#the suggestive and kissy faces were accidents but i thought they were funnier
nyaskitten · 1 year
misakhoe ❌🤢❌🤮❌🤮❌🤮❌🤮❌🤮❌
milfsako ✔😍✔💖✔😏✔😙✔💞✔😜✔
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slimysnaildaddy · 4 years
Please. We need MC with Tourette's and the brothers/undateables all reacting. Bonus if it's Chaotic!MC.
(For context I told the person asking this to send me this prompt bc I have tourette’s but feel weird abt writing shit on here without being prompted, this isn’t just some random person coming into my askbox like LETS JOKE ABOUT DISABLED PEOPLE i genuinely have TS and told them to do it please don’t flame silver here because he lovely and deserves only good things)
HELL. YES. Get ready for chaos. And I’ll be very careful not to hit the stereotypes, but I am one of the 10% who exhibits coprolalia (the much-lauded swearing symptom of Tourette's, literally meaning “Poop-speak” in Greek) so expect some of that. It should also be noted that I, personally, am completely fine with jokes about tics or laughing when they make for good situational humor, but mocking someone for having tics is a BIG no-no. This does not represent the TS community as a whole and you should always ask the person what level of joking they’re okay with.
I didn’t do all the undateables but this is ridiculous and self-indulgent anyway so no one cares.
The first time he heard MC tic, it was when he was coming into the HOL after MC had been brought there by Mammon. He heard this puny human shout “SON OF A DONKEY WHORE” at the top of their lungs and automatically assumed they were in the process of being eaten by Beel or something of that nature, so he power walked (though he will deny it later) to their room only to find them casually re-arranging pillows and giving themself an occasional smack to the chest or making a strange yipping sound, perfectly safe.
Once MC explained it to him he simply sighed and came to the conclusion that this is going to be a long, long year.
He does get headaches sometimes, so he’s snapped at MC to keep it down once or twice and gotten chewed out as a result. It really isn’t something you can help, and MC makes that very clear.
Lucifer learned not to say anything of that nature, because somehow MC’s wrath is even worse than Satan’s.
He occasionally finds it hard to tell if MC is having a tic or causing problems intentionally. He wonders if they’re doing that on purpose. He is correct. He wonders if he can stop them. He is incorrect.
After he gets more comfortable with MC and learns the boundaries he will make jokes related to their tics.
“My hovercraft is full of eels!” “Perhaps you should invest in eel-catching equipment.”
If they’re having a bad day where they can’t stop hitting themself or might injure themself because of some of the more unpleasant tics, he will ask them if they need help with something, like a cushion.
Actually cracks up at some of the funnier tics. One time MC got him to spit coffee all over Diavolo with a perfectly timed tic. It was glorious.
Will facepalm if they say/do something particularly inappropriate.
First time he heard (or rather, saw) MC tic it was when he was unlocking the door to the HOL for them for the first time and they made a loud whooping noise and clapped very loudly.
Naturally this startled the shit out of him cause he’s a pissbaby lol. MC didn’t say anything about it cause they were too busy expecting to be murdered by this powerful demon lord who has been just this side of hostile to them ever since meeting them. They didn’t know he’s a pissbaby yet.
After a little while they mentioned “Oh hey i’ve got tourette’s” and here’s how THAT went.
MC: Yeah, I have Tourette’s Syndrome so if I start saying or doing weird stuff-
Mammon: WAIT. Isn’t that the swearing disease. (sighhh)
MC: *deep sigh* only 10% of us have coprolalia-
Mammon, barely remembering ancient Greek: WAIT SO YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS-
Satan tries correcting him but MC cuts him off like “no no, i want him to keep thinking that it’s funny as fuck”
Mc then proceeds to torment Mammon by threatening to shit on his belongings. Keeps him from stealing their wallet.
Literally takes him until he makes a pact with them to get the proper explanation (and to get roasted for making that assumption in the first place)
100% jokes with MC about their tics.
Still gets startled by the more sudden/loud ones and has jumped into Beel’s arms bc of this.
First time they did a tic in front of him was when they were trying to figure out how to find Goldie.
“Maybe we should look in the- *starts smacking chest repeatedly* GARGOYLES GARGOYLES ughhh hang on this is gonna take a few minutes to stop GARGOYLES GARGOYLES”
Levi: *white guy blinking gif*
They do not look in the gargoyles.
MC explains it to him and he’s just like “OH I’VE SEEN MOVIES WITH THAT”
MC stares off into the distance like a character from The Office
He ends up being responsible for them having MULTIPLE tics where they imitate anime attack calls or gestures, peppered with occasional magical girl transformation lines.
They say rurin in a cutesy little voice every 5 minutes for a whole week and everyone’s glaring at Levi the whole time.
Thinks some of their tics are REALLY CUTE AND ANIME and is not shy about saying this.
MC: ugh, you know this is a GENUINE DISABILITY, right?
Levi: omg i’m sorry
MC: lol i’m just fucking with you- RURIN~!
He noticed MC being a bit twitchy from the moment they arrived, but simply assumed they were nervous and a bit flinchy because of that. Of course, they totally were nervous but also their brain was just like “time to clench all of your muscles at once instead of paying attention to this very important conversation”.
After that he just notices more and more, and honestly he probably reads a lot so it’s likely he already knows about Tourette’s or similar tic disorders, it’s entirely possible that he asks them about it or mentions it casually in conversation.
Is honestly fascinated by their tics and what can trigger them, when they’re more or less frequent, things that cause them to get better or worse, etc etc. MC may have to actually tell him to stop treating them like a case study.
Or, even better, they may just intentionally fuck up his observations.
Knows a thing or two about how it feels to not be able to control yourself when upset. Whenever MC gets a tic attack he’s ready. He looked this up.
Tries not to crack up when they say or do objectively funny shit but sometimes a tic is times just PERFECTLY and he can’t help but snort.
The first time he heard them tic it was a mild disaster.
“Kissy poo~”
“nonono wait-”
Thinks some of the tics are cute and will absolutely let MC know. Even if they tell him to fuck off lol.
He sees a nasty bruise from one of MC’s more unpleasant tics (eg: chest smacking, slamming their head/arm into something on accident from a flailing tic) and doesn’t just have a cow, he has the entire damn pasture. MC simply CANNOT have such marks on their gorgeous skin! Don’t worry, he’s got creams and makeup for that :^)
Is a little too enthusiastic about offering to help MC relax if they’re having a bad tic day. He suggests massages. Massages are always good.
He’s happy to provide the massages.
Please MC let him give you a massage.
First time he saw them tic it was during breakfast and they whistled very loudly right next to him.
His poor ears :( how could you hurt him in this way MC
Once they explained it he was like “Oh. Okay.” and moved on with his life.
He gets the whole “having urges to do shit you shouldn’t do” aka eating something he shouldn’t. He does his best to distract MC if they’re having bad tics.
mc: oh sorry i just need to touch something haha tourette’s is wild right *full on grabs beel’s chest* beel: :?
MC can ask him to restrain them if they’re having a really bad time with stuff and he’s more than strong enough to help lol. UNLIKE MY MOTHER SORRY MOM
Always apologizes if he accidentally triggers a tic.
MC starts climbing on him. Tourette’s compels them. He allows it. Jungly gym beel?
No lie I have a tic that’s just me saying “I eat worms!” in a cutesy voice and- IMAGINE
First time he saw them tic it was while he was still in the attic, they started jerking their head around during a late night visit and he was like what the fuck are you doing-
Thought it was incredibly annoying at first. I don’t blame him honestly. Tourette’s more like Annoying Asshole syndrome am i right (haha that internalized ableism)
Subtly triggered their tics intentionally cause haha stupid human
Once he got out of the attic and made friends with MC properly he was just kind of like “oh that was pretty shit of me wasn’t it”
Honestly doesn’t know how to help so he just ignores it lol.
The one time he tries to help them when they’re having a bad tic day he makes them take a nap with him because clearly if they’re asleep they can’t tic, right?
Surprise! They still can. Enjoy the knee to the stomach, B.
Encourages them to use their powers for evil. Like telling them to spill something on Lucifer and claim it was because of their Tourette’s.
Note: don’t do that, mc only obliges bc this is chaotic mc. TS not a toy etc etc
Read that MC had tourette’s on their file, but honestly didn’t know what it was. Probably just assumed it was a heart condition or something, so when MC comes over for the retreat him and Dia are not expecting the tics.
The first time they tic in front of him it was at the retreat. He had just served them tea and tourette’s said yeeting time and they chucked the teacup. It hit him in the forehead. Tea all over his face. His hair. His suit. The wall. The floor. Maybe some on Diavolo too. He’s both impressed by their aim and wanting to fucking die.
Mammon is howling with laughter.
MC explains it to him while he’s still dripping with tea and he just smiles in a very strained manner and goes to get changed and wash his hair.
At the retreat when MC and Solomon make human food, he quickly learns that MC should not be around sharp Devildom knives. Or a stove. Or anything dangerous.
Gets weirdly protective over them, especially if they DO end up handling potentially dangerous stuff.
Keeps trying to find better ways to serve them drinks so they don’t break all the fine china, like plastic cups with lids. Stuff still gets spilled everywhere so he tries to get them a travel mug. The handle snaps and the lid leaks. Eventually gets them a sippy cup for toddlers, which works wonders. MC thinks it’s hysterical and makes him put a label on it with their name.
He seriously considers investing in Gyro Bowls as well.
After MC accidentally turned a platter with a soup bowl on it into an impromptu catapult with a poorly aimed table smack, he does just that.
One time they mention having a very strong urge to put their hand over a burning candle and he makes sure no candle is ever near them in the palace.
honestly i have too many ideas for barbatos so he’s getting a whole ass fic.
The teacup incident was also the first time HE learned the true nature of Tourette’s syndrome. Once the whole deal was explained (and he knew mc wasn’t maliciously throwing things at Barbatos) he thought it was the funniest shit.
Bless his heart honestly.
Tries to not laugh at first bc he thinks it’s probably disrespectful. Meanwhile MC is cackling like a mad scientist bc they dabbed for the 343643th time today and Lucifer looks like he’s about to blow a gasket as a result.
Lowkey I can kind of see him as being one of those “Oh my goodness you are so BRAVE for going through this” meanwhile mc stares off into space like they’re on the office
Is astounded at all the unique challenges humans have to go through meanwhile MC is yeeting cups at barbatos
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