#the things is i have read lotr exactly 10 years ago and have not reread it since
the---hermit · 5 months
I am going through a mild reading slump and of course my brain is trying to convince me to reread the lord of the rings
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glorious-spoon · 9 months
Fic author interview! I was tagged by @what-alchemy - thank you! No-pressure tagging @phdmama, @incognitajones, @alessandriana, @lynne-monstr, and anyone else who wants to play.
How many works do you have on AO3?
349 publically, maybe a dozen more in anon collections, and two or three that I've orphaned for various reasons.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,349,113, ye gods.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Calamity's Child (Stranger Things) - 7249 kudos
Body of Memory (Shadowhunters) - 5029 kudos
Star of the Masquerade (Stranger Things) - 4923 kudos
lost souls and reverie (The Witcher - TV) - 3118 kudos
So Newly Charming (Stranger Things) - 2274 kudos
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to, but I've been really bad about it in the past year or so. I do read and cherish every comment I get, though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hard to say! There are a couple of Supernatural ficlets from ~13 years ago with fairly fucked up endings. Of my somewhat recent fic, probably either Empty or Bonny Mad Boys (both for Shadowhunters), with a special mention for my zombie apocalypse Buddie fic, where the dead men lost their bones, although that does at least allow for the possibility of a happy(ish) ending.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Honestly, the vast majority of my fic has happy endings, even when I put them through the wringer first.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I've written a few, mostly for various fic challenges. It's not something I do all that often though.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh, yeah. Death threats, even! Shadowhunters fandom was weirdly unhinged about this.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Um, yes. XD
I used to write smut very rarely, and feel extremely awkward about it, and then I decided to write 100k words worth of fills for the Clowntown kinkmeme, and that pretty much cured me of that.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several, into a handful of different languages. Always very exciting! I link back if I know about them.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not one that ever actually got posted.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I have been in fandom wayyyy too long to answer this, lol.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a really angsty Reddie cheating fic that I wrote like 20k words of and then abandoned. I sometimes think about returning to it, but honestly I probably won't.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write pretty good dialogue - it's definitely one of the things I enjoy the most. Also action and smut, which IMO are pretty similar from a logistical standpoint.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am so bad at anything resembling plotting. SO bad. And frankly I always feel like my fluff is stilted and saccharine; I do much better with angst, generally speaking.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've done it before, but I probably wouldn't now, not the least because I'm really not fluent enough in any other language to be worth it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
That I actually posted? LOTR RPF. Thankfully, that's been lost to the defunct forums of 2002. I've been writing fic just for my own entertainment pretty much as long as I've been able to read, though.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Good Omens! I've read a fair amount of fic, but I didn't really get immersed in the fandom until after season 2. I have a couple of ideas that I'm playing around with, but I don't completely feel like I've got the character voices down yet.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
This changes OFTEN. I think right now, So Newly Charming is the fic I've written most recently that actually came out exactly how I wanted it to. I can reread it without cringing, which is a rarity for me.
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actuallymaglor · 8 years
"questions to get to know ppl well": all of them actually this list is super interesting
i hate you
1: it's the apocalypse. you lay next to the person you trust and love most, and start talking. you know your time is limited. what is the one thing you want them to know before you two die?
“i’m gay”
but really i want you to know how much i love you and how important you are to me and how much i value you as a person
2: you are faced with an almighty spirit. it tells you that you must choose two emotions\feelings - one of them you will never feel again, and the other becomes your most dominant. which two are those?
jealousy, kindness
3: what is the one thing you want your best friend to never do? why? how will you react if they do it?
considering i kinda don’t have a best friend,,,
but one thing i can’t stand is people saying f****t around me, like, i am 1000% not a fan of that word and if you blatantly use it around me and know how much it bothers me then we have a problem
4: do you have a favorite tv show? why is it your favorite? what is the reason you started watching it, and what is the reason you continued?
i don’t know if i have a favorite? i like a lot of shows, but i can’t say i like any more than the rest
5: do you have a favorite musical instrument? if yes, why exactly is it your favorite? can you play it/would you ever?
bass guitar. i feel like it’s really underappreciated and a pretty bassline can make or break a song. i’d like to learn it at some point, but idk if i ever will
6: who is your all-time favorite character? why exactly? do you relate to them, and how?
Túrin from the Children of Húrin and the Silmarillion. he’s a really complex character that clearly has a level of good in his heart but his rage and short temper end up messing with any desire to do good and i feel like he’s an interesting character. i do not relate to him at all bc i am 1. a pacifist 2. not straight 3. would not leave the safety of the forest for vast plains full of orcs 4. have not slept with + impregnated my sister
7: is there anything you believe in? what is it? why do you believe in it? can you tell us something that explains this belief?
not really, i like the idea of a higher power but i don’t actually believe there is one
8: you are locked in a room until the day you die, and have a choice to spend this time with one person. will you choose someone? if yes, who is it? why?
no, i wouldn’t force anyone to have to endure that hell with me bc i’m not. like. that selfish???
9: what is the book that got you into reading, if there even is one? what was so special about it? when did you read it?
it might’ve been the stink books? they were about judy moody’s kid brother i think, i thought they were cool and interesting ? it was probably 1st grade
10: what is the song i have to listen to so i could know you better?
the green day cover of working class hero. it contains my two key personality traits: deep care for class struggle/the well being of the poor and green day
11: do you prefer being outside when its sunny or when its dark?
dark, it’s quiet out and not to hot and the sky is pretty
12: do you like the rain? why? do you prefer storms or light dripping?
as long as it’s not freezing or boiling, it’s pretty and calming. i like both storms and light rain equally but differently.
13: hot chocolate with cinnamon, marshmallows, both or none?
14: do you like tea? why? if yes, what is your favorite kind?
15: do you enjoy coffee? if yes, do you drink it for the taste or for the caffeine?
yes, for the caffeine and the taste of the creamer
16: what is your perfect playlist for studying? where is the perfect place to listen to it?
i do not study or playlists
17: what is your favorite color? why? what is your least favorite shade of this color?
the more i think about it, the more i realize i don’t 100% have one. that being said, i like green, blue, and gold. but like pine green is gross
18: think of a person you love. now describe them, using only stuff that only you would describe them with. (for example - my person would be described by reading a new book while there's a storm outside.)
i have absolutely no idea what this question is asking
19: what is the song you feel like you HAVE to know to play?
i really wanna be able to play bang bang on both guitar and drums but i play neither
20: do you like writing? do you prefer to write on a computer or in a notebook?
eh, i like the idea but i’m bad at it. i don’t have a preference.
21: shuffle your playlist until you get to a song you will never skip. what is this song? why do you never skip it? do you recommend it?
I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys bc me @you and it’s a good song
22: do you like stargazing? why?
yes!!! i mean, there’s a lot of light pollution where i live but the sky is so pretty at night
23: what is your favorite hour of the day?
4 pm. it contains 4:20.
24: what is your harry potter house? did you get sorted on pottermore or do you think it represents you better?
i’m hufflepuff, i took the quiz on pottermore years ago and got ravenclaw but i took it this year and got hufflepuff, and that’s what i get on p much all the unofficial ones too
25: what is your patronus?
i took the quiz twice, one was a fox and the other was a polar bear
26: do you want to write a book? if yes, did you start already?
yes but i’m shit at writing, and i’ve kinda started but it’s not much and it’s shit
27: what is your favorite smell?
mint chocolate
28: picture yourself at ease. now describe what exactly did you picture - with who you are? where? what exactly put you at ease?
you, somewhere up north, there’s snow but we’re inside and warm and cuddling and there’s a dog and it smells nice and you smell like you and we have no responsibilities
29: you have the option to forget one book/series completly and reread/rewatch it from the start. what book/series is it?
lotr trilogy (movies)
30: what do you love most about humanity?
we get through shit. like, we’ve endured tragedy and catastrophe and oppression and war and death and complete and utter hopelessness, and yet here we are.
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