#the soupiest fiction
the-soupiest-artist · 3 years
The Legend of Zelda: Lost and Found
Chapter 1: Searching for the Missing Girl
In celebration of the 2 year anniversary of Song of the Healers, my webcomic, I decided to start a new journey!! Please be warned this trail of stories will have MAJOR SPOILERS for the comic, so if you want to stay pure I’d advise you to stay away....or stay....There are some pretty nice art pieces scatter throughout  this fic. ANYWAYS! Thank you all so much for your love towards my OCs in SOH! I hope you enjoy this new tale!
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~ The Healer Palace was in a crisis. The tailors and servants alike were searching the palace high and low for someone of the utmost importance. Most people were searching by themselves but some chose to travel in groups as they covered as much of the palace ground as possible. One of the palace tailors, the head tailor to be precise, met up with one of the other frantic servants. Her jewelry jingled as she halted to a stop. 
“Azalea! Have you found her yet?!?!” The head tailor asked.
The servant shook her head, her eyes plastered with worry, “No Sister Iris!”
Sister Iris, the head tailor let out a groan, “Oh for Akane’s sake! Of all the days to go missing!” 
“Keep searching!” Iris shouted, turning on her heel and running in the opposite direction. 
Azalea continued on her path, running through the crowded inner courtyard of The Healer Palace. The round marble structure shielded the inhabitants of the palace from the hot evening sun. 
Running through the crowd Azalea spotted the familiar uniform of someone who might be of more help. 
Sprinting towards him Azalea called out towards the young soldier. “Link! Link! Thank the gods I’ve found you!” 
The young guard turned around and pushed some of his blonde hair from his eyes. “Azalea? What’s wrong?!”
Azalea halted to stop her words spilling from her as she explained the crisis that she and the palace staff were in, “we can’t find Mara anywhere! We were going to do her final fitting for her outfit! The Choosing is in less than twenty-four hours and if the tailors don’t get her fitted soon they won’t have time to make any alterations!” 
Link sighed and encouraged the frantic servant to sit down and rest a bit. “Are you sure it’s not just Mara being her classic self? She is late for quite a few things.” 
“That’s what we thought! But when Camilla showed up before her we knew something was wrong! Please help us Link! If anyone knows where she is it’s you!” Azalea exclaimed her tired eyes begging the guard for help. 
Link looked out beyond and to the outer courtyard of the palace. The orange glow of dusk teasing the white city. He stood up with a sigh.
“I know where she is.” 
The turquoise blue of the bay clashed with the orange glow of the setting sun. The water started to darken as the light of day fled the land. 
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Letting out a sigh Mara stood in front of the divine statue of the goddess, Din. Who watched over the city in line with her sister gods, Nayru, who was in the heart of the city, and Farrore who watched over the ships that docked in the bay. 
It was a beautiful sight, just how small the city looked from here, Mara could see the entire capital. She looked out over the sea, she could see beyond the great thorn wall that protected the fisherman’s ships from the outside world. The sea beyond was still barren. No ships, no people, not even whales graced the waters. It was empty, just as it had been for the last well...however long her people had been in hiding. 
She looked up at the face of the goddess Din. It was hard to spot her eyes because of how tall she was. Still, they looked out onto the city, towards her sisters. Her power unwavering, just like the flame that’s held in her hand once the night falls. 
If she could just climb it. Maybe she would be able to see what lies beyond the great thorn wall towards the land. 
Her train of thought was cut short as a familiar voice broke the peaceful silence Mara was enjoying. 
“Don’t start...you know how it ends…” 
At the sound of Link’s voice, Mara jumped, a bush along with several hosts of white flowers erupted from the earth and landed gracefully in uniform on Mara’s head.
She turned to him with a frown. “LINK! You scared me!” 
He laughed, “I’m aware! But I’m glad I stopped you from doing something stupid….again….” 
“Again? There had never been an ‘again.’ The last time I tried to scale The Golden Goddess Din’s statue was when I was six!” Mara huffed. “And I distinctly remember a plucky little boy chasing after me in that great climb!”
Link gave her a knowing look, “Yet you were the one who broke your arm.” 
“Yeah…” Mara groaned with a defeated sigh, “I still remember Aunt Amarylis’s glare.”
She shivered, “It haunts me to this day.” 
“Speaking of your Aunts.” Link folded his arms across his chest, “You know everyone is in a panic looking for you. Apparently, someone is missing a very important fitting.”
Mara kicked a stray rock, “I know…”
She climbed up on top of the platform of Din’s statue, joining the space where the marble folds of the goddess’ gown dropped over the sides of the great platform. “But then I would miss the sunset.”
“Mara, I know you’ve heard this speech a thousand times already, and I know I’m the last person you want to hear this from, but The Choosing is tomorrow. This is what your aunts have been preparing for your whole life. A lot is riding on you being the next Leader.” Link climbed up with her, his legs dangling over the edge as dusk kept its hold on the city. “You could be chosen by the Goddesses themselves one day. You’re the hope of our people’s future.”
Mara laid back onto the platform, “Augh….I know I know...I’m not sure I’m ready...I just feel like well….Like I’m meant for more than this…”
Link gave her a puzzling look, “what do you mean by that?” 
Mara sat up and looked out to the sea beyond the wall, “I’ve been feeling this call.” 
“Like a voice?”
“No!...Maybe? I don’t know but it’s like….a yearning in my heart for….more.” Mara sighed. “Like there’s more beyond the confines of the great thorn walls. I can feel it...It’s like something beyond it is….calling for me…” 
Link looked back, towards where the land wall separated the city from the land beyond. “You want to go out?”
She nodded, “I know we’re not supposed to, and no one has ever tried since….ah…”
“My mother.” Link muttered, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. 
“Right….but I just keep feeling it in my blood..like I’m supposed to venture beyond it just….just once in my life...before I’m doomed to…” she gestured towards the city, “a life full of leading and social gatherings.” 
There was a long moment of silence between the two friends before Link got an idea. A wide smile appearing on his face.
“Hey Mara, remember at our Coming of Age Ceremony where I promised to take you on one more adventure before adulthood struck us for real?” Link’s eyes sparkled and Mara frowned.
“I believe you still owe me that trip.” Mara turned to him, her eyes softening. “Link, what are you planning?”
“I’m getting you over the wall.” Link stated standing up. 
“Wait...YOU ARE!?” Mara smiled and Link nodded.
“Should be easy enough, we’ve got the skills!” Link rested his hands on his hips, “and if we die we won’t have to face adulthood anymore.”
Mara laughed, “Let’s hope we don’t.”
“Well, throw a bead into the ocean.” Link laughed, “For luck.”
Mara jumped up and hugged him, “Thank you so much! Thank you, Link!”
Link hugged her back, “Ah it’s nothing for my best friend. However, you still gotta face your Aunt back at the palace.”
Mara pulled away and whistled for her horse Elias. The stallion whinnied in almost an annoyed tone. He was rudely interrupted from his peaceful grazing of mountain grasses and such. 
“Come on Elias we’re going back,” Mara shouted, running to him. The Horse huffed at her as she climbed the stallion’s back and rode off down the mountain trail. 
Mara indeed got a scolding from her Aunt Amaryllis, and the same speech about growing up and her being the next leader
Amaryllis was the second of Mara’s aunts, yet she was the leader of their people. Her icy stare was legendary and everyone feared her...in the best of ways.
Amaryllis’s younger sister, Camellia was the life of the party, she passed down her habit of always being late to things to her dearest niece, she belongs to no person but would rather float from person to person whenever the mood struck her. 
Lilija was the second eldest. She was a powerful Healer who focused much of her time on being a midwife and nursing injured Hylian’s back to health. 
Even though Amaryllis was their named leader, chosen by the Goddesses themselves, the sisters all considered themselves to be a council of rulers in their own rights. They were all still family and they all still loved the people their bloodline had been governing for thousands of years. They hoped Mara would take to heart the guidance and training the Aunts had given her...even in this unfortunate moment when Mara was getting an ear-full from the cold monotone voice of Leader Amaryllis. Mara looked back at Link as she was dragged away to fulfill the last-minute preparations that Mara had been working so hard to avoid. 
Link shook his head and returned to the guard room. The Head Guard, Atlas, smiling at him as he entered.
“Good work on finding Mara.” Atlas chuckled, setting his helmet on his armor stand. “It seems you two always know where to find each other.”
“You’re just now noticing this?” Link laughed, “Damn Atlas you must be getting old.”
Atlas smacked the boy across his back playfully. “This ‘old man’ is still able to beat you in a spar.” 
Link threw his hands up in surrender, “Aw come on Atlas! I was really close to beating you last time.” 
Atlas nodded, “no one likes a sore loser, boy.”
“Don’t you boy me!” Link grumbled, throwing his chest plate at him, with quick reflexes Atlas caught it and laughed. 
Hanging the armor on Link’s marked peg the rivalry dwindled.
“Are you looking forward to The Choosing tomorrow?” Atlas asked, his eyes gentle. 
“Yeah of course.” Link smiled, “I get to see my best friend take on what she’s been training for.” 
“Is Mara nervous at all?” Atlas asked
“Well, it’s Mara. She’s nervous about a lot of things but this….” Link let out a long sigh as he finally managed to free the last part of his uniform from his tired body. “I think she’s just scared of not doing a good job if and when The Goddesses chose her.”
The Head Guard nodded, “all reasonable fears to have. She’ll be a fine Leader.”
“She will be. Once she learns to be on time for things.” Link chuckled and Atlas laughed with him. 
“I’ll stop keeping you.” Atlas waved as he headed towards the exit. “Your father’s probably expecting you, and you need rest. It’s a big day for us Healers.” 
“And for us Hylians.” Link remarked setting his satchel over his head. Atlas nodded in agreement as his dark brown dreadlocks disappeared down the hall. 
The nightlife of the Healer capital filled the streets as the gondoliers were tying up their boats for the night. Some counted their coins and others playing music softly for the people of the town.
Link arrived at his father’s bakery. The windows were closed and dark. The day was done and Learen was probably inside making him a delicious meal. He opened the heavy wooden door and called out to his father.
“Papa! I’m home!”
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Learen’s head appeared from the kitchen, his hands scratching his blonde scruff, white from flour and age. “Ah! There he is my brave warrior!” 
Learen welcomes his son into his arms, patting his back each with wide smiles on their faces. 
“So did you save the world from ultimate destruction today?” Learen joked, pulling the lids off of the dinner he had made. 
“If you call saving Mara from the icy scolding of Leader Amaryllis saving the world.” Link sat down at the table. “Then yes, I absolutely saved the world from total annihilation.” 
Learen shivered serving some of the hearty stew to his son. “Gods Leader Amaryllis. That woman even scares me half to death with the mere flash of her eyes.” 
“You got that right Papa.” Link snickered, slicing himself a large portion of bread. 
“The Choosing is tomorrow.” Learen sighed, “the hopeful new leader of our people will be presented to the public.”
Link nodded, “I wish Mama were here to see it.” 
There were a few moments of silence between the father and his son as memories of one loved and lost filled their minds. 
“She’d be so proud of Mara.” Link sighed. 
Learen rested his hand on his son’s shoulder. “I know she would’ve been.” 
The two started to eat and Link entertained his father with stories from the palace. How he chased a stray cat from the kitchens, saved a young girl’s guardian familiar from drowning, and how he got to enjoy the sunset with Mara before returning her home. Shortly after dinner and a lovely little dessert. Laren and Link said their goodnights and went to bed. Both of them sharing the same feelings with the rest of the city. All of the city hardly slept, for the excitement of tomorrow’s gathering was near and the people were so looking forward to meeting their hopefully new leader. 
The following morning was met with the bells from the harbor ringing. Signaling that today was a day of celebration. Everyone filled the streets with much dancing and singing as they waited for the command to meet at the palace. So their chosen leader could be anointed in the eyes of her people. Today was The Choosing and the entire capital expressed their joy. 
Mara exited the chamber, her Auntie Camellia greeting her.
“Why the long face flower?” She asked with kind eyes.
Mara let out a deep sigh before answering her aunt, “I just got done bathing in olive oil and rosemary. I know it’s ceremonial and supposed to feel relaxing...but I just feel like a batch of focaccia bread ready to be thrown into the fiery depths of an oven.
Camellia hugged her niece, “Oh Lily complained about that too...it’s just nerves Mara”
Mara melted into her aunt’s embrace.
“The worst of it is almost over, flower. Then it’s just partying until the sun rises.” Camellia smiles and twirled Mara around. Mara laughing before linking her arm in her aunts as she was led to her room, Camellia shooed the rest of the servants out of her niece’s chambers. Mara looked at her aunt puzzlingly, but before she could speak Camellia answered for her. “This is a special moment for me personally. I designed every part of your garb for this day ever since your mother brought you to us. The design changed over time as you grew older and you changed.”
Helping Mara into the pure white dress, Camellia continued to explain, “I was going to ask Lily if I could help her dress you for The Choosing, but, now knowing that she won’t be here for it….I feel almost guilty.”  Picking up the gold and navy waist scarf, the gold metal coins jingled as Camellia fastened it around Mara’s waist, “she’s so proud of you. You know that I know that.”   Mara nodded and kept her head down, the anxiety of what was to come was getting to her, “ do you think I’ll be ready? If the Goddesses choose me?” 
Her Aunt rose back up onto her feet, cupping her niece’s face gently. “I know you will be. You will be the finest ruler our people have ever seen.” Camellia’s compassion-filled eyes sparkled with a bit of mischief, “you’ll be more kind and compassionate than Amaryllis that is for sure.”  The two softly laughed, lightening the mood of the serious conversation. 
“Now remember,” Camellia smiled as she went back to dressing Mara up for the ceremony. “When you enter the hall, don’t look at the people, stand tall, and pretend you know what you’re doing.” 
Mara scoffed, “you know you’re sounding more like Aunt Amaryllis the more this conversation carries on?” 
Camellia smacked her niece’s backside jokingly, “oi! This ceremony, believe it or not, is the only time ‘Serious Camellia’ is awakened. Once Akane’s Token hangs ‘round your neck, your Auntie will be dancing and drinking with the rest of our people.” She pinched Mara’s nose and shook her head gently the two bursting out into laughter.  
Camellia took her niece’s hand, twirling her around her room, the two of them singing a loud Healer tune. They both sounded like drunken fools, spinning and wobbling around the room as the two grew dizzy. The Aunt and her niece collapsing on Mara’s bed in a heap of laughter.
Once the laughter had died down, Camellia rolled over and kissed Mara’s cheek. 
“Flower you are so loved. I love you so very much Mara.” Mara hugged her aunt, “I love you too Auntie Camellia.” The two sat up and Camellia kissed Mara’s forehead, “you are going to make a wonderful leader. Our people are lucky to have you.” 
Mara smiled bright the two of them hugging tightly, “Come.” Camelia sighed, “it’s time. Remember, pick a spot on the back wall. Don’t look at the people and you won’t feel sick, or like running away.” “Thanks, Auntie Camelia,” Mara muttered
“Of course Flower.” Auntie Camelia sighed giving Mara one last peck on the forehead, for luck. 
This fic couldn’t have happened without the wonderful help and guidance of @ridersoftheapocalypse Truly this story would’ve never happened without the beautiful work you and @s-kinnaly have made! Your universe is a huge inspiration to me and thank you so much for letting me take part in it!! It’s an honor!! Of course none of this would’ve ever happened without @figmentforms their comic, ATOTR was the reason I even started scripting SOH in the first place! And I honor their work by doing my own comic in greyscale as well! And it’s because of that comic I even fell in love with greyscale in the first place!!
All of you are huge inspirations to me! Thank you for your creations, and please keep making them!! They never fail to give me the truest of feels!!
There’s more to come from this story!! And I am excited for ALL of it!!
🌸Next Chapter🌸
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the-soupiest-artist · 3 years
Legend of Zelda: Lost and Found
Chapter 2: Choosing to Follow the Call
This series of fics contains spoilers for SOH! You have been warned!
Also thank you to all who have been supporting me through this endeavor!! This wonderful story wouldn’t have happened without the beautiful minds of @s-kinnaly and @ridersoftheapocalypse
A quiet hum filled the courtyard of the palace, as the citizens of the grand capital started to fill the courtyard, and as the people gathered the quiet hum, turned into quiet singing. What was at first a small gathering turned into a choir of Healer and Hylian voices. All singing, waiting to see their chosen leader.
 The singing never ceased even in the grand hall of the palace. The walls lined with the elders of each district, each one singing, waiting for the leader and her family to enter.  As the side curtains to the main hall parted, the singing seemed to crescendo as the three daughters of Orlaithe entered. All dressed in white and gold but each had their own accented color.
 The eldest daughter present, Lilija. Dressed with accents of a cool purple. Her jewelry and flower details shimmering with an almost iridescent shimmer and complimented her brown curls. The youngest, Camelia, accented in a mixture of bright fuchsia and soft pink, her reddish hair dotted with her patron flower, Camelia. Finally, the Leader entered. The middle child and 3rd child of Orlaithe. Amaryllis, Her black ringlets under control and pulled up into her gold crown. Her dark indigo waste scarves flowing down to the floor, much like the statue of Din. 
 The elders bowed, their singing didn’t falter, the stone-faced leader outstretching her arms towards the crowded hall. The oldest of the elders, Sister Zillah, stepping forward. The other elders following, they all met in the back of the hall, Sister Zillah ahead of them, and in her aged freckled hands sat Akane’s Token. The necklace was gold, as was the color of the healers and of the divine goddesses who breathed them into existence. A beautiful green gem, set in the center of the gold metal of Akane’s Token, glinted in the light streaming through the curtains of the hall. Amaryllis stepped down from the marble platform she was standing on, meeting Zillah in the center of the hall. The Sister smiled and before her frail hands dropped the token into The Leader’s hands, she leaned in a whispered, “es deveenes weorkin behere fores netortum tore cheorsere hera.”  
The goddesses would be fools not to choose her
As the gentle touch of cold metal fell into Amaryllis’s palms, the leader nodded. Her eyes still cold and serious, as Amaryllis turned around and went back to the platform, the line of elders parted, yet they did not hug the walls as closely as before, instead, they lined the aisle. 
The double doors to the great hall opened, three young girls, entered. Each represented the golden goddesses, all of them dressed with their patron colors. As they walked down the aisle, each girl tossed a handful of colorful petals on the aisle. The girl representing Din, throwing petals of red. Nayru, petals of deep blue, and the girl adoring the green of Farore sprinkled her green leaves and flower petals. The young girls bowed towards the leaders as they came to the end of the great hall, the group giggling quietly to themselves and lining up against the wall. One of the elders, Oryn, shaking his head with a smile as he continued singing with his brethren, knowing the girl dressed in blue was his daughter and probably started the giggling. 
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Entering last, was the chosen girl. The one whose entrance everyone anticipated. Stepping into the dim hall, Mara. Dressed beautifully in the garments Camelia designed and crafted for her. 
Her palms sweaty, and nervous. The outside much more graceful than the inside, Mara felt like she was going to puke. She wanted to run by GODS RUNNING AWAY SOUNDED SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN THIS
But it was her duty….what would her mother say?? She was doing this for her, and her family. As she continued to walk down the aisle Mara couldn’t help but miss her parents.
The warm smile of her mother and the strong hugs and words of affirmation she used to give. Her father’s kind but determined voice telling her that she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. She missed them….she wished they were here, encouraging her..telling her that everything would be just fine.
She thought all these things to herself, then stopping at the platform her aunts looking down at her with so much pride and hope. Mara knelt as Leader Amaryllis started whispering the sacred prayer, Akane’s token held high above her head as the words of blessing in their native tongue were whispered on her lips. 
Amaryllis finally unhooking the clasp and attaching it around Mara’s neck her aunt tilted her chin up by her fingers with a proud smile. “I’m so very proud of you,” Amaryllis whispered.
Amaryllis was never one for feelings of any kind. So when Mara heard those words and saw her smile, she knew her Aunt was telling the absolute truth. Mara did well.
In fact, she did very well!!
That approving gaze and smile was all she needed to make her believe, for that moment, that she was ready for this weight that seemed to settle on her as soon as the little necklace hung around her neck. 
As Mara rose from her kneeling, Amaryllis composed herself as if that split moment of actual emotion was never there presenting her nice before the eyes of their goddesses and people. “GREAT COUNCIL OF OUR PEACEFUL NATION!” Leader Amarylis’s commanding voice boomed, “I PRESENT TO YOU OUR CHOSEN LEADER! MAY THE GODDESSES LIGHT HER PATH WITH COURAGE, WISDOM, AND POWER!”
Amaryllis raised her arms to her court as Mara stood before the council with her head lifted high, although her eyes flickered with anxiety. 
“AND WHEN HER TIME COMES MAY THE GODDESSES CHOOSE HER TO CARRY OUR PEOPLE INTO A BRIGHTER FUTURE!” The council cheered in response, “WE ACCEPT HER SHOULD THE GODDESSES CHOOSE HER!! LONG MAY SHE REIGN!” ~~~ The party and celebration went on without a hitch! Camelia got very drunk and ended up staying the night at some unknowing suitor’s home, which was not surprising to any of the family.
Amaryllis went to bed as soon as making the required appearance was met. She wasn’t a fan of parties, or rather any fun for that matter. 
Lilija made sure everything went according to plan after Amarylis went to bed, she even straightened out the beginnings of a drunken fight between a Hylian and a Healer. Lilija of course escorted the Healer to the infirmary while she healed the Hylian instantaneously with her magic. Although it seemed all the authority had excused themselves to other matters the celebrating did not stop, even the guard was off duty and spent their time drinking laughing, and singing harvesting songs with tankards in hand. The same songs their ancestors, and even the people still sang today while harvesting their herbs from the hanging farmland built into the side of the mountainous valley the Healer Capital was birthed in. 
As Mara laid in her bed the echoes of joyful singing rang in her head as she drifted off to sleep with a smile. Although she was forced to socialize without Link by her side, she still had a good time. Which she spent in the courtyard of the palace, watching the dancers and various magical shows of the many other talented citizens of the city.
Her head full of good dreams and the Healer CIty went to sleep for the night, all windows dark and the mood shining at its full beauty, there was an unsettling air that started to settle, even Din’s fiery light flickered and went out as the winds of change kicked up and swept through the palace or more specifically in the room of their newly Chosen. The call
There it was again…
Like a beautiful call to war, or an eery temptation the sound echoed and interrupted the slumber Mara had just started to drift into. She pushed the noise away, turning over in her blankets trying to fall back asleep. Again the voice called out to her, a bit louder. Mara groaned and snuggled her head beneath her pillow, hoping that would stop the intrusion into her pleasant dream. 
But the determination of this call penetrated all logic and shattered the state of unconsciousness that Mara really wanted to fall into. With a frustrated sigh, she sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking sleepily around the room. “I can hear you,” Mara mumbled. “I don’t want any trouble I just want to sleep.” 
Looking around the room, seeing as it was still empty, and yet the curtains that swayed with the eerie wind, the wind beckoning her to leave her room and into the hall. 
“Whoever you are…” 
Giving in to the voice’s alluring demand she slid off her bed, her white nightgown joining the curtains in their trembling dance. Mara peered into the hallway, it was empty, dark, and quiet. A little too quiet for Mara’s liking.
The call tempted her father into the hall, she followed the call that seemed to resonate and shake her soul pulled her body outside of the palace. Not in the courtyard, but in one of the side entrances. It was like a secret meeting as if whoever was calling her wanted to lure Mara in private. Like an assassin, or thief in the night. Mara’s breath hitched out of a new fear from her anxiety’s newly formed thoughts. Even still she followed. “What do you want? Is this a trap?” As if whatever this call was could sense her unease, a trail of Healer Flowers, her people’s symbol, appeared and lead her exactly in the direction in which the alluring call in Mara’s heart wanted to go. Mara’s eyes grew wide as her mind tried to make sense of what it was seeing, and what magic was being displayed. “Honorable Goddesses…” she exclaimed quietly, “Hylia is this your doing?” She touched the token that hung around her neck, there was no answer, she followed farther into the unknown. The voice guided her farther up the mountain and to The Great Thorn wall. The wall that secluded their city from whatever the outside world held. There the path that was once lit faded behind Mara and trapped her in a ring of Healer Flowers. Mara does a quick turn to determine the fact that she was indeed in the center of these flowers.
The voice echoed its trill
Mara waited silently for something else to happen. The notes the voice sang echoed again, begging her to sing. Without thinking for one second she sang the melody the calling had been repeating to her. The call harmonized with her as Mara sang with it. As she sang the golden flowers, Mara noticed, they were releasing their pollen, at first in a gentle sprinkle, and then in a thicker sheet as Mara felt herself fill with magic. Is this supposed to happen after The Choosing??
Are the Goddesses asking her to lead NOW??!!
OF ALL TIMES NOW?? Before her mind could swell with more anxiety Mara was given several obscure visions. She seemed to run on another force as she was frightened but the song still carried out through her lungs without any interruption. War
A land scorched, hurt, and trampled by battle, she could feel the very earth in the vision weep in sorrow and pain. 
A towering king with fiery hair and yellow eyes and his queen, wise and sure. She looked an awful lot like some of the paintings her people displayed in their palace. Several Other figures she didn’t recognize but all of them stood in front of the king and queen. 
The Three Goddesses. Din Nayru
And Farrore, split in half with a single swipe of a blade.
And Spring, with petals of pink, new life, and a promise for a bountiful harvest. That image stayed strong in Mara’s head as she sang, the power that seemed to course through her veins grew in its potency and Mara had no way to channel it, it was too much. She was a weak Healer as it was and this divine power, if she couldn’t get it out of her system fast, it could tear her apart from the inside out. As she belted a final note, all of that power was released. Mara forcing her hands down and a forceful golden flash scattered across the space. The divine power leaving her and Mara felt normal once more. The Healer Flowers disappeared as if they were never there, to begin with. Mara stood there, panting. She...she wasn’t dead, she even pinched herself to prove it. Mara lifted her head from staring at the ground, her jaw-dropping and her blue eyes glowing with excitement as she saw what laid before her. The Great Thorn Wall had been compromised.
As there, caused by Mara’s blast of power, stood a small gash in the wall. It was enough for a horse and rider to pass through. Whatever mysterious call she followed and whatever divine power it gave her in that moment, it gave her and Link their guaranteed safe passage to the kingdoms beyond the Healer Capital. If there even were Kingdoms anymore in the land beyond.
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the-soupiest-artist · 4 years
For My Children (Empty Quiver)- The Arcana Fanfiction
Julian Devorak x Mc (Lyra)
Short story (Written in Julian’s POV)
Warnings: None
In a black leather journal, stained with seawater and worn,several short accounts were written down. All important all precious. All a gift from a father to his children.
(I was thinking about this idea, what if Julian wrote down several random stories about his children in their early child hood and such?p.s this is the true universe where the only children of Lyra and Julian who survive are Ella and Ivan.)
I remember it well, the day that everything changed. Auburn leaves clung to rough branches awaiting to be carried away with one gentle gust of wind, Autumn was coming to a close and winter was drawing near. Lyra and I were in Ersailles, on the grim occasion of her Uncle, Jean-Burte and his funeral. Lyra was 9 months pregnant at the time, I'll have to admit seeing my petite wife haul around another human inside of her was quite the comedic image. I always had intentions to draw her in this state, but she would never allow it, threatening me in the way that heavily pregnant women do. it was hard for her to do pretty much anything at this point, but her time being with child was met with such joy for all in itself. 9 months was the greatest accomplishment in our venture of trying to start a family. Her cousin, Percy, had been seeing to her health, since I had been far too stressed in the matter to take it upon myself.
Finn and Bèa had invited me out for drinks that early evening, Lyra stayed behind for she wished to do anything but leave the estate. We went and had such a grand time, however I was not drinking my usual fill for reasons to this day I cannot conjure. But gods am I glad I didn’t, for bursting through the dark tavern doors was none other than Mia. My wife’s best friend, handmaid to The Peacock Estate, and wife to Bèa. She was quite the sight running towards us in a wild frenzy out of breath, as she explained to me that my wife had gone into labor. All four of us ran out the door and bolted for the estate, come to think of it I don’t even think we paid our tab, but there were more pressing things on my mind as we burst through the doors of the mansion. Caleb greeted us at the door and explained the situation. Lyra was in the care of her mother, who wasn’t taking the situation well, and word had already been sent to Percy. Although all of us knew full and well that he wouldn’t get here in time. The fate of my unborn child rested in my hands, and in all of my years of being a physician I had delivered hundreds of children before, but something happens to you when you have to deliver your own child. I told Mia exactly what I needed before rushing upstairs to relieve Mabel from tending to Lyra.
Oh how scared she was, I could see it in her eyes, and she had every right to be. We both had lost so much, we both agreed that if this one died and that would be the end of it. We would be crazy bird parents for the rest of our lives.
After what seemed like endless hours of sweat, blood, and tears. It happened everything changed when a single cry broke the tension and the rioting wailes of my wife. A perfectly healthy girl was born to me and my beloved Lyra. She was perfect in every way possible as I stared into her eyes and she stared into mine. Nothing else in the world mattered at that point, all of the wrong things I did in my life, and everything I ever forgave myself for, just melted into oblivion. All that mattered was her, the sweet little girl I held in my arms, it was like a dream, something I never thought I could have, but was staring me right in the eyes and mine to keep forever. I had the greatest honor, of bringing her into this world with my own two hands, I just couldn’t believe it, and that was when I started to weep tears of the purest joy I had ever felt. I had only cried these tears twice in my life, when I first saw Lyra in her gown in white, and in this moment as I held the future of everything that I would ever be in my arms. Lyra was far too exhausted to even speak, but seeing me in tears and the quiet bundle in her arms brought several worries to her heart. She thought our child had died, she thought that she had cried her first and then slipped silently into hands of death within minutes of her birth like we were so used to seeing time and time again. But when I looked up and at my wife I smiled at her and breathed these words through my weeping, “Are you ready to be a mother Lyr?” After that both of us were in tears. I could tell as soon as I placed our dearest treasure in Lyra’s arms that she felt the exact same joy as I had, and perhaps even more. We both just stared at her for hours on end, watching her sleep and awaken. We remarked on her bright eyes and little hands. I would tease Lyra and tell her that their hands were about the same size, we’d both laugh and then go back to just sitting in silence. Our first born, who we later named Elluskkah Lyra, drew her first breath in Ersallies and was brought into the world under unplanned circumstances. All of the hurt, and pain we went through, was all worth it in the end. For my beloved wife Lyra and I had cheated death once again, and that was something we were all too familiar with.
But that’s another story.
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