#the sign says “you do not get to comment on a problematic cc who you support” btw
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dont make me tap the sign
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Just in case you think your an ally- your not
Just in case there is any question that closeting is still happening and promoted in Hollywood…
So Pikachu is gonna lay some “PROOF” on us. Kristen Stewart did indeed speak up the the pressure to stay in the closet.  The cc fandom rushed to prove they are the mostest of the allies by laying out their disgust and their undying pledge to fight homophobia (I might have added that last part but there is a determination in the their comments)
I was listening to the radio on my way to work this morning and one of the things they talked about was an interview that Kristen Stewart gave to Harper’s Bazaar recently. It talks about her early career and relationship with Robert Pattinson but also talks about how she was encouraged to keep her relationship with her girlfriend out of the public eye in hopes that she MIGHT get bigger roles.
“In the past, she says, “I have fully been told, ‘If you just like do yourself a favour, and don’t go out holding your girlfriend’s hand in public, you might get a Marvel movie.’"”
****Oh wow, look at that- she didn’t sign her gay away, she was only TOLD “...DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR and don’t go out holding your girlfriends hand in public you might get a marvel movie”.  So basically her team was doing what they are supposed to do-giving her advice to increase her chances of getting a movie. I’m not judging the humanity of the advice itself -they were in fact telling her how it is. There was NO CONTRACT, there is no forced closeting and more telling of all, SHE DIDN’T FOLLOW THE ADVICE.  She’s out there holding her girlfriends hand.  She cared more about her girlfriend than she did her movie.  Imagine that.****
For the full article, click this link:
More and more celebrities are opening up about being closeted and discouraged from living the life they want, that they are entitled to live. I HOPE that the day will come that this is no longer happening to ANYONE.
****Even Pikachu seems to acknowledge that celebs that are coming forward are talking about being “.... DISCOURAGED (her word) from living the life they want, they are entitled to live”****
I hope that all these people do push normal people like me to stand by their side, raise their voices and put an end to a radical change started (too long) time ago and still far from being completed.
They need our voices and our support.
****Notes comes in with what they believe is a statement of powerful support- a true ally- but they call themselves “normal”. They want “all of these people to push normal people like me to stand by their side, raise their voices...”. Honestly I don't understand the rest of her comment so I will let that lay there. Calling LGBTQ “these people” and referring to oneself as “normal” is highly problematic. If you call yourself normal then you are saying that LGBTQ people are abnormal.  Nobody else in the cc fandom even noticed*** . 
Thinking about how common this is always makes me sick.
***it’s “common” because up unit now it has been absolutely true. People who were out were pigeonholed into very small roles as gay characters or had to wait for Ryan Murphy to hire them or they didn't’ work at all. The teams giving actors this advice are simply telling the truth- if you don’t act gay in public you might get a big role in a Marvel picture. They didn’t say “You have to stay in the closet, stay away from your girlfriend-you can’t be seen with her ever, you can’t interact with her on social media, and you have to claim you are straight every time you are asked for the next decade.  Do you see the difference? Of course not, but the difference is still huge. The team telling actors to stop being gay in public if they want to work on a mainstream movies isn’t the problem. The problem is societal homophobia that keeps casting directors and directors from hiring LGBTQ actors for fear the won’t be accepted in the role or that fans will stay away from the picture.  It’s changing- slowly because casting directors and producers are taking changes and gay actors are refusing to hide and pushing boundaries. But that takes a lot of courage.Your cctheory about Darren is that he doesn’t have any courage. He’s too scared to lose his job and his fame to fight the fight. He’s waiting for everyone else to fight it for him. That’s really messed up. What I do know is that standing up and screaming that Darren Criss is actually gay -no matter what he says about it-isn’t changing anything. Nor is calling yourself normal and hoping “those people’ will ask you to stand up with them to fight the fight they have been fighting for generations**** 
There are so many closeted actors it is unreal. It is absolutely disgusting.
****Abby’s righteous indignation-always there even though everything she knows about the LGBTQ community she learned from Klaine. She’s not gonna listen to the LGBTQ community to hear their stories  She isn’t even going to even listen to the stories of the actors she’s uses to prove that closeting in Hollywood is so disgusting. She simply hears the word “closeting” and BAM they are injected into her fanfiction without context, thought or care.   She’s gonna fight the fight****. 
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Get ready for humanity's dumbest ritual: turning back the clocks for daylight-saving time
Skye Gould/Business Insider
Daylight-saving time, or DST, began in the US in 1918 as a way to conserve energy.
However, many Americans believe the practice is not worth the hassle, and studies suggest it may cause more problems than it solves.
There are two main proposals to get rid of DST: by creating fewer time zones or moving to one universal time.
Every year, many writers pen some form of this essay in irritated prose. Yet every year — actually, twice a year — we're forced to continue partaking in the world's dumbest ritual.
On Sunday, November 5, at the stroke of 2:00 a.m., most clocks in North America and Europe will roll backward one hour to end daylight-saving time (DST) until next year.
This gives many people one more hour of sleep, making the sun rise an hour earlier by our clocks' count. However come March 11, 2018, the invisible time vampire will return to suck away an hour of sleep in the dead of night.
Daylight-saving time (and no, it's not daylight "savings" time) was created during World War I to decrease energy use. The practice was implemented year-round in 1942, during WWII. Not waking up in the dark, the thinking went, would decrease fuel use for lighting and heating — and help conserve energy supplies to win the war.
Nearly 100 years later, though, the US is a divided nation on this topic. For example, a 2012 survey of 1,000 American adults by Rasmussen Reports found that 45% of American adults think daylight-saving is worth it, while more than 40% say it's worthless.
Advocacy groups like Standardtime.com are trying to abolish daylight-saving time altogether. Energy-saving claims are "unproven," they write: "If we are saving energy, let's go year-round with daylight-saving time. If we are not saving energy, let's drop daylight-saving time!"
More than 127,000 people have petitioned Congress to end daylight-saving time. Many of the comments on the petition are biting.
"Daylight saving time is an antiquated practice and serves no purpose in the modern world," wrote Dustin M. from Kings Mountain, North Carolina. "It causes undo stress to millions of Americans and does nothing for anyone."
We're with Dustin, and here's why.
What's the problem with DST?
According to Michael Downing, the author of "Spring Forward: The Annual Madness of Daylight-Saving Time," early studies on daylight-saving time didn't find evidence that it actually decreases energy use.
In fact, sometimes DST seems to increase energy use.
For example, in Indiana — where daylight-saving time was implemented statewide in 2006 — researchers saw that people used less electricity for light, but those gains were canceled out by people who used more air conditioning during the early evenings (since 6 p.m. felt more like 5 p.m., when the sun still shines brightly in the summer and homes haven't had the chance to cool off).
DST also increases gasoline consumption, something Downing says the petroleum industry has known since the 1930s. This is probably because evening activities — and the vehicle use they require — increase with that extra daylight.
Changing the clocks also causes air travel synchronization headaches, which sometimes leads to travel delays and lost revenue, airlines have reportedly said.
There are also health issues associated with the change. Similar to the way jet-lag makes you feel all out of whack, daylight-saving time is like scooting one time zone over. This can disrupt our sleep, metabolism, mood, stress levels, and other bodily rhythms. One study suggests recovery can take three weeks.
The sheer number of people impacted by DST all at once leads to some surprising associations, including a spike in heart attacks, increased numbers of work injuries, automobile accidents, suicides, and more in the days after.
Why keep it?
Wikimedia Commons
Despite those early studies about energy use, one analysis from 2008 did find a small amount of energy savings after we extended DST by four weeks in 2005.
According to the Christian Science Monitor:
"Most advocates cite a 2008 report to Congress by the Department of Energy which showed that total electricity savings from the extended daylight-saving period amounted to 1.3 terawatt-hours, or 0.03 percent of electricity consumption over the year. That's a tiny number. But if electricity costs 10 cents per kilowatt, that means an estimated $130 million in savings each year."
More evening light also inspires people to go out and spend money.
Downing told NPR that this comes in the form of things like shopping and even playing golf — the golf industry told Congress that an extra month of daylight-saving was worth $200 million in 1986. The BBQ industry said extending DST would boost sales by $100 million.
Extending daylight-saving time to November also might help the Halloween industry — the longer kids can trick-or-treat, the more candy you need to buy.
Changing the law can also be expensive. One legislature representative in Alberta, Canada, suggested that holding a referendum on DST may cost the province $2 to $6 million, even if snuck into a standard election ballot, and that holding a no-DST vote on its own might cost $22 million to organize and execute.
A world divided
Paul Eggert/Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Other areas of the world have gotten rid of daylight-saving time, or never had it to begin with.
The map above shows the breakdown. Blue areas observe DST, red areas never have, and orange areas once did but have since abolished it.
Some parts of the US have taken their own initiative not to observe daylight-saving time, including most of Arizona (excluding the Navajo and Hopi reservations in the northeast), and before 2006, parts of Indiana. A bill to abolish DST was once recommended for passage in Oklahoma, but it was not signed into law. A lawmaker in Utah also introduced legislation to try to abolish DST, but his bill died in committee.
The decision is up to the individual counties, but choosing not observe DST in a county where nearby cities do can be problematic.
Alternate plans
Standardtime.com has a unique suggestion.
Their proposal has only two time zones in the continental US that are two hours apart, which The Atlantic calls "a simple plan to fix [DST]".
Compare that plan to the current state of things in the US, which is broken into four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time, each one hour apart.
These four time zones exist so that areas in the east of each time zone get sunrise at about the same time — the sun hits the eastern side of a time zone about an hour before it hits the western side in our current zones.
With Standardtime.com's system, keeping the coasts only two hours apart would facilitate travel and meeting times. On the downside, sunrise and sunset would happen at wildly different times for many areas of the nation. Extending the eastern time zone into the middle of the country would mean sunrise would happen for some people very late in the morning.
For example, the sun rose in New York City at about 6:15 a.m. EST today and in Chicago at 6:10 a.m. CST; but if the two were in the same time zone, sunrise would be at 8:15 "Eastern Time" in Chicago.
Johns Hopkins University professors Richard Henry and Steven Hanke have come up with yet another possible fix: worldwide adoption of a single time zone. They argue that the internet has eliminated the need for discrete time zones across the globe, so we might as well just do away with them. The proposal also includes a 13-month "permanent calendar." (The idea, understandably, has encountered some resistance.)
No plan will satisfy everyone. But that doesn't mean daylight-saving time is good.
The absence of major energy-saving benefits from DST — along with its death toll, health impacts, and economic ramifications — are reason enough to get rid of the ritual altogether.
Jennifer Welsh and Sarah Kramer contributed to previous versions of this post.
NOW WATCH: Everyday phrases that even smart people say incorrectly
from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2yehhyQ
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Get ready for humanity's dumbest ritual: turning back the clocks for daylight-saving time
Skye Gould/Business Insider
Daylight-saving time, or DST, began in the US in 1918 as a way to conserve energy.
However, many Americans believe the practice is not worth the hassle, and studies suggest it may cause more problems than it solves.
There are two main proposals to get rid of DST: by creating fewer time zones or moving to one universal time.
Every year, many writers pen some form of this essay in irritated prose. Yet every year — actually, twice a year — we're forced to continue partaking in the world's dumbest ritual.
On Sunday, November 5, at the stroke of 2:00 a.m., most clocks in North America and Europe will roll backward one hour to end daylight-saving time (DST) until next year.
This gives many people one more hour of sleep, making the sun rise an hour earlier by our clocks' count. However come March 11, 2018, the invisible time vampire will return to suck away an hour of sleep in the dead of night.
Daylight-saving time (and no, it's not daylight "savings" time) was created during World War I to decrease energy use. The practice was implemented year-round in 1942, during WWII. Not waking up in the dark, the thinking went, would decrease fuel use for lighting and heating — and help conserve energy supplies to win the war.
Nearly 100 years later, though, the US is a divided nation on this topic. For example, a 2012 survey of 1,000 American adults by Rasmussen Reports found that 45% of American adults think daylight-saving is worth it, while more than 40% say it's worthless.
Advocacy groups like Standardtime.com are trying to abolish daylight-saving time altogether. Energy-saving claims are "unproven," they write: "If we are saving energy, let's go year-round with daylight-saving time. If we are not saving energy, let's drop daylight-saving time!"
More than 127,000 people have petitioned Congress to end daylight-saving time. Many of the comments on the petition are biting.
"Daylight saving time is an antiquated practice and serves no purpose in the modern world," wrote Dustin M. from Kings Mountain, North Carolina. "It causes undo stress to millions of Americans and does nothing for anyone."
We're with Dustin, and here's why.
What's the problem with DST?
According to Michael Downing, the author of "Spring Forward: The Annual Madness of Daylight-Saving Time," early studies on daylight-saving time didn't find evidence that it actually decreases energy use.
In fact, sometimes DST seems to increase energy use.
For example, in Indiana — where daylight-saving time was implemented statewide in 2006 — researchers saw that people used less electricity for light, but those gains were canceled out by people who used more air conditioning during the early evenings (since 6 p.m. felt more like 5 p.m., when the sun still shines brightly in the summer and homes haven't had the chance to cool off).
DST also increases gasoline consumption, something Downing says the petroleum industry has known since the 1930s. This is probably because evening activities — and the vehicle use they require — increase with that extra daylight.
Changing the clocks also causes air travel synchronization headaches, which sometimes leads to travel delays and lost revenue, airlines have reportedly said.
There are also health issues associated with the change. Similar to the way jet-lag makes you feel all out of whack, daylight-saving time is like scooting one time zone over. This can disrupt our sleep, metabolism, mood, stress levels, and other bodily rhythms. One study suggests recovery can take three weeks.
The sheer number of people impacted by DST all at once leads to some surprising associations, including a spike in heart attacks, increased numbers of work injuries, automobile accidents, suicides, and more in the days after.
Why keep it?
Wikimedia Commons
Despite those early studies about energy use, one analysis from 2008 did find a small amount of energy savings after we extended DST by four weeks in 2005.
According to the Christian Science Monitor:
"Most advocates cite a 2008 report to Congress by the Department of Energy which showed that total electricity savings from the extended daylight-saving period amounted to 1.3 terawatt-hours, or 0.03 percent of electricity consumption over the year. That's a tiny number. But if electricity costs 10 cents per kilowatt, that means an estimated $130 million in savings each year."
More evening light also inspires people to go out and spend money.
Downing told NPR that this comes in the form of things like shopping and even playing golf — the golf industry told Congress that an extra month of daylight-saving was worth $200 million in 1986. The BBQ industry said extending DST would boost sales by $100 million.
Extending daylight-saving time to November also might help the Halloween industry — the longer kids can trick-or-treat, the more candy you need to buy.
Changing the law can also be expensive. One legislature representative in Alberta, Canada, suggested that holding a referendum on DST may cost the province $2 to $6 million, even if snuck into a standard election ballot, and that holding a no-DST vote on its own might cost $22 million to organize and execute.
A world divided
Paul Eggert/Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Other areas of the world have gotten rid of daylight-saving time, or never had it to begin with.
The map above shows the breakdown. Blue areas observe DST, red areas never have, and orange areas once did but have since abolished it.
Some parts of the US have taken their own initiative not to observe daylight-saving time, including most of Arizona (excluding the Navajo and Hopi reservations in the northeast), and before 2006, parts of Indiana. A bill to abolish DST was once recommended for passage in Oklahoma, but it was not signed into law. A lawmaker in Utah also introduced legislation to try to abolish DST, but his bill died in committee.
The decision is up to the individual counties, but choosing not observe DST in a county where nearby cities do can be problematic.
Alternate plans
Standardtime.com has a unique suggestion.
Their proposal has only two time zones in the continental US that are two hours apart, which The Atlantic calls "a simple plan to fix [DST]".
Compare that plan to the current state of things in the US, which is broken into four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time, each one hour apart.
These four time zones exist so that areas in the east of each time zone get sunrise at about the same time — the sun hits the eastern side of a time zone about an hour before it hits the western side in our current zones.
With Standardtime.com's system, keeping the coasts only two hours apart would facilitate travel and meeting times. On the downside, sunrise and sunset would happen at wildly different times for many areas of the nation. Extending the eastern time zone into the middle of the country would mean sunrise would happen for some people very late in the morning.
For example, the sun rose in New York City at about 6:15 a.m. EST today and in Chicago at 6:10 a.m. CST; but if the two were in the same time zone, sunrise would be at 8:15 "Eastern Time" in Chicago.
Johns Hopkins University professors Richard Henry and Steven Hanke have come up with yet another possible fix: worldwide adoption of a single time zone. They argue that the internet has eliminated the need for discrete time zones across the globe, so we might as well just do away with them. The proposal also includes a 13-month "permanent calendar." (The idea, understandably, has encountered some resistance.)
No plan will satisfy everyone. But that doesn't mean daylight-saving time is good.
The absence of major energy-saving benefits from DST — along with its death toll, health impacts, and economic ramifications — are reason enough to get rid of the ritual altogether.
Jennifer Welsh and Sarah Kramer contributed to previous versions of this post.
NOW WATCH: Everyday phrases that even smart people say incorrectly
from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2yehhyQ
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