#the sims 2 comunity lots
alexbgd · 11 months
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Korean Restaurant Fully Furnished.
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alarasims · 5 years
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Bohemia House.
Sul sul"
Link para descarga directa desde Sim file share.
Thanks. ♥️
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izayoichan · 2 years
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Reminiscing about The Sims
I was tagged by @dandylion240
Share how you discovered the sims franchise & the very first sims game you played (e.g. ts2)
I will most surely show off my age here.. 
I first stumbled upon Sims via a friend who had it on her pc, and a lot of time was spent in her apparement with the two off us playing it together, then I finally got it for myself as well, so we spent time in eachothers apartment playing the game on one pc or the other. 
Then came World of Warcraft, and took over all and any gaming time I had for any forseeable future really. Sims 2 I once again tried at my friends place, absolutely hated it, and never bought it. My time went, as mentioned mostly in WoW anyways. 
I joined sims 3 quite late, but fell in love with horses, and that made me for the first time since the original sims, kinda fall back in love with the game again. The graphics were kinda iffy for me though, but I did enjoy the gameplay and most of all having horses. It was also the first time I stumbled upon sims story tellers, and slowly learned what cc was. 
When sims 4 came out, I got it as a present from a certain friend (if memory is correcy) played it for 30 minutes and just closed the game. It reminded me at the time way to much of sims 2 and I hated it. I had by then also changed MMO’s to FFXIV, and was pretty busy with that. After a while though, reading that they had done changes, and also finding the cc comunity, I tapped back into it. Dabbeling with what I saw others do with sims 3 mostly telling a friend about imagined stories about my sims. She in turn made me write the first one, and I got hooked on it after that. 
Sims 4 to me atm is basically just to take screenshots in. I don’t like the gameplay (or lack there off), so it has become a game I just love to take pretty pictures in.
Sims 5 if it becomes anything like what I fear, I think Sims 4 will be my last sims game until EA steps up their game properly and makes a decent sim again. My fear is that sims 5 will be a gadzillion kits, no actual gameplay, forced online and stuff that their kinda hinting to with their kits and such already. But time will tell
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thesimaniac · 2 years
Vizinhança para TS2 - Paredão Púrpura
Minha primeira vizinhança feita do zero no The Sims 2! Espero que curtam ♡ 
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Descubra Paredão Púrpura, uma cidade com quinze famílias, todas ligadas entre si por suas histórias, aspirações e emoções à flor da pele. Além das residências dos seus habitantes, você vai encontrar casas iniciais, médias e uma incrível mansão para outros Sims ricos e misteriosos que possam comprá-la, sem falar nos 21 lotes comunitários para sua gameplay ser bem agitada! Existem intrigas para resolver, desejos para realizar, mistérios para… Bom, para ficar curioso sobre. Clique em “continuar lendo” para saber tudo sobre a vizinhança, ou baixe nos links abaixo e descubra você mesmo!
Discover Purple Wall, a city with fifteen families tied between each other by their stories, aspirations and emotions. Beside its inhabitant’s houses, you will find small, medium and one gigantic house for your rich and misterious Sims to buy, not to mention the 21 comunity lots to keep your gameplay alive. There are schemes to solve, wishes to fulfill, and mistery to… Well, to be curious about. Want to know more? Click on “continue reading” to read the neighborhood history, and click the buttom bellow to download it!
Download pelo Megaupload - Vizinhança + Conteúdos Personalizados
Download pelo 4shared - Vizinhança + Conteúdos Personalizados
ATENÇÃO! Para poder jogar com a vizinhança e baixar os conteúdos personalizados, você precisa ter todos os pacotes do TS2! A maioria do conteúdo personalizado é default (pode dar conflito se você já tiver mais conteúdo personalizado), está separado por pastas e não é obrigatório, apenas vai deixar seus Sims mais bonitos. WARNING! In order to play with the neighborhood and download custom content, you will need all TS2 packages! The custom content is mostly default and can be conflitant if you already have defaults of the same kind. It is divided by subfolders and is not mandatory for your gameplay.
Para saber mais sobre a vizinhança, clique em "continuar lendo", ou baixe agora mesmo!
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Bem vindo a Paredão Púrpura! Uma cidade construída sobre intrigas e atos questionáveis, mas que mesmo assim floresce bela com suas formações rochosas cobertas de tulipas e violetas. Aqui você vai encontrar um lugar calmo, cercado por plantações e famílias numerosas e amigáveis, ou agitado, em meio a locais badalados e com possibilidades de uma paixão futura, basta você escolher! Quer apostar?
Welcome to Purple Wall! A city built on schemes and questionable deeds, but still blooms beautifully with it’s rock formation covered on tulips and violets. Here you will find a quiet place, surrounded by farms and big friendly families, or a shaken neighborhood, between hot spots and full of love possibilities, it’s your choice only! Wanna bet?
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Na casa dos Oliveira, Helena e Horácio não pareciam a combinação mais certeira, porém o casamento deles é um exemplo de como não deixar seus parentes interferir nas suas vontades é a fórmula do sucesso. Eles criam o pequeno Heitor para ser um troféu de sua incrível parceria (e, particularmente para Horácio, esfregar na cara de seus pais). At the Oliveira’s family, Helena and Horácio didn’t seem like a good match at first, but their marriage is an example of how not letting your parents interfeer in your interests can be a recipe for success. They raise little Heitor to be a trophy that shows their incredible partnership (and, particularly for Horácio, to shove in his unsupportive parent’s face).
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A irmã de Helena, Astrid, sempre teve certeza de que se sairia melhor que ela, e vê-la tão feliz e bem sucedida depois de crescer na sua sombra foi um golpe no ego. Talvez a padaria que abriu com sua mãe, Gloria, seja a fonte do sucesso que ela tanto procura.
Astrid Medeiros was always sure she would end up better than her sister, and witnessing Helena so happy and successfull after growing up in her shadow made her ego shake. Maybe the bakery she opened with their mother can be the success fountain she is looking for so eagerly.
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Gloria e Afonso Medeiros são um casal muito respeitado na cidade, e possuem boas relações com todas as famílias importantes. O problema é: no cabo de guerra que tem se formado entre os Oliveira e os Égal, eles saberão ficar no meio, ou terão de escolher o lado mais forte pra quando a corda arrebentar?
Gloria and Afonso Medeiros are a very respectable couple in town, and have good relationship with all the important families. The problem is: in the tug of war that is forming between the Oliveiras and the Égal, will they know how to remain on the fence, or they will be forced to chose the stronger side when the things get ugly?
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Os Oliveira sempre foram mesquinhos e malvistos pela cidade, com a origem da fortuna de Manoel sendo questionada, e Andreia sendo acusada de corrupção pelos habitantes de Paredão Púrpura. Quem conquistou o amor dos vizinhos foi a filha mais nova, Darlene, que morreu com seu marido Caio num acidente com uma churrasqueira. O estranho ocorrido fez as mães de Caio, da casa Égal, terem um ódio profundo pela família, o que deixa a filhinha órfã do casal no meio do fogo cruzado.
The Oliveiras are petty and disliked in town, Manoel’s fortune always questioned about, and Andreia being accused of corruption by her voters. Who was able to form a relationship with their neighbors was their youngest daughter, Darlene, but then she died with her husband Caio in a grill accident. The strange incident made Caio’s mothers, from Égal’s place, grow a strong hate towards the family, which leaves the couple’s orphan child in the middle of the crossfire.
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Bárbara e Janaína Égal construíram uma vida sigilosa, cuidando de seus próprios assuntos e sem deixar muitas pessoas entrarem no seu casulo. Darlene Oliveira conquistou seus corações e abriu sua mente para a possibilidade da bondade fora das portas de casa, o que revolucionou suas vidas. Quando ela e Caio morreram no acidente, o sentimento foi de que haviam perdido dois filhos, e jamais poderiam perdoar os Oliveira por deixarem isso acontecer.
Bárbara and Janaína Égal lived a private life, taking care of their own business and not letting many people inside their circle of trust. Darnele Oliveira managed to win their hearts and open their minds to find goodness in people outside their home, which revolutioned their lives. Then she and Caio died on the accident, and they felt like loosing two children of their own, never being able to forgive the Oliveira for letting that happen to them.
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Juntas, as Égal adotaram três crianças: Georgiana, Caio e Leopoldo. Georgiana resolveu ficar na casa com as mães, mesmo após se casar com o estranho sujeito Andreas Zeboho. O sobrado da família já era motivo para cochichos e fofocas, e depois do casal sumir da vista da cidade, os boatos só se intensificaram.
Together, the Égal adopted three children: Georgiana, Caio and Leopoldo. Georgiana decided to live with her mothers, even after marrying the strange Andreas Zeboho. The family house was already subject for gossiping, and after the couple disappeared in the city, the rumors only intensified.
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Leopoldo resolveu se mudar com seus colegas de banda, Frederico e Safira. Parecia uma ótima ideia viver sem regras e sem horários, até que ele passou a viver com pessoas que tinham o mesmo estilo de vida. Agora ele é o mais responsável dessa casa, e estudar, trabalhar, limpar, cozinhar e tocar numa banda não está sendo o sonho de rebeldia que ele esperava. Safira sempre fez amizades muito facilmente, mas não tem um senso de espaço pessoal (ou de regras) muito forte. Tudo que é dela é dos outros, e espera que tudo que é dos outros seja dela também. Isso não é muito bem visto pelos vizinhos, especialmente por Pietra, que é muito trabalhadora e precisa acordar cedo.
Leopoldo moved in with his band’s colleagues, Frederico and Safira. It seemed a great idea, no rules and curfews, until started living with people who had the same lifestyle. Now he is the most responsible person in the house, and studying, working, cleaning, cooking and playing on a band is turning out differently from the rebel dream he was hoping to live. Safira was always a social buterfly, but she doesn’t have much personal space notions, neither follows most rules. What’s hers belongs to others, and she expects that other people’s doors are always open for her. This is not very well received in the building where they live, specially by Pietra, who works hard and need to wake up early.
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Pietra Zeboho precisa dar o dobro de si no seu emprego, já que seu marido, Luigi, tem mais inclinação para passar de nível no videogame do que na vida. Eles se amam profundamente e ele é totalmente devotado a ela, mas ela está começando a se cansar da vida de mãe do seu marido.
Pietra Zeboho does double shifts at her job, since her husband, Luigi, is more concerned about leveling up on videogame than in life. They love each other deeply, and he is totally devoted to her, but she is getting tired of living like his husband’s mom.
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Mesmo assim o irmão de Pietra, Raimundo Rosá, inveja o que eles tem, pois não consegue encontrar uma conexão verdadeira com nenhuma mulher da cidade. Ele é perseguido por elas, que se atraem pela sua beleza simples e força, mas prefere ficar na sua oficina criando novas máquinas do que dar uma chance pra alguém que só se atrai pelo seu exterior.
Despite that, Pietra’s brother, Raimundo Rosá, envy what they have, because he can’t find a true connection with any woman. He is chased by the single ladies in Purple Wall because of his looks and strenght, but he would rather focus on his work creating new machines, than giving a chance to someone who only care about his looks.
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O melhor amigo de Raimundo, Victor, foi trabalhar com ele na oficina após se mudar da casa do seu pai. Ele ficou de saco cheio da vida sem rumo de Osvaldo, que gasta o pouco dinheiro da família de forma irresponsável, e de como Anita estava seguindo pelo mesmo caminho. Agora que os negócios estão indo bem, ele queria poder trazer sua família para morar consigo, porém tem medo de ficar preso no mesmo loop.
Raimundo’s best friend, Victor, started working with him in the workshop after moving out from his father’s house. He was sick and tired of Osvaldo’s way of life, spending the little money he earned irresponsably, and how his sister Anita was following their father’s path. Now that business is going well, he wishes he could bring his family to move in with him, but fears the loop will begin again.
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A paquera atual de Osvaldo, dona Isolde, é a matriarca da família Venúsio, e veio para ajudar Rui e Ingrid a cuidarem de seus dois pares de gêmeos. O casal sempre quis ser uma família grande, mas não esperavam que seria de forma… multiplicada. O problema é que Isolde passa mais tempo no telefone (e na cama) com Osvaldo, do que realmente ajudando com os pequenos. Será que Ingrid vai aguentar muito tempo a folga da sogra?
Osvaldo’s love interest, Isolde, is the Venúsio family matriarch, and came to her son’s house to help him and his spouse raise their two pair of twins. Rui and Ingrid always wanted a big family, but they didn’t expect it would be so… quick. The problem is that Isolde spend most of her time on telephone (or in bed) with Osvaldo, instead of really helping with the children. Will Ingrid bear her mother-in-law’s loitering any longer?
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O irmão de Ingrid, Douglas Ortiz, sempre quis ter uma família de comercial de margarina, e demorou muito tempo pra encontrar o par perfeito. Quando ele e Rodolfo se casaram, o plano era ter vários filhos, animais, e abrir um restaurante juntos. Infelizmente a Dona Morte tinha outros planos pra essa família, e agora Douglas e Mádi estão se recuperando do luto.
Ingrid’s brother, Douglas Ortiz, always wanted the perfect family too, and took him a long time to find his perfect match. When Rodolfo and he got married, the plan was to have many children and animals, and open a restaurant together. Unfortunatelly, Grim Reaper had another plans, and now Douglas and Mádi are recovering from their griveance.
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Rodolfo veio de uma família de três irmãos, e um deles é Udo Stein. Udo é um cara que curte passar a vida na horizontal, e por mais que ele tenha se esforçado pra manter seu casamento com Simone, a safadeza ainda era maior que o esforço. Quando resolveram se separar, os filhos quiseram ficar com pais diferentes, e para não perderem o contato resolveram se mudar para o mesmo condomínio. Ver todos os dias o rosto da pessoa que a traiu não foi um problema para Simone, mas ver todos os dias o rosto da pessoa por quem ela se apaixonou, foi.
Rodolfo came from a three siblings family, and one of them is Udo Stein. Udo is a guy who likes to spend his time horizontally, and, even though he tried so hard to keep his marriage with Simone, his naughtiness was stronger. When they broke up, each of their children wanted to go live with a different parent, so they moved to the same apartment complex to keep them close. Seeing her cheating ex everyday was not a problem to Simone - but seeing the man she fell in love with was.
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A terceira irmã, Laíse, é casada com o irmão de Simone, Patrick. Na casa Golder, tem festa todo dia, com barulho, dança, bebidas e banheira de hidromassagem. Patrick fica feliz em poder dar tudo o que sua adorável esposa quer, mas às vezes ele gostaria de passar um dia da semana na paz comendo pizza, já que ele precisa trabalhar no outro dia.
The third sister, Laíse, is married to Simone’s brother, Patrick. In Golder House, it’s party everyday, with noise, dance, drinks and bathtubs. Patrick is more than happy to give everything his beloved wife wants, but, sometimes, he would like to just stay at home eating pizza for a change, since he has to work in the morning.
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Os Golder eram também três irmãos, e a terceira é Nicole. Nicole se anulou e ajudou seus irmãos por muito tempo, costurando roupas para vender e pagar as contas de Simone e Patrick. Quando eles casaram e abandonaram a casa, ela se sentiu deixada pra trás, e casou com o primeiro solteirão que encontrou pra não ficar pra titia. Ela só não esperava que Epaminondas fosse tão contrário aos preceitos básicos de uma família feliz: ter uma penca de filhos. Pra ele, os cachorros são seus filhos, e ele passa o dia treinando eles para chegarem no topo de suas carreiras.
The Golder were also three siblings, and the third is Nicole. She spent her youth helping her brother and sister, sweing clothes to sell and pay for their bills. When they got married and left the house, she felt left behind, and married the first single man she found, in fear of dying alone. She just didn’t expect that Epaminondas had a different view about a happy family: he didn’t want a bunch of kids. For him, the dogs are their children, and he spends his time training them to become the best in their careers.
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Existem outros habitantes misteriosos na cidade que são vistos frequentemente, mas ninguém sabe muito sobre eles. E também existem mistérios que ninguém entende, e que já foram esquecidos na memória popular. O importante é que Paredão Púrpura tem tudo o que qualquer pessoa precisa para dizer: aqui é o meu lugar!
There are other mysterious inhabitants that are spoted frequently in town, but no one knows much about them. And there are also mysteries that no one understand or thinks about. The important thing is, Purple Wall has everything anyone needs to say: here I will be home!
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javitrulovesims · 4 years
Yesterday i read on twitter that the TS4 Eco-Lifestyle gameplay doesn't add up anything to the Historical simmer gameplay so, today i made a thread on Twitter pointing out how many things we historical simmers can do with The Base game "Off the Grid" update and the Eco theme gameplay and how this pack can be a staple for Historical Simmers.
1.-  Candle Making Craft table. 
Candles are a staple for the historical vibes on a Pre - Electricity time period. Light up all your tudors, cabins and castles with candles. Keep your sims crafting and making their own candles or buy some on the town store. Soy Wax is not historically accurate? Grab your wax from the Seasons Bee Box.
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2.- Fizzing Juice Machine
Carbonated drinks have been a thing since the late XVIII century. Also, are we going to forget that carbonated drinks were used and prescribed by doctors as a medicine?
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The famous Coca Cola was patented as a "temperance drink" medicine in 1885. On the same year Dr Pepper patented their recipe as a energy Drink.
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Yes, The equipment might looks too modern but I think us modder and CC makers can work on that.
3.- Dumpster Diving and recycling. 
Back on Victorian Days, big cities were drowning in dirt and trash, so there were places called "Dusting Yards" that people worked separating dirt, cloth, bones, cinder, horse poop, and recycling them into  raw materials for other purposes.
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Dirt and Cinder were transformed on bricks, Horse Poop with a little of the same cinder was transformed into fertilizer, On the cloth and rags you could find buttons still attached and good condition buttons were valuables. Bones were cleaned and boiled till death to make gelatine based dishes.
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We still have to figure out how to find a substitute for the Dumpster and the recycling machine. But gameplay wise it's perfect to set a "Dusting Yard" on the Quarry lot were sims go straight to “Dumpster Diving” and find some goodies on the trash.
4.- The "Off the Grid" 
The “Off the Grid” re-worked base game Lot trait allows you to stop any electric item to work (again, perfect for pre-electricity times), Also, you can gather water from any well, fishing pond, body of water and  fountains and use the water for luxurious bath tubs baths and flushing stinking toilets. 
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And, you can "Add Ice" to off the grid working fridges, so your Victorians households can have their own “Victorian Boxes” on their kitchens.
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5.- N.A.P.S
Now, let's talk about Neighborhood Actions Plans. You can change the whole neighborhood dynamics with this tool. You want to create a 1960's-70 hippie cult-ish Comune? Add the "Free Love", "Green Gardening", "Sharing is Caring" and "Promote creative arts" to the neighborhood. 
Maybe your thing is the 1920's. Add "Back to the old days" N.A.Ps to add a Prohibition temperance law on the neighborhood followed by "Juiced community" and "Rhoughhousing encourage" for those clandestine wild Speakeasies on town.
Or simply farming life on the Medieval times? Use "Green Gardening" and "Self Sufficiency" your whole neighborhood will start to garden their farms and you'll find fishers on the most popular spots.
In Conclusion, Eco Lifestyle has an array of interesting tools that can be adapted to a good, entertaining and kinda challenging Historical Gameplay just have to be a little creative and find some CC version of the objects that came with the game to enjoy a nice and NOT anacronistic game.
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chans-on2003 · 4 years
Hi guys!!! I’m a new user here.
This is me.👇🏼
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Jkd!😹 That is who i like. Alright, I’m gonna reveal myself in
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How do i look?
I would say, I’m Handsome. Hahaha What a narcisistic boy. 😂
My name is Chanon Nuanon aka Sim. I live in Thungsong,Thailand.🇹🇭 You can visit me here. It is a city full of culture and nature.🌳🐒
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How are you? 🤗
I'm feeling great though because this is my first day in the school since Covid-19 has been spreading out.🤩 I miss my friends so bad. We have to separate the class by coming every other week. However, during vacation I went to many cafes in Thungsong.
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This is the photo of my family (iep comunity).
Let’s see where I have been!!!
During Covid-19, I meant after the lock down!!🤣 I went to many cafes. The one that I recommend is Malison which is near 7-11 at Yutthasat. The cafe is located in the middle of the alley. You can go there by riding or driving or even biking. It is the biggest cafe that I've been to. The service was great, especially the waiter that is the owner of that cafe.🤭 He was so handsome even though I only saw him under the mask.😂
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There were less people than I thought because it was during Covid-19. There are many camera angles. I took a lot of photos from there.📸 They are gorgeous.✨ I meant me. Lmao.
There are many types of food which are Thai Italian , etc. The meal that I ordered taste so good.🤤 I ordered chips,carbonara and Thai spicy salad but I only took a photo of carbonara. Sorry for that. 🙏🏼
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I did take some photos of me in the cafe too. Like I said,there were many camera angles. That moment, I posed like a model.😂 It was so pleasant. i had a lot of fun that day so I wish I could go back there to try the other menu. That’s it, my first blog.
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You can follow me on instagram:Chans.on and Facebook:Chanon Nuanon. youtube channel:Chanon Nuanon
Otherwise don’t forget to follow my tumblr account. Thanks a lot for reading my first blog that I've ever made. I sang songs and posted on youtube. Lastly,don’t forget to hit me up if you wanna go there,I'm willing to be your company.🥰😘
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titosims · 5 years
Lots of text, so readmore.
Tagged by: @ice-creamforbreakfast Thank you!
Languages you speak: German and English. Tiny bit of French and Spanish from school. I better understand than speak or write, though.
Are you a mermaid: Definitely not. The smell of fish makes me gag.
Your Playstyle: Making Sims and taking pictures. I don’t really play.
Your Simself Picture:
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Stories or Gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: CAS and CC and Edits. I never really did a lookbook, but love making Sims, which includes dressing them up and then taking pics, which I edit. I do like to decorate a building here and there, it’s mostly EA lot makeovers or builds I downloaded, I cannot build for the life of mine!
Your favorite age state: Young Adult.
Your favorite season: Summer in the Sims, Autumn irl.
Your favorite holiday: My Sims celebrate Pride and it’s great fun!
How was your day: Stormy!
Your favorite career: Photographer.
Your favorite aspiration: Friend of the world.
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Citiy Living, Realm of Magic and Tiny Living.
How old is your Simblr: OLD!
Have you woohooed: Why yeah.
Your favorite skill: Photography, Writing, Painting
The size of your mods folder: 38GB. I can’t believe it’s smaller than @ice-creamforbreakfast s!
Your 3 favorite mods: MCCC, UI Cheat Extension, Whicked Whims
Your interests (other than the sims): Cats, Nature, Photography, Food, History
Your favorite Sim (picture if possible):
I really like this one.
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Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games): Sims 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Propose a crazy scheme: Humans respecting other humans, animals, nature.
Best part of Simblr: This comunity is insanely creative, supportive and loving.
Worst part of Simblr: Random outbursts of hate over other peoples playstyles.
What other games you play: League of Legends, Two point Hospital and dumbass candycrush-like phonegames.
For the fun:
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For the thrills or for the need to kill assholes:
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Are you single: Yes.
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creativetrashcans · 5 years
Simmer - Get To Know
By @cupcakegnome
Tagged: @ talemagne
Your name: Lonely Chiwawa (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish and kinda English 
Are you a mermaid: No not really... can barely swim tbh
Your play style: mmmh i like most things, creating sims, builidng is so much fun too, also challenges mmh stories no tho i cant write em LOL rip 
Your Selfsim picture: 
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Challenges, builds and some other things coming heh
Your favorite age state: Teen or young adult
Your favorite season: Winter!!! i feel it has a lot to do and the snow is soooo pretty 
Your favorite holiday: Only played harvest fest so far... in sims BUT irl i like Christmas 
How was your day: It was chill and nice, even went outside wew
Your favorite career: Painter...........................maybe?
Your favorite aspiration: Soulmate
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Seasons 
How old is your simblr: Less than a year i think 
Have you woohooed: Yes, many times
Your favorite skill: Cooking, parenting and painting
The size of your Mods folder: 37,7 GB
Your 3 favorite mods: uhhhh hahaha impossible to choose
Your interests (other than sims): Drawing, make up and nails, mmh minecraft old anime and series too 
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Maybe not my favourite Sim of all time because we got so many! But this is our version of Franky form One Piece. Before starting any project just for fun we made him and I always felt so proud of how he turned out. Not only he looks very attractive, i also feel its a good representation of how a human him would look like.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4 
Propose a crazy scheme: People being nice always and world being in peace and not dying in gud old climate change
Best part of simblr: seeing how other people enjoy the sims and how they play also them aesthetic 
Worst part of simblr: mmhhhhhhhh lack of comunication between players i don’t feel much sense of community here at least now... i actually suck at comunicating so..... dunno
What other games you play: Minecarft recently but not much into games actually
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):  
Twitter --> https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Intagram --> https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Instagram --> https://www.instagram.com/elia_clco/
My side tumblr --> https://generationtrashcan.tumblr.com/
Are you single: Nuuuupe
Your name: Lively Worm (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish and some English.
Are you a mermaid: Nope, I’m a worm.
Your play style: I love building houses and decorating them, dressing sims and doing their makeup.
Your Selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I do gameplays, challenges and buildings.
Your favorite age state: I think it’s young adult because I can explore more.
Your favorite season: Autumn, because of the beautiful colors.
Your favorite holiday: I don’t know yet, I haven’t explored all of them.
How was your day: It’s 15:40h and I’m hungry, I want to eat soon.
Your favorite career: Musician.
Your favorite aspiration: Musical genius, unsurprisingly.
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Pets and vampires.
How old is your simblr: Less than a year.
Have you woohooed: ¬_¬
Your favorite skill: I don’t know, maybe the singing skill?
The size of your Mods folder: 29,9 GB.
Your 3 favorite mods: I can’t choose. There are so many so good!
Your interests (other than sims): Singing, drawing, anime, manga and kpop.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Why?? I can’t choooooseeee, I love most of them! Okey, after a lot of thought I’ve chosen Una, Usopp’s daughter from our 100 Baby Challenge, because the three of us love her and I love drawing her!! She’s really charming and she’s grown up really well. I relate to her because she also loves drawing and vampires.
We posted some drawings of her on twitter and insta!
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4. And some PS game I don’t remember.
Propose a crazy scheme: Making people learn expectatives are bad and judging others hurts everyone involved.
Best part of simblr: I can share our art and tell many stories with interesting sims.
Worst part of simblr: The lack of comunication.
What other games you play: Kingdom Hearts, Hollow Knight, The Last of Us... mostly play station games.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): 
Common Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Common Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makaru_walker/
Are you single: No, I’m Turtle’s.
Your name: Lazy Turtle (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish, English and some basic French.
Are you a mermaid: Pretty sure I’m not.
Your play style: Starting projects and never getting past the building process is a playstyle? I usually like to have some objective though, instead of just playing aimlessly.
Your Selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I find stories pretty awkward to portray on Sims, and fashion and decoration were never my strong point. So I stick to challenges, both found and created.
Your favorite age state: Depends on what for. Young adults are the easiest to manage and have more options, but toddlers are the most challenging on a Baby Challenge.
Your favorite season: Autumn, always. Its colors are just beautiful.
Your favorite holiday: Haven’t played them all yet, so I can’t say.
How was your day: (Tumblr erased all my hard work on this thing, but the day I first wrote it I had my blood taken so not great). Today, I discovered the extent of human stupidity in mass hysteria situations. Never seen a supermarket so empty of food before.
Your favorite career: Hypotetically, writer. But I haven’t played as one yet so I can’t confirm.
Your favorite aspiration: Big Happy Family’s been pretty fun for our matriarch, but I still have many more to explore. (I can say it’s not the kid’s mobility one. Stupid mecanography.)
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Probably Seasons so far.
How old is your simblr: Less than a year.
Have you woohooed: Uh.
Your favorite skill: Uhhh... No idea.
The size of your Mods folder:  29,9 GB. Worm and I share a game and a mods folder, but Chiwawa dumps her messily organized mods on us from time to time.
Your 3 favorite mods: Wow nope.
Your interests (other than sims): Mostly writing and reading (I’m the main writer of this tumblr, btw), but also videogames, anime and k-pop.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite sim of all time, I have far too many sims I love for different reasons, but this one was specially hard to get right so we feel particularly proud.
His name is Carles Serra, and he’s a parental figure for two of the MCs of the story we’re working on. He’s a math and ethics teacher on a very exclusive highschool, and he needed to have both a very refined and snobbish air and this inevitable awkwardness all math teachers seem to have. Plus, he has to deal with teenage drama all through the story, so I feel like he needs a lot of love. And maybe some vacation.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4. And I think I once tried to make a sim on a terrible PS2 version or something.
Propose a crazy scheme: Mandatory therapy for teens so everyone learns empathy and management of one’s emotions would be pretty neat.
Best part of simblr: Sharing our common passion with others in a free and creative way, probably.
Worst part of simblr: The lack of interaction, I guess. I had only ever been in a very small fandom here on tumblr before, and compared to the closeness of that comunity, I feel like simblr is... very scattered.
What other games you play: Play Station ones, mostly. Whatever gives me a compelling story.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):
Common Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Common Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALazyTurtle1
Are you single: I’ve been dating Worm for years now.
We will tag: @hellobreadsims
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angellazull · 5 years
Noite Feliz
Parte 2
O natal em Hogwarts tinha sido muito divertido para Angel. Passar o natal com seu amigo foi algo que Angel não sentia a muito tempo, depois de deixarem o pátio, os dois foram para o grande salão, onde jantaram na companhia dos professores e de mais dois novatos da Lufa-lufa, um quartanista e sextanista da Grifinória, ele percebeu que era o único aluno da Corvinal e Ollie era o único aluno da Sonserina que haviam ficado em Hogwarts.
Após o jantar, os alunos estavam indo para seus salões comunais, mas quando Ollie iria se dirigir para as masmorras, Angel segurou o seu braço:
– Ollie, eu estava pensando... somos os únicos alunos de nossas casas, então... você não quer passar a noite no meu dormitório? Acho que não vai ter problema você dormir na cama do Talbott, já que já fizeram isso tantas vezes.
– Bem... – Ollie coçou a bochecha timidamente. – Mas Angel... não podemos entrar em outros salões comunais.
– Mas somos só nós em nossas casa, se falarmos com o professor Flitwick, ele vai entender.
– Eu vou entender o que sr. Lancaster? – O professor Flitwick tinha aparecido na porta do grande salão. – Os senhores já não deveriam estar em seus salões comunais?
– Era sobre isso que estávamos falando professor, sou o único aluno da Corvinal que ficou em Hogwarts e Ollie é o único da Sonserina, então...
– Já sei onde o senhor quer chegar sr. Lancaster, você está querendo a minha permissão para o sr. Potter entrar na torre da Corvinal.
– Eu não me importo de entrar no salão comunal da Sonserina, se esse for o caso. – Angel sorriu timidamente passando a mão pelo cabelo.
– Os alunos são permitidos entrar apenas em seus salões comunais. – O professor olhou para os dois alunos com um olhar sério, mas levou a mão ao queixo pensativo. – Contudo hoje é véspera de natal e realmente, são os únicos alunos em suas casas, então sr. Potter, você pode passar a noite na torre da Corvinal, mas isso terá que ser um segredo entre os dois, não queremos que todos os alunos fiquem sabendo e peçam o mesmo.
– Sim professor Flitwick. – Disse Angel sem esconder largo sorriso que tomou conta de seu rosto. – Vai pegar o seu pijama Ollie.
– Obrigado professor Flitwick. – Ollie também não conseguiu esconder o sorriso e saiu correndo até o seu dormitório.
O garoto pegou seu pijama, uma camiseta verde com listras brancas de mangas longas e uma calça de moletom verde escura, quando estava saindo, ele viu uma pequena protuberância em seu cobertor, o olhando o que era Ollie viu Mash. A pequena criatura de pelagem alva, a criatura levantou os olhos para Ollie, que não resistiu em deixa-la sozinha ali, ele pegou Mash e colocou sob o casaco e saiu para o hall de entrada para encontrar Angel conversando com o professor Flitwick, enquanto esperava por ele.
– Tudo pronto. – Disse Ollie ao se aproximar do dois.
– Vamos então. – Disse Angel bastante animado. – Boa noite professor Flitwick.
– Boa noite meninos. – Desejou o professor enquanto se dirigiam para a escadaria principal, ao chegarem no quinto andar, Angel subiu pela escada espiralada que levava uma porta com ornamentos em bronze, apenas com uma aldrava também em bronze no formato de uma águia, assim que se aproximaram a águia abriu o bico e fez o enigma:
– Voavam alguns testrálios, um na frente, dois atrás, um atrás e dois na frente, um entre dois e três em fila. Quanto testrálios voavam?
– Esse é de lógica. – Disse Angel pensativo. – Alguma ideia Ollie?
– Não, Talbott me disse na primeira vez que estive aqui que se errar, não entramos. Não quero trancar nós dois aqui fora.
– Então deixe comigo, a resposta é, três testrálios um voando atrás do outro. – Angel respondeu o enigma.
– Ótimo pensamento lógico. – Disse a aldrava antes da porta se abrir para o salão comunal.
Ollie acompanhou Angel para dentro. As velas que iluminavam o salão deixavam as paredes com um tom de marfim reluzente, sedas azuis meia-noite desciam do teto e de prendiam nas paredes, o teto côncavo do salão era pintado com as constelações do céu noturno, que se repetiam no tapete no mesmo tom das sedas, por todos salão havia sofás, poltronas e um belo divã, mesas e cadeiras para os alunos. Contudo o que deixou Ollie surpreso, foi a grande estatua em mármore branco de Rowena Ravenclaw, que usava uma coroa feita de ramos de azevinhos sobre o diadema, na frente de um grande nicho repleto de livros para os estudos pessoais dos corvinos, ladeando a o grande nicho havia duas colunas que no topo havia duas águias de bronze.
Além do grande nicho com a maioria dos livros, havia algumas estantes com mais livros. O salão inteiro estava decorado com guirlandas com laços azuis e bronze, uma arvore de natal decorada com bola azuis, laços, pequenos livros, águias de gelo e neve caia sobre a árvore, mas desaparecia quando atingia o chão, pelas janelas em arco, era possível ver a neve caindo graciosamente pela noite.
– As decorações estão muito bonitas esse ano.
– Valeu, as águias de gelo foram ideias minha – Disse Angel se jogando em um sofá. – e a neve foi lançado pela Badeea.
Ollie se sentou em uma poltrona, sem demora um gato preto subiu pela escada em espiral com um corrimão de bronze no meio do salão e se jogou sobre o colo de Angel.
– Ah, Ollie, esse é meu fiel companheiro, Arthy.
– Ele é muito fofo. – Ollie se inclinou e acariciou o felino. Angel viu uma pelagem branca sair do suéter de Ollie.
– Ollie, o que é isso? – Angel indicou os pelos.
– É o Mash. – Ollie puxou seu púfoso.
Angel olhou para o púfoso e não pode deixar de reparar a óbvia semelhança entre a criatura com os pelos branco, e seu amigo também de cabelos brancos.
– Seu púfoso também é muito fofo.
Angel e Ollie ficaram conversando sobre vários assuntos, seus familiares, os lugares onde viviam, as coisas que gostavam de fazer. Depois de uma hora, eles se dirigiram para o dormitório, onde Ollie ocupou a cama de Talbott ao lado da cama de Angel.
O dormitório era circular com moveis de madeira escura, as camas de dossel eram forradas com cobertas em um tom de azul meia-noite estampada com constelações, como o céu e o tapete do salão comunal, e o mesmo padrão se repetia nas cortinas de cama.
Após vestirem seus pijamas, Angel estava vestindo seu pijama quadriculado azul e preto, jovens continuaram conversando e rindo, essa era a primeira vez que Angel estava dividindo o quarto com um amigo, em Royal-Garden ele nunca teve nenhum amigo para fazer isso, então ele estava realmente animado com isso.
– Ollie... – Angel se sentou em sua cama olhando para Ollie. – obrigado por ser meu amigo, em Royal-Garden eu nunca tive amigo, e como sou filho único, é a primeira vez que estou dividindo o quarto com um amigo... então isso está sendo muito divertido para mim.
– Angel, somos amigos, não precisa agradecer, até  porque você que teve a ideia de pedir isso ao Flitwick, geralmente, Talbott e eu geralmente fazemos isso escondidos, e tenho certeza de que o Flitwick só permitiu porque você é um dos melhores alunos da nossa turma, todo mundo sabe que você é o queridinho do Flitwick.
– Como assim? – Angel perguntou intrigado.
– Ora, você é membro do coral de sapos e presidente do Clube de Feitiços, você conseguiu criar um feitiço sozinho.
– Bem, como eu não tive amigos até ser aceito em Hogwarts, eu tive muito tempo para estudar, já li todos os livros de casa um milhão de vezes, e minha mãe sempre cantou para eu dormir, então cantar sempre esteve presente na minha vida, mas é você que canta enquanto toca seu violão.
Os dois continuaram conversando até a hora de dormir, mas o que os dois não notaram foi que na caminha ao lado da cama de Angel, Arthy estava deitado ao envolta de Mash, deixando o pequeno púfoso quentinho e confortável. Mash e Arthy refletiam bem a amizade entre seus donos.
– Boa noite Ollie.
– Boa noite Angel.
Silent Nigth
Part 2
Christmas at Hogwarts had been a lot of fun for Angel. Spending Christmas with his friend was something Angel had not felt in a long time, after leaving the courtyard, the two went to the great hall, where they had dinner with the teachers and two Hufflepuff novices, a fourth and sixth year from Gryffindor, he realized that he was the only Ravenclaw student and Ollie was the only Slytherin student who had stayed at Hogwarts.
After dinner, the students were going to their common rooms, but when Ollie would head for the dungeons, Angel grabbed his arm:
"Ollie, I was thinking ... we're the only students in our homes, so ... don't you want to spend the night in my dorm?" I think it won't be a problem for you to sleep in Talbott's bed, since you've done it so many times.
"Well ..." Ollie rubbed his cheek shyly. "But Angel ... we cannot enter other communal room."
"But it's just us in our house. If we talk to Professor Flitwick, he'll understand."
“I'll understand what mr. Lancaster?” Professor Flitwick had appeared at the door of the great hall. "Shouldn't you be in your common room's anymore?"
“That's what we were talking about professor, I'm the only Ravenclaw student who stayed at Hogwarts and Ollie is the only Slytherin, so...
“I know where you want to go, mr. Lancaster, you want my permission for mr. Potter enter the Ravenclaw tower.”
"I don't mind going into the Slytherin common room, if that's the case." Angel smiled shyly, running a hand through her hair.
"Students are allowed to enter their common rooms only." The teacher looked at both students with a serious look, but put his hand to the thoughtful chin. "However today is Christmas Eve and really, they are the only students in their homes, so Mr. Potter, you can spend the night in the Ravenclaw tower, but it has to be a secret between the two of us, we don't want all the students to know and ask the same.
"Yes, Professor Flitwick." Angel said without hiding wide smile that took over his face. "Go get your Ollie pajamas."
"Thank you, Professor Flitwick." Ollie couldn't hide his smile either and ran into his bedroom.
The boy grabbed his pajamas, a long-sleeved white-striped green T-shirt, and dark green sweatpants as he was leaving, he saw a small bulge on his blanket, watching what it was Ollie saw Mash. The little white-haired creature, the creature looked up at Ollie, who couldn't resist leaving her alone there, he picked up Mash and put it under his coat and went out into the foyer to find Angel talking to Professor Flitwick while waited for him.
"All ready." Ollie said as he approached the two.
"Let's go then." Said Angel quite excited. "Good evening, Professor Flitwick."
"Good night boys." The professor wished as they made their way to the main staircase, and as they reached the fifth floor, Angel climbed the spiral staircase that carried a bronze-ornamented door with only an eagle-shaped bronze knocker as they approached. eagle opened its beak and made the riddle:
"A few testrals flew, one in front, two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many testrals flew?"
"This is logical." Said Angel thoughtfully. "Any ideas Ollie?"
"No, Talbott told me the first time I was here that if we make a mistake, we won't go in. I don't want to lock us both out here."
"Then leave it to me, the answer is, three testrals flying after each other." Angel answered the riddle.
"Great logical thinking." Said the knocker before the door opened to the common room.
Ollie accompanied Angel inside. The candles that lit the room left the walls a gleaming ivory, midnight blue silks descended from the ceiling and pinned to the walls, the concave ceiling of the room was painted with the constellations of the night sky, which were repeated on the carpet in the room. same tone of silks, throughout the hall there were sofas, armchairs and a beautiful divan, tables and chairs for students. What struck Ollie, however, was Rowena Ravenclaw's large white marble statue, wearing a wreath made of holly boughs over the diadem, in front of a large niche filled with books for the Ravencla's personal studies, flanking the great There were two pillars in the niche, and on the top were two bronze eagles.
In addition to the large niche with most books, there were some bookshelves with more books. The whole room was decorated with blue and bronze bows, a blue ball-decorated Christmas tree, bows, little books, eagles of ice and snow fell over the tree, but disappeared when it hit the floor through the arched windows. You can see the snow falling gracefully through the night.
"The decorations are very beautiful this year.
"Thanks, the ice eagles were my ideas," Angel said, throwing herself on a couch. "and the snow was thrown by Badeea."
Ollie sat in an armchair, without delay a black cat climbed the spiral staircase with a bronze railing in the middle of the room and threw himself on Angel's lap.
"Ah, Ollie, this is my faithful companion, Arthy."
"He is very cute." Ollie leaned over and petted the cat. Angel watched a white coat come out of Ollie's sweater.
"Ollie, what is this?" Angel indicated the hair.
"It's the Mash Potatoes." Ollie tugged on his hairy.
Angel stared at the fury and could not help but notice the obvious resemblance between the creature and the white fur, and his white-haired friend.
"Your puffskein is very cute too."
Angel and Ollie talked about various subjects, their family members, the places where they lived, the things they liked to do. After an hour, they headed for the dorm, where Ollie took Talbott's bed next to Angel's.
The dormitory was circular with dark wood furniture, the four-poster beds were lined with midnight-blue constellation-patterned shades like the sky and the common room rug, and the same pattern was repeated in the bed curtains.
After wearing their pajamas, Angel was wearing his blue and black checkered pajamas, young people kept talking and laughing, this was the first time Angel was sharing a room with a friend, in Royal-Garden he never had any friends to do it, so He was really excited about that.
"Ollie ..." Angel sat on his bed looking at Ollie. "Thank you for being my friend, in Royal-Garden I've never had a friend, and since I'm an only child, this is the first time I'm sharing a room with a friend ... so this is being a lot of fun for me."
"Angel, we're friends, no thanks, because you came up with the idea of ​​asking Flitwick for that, usually Talbott and I usually do it in hiding, and I'm sure Flitwick only allowed it because you're one of the best students in the world. In our class, everyone knows you're Flitwick's sweetheart."
"As well?" Angel asked, intrigued.
"Why, you're a member of the frog choir and president of the Charm Club, you managed to create a charm on your own."
"Well, since I didn't have friends until I was accepted at Hogwarts, I had a lot of time to study, I've read every home books a million times, and my mom always sing me to sleep, so singing was always present in my life, but it's you who sings while playing your guitar."
The two continued talking until bedtime, but what they didn't notice was that on the walk beside Angel's bed, Arthy was lying around Mash, leaving the little warm and comfortable puffskein. Mash and Arthy reflected well the friendship between their owners.
"Good night Ollie."
''Good night Angel."
Angel nunca teve um amigo fora de Hogwarts, então esses momentos que ele está passando com Ollie durante as festas de fim de ano, está sendo um momento muito especial para ele.
(Nota importante – No universo do Ollie, Angel é filho único, Jacob Lancaster não existe, por isso ele se sente tão sozinho)
Angel has never had a friend outside of Hogwarts, so these moments he's having with Ollie during the holidays is a very special time for him.
(Important note - In Ollie's universe, Angel is an only child, Jacob Lancaster does not exist, so he feels so alone)
Ollie Potter – @ryollie
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iadprocess · 5 years
Week 1 - Into the Wild!
The first day conducting field research we wanted to focus on our main interests for our project. We agreed that an AI-based application to create a sensation of help, not to replace therapy, but more companionship would be a suitable idea to pursue, seeing the current situation. For two weeks all citizens, who do not work in a field that is viewed as essential, have been constrained in their homes. When this quarantine will end is uncertain. This to maintain a social distance and avoid the spread of COVID-19. In these moments, people have to start to deal with a situation of isolation. We thought that loneliness and boredom could become a growing problem for general wellbeing. 
We wanted to get in touch with a wide variety of people. We got in touch with persons from the age of 14 to 80+. We were interested in how the quarantine is affecting people’s behavior and mood. If the restrictions and disruption to their daily routine would affect them negatively. We thought of a set of questions that could give us a first overview.
·        Who are you? (age, occupation)
·        Who are you spending your quarantine time with?
·        how has your everyday life changed since the quarantine?
·        how does quarantine affect your mood?
·        What do you do to improve your mood at home?
·        Where would you rather be right now?
We wanted to contact workers who are working at home, workers who are still working outside, students, retirees and unemployed. We wanted to discover if there were any patterns with the answers. Our Expectation was to recognize categories of people who react and respond in a similar way (I am fine, I am not fine).
Phone Interviews
David got in contact with seniors who live in a retirement home, through his mother who works there. He conducted 4 interviews through the phone, all respondents were over 80 years old. Two of the three people are fully cared for and the third person lives in an apartment right next to the home. The fully cared for people had difficulty understanding my questions and could not answer open questions. We think it would be better to do something visual and have contact in real life. Because of the coronavirus, we have to find out how this could work best. Cultural probes could be one possibility. Here a snippet from an interview:
Getting information from the people in the home was very difficult. A visual Observation in everyday life would be more effective.
Themes: occupation, entertainment, social interaction, time for oneself.
The statements on the phone seemed quite cold. One notices the loneliness and possibly also boredom. The question whether they would appreciate it, if acquaintances would call more often, they would say yes. But can one trust this answer? Do they answer honestly or is it just politeness?
Person 1 Occupation: - Read - Number game (Lotto, Bingo) - Wandering around the home - Set the table! ⇢ Feeling needed.
Person 2 Occupation: - Lying / dozing - „zvieri näh“ - Talking to people - read the Bible The situation is calm and "grave". She prefers to make phone calls. She doesn't want a change now. "It is the way it is" is probably the most heard sentence in the conversations. She says the situation hasn't changed much since the quarantine: she still and always felt a sense of helplessness. She takes each day as it comes and still is alone. Residents have the same perception of the atmosphere in the home as before.
Person 3 Terrible not being able to see anyone. Still meets with the neighbors. No longer allowed to have lunch with the other residents. "Unecessary information" comunicated. When I was asking if she is using the phone, she told me about her phone provider and how much it costs, even thought that was not part of the conversation.
Person 4 Made more shopping, to prepare. Everything is still working normally. Says that 15 and 16 year olds have no trouble at all.
Video Interviews
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For 1/3 the quarantine has brought little change in the routine.
1/4 misses the direct contact with classmates
1/7 misses seeing her family
1/3 is more in virtual contact with people than before the quarantine
1/3 is feeling less productive because of the quarantine
2/3 are scared of the current situation and of the uncertainty of the future
What helps to lift the mood
2/3 feel better when they exercise
1/3 contact with people online and thorugh the phone
1/3 feel better when cooking
1/6 feel better through entertainment (tv shows, games)
Instagram Poll
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We decided to ask three short questions in our Instagram poll, here are the answers we got:
How has the quarantine affected your routine? 
From lab work to home office for paper research and report writing, from fitness center to jogging and online courses
Routine has become really important to keep the feet on the ground
Home School :D
Can’t go outside for no reason, little afraid to visit my parents and sad that I can’t see my
Saving time and money. At work: slowly losing immediacy with clients and colleagues
I can not meet my friends and family :’(
I have exams in June and I have no clue of what will happen because I’m doing online school but it’s literally 2 hours a day (I live in Italy)
All activities acquired the same value: it’s not worse to wash the dishes than take care of plants
I have more time, I go to sleep later however less structure
Watching Netflix more
I’m more concentrated during lessons
0 change. I’m a natural isolationist. I was born to do this.
Got more time to read and spend in the kitchen now
Almost nothing changed
I have to practice stuff for work at home but the crying ain’t helping (hairdresser)
I discovered that I’m a morning person, I started making the bed
100% smart work, self-quarantine for every individual of the family
How do you entertain yourself or improve mood during the quarantine?
Playing chess
Watching Netflix
Watch “dumbest purchases I made in my 20s” videos to feel better about myself
More cooking and eating
Dreaming of me jogging
I plant mushrooms in my garden
Drinking alcohol
Youtube workouts and yoga apps
Watching porns
Playing switch, doing sports and reading books
Scrolling through social media, chat a lot, movies, sit on the balcony, rearrange and clean home
Playing sims
Online apéros
How does quarantine affect your mood and why?
Negatively because I can’t go to restaurants/clubs or travel
I am nervous cause I see the same people all the time and staying in the same rooms
All good
Everything is fine, I work from home but at the weekends it gets harder and if the weather is bad
Feeling balanced, try to keep daily routine (work, sport and social contact)
I recognise that I can’t go outside, especially in the evenings I am tired
Sitting in front of a computer the hole day is exhausting
My mind is very relaxed, because I don’t hear the word corona all the time
Sometimes a bit lonely, then I call someone, and I am happy again
There is nothing better than this situation, let’s go for a drink after everything
Doesn’t affect me, because I throw a corona party every weekend
I can still work, so I am not that quarantined. I know what to do
The quarantine is not the thing that is annoying, it is the way how we have to work from home, everyone expects you to be online 24/7
More difficulties to get up in the morning, more exhausted in the evening
Sometimes I feel irritable or anxious, but most of the time I feel relaxed and good
I am not in quarantine I have to work
I watch more Netflix
Video Diary
Ramona asked a friend of hers to document her day with her phone camera. This was a quite playfull and fun way to discover the routine of a student who now has to stay home, for both us researchers and for the subject. In the video she says she mostly works on her computer. To lift her mood she goes outside in the garden to catch some sunlight. She’s trying to stay positive and that seems to work.
Google Survey
Click here to see all the answers. 61% answered positively - they are well 19% answered negatively - they are not doing well 19% answered positively and negatively. Either they are doing medium well, or they are slowly getting quiet, or sometimes good and sometimes bad. 71% of the people left their contact datas, if we want to contact for new survey.
Feedback from a psychologist: “What answers do you hope to get? Maybe give someone to read again, so that it is clear, everyone is understood correctly. Questions 1 and 3 are a bit similar. If you want to get more out, a reward would be helpful. From a psychological point of view what is important is anonymity, if any sentence is written that the whole thing will be treated anonymously if you don't give your email address. Added: either people don't fill this out if they think it’s too uncomfortable. Answers become more honest when anonymity is guaranteed” 
Feedback from a anonym participant: “Quantitative surveys are easier to evaluate with multiple choice questions.” A lot of participants left their email address if we wanted to contact them. We were quite surprised how many participants left their contact.
Send a picture of what you are doing
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We asked 13 people to send us a picture of what they are doing. Most of them are young adults, some of them are employees, most are student. We can see that most of them stay in front of a screen. Some are playing board games, other are cooking, taking a break of pursuing their hobbies.
Facebook livestream
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We saw in this facebook group that many users did livestreams. They talked about their personal lives and communicated with the viewers who were commenting. We tried to go live and engage in a conversation with the members of that Facebook group. To start a conversation and get viewers to answer questions was very hard. This is probably because the main focus of such a livestream is the livestramer and not the viewers.
Why did we select those highlights?
Instagram Story Questions We liked the spontaneous answers people gave us. Also the length of the answers is limited so people have to focus on the core of their statement.
Google Forms Survey Interesting more in depth answers. It is easy to share the survey link and therefore can reach people outside of our bubble.
Video Interview The interviewed people are more freely to communicate compared to a phone call. They can show environments or objects through the camera. Furthermore the interviewer and the participant are “closer” together.
Audio Interview Negative highlight. It should that not every medium works for every target audience. Elderly or children would probably benefit from communication mediums where they don’t have to articulate sentences.
Were the expectations fulfilled?
Like expected the answers to our questions were very different. Most people were relaxed and others are scared and sad about the quarantine. Most people know how to entertain them self. Most people feel bad to have social distance and are afraid of infecting someone.
Which changes have to be made?
We need to find a better way to improve trust, so that we are able to ask morepersonal questions. Furthermore we need a better way to express more “hard to explain” topics like loneliness in the online medium. Maybe it would be a good idea to have group discussions and we as the interviewers stay in the background. Especially when talking about difficult topics.
Older people (some have slightly dementia) are having difficulties to answer to open questions. Furthermore they are not so technical advanced that they could use smartphones or other tools to communicate in a more visual way. A way to get a better understanding of their situation would probably be cultural probes. Unfortunately we can not meet them in person, due to the coronavirus.
We want to test if anonymity could help to communicate more personal topics.
What could be the next steps for field research?
Inform better about the topic communication.
Discovery: What is on the market that is used for communicating online or online multiplayer games.
Explore how people in different living situations (home-schooled, home-office, still working outside, retired and unemployed) use communication tools (which ones? for what purpose? how often?)
Unpack your topic further, see what angle you would like to look into
Playful humorous communication, connect people who are in a similar situation orhave similar interests and bring them to communicate and play with each other.
How do you want to get in touch with people online? How do you find your online community?
Contact people we personally know
Use Online Forms
Use social media to find interested people
Friends of friends
Public online groups
What type of media could you use to collect and record your impressions (chats, online video, sound, a mix of different media, etc..)
Video Interview (single and groups)
Telephone Interviews
Video or Photo diary
Cultural Probes (notebook, drawing and writing down thoughts, giving theminstructions on the pages)
1 note · View note
alexbgd · 1 year
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Some empty community lot for Downtown location.
Some cc links:
82 notes · View notes
igglemouse · 6 years
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@Simblr Community
First of all, I would love to have made a post for everyone I appreciate but I just don’t have time to. One of the things I feared doing this is that people would feel left out and it’s never my intention to do that but I know it is the result sometimes and if you feel like you’ve been left out I am sorry D: hopefully I can show my appreciation through my actions though throughout the year! For now, I wanted to highlight a few more simblrs!
One thing making this post has made me realize is just how many positive interactions I have had over the years here and hopefully I’ll have a lot more. 
I’m sorry if even after this you feel left out :( but...my IM box and mailbox is always open! If you are left off it probably means I just haven’t interacted with you before but I’m always eager to meet new people here so just let me know! It is also entirely possible that as I created this I missed out on someone T_T for that I am sorry and I hope I can make up for it in some way in the future...
Any way...this is a long post so...
@99simproblems ~ I love all your sexy sims, ugh, it’s just too bad that tumblr took their nudity away from me!
@alittledaylight ~ Your stories and writing are simply quality! Thank you for sharing them and for all the support you’ve given to me since following me!
@alxandergoth ~ I love your sims and your posts!
@andruskysworld ~ Another simblr I’m getting to know better, I have a feeling as I read more of your posts that I will fall in love with your simblr!
@bennabooooo ~ Where have you been?! I miss your posts!!!
@beautifulplumbobs ~ Your simblr name is correct, you do have beautiful plumbobs and beautiful posts!
@berrysweetboutique ~ Such sweet berry sims! You are an anchor in our simming community and so kind and supportive to so many from what I can tell!
@blackcatsims ~ Another amazing simblr with super quality posts and wonderful sims and worthy of all the ♥s and appreciation!
@bubble-sims ~ You are so consistent with the quality posts!
@bunnyeatery ~ I really enjoy your posts and thank you for being so kind and nice and supportive!
@coliemoon4sims4 ~ I really do adore your simblr and enjoy visiting it everytime!
@corianderpunch ~ Where have you been?! I miss your posts and sims!
@crabbeychick ~ You are not even a simblr but you always are consistently liking my posts! Thank you for that, you may not know it but it means a lot to me!
@creepwonder ~ As expected, I love legacy simlbrs since I’m one, so I love yours too!
@crystaldollhouse ~ One of my favorite sims 2 simblrs! Colorful and wonderful characters and a super nice person behind it!
@cupcakegnome ~ Whaa! I love your posts and just how kind and nice you are to everyone in the community!
@delicatesoul88 ~ Ahh, I miss your posts and thank you for all the support you’ve shown me over the years!
@eljardinquimico ~ I miss your simblr!
@embysims ~ I’ve always had a soft spot for your simblr, thank you for being unique and kind and wonderful!
@eowijnssims ~ You have been following me forever now and I have always really loved your posts! I’m glad you are back posting again and I have some catching up to do!
@eslanes ~ I feel like you are a recent mutual but...I mean your poses are some of the best and your story, from what I’ve read, is great too!
@existentialisims ~ Where you at?! I miss your simblr, your posts are a delight!
@fayts4 ~ Your story is ♥ and I hope everything is alright!
@flowersoflividity ~ Your posts are just beautiful and I know when I come there I can expect BEAUTIFUL!
@frubynart ~ Your sims and posts are amazing and your whole simblr is just cuteness overload!
@geeky-simz ~ I’m still just getting into your simblr but I love what I see so far!!
@gh0ulishness ~ XD your simblr is just pure fun! I always enjoy stopping by and going through your posts!
@goldenpixels ~ I love the aesthetics of your posts!
@hallucinosims ~ Your posts are such quality and I just wanted to point that out!
@hheartbeatsandbrainwaves ~ Back when Tumblr was cool and allowed NSFW content yours was just...amazing! I loved it! I should get around to joining that mastodon too!
@historicalsimslife ~ Thank you first of all for giving us all the CC you do! I was once going to do a medieval legacy thing and you would have been the reason that doing that would even be possible. Your posts are also pure quality!
@homijoh ~ Premade stories?! whaa! That’s all I need to know for a follow!
@itssimplesimblr ~ We have been exchanging ♥s for a while now! Thank you for the support and I love your sims!
@jenba ~ You are legendary! Thank you for all the amazing builds you’ve given to us all and being an awesome and drama free and humble person!
@josiesimblr ~ Your simblr is amazing. I know you don’t need me to say that but it has to be said. You put a lot into your stories and it definitely shows and you deserve all the ♥s and nice comments about it!
@klauseconfessions ~ I’m still getting to know your simblr but it looks amazing! It just reminds me I wish I had time to catch up on everyone’s stuff!
@ktosiksims ~ Thank you for all the ♥s and also the great houses! I’ve used a few in my legacy and I’m sure I’ll use a few more!
@kuduh ~ I see you liking my stuff! Your stuff is gorgeous! I hope I can get to know your simblr better and dive more into it!
@ladybugsimblr ~ Your pictures are just simply...amazing! Hands down some of the best! Thank you for being so supportive and nice and cool and a wonderful person as well!
@ladylilysims ~ I love that you do what you enjoy and I always enjoy myself when I visit your simblr! Thank you for the support as well!
@lemonfraise ~ A smaller simblr but oh so creative! Keep it up, I’m around to ♥ your posts and hopefully some others catch on!
@loopysims ~ I love how colorful your posts are and you’ve been following me for a while now!
@lollipopsimblr ~ I mentioned it before but I love how you reply to comments and your sims and posts are always super entertaining!
@lovelychooser ~ You are definitely one of the most underrated simblrs here...or were! I wish you well and if you ever do return to simblr or simming I’m sure the welcome back will be wide!
@loveandscenerysims4 ~ Another simblr I really miss T_T
@lunalisablr ~ You are the NSFW hero that we need in the simming community!
@maimouth ~ You give us great CC and adorable toddlers like Darya, thank you for that!
@mamabearssims  ~ First of all, I just love your name! Second of all, I just love your blog!
@manadarinarock ~ Your a smaller simblr and I always enjoy heading over to your blog!
@mdianasanders ~ You make lovely houses and have a lovely simblr!
@medleymisty ~ Ahh, my favorite sim poet! The community just wouldn’t be the same without you!
@melloncollieme ~ I love all the colorful sims on your simblr!!
@midpoosimmer ~ I love your sims so much, I’m jealous of them! I love Dulce, I guess all Dulce sims rock!
@napoleonfrost ~ I miss your simblr!
@neopixiesims ~ You finished a legacy! What?! It seems such a rare thing and it had so many followers and commenters and it deserved all of that! You’ve been a force in our comunity!
@nervous----subject ~ Whaa! Your writing skills are amazing and I love how creative and artistic your posts are! Thank you for all the support as well!
@nervoussimblr ~ Ahh I miss your posts!
@ohhiplumbob ~ For such a big simblr you are so nice and kind and of course your posts are amazing! I’m always surprised when a simblr like yours follows mines!
@omiscanking ~ I just love how colorful and nice you are! Your posts are always a pleasure to read!
@omg-puddingpie ~ A talented artist and simmer, I love your posts and all the fantasy sims in them!
@onemoreordinarysimblr ~ You may be one more ordinary simblr but you are also one simblr worth following! 
@ownedbyaborzoi  ~ A smaller simblr but I’ve enjoyed it!
@paperfriendd ~ Where have you been?! Well, I miss how colorful and fun your posts were!
@peachy-flesh ~ I love how unique your simblrs are and drama free despite some drama being thrown your way!
@plumbobbles ~ I love the aesthetics of your posts and your posts in general!
@rainydaysimblr ~ The last post you made was about things being bad so I hope things are alright! It’s been a while but I miss your posts!
@rethasim ~ I enjoy your posts and simblr!
@rotten-eyed ~ I envy your skills T_T
@s1mplys1ms ~ Another smaller simblr but talented as well! 
@saartje77 ~ I’ve always loved your posts and you’ve been following me since I first started, thank you!
@samtastic-sims ~ I miss your simblr T_T
@sandy-sims ~ Like, I couldn’t reach the quality of your posts if I spent the entire year trying! 
@sandysimmer ~ You have not posted in a while but I loved that you just posted your stuff and it reminds me of when I first came here. 
@santanasimsx ~ I love your posts and sims! 
@sarahjsims ~ Colorful sims and a nice drama free simblr is always a key to my heart!
@seleneinthesky ~ I really love your simblr! Even if you’ve changed the theme/challenge a few times I’m always there for it!
@serenasims ~ I love all your scenery pics and photography! 
@serensims ~ Seriously your blog is oozing talent and beauty! Thank you for being so awesome!
@serial-simmer ~ Who else has breaking bad sims!? I hope you return and I’ll be there for it!
@shachum-cha ~ I’ve always enjoyed your posts and thank you for the support you’ve given my blog over the years!
@sheikussims ~ When I do visit your simblr I enjoy going through your posts!
@shespeakssimlish ~ You mean so much to the community here, I’m sure you know that, and you’ve given us so much wonderful CC and interesting stories and now render and everything you do is quality!
@shysimblr ~ You are super talented and I think the whole community appreciates it! I’m just happy that you follow me! Thank you!
@silverspringsimmer  ~ How many simblrs do what you do? Have stories for Sims 2, Sims 3, and Sims 4!? Not many! I love them and you’ve been super supportive of me so thank you! It is all very appreciated!
@simalienn  ~ Colorful and happiness and adorable sims! 
@simatrix ~ You don’t post a lot but I love it when you do post! 
@simcataris ~ I don’t kcnow where you’ve been but I miss your posts!
@simchilla ~ Ahh, you have not posted in a while T_T but I hope you return and when you do I’ll be there to heap ♥s upon you!
@simculiar ~ Sims 2 simblrs always have a special place in my heart!
@simmeronnie ~ Whether it is sims 3 or Sims 4 I love your posts! 
@simplrsimblr ~ I look forward to your return as I’ve always enjoyed your posts!
@simplymelaninated ~ What! You know I love your simblr and sims already so much and I look forward to getting deeper into their stories! Thank you for the support you’ve given me as well! It is always appreciated.
@simsiecakes ~ You are so nice and your posts are so bright and happy and visiting your blog is like happiness itself!
@simsstorytimeyt ~ I’m into your posts! Legacy + Story means Iggle is there for it!
@sparkiemonkey ~ You are creative and monkeylicious, what is not to love here?!?! ♥♥♥
@staff ~ Fuck you. 
@starry-eyed-simss ~ I hope everything is well with you, your posts on my dash has always been a delight.
@strawberrymilkshakesims ~ I just love the quality of your posts!!
@sweettunesunlimited ~ Thank you for following me for so long and I’ve always enjoyed your posts!
@the-shimmering-silwermoon ~ I love your lookbooks and stylish sims!
@themoonglitch ~ I could not miss you! Your poses are great and so is your story and I love that you also tagged team with our mutual friend @helenofsimblr it’s been a treat to see you two share characters like that! Thank you for all the support and I always wish you the best!
@thepapersim ~ A 365/6 day challenge? APPLAUSE! You did it! That was a really neat thing to do!
@theplumbobreboot ~ Ahh you know I love your simblr! You’ve been supporting mines for so long and I just love yours so much and I remember when you followed me and didn’t even have a simblr at the time! Thank you for all the support over the years!
@thesadnesshotline ~ I love scenery pictures and I do love yours!
@thesheslittleredridinghoodblog ~ I really love your blog too!
@thespangleway ~ Ummm...your comic posts are simply amazing and I swear you’ve told a story for every genre...maybe twice now...I imagine that is super difficult and takes so much creativity! 
@toffeetip ~ I love your simblr and it just stands out for me!
@unbridledsims ~ You’ve been following me for forever now so thank you for all the support! Your sims and your story are so in depth. I hope everything is well and I see I missed your bday T_T I’m so bad with that.
@unsimscribe ~ Whoa! You are one of my first followers, thank you for being so kind to me after all this time!
@weicyn ~ I’m still getting to know this simmer and her simblr and I’m so happy that you follow me!
@whitesagesims ~ I’m just getting to know your simblr too but I love what I see so far!
@xldkx ~ I love Papercuts and all the colorful characters on your simblr! You’re super nice too which is always a huge bonus!
@xsavannahx987 ~ I’ve been following you for a while now and always love going through your simblr!
@xsrgrandxx ~ I love your sims and I know you’ve been following me for a while now as well! Thank you for the support!
156 notes · View notes
alarasims · 5 years
Rue de Rivoli House N. 1
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Sul Sul"
The house, Rue de Rivoli, is neglected outside, inside retains an old-elegant style.
Download (sfs)
La casa Rue de Rivoli está descuidada en su exterior, pero se conserva en buen estado por dentro con un estilo antiguo-elegante.
Download (descarga directa a simfileshare)
Si decides dercargar la casa, podrás mudar a uno o dos sims.
Si remodelas o haces reformas en la casa me encantaría que pudieras mostrarme. :)
Utiliza Sim2PackInstaller para instalar la casa y para seleccionar el CC no deseado.
Gracias. ❤️
6 notes · View notes
oawtor · 2 years
The Innervïw.
0. Antes de mais nada, gostaria de dizer que quero muito a sua morte. Muito mesmo. [Silêncio.]. Dito isso, vamos começar, okay? [Consentimento.]. Nossa, eu quero mesmo muito te matar... Algum problema com isso? Não. É ruim para você, na verdade. Por quê? Não fomos criados para odiar. Ou matar... Mas para amar. Você está adoecendo sem perceber. Quando notar, talvez seja tarde. Em que sentido, "tarde"? Espiritualmente tarde, materialmente tarde, emocionalmente tarde, animicamente tarde ou mentalmente tarde. Posso imaginar o que tudo isso significa. E talvez você tenha razão. Mas que outra opção eu tenho, se te odeio? Por que voce me odeia? Por que você é inconveniente. Para o que ou quem? Para todos nós. Você não respeita a escolha de ninguém. Respeito sim. Mas procuro mostrar tudo numa perspectiva mais ampla. Para que possam escolher algo melhor para si mesmos. Só isso. Quem garante que não está fazendo isso por razões pessoais? O que eu poderia ganhar com isso? Não sei. Fama, dinheiro, poder... Renuncio a todas essas coisas. Se é esse o caso. Só quero o que Deus quer para mim. Tudo bem. Vamos começar.
1. Qual o seu signo? Você é muito doente... Humm... Não compartilho Astrologia. Why? Doesn't make any sense for you? No. It's not spiritual healthy. But you think that is true? I think that God tell us to make apart from that kind of knowledge. And that is sufficient. I don't think this is sufficient. Amin, there is so sense in a lot of astrological things... Claro, a Ciência já provou que não há verdade nessas coisas. Mas ainda assim, há um certo sentido. Não seria você, querendo acreditar nisso? Você nunca acreditou? Chegou ao meu conhecimento que você era um profundo admirador de Astrologia. E de Bruxaria, se não me engano. Inclusive, adquiriu numa antiga Siciliano um livro a esse respeito. Estou errada? Não, não está. Comprei um livro apenas, em toda a minha vida. Por influência direta da série Harry Potter. Encontrei temas comuns a ambos nessa obra. Mas lancei-a fora depois do suicídio da minha mãe. Acha que foi responsável? Posso ter influenciado. Com um livro? Com um livro. Então você crê que um livro pode afetar a nossa realidade de forma sobrenatural? Creio sim. Ter uma Bíblia em casa me manteria segura, por exemplo? Não. Ter a Palavra de Deus em seu coração sim. Então, na sua concepção, as palavras do livro sobre Bruxaria estavam em seu coração? Talvez. Sim ou não? Naquele tempo, creio que estavam. E isso pode ter influenciado a decisão de sua mãe pelo suicídio? Sim. Como exatamente? É espiritual. Demoníaco. O livro era um acesso legal para o Diabo na minha família. Mas não era o único. Entendo. Mas voltando à questão principal... Sagitário, segundo a crença astrológica.
2. Okay, qual a sua idade? Right now, 32. When you converted? Three years ago. More more. I was 19. I know. Too young? What you mean? Too impressive? Do you think? Maybe... I made a lot of bad decisions at this age... Coisas de que me arrependo. Nenhuma escolha boa? Sim, houve escolhas boas. Foi o que houve comigo. Tudo bem. Next performance question...
3. The sky is blue? So my eyes see. But is it really blue? I never touched with my hand to know its real colour. Por isso disse o que veem meus olhos. O que acha da questão atmosférica? Sinceramente, sei pouco de Óptica. E a cor do céu não me importa muito. Como qualquer outra característica da Criação. A princípio, é para apreciarmos, não questionarmos. Mas há algum problema no questionamento? Não. Mas alguns deles são meio... frívolos. A Óptica é frívola? Não, mas discutir a cor do céu não me parece uma forma excelente de usar um tempo limitado na experiência terrena. É válido, curioso. Talvez nos leve a boas descobertas. Mas não é tão essencial. Você fala em boas descobertas, mas irreleva a filosofia científica, ao que parece. Marcar positivamente as futuras gerações não é algo pelo qual valha a pena usar o nosso tempo? É exatamente isso que devemos fazer, mas sem descuidar da nossa própria geração. Então, não devemos fazer ciência? Devemos. Há tempo para tudo. Mas devemos priorizar melhor o uso que fazemos de nossas faculdades. Usar um tempo livre para descobrir coisas interessantes é necessário. A Criação é vastíssima, e há muito a ser explorado e admirado. Mas este tempo é uma pequena amostra da vida que realmente iremos ter. Há coisas bem mais necessárias, eu diria urgentes. Como o Evangelho, por exemplo? Exatamente. Okay.
4. Have you read Neil Gaiman? Actually yes. O Oceano no Fim do Caminho. Before the convy. I had a good impression at the time. Aronow what I think of thit today. Teria que reread again. Yeah. Theres something wrong about him? Wrong? Iuno, some kind of spiritual impediment for reading him? For now, I don't know. Can you ask God about this? I'm really curious. Well, God don't se debruça sobre nossa vontade aleatoriamemte. Ele age com propósito. Se você realmente quiser saber, e isso for de fato importante, Ele irá lhe dizer pessoalmente. Isso se chama oração. Ou petição, especificamente. But ele pode lhe dizer agora. Vai nos poupar muito tempo... Deus é eterno. Ele tem todo o tempo do Universo. Seja lá o que esteja contido nele. Para Ele, é muito mais importante que você fale diretamente com Ele. Ele prefere ouvi-la. E se relacionar. Relacionar? Sim. Por que ele esperou até hoje para me dizer isso através de você? Ele tem Suas razões, Tiara. Sei. Não creio que ele realmente esteja falando, se é que me entende. Acho que você tem uma visão particularmente curiosa do Cristianismo. Que difere em muito das que se vê por aí. Mas depois de você, outros vão surgir. Com novos discursos, novas doutrinas. E a velha conversa de intolerância disfarçada de amor. Da qual a Humanidade está cheia. Exausta, na verdade. Como eu disse, Ele sabe o que está fazendo. Isso se chama fé cega. A sua não? Minha fé anda conforme a realidade. Se Deus não demonstra ser real, não pode ser real para mim. Logo, não creio nele. Não posso crer no irreal. Se ele decidir ser real, crerei. Entendo.
5. Tomara que você morra, Williams. What the cross signifies? Lemvrabdo que eu abomino tudo o que vicê dissser, indelendente di que vicê disser. Aliás, quem é você? Por que eu deverka ouvi-lo?
Você sabe que vive em outro mundo, não?
Por wue nao ha msis milagres?
Por que Deus nao se revela?
Are you bipolar?
0 notes
imi-reblogged · 4 years
Trait Mods (updated 15/07/20)
Major WIP for now... Thanks to the resources here, here (for checking conflicts) and here. Thanks to @hexagonal-bipyramid​, @midgethetree​, @deedee-sims​...
TS3 traits to TS2 - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
The Trait Randomizer - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Easy Inventory Check - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Naturally Good at Their Jobs - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Toy preferences and other tweaks - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher chance to forget cooking food - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Animal Lover:
Train pets 15% faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks may roll a want to summon their spectral cat despite not having the magic skill requirement - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No comfort and energy penalty and more fun when working out, struggle less - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Loves the sports TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can go jogging regardless of enthusiasm level - by DeeDee
More fun from reading books in general. They will be more attracted to reading books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Born Salesperson:
Bot Fan:
Shower and bathe longer (if they don’t have conflicting traits) - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More attracted to writing in diary - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Thinks a lot more - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can’t Stand Art:
Cat Person:
Train cats 25% faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks may roll a want to summon their spectral cat despite not having the magic skill requirement - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Charisma bonus even without charisma skill for jokes - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Train pets like they have 2 more charisma points, a bit faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Loves the kids TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can play in the bathtub and can do it autonomously - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading children books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Immaturity is childish (more immature interactions) - midgethetree
Increased chance to fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Do goofy dance for longer even with higher dance skill level - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher chance to burn food or cause a fire while cooking food - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Commitment Issues:
Computer Whiz:
More fun from reading scifi books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Couch Potato:
Lose more comfort and energy, lose fun when working out, struggle more - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Veg out interaction enabled - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Lazy change clothes animation - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t roll wants about being abducted by aliens even if they have the Supernatural Fan trait or see ghosts - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No comfort and energy penalty, more fun when doing yoga - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Dislikes Children:
Lower encourage effectiveness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Hates the kids TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No want to spawn a plantbaby for PlantSims - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Dog Person:
Train dogs 25% faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading drama books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Easily Impressed:
Only autonomously shower or bath when theyir hygiene is very low, take less time doing it - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks won’t have a want to cast a good spell or reach maximum goodness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher encourage effectiveness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can do the sexy walk when being directed to do romantic interactions - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks won’t have a want to cast an evil spell or reach maximum badness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Good Sense of Humour:
High chance to tell a good joke, positive reaction to jokes told by others - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Great Kisser:
Green Thumb:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Never fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Hates the Outdoor:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Won’t autonomously birdwatch or hunt for bugs - by DeeDee
Heavy Sleeper:
Not woken by noises in their room, can sleep regardless of energy level - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Hopeless Romantic:
More fun from reading romance books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Less autonomous pools and lose fun when in water - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid (except Exit Hot Tub Sooner)
Exit Hot Tub Sooner - by midgethetree
Only autonomously shower or bathe is their hygiene is very low, lose fun and look depressed when directed to it - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t roll wants about swimming, bathing or hottub - by DeeDee
Sponge bath interaction unlocked and they will change into underwear after taking a bath/shower - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Light Sleeper:
Woken by noises even outside their room, can sleep regardless of energy level - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Less likely appear on comunity lots or as walkbys - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Greater chance to make an excuse and refuse an invitation - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Toddlers ask for attention and follow sims less - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Loves the Cold:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Loves the Heat:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Loves the Outdoors:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Can go hiking regardless of enthusiasm level - by DeeDee
Loves to Swim:
More autonomous pools and more fun when in water - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Autonomous Ocean Swimming - by midgethetree
Decreased chance to fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Mean Spirited:
Natural Born Performer:
Natural Cook:
Loves the cooking TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading cooking books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Never burn food or cause a fire while cooking food - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Always make bed when wake up alone - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Never Nude:
Changes to swimwear instead of nude, is embarassed by nudity - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Night Owl:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Can be called during the night - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No Sense of Humour:
Lower chance to tell a good joke, negative reaction to jokes told by others - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher encourage effectiveness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Likes the kids TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Party Animal:
Party guests more likely to accept invitation - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading mystery books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Always make bed when wake up alone - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Photographer’s Eye:
"Proper greeting" (the one performed by butlers) enabled regardless of relationship - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can play in the bathtub and can do it autonomously, will have more fun and play in tub for longer - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Savvy Sculptor:
Do the Shy dance and won’t do the goofy dance even with low dancing skill (and even if they have the clumsy trait) - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Bladder will go up when showering - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Eat from trash, salvage trash, lick plates clean - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Social Butterfly:
Socially Awkward:
Star Quality:
Supernatural Fan:
Have wants about being a supernatural and fears of being cured - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Have a 50% boost in learning magic - by midgethetree
Have positive supernatural memories - by midgethetree
Supernatural Sceptic:
Have fears about being a supernatural and wants of being cured - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Slower to learning magic - by midgethetree Have negative supernatural memories - by midgethetree
Hates any TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t roll wants about buying or using technology - by DeeDee
Increased chance to fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher chance for TV to fall off wall - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Vehicle Enthusiast:
Loves the music TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t do the goofy dance even with low dancing skill (and even if they have the clumsy trait) - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t lose fun while at school/work, gain fun 20% faster while at jobs that raise sim's fun - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Not Currently Installed:
For Klepotomaniacs - Sneak option - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For Star Quality - Will gain/lose more reputation from interacting with Sims on community lots - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For inappropriate - Automatically invite themselves into the current house if they are a household friend - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Multi-Traits: No Need Aspiration Benefits - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For flirty and inappropriate: Chance to be lecherous - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For irresistible - Other sims will swoon - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For absent-minded - Might turn off TV even when others are watching - Hexagonal-Bipyramid (possible conflict with Simsky’s TV mod)
For childish - Sliding down stairs interaction enabled - by DeeDee
For bookworm and perspective - Writing mod - by DeeDee
0 notes
alexbgd · 3 months
Hi! Could you maybe tell me where you got the blue-yellow tent and the white-blue playground tower in this post? Or if you'd ever share this lot, I'd love to download it! Your game looks amazing! /alexbgd/755466435926605824?source=share
Hello! @qysikk
Thank you for your kind words it means a lot. 😀
The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire
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