#the teeny books i made and they open but i guess that didnt need to happen cause theyre glued down
possumteeths · 3 months
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i made this n i love it
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cryptidofthekeys · 7 years
Schneeplestein x Tiny!Reader
You were wandering around the home of the SepticEgos, humming quietly to yourself as you surveyed the scene.
Anti was scaring Chase, all while getting scolded from Marvin. Robbie was sitting there, watching Jackieboy-Man, occasionally talking to him and having a very confused look on his face.
Angus and Shawn appeared to be arguing over god knows what, its best to stay out of they're way when they are arguing.
Bing (no, not Bingiplier sillies, Bingsepticeye-- cause the boy needs more attention tbh) was standing there, his arms folded behind his back as he watched over the others, he saw you and gave you a small wave.
You smiled, waving back to Bing, he was the main protector of the group, sure him and Anti haven't seen eye-to-eye but, nonetheless, Bing is the one who stops fights when they happen.
Just like now... Shawn threw a punch at Angus... Bing immediately rushed over and grabbed them both by the wrist [ Dear Users, it is not wise to engage in combat, acts of violence such as this is an extreme danger to your health. Cease this useless aggressive behavior and apologize to each other for whatever caused this. ]
Shawn and Angus sighed and nodded at Bing's words, its not wise to argue with a robot, especially not one like Bing.
You rolled your eyes, Shawn and Angus always had a few arguments here and there, nothing TOO serious, they always settled things in the end.
Finally, Schneeplestein... He was actually walking over towards you, you looked at him curiously, wondering what he wanted, he usually never came out of the lab, well besides for food and such. "(Y/N), I need your assistance, come vwith me."
You nodded at his words "Okay then." It beats being up there with all the noise, the lab was very quiet and peaceful, you followed him, sighing in relief when you got into the lab, finally some peace and quiet.
You looked to Schneeple and tilted your head "So, what did you need exactly doc?" You watched him walk over and grab a vile of some sort.
"I vwas vwondering if you vwould... erm, try zhis little... serum out. It's supposed to enhance ze body's immune system."
((Shhhh--yes, boost the body's immune system, best excuse-- no one would fall for that, he could literally just say 'hey, drink this' and it'd probably work better haha-- I didnt have anything else so improvising lol))
You blinked, looking a little concerned by this "Are there any bad side effects? Or anything harmful?" You had a skeptical look on your face now. "I dunno Schneeps... Couldn't you get Chase to do it?"
Schneeplestein sighed "Chase... izn't here at ze moment, I believe he vwent back to see his kids for awhile und ze last time I tried to azk za ozers fo' help ....Anti didn't vwant to. Marvin vwanted to enhance zis serum even more with hiz ''magic''... Jackie vwas scared, Robbie ...not much can be done zhere... Angus und Shawn? ....They'll probably try to punch me und Bing is technically a robot."
He did have a point... ...Well shit... You sighed "Fine... It... doesn't have to be in needle-form does it?" Schneeple shook his head, much to your relief "Vwell it can be done eizher vway, drinking it or needle."
"DRINK DRINK DRINK!" You quickly spoke, not wanting ANY part of the needle, at this, Schneeple nodded and gave you the vile. "Only drink half fo' now. Just to be on ze safe side of zings."
You nodded and looked at the serum, sighing, you braced for the taste of bitter and sour, quickly gulping down half of it, it actually tasted sweet in a way... Strange, afterwards, you gave him the vile back and looked over at him.
Schneeple curiously looked at you "Do you feel any....different?" ...A few moments passed, before suddenly, you fell to your knees and winced "Ugh... Well... t-that's new... S-Schneeple..." You looked up at him, concern written in your face.
Schneeple had a panicked look as he knelt by your side "(Y/N)? Vhat's wrong? Vhat do you feel?" He asked, panic lacing his tone.
You gasped and squeezed your eyes shut, you felt weird, really weird... A few more moments passed, you slowly opened your eyes.... Everything was now so bright, the lights almost hurt to look at and-- wait.... They seem a lot larger than last time... You blinked, then glanced over at Schneeple who wore a look of curiosity and yet worry.
Oh god... Schneeple was huge! He was way taller than previously, your instincts immediately took over and you sprinted for a place to hide, of course to no avail, Schneeple quickly scooped you up before you could get away.
"(Y/N)...! Calm down, its only me!..." He began whispering some soothing words in German, something about his tone made you instantly relax into his hand. You took some shaky breaths, glancing at your now gigantic surroundings...
"S-S-Schneeple... What.... What was in that serum? That.... That WASN'T anything normal! What did you do to me?!" You screamed, yelping however when you felt some shifting, you were then plopped down on the desk.
"Calm down! Liebling... I'm sorry, I didn't know somezing like ZIS vwould happen, I don't even know vhat could have caused zis. I thought I had created za perfect serum, one that could help everyone... So zhey vwouldn't get sick so easily. I guess all I done vwas create somezing zat can turn people teeny tiny."
You recognized Schneeple's tone, his voice, laced with defeat and failure, you sighed and looked at the giant doctor "...Schneeps... Your a great doctor, honestly... Not EVERYTHING can turn out right the first time around, maybe it'll take a bit but you'll perfect that serum eventually. Or maybe make something even better than that, your a great doctor! You've saved Chase and Jack a few times ya know."
Schneeple looked at you, smiling a little at those words, he gently scooped you up again and hugged you carefully "Zhank you liebe... Zat means a lot."
You hugged back, well, as best you could anyways "You know being tiny isn't all.... THAT bad.... It's... interesting to say the least..." you admitted, looking up at Schneeple.
"Really now? Vwell... To be honest, you do look razher... adorable, meine Kleine..." He had a blush on his face now, like he had blurted out something and was embarrassed by it.
You had heard him say liebe/liebling before, you knew what those meant but meine Kleine was a different story "What does that mean?"
Schneeplestein sighed "It means 'my little one'..." He mumbled out, which made you smile and giggle "Aww, that's cute. I like that nickname..." You had a red tint on your face.
Schneeple smiled, he then shook his head and had that serious look on his face "I vwonder if Marvin haz anyvway to turn you back to your normal size..." He stood up, holding you in hand carefully "Do you vwant to come vwith me?"
You bit your lip, realizing how loud it'd be now up there... You quickly shook your head "I'd rather not..." This made Schneeple nod and set you down on the desk "Alvright, I vwill be right back und please, don't stray to far from ze desk here..." He said with a stern tone which you giggled at.
"Yes sir" You then watched as he walked back upstairs, and then you sighed, sitting on the desk casually...
You heard the door slowly creak open from upstairs, you curiously looked over and you instantly froze when you saw Anti approaching... You quickly looked for a place to hide, noticing there was some books, you quickly dove behind them.
"Ńo̸w wh̛ere̕ the f͢uck ̨di҉d̨ t͡ha̸t͏ ͞do̶ct̡or̶ ͜pu̢t ͢i͠t҉..҉.͠.?̷" That glitchy, distorted and layered voice made you shiver, you curiously peeked from behind the books, wondering what he was talking about.
You watched him rummage through the doctor's things, not caring if he broke something or not, you glared at him but its not like you could stop him or anything... Not right now anyways.
You quickly ducked back into place when you saw him approach the desk, you then froze in terror, praying he didn't look behind the books... Unfortunately he did, he pushed the books aside, almost knocking you off along with them.
Your eyes widened and locked with Anti's, he blinked in disbelief then got a little too close for comfort "(̵Y/͜N͏)҉? Wh̶at̨ t͝h̵'̀ fùc̷k͞ ̛ar͜e ̕y͡a d͘o҉i̸n̛g̷ ̸'̷e͞re̢? An' ̨w͢h̴y̕ are ya͟ ͜so.̀...̸ smal̷l͞?͢"
You opened your mouth but all that came out was gibberish, you then began sprinting away, of course you didn't get very far before you were scooped up in the glitchy demon's iron fist.
Anti smirked and brought you closer to his face "̧Hey c̛'mon̵ ńow̧.̵.͟. I̴ts r͘ưde t̀' just͡ ͞u͟p n ̀ru͘n li͏kę t̡h͞a͡t͠.҉ I ͝as̵k͠e͏d̸ ͟ya ͟à s̛i̢mple q̶ùe҉s͝t̴io͢n͝,̨ s ͜h o ̧r͘ t͢ y~"
You struggled in his grasp and stared up into his black eyes "Let... Let me go Anti." You said shakily, now dealing with Anti was already difficult even at normal size but being tiny? This was going to be worser... Worser than ever.
Anti merely sneered, baring his sharp canines "̷Aww~ ́W̢hat͠'s ̢w͘ro̧ng ̸(Y͟/N)͜?̧ ́Y̨'̵ s ̨c̛ a ̛r̸ e̕ ͝d͞ ͜n͞o̴w?̢~"
You grumbled and glared at him "I'm s-serious Anti, this isn't f-funny... Put me down, or else..." You tried to sound threatening which was difficult.
Anti merely laughed and dangled you by your foot, which made you shriek in horror "O̸r͜ ȩls͜e ͢w h͏ ̡a̛ t?~ Whądd͝ya̛ '̵t̢iņk ͜y͡er ̛gu͜nna d͏o?̡~ ͟Huh? ́Ì d҉o̕n't '̴t̴i͘n̷k̸ y͝er̵ ͢in ̵A̶ N͢ Y͢ ͏p͏osit̢ion ͢t'͞ ͠b́e ţellin'͠ ͠me what͟ ̷t̸' ̴do͘ ̨rig̡h҉t ͜no͢w~̶"̸
You struggled against his grip, grumbling lowly "Why do you have to be such an ass?..." This just made Anti smirk and swing you, which of course made you scream.
"D͢o̢n't ͡b͡e͘ s̛o r͝ude~!̕ M̧' ͘ju͝s͝t͞ ͜ha̶v̧i̸n̵' sơm̀e͢ fųn̶~̢"̵ He cackled, his voice being way too loud for you to handle.
"ANTI, GET ZE FUCK AWAY FROM ZHEM!" You winced and covered your ears at Schneeple's yelling, but a sense of relief flooded over you to hear from him.
"Let (Y/N) go Anti... Don't make me get Bing down here... You know how he gets vwhen you mess vwith his users." Schneeplestein hissed lowly.
Anti rolled his eyes and plopped you down on the desk rather harshly, he simply grinned "͝I͡ ͡ẁas̕ ónly̢ ́h̴av̵i͠n͏'̀ so҉mę fu͠n̸~̕ ̡Ye̕r ҉a̛ll͢ ́b̕o̵r͡i͝ng͟ y̵a̶ ̵knơw̶ ̴tha̴t̴?̶"
Schneeple growled and pointed to the door "Get ze fuck out of here." Surprisingly, Anti listened for once and left.
Schneeplestein rushed over and gently scooped you up, sighing "I'm so sorry Schätzchen! I vwish zat door vwould have been locked..." He grumbled, looking over you for any bruises.
You looked at him and sighed "It wouldn't have done any good you know that, but don't worry Schneeps, he didn't ACTUALLY hurt me... He was just being an asshole."
Schneeps sighed "Vwell... Zat's good at least... I'm glad I got here vwhen I did." He glared up towards the door, making a mental note to give Anti a good scolding later ....Actually, he had something better in mind...
(( That'll be revealed in a lil bonus at the end~ ;) ))
You nodded at his words "So, did Marvin have any way to turn me back to normal size?" Part of you wanted to stay small actually... but the other part knew it would be very dangerous with the others around and how loud they were.
"Vwell, ja, he does but, he said he needed some time to study ze spell und get it vright." Schneeple finished, adjusting his glasses.
You nodded, you couldn't hide the smile on your face, you get to be tiny just for a little while longer "Well, at least he HAS a spell ....Let's just hope he doesn't mess it up" You shivered, remember a few spells he messed up before.
Schneeple cringed as well "True..." He didn't have much room to talk, Schneeple knows he's had his fair share of fuck-ups in the past, but he tried not to let that bother him.
You yawned slightly "I'm tired... Schneeps, do you have a bed down here?" You asked curiously, he practically lived in the lab anyways so it wouldn't be surprising if he had a bed down here.
((he doesn't just live in the lab/basement-area like some kinda hermit-person trust me, he's 50% in the lab and 50% outta the lab ...kinda-- just shh the man loves to work))
Schneeple nodded, of course he did.... He then walked over and plopped down on the bed with you in hand, he then placed you on his chest "To be honest meine liebe, I'm a bit tired myself."
You smiled up at him, laying down and then curling up on his chest, your smile grew when you felt his warm hand over you, it felt like a blanket... a really warm and comfy blanket.
You yawned again and closed your eyes, snuggling into Schneeple's chest "Sleep tight Schneeple.... ...Love you big guy."
Schneeple smiled and closed his eyes, for once he seemed to relax which was a rare sight, he usually overworked himself "Sweet dreams meine Kleine..."
You both drifted off into a peaceful dreamland, being tiny did have its perks, even if it was dangerous, you honestly didn't mind at this point if you stayed tiny or not... You could get used to giant doctor cuddles.
Bonus: Schneeple smirked upon seeing Bing and walked up to him "Bing, I need to tell you somezing"
This made the robot blink and turn to stare at Schneeple [ Yes User 3? ] Bing awaited, making weird beeping noises.
Schneeple leaned close to Bing and whispered "Anti was messing vwith (Y/N) earlier und zhey could have gotten hurt because of him... You may vwant to deal vwith him later~"
Bing made a loud beep noise and nodded, a glare suddenly appeared on his face [ Duly Noted dear User, I will see to it that he gets what he deserves ]
Schneeplestien chuckled and patted Bing on the back "Zank you very much Bing" Oh yes, this was perfect... Although, Schneeple wondered if he'd pay for it later, Anti could be vengeful... ....Nah. It was worth it.
((I wanted to add some lab-work n stuff but tbh I feel like Schneeple would be too hesitant and worried for your safety while working, after all he DEFINITELY doesn't want you hurt. And Bingoboy never gets hardly any attention, sure he's not really canon technically but I love Bingsepticeye-- heneedsSomeG/Taswell*COUGH*-- anyways @pizsospa here’s some Schneep G/T for ya IfeelLikeitsnotpacedasgoodasIwantedBUTohwellI’llgetpacingrightonedaylmao
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fzhrrr · 5 years
Wedding stories
Ive been wanting to write about my wedding since, like 3 months ago. Somehow it got postponed every single day coz there’s always things to do. Life after marriage sometimes mean splitting yourself in 3 different directions. Your off days arent just yours anymore. That one off day per week that i got also belongs to myself, my husband, my family, his family, my dirty laundry, my books, my skin and i guess you can pretty much guess where along that list does my blog goes down.
Anyway, wedding stories. Disclaimer, rather than a dreamy- fantasize version of romantic fairy tale, my wedding is far far away from that.
Just last week, we had our sanding ceremony on A’s side. I was surprised that it was probably my favourite (most bearable) out of all three receptions. 
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I think the reason being is that we learned a lot of no-no’s from the previous majlis. This time around we decided to wear a traditional ensemble, something loose, not too heavy and just comfortable to be in on a hot day. And i especially love how the pictures turned out. Honestly a teeny tiny piece of super malayness in me kinda dreamed of having this picture. Two pengantin on a simple pelamin, in a songket outfit, headpiece and all. Its the kind of picture you’d hang on your wall and hope to one day proudly show your grandkids. (and they’d probably laugh on how out of fashion we were)
But yeah, it was nice. In Muar I did my own make up, and was so happy with how it turned out. We blew 800 ringgit on make up alone during the akad and majlis in cheras and i was so cranky because it was so horrible. The one during akad wasnt so bad (it was how people deemed make up pengantin should be, but my eyes were heavy and i look jahat in all the pics), but the night time do was just, unbelievable. I was in such a bad mood the only reason i got out of the house was because it was too late, and we cant keep the guests waiting. 
I paid titi athirah, an old schoolmate to do my makeup and she so claimed it was at a discounted price. Didnt want to be so fussy coz apparently 800 is “cheap” for two ceremonies. I said i wanted just a basic look with deep red lips, she then insist on putting lighter foundation to make me look lighter coz its night time, then she had the audacity to put cheap glittters on my eyes and these tacky red gloss on my lips.
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Pictured- annoyed me knowing she messed up, and knowing we ran out of time to fix things. Thick brows, tacky lips, orange skin,I look like a russian pornstar- and not the expensive kind.
I spend the whole evening feeling so ugly and embarassed. Yes, thats the exact words. In every picture my face was either grey from the wrong foundation shade or just sour, because i knew i look bad. I dont feel like myself, i was a horrible bride and A had to calm me down through out. I confronted this to titi, and she said to make it up, why dont she do one more service for free. That offer is just pure garbage coz dude, the damage is done and there’s no undo button to reset your wedding day. It is what it is.
I was so uncomfortable that i wasnt fully able to appreciate those who came to my wedding. I was reluctant to say hi, i dont wanna meet people, i just wanted it to end quickly. The crankiness outweighed my happiness of actually seeing friends and family who came to celebrate with us. 
So this was one of the biggest lessons and tips to all brides: on your wedding day you only have one job- to be pretty and pleasant. And the only way for that to happen you need to be comfortable. 
In Muar, there was some miscommunications which in the end lead me to doing my own make up. Oh people were just hogging around me- your eyes are so plain, your lipstick is too pale, your foundation is too dark, your base arent thick enough we can see your pores and human skin imperfections! The comments were so crude up to a point where i stood up for myself and said, can everyone just let me do my make up they way i want it. Because i feel like people can be so disrespectful when they want you to conform to their standard of beauty, without them realising it (cause hey, its only right for them to criticize and diminish the bride self worth on her wedding day)
I aint gonna be homeless-looking-russian pornstar 2.0.
And im glad i stood up for myself.
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True, my make up wasnt perfect. Brows were crooked, there were shiny patch of oily skin all over my face. But A said i look nice and comfortable (like my usual make up do), and that was all that mattered. I was happy and glowing and excited to be bride of the day. And it obviously made me happier coz my man knows what i like best for me.
The kampung majlis was lively. Kompang and berarak and that whole shenanigan. Food was good and i ate like theres no tomorrow. The only problem was we didnt know how to pengantin, so after the formal meal we sort of just sat inside and mind our own business. We didnt invite our friends, and we knew <1% of the guests. A has always been the quiet guy and i was definitely not gonna muster up all my strength and bravado to go table to table and greet people. Took a few pictures with my family, pretended to drink water a few times and we went for an outdoor photoshoot with my brother. We really didnt know what to do.
The sun was scorching hot and we just wanted an out from the awkwardness of facing humans. You are the main star of a show people half heartedly come to see on your post postcall day. If there’s one principal i live by, its that you are an adult who can make your own good and bad decisions. You dont have to stay in awkward moments, you are allowed to make selfish choices. 
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And we chose an outdoor photoshoot at 3pm. Here’s us, barely able to open our eyes, in a picture where there’s more semak than sweetness. (but at least we got out of the awkward pengantin situation)
Kudos to idi, because this time we didnt have to pay the photgrapher thousands of ringgit for a few good shots.
I feel like this post is getting too long, and i ran out of energy to continue typing. Point is, pae’s married now. Wedding both sides are done so if the stress can go away and let my period cycle, skin condition and blood pressure return to normal that would be nice.
Do take note that being married is magical. And a life filled with love is unimaginably more beautiful than anything you can imagine. My rant is about the wedding, the wifing part i do enjoy bery bery much.
Here’s some random wedding shots for keepsake. enjoy:)
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