groans in displeasure, resting his head in the crook of Yuta’s neck while Yuta laughs. 
“They better be lucky I love their dumbasses so much.” He pulls back and grabs Yuta’s hand to pull him into the living room with Regal close behind them.
Yuta laughs at the grumbling coming from Mox and wonders what could be so important that people are waiting on them. He is in surprised disbelief when he enters the living room. Renee is sitting in between Seth and Roman talking about something exciting judging by the way her hands are waving around, and the Hounds are laughing. The discussion is paused as Seth catches sight of the missing trio, smiling at the widened eyes of Yuta. 
“Roman? Seth? I can’t believe you’re here!” He rushes to the couch and pounces on Roman’s lap, making Seth and Renee laugh and Roman groan lowly. 
Yuta looks down at Roman’s darkening eyes and smiles coyly at his boyfriend. Roman growls, putting one hand on the back of Yuta’s neck and jerking him down to meet his lips. He can feel Renee get up but then fingers ghosting up his back and he can’t help but moan into Roman’s mouth, nipping at his bottom lip.
“Well, I get y’all were missed pretty bad." Mox’s raspy voice cuts in and it makes Yuta pull back, resting his forehead against Roman’s. 
Seth pulls his fingers away from Yuta’s back and gets up to press a kiss to his cheek before heading into the kitchen and Yuta groans unhappily. 
“Why don’t you go help Seth with snacks and drinks while we get some movies queued up. Come on baby boy, the faster you get done the faster you can come sit on your favorite seat yeah?”
He jumps up at that and hurries to the kitchen, ignoring the laughs and whistles. He sees Seth with his back to the kitchen door and he can’t stop himself from boxing him in. He attacks his Prince Charming’s neck with bites and kisses that make the man groan and brace himself against the counter before spinning him around and attacking his mouth. The snacks and drinks are forgotten as his younger lover makes him lose his mind until someone clears their throat behind them. He sighs and nestles into Seth’s neck. 
“You know,” Bryan drawls out. “We could have this movie night if you would quit attacking your boyfriends when they’re vulnerable.” Yuta laughs against Seth’s neck then pulls away.
“Aww Bryan,” he purrs out as he walks closer to his Dragon. “I can attack you too if you’re feeling vulnerable.” He runs his hand down Bryan’s chest. 
“Maybe later tonight when we all go to bed? I bet I can convince you to sleep next to me,” He leans in to whisper in Yuta’s ear. “Put you between me and Jon, keep you warm, and we can see who’s feeling vulnerable then. How does that sound?” Yuta whimpers and runs his nose up Bryan’s jaw. 
“Yes, please Bryan I want that.” His Dragon chuckles lowly.
“Then let’s grab these snacks and drinks so we can go watch movies with our lovers.” Bryan pulls away to go to the counter and grab things, smirking at Seth when Yuta whines loudly. “Come on baby, let’s go watch some movies.”
Seth and Yuta grab the rest of the food and drinks and follow Bryan back to the living room. He sees that Roman, Mox, and Renee have arranged themselves onto their favorite oversized couch. He follows Seth to deposit their snacks in front of the Shield poly before starting to walk off to cuddle with Claudio. He stops when he's grabbed by the waist and pulled backwards into Mox’s lap and falls onto the solid chest. 
“Now where do you think you’re going? Gonna leave your Hounds without their Pup, baby” Yuta groans lowly at the warm breath blowing on his ear. 
“I-I know you and Renee have been missing them, so I wanted y’all to have some time together, just you guys. I didn’t want to make Renee feel weird.”
“Aw baby no. We’re stealing you for cuddling tonight.” Renee chimes in as she grabs his hand and squeezes. 
“Alright let me up so I can kiss the others and then I’ll be right back, I promise.” Mox groans dramatically but let’s Seth help Yuta up. 
He walks up to the other couch where Bryan, and Regal are cuddled up together and gives each of them a deep kiss and checks in before making his way back to the quad. Renee pats Mox’s thigh and he laughs when, as soon as he sits down, Mox wraps his arms around his waist and lets him put all his weight on his lover. He gasps as Mox sets his teeth in the back of his neck and bites down gently then kisses the spot. He feels Roman place a warm hand on his thigh and rubbing gently. Yuta turns and leans over to give him another kiss just happy that he was actually there. Seth leans down to take another kiss from him as well and Yuta smiles wide when he sits between Yuta and Mox’s thighs. He nudges Yuta with his head to make him play with his hair and Yuta laughs but does so happily.
“I love you but I’m not kissing you baby.” He grabs her hand and squeezes tightly. 
He laughs at her statement and rolls his eyes. “One day I’ll get you to kiss me Re.” He shakes his head. “What are we even watching?” he asks.
“Jon wanted the Saw movies and claimed Champion Rights,” Roman rolls his eyes. “Like Seth and I aren’t champions too, but I digress. We all figured that scary movies are perfect cuddling movies so win/win.” He says, kissing Yuta’s cheek sweetly. 
“You didn’t need a scary movie to make me cuddle you, Moxie.” He leans up and whispers in his ear.
“Hush you and watch the movies.” Mox replies gruffly, pulling him tighter against him. 
Yuta sighs happily and looks around the room at his family. Bryan had finally situated himself by resting his head against Regal’s chest and his legs in Claudio’s lap. Seth decided he was too old to sit on the floor and uses Roman’s lap as a seat. He takes one of Yuta’s hands to play with during the movies, wanting to stay in physical contact with their sweet boy. He can hear Renee and Mox behind him and decides to let them have their moment alone before Mox adjusts him so he’s laying with his head on Mox’s shoulder. Seth and Roman take turns giving him sweet kisses as the movies continue on which makes him giggle and squirm until Mox has to grab him by the waist to stop the movements. The Polycule never usually gets time to be all together, but Yuta is glad that they can have it today. 
I hope you all enjoyed this fluff monster! This one is for IperOuranos who helped me choose this prompt of the Big Poly all spending time together! Much love and I'll see you in the next one! ❤️
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to tell you I read all of the polycule fics last night… and re-read them the same night. (I think you’ve awakened something inside of me with Roman/Yuta)
Thank you for blessing us with this series (:
Thank you so much Anon! You’ve made my night!! Thank YOU for reading them! I’m so happy you enjoy them! There’s something about Yuta and Roman, they’re so easy to write together! I hope to add more to the series soon 🥰 thank you again! 😍😘
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
His Dragon
Pairing: Seth Rollins/Bryan Danielson, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Bryan wakes up to an unlikely person running their fingers through his hair after his ROH match
TW: panic attack
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
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(Not my gifs)
Bryan can hear himself groan, but he doesn't know if it's from the pain in his head or the soothing feeling of someone running their fingers through his hair. He can feel himself in someone's lap and hopes that means one of his lovers is with him. Bryan hears the person chuckle as he moves his head closer to the long fingers but shushes him as Bryan gasps from the pain of the small movement.
"My poor Dragon. Try not to move too much, your head and neck are going to be sore for the next few days." The fingers continue running through his hair and the action calms him once more.
He takes a moment for the pain to lessen before his brain reminds him that he knows that voice. He opens his eyes slowly, grateful for the darkened room, and sees the face slightly leaning over to look at him.
"Seth? What- how are you here?" Seth's nasally laugh is sad and Bryan is confused.
"Oh Dragon, I've been here since yesterday morning, Moxley called."
"Since yesterday? How did I not-? Oh." Bryan hasn't been home since they arrived in Canada on Sunday.
"Yeah Dragon, oh. I was hoping to get here high off my win, take you into your room, and share my luck with you to... prepare you for today's match." Bryan blushes as Seth winks. "Imagine my surprise when our Yuta tells me you've been gone since you all got here." Seth continues running his fingers through Bryan's hair, seeming to use it to soothe himself as much as Bryan.
"Seth, babe-" Seth gently pulls the end of the locks to quiet him.
"Hush now Dragon and listen to me. Roman and I have been watching AEW for the past few weeks because we didn't want to believe Mox when he told us you had become enamored with another young wrestler. We were shocked to see that that seemed to be the case after watching the Pure Championship match. Our poor baby Yuta, he looked so heartbroken that Roman almost skipped the taping of Smackdown to come and be with him, especially after watching his promo after the match." Seth bops him gently on the nose. "You, my darling Dragon, almost got slayed by the Big Dog because of it."
"Seth, baby, please-"
Bryan tries to get Seth to listen again, but Seth places one hand over Bryan's mouth and the other starts to scratch his scalp, knowing that it's one of his Dragon's weaknesses. Bryan can't help but melt into his lover's touch. Seeing that Bryan has calmed once again, Seth removes the hand from his mouth and continues speaking.
So, I decided to call Yuta, to see if he would tell me anything, but of course, he said that everything was fine and that he was just upset about losing the belt like that." Seth runs his empty hand up and down Bryan's arms and torso, trying to keep him calm. "I decided that if I wanted answers I'd have to get them from Mox, who had plenty to say about you and Danny, and our baby's feelings through it all. He told us about how you didn't seem to realize what was going on around you and that he was trying his damnedest to give you the benefit of the doubt, knowing you can get obsessive sometimes." Seth pauses to let Bryan think through what he's said.
Bryan closes his eyes and relaxes in Seth's lap, trying to think back to the last few weeks, but from Yuta's point of view. He remembers the night that he came down to the ring after Daniel won- no after Yuta lost the belt. Did he even check on his younger lover? He doesn't remember, but he does remember Seth mentioning-.
"Promo? What promo are you talking about?"
Bryan sits up abruptly, holding his neck after he's upright, and letting Seth situate him so he's leaning against the wall. Seth sighs at his Dragon's stubbornness and shakes his head but moves closer so that his body is against Bryan's. He pulls his phone out and brings up Twitter to find the promo and let Bryan watch it.
"Here you go, I can't believe you haven't seen it, though you and Mox are about the same with social media so I guess I can understand."
Seth rambles on, but Bryan can't hear what he is saying, he only hears the heartbreak in Yuta's voice and the devastation on his face as he talks about Bryan and his actions.
"This was probably the worst night of my life... The guy that I've looked up to, a mentor, someone who inspired me to even be here, kind of shoved me aside to shake your hand... I'm not a consolation prize Danny... Make me reevaluate a lot of things."*
Bryan can hear someone's breath quicken and he realizes it's him when Seth takes the phone away from him. Seth pulls Bryan to his chest and runs his hand through his hair while the other pets down his back. Bryan fights for a moment before letting Seth take over.
"Copy my breathing Dragon, match me, that's it, there we go. I'm not leaving. N, don't move yet, just stay here with me a little longer."
Static fills Bryan's ears until he finally calms down enough to listen to Seth's calming mantra. He matches his breathing with Seth's and listens to his heartbeat until he calms down enough to lean back and stare at Seth. His lover's hand comes and rests on his face and he leans heavily into it, closing his eyes.
"Do you understand now, Dragon?" Seth whispers.
"What do I do Seth? How do I fix this? Can it be fixed?"
"Oh, baby," Seth's heart breaks at how quiet Bryan's voice is. "Just apologize. Start with an apology and go from there, if you truly mean it, you know Yuta will forgive you. Our baby loves you so much, loves us so much, he will forgive you. Despite the hurt he's been through these past few weeks he led the charge down to the ring. He could have run into the ring after Jericho and his gang, but he went around the back and checked on you first. Just apologize and mean it, learn from this.
Bryan can hear Seth pause and slowly opens his eyes, seeing Seth contemplate his next choice of words, his brow furrowing in thought. Bryan knows he's trying to spare his feelings, as uncaring and hateful as Seth's in-ring character can be, his Seth is as kindhearted as Yuta. He also knows that he needs Seth to be honest with him, like Regal or Mox would have if it were them.
"Please just be honest Seth, tell me what's on your mind, I won't be angry." Seth sighs.
"Just- Yuta will of course forgive you, faster than the rest of us would have if we were in his place, he's so caring and loving that he's okay to be hurt by those he loves as long as it means they won't leave him. If you apologize, you have to mean it, Bryan. You can't do this to him again, I'm serious. If you hurt him again, I think he would actually crumble. Do you understand?" Seth combs through his hair and grips it gently at the nape of his neck, pulling him in to put their foreheads together. Bryan sighs gently and just stays still, resting against Seth.
"I understand Seth. I swear I'll make it up to him and the rest of you. I really don't know why y'all put up with me sometimes." Bryan leans back to look at Seth.
"Because we love you and I love staring at you in grey sweatpants." Seth winks and laughs at him.
"Thanks babe." Bryan chuckles. "What would I do without you?" He puts his hand on Seth's cheek and rubs his thumb against his cheekbone.
"Probably get punched by Mox or Roman more." Bryan removes his hand from his lover's cheek and lightly punches him in the shoulder. Seth just throws his head back and laughs, then hops off the medical bed, holding his hand out. "Now let's go find Renee and the brother-husbands and let you start your apology. I'll even take the hard job of distracting Mox for you." Seth wiggles his eyebrows, trying to keep a serious face, but breaking immediately when Bryan rolls his eyes.
Oh, I bet you're really going to hate that so much." Bryan hops off the bed as well and takes Seth's hand, pulling him into Bryan for a deep kiss. "I love you and I'm glad you're here. Thank you for coming."
"I'm always here for you, my Dragon, bad decisions and all."
*direct quote from Garcia/Yuta promo after the Pure Championship match. Thank you to @sinderellanightwolf and IperOuranos for all the help with this drabble and the others to come! I wouldn't have started writing them without y'all! I hope you all enjoy these and be on the lookout for the others to come! Much love ❤️
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