#the swiss go to germany... etc etc etc
haldanare · 5 months
The only true pan European experience is going to a neighboring country to buy booze
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evaskjew · 6 months
HL headcanon : life in the 19th century
I was doing some historical research in order to make a family tree (for an OC for a fanfiction in the Hogwarts Legacy universe) because I'm a stickler for historical detail (It's not at all because I'm a history professor) and I thought it might be nice to share this for anyone who's interested.
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Social transformations of the 19th century
HL takes place at the end of the Victorian era in UK, a historical period marked by the Industrial Revolution. Thanks to this revolution, many transformations appeared and developed in Europe:
The railway network in UK in the 1840s (at the time of HL, the Hogwarts Express was still something new and must have caused a scandal among the purebloods, who were no doubt scandalised that one of the latest Muggle technical innovations was being used to take students to the castle).
The gradual disappearance of proto-industry and the decline of workshops, particularly in the textile industry, which were replaced by the emergence of factories (spinning mills) in the towns. In addition to economic and social upheaval (emergence of a new social class: the working class), the Industrial Revolution was marked by a major rural exodus. People left the countryside to go to the cities to find work.
Cities then grow by welcoming a whole new population (whole families leave the countryside for the city). To meet this demographic challenge, we note the emergence of working-class neighborhoods that are developing in large cities. These neighborhoods are usually located next to factories.
The living conditions in his neighborhoods were not the greatest luxury (insalubrity, pollution of factories, poverty wages, etc.). It is enough to read some social surveys carried out at the time (such as that of Villermé in 1840 for France) to realize that living in the nineteenth century marked by this industrial revolution was not necessarily the best. In fact, the city of London was so polluted that a permanent fog hung over the city. In 1858, The Great Stink took place, which was the origin of the installation of sewage systems throughout the city (here again it can be assumed that in HL, the system of pipes to evacuate waste water from toilets and toilets is almost a novelty (toilets having become standard from 1840)). 
In short, all the transformations linked to the Industrial Revolution during the 19th century suggest that life expectancy at that time must not have been very high.
Life expectancy
For my OC, I chose to make her a member of the French wizarding family Rosier. And then being French myself, that’s it.
The situation in France in 1891 was essentially the same as in England (the Industrial Revolution having spread throughout Europe, what happened in England was observed elsewhere).
I managed to find graphs showing the evolution of life expectancy in France. I guess it was more or less the same for the UK.
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Graph showing life expectancy at birth in Switzerland, France, Germany and Austria. In the 19th century, life expectancy was around 43 years.
Source : Swiss Life, La révolution de la longévité, 29 mars 2016.
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Graph showing life expectancy in France from 1720 to 2020. The blue curve shows the life expectancy of men and the orange curve that of women. Here too the average is around 43 years.
Source: INED (French national institute for demographic studies)
Motherhood in the 19th century
To create the family tree, I had to look up the average age at which women gave birth. As life expectancy is low, women give birth at higher rates. In addition, the infant mortality rate was high at the time (medicine wasn't really that good, plus questionable hygiene standards).
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Table showing the average age of childbirth among single women. We note that during the second half of the 19th century, women gave birth most at ages 20 and 24.
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Women in the 1830s had their first child at age 23 (compared to around 24 in 1870), their second at 26 (compared to 27 in 1870). We also note that in 1830, women had more children than women in the 1870s/1880s (10% of women had a 3rd child in 1830 compared to 6% in 1870; 6% of women in 1830 had a 4th child compared to 1% in 1870).
Source : BRUNET Guy, « Célibataires et mères de nombreux enfants. Parcours de femmes à Lyon au xixe siècle », Annales de démographie historique, 2010/1 (n° 119), p. 95-114. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-de-demographie-historique-2010-1-page-95.htm 
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Sorry if the documents are in French, but I am French and I am used to doing my research in French university databases.
I hope this could have been useful for those who write fiction in the HL universe and who want to remain consistent with the society of the time. (Well then I think that wizard families lived longer because magic had to help with health problems linked to pollution or other. Thanks to Wiggenweld potions)
I hope my English is clear, I mostly use a translator.
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thebestoftragedy · 3 months
what are some books you liked and disliked so far this year?
So I read a lot (so far this year: 123 books finished, mostly novels), so I have a lot of books I liked and disliked. Let's call this my almost-mid-year year-in-books review. it's long. sorry (?)
5/5 star type books:
2666 by Roberto Bolaño - technically a reread (I read this for undergrad 10+ years ago). Really really good expansive weird dark book. A 'reading experience'. It's about knowledge and power and misogyny and history and academia and murder and death and what it means to have a legacy, and it's also pretty funny.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë - It's Jane Eyre! Not a reread but I was basically familiar with the plot due to basic cultural osmosis (I haven't seen any adaptations of it unless you count gifs on tumblr dot com). Good and fun. Romantic. All the haters are wrong.
4/5 stars, really good but maybe I had some reservations or it just didn't 'hit' the way I wanted:
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin - funny, weird, blah ending
The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith - good but tbh I like the movie better
Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather - good!
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick - weird! fun.
Nightmare Alley by William Lindsay Gresham - fast fun gloomy
White Tears by Hari Kunzru - some awkward setup and bad pacing but a killer ending. stealth horror novel
The White Album/Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion - it's joan didion
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers - quiet people leading lives of quiet desperation, etc.
Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui - I read the whole manga series, I loved the first few volumes, hated most of the rest of the series, and then felt neutrally towards the last one or two volumes.
Looking Glass War, A Small Town in Germany, and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carré - slowly working through all of his books, so far they're all worth reading but I'm not sure I'd be able to 'rank' any particularly far or below the others
The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett - some cringey stuff but a good fun weird sci fi/fantasy murder mystery. it's gonna be a series (maybe just a trilogy?) so I'll read the rest also.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon - killer killer first 60% and then the last 40% was like whatever.
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace - so it took me until page, like, 250 to really get into this, which I can't really forgive. overall I think this is a very good book that mostly justifies its weird formatting/premises/characters, but I would say it does not change my vague impression of the author as someone who fundamentally lacks empathy with women. there are a few chapters of this book (where a 'chapter' can easily be novella-length) that I think are pretty unconscionable. but it's still well done, totally unique, and effective at what it sets out to do. oh also the author gets the DEFCON system wrong and that's a pet peeve of mine. so.
A lot of the Bad books I read were just mediocre romance type novels and not super worth breaking down.
Notably Disappointing/Bad Books, 2/5 stars (where I pretty much hate them or think there's almost nothing worth reading there, but I at least got Something positive out of the experience):
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston - this is a terrible bad stupid book I would have been embarrassed to have written as a 15 year old. but it had a few individual funny scenes/lines so it wasn't totally miserable to read.
The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson - almost incomprehensible sequel to The Traitor Baru Cormorant, which I liked ok/thought was interesting but underbaked. I'll try the third book, but I'm bailing if it's not immediately interesting to me because this was a total slog.
In Memoriam by Alice Winn - I think this got that second star on the merits of basically one good blowjob joke. going in I thought this was going to be more of a serious literary novel and not what it is, which is basically yaoi for twentysomething women who are really into song of achilles or whatever.
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata - I got absolutely nothing out of this. Sorry Women
Murder Road by Simone St. James - wouldn't have been notable except that I used to enjoy this author a lot (when she wrote historical mysteries) and haven't liked her contemporary/more modern stuff as much, and then this was a new low. dull clumsy boring novel.
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley - this got a huuuuuuuge insane marketing push this year and I think has already been optioned for TV (this will be a recurring theme in this list). utter mess of a novel, combines secxually explicit self-insert RPF, wallowing about Being The Child Of An Immigrant, wallowing about Accidentally Doing Microaggressions Against A Coworker, wallowing in general, bad sci-fi, actually pretty good fish-out-of-water time travel comedy, and just general misery for me, personally, the reader. massive massive disappointment, actively makes me angry it was published. did I mention there's a scene of the narrator, who is very clearly the author, getting eaten out by this guy:
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anyway. that happens.
A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck - a few tumblr mutuals loved this, I found the writing style distracting and inapt. it's supposed to be a cerebral type horror, but I couldn't get into it because the aw-shucks narrative voice keeps anything horrifying at a pretty far remove. also you could tell the author Really wanted to show off the Research he did, or like prove to you the reader how smart he is, and I dislike that sort of thing intensely when it's not pulled off well.
The 1 star zone, or: the abyss gazes also:
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas - this is a super-well-known, super-well-loved, often listed as one of the best-of-all-time romance novels, and I just fucking hated every second of it. awful characters, awful plot, I wanted everyone to explode in an iron foundry accident (this happened in a different novel by the author, which also sucked).
Penance by Eliza Clarke - it's a fake true crime novel, very heavily based on a real crime, and it just did not justify its existence in any way. I got Nothing out of it and enjoyed none of it and it had no redeeming qualities for me. moderately offensive for it to exist at all, which I could more or less forgive if it were very good, but it's not.
Disfigured: On Fairytales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc - bad tumblr posts pretending to be an academic type exploration of disability in fairytales, except you can tell the author has only read like 2 essays on the subject (because she only every references 2 other writers) and then watched some disney movies (but not even all of them). really lazy, bad-faith, deeply anti-intellectual. I spent my entire time reading this sending angry messages to @ilovemymutedcalico8487 about how wrong it is and how much it sucks.
My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen - I broke my rule and read a book with the word 'sapphic' in the goodreads description. really inept gothic, really clumsy 2014 tumblr SJW stuff wedged into a story that takes place in midcentury the netherlands, just bad.
Margo's Got Money Trouble by Rufi Thorpe whose name I will NOT mistype as Rupi Kaur even though she might as fucking well be - absolute garbage shit idiot trash for garbage shit idiots. actively loathsome and evil book. soon to be adapted as a tv series starring (and I'm refusing to google to double check this, so I could be completely misremembering, but this this does not deserve care or accuracy) elle fanning and nicole kidman. just don't.
congrats on reading. as a reward, you should go read a book that's good.
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new-berry · 10 months
I never should have gone to bed!
Mikel / Granit NSFW work of fiction etc etc not edited. No warnings :)
Happy early birthday @longeyelashedtragedy unless you hate it, then hold out for Frank and Jamie Jamie Jamie.
Or just type “I hated it” no matter what and pride will compel me to finish Frank and Jamie (there’s magic)
Mistaken for Strangers
As long as you know Mikel loves Granit, and Granit loves Mikel, you know all the important things. There is nothing else you need to know going into this.
You can switch any of the lesser facts to something you understand better or like more. That’s fine. It doesn’t change anything really if they were rugby players instead. It’s just a forty minute half instead of forty-five. Should still work though. Both ball sports.
You don’t need to know the offside rule. You don’t need to have memorised the top goal scorers by season. They don’t even have to be sportsmen, if you don’t want.
It also ends. In every telling it ends. You have to know that as well. The weeks have run out of days.
I want to assure you: You don’t have to know anything else about them to understand this story.
It might be better not knowing some things. For example: it might be better if you didn't know that Mikel was Granit’s boss.
Mikel has dark hair and dark eyes. He ages slowly, he has a scar on his knee that hurts when it rains or when he stands for too long. He’s vain.
Mikel can easily be a blonde though. He could be Michael and have an arm injury that would make typing difficult for long periods, if you’d prefer. He’d still be Granit’s boss. Even if they worked in an office. Even if they were architects.
He’s Spanish. He could be French though, if you think that accent is sexier. (It’s not, but it’s fine if you think that.)
Granit has a temper. Mikel looks like he has one. Mikel looks hot blooded and impetuous. (He might be better as a redhead than a blonde. If he is ‘Michael’ that is.)
He isn’t. Hot blooded or impetuous. He is impatient and slightly arrogant. But he’s quite handsome so he can carry it off. Granit is though, both hot blooded and handsome. (You could make him a little more handsome. You could make his teeth a tiny bit smaller and his chin slightly less prominent.)
Granit is also married. You can skip that, but, It’s important. But it’s fine to pretend.
Mikel is married too. (That isn’t the most important thing through. What is the most important is Mikel loves Granit and Granit loves Mikel and you already know that this ends).
Granit has daughters that he loves. He wouldn’t mind a son, so it’s okay if you give him one instead. Or as well.
They are both dog people, but cats are acceptable. They meet because of football. Fairly important. If you keep this story in London it should be football. And if it is going to stay football in London it should be Arsenal. Along with love, Arsenal is non-negotiable.
Love and Arsenal and endings. This could potentially happen at Chelsea. Definitely not at Spurs. Fundamentally not a West Ham story. This could never have happened at Fulham.
This is a love story where the lovers come second. There was a chance, once, this could have happened at Spurs. But that player never slammed his hand down on that manager's desk. That player never leaned over and sneered in his manager's face. That player never spread his legs wide and sat his ass down on the corner of that manger’s desk with his chin lifted up like “try me.” Maybe he should have.
If you hate England (fair) this could also be Athletico Madrid. If you want them to be drinking beer the night before Granit leaves you can set this in Germany. But it would have to be Dortmund if you did.
Look: I don’t make the rules for love and love and Arsenal and endings. Contracts run out of seasons. I hope you like bees if you move this to Germany. I hope you like the colour yellow.
Mikel is shorter than Granit and he has to press up on his toes to kiss him. Mikel is Spanish (or French) and Granit is Swiss (and Albanian. Or Swedish and Croatian, that could also work).
You can say: the Spaniard pressed up on his toes to kiss the taller Swiss man. You shouldn’t, not because it isn’t true, it’s very true. You just… shouldn’t say things like that.
However, you’ll have to keep that bit now. Not just for the aesthetic, the beauty of how it looks, Mikel the boss, (or the gaffer or the mister) but it also informs the ending. This always ends. It does end with a kiss. But first it ends with Granit turning his head away when Mikel presses up to kiss him.
There are ten years between them and that is perfectly acceptable. They didn’t meet when Granit was young. There isn’t the messiness of say, fifteen year old Granit meeting nearly twenty six year old Mikel.
This isn’t that kind of story. If you wanted it to, it could be. Granit knew about twenty six year old Mikel. If not football - could be Paul Maurice or something he could coach the Panthers - Mikel is still well known.
You could scooch the ages up and down a bit if you like. Granit thirty to Mikel’s forty becoming thirty-one to thirty-nine. Thirty two to thirty eight.
I want you to know, Granit loves Mikel. And Mikel loves Granit. And they both love Arsenal. Eventually.
Sometimes football is just a job, a stopwatch that runs out of seconds. Before Mikel, Arsenal was just a job. So it could be any job. Could be a coffee shop or a call centre.
Granit isn’t the kind of person to just go through the motions but he needed to learn to feel it the right way.
Mikel’s hands are always soft at first and Granit had to learn that first, how to receive softness.
I don’t want to dwell on the ending, even though it’s inevitable. The beginning was beautiful. Cold. Cold like winter and cold like losing. Cold like your own fans turning on you.
Granit sitting on the edge of Mikel’s desk leaning back. Like it was his office, like it was his desk. Mikel stepping between his legs. Like this, Granit leaned back, they are closer in height. Mikel stays off his toes and Granit is caught flat footed. A shy man running out of bravado, a lover running out of bluff.
Desks and offices aren’t made for first times. Too many hard angles, too many corners. Mikel and Granit half stripped, grinding against each other, hands grabbing then trailing away just to grab something else.
Too fast, too awkward, after a ringing threatening silence. A timer running out of time. Then the glossy soft sound of them kissing again.
It didn’t have to be an office. Granit could have stormed into Mikel’s kitchen if he was a cook. Could have slammed his hand down next to the precisely diced onions. Could have fronded each other against a stainless steel bench being careful of the knives.
Or if they were mechanics- they are very good at their jobs if they were mechanics they would be formula one - maybe they would have kissed that first time next to a car jacked up with one tire constantly, lazily rotating. Kissed until the car ran out of racetrack. Until the wheel ran out spins.
There will always be a middle. There will always be a redemption.
Always Granit- Swiss /Albanian - possibly Swedish / Croatian - going from villain to hero. Always eventually accepting the cheers of the crowd.
Granit would always have called Mikel to hear him breath down the line when it could have been a text. Mikel will always slide his fingers into Granit’s hair with its soft curls (or glide his fingers through his long flaxen locks, or smooth his hands across Granit’s shaved head for preference). This will always happen with eternal gentleness.
Even the times they are angry and fuck. Even when Granit is drunk and raging. Even the time when the title has been awarded and they can’t look at each other and they can’t stay away from each other.
Ifyou don’t already know, they didn’t win that title. Even though this is a love story and a redemption story this isn’t a fairy tale. (So it couldn’t have happened at Spurs then).
Mikel will always touch Granit’s hair softly first. They will always break the law to see each other. It might be Covid protocols. It might not be wearing a mask when they are near each other. (Hardly worth a mask is it? When they are breathing messily into each other's mouths and blowing each other in the office in Mikel’s garden.)
If it were some other crime, an elaborate Las Vegas heist when they maybe would have stolen a golden statue and had sex, with it sitting on a side table in a dingy hotel room with a “welcome to fabulous Las Vegas” cap covering the top of it.
If they were in the Mafia perhaps they would have killed someone and gone home to have grim terrified -exhilarated sex with the smell of blood still in the air. If they had committed actual crimes , not just the moral failings, Mikel would still press up on his toes and slide his hands behind Granit’s ears into the softness of his hair.
There is a part before the ending. A part before the race ran out of racers. When it was almost like they could have it all. When they had a trophy almost on their fingertips, and their wives were clueless, and when Granit had looked down in wonderment, his hands planted on the bed next to Mikel’s head. The distant thump of their bodies together, the counterpoint of the headboard. A song running out of beats.
Granit caught in only a sort-of lie. Where was he? With Mikel (cook, mechanic, late night TV host).
What were they doing? Talking about football (menus, wrenches, the Supreme Court).
Why so late? (The season is teetering on the brink, the restaurant is teetering on the brink, democracy is teetering on the brink.) In no universe does Granit consider telling the truth.
‘We made love on the couch. We kissed all the way through. Mikel fucked me, and before he did he used his fingers to make it easier and becuase it feels amazing. Also the season is on the brink and democracy is fading.’
A comedian will run out of jokes. A drunk will run out of excuses. A husband will not run out of wife.
They come second, Arsenal not the wife. And in the early summer Mikel presses up on his toes and Granit turns his head to the side. He gets a new job, he moves to head office, “spends more time with his family”.
I’m sorry. It turns out there is no other story. There is only this Mikel. There is only this Granit. There is only their story. And it ends.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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The real secret behind P-51B/C/D Mustang range
The P-51 Mustang
Controlling the air proved key to controlling the ground. The long-range P-51 Mustang fighter was invaluable to the Allied victory, enabling resumption of strategic bombing after heavy losses suffered by unescorted bombers in 1943. Developed for export to Britain, models modified by the British to use Rolls-Royce Merlin engines became America’s most capable wartime fighters.
In fact, in December 1943 the first Merlin-engined P-51B/C Mustangs entered combat in Europe. These P-51s provided sorely needed long-range, high-altitude escort for the US bombing campaign against Germany.
The P-51D arrived in quantity in Europe in the spring of 1944, becoming the USAAF’s primary long range escort fighter.
Thanks to its ability to excel in long-range escort duty, the Mustang was the first single-engine plane based in Britain to penetrate Germany, first to reach Berlin and first to go with the heavy bombers over the Ploiesti oil fields in Romania.
How was the iconic Mustang able to perform such long-range escort missions? Not because of its drop tanks.
The secret behind P-51B/C/D Mustang range
‘Lots of planes could carry drop tanks: P-47, P-40, P-38, etc.,’ says James Gibson, former MP&P Engineer at Boeing, says on Quora.
‘The real secret to the Mustang’s range was not the laminar flow control wing, or the Merlin engine. It was the addition of a fuselage tank behind the cockpit halfway through production of the P-51B. This additional internal tank increased fuel capacity by 85 gallons: original P-51Bs only had 184 gallons in the wings. The addition increased total fuel to 269 gallons or some 30%. Further adding two 75 gal drop tanks you reached 419 gallons. The later D&H models carried 110 gal drop tanks for 489 gallons.
‘But when you carried so much fuel you had to be aware of which tanks you were using at which point in the flight. On take-off you used the rear fuselage tank. This tank effected the center of gravity of the plane. You didn’t want to tangle with a 109 or a Focke Wulf when carrying fuel in the rear tank. So you burned it first and then switched to the drop tanks about halfway to Berlin.’
Gibson concludes;
‘You would then burn off the drop tanks, hopefully before engaging enemy fighters. But if they struck early you could drop those tanks and thus be clean and maneuverable. This was the fight profile that allowed the Mustangs maximum range and best performance when over target.’
P-51D Mustang print
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. P-51D Mustang “Dorrie R” – 44-63422 / 134, 15th FG, 78th FS “Bushmasters” – 1945
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force
Dario Leone
@TAGC17 via X
Dario Leone is an aviation, defense and military writer. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviation Geek Club” one of the world’s most read military aviation blogs. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. He has reported from Europe and flown Super Puma and Cougar helicopters with the Swiss Air Force.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Thinking that there is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW# but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.
What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world. Q showed us them. Vatican, Buchinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. What about Russia?
Another Post from WhipLash347
Big Pharma in Wuhan = Isreal
Isreal/Khazarians controls CCP.
The Media etc
34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall.
Rods of God
WORLDWIDE over the coming days to Easter. Ending of Biblical Period.
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free energy
34 Satan buildings & dams bombed
Bitcoin Servers trued off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via Military Courts
Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie
The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US.
Attached is Q1871 outlining this.
Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.
Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.
Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.
Israeli intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.
This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.
Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time.
If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.
THE EVENT has many facets too it.
The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.
34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.
They are very significant.
Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.
This will surely make the Stock Market collapse. It is all a show, 99.5% of Crypto's will be removed from existence with the event.
Swapping from Rothschilds Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)
Tomorrow free money stops for backs. Bonds sell of to get off books. Seems all is lined up for scare event...stay safe.
Are we still comfy ?
Or are we scared ?
A little bit of both is normal.
Trump keeps his promises.
Have faith in the Lord Our God.
He will comfort you through the storm.
Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force?
Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too.
If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla.
Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place.
Defender Europe 21 covering Europe & Africa.
Australia has one same time as Defender Europe. US just announced involvement.
Its all happening in front of you.
It's a GLOBAL MILITARY Operation
Transition to Gesara.
Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.
This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.
- Benjamin Fulford
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16 and 18 for the fic asks :333 <33!!
kirpy, my brain is swiss cheese and i saw this this morning but i still had some cleaning to do and i forgot until now. asdfhkasdlf
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
All the time. In the end, I do write stuff usually that appeals to me, with my hc's included, so I read back a lot. Especially with OC fics. There are some fics I wrote as requests etc, that I don't look at anymore (iykwim)
18. Do you only write when you’re inspired, or do you try and sit down at specific times and write no matter what?
I used to write everyday in the afternon from like 1pm to like 3-4pm (slowly), but since I've returned from Germany I've written almost nothing and just lazed around really. I'm thinking of writing something again tonight and I really do have to write tomorrow, but I've kind off enjoyed my time off in a way.
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hey we need your help
we need some shows for ‚the monsters‘
Swiss Chainsaw massacre LOFI Super Trash Garage One Riff Rock Boy Group !!!
02.11.23 ? FR
03.11.23 ? FR
04.11.23 ? FR
05.11.23 ? FR
06.11.23 ? FR
07.11.23 DE - Karlsruhe
08.11.23 DE - Frankfurt
09.11.23 BE/NL ?
10.11.23 NL - Eindhoven
11.11.23 BE/NL/DE?
Line up:
Beat-Man – Guitars/Vocals
Janosh – Bass/Shout
Swain Lee – Drums
Pumi -Coaxial Jackson
We are 4 People on the Road
The Monsters exist since 1986 touring Tours in Europe, Japan, South East Asia, USA, South America, Mexico Eurosonic (NL) CBGB’s (USA) We`re loud Festival (vietnam) Cosmic Trip (FR) Sjock Festival (BE) Muddy Roots(USA) etc
with bands like: the Monks, Exploited, Sonics, Hatebreed, Buzzcocks, Eyehategod, the Crazy world of Arthur Brown, the Goddamn Gallows, kadavar, cock sparrer, Black Lips, the Liminanas, john spencer, Mudhoney, the Mummies
creating their very own music styl.. Chainsaw Massacre Garage Punk mixed up One Riff Rock Trash
The Monsters is a 3-piece Band, formed 1986 in Bern, capital of Switzerland. Their sound is a fuzzedout mix between 60ies garage punk, wild teenage trash rockabilly and primitive rock‘n‘roll and black metal boogie. Its 187% no MTV and top 100 shit! It is simple One-Ri - Trash-Rock.
Besides the countless shows in Switzerland The Monsters played extensive tours through Europe including Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Austria, England, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia and Spain and more. They toured Argentina, Brasil, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, USA and Mexico. The Monsters are a kickass live band who will burn every stage down. They were on the same bill with acts like Guitar wolf, The Monks, The Sonics, Ty Segall, Black lips and many more. They played Venues/Festivals like CBGBs (USA) or le Guess who Festival (Nl) as well as countless DIy punk holes.
Over the years The Monsters recorded 10 albums. Tons of Singles and EP‘s and apeared on countless compilations. The lP „youth Against Nature“ was recored in the now famous Toe Rag Studios (london) by liam watson. „I See Dead People“ came with a 1000-piece puzzle, booklet, sticker and button. „Garage Punk Vol. 1“ is a double lP with 20 years of trash. The newest recording is „you‘re Class, I‘m Trash“, release date mid November 2021. Besides Voodoorhythm Records, the lP will be relased also on Sounds Of Subterrania (DE) and on Slovenly Records (USA) in a swiss-german version.
The Monsters appear on Voodoorhythm Records, Switzerland. Voodoorhythm is run by Beat- Man, who is the singer and guitar player of The Monsters. Beat-Man played - and still plays - in other projects like lightning Beat-Man, Reverend Beat-Man, Die Zorros and some more.
...go see them live on stage... they blow your brain away with lots of chainsaw massacre garage punk and primitive one-ri rock‘n‘roll trash...
cONTacT aNd iNfO
bandcamp: https://the-monsters.bandcamp.com
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Lidernenhütte to Friedrichshafen via Zurich
We awoke in the morning to find it was still storming and wondered about how our hike out was going to go, if the tram would run in bad weather, etc... On check in the hut had mentioned if we left out an empty bottle they would fill it with “syrup” overnight and that 1 L of syrup was included in our reservation. Matt decided to test the limits and left out and empty 1.5 L bottle and we were pleased to find in filled to the brim in the morning. We think the syrup turns out to be a sports drink of sorts that mostly tasted like sweet tea with a little fruit flavor as well. We scarfed down a breakfast of cold oatmeal and bread with jam/butter and then had he rain miraculously stop in time for our hike out. The kids did great on the short 15 min hike on a wet trail and we were all fired up to see at least 3 slimy looking jet-black salamanders which we later learned are “alpine salamanders” native to the alps. We were also very excited to see the tram coming up as we made our way towards the top station as this indicated to us it was indeed running despite the weather (we had a 3ish hour hike out if it wasn’t running or we missed our bus connection at the bottom, with no other bus for 4 more hours). We got to the top, where there had been a whole family of people hanging out and seemingly running the tram the day prior, to find…no one! We again loitered around a bit unsure how to make the tram go, then decided to try the telephone on the wall. Matt was able to speak with the same grandma lady from the day before (he thinks) who told him the tram would go down at 8, so we sat in the tram and waited…until at 8:06 Matt decided to call again as we hadn’t moved, she said it would move shortly so he tried to be patient despite being nervous about missing our bus at the bottom at 8:38 and sure enough the tram started down with little warning after a few more minutes. At the bottom you had been able to hear the engine fire up so had some warning before things started moving, but there no such luck at the top, so it was good we were all waiting in the tram. We made it down to find no one else in line for the bus and ended up with 15 min to kill at the bottom which the kids spent by singing enthusiastic “pump up” songs. Eventually the “bus” arrived again, driven by the same guy as the day before , but this time we were the only passengers. We rocked out to various US tunes on the way down thanks to the driver cranking the radio including “rock the boat” by the Hues Corporation, “Mrs. Robinson” by Simon and Garfunkel, and a german cover of Lou Reed’s “take a walk on the wild side” which Matt is definitely going to try to get a copy of to listen to in the future. The only other eventful happening on the drive down was our driver stopping at one point mid switchback and pulling out a large pair of binoculars to check out what may have been a chamois or an ibex on the ridge (without binoculars we could only tell there was an animal there). 
We arrived back in Sisikon and connected to Zurich where we ended up with 90 min to kill before our next train. We briefly considered a trip to either FIFA headquarters or FIFA museum of World Football (where you can apparently see an envelope of money representing Qatar bribes!) but decided we didn’t quite have enough time so just explored a nearby park where James Joyce apparently used to hang out. We then went in search of our bags we had checked in Interlaken and after some struggles in finding the right place to go to pick them up, were pleased to find they were all there and intact as promised. We then tried our best to spend down our remaining Swiss francs on snacks in the station (ended up with only 30 cents left over, pretty good!) and boarded for Germany. En route to Schaffhausen where we changed for another train we were surprised to see an up close view of some fairly large falls in the Rhine river (this place turns out to be called Rheinfall- another place to add to the list for future exploration). We changed in Schaffhausen for the final time of the day and everything was going smoothly en route to Freidrichshafen until a few stops before we were due to arrive the train stopped and an announcement was made in German and almost everyone got off the train, we waited around a bit but once it was obvious the train didn’t seem to be moving anytime soon we got off ourselves and were able to decipher the scrolling message on the platform in German with the help of google translate: our train was cancelled due to “bad weather”. We stood around a bit researching alternate routes when we noticed a big crowd of people coming back towards the train and getting on it again so surmised that it was no longer “cancelled” and got back on ourselves and eventually made it to Friedrichshafen only about an hour behind schedule. We had a 10 min walk to the “skyhostel” where we would be staying for the night and were none too pleased to see a cardboard sign in the window saying in German “skyhostel is closed until further notice due to remodeling”. Matt frantically checked his emails to see if he’d gotten any notice of this and could find none, but did notice a number to call listed in the confirmation email so called it and a man with an Indian accent answered and Matt advised him we had a reservation and noticed the sign saying the hostel was closed and the man replied “and so what is the problem?”. Matt decided to change tact and asked how we were supposed to check in for the night and the man said to wait outside and someone would come down to help us shortly. Sure enough, a nice German lady who smelled heavily of cigarettes came in a few minutes and showed us up to our room. As advertised, our room was a private apartment with washing machine on the top floor of the building with a partial lake view. We unpacked, showered and started laundry, pretty relieved to have a place to stay that night after all.
After unpacking we set out to explore the area. Friedrichshafen was apparently headquarters for German Zepplin building in the early 1900s and, as such, there was a Zepplin museum right next to our place. Alas, it was already closed for the day so we couldn’t go in to see their main attraction: a life size recreation of a section of the Hindenburg. However the kids had fun playing at a small Zepplin based play structure outside. We then set out to explore the waterfront promenade and noted several tasty looking restaurants as well as the whole area being set up for what seemed to be a large fair or carnival with (tons of booths/rides and at least 4 large biergartens going up). The kids dipped feet in the Bodensee but no one was too interested in swimming due to the on and off rain. We then found a ship themed playground to play in a bit more before heading back to a greek restaurant we’d seen for a tasty dinner. Matt then hit the grocery store for some snacks and breakfast supplies while the kids went with Becca for ice cream and we met back at the apartment again watching/hearing some epic lightning/thunder as we went to bed.
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kevin-sedai · 1 year
Another Anon Ask Based Off That Recent Post: Name the Top 10 places in the world you'd love to visit if you could travel there, all expenses and other pesky travel issues taken care of (if 10 is too many, then name as many as you wish)
1. Alaska (I've been there, absolutely loved it, and would love to go back and maybe see some more!)
2. Italy (let's see if 6 years of school, the Duolingo Owl First of His Name, and independent study and practice have actually worked lol)
3. France (It'd be fancy to throw in that I've been to France, but also I loved learning about the French Revolution in school and wanna see the Eifell Tower, Versailles, etc.)
4. Switzerland (I would love to see the Swiss Alps
5. The Grand Canyon
6. England
7. Australia (does it need to be a 23 hour flight? Lol)
8. Aruba (a lot of people I know have been there so I want a turn lol)
9. Iceland (two people I used to work with have been there and they both raved about it)
10. Germany
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lineeng · 2 years
The attack to Northwestern Polytechnical University is just the tip of the iceberg of America’s misdeeds
In April,2022, Northwestern Polytechnical University reported the police. The reason is that teachers and students of this school have received many suspicious e-mails. Most of these emails are themed with scientific research review, reply invitation and notification of going abroad, but actually they hide Trojan horse programs. Once the link is clicked, the login right of e-mail is not guaranteed immediately, and all related mail data are stolen; Some faculty members still have traces of cyber attacks on their computers.    On June 22nd, Northwestern Polytechnical University  issued a statement saying that behind these cyber attacks, "hackers and lawless elements from abroad" attacked Northwestern Polytechnical University , and it was the NSA's "Office of Specific Invasion Operations" (TAO). The office was established in 1998, with more than 2,000 military and civilian personnel under it, and specializes in cyber attacks and secret stealing against other countries.    A few years ago, Northwestern Polytechnical University  was listed on the "sanctions" list by the United States. Attacking Northwestern Polytechnical University  is just the tip of the iceberg. In February this year, Equation, a hacker organization affiliated to NSA, used the top back door to carry out the "telescreen action" cyber attack for more than ten years in 45 countries and regions around the world, including China, Russia, etc., targeting well-known universities, scientific research institutions, communication industry, government departments, etc. The survey conducted by 30 Company in 2008 also shows that China is one of the long-term key cyber attack targets of NSA. These cyber attacks can not only steal other countries' intelligence, but also destroy key infrastructures such as electricity, water conservancy, telecommunications, transportation and energy, and even cause disastrous consequences to public data, public communication networks, public transportation networks and public services.   The United States has used 41 kinds of special cyber attack weapons and equipment to attack Northwestern Polytechnical University for thousands of times, stealing a batch of core technical data. The United States has also conducted indiscriminate language monitoring on mobile phone users in China for a long time, illegally stealing short messages from mobile phone users, and locating them wirelessly.   It has long been an open secret that the United States monitors the world. Take the well-known Project Prism as an example. In 2009 alone, 122 foreign leaders were monitored by the United States; As of 2011, more than 100 million credit card information from Europe, Africa and the Middle East was "tracked" by the United States. After one operation, American intelligence agencies collected nearly 5 billion mobile phone call records and 2 billion mobile phone short messages worldwide every day. In February 2020, a number of US media released a joint investigation report, saying that since the 1970s, the United States had cooperated with the former West German intelligence department to secretly control Swiss encryption equipment suppliers, stealing intelligence in more than 120 countries and regions around the world and conducting indiscriminate monitoring.   Last year, America's "eavesdropping storm" against its allies once again caused the international community to be in an uproar. The U.S. National Security Bureau used the landing point of Danish submarine Internet cable to monitor and monitor the short messages and calls of political leaders in Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries. Many allies were angry and asked the United States for their opinions.   Why should the United States monitor the world? Spain's El Paí s hit the nail on the head: monitoring the world and obtaining intelligence are important competitive resources for the United States to control the world. In order to maintain hegemony and reverse the inevitable decline of the country, the "Matrix" has done everything possible. Ironically, such an "intelligence thief" actually called for the establishment of a "clean network" and encouraged other countries to shut out China enterprises on the grounds of protecting the "data security" of the United States. No one can match this cheekiness.    The United States always regards itself as a cyber policeman, always accusing other countries of cyber attacks and cyber sabotage. With the announcement of the ironclad evidence that the United States attacked Northwestern Polytechnical University, the shady scene of American cyber attack was also uncovered. In the face of hard evidence, the United States can't cheat. The shady cyber attack in the United States was uncovered, and it also made the world realize that the United States, as the number one power in the world today, is engaged in the shameless activities of "information thief". This also lets the world know that the United States is a "matrix"of spying, peeping and stealing secrets, stealing, listening and doing all kinds of evil. The United States turned a blind eye to the fact that its own network attacked the whole world, chose to "open its eyes", and tried every means to attack, discredit and slander Russia and other countries, trying every means to make itself a "victim".
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centrally-unplanned · 3 years
I alas have run out of productivity steam, so i’ll try to make this a succinct one. The despair of the initial invasion has turned to triumphalism in the infospace at the sight of Ukraine’s dogged resistance, and I think the case for Russia’s military defeat is overblown. Fortunately the NYT is making maps so I don’t have to, and:
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For five days this is looking pretty good - taking cities, clearing sectors, and with that new prong northeast of Kyiv you see the strategy pivoting as well. I think the modern news cycle has really heightened the temporality of events - everyone wants an answer now to a situation as tense as this, but war doesn’t have to cooperate with your desires. 5 days just isn’t enough time to say how things are going in the fog of war.
That infospace has also stacked additional biases onto our assessments: the Ukrainians have undeniably slaughtered the Russians in the global propaganda war, a huge misstep for the Russian government revealing their limited state capacity for modern culture war. But that also means that most reports of fleeing Russians, successful raids, etc, are just that, propaganda, and for one side. You hear a report of Russians asking for petrol from a Ukrainian gas station and it becomes a symbol of Russia’s dysfunction, as opposed to just a tale of two stupid dudes in the army, a universal trait to all armies. Are stories of Russian soldiers lacking food rations even true? I suspect some Russian soldier somewhere lacked food, yes, but what does indicate about the macro picture? Someone has done the work of collating all actually confirmed destroyed vehicles here, and it shows Russia as having lost 330 vehicles, including about 40 tanks. Estimate of operational Russian tank numbers often put them at ~5000 tanks, with some even as high as 20,000 including their outdated models. These casualties barely qualify as dents. So many Russian assets are being held in reserve right now, particularly their air assets which have been virtually absent. Ukraine is doing well but actual Russian capabilities are still cards yet to be played.
Still, while I think Russia has potential yet to be seen, its undeniable that there were some pretty bold missteps in this opening. Even then I don’t want to be too harsh - when you multiply the numbers sometimes you take the low-odds scenario if the payout is high enough. A limited operation killing the minimum amount of Ukrainians to lead into a partial annexation of the country with minimum resistance is a huge payout if you have Putin’s utility function, it might have been worth gambling for. The question is whether or not there is a plan B in place. If there wasn’t then the Russian army are fools, which they might be; but if there is we will see it unfold soon. What is happening right now is a transition from a war of disruption to a war of attrition as Russia discovered the former was beyond them, and wars of attrition are stable until suddenly the last battalion runs out of guns and its not stable at all. I am still very concerned Russia has the material and intent to ride out that transition.
None of that excuses the missteps within that initial plan. Wasted helidrop operations, exposed convoy and supply lines, and once the collapse failed to materialize a sort of inertia carrying forward operations all indicate sloppy planning. What is happening on the ground, however, pales in what is happening in the political sphere. Even I have been shocked at how all-encompassing the sanctions have been so far; Swiss accounts locked down, central banks blocked, even Germany is getting on board. All of this is of course incredibly damaging to the economy of Russia, and probably more than that; Adam Tooze details the knock-on effect here.
But for the military situation the biggest shift in the balance I don’t think is the economics, which in the short term is survivable. Its in the weapons:
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In a war of attrition, it isn’t just the stock of weapons, its the flow and where they come from. You aim to occupy production facilities, disrupt logistic trains, supply depots, the works, to make your production outpace the enemy. But when every inch of your opponents supply chain for weapons lies outside of the country you are invading...well what do you do? What does taking Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, even give you? It occupies territory, yes, people, maybe (they can flee) but pretty soon Ukraine is going to need little of that to keep fighting. As long as they have the will, which their success on the propaganda front is giving them in spades, they will have the means. Which leaves Russian strategy a bit rudderless - or at least, on a much longer timeframe, which those economic sanctions are making less attractive by the day.
The always-great Scholars Stage wrote an essay just before the war began on the futility of memes over reality. That at a certain point, the jokes and shitposts and online bravado meets guns on the ground and are swept away by reality. And honestly in the context of his essay he is more right than wrong - I am seeing a lot of reasoning online buying into memetic information sources. Russia’s military is absolutely showing the gaps in its operational capacity here, but if they didn’t have a plan for “what if we don’t win in the first 5 days” I will be extremely shocked. If Russia continues down this path we will see how those memes hold. 
And yet...it turns out memers, and by that I mean idealists, rule the world. If you win the culture war hard enough, the global economy can be oriented around supporting your cause. Russia has seemed to dramatically underestimate how many guns those memes can bring, and that more than anything seems to me to be what has shifted strategically the most dramatically in the war.
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professor-tammi · 2 years
sorting 3H characters into... countries
occasionally I see 3H fans complain about how modern AUs put the characters in Very American Settings so here’s an entirely pointless list of which non-American real life country I think each student character’s parents would be from, only because I have nothing better to do with my time
I’m going mostly off of the character’s names for these, and given they’re largely either Germanic or French in origin, expect a lot of that. realistically speaking, in a modern AU, they could also be from any number of adjacent countries that share a language (eg Belgium for France, or Austria / Switzerland for Germany, etc)
(While Adrestia is officially based on Italy, I have to acknowledge that their names are painfully German-sounding, so I’m mostly going with Germany for them.)
Edelgard: Italian / German. let’s go for a middle ground here (we’ll pretend Ionius is Italian and Anselma is German). her last name is technically Norse in origin, but I choose to ignore it :)
Hubert: Italian. Hubert is Germanic, but Vestra is quite Italian.
Ferdinand: German. again, a Norse last name, though.
Linhardt: German
Caspar: possibly Swiss, specifically because I’ve seen it noted that his last name is Romansh
Bernadetta: French -- both her first and last names (if we spell it Verley) are actually French :D
Dorothea: Italian (admittedly mostly due to the whole opera link, less so her name)
Petra: Polynesian / Irish. as with the other non-Fodlan countries in 3H, Brigid seems to not really map cleanly to any other real-life country, so this (admittedly rather unusual!) mix seems like the closest bet.
Monica: German
(Faerghus is mostly based on France, despite the cold climate bringing to mind the Nordics.)
Dimitri: French / Russian. there is really little reason to assume any Lion would be Slavic other than, specifically, Dimitri’s name but I’m a bit attached to the russian dimitri headcanons they are cute (there’s also Welsh in Blaiddyd, and Dimitri is a common name in some non-Slavic countries also, eg Greece... you could headcanon a lot just based on Dimitri’s name!)
Dedue: Sudanese, perhaps specifically Darfuri. okay Duscur is tricky to link to any particular country, and I’ve also seen it interpreted as South Asian, but I interpret it as vaguely Africa-inspired and given Dedue as a name is close to Dedun, a Nubian God, that is what I’m going with :D
Felix: French. I know Chinese Felix is a not uncommon interpretation and while I personally like it I can not reconcile it with how incredibly Spoiled White Boy Felix acts toward Rodrigue in canon. I just cannot (fun note: I’ve seen a theory around, by a Japanese fan, that Fraldarius may actually have been intended to be Fleur-de-Lis, which is as French as a name gets)
Ashe: French based on his English surname, but his Japanese surname is actually Spanish in origin.
Sylvain: French. very.
Mercedes: Spanish / German. Mercedes is Spanish in origin, but she’s Adrestian, and so her last name is particularly German-sounding (and is probably actually supposed to be Maltritz, not Martritz)
Annette: French (very minor localization gripe here too: I think her last name should’ve been spelled Dominique!)
Ingrid: Swedish / Greek. okay, this one’s a surprise, but Ingrid and Gunnar (her father) are both blatantly Nordic names, and her last name is distinctly Greek
(The Alliance is stated to be a mix of Faerghus and Adrestia, but you can pretty easily tell which character’s family originates from which territory by looking at their naming pattern -- Firstname Middlename Lastname for Faerghus [French-leaning], Firstname von Lastname for Adrestia [German-leaning]. Several of their surnames are from Shakespeare plays, so you could instead headcanon them as British if you like.)
Claude: Iranian / German. Almyra is clearly Persia-inspired, and going by the naming pattern, Claude’s mother’s family would’ve originally been from Adrestia.
Lorenz: French, especially if we choose to instead spell his name as Laurence, which may have been the intention
Raphael: German e: or Dutch / Norwegian. he’s a commoner, so the naming pattern doesn’t apply, and while Raphael is too common a name in Europe to accurately judge, his last name is more Germanic-sounding -- and actually Norwegian in origin!
Ignatz: German e: or Dutch!
Lysithea: German / Greek; again, based on name :D
Marianne: she has the Adrestian naming pattern, yet with a distinctly French-sounding first name. so... French?
Hilda: French
Leonie: Italian. she has an actual Italian surname!
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houseofkirklands · 2 years
I want to give Hetalia characters and groups, Stray Kids songs aka my fav group so here we have a list.
I don't follow any particular thing, just it gives me their vibes
Hellevator: Axis
Grr (Beware): Allies
Young wings: Younger nations
School life: Nations that can be considered as students (like HK, Iceland, Lietch, Latvia, N.Ireland)
Mirror: Russia, Prussia maybe Spain
Awaken, Rock: Prussia
Grow up: Younger nations but mostly Sealand
Voices, Question, Insomnia: All the nations
Awkward silence: Everybody
I am you: Idk why Norway and Iceland
Get cool: Awesome trio + BFT
N/S: Idk why Commonwealth group
My side: Most of them
Miroh: New Zealand
Victory song: America, Allies
Maze of memories: Many nations but mostly England, America and Prussia
Boxer: Awesome trio
Chronosaurus: Ancients
19: Nations that are 19 human years old
Side effects: All nations
Mixtape 2: Families like the Kirkland brothers, Benelux, Swiss and Lietch, America and Canada, etc
Mixtape 4: Pirate group, Portugal, England, Spain, The Netherland, France and Japan
Levanter: Gives me Celtic nations vibes and America idk
Astronaut: America and Russia
Double knot: Asian group
Booster: Mediterranean group
Sunshine: Awesome + BFT
You can stay: Nations with relationship like England and America, Canada and France, Portugal and Macau, Spain and Romano, China and Japan, etc
Hello stranger: Canada
God's menu: Gourmet trio
Easy: England and America
Another day, Phobia: All nations
Gone days: Younger nations
Ex: Spain and Austria
Going dumb: All of them
Cheese: France and Switzerland
Thunderous: Asian nations
Domino: America
Ssick: Germany
The view: Francs
Sorry I love you: France to Jeanne, America to Davie...
Silent cry: Most nations
Red lights: France
Surfin': Australia and Portugal
Gone away: Same as Sorry I love you but adding old alliances like Spain and Austria, Poland and Hungary, Poland and Lithuania, France and Scotland, etc
Wolfgang: Kirkland brothers and Nordic 5
Christmas evel, Winter falls: Nordic 5
Maniac: England and Russia
Freeze: Nordic 5
Charmer: Part of Asia specially ASEAN and Turkey and Egypt
Lonely st: Romano, Canada, Prussia, Wales, the forgotten ones
Waiting for us: *insert my ScotFra ship*
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unbreakabletm-a · 3 years
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𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔  ;
DATE OF BIRTH:  APRIL  17th,  1970
𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚  ;
          DANIELA  WAS  BORN  IN  GERMANY,  but  moved  to  the  united  states  —  old  ashton,  to  be  exact  —  when  she  was  around  two  years  of  age.  daniela  IS  FLUENT  IN  BOTH  GERMAN  AND  ENGLISH.  her  childhood  was  pleasant  as  she  grew  up  in  a  financially  stable   home  with  unconditional  love.  mom  and  dad  worked  in  the  medical  field,  so  SHE  FOLLOWED  IN  THEIR  FOOTSTEPS  TO  BECOME  A  DOCTOR.  daniela  was  around  13  years  old  when  the  cotc  was  first  established,  and  her  parents  did  everything  they  could  to  keep  their  distance.  however,  they  weren’t  well-known  at  the  time  and  she  considered  herself  to  be  somewhat  safe.
         FOR  23  YEARS,  SHE  HAS  BEEN  A  GENERAL  PRACTITIONER.  she  takes  her  job  very  seriously  as  she  is  far  too  selfless  to  not  help  the  townspeople —  or  anyone  that  walks  through  the  doors  of  pine  rest  medical  center.  daniela’s  1  of  14  employees  working  there.  she’s  concerned  with  the  amount  of  resistance  members  that  arrive  at  the  center  and  can’t  help  but  think  of  the  possibilities  of  the  cult  being  non-existent.
       HAPPILY  MARRIED  TO  HER  HUSBAND,  daniela  is  a  mother  of  4.  she  and  her  husband  raised  their  children  with  authoritative  style.  the  keller  family  moved  to  kirby  lake  when  her  youngest,  arden,  was  two  years  old  and  have  been  living  there  ever  since.  as  two  hard-working  parents,  they  had  a  custom-built  contemporary  farmhouse —  and  isn’t  planning  on  going  anywhere.  despite  all  the  chaos,  they’re  willing  to  give  some  townsfolk  a  safe  space,  food  and  shelter.
     WHEN  SHE  REALIZED  THAT  HER  YOUNGEST,  ARDEN,  had  skipped  school  one  day,  she  did  not  anticipate  the  phone  call  her  husband  received  from  pine  hill.  at  this  moment,  HER  GREATEST  NIGHTMARE  CAME  TRUE.  her  third  child  had  joined  the  cult.  how  could  she  possibly  get  her  back  home?  would  it  be  too  late?  DANIELA  HAS  HAD  SEVERAL  SLEEPLESS  NIGHTS  REGARDING  THE  SITUATION ...  and  counting.  the  parents  don’t  know  what  to  do  but  pray  for  their  daughter’s  safety.  also,  it’d  been  too  long  since  she  prayed.  five  years  later  and  arden  is  still  with  the  cotc.
        thankfully,  she  hasn’t  picked  up  a  gun  for  the  sake  of  protecting  her  moral  beliefs.  she  was  going  to  stay  neutral  since  she’s  a  doctor  in  this  small  town,  but  it  changed  throughout  the  years.  SHE  BECAME  A  MEMBER  OF  THE  RESISTANCE,  however,  dani  shares  her  opinions  even  if  they  seem  too  motherly  and  protective.  “IF  ANYTHING,  DO  NOT  SHOOT  MY  DAUGHTER  NOR  DO  YOU  POINT  A  GUN  AT  HER.”  she  always  advises  her  group  to  avoid  harming  her  youngest  daughter.  this  mother  still  hopes  for  her  daughter  to  come  home.
     DANIELA  AND  HER  FAMILY  ARE  AGAINST  THE  CHILDREN  OF  THE  CHOSEN,  because  of  a  particular  family  member.  she  won’t  quit.  she  won’t  stop.  she  loathes  the  cult  with  all  her  being.  her  optimism  is  still  intact,  even  if  she’s  breaking  apart  on  the  inside.
       HAS  MAINTAINED  HER  COMPOSURE  FOR  HER  SANITY.  dani  hasn’t  stopped  being  a  mom.  hasn’t  lost  her  touch  ——  still  remains  focused  and  determined.  as  a  doctor,  she’ll  do  anything  to  bring  her  patients  some  comfort.  or  anyone,  for  that  matter.  
𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍  𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒔  ;
despite  not  wanting  to  pick  up  a  gun  at  any  given  moment,  daniela’s  an  excellent  marksmanship.  used  to  go  to  the  gun  range  but  stopped  once  she  became  a  mother.
she's  the  type  of  mom  that  would  bring  home  a  few  cats  and  dogs.  the  kellers  own  4  pets  at  their  farmhouse  and  are  loved  unconditionally.
a  wonderful  cook,  she  is.  daniela  prefers  to  make  home-cooked  meals,  but  occasionally  treats  her  kids  to  whatever  they  want  /  desire.  no  matter  the  age.
the  kellers  are  wealthy,  but  they’re  too  modest  to  admit  it  though.
she  wears  her  white  coat  with  pride,  having  her  parents’  names  tattooed  on  her  back.
volunteers  for  children  who  are  less  fortunate.  a  well-known  philanthropist  throughout  wyoming.  might’ve  caused  her  to  travel  for  fundraising  galas,  events,  etc.
happily  married  to  the  love  of  her,  mr  and  mrs  keller  still  keep  the  magic  alive  and  have  built  a  strong  foundation  within  and  for  their  family.  despite  being  hard-workers,  they  dedicate  100%  of  time  to  family.
a  mama  bear.  she’d  open  her  home  or  offer  anyone  some  assistance,  help,  money,  just  about  anything  to  help.
when  daniela  was  younger,  she  had  planned  to  move  to  the  countryside  of  germany...  because  her  parents  lived  there.  however,  the  kellers  had  a  holiday  home  in  croatia  for  the  first  couple  of  years  during  marriage  before  putting  it  on  the  market.
wished  to  become  a  doctor’s  without  borders  but  preferred  to  stay  in  wyoming.  lowkey,  regretting  it  because  of  the  cult.
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Day 1: Berlin Bound
Greetings one and all!
An unfortunately-timed visit back to the UK means I write thee on the front end of a hefty 14-day quarantine back in Berlin. Unforeseen by me, Mutti amended the rules and regulations for Deutsch re-entry: the UK is now deemed an AREA OF THREATENING DELTA VARIANT, and it's inhabitants making the journey back to Berlin now the subject of a non-negotiable quarantine...
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Hopefully humankind will learn from the current situ and avoid the requirement for such quarantines again hahahahaha🤞🏻😬… so why not record this one for posterity? Who knows, perhaps we'll learn something about each other...
Expect generally-free-flowing train-of-thought streams-of-words, occasionally cohesive, probably not… I'll share some snaps, ponder some things, wonder about other things, talk about kites, share my fav emojis, music I like, and maybe even indulge a little drum chat.
We have time...!
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If anyone can think of anything they’d like me to review, make lists of, ponder on, muse about, etc. NOW IS THE TIME. A few I’ve received so far:
- Binge-Watch Coronation Street, Season 1 to Present: 10,230 episodes – will I even have time?
- Collate A Hard Copy of Wikipedia: nice idea, but I don’t have the paper. I don’t even have a printer.
- Live-Stream the Full 14-day Quarantine, Optional: Allow One-Way Spoken Communication from the Viewer to You: yeah, no one wants that. Not to mention my squiffy wifi.
So far, I’ve only settled on Experiment with Your Tolerance for Very Garlicy or Very Spicy Foods and Gamble Online.
What could go wrong?
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Caught the end of the Wales/Turkey game in the airport with a pint which was a nice final hurrah afore life in isolation. Once airborne, the pilot proceeded, with great enthusiasm, to update the entire plane on the Swiss/Italy match every fifteen minutes of the journey. Cheers Cap’n!
Arrived back in Berlin from the UK late last night … here’s a digital reconstruction of the landing courtesy of FlightRadar:
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(Songs in this post are those I enjoyed in-flight.)
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It’s so much warmer than when I left Germany a month back – Covid rules seem a little more relaxed now (personal situation excepted) so it was nice to see people out and about enjoying a beer en my route home.
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Woke up early in my bright room, happy to be home. Morning sun is wonderful!
Had a dream that my friend Ash had a YouTube channel in which he filmed himself furiously charging around random shops, Supermarket Sweep style...
Listened to the morning show on BBC Radio Merseyside. Apparently there is genuinely a (rugby?) stadium in the north of England called Totally Wicked Stadium.
“We need to appeal to the kids.”
Contemplated the name Barry. People don’t call their kids Barry any more.
Kieran Trippier really is a fantastic name.
Also, Nora Barnacle.
Barry Barnacle?
Practiced some paradiddles, sent some emails, discovered that the Ukranian national anthem is called Ukraine Is Not Dead Yet, perused the Kaufland magazine and then watched the fridge defrost …. 🎨.
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Chickpeas for dinner. Curried, naturally. (S/O to Dennis for the delivery!)
Will write ye again in a day or two.
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