#the smartest and best. I fucking. love the organas.
How does Bail Organa deal with being dad to an angry baby quarter-eldritch-abomination?
“Well,” Breha began, and then stopped. She was sitting very straight and regal in her chair, the way she only did when her mind was a hundred parsecs away and moving at lightspeed.
Bail had always been amused by that, how his wife looked more attentive and composed when not paying attention to what was going on around her. But she’d told him all about her parade of different tutors, etiquette and comportment and a hundred things a merchant’s son had no need of knowing. He supposed a lifetime of preparing to be Queen of Alderaan gave one all hells of muscle memory.
“Yes,” Bail sighed. He crossed the room to the sideboard, where someone had very considerately refilled the decanter. “Drink?”
“Yes,” Breha said absently. “Something with a great deal of alcohol in it, I think.”
Bail snorted. She was clearly not as distracted as he assumed.
Evening had fallen over the Capital, painting everything in blue shadows. This early in the year, everything was snow and ice, even the broad main streets. A convenient enough excuse, when the Datu’s son—tripped and…slid accidentally into a wall, bloodying his nose, ears, mouth. And when the Princesa of Aldera, Leia Organa, bared her teeth at the Datu’s son’s and snarled, You are a cruel and heartless boy—
Well. The cold had been convenient for that too. You know these long winter months, Bail had said, forcing warmth into his voice, because the Datu was looking to him in confusion and thinly-veiled horror, clutching at his son even as blood streamed down the boy’s face. Everyone goes a little stir-crazy.
Bail sat down across from Breha, setting down her glass of cognac. She reached for it, but he couldn’t be sure whether she knew it—her eyes were faraway, and her spine was very straight. Bail was used to this, being the third or fourth thing on her mind; he didn’t mind being patient, waiting for her to circle back to them, their daughter.
“When you—” Breha fell silent, running her finger lightly along the rim of the glass. Bail sipped his liquor, composing a list of necessary munitions for the Rebellion in his head, waiting for her to continue. 
“When you told me that it was safer not to openly discuss our daughter’s origins, I assumed that was because Padmé had somehow made an enemy of the Emperor. A miscalculation that perhaps also led to her death. But that is not the only reason, is it?”
Bail sighed, setting his glass down. “No.”
“The Jedi, the handsome one I met at the—”
“Ah,” Breha said. Her eyes were still far off, unfocused. “I see. And the edict that was issued, calling for the death of all affiliated with the Jedi Order?”
“Yes. It also remains in effect for any…future Jedi that might arise.”
Bail straightened up when Breha’s gaze flickered, and met his. He smiled bitterly, tipping his glass to her as thought calling a toast. “You see my conundrum,” he said, not bothering to keep the irony from his voice.
“You said Obi-Wan escaped the destruction of the temple,” Breha said slowly. “He could—instruct her, teach her to contain it. At least enough so we don’t have further incidents like today’s.”
“We would be putting ourselves and all of Alderaan at risk. The Emperor’s enforcer, Darth Vader, is said to have a special hatred for him—I think they fought on another in the wars.”
Breha nodded, and Bail watched as she lifted the glass to her mouth, swallowed. She was a lovely creature, his wife, with a fearsome sort of mind; he liked to  watch her as it ticked over unerringly as any other piece of machinery. 
“Do you have a way to contact him more discreetly?” she finally asked. 
“Not—at the moment, but I know where he is. I’m sure I can come up with something. Why do you ask?”
Breha smiled triumphantly. There was a glint in her eye. “If you and I are going to raise a Jedi, husband, we’re going to need some guidance on the subject.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Obi-Wan said, gazing in thinly-veiled horror at Bail. Bail had no idea why Obi-Wan had chosen Tatooine—other than the fact that it was possibly the furthest from the center of the galaxy you could get without going off the edge of a regulation star map. Bail supposed it was beautiful, in a sere, barren sort of way, though he personally didn’t enjoy the implicit promise of death that seemed to linger like a miasma over the sand. Bail had slept badly the night before, listening to some unknown thing screaming in the dark. 
Then again, if Kenobi truly was trying to stay off the Empire’s radar and away from Darth Vader’s wrath, no one would ever think to look here.
Bail squinted into late-afternoon sunlight. Officially, he was travelling through the Outer Rim as part of an outreach initiative by the Senate. Unofficially, he knew that most of his fellow senators believed he was visiting a mistress—more than one of them had congratulated him on slipping the grip of his formidable royal wife. (When Bail told Breha this, she’d mostly been flattered by the implication that if Bail wanted a mistress, he’d have to stash them all the way in the Outer Rim to avoid her.)
Actually, Bail was sitting beside Obi-Wan Kenobi outside a wattled hut, watching the sun set over the mesas and graciously pretending to drink the awful tea Obi-Wan had made for him. 
“Why not?”
Obi-Wan blinked. “The art of being a Jedi is complex and ancient—there are arcane secrets—it’s just not advisable,” he spluttered.
Bail huffed. “That is hardly a convincing argument.”
“Neither you nor Breha are Force-sensitive; you won’t even be able to tell if she’s doing it correctly. This is like a fish blithely announcing he plans to teach a starbird how to fly!”
“Well, give me the introductory level. Or whichever level involves teaching young Jedi not to assault people with the Force.”
Obi-Wan froze, his hand spasming around his own mug of tea. “Leia hurt someone?” he breathed, his face going shadowed and haunted. Bail frowned.
“Another boy; she was angry, and she choked him, bloodied his nose. The incident was embarrassing and—suspicious, if we’re trying to keep her existence a secret, but minor. We’re just worried, you needn’t look like someone has died.”
Obi-Wan shut his eyes as though pained, and a shudder ran through his whole body until he was almost doubled-over. “Obi-Wan?” Bail asked. “Are you—”
“You have a datapad?” Obi-Wan mumbled. Bail blinked.
“Take notes.” Obi-Wan didn’t wait, and Bail scrambled to dig through his pack and grab the datapad and stylus before he got too far. “The first lesson any Jedi must learn—”
The first five lessons were a nightmare. 
“That was my great-grandmother’s favorite dining table,” Breha said mournfully as she and Bail watched the charred hunks of wood carried from the room. “It was a gift from one of the Queens of Naboo, in honor of the jubilee celebration of her reign.”
“We can ask Queen Raina for another one,” Bail offered. The guards bowed, and shut the doors behind them, such that it was just Bail and Breha alone in the study.
He could hear Leia’s sobbing from the next room. They hadn’t meant to scare her, or yell as much as they had, but it had been terrifying, a little girl with fire all around her and a look of unnatural peace on her face. Bail sighed. “This isn’t working.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Our daughter managed to somehow summon lightning from her hands, that seems like some sort of progress.”
Bail snorted. “In the wrong direction, I think. She’s supposed to learn restraint, not….I’m afraid she’s sliding further away, she’s losing control. Obi-Wan told me that many of the Sith were Jedi, once.”
“We cannot keep running to him,” Breha said with a sigh, leaning against the doorframe in a rare show of weariness. Bail realized with a start that there were lines, bracketing around her mouth, that had not been there only a few years before. “The Security Council has begun discussing a military installation on Alderaan, I will need to use every weapon in my arsenal to keep those—stormtroopers,” she ground out icily, “from our world. If there is even a hint—”
“What about Jedha?” Bail said, and Breha blinked. Then her expression transformed into something thoughtful, considering.
“I thought the temple there was destroyed.”
“It was. But the worshipers still come. And the Jedi Order was only one of the sects that revered the Force, at this point we may be safer to look outside the Core for aid.”
“Someone discreet,” Breha said, finally.
“Of course.”
“Someone—patient. And not afraid. I will not allow our daughter to grow up with her teacher fearing what she can do.”
“Of course not.”
Bail crossed the room to her, and with an indulgent smile, Breha allowed herself to be crowded against the wall, fitted herself into his arms; her hands finding the small of his back with familiar ease. Bail had been away too long; her hair smelled different, something floral that made his nose itch. “Do you ever wish I had brought you a simpler daughter?” he murmured, and he could feel her laugh.
“There are no easy children,” Breha murmured. “I would rather simply love ours. Now bring her someone who will teach her how not to burn the galaxy down around her.”
Privately, Bail doubted there existed anyone who would make Leia Organa less incendiary—but at least they could make it less literal.
(“Everyone says of all the Guardians of the Whills, you are the most learned, and faithful. You remember the old ways,” Bail said.
“I sympathize with your plight,” Chirrut Îmwe said, setting his own teacup down. Malbus, standing in the doorway and casting a long shadow, grunted; a smile flickered across Chirrut’s mouth in response. “But as long as there are pilgrims to the Holy City, we must stay, and defend her.”
Bail exhaled, and thought of shining Aldera, in the mountains, where the air was thin and cold and bright. Where his daughter could make the air burn, and his wife ruled the world. “I understand,” he said. “Thank you for your time.”)
Later—much later, when neither Jedha or Alderaan could be defended any more, and Obi-Wan was nothing more than another nexus of brightness in the Force—Leia was watching her brother.
“I remember this,” she said suddenly.
“What?” Luke asked, cracking open an eye. “Do you mean remember, or—remember, like our mother?”
“We have to come up with a better term for that,” Leia sighed. “And no, I actually remember this,” she added. “One of my tutors, Mistress Draight. We used to do breathing exercises and control exercises, and…I always just thought it was mindfulness. I had a lot of tutors,” she said with a shrug.
“You had Jedi lessons?” Luke asked, opening his eyes fully and uncurling from his cross-legged meditation pose.
“I didn’t think they were Jedi lessons. No one ever said the word ‘Jedi’ and we never moved anything with the Force, or discussed lightsabers. It was just supposed to be calming. A way of establishing control.”
“Huh,” Luke said. “Did it help?”
“I—think so? My mother used to joke about the time I set my great great-grandmother’s table on fire, but I always assumed it was because my sleeve caught on the candle,“ she mused.
Luke laughed, hooking his hand in the loose fabric of her dress and pulling her forward until his legs were tangled hers. “Okay,” he said, touching his forehead to hers. “Show me what you got.”
Leia grinned.
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anime-alyssa · 4 years
Hey lovely!! Could you maybe do a PoexReader where they have to share a bed on a mission and it leads to some smutty goodness?
hello!!! thank you so much for this!!! i hope it is acceptable!! smut below the cut
bunk mates.
You and Poe are on a mission on Tattooine, and due to limited resources if you want to get some sleep the two of you must share a bed on the ship.
You were one of the smartest people in the whole of the Resistance. Poe was the best pilot and fighter of the Resistance. Between the two of you, you both were able to accomplish anything that General Organa threw at you. So when she had assigned you to go with Poe to Tatooine for a top-secret mission you didn’t hesitate to say yes. You and Poe got on good, you enjoyed his company and plus, he wasn’t exactly hard to look at. You were attracted to him though you wouldn’t admit it to anyone. So it was a no-brainer accepting the mission.
You got to Tatooine when the sun was just about going down. You had parked the jet not to far away from civilization, but not in the middle of nowhere as to avoid Jawas. After Poe ensured the ship was secure he came to find you in the bridge.
“Alright, we’re settled for the night. Locals are saying a sandstorm is coming so I’ve fully secured the ship for the night. Only issue is there’s one bunk, two of us. And it’s hot.” Poe said, throwing his jacket on the seat next to you. Your breath hitched in your throat, anxiety surfacing in you. Only one bunk? You wouldn’t particularly mind sharing a bunk with him if it wasn’t for the fact that you were so attracted to him. “I can sleep in one of the chairs in here, you can take the bunk. I don’t mind.” he said, leaning back in the chair he threw his jacket on.
“You should take it - you’re the one that needs rest more.” you urged him. His droid beeped next to him, stating that you both needed rest and you could both fit - tightly. “The droid isn’t wrong. We both need rest equally.” Poe nodded and sighed, knowing his droid was right and that they needed rest.
“I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.” He said to you.
“I don’t.” You said as you felt your heart start beating faster in your chest. Poe looked startled as you gave your answer, swallowing as he nodded. You took the first step and took off your jacket, leaving it on your chair that you were sitting on. “I promise I don’t kick. Or at least Kaydel didn’t tell me if I did.” you said, trying to joke around to ease your anxiety as you laid closest to the wall.
“You and Kaydel had to share a bunk once?” He asked, sliding in next to you. It was a tight squeeze, but luckily not to uncomfortable. Your anxiety still spiked and you were nervous, and he must have sensed it because he looked nervous too. Which was a first. His droid said it was going to attach itself to the charging station and power down for the night, turning the lights out for the ship in the process. Poe gave a nod as it did exactly that.
“Yeah, on our first covert mission on Naboo a while back. Ship was short a bunk, and considering that Kaydel and I were roommates in training we didn’t entirely mind having to get close.” you said to him, rambling. The ship started to rattle a bit, the sandstorm outside of it starting to go in full effect.
“Can’t say I’ve ever had to share a bunk. Finn was willing to sleep on the floor last time I was put in this predicament.” he said.
“I suppose we gotta do what we gotta do. Night, Poe.” you said to him, rolling onto your side and slightly curling up. He hummed in response and you tried to close your eyes and sleep. He was quiet beside you but you had a funny feeling that he was pretty much in the same boat as you - he couldn’t sleep. Why he couldn’t sleep was a mystery to you but you knew that you were too worked up over your feelings for him to even think about sleeping. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to sleep all night.
Minutes passed and you finally thought you heard his breathing even out, signaling that he was asleep. You let out a frustrated sigh, hearing a chuckle come from behind you.
“You can’t sleep either?” he asked. You groaned as you turned yourself back to face him, nodding. He looked about as wide awake as you did, and you had a feeling you both were going to be up a while longer.
“Have a few things on my mind.”
“Same. Can I confess something?” Poe asked. You nodded back to him, psychically able to feel your heart about to beat right out of your chest. “I like you, a lot. When Leia asked us to do this… I probably said yes a little too fast, honestly. I was going to tell you how I feel at a different time, a better time - but no time like the present, I guess.” he said to you, looking over at you adoringly. Were you dreaming? Did he just confess his feelings to you - the same ones that you felt? You never got this lucky.
“I feel the same way, Poe. I have for a while…” you stuttered out, seeing his eyes start to glow. Your anxiety only calmed a very little bit at the relief that he felt the same way that you did - but now sharing this tiny bunk with him only made things a little more awkward.
“Well, that’s a relief.” he breathed out, feeling better himself. Still, now there was a new tension between you two that couldn’t be ignored anymore. You had confessed how you felt about each other - in a very tight bunk. Someone had to do something, but who was going to make the first move? Evidently, Poe decided ‘screw it’ and leaned over to kiss you, smoothly sliding on top of you. You briefly gasped before you decided to just enjoy it. He pulled away from you quickly, looking semi-apologetic. “Sorry. I don’t want to get myself carried away.” he said.
“Well, we can’t sleep.” you said suggestively. He smirked quickly before he leaned down to kiss you again.
“That we can’t. Tell me when to stop, okay?” he asked. You nodded back and that was when he started to kiss you deeper, a hand going to the back of your head to bring you closer to him.  You decided to bring him closer to you as well, assisting him in dipping his hips to meet yours and feeling his hard-on through his pants. If he was embarrassed he didn’t seem to show it as his tongue started to explore your mouth and his hand explored your body, running up every curve you had. You decided to start doing the same thing, trailing one of hands up his chest, holding onto his shirt tightly. Once his hand went under your shirt to cup a breast you knew that you wanted him - bad - and your body reacted like you did because you let out a soft moan. Poe stopped kissing you for a moment and looked down at you. “Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes.” you said quietly.
“If anything hurts or you don’t like it, tell me, okay?” Poe said to you. You nodded in response as he gently slid your shirt off your body- exposing your chest to him. The air hitting it gave you a small chill - but to big because it was so hot in the ship and Poe was extremely close to you. Sweat was starting to form on his forehead as he stripped of his shirt as well, leaving you both topless as he crashed his lips back down onto yours and took a hand, cupping a breast gently massaging it. Once more you let out a moan and Poe put his lips to your neck, lining soft kisses from your neck all the way down to the opposite breast where he took your nipple in his mouth and started gently sucking at it.
You breathed out another moan as his mouth did wonders to your body. You felt yourself wanting him more and more, the heat in your legs becoming nearly unbearable. You took a risk and moved your hands to his hips, trying to slide his pants off his body. He took the hint and helped you out, briefly taking his lips off your body to make sure he got his pants off quickly. You couldn’t see the size of him as the space was so tight, but you felt him now resting on your pants. Poe quickly tore your pants off your body and threw them to the side, now leaving the both of you naked. You felt his hardened member on the inside of your thigh rubbing against your skin.
“Turn over.” Poe whispered in your ear. You did as he said, him making enough room for you to turn over, laying on your stomach. Poe worked to raise your hips up gently and spread your legs open. “Tell me if it hurts, alright?” You nodded in response as Poe lined himself up with your entrance and pushed himself in gently, filling you up. You gasped at the feeling of him stretching you open, causing him to pause about halfway through.
“Keep going.” you said to him. Poe leaned over and pressed a kiss to your shoulder as he slowly filled you all the way, lingering still for a few moments. Poe steadied himself putting his hands over yours and started to gently thrust, his breath hitching. The friction between the two of you pleasured you more than you could ever imagine as he slid in and out of you with ease. You were tight around his cock but your juices helped glide him in and out of you easier. He started to pace himself, gently moving in and out of you. Poe was moaning deeply in your ear, the tightness of your pussy around his cock feeling incredible.
“So tight… Feels so - ugh - good.” Poe said to you as he broke his slow and gentle pace to thrust into you hard. You let out a moan as he kept going, your angle allowing him to fill you completely each time he thrust. You felt more heat building up in your belly as he thrusted more, the feeling of a release coming to you. The both of you were sweaty and sticky, skin slapping against skin loudly and the aroma of sweat and sex filling the bunk. He grunted and groaned, panting for breath the harder he thrust. “So good, so good…” he moaned into your ear, taking one of his hands off of yours and moving it in between your legs, fingers dancing over your clit.
“Fuck! Poe!” you moaned loudly as your knees buckled, Poe using his other arm to hold you up and keep his pace. He pulled your hips closer to his and railed into you with a force that you didn’t know he had in him and you started to scream his name. “Poe! Oh fuck - Poe!” you shouted as you felt your orgasm take over your body, collapsing on the bunk under you and Poe following as his cock twitched inside of you and you felt him release his thick ropes of cum inside of you.
The two of you laid together for a while, not saying anything, just panting with each other trying to catch your breath. Poe got the blanket up and covered the two of you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“I don’t think we’ll have any problem sleeping now.” he said to you, pressing a kiss on your forehead. You laughed as you slept soundly.
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wowbobs · 5 years
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barbara “ bobbi “ morse : TASK06.
explainations are under the cut !
SALEM SABERHAGEN ― someone’s gonna end up crying. probably me. ❞
salem’s sense of humor is very on point for bobbi. she didn’t try to take over the world and got punished, or anything, but there’s still something there. funnily candid. a bit of a bitch. loyal to a fault.
REGINA MILLS / EVIL QUEEN ― since when do i care about anyone’s happiness but my own? ❞
big latina dick energy. they both live sorts of double lives, while regina’s is super literal and bobbi’s is definitely more figurative. fighters, moms, badass bitches.
LEIA ORGANA ― i know. ❞
leia organa, like bobbi morse, is one badass bitch. like, wow, she’s the best. they share a super big dick energy and leadership qualities. leia’s force sensitive & bobbi’s enhanced. they both also come from noble ( or, in bobbi’s case, elite ) families.
JIM HALPERT ― you pet the animals, they pet you back.  ❞
same sense of humor. deadpan snark. they both have a nice talent at getting under people’s skin. oftentimes, they both feel as if they’re the smartest person in the room ( they usually are ).
CALLIOPE IPHEGENIA TORRES ― you don’t destroy the person that you love.  ❞
bisexual latinas who are ... truly goddesses in their own right. i get a lot of the inspo for bobbi’s more latin side from callie ( as well as shit my mom says / does ). they’re also both super dedicated to their work ( callie’s being surgery and bobbi’s being teaching ).
HEATHER CHANDLER ― well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. do i look like mother theresa?  ❞
bobbi’s girlfriend didn’t exactly kill her or anything because she didn’t listen when the rest of the popular kids said to not fuck with the weird kids, BUT that doesn’t mean that bobbi and heather aren’t similar. heather is a lot of like bobbi pre-bobbi, back when she was just some rich people’s kid.
ANNALISE KEATING ― prayers are for the weak.  ❞
both have big dick energy, though bobbi has only a fraction of what annalise has, because that’s all that’s physically possible. they’re dedicated hard-workers and feminists. don’t fuck w these ladies. also, bi.
SALLY JACKSON ― if my life’s going to mean anything, i have to live it myself. ❞
a mom. a human with a gift ( bobbi’s being the supersoldier serum & the infinity formula, sally’s being able to see thru the mist ). a really, really good person who just wants to protect her kids. art credit to @viria, who drew all the official pjo art.
MELISSA MCCALL ― you can save people’s lives, but you can’t live them for them. ❞
melissa, like bobbi, like most mums, is the true hero behind it all. both are super logical but still ready to throw tf down for their kids and hype as shit to protect them from anything in their way. good moms.
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