#the thought of the biggest defining moment of playa’s life wasn’t even fate
whoredmode · 1 year
i wonder what exactly troy and julius were doing leading up to them saving playa’s life. like yeah i figure they were just watching to see how the brawl would unfold, even before that just keeping an eye on the VKs that are there at the start but like. hm. it’s a super specific situation where they all suddenly show up in the same place at the same time. could they have set it up to get the gangs to take each other out, with playa’s presence just being an unintended consequence?
because the fight takes place in the saint’s row district, and surely all the gangs were keeping watch on that area since they all had a piece of the district itself (VK have mission beach, LC have athos bay, and WR have harrowgate). my thought is, though, for everyone to go to the same spot at the same time feels almost too coincidental. the saints don’t have the manpower to take them on themselves yet, so what if they orchestrated that fight so they’d all kill each other and let the saints take over. the saints are still nobodies at this point, so if you got someone to mention to the vice kings nearby that the rollerz tagged that area (hell maybe the saints even faked that tag), let the rollerz nearby know they’re covering their tag, and let the carnales know that there’s rollerz AND vice kings stirring shit up in that spot they’ve been eyeing? like. then all troy and julius have to do is stand back and watch. ofc then they see playa about to die so julius swoops in to save them (even though it was technically troy who actually saved their life). julius gets to be their savior and just secured another person for his gang.
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