#the thing is if i don't take a break rn and try to power thru i don't think im build SO different to be able to make up on like
faaun · 1 year
my mental health has tanked so insanely idk what 2 do lol
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dangan-happy · 3 years
<< Nico-Nico? Eh, I'm more of a Teru-Teru kind of person myself.
For Kazuichi or Ibuki
So... I have a friend that lives in a very abusive household. He goes thru a lot of absurd stuff everyday and I'm pretty much all the support he can get rn. He struggles a lot with his mental health and dysphoria and it's just... awful. All I can do is give him words of encouragement.
I will not tell him about this since I don't want to make this about me, but this is the fourth time where a very close friend of mine that lives in a abusive household and has terrible stuff happen everyday has only me as a source of support, asks me to not talk about it with anyone else and have no access to professional help. The first time this happened I was about 12 or 13.
There's a lot to it but to keep it short, it makes me extremely anxious and feel physically unwell when he starts to talk about the stuff that happens to him. I can't really describe him but I feel so much distress... the one time I talked to him about past experiences, he said It's probably trauma from those other times.
I'm the only person he has to talk about these things and I know he needs me. I don't plan on stop talking to him, but I also don't know what to do with myself. There's been nights i couldn't fall sleep because I was so afraid he wouldn't be back yesterday, i feel awful... is there anything I can do? Maybe a way to control my feelings better? I don't know if there's even and answer to this but If you have anything to say, I would appreciate it.
That really sucks to hear about your friend, especially when they have to go through something like that. I understand though, my old man wasn’t cool with my desire to be a mechanic, thinks I wasn’t cut out for it, guess I’ve proved him wrong by becoming the ultimate mechanic.
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You know what, even if it’s just words of encouragement, you aren’t completely blanking him. You aren’t being a bad friend or person, you’re doing everything that you can in your power to make sure he gets by. But sometimes, even that isn’t enough.
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Dude, I really think that you need to tell someone. Now hear me out on this, ok? I know you’re already thinking that it’s not a good idea, right? But this is a big problem, the fact that it makes you feel physically unwell and it makes you anxious, that’s a bad sign. I’ve learned in life that there are times that you need to stay silent, but if someone close to you is enduring something like this, it needs to be told. Living in an abusive scenery is not good, it’s bad now, but what else could happen, you know? Now, don’t take this as me trying to tell you to speak up about it, I’m recommending it though. Your friend doesn’t deserve to go through any of this. And neither do you! It’s affecting you as well, but you don’t deserve to feel as awful as you do. The most I can think of without alerting help is writing down all your frustrations in a journal or something, as long as you aren’t harming yourself. I’m not sure if you have access to help but perhaps venting about this can help you. Although it may not seem like an ideal thing for you as you may need to speak about what’s going on with your friend.
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Like Souda boy said, Ibuki has to also add that if you need to take a break from delving too much into feeling anxious with your friend, that’s totally ok! There’s nothing wrong with needing space for yourself & I know that you worry about your friend but at the end of the day, who’s going to make sure that you aren’t hurting? You may have people around but Ibuki thinks that your opinion is the one that matters the most!
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Ok well, that made more sense in my head so I’m sorry if that was all over the place. Ibuki really has nothing else to add because Souda said it better than she ever could! But like Ibuki said, taking space from your friend & their situation, that’s not bad.. Your mental health should come before being able to help others, it’s just better to work when you’re in a stable mindset..
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