#the streams are stupid
starlit-mansion · 7 months
there's something so poetic about coyote vs acme being the thing that causes wb's 'the producers' ass scheme of shitcanning movies for tax breaks to blow up in their face and cause them to turn to the camera, blink twice, and dissolve into a little pile of ash that their eyes fall down into with a little bounce
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cemeterything · 2 months
i've said this before but it's an endless source of amusement to me how hypocritical and petty the interpersonal drama between the tma avatars is... our noble patrons of the dread powers vs. their sicko cultists. that being said there is definitely something uniquely fucked in the head about the ones that kept larping as regular guys at their day jobs instead of quitting all that to psychologically torture people with magic tricks.
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yurucamp · 3 months
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daily-odile · 5 months
idk if you've watched any of Jello's ISAT streams but
Odile wearing Jordans
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based on that one twitter post
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transgenbur · 2 years
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hold hands, everyone. one last time.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Design notes (+ a little Portal clownery)
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randomminty · 9 months
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If i dont get that eevee bag ill die in the next 5 seconds im serious
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riddle-of-the-model · 10 months
eli gemstone answered the age old question
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incrediblysincere · 8 months
if anyone on this website used a shred of critical thinking for one second they'd come to the conclusion that reports of hamas mass raping women is an obvious lie to turn support against the palestinian cause. israeli news has already admitted to lying about hamas beheading 40 babies. there is no substantive evidence for any rapes. israeli propaganda is utilising your own prejudices about muslim men as violent misogynists against you. one israeli hostage (a woman with children!!) testified on israeli tv that she was treated very well and the kidnappers promised they wouldnt hurt her. of course it's terfs eating up this shit too. there's nothing more powerful than a white woman as victim narrative. as though the israeli state hasn't been committing horrific sex crimes against palestinian women, children, and men for decades.
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couchsterfield · 2 months
the joke where a character says "im NOT going to do x" and then cut to them doing x is so unfunny and overdone EXCEPT if its jerma doing the ringlight bit
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wiggly-round-worm · 1 year
I’ll be honest i HATE the way the QSMP fanbase is treating Gegg and Tallulah. Like Gegg literally just appears, bro hasn’t done a single thing and people start talking about how they want him to die 😭 ?? And Tallulah starts feeling insecure trough no fault of Gegg and the Gegg tag just EXPLODES with hate. I’m a big petty baby and i don’t like seeing /neg in the tags bro. It just kinda feels like tallulahs the golden child who can do no wrong and Geggs the scapegoat who’s blamed for everything, and i feel like people are already taking it too far
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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mikaikaika · 1 year
Quackity : Chilling after unleashing his social experiment on the ccs
Meanwhile Cellbit :
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toasteaa · 4 months
Neuvillette is in love with the concept of love; he just never thought he'd experience the complexity of it himself. Or rather, he'd never thought you'd make him experience it like this.
Of course, that in itself is a rather broad concept. He's not unfeeling; he knows what certain aspects of love feel like, or at least, what humans around him have described as love. If you were to ask anyone that observes him with a human's eye, they'd tell you "Monsieur Neuvillette loves a lot of things".
"Monsieur Neuvillette loves the melusines, I always see him talking to them!" - not untrue, but not so much love as it is a general appreciation in his eyes. And much less the kind of love he has in mind. "Monsieur Neuvillette loves water the most! He has cabinets full of imported bottles in his office!" - elements of truth and fancy. A necessary (if a bit self indulgent) requirement for his continued health. You wouldn't go as far as to say you love air, would you? The concept is the same.
No, when Neuvillette thinks of love it's the kind he sees in couples on the streets of Fontaine. Hands held fast together, or a guiding hand in the small of one's back. Shy smiles and ruddy cheeks. Parted lips and gleaming eyes; a hopeful and expectant look before a kiss. The very image of romance that Lady Furina's novels would outline - novels that he's sure at this point, were left in his office by the former Archon in order to...guide him in a way.
And what poor guides those proved to be when it came to these...affections he has for you.
In those stories, it was simple. Understandable to an extent. The numerous versions and retellings of the same themes and tropes created a kind of cadence in his mind; an easy to digest pattern where one act of courting follows another in a beat-by-beat fashion. It's formulaic. An art perfected by years of practiced and perfected behaviors only menially guided by instinct.
Then why, Neuvillette often finds himself wondering, is it so difficult when it comes to applying that same formula to you?
Is it his tone? His behavior? Or has he made a general mistake with his leaps in assuming you might feel the same way as him? Your relationship with him is far less professional than when it started, yes, but that is the nature of working with someone long term. The expectation of professionality can only last so long, even with someone of his standing. This is something he's accustomed to. These developing feelings are not.
Even his attempts at more directly physical advances have proved unfruitful. If anything, the way you startled and stammered before returning to your work after he'd merely brushed a stray hair from your temple dissuaded him from ever attempting such a thing again.
And yet...the hint of heat in your cheeks at the action made him curious. Makes him...hopeful. If he was reading this correctly (and on his name as the Sovereign did he hope he was reading this correctly) then that could mean...well, it could imply mutual attraction.
Which has lead him to his current dilemma. He's spent days debating with himself, weighing his options, and attempting to reason that this warmth he feels around you is enough to allow him a brief break in his impartiality.
But then if he breaks here, where else would he break?
And would it be so wrong if he did? To pursue you, to court you, love you -
It stirs other emotions in him. Ones of excitement, of rage, of something deep and primal in his chest that has been buried deep after centuries of solitude - even amongst the people of Fontaine.
He wants this. He wants to experience this budding love in all its confusing facets. Wants to test the waters he's grown so accustomed to guarding and let himself feel something so innately alien to him. So...human.
Perhaps this is a trial left in place specifically for himself. To love and to be loved in return...it's almost enough to make him cry.
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bistaxx · 6 months
Everyone else qsmp pov watchers:
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q!Quackity, q!Roier, and q!Bad pov watchers:
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joansblondells · 2 years
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hellcheer as textposts (pt 10/?)
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