#the stag and sea whip were ancient creatures have lived very looooong years come on
ryoryeonggu · 1 year
So, speaking of season 3... I'm curious about what would be Mal's storyline in the next season. The guy just found out about his family and his amplifier status just one day ago before he decided to die and literally died. So when he finally gets on his own and has time to heal, has time to process things, would he be interested in learning more about his root? Morozova family? Since their story still tied to "consequence of using merzost", "creating amplifiers" and Shadow Summoners, which will also tie to dark!Alina arc in season 3 (and possibly potential solutions). Besides, Mal has spent time studying and reading stuff when he searched for the Firebird (I wish they had shown us more about it) and that's how he learnt about Sankta Neyar and the Neshyener Sword. He might have time to do a little side mission before (or while) he and the crew are trying to find out what the heck of a mess are happening in Ravka xD
And since he brought back to life by merzost (the same thing that Baghara's father did to bring back her sister), what will happen to him now? What is he now? What is the consequence of using merzost that Baghra has warned them about, is it truly just about Alina? So many questions.
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