#literally just saving them from the fight he started y’know
whoredmode · 1 year
i wonder what exactly troy and julius were doing leading up to them saving playa’s life. like yeah i figure they were just watching to see how the brawl would unfold, even before that just keeping an eye on the VKs that are there at the start but like. hm. it’s a super specific situation where they all suddenly show up in the same place at the same time. could they have set it up to get the gangs to take each other out, with playa’s presence just being an unintended consequence?
because the fight takes place in the saint’s row district, and surely all the gangs were keeping watch on that area since they all had a piece of the district itself (VK have mission beach, LC have athos bay, and WR have harrowgate). my thought is, though, for everyone to go to the same spot at the same time feels almost too coincidental. the saints don’t have the manpower to take them on themselves yet, so what if they orchestrated that fight so they’d all kill each other and let the saints take over. the saints are still nobodies at this point, so if you got someone to mention to the vice kings nearby that the rollerz tagged that area (hell maybe the saints even faked that tag), let the rollerz nearby know they’re covering their tag, and let the carnales know that there’s rollerz AND vice kings stirring shit up in that spot they’ve been eyeing? like. then all troy and julius have to do is stand back and watch. ofc then they see playa about to die so julius swoops in to save them (even though it was technically troy who actually saved their life). julius gets to be their savior and just secured another person for his gang.
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girls4liyah · 1 year
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welcome to my world ︴ning yi zhuo
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ning yi zhuo x female reader ⬳ pair.
ningning gets dared to visit a cemetery, but she doesn’t expect to find a scary, horny demon with a penchant for getting into trouble there. she doesn’t expect to fuck you, either. ⬳ sum.
noncon to dubcon, demon!reader, dom!reader, human!ningning, mentions of murder, intoxicated ningning (this is mentioned once and never brought up again), cheating, anal sex, tentacle sex, none of this is ethical behavior ⬳ content.
3k ⬳ wc.
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“And one more thing,” Yeji starts, throwing you a strict look. 
You groan, throwing your hands up in irritation, “I know, I know. Don’t get into trouble. You do not have to give the monologue again.”
“Do you know? Maybe I should give it again, y’know, for safe measure,” Yeji huffs, arms folded. Her yellow eyes are glowing in exasperation as the memory of the last time you went off-script unfolds behind them. “The last time we let you meander outside the underworld, you killed a human.”
“So? People die all the time.”
“You bit her. With your teeth. Injected venom into her bloodstream.”
“I’m still not seeing the issue.”
“We have unique teeth and venom from, say, earthly beings,” Yeji snaps, “People will get suspicious. You’re lucky we have connections or your ass would be hot. Literally.”
You throw her a wry smile. So maybe you got a little carried once or twice. Possibly five times. No big deal. At worst, all those humans would just start to believe in vampires. It’s not like they could prove random pretty girls were being targeted by horny demons. 
Humans don’t know anything about demons at all. There’s so much more to you than evil red horns and sinister faces. You live in a society with other demons and you’re much more familiar to humans than they believe.
“Relax,” you chirp in a way that has Yeji running her hands through her hair, frustrated. When you say it like that, she can’t help but not relax. “I’ll be an angel.”
Yeji visibly recoils at that word. Not the word itself, maybe, just the fact that it leaves your mouth of all people. “Just get out of my sight. I can’t save you if Hyungwon finds out you killed another girl.”
You scoff, “What’s he gonna do? Kill me? I’m already dead, babe.”
“Don’t press your luck,” a masculine voice says in a clipped tone from behind you.
You turn, spotting Hyungwon, grim as always. You’d say it would kill this guy to smile, but he, too, is already very dead. “Hyungwon!” you sing, “The man of the hour and just the guy I wanted to see—”
“Save it,” Hyungwon spits, having none of your acts, “You have twenty-four hours. If you’re not back by then, I revoke your privileges for a year. If you kill another human, I revoke your privileges for a year. Am I clear?”
You bite your lip to fight an irritated scowl, not one to be bossed around, but you suck it up. “Crystal, sir.”
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Ningning waves the flashlight around loosely. It’s pretty thick; heavy, makes her wrist hurt. But it was big and she was surrounded by nothing but pitch black darkness and dead people who were probably a mere heap of bones by now. 
She hates her friends. All of them. She hates Karina for suggesting they play truth or dare. She hates Giselle for daring her to go to a creepy, dark cemetery after the sun has already set and she can’t even see the clouds. She hates Winter for not agreeing to come with her, letting her wander all alone.  
You won’t be alone, she said. You’ll have a handy-dandy flashlight, she said. 
On the bright side, despite the fact that Ningning can hardly see anything at all, the cemetery doesn’t look like something completely out of a horror movie. It’s not foggy out and the moon isn’t full. It’s not cold and the trees are thick with leaves that she’s sure are green. Instead, there are no stars and the moon is concealed by dark shrouds of mass. 
Which might be a little worse. 
Just an hour. She only has to withstand this torment for an hour and she can go back to Winter’s apartment—maybe without any severe trauma, she hopes. Checking her watch, the one her boyfriend got her last year for her birthday, she notes that she’s been here a grand total of five fucking minutes. 
I’m not gonna make it, Ningning tells herself, losing all hope within the first few minutes. I’m not gonna make it, I’m not gonna make it, I’m not gonna make it—
She hears a rustle, immediately turning on the balls of her feet, and lets out a tiny, shocked squeak. She waves the flashlight around but sees nothing. Because why the fuck would anyone be in a cemetery at three in the fucking morning? Hell, she shouldn’t even be here her damn self. 
It’s probably just some random critter, like a squirrel or whatever the hell else roams around at night. Maybe it’s a bird. Are they nocturnal? Ningning doesn’t really know. Bless her heart. 
She doesn’t even know why she agreed to this. She could have easily said no, though of course they would have made her down an entire bottle of disgusting beer and she’s already had three—so it’s even worse that she’s intoxicated in the middle of nowhere by herself, but it’s not like anyone in their right mind would be here. 
There’s another sound. Ningning turns again, shrilly shrieking out in terror, but when she tries to use the stupid flashlight it only flickers before rendering itself entirely useless. “Fuck,” she groans, throwing the flashlight. 
“Ow, shit!”
Ningning startles when she hears a string of profanities, because she’s not the one to say them. She can’t see at all now, but just the knowledge of someone being there alone has her shuddering. 
“Who’s there?” she asks, glancing around, trying to find the source of the noise, but she doesn’t really know where she is.
Suddenly, the flashlight flickers back on, but she’s not the one holding it. The light is shining at her. “You forgot to turn it on, dear. See, like this,” you demonstrate, “On, off. On, off. On—”
“I’m not stupid,” Ningning hisses, crossing her arms. 
You snicker, coming into view, “Could’ve fooled me.”
Ningning stills when she sees you, actually sees you. She sees your completely black eyes, lacking any color at all. She sees your long braids. She sees your horns protruding out of your head. She sees the lines on your skin that look like vines almost, and it chills her to the bare bone. 
She steps back, eyes widening, “What are you?”
“Nothing important,” you mumble, focusing on your prize. She’s got to be the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen — human or not. She has the prettiest round eyes, the sweetest quivering lips. You’ve been observing her in half amusement, half curiosity for the past ten minutes, and you have no clue why this random human girl is wandering around a cemetery in short, tight pajamas, but you won’t get caught complaining. 
Your tongue passes your teeth, and Ningning sees your eyes shoot pink with hunger. It frightens her. 
Ningning tries to run, but one of your braids fly out to grab her, pulling her back to you. She glances at you, cheeks wet with fresh tears and she frantically begs, “No, no, no. Please let me go.”
Had Hyungwon and Yeji not gotten on your last nerve earlier, you might’ve showed her some mercy — no you wouldn’t have, but having them to blame your urges on makes you feel better — but you’re just so angry, and she looks like the perfect way to blow off some steam. 
Swiping a tear out of her eye with your thumb, scalding hot skin and sharp talons gently brushing against her cheek in a way that makes her tense, you coo adoringly, “What’s your name, pretty?”
“Ningning,” she sniffles softly. 
Even her name is cute. You’re going to have a fun time with this one. 
Setting her on the dirt, watching her trying to get away again, you chuckle at her naivety and restrain her with the rest of your brains without moving a finger. You lower yourself to her body, ignoring how she squirms and pleas for help. Your attention is drawn to how the tight tee hugs her breast and you poke a hole into the shirt with your claws, stretching it until her tits pop out. 
“Stop!” Ningning cries. “I have a boyfriend!” 
“That’s cute. Don’t worry, I’ll send you back to him in good shape,” you whisper carelessly. Then your head tilts in thought, wondering if you can keep that promise. “Probably.”
Your uncertainty doesn’t console Ningning in the slightest, but she has to admit, it’s a little hot that you’re a… whatever you are. She’s never seen anything like you. She’s scared to death, but also a little turned on. 
Her tits are so soft, you realize while fondling them. When your fingers pinch her nipples, she accidentally moans, and she would cover her mouth if she wasn’t fully restrained by your braids. If she wasn’t powerless. 
She wonders why your hands are so warm, it feels like you’re burning her skin whenever you touch her. You wonder why you didn’t spot a find like her on your past visits to earth, but it’s probably a good thing. You, though not on purpose, would have killed her. She’s too perfect to die. 
Thinking about the girls you happened to have killed makes you remember why you’re so angry in the first place and you start to get irritated. It’s not your fault if you lose control sometimes when you’re fucking these girls. Fuck, not when they look so pretty, with their scared eyes and cute faces. Not when they taste so good and they’re so tight—now you can’t help but think of how Ningning tastes and how small her pussy must be. 
Ningning moves to her hands and knees but not on her own accord, but because your braids move her. “What are you doing?” She asks innocently.
“Don’t worry, Ningning,” you say, grinning cheekily. “It’ll feel so good.”
Ningning gasps when you rip her tiny shorts off, then her panties, and you find it so cute that they’re so wet, sticking to her cunt. Before you ripped them to shreds, at least. Ningning, against her better judgment, gets excited at the thought of you fucking her, wiggling her ass a little.
You growl, a sound that makes Ningning giggle, although a little terrifying. She’s oblivious, though, when you grope her cunt and damp your palm with her wetness, just moaning at the feeling of being toyed with. She’s oblivious when you spread her juices all over her ass. She’s oblivious when you slide down your pants, freeing a tentacle from your underwear. 
“I’m gonna fuck you now,” you warn while sinking to your knees, which is nice enough, although you’re feeling anything but. 
Ningning’s visibly anticipating it, her pussy still leaking with all her wet fluids. So much for her having a boyfriend. To be fair, though, the poor guy wouldn’t believe you if you told him that his sweet girlfriend was slutting herself out to a demon — in a cemetery, no less. So, really, there’s no point in confessing to the act. 
She’s disturbed when she feels it, the slick rod slithering around her rim, confused as it dips inside her ass and not her pussy. She gasps, but you don’t have the patience to stop, impaling her on your long tentacle, fitting as much as you can in one swift go. It’s too long for her pussy, especially as tiny and frankly tight as it is. 
Conflicted, Ningning stills in shock. She doesn’t know whether or not she should ask you what the hell that is inside her, or tell you that you’re in the wrong hole. She writhes, seeming to forget that there’s nowhere to go, trapped by every inch of you as you force her into a cage of yourself. 
“Where you going, pretty?” You ask, laughing at her desperation. You like that nickname on her. It’s fitting. 
“Wrong hole,” she exhales with half a breath, like you knocked the wind out of her. “No, pull out! Wrong—”
“Right,” you hiss, already drawing yourself in and out of her, face twisting. “It’s the right hole, baby.”
Tears prick Ningning’s eyes as you fuck her unprepared ass, her hand slipping out of the dirt as she reaches behind herself to make you quit it, but her arm is grabbed again by one of your braids that obey your every command like little serving serpents. 
“B-but,” she stammers, evidently worried. “I’ve never… I’ve never been fucked there before.”
Something about that just lights up the biggest spark in you. “Never?”
Ningning shakes her head, and you wish you could see her eyes, knowing that they’re so round with innocent twinkles. 
“Fuck,” you hiss loudly, but it’s not really an issue. What, are you gonna wake up the dead? “Guess I’ll have to break you in, huh? Send you back home with a couple of pointers for your boyfriend.”
Ningning only blinks at the mention of her boyfriend that she’d seemingly been so loyal to only moments ago, and she seems to remember for the first time in a minute that she’s vowed to a commitment, but it’s forgotten in the same instant as she feels you press inside her fleshy ass and her head tips back, a sweet-sounding, light noise filling your ears. 
Her ass is so pretty and tight, and it’s all that you can think about. It’s such a shame that her boyfriend’s never fucked her there, but not for you. Matter of fact, you love that you’re her first. You love that no one’s ever felt what you’re feeling right now, like it’s something especially reserved for you. 
You don’t want to send her back to her boyfriend, really. You want to keep her with you like a pet, take her to the underworld and fuck her holes whenever you please. Yeji and Hyungwon would never approve, though — guardians of the underworld and all — and somehow that only upsets you even more, fucking her sloppy holes rougher. 
She arches her back, and it’s the prettiest arch, too. The prettiest arch you’ve ever seen. You hiss, slapping your palm against her ass. Ningning cries out, and you’ve heard that blend of pleasure and pain before, recognize it as something all too familiar. It comes with the territory. 
You ease up, letting your braids slacken, knowing she won’t try to get away from you anymore. Not with the sinful sounds that sound like music to your ears and how she lets you use her ass, lets you have your way with her entirely, like every rational thought has been fucked out of her fuzzy brain and the idea of preserving herself for survival doesn’t even occur to her anymore. 
Instead she’s more focused on being such a slut, reaching behind herself again, not to stop you, but to spread her ass for you. The sight is something out of your dreams, you’ve never been more thankful for your excellent vision. That’s when you know she has you, and from her giggles, she knows it too. 
“You’re such a nasty little thing,” you chide, smacking her ass again. She whimpers, her soaked pussy tightening around nothing. “Spreading yourself for a demon?”
Finally able to put a name to the monster she’s exposed to, corrupting her. You’re so deep inside her, as deep as you can go, because if you could go any deeper without hurting her too much, you would. She knows that you have more to offer — she accidentally felt your slippery, slick tentacle when she reached behind her back. It’s raw and slimy, gushing inside her ass. She loves it so much now, babbling about how full she feels.
“Yeji and Hyungwon don’t know what they’re talking about,” you rant mindlessly, not caring that you’re exposing your world. Ningning can tell that you’re upset from the tone you ramble in, she could tell from the pace you fuck her with. “I can protect you. Other demons would only destroy your precious soul in minutes, I would take care of you. I’d never let anything take you.”
Ningning’s not sure what you’re going on about, but she’s gone too dumb to care, just agreeing, “Uh huh, y-yeah. Please.”
“Shit,” you curse, because she’s so much, but not enough. You extend another four tentacles that Ningning didn’t even know you had, stuffing two up her soaked pussy and forcing one inside her mouth. The other one joins the one in her ass, because they’re not too thick for her to take, too thin.
Ningning’s noises are muffled against your tentacle, but if she could, she would go on and on about how full she is. She thought she was full before, but that was nothing compared to now, how over occupied she is. You’ve filled all her holes and she feels like she’s floating. It hurts, but it doesn’t. There’s something so mysterious about it. Something so enigmatic that she’ll never understand. 
You desperately want to bite her, but for once in your life, you try to have some control. She can’t die. Not after you just went on your whole spill about how you would protect her, and you weren’t just saying words, you really, really do want to keep her safe. Even if it means from yourself. Yeji would be proud — if you left out all the other details of this tryst. 
In fact, there’s only one real reason why she’s less strict than Hyungwon.
Ningning gets the most surreal feeling and it’s not just the knot in her gut, growing with every thrust. She’s getting off to being fucked not just by some stranger, but by something she thought she’d only see in her dreams. A demon with horns and slimy tentacles that stroke her in all of the right places. Her pussy is gushing around you, her tongue is warm and flat, and her ass is so tight and small.
No human has ever gotten her this aroused. She’s dripping onto you and it’s borderline embarrassing, because all she can think about is the fact that you’re a demon using her holes. Fuck, she doesn’t know why, but that thought alone is making quick work of her. 
She shoves gently at the tentacle occupying her mouth, because she doesn’t want to hurt you, and asks sweetly with a hoarse throat, “W-what’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you whisper. 
And she almost screams it. The last push hits, the waves come in, and everything breaks loose, and she cries your name in between a string of expletives as her pussy spasms around your tentacles in orgasm. It’s the most intense one she’s ever had, making her whole body quiver and the world around her reel as she starts to feel lightheaded. 
You’re not finished, though. She notices that immediately. It drives her mad, the overstimulation. She’s so sensitive that she thinks she can’t handle it, whining, “Too much—”
“Take it,” you order sharply. 
“I can’t.”
The tentacle is back in her mouth in a matter of seconds to shut her up, your braids back to restraining her as she attempts to sneak away, but you won’t let her go. Not before you’re finished with her, done using her. Ningning’s not used to this. Not used to the stretch, not used to pleasure to this extent, not used to the overstimulation. She just feels like a set of holes for you to fuck. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, pretty,” you convince her. “You can take it for me. It’s what you were meant to do.”
Ningning hums, bobbing her head around you as she sucks you off greedily. Gobbling is a better word. It keeps her attention while your thumb massages her ass, and she grinds her ass back against you, too. The most inconsistent girl in the world. 
She’s like a rot, corrupting you from head to toe. It makes you burn, makes you wish you could fuck her forever, because you would. She’s perfect, and you don’t throw that word around loosely. She’s making you lose your grip in a different way than any other mortal has, in a way that’s probably dangerous, too, but you can’t be bothered to care. 
Thoughts of keeping her consume you alive. That’s all it really takes for you to blow your load, a couple more slams before you halt entirely, moaning her name too loudly. “Shit, Ningning—”
She moans, too, you feel it around one of your tentacles. It fills her everywhere — sticky, gooey cum, seeping into her ass and her pussy and her mouth. Ningning tries to swallow all of your cum, but it’s too much, dripping down her chin messily. It’s why she doesn’t feel empty when you at last pull out of her holes, because this icky substance is keeping her nice and full. 
“Oh my god,” Ningning whispers. She’s ironically never felt more alive. “That was so…” Perfect. 
Her chest heaves, her entire body drenched in sweat and slime and goo. It’s nasty, she feels nasty, but she likes it, too. She doesn’t think of how she’ll get back to Winter’s apartment when she looks the way she looks and her clothes are nonexistent. Thanks to you. 
Then it hits you, after climaxing. It wouldn’t matter, really, if Hyungwon banned you from visiting earth, if you snuck Ningning to the underworld. 
Your world. 
“C’mon, pretty,” you say with a coquettish grin, helping her stand. “I just had a bad idea.”
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Promise me
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 2 900 Summary: It almost feels like love at first sight, feelings playing with you while you fall for someone that can't stay Tags: Ace is very soft / Boyfriend content Ace / Fluffy af / Some little angst by the end A/N: he is so gender. if you complain about alabasta ace, you have no soul.
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          Having the humid and fresh weather of the sea replaced by the dry and immensely hot Alabasta’s climate wasn’t something easy to handle, and it was already showing itself while you still crossed the Sandora River. At least the clothes Sanji had fixed wouldn't get you any sunburn, but it still didn’t stop you from wanting to toss them off to stop the heat, so your mood wasn’t the best at the moment. Only that cup of fresh water that Sanji gave you seemed to make things a little more manageable, sitting in the shadow near a few barrels on Merry’s deck.
“Oh, and who are you? What are you doing all curled up like that?” A new voice caught your attention, and it was the first time you looked at his face since Luffy started talking about him. Something shifted in your chest about the way he smiled at you. “You must be (y/n), hm? Luffy told me about you! Thank you for taking care of him!”
You raised your eyebrows with a hum. “It’s no problem! He’s been helping me as well. We got a nice crew.”
“Yeah?” Ace’s lips parted into a grin and he took a seat next to you. “C’mon, tell me more about yourself, and I’ll tell you about me.”
A trade? “And who said I want to know more about you, Fire Fist?” You raised an eyebrow, watching his cheeks slowly grow red as he looked away before you cracked a chuckle. “Sorry, I’m just joking! Go ahead, tell me your adventures!”
Ace was nice and easy to talk to, like a long lost best friend that walked into your life again and you had a lot to catch up with. Staying quiet was difficult when you were near him, even if you were literally making your way through the desert. In comparison, Nami sometimes exchanged words with Vivi, both supervised by an extra-worried Sanji. while Usopp, Luffy, Chopper and Zoro followed along, panting, with dragged steps. Vivi had a resistance to the weather that easily left all of you jealous.
“What happened to (y/n), hm?” Zoro groaned breathlessly. His heavy steps resulted in small mounds in the sand that were later erased by the wooden piece on which Chopper was being dragged down by him. “Won’t shut the hell up! Almost like Sanji when he sees a woman,” he continued grumbling despite how Sanji gasped and decided to get into yet another fight with him, and you couldn’t help but to chuckle, watching Ace’s eyes widen a little.
“It’s just like that.” You shrugged a little. “Sometimes Luffy gets in it too, y’know? They just never stop bickering. Maybe it’s some sort of love language.”
“That would make some sense.” Ace smiled. “Luffy and I wouldn’t stop sparring when we were younger. He would lose to me every single time, of course!”
“So you’re that strong?” You raise an eyebrow.
“That strong!” He grins, bringing up an arm to flex it, even if it’s covered by the heavy clothing to go through the desert; you mirror his grin, about to comment when Luffy’s complaining has both of you turning to watch him.
“I’m tired and hungryyy!” Luffy drags himself after you with a big pout. “Help me convince Sanji that we should eat!” He tugged on your sleeve then at Ace’s, but it wasn’t like he could do much.
Vivi shook her head. “We just took a pause at Erumalu, Luffy! We should save energy for later!”
Luffy frowned, hunching more. “But I’m sooo hungry! And very, very thirsty!”
She raised an eyebrow at him, slowly softening up according to how dramatic he got—she didn’t have the same resistance as the crew, and apparently Ace. “Well, we can stop as soon as the sun sets, so let’s focus on finding some rocks that we can rest nearby when the time comes. Do you think you can keep an eye out for them?”
“Just find rocks?” Luffy’s mood immediately lightened up as he giggled, quickly moving forward and hooking an arm around Usopp’s neck. “C’mon, help me find the next rocks! Then we can rest!”
“That’s not really what she said, Luffy...” Nami tried fruitlessly.
His antics had you chuckling a little, but just hearing about water somehow made your throat feel dry. Your eyes squinted at the horizon; the ground and the sky seemed to tremble under the immense heat, and the fact that sand extended itself for as far as your eyes could reach didn’t help. The heat was like an itch you couldn’t get rid of. Would this ever end?
A water bottle was suddenly shoved in front of you, making you stumble a little. “Here. Drink some of it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at Ace, unable to hold back a smile. He was so sympathetic. “No, it is fine! I have my own water bottle with me, don’t worry about it! We just started our way, according to Vivi, so it’s best if I save water!”
“Then drink some of mine, I don’t mind!” Ace took a step forward so he could stop right in front of you.
“Ace...” You sighed, trying to take a step aside just for him to follow you. “Saving water counts for you as well!”
Ace rolled his eyes a little. “Your face is too red, but I am fine. Aside from that, I can handle heat well, y’know.” A proud smile adorned his features as he pushed the bottle your way, and you couldn’t help but just accept it, trying to balance how much you drank between feeling satisfied and not using much of his water. “This will help.” Ace placed his hat on top of your head, and you were about to complain when he pulled his shemagh over his head in a hood sort of way; he chuckled at how you scoffed. “Where is the shemagh you had?”
“Flew away back in Erumalu. Come on.” You handed his bottle back, finally allowed to walk past him without being stopped. “Look, they’ve continued walking without us!”
“We can catch up, don’t worry!” Ace took your hand in his, putting his bottle away with his free one. “There’s no need to rush if they are not out of sight. Do you need me to carry your stuff?”
“You’re already doing more than you should!” You squeezed his hand with a smile.
          The weather got colder according to how the sun went down, slowly making it more bearable; the weight on your head that clouded your thoughts slowly wore out, only leaving behind a tiredness that would certainly have you out like a light at the moment you rested your head.
"Hah, look at you!" Ace smiled, only letting go of your hand when you had to place your things down so you could camp for the night. "Feeling a lot better, aren't you?"
"Yeah!" You let your things fall to the ground and stretched with a soft groan. "And hungry..."
"Sanjiii..." The way Luffy walked past you almost as if summoned at the mention of food startled you; you sweatdrop while observing him.
Sanji clicked his tongue. "Give me a moment and I'll prepare dinner!"
It took a few minutes to put up the tents you needed for the night and, by the time you were done, it didn’t even feel like the same place that almost made you die of heat now had you almost dying of cold. You clung to the same clothes that you wanted to toss off not even a couple of hours ago.
“Why is it s—so cold at n—night?” Usopp trembled as he took a blanket to wrap it around himself, which he ended up sharing as Luffy took a seat next to him.
Vivi smiled a little as she organized her things before she would also sit down near the bonfire Sanji had made to heat up the food, joining everyone else in a circle around it. “There is nothing to absorb the heat of the day, so the nights can even get below 0 degrees celsius! We are going to be fine, though!”
“H—Hey, Chopper!” Usopp and Luffy called over the reindeer, resulting in another fight you weren’t able to follow; a tugging on your clothes had you looking down to see Ace patting the spot next to him on the blanket he had extended on the ground.
Ace smiled as he observed you, holding out his water bottle once again, making you frown a little whilst pushing it back to him. “Save it for yourself!” He rolled his eyes half heartedly at your words, taking a swig of it himself instead before he could put it away. Your eyes averted to the sky, observing how starry it was tonight. Of course you watched the stars often when on the sea, but they seemed a little different there. Sometimes you went so far that even the stars didn’t seem the same. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yes, yes!” He leaned back on his hands with a soft sigh, following your gaze to the sky. “Thing’s a little harder than I imagined, but it’s alright. I see you liked it, hm?”
You raised an eyebrow and Ace nodded to your head in response, which had your cheeks burning. “Oh, I’m sorry! I ended up forgetting about it!” The hat had a couple of symbols on the front, a smiling and a frowning face that you almost questioned him about, instead preferring to just let it rest on his lap. “It was of great help!” Despite not seeming to feel cold, his cheek felt cold when you pressed a kiss to it, but it seemed to quickly change given how red it turned, worthy of a chuckle; Ace even grabbed his hat to cover his face.
“Food is ready!” Sanji announced, helped out by Chopper to hand out the bowls of food, as usual. Vivi and Nami were the first ones to be served, of course, followed by you and Ace. “Here it is, dearest (y/n)! And some for you as well, Ace!”
“Thank you!” You grinned. The warmth of the food was well welcomed by your cupped hands that held onto it until they were warm enough, and finally started to eat.
Eating Sanji’s warm and delicious food after a long day was so rewarding, to a point the usual talk that happened during the meals was now replaced by a comfortable silence of content. While you still slowly munched on your food, you quietly observed Ace clean his utensils already since he was by then done with his meal. Now that your body wasn’t even heated up due to the constant moving, the cold felt a lot more intense.
Ace raised an eyebrow when you shuffled around, curling up more. “You’re cold,” he pointed out, finishing to clean his fork. Of course; you just shrugged a little, nodding in response. With the fork put aside, Ace moved closer to you, throwing an arm around you. At first it was normal, but soon a comfortable and nice heat irradiated from him. “Does it feel okay?” He was close. His breath fanned against your ear.
“Yes, of course.” You smiled, leaning into his touch, and the way he grinned triggered a funny feeling in your chest that you wished it would never go away.
The silence, after the meal, was replaced by a calm and soft conversation that reflected how tired all of you were. Even Sanji wasn't as scandalous as he usually was, limited to quiet flirting and already discarding his cigarette. Your attention was pulled away from the others at the moment your bowl was removed from your hands, by Ace, who was cleaning it before you could even mutter a word. You clicked your tongue, making him chuckle.
“Do you want to lie down already?”
“Sounds good.” You helped Ace out with gathering your stuff so you could go into the tent, this time being fast enough to get most of the things before he could bother himself. The shoes and extra clothing were discarded aside and you fell to the makeshift bed with a soft sigh, knowing it wouldn’t feel that comfortable if it weren’t for the tiredness. As simple as it was, the tent gave you a sense of comfort that was intensified when Ace joined you, wrapping his arms around your torso as his head rested on your chest. “What are you doing?”
“We need to heat up,” he whispered, pulling himself closer. “Is it alright?”
“‘Feels good,” you admitted quietly. It was as if you were in certain debt with him given everything he was doing, so you brought a hand to hold onto his upper arm while the other played with his hair, running your fingers along his strands until his breathing became softer and deeper, short before you could feel your thoughts slipping from your grasp.
          The new day already started quite agitated. First of all, you woke up covered in sand, then managed to get all your stuff stolen those weird Warusagi birds, followed by Luffy returning with a camel while chased by two Great Sandora lizards that easily became your meal after Luffy, Sanji and Zoro joined forces to defeat it.
“Sorry for Luffy,” Ace said again as the two of you sat together in the shadow of the rocks Luffy had spotted earlier, now resting after your meal, a little away from the others. Both of you had your legs crossed, leaning back against the rock wall; he had lent you his hat during the walk again, which rested on your lap at the moment, your fingers playing with its cord.
“No need to apologize so much!” You shook your head. “We’ve been with him long enough to notice how he is, and we’re ready to deal with it. Not to mention that he also helps us out, so...” You shrugged.
“Yes, still...” Ace trailed off as he bit on the skin around his thumb, but soon pushed the thoughts away with a groan, and there he was again, wrapping his arms around your torso to rest his head on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but hug him back, though adjusting your position a little until your cheek was pressed to his; he chuckled with it and so did you, nuzzling Ace a little, and... your eyes met his.
A smile continued lingering on your faces, twisting a little as if thrilled because you were doing something wrong, and the visual contact broke. Instead, it was Ace’s eyes traveling from yours to your lips in a silent question that you answered by leaning in to press your lips together. It was a soft kiss that held nothing but a genuine feeling behind it, at the same time demanding something you couldn’t quite place. The kiss wasn’t over so fast, only deepening with how his arms wrapped around you tighter, sending your heart fluttering, and you could bet he felt the same when you cupped the back of his neck to tilt his head so you could guide the kiss.
Pulling away was hard, also. It almost felt like each other would disappear if you kept your lips apart for too long, so it was followed by soft and longing pecks until all that rested were shy smiles and red faces. Your gaze met again, so you both chuckled; you brushed your nose against Ace’s before giving him another kiss.
“Look at you,” you mumbled adoringly, letting a hand fall to around his waist to hold him close as you nuzzled a spot under his ear; Ace didn’t know how to react, clearly, looking away as his cheeks adorned a bright red tone along with his cute freckles.
“Y’know,” Ace mumbled and gulped, taking a long pause, “I am... going to leave soon once I... find this Scorpion guy, y’know?” Ace’s words had too much space between them, spoken slowly as if he pondered each one of them. He cleaned his throat. “And maybe you could join the Whitebeard crew? I—I am not trying to, um, take you away from your friends, but... It would be nice. Maybe.”
Your heart sank a little with it and you sighed deeply, letting your hand fall from your neck to his, intertwining your fingers. “Ah, Ace, I... I really wish I could.” You observed your finger run along his knuckles, tracing them. “But what I want can only be achieved with this crew.”
“I understand, I’m so sorry for asking—���
“I would go with you if I could,” you mumbled, internally hitting yourself—was it too quick? But your life probably wouldn’t be that long, after all, because you surely wouldn’t be as lucky as someone like the pirates that could even retire in calm places far from the marine’s attention after growing too old to explore the sea or content with what they’d already achieved. It wouldn’t be everyday you’d find someone who clicked that well with you like Ace did, and it seemed like he felt the same about himself and regarding you. “Just like I know you’d come with me if you could, but things aren’t that easy.” You gave his hand a squeeze. “Still, I can go after you whenever I can, and you can come after me whenever you can.”
Ace let out a breath, sounding like he had been holding it for a time now. “Alright... Do you promise?”
“I promise.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
Y’know, the reason tatsuki probably latched onto Orihime is probably because she lost Ichigo. Not in the literal way but in the sense that Ichigo was probably her closest friend as a kid and even now, she’s still incredibly fond of him but there’s this very palpable distance between them. It’s like when you have a best friend for years and then suddenly you don’t feel like your their best friend anymore while they’re still yours
So when Orihime came along who 1) had orange hair and 2) is the literal embodiment of sunshine like little ichigo, she latched onto her. And then when Orihime got her powers and sort of started to drift away, Tatsuki noticed
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she doesn’t like change because change took away her first best friend and now she’s scared of losing her second. But when things don’t change the way she feared they would she doesn’t say anything when she sees Orihime and Ichigo doing weird spiritual stuff, content to ignore it because unlike with Ichigo at first, she and Orihime both began seeing spirits about the same time and supported each other so even if Orihime can fight the monsters there’s like an equalization in their relationship-- Tatsuki protects Orihime from real world stuff and Orihime protects her from spiritual stuff. It’s why their relationship works in a way Ichigo and Tatsuki’s didn’t at first, because Orihime doesn’t stonewall Tatsuki in the same way Ichigo does. At first, anyways.
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It even says the Tatsuki can sense her so even if she doesn’t have powers they have a connection on a spiritual level and she’s scared to lose that. So when Orihime disappears out of nowhere with no warning, she’s angry and terrified and she knows exactly who to go to because this kind of stuff only happens around Ichigo
So when he stonewalls her YET AGAIN, she snaps because this time, one of the most important ppl in her life is missing and someone who is supposed to be her friend refuses to tell her anything despite all the time, the years they’ve known each other. It’s double the hurt for her, seeing how little Ichigo trusts her, even in matters that concern others
which is great call out to Ichigo’s issues with trusting ppl and making every little thing his responsibility while refusing to rely on anyone else, adressed by Renji and Rukia later on in the arrancar arc when they yell at him for not waiting for them and trusting them to come back and help
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the repeated theme of being asked if they’re friends and why he can’t trust them is just so painful because the difference in thee responses to Tatsuki and Rukia just put into perspective how much Ichigo pushd Tatsuki away since his mom died
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That was tatsuki’s breaking point and it’s an accumulation of all the hurt of losing her best friend and hearing him say that probably hurt both her and Keigo and Mizuiro because they’ve been there the entire time, haven’t they? It wasn’t fair for them to be sidelined like this, especially when it’s their friends, when they can see all the weird stuff that’s happening but feel as if they can’t talk to Ichigo because he tries so hard to protect everyone that all he ends up doing is hurting them
once again, Ichigo’s trust issues, even with ppl who can fight, even with ppl who have raided sereitei with him
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‘Not strong enough’ is interesting. He tries to deter ppl from helping him and coming to his side because he feels that being around them hurts them, he feels that Orihime’s kidnapping is all his fault. And he does this by hurting them with words.
‘Don’t come near me’ ‘You aren’t strong enough’
Another beautiful call out
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Hearing Ichigo say he’ll save Orihime and apologize to her and the others probably made her realize how much he’s been surpressing and how much he’s been hiding from her in a stupid attempt to protect and she hates it, hates how much she understand it because it’s always been in his nature
It makes their friendship post-aizen both bitter sweet and awesome because she finally knows everything but he no longer has his powers so their positions are switched because no she’s the spiritually aware one while he has nothing to hold onto
But she treats him the same nonetheless (Mizuiro and Keigo do as well, Keigo even goes out of his way to check up on Ichigo, after the timeskip to makesure he’s doing okay)
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Anyways that’s enough of my rant about the messy friendship that is Tatsuki Ichigo and Orihime :)
A beautiful fic from Tatsuki’s perspective and some cute Ichigo & Tatsuki friendship: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47193712
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every-single-day · 3 months
Outsiders 6/2 Recap Yap!
Probably spoilers
- I quite literally cannot get over how INSANE the sound design and lighting design are. Like, I can’t even express my thoughts about it. I wish they could have gotten 5 of each of those Tony’s. Absolutely insane.
- idk if this is how it normally plays out, but Brody didn’t catch two-bit’s keys in Grease Got a Hold and started hitting the floor in anger I was crying
- I was not prepared for how FUNNY this show is !!!!! Every single joke lands and my god there are so many
- Pony and Johnny’s Danny Zuko ass walks when they go to sit with Cherri and Marcia took me OUTTTTTTT
- “I’m quite an artistic person actually.”
- Darry still my favorite character idc
- it would be easier to count the actual similarities between the book and the musical than it would be to count the differences atp but y’know I’m not really mad about them. Adam Rapp ate.
- the only change I don’t like is that Pony doesn’t miss his curfew because he and Johnny fell asleep in the lot :( I feel like that’s a pretty essential scene for understanding the depth of their friendship / Johnny’s mental state
- Brody’s mic got FUCKED after the fountain scene he didn’t have full sound until his last 3 words in Run Run Brother
- I see what Jason meant now when he said they changed everything to match the language of the rumble. Wow.
- they really went in on the whole “everything is Ponyboy’s fault” thing damn let my baby breathe
- the way it goes AHHHHH FIRE PONY JOHNNY DALLY NOOOOOO 🔥🔥 and then very abruptly to “Well I woke up this morning 😁” is kinda jarring ngl
- no Curtis brothers reunion 😠
- the applause after the rumble was CRAZY. 30 seconds of cheering and clapping in pitch black darkness.
- Cherri went to visit Johnny in the hospital??? The musical really saves her character I love that for her
- Joshua fucking Boone. I sat there unmoving (was I breathing?) for a solid 5 minutes after Little Brother. I didn’t know what to do.
- I didn’t cry???? Like at all???? I think I was, and lowkey still am, in a state of shock
- met the whole cast at SD 😀 (except Emma, Sky, and Renni they were out)
- Brent’s sharpie ran out of ink and the lady next to me offered to give him hers and he went “😏 i meannnnn I’m not gonna say NO”
- told Jason Schmidt he changed my life when he dropped “chilling in the dressing room” and he started dying laughing and said it changed his life too
- KWP’s teeth are so perfect but he actually terrifies me
- Josh and Rj are so so sweet
- I was the only person in my section who knew Rj (at least by name) and he was so honored and started asking about my day and stuff 😭 then I ran into him again after SD and we talked more and took a super cute pic ugh I love him
- Joshua Boone and I had a spiritual “only black people in the room” connection and when I tell yall we had a MOMENT !!!! I love that man
- I literally saw Brodington Grantifer. With my own two eyes. 10 feet away from me. We made eye contact for half a second. (And then he got manhandled because people are shit and don’t understand how to respect boundaries.)
I probably have more thoughts but those can be posted later when/if I remember them
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theplatypusblue · 6 months
Spoilers for basically everything under the cut :P
In vaguely chronological order (I have already forgotten half of what happened ✌️)
I definitely think the first half is kinda… weak? Somehow? The latter half tho. Oh that latter half. It just felt stronger when we had more stuff going on, I guess. It really started picking up once we met the dragon masters
Man I’m also curious about what got Egalt so emo about humans. Give me the elderly dragon emo backstory…. Give me the centuries old tea about what happened….
Dorama is just?? Hanging out in the desert I guess???? I wonder if we’ll ever get a follow up on that or if it’s just. Y’know. Also I wonder how he controls that puppet thing. Cuz it doesn’t have strings but also I feel like if it was a robot he would be like. Piloting it or something. Who knows.
SPINJITZU BROS MENTIONED!! SPINJITZU BROS MENTIONED!!!! When Wu talked about the sphinx and the Warriors of Felis I was like!!!!!!!!! 👀‼️👆👆👀👀 Ninjago flashback sequences never miss fr‼️
Speaking of flashbacks…. Kai and Nya childhood stuff… the babiues… bwabbies….. babbuysss…. bebies………… buueghugugubuh
Okay tbh when the wolf-warrior Jay stuff leaked I was kinda confused but now I think I can see how we get from point a to point b. Like, Jay. feels like he has to hide his powers for whatever reason, then maybe Ras comes in like “Stop hiding your powers. Quit your job. Join my emo band”
Also Jay screen time has been upgraded! From 30 seconds!!! To 90 seconds!!! 🙌🙌🙏 woo!!!
Cole saying “I’m always adorable >:)” when he has that dog potion I have Art Ideas™ hehe
Ras AND Lloyd have visions…. It’s makes me suspicious somehow. Especially since Ras’ master is kind of associated with gold/yellow. Is his master a source dragon? Like, an evil source dragon??? Cuz that’s the only being we’ve seen so far that can induce visions like that but idk…
When Ras put that shocker thing on the forbidden five guy’s neck, that was like, genuinely kinda scary/intimidating. Cuz like, the whole time, the forbidden five were like, spoken about all mysteriously n stuff. But then Ras just comes in like “ur working for me lol you do what I tell you to ✌️”. Like all the Blood Moon stuff made it seem like they’d be an unstoppable force once they were through that portal, but it turns out they were just another piece of some big evil plan. Crazy.
Now the REAL question is… how the tf is wyldfyre gonna get a boyfriend?? Is it just gonna be some guy she meets in pt 2? Like just some random ass dude????? Cuz there’s been zero (0) setup for that plot point in pt 1, so I have no idea how that’s gonna play out. I’m not upset abt it I’m just totally completely lost and confused if that makes sense. Like how do we even get there bro???
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stuckonmain · 2 years
Human Nature
2012 Raph x reader
Could be read as platonic or romantic I guess, and the reader's gender isn't mentioned. Angst and hurt comfort.
You find Raph crying over a dead baby turtle. That's it. That's the fic. It ends well. (Sorta)
  I rounded the corner of the farmhouse as I headed in from the barn. There was only so much I could do to help Donnie before starting to feel like a pest, so I had come up with some excuse about needing to finish some homework or something, and it was a true testament to how tired he was that he didn’t question that at all. 
  Of course there was no homework. There was no school. Dee needed sleep, but that wasn’t my problem…what time was it, anyways?
  Well, it was dark, so late probably…I also needed sleep, apparently.
  But as I approached the house, I became aware of a quiet sobbing sound from the porch.
  I sighed. Mikey, probably. Maybe April or even Casey. It wouldn’t be the first time in the past few months I’d walked in on one of them crying. 
  I racked my brain for possible reasons, but I couldn’t find any…Leo was up and about, so it probably wasn’t that this time…maybe the brothers had fought or something? Or maybe…Well, the maybes weren’t helping anyone.
  …Another choked sob sounded from above me.
  I shook my head clear and considered my options. I could go up to the porch and confront the crying person, or I could go around the back entrance and leave them alone… Okay, when I put it like that, the answer was obvious. To the back entrance I’d go- 
  I froze, staring at the stick I’d stepped on, because of course I couldn’t be stealthy- I wasn’t a ninja, I was just a kid who liked fighting things. Shit. Maybe they didn’t hear-
“W-Who’s there?” Growled the person on the porch. It sounded hostile, like the person didn’t want me to know he was crying.
   Oh he definitely heard. 
  I paused my thought train to recognize the voice. Was that… Raph? Raphael? The least likely person at literally any given time to do something like cry?
  Brooding , maybe, but never crying…
  “Uh…no one…? Just…the…wind.” I said slowly, not turning around to face the porch as I tried to continue my tactical retreat.
  “Well good, screw off like the wind then!” He snapped, but the bite of it was kinda dulled by how choked up he sounded. Much to my chagrin, I was starting to feel kinda bad for him. 
  Raph didn’t cry a lot…I’d known him for a year and come to think of it? He hadn’t cried ever . If Raph was crying…it had to be serious.
   Mission unsuccessful, now I feel bad.
  I slowly walked back towards the porch, avoiding eye contact as much as I could. 
  “...Hey…uh, sorry, but it turns out I’m not the wind.” I said lightly, sitting on the porch step next to him. “You okay?”
  He stubbornly glared at the ground. “What, here to laugh at me or somethin’? If I wanted that I’d find Mikey.” 
  I ignored the comment and looked over at what he had in his hands.
  “...What’s that?” I said softly.
  He swallowed thickly, holding it out so I could see. It was a slightly speckled oval with a crack running down the side…
  “...T-turtle egg.” He mumbled, barely comprehensible. “It’s…” He drew a line across his neck to mime ‘dead’, seemingly unable to say the painful word.
  “Oh.” I said, because what else do you say to that?
  “Foun’ it in…y’know. The woods.” He said, waving vaguely at the trees. “I ‘unno, guess I t-thought I could…save it or somethin’...it’s stupid.”
  I nodded. That sucked. “Well…hey, y’know…ya tried, right? That’s…that’s more than a lot of people would do…You know, you gave it a chance. I’m not wording this well…”
  Raph snorted. “Jus’ tell me I’m bein’ a baby, (Y/N).” He said, words slightly distorted in that way they are when you cry. You know, when ‘t’ sounds are impossible and ‘g’ sounds slip away…I always found that embarrassing when I cried in front of others, but now with Raph being the one crying, I just felt empathetic. 
  “You’re not though.” I said finally, looking out at the woods. “I’m sure that this baby turtle would be glad that you tried to help it, and yeah it fucking hurts that you failed, but that’s not your fault. That’s just…the delicacy of living. Nature and the cycle of life or whatever.”
  “I stepped on it.” He said, starting a new bout of sobs. “It wouldn’t be… dead if I hadn’t screwed up- I didn’ know that I’d…wandered into a turtle nest …”
  “You stepped on it?” I echoed, glancing at him.
  He nodded, closing his eyes. “An’ I shoulda know it was there, I -”
  “Well…it’s dark out. You couldn’t have possibly seen it.” I reasoned.
  “I shoulda.”
  “Who goes out to the woods at night and thinks ‘hm, I should definitely expect to see everything that could possibly be in my path’?” I said with a half smile.
  “Someone who didn’t accidentally…” He mimed killing again, “...a baby turtle.” He grunted.
  “It was an accident, Raph.” I shrugged. “You couldn’t have helped it, and beyond that, you tried to save it. So somewhere there’s probably some…I ‘unno, ghost turtle that’s glad you tried to give it a chance at living. Ya did your best, man, and sometimes that’s enough for the bad karma or whatever to leave you alone.” I said, punching him lightly in the shoulder.
  He snorted. “Tha’s dumb. There isn’ some… ghost turtle that’s glad I carried it to this fucking porch and cried about it like a baby after killing it. ”
  I smiled. “Nah. Of course there isn’t. I’m tryin’ to make you feel better.”
  “Well you’re bad at it.” He scoffed, but a hint of a smile appeared on his face.
  “Yeah? And you’d say something better?” I challenged.
  He nodded, rubbing the side of the egg’s shell. “Easily. I’d say…It’s a fucking dead turtle (Y/N), it doesn’ care. Go inside and watch a dumb movie with Mikey or somethin’ and stop crying about it.” He was smiling a bit more now.
  I smirked. “How comforting.” 
  “Quit bein’ sarcastic, you jerk.” He said, punching my arm lightly, but he was full on grinning so I knew he didn’t mean it.
  I fell back as though he’d punched me across the porch. “You wound me so, Raphael!” I said dramatically, chuckling as he rolled his eyes.
  “So…” I added, gentler now, “D’ya wanna…bury it or something silly and sentimental like that?” 
  He nodded, blushing a bit as though the idea of doing so was embarrassing. 
  I helped him up, smiling as though the idea of doing so was completely normal and not at all over-dramatic, because really, it wasn’t. 
  Yeah, burying a crushed turtle egg after comforting one’s friend who also happened to be a giant talking turtle was a completely normal thing to do.
  I smiled again at the absurdity of it all, and a part of me noticed that Raph hadn’t let go of my hand despite the fact that we were both standing now. I squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back.
  “C’mon. You gotta pick a good spot.” I said softly as we reached the edge of the yard.
  “...Okay.” He whispered. “How about…there.” He nodded towards a section of earth by a little creek.
  “Oh. Good choice. That’s probably the prettiest part of the yard.” I agreed, and he smiled at the feedback.
  “Alright, you mark the spot an’ I’ll grab the shovels.” He said, clearing his throat as he slipped the turtle egg into my hands.
  “Yessir.” I nodded. He came back with two shovels a second later, and we began to dig a small hole.
  “Do y’think I should…I ‘unno, make a gravestone?” He said with an air of casualness that we both knew was a total lie.
  “Sure. It’d be…respectful, right?” I said, scooping another mound of dirt into the pile. The hole was already at least a foot deep, which was far more than it needed to be, but neither of us wanted to point that out. I think we both knew that that meant actually putting the little turtle into the ground…for good, and we weren’t quite ready for that yet, so we kept digging.
  “Yeah. I could draw him on a motorcycle or somethin’. That’d be cool.” He chuckled.
  “You sound like Jonesy.” I grinned. 
  Raph shook his head. “That is a horrible nickname.”
  “No, it is not very metal, is it.” I mused. “That may or may not be why I gave it to him. Don’t tell Mikey, but I have lame nicknames for all of you.”
  Raph snorted. “Really.”
  I nodded. “Yup. I have them all stored in a secret journal with a lock on it. Once we go back to New York, I’mma put it in the farmhouse attic in order to totally confuse future generations of O’Neils.”
  “No ya don’t.” He scoffed.
  “What makes ya say that?” I said, raising an eyebrow.
  “If you genuinely did, you’d be laughing, but you’re trying to look serious.” Raph said smugly. 
  “Huh. You’re good, that was a lie. Not the nicknames part, I do have those, but none of them are written down. …And I don’t think you can lock a notebook shut unless it’s one of those dumb diaries at elementary school book fairs. I’m rambling. I’ll stop.”
  Raph broke the silence after a beat. “What’s Leo’s top secret nickname?”
  “If I tell you it won’t be a secret, will it?” I teased, flicking his mask tails. He responded by flicking my shoulder.
  “You already told me Casey’s, tell me Leo’s.”
  “Captain Ryan. It’s pretty basic.” I answered.
  “...He’d take that as a complement, you know that, right?”
  “Maybe.” I shrugged. “Mikey’s is Angel ‘cause of his name, and Donnie’s is Rainy D. Y’know, instead of Sunny D because I think it’s funny to annoy him. April’s is Red, which I stole from Casey. Yours is also Red because for some reason I find that funny. Mine is Ruler of New York because…well, c’mon . It’s self explanatory, baby.” I said, tossing my hair cockily.
  “Oh I get it, because you’re freakishly tall like a measuring stick.” Raph said. 
  “Oh dear sweet Raphael, being taller than you does not make me freakishly tall, or even particularly tall at all.” In fact, being taller than Raph was a very easy -and common- feat…he stood at about 5’0.
  “Yeah, well you know what’s great about being short?” He said, leaning on his shovel.
  “Tell me.” I said, leaning on my own shovel dramatically.
  “It makes it easier to do this .”
  He kicked me in the shins.
  “Oi! That was low!...Literally.” I said with a smirk, miming a ‘badum tss’ with the shovel.
  He scoffed, but failed to hide the smile on his face. We kept digging.
  “D’you think we’re done, then?” I finally said as I found myself standing over a hole that was at least two feet deep.
  Raph busied himself with using the shovel to measure the depth rather than answering my question, stubbornly avoiding my eyes.
  “Raph?” I prompted, nudging him. “We can wait a bit if you want…”
  He sighed, eyes glued to the ground. “Nah, you’re right...I guess so.”
  I scooped up the little turtle corpse, glancing over it one final time. Its face was barely visible through the crack in the egg, and unfortunately it was adorable.
  I set it gently into Raph’s outstretched hands, and he hummed sadly. Well…it wasn’t quite a hum, it was more of a sad animalistic chirp, as though losing this baby turtle was hurting his biological turtle-senses or something. (Donnie probably had a solid explanation, but that didn’t matter right now.)
  Raph blushed again as he seemed to notice the sound, and he cleared his throat and looked away from me with a grimace. The sound stopped.
  “Not a word.” He grumbled.
  “Didn’t plan on it.” I coughed, and he looked at me gratefully. “Also…Should we…say something…y’know, memorial-y?” I asked hesitantly.
  “Probably. Uh…I…I dunno what exactly to say at one of these…funerals.” He said, starting out really strong. I resisted the urge to say something sarcastic and instead nodded encouragingly and gave a thumbs up. 
  Raph sighed and patted the top of the egg. “But uh…it’s like one in the morning, and I’m out here knee deep in a bunch of dirt with my friend, burying a turtle I’ve never met and will never get to meet, so…I guess anything goes. Uhm…I’m sorry, little guy. I wish you coulda had a better chance at living, and…I hope you like the spot I chose for your…resting place.”
  I nodded. “It’s the best part of the yard…on sunny days, the creek turns bright blue, and the flowers are starting to grow. If you were alive, you’d get to see them, and you’d probably love them. They probably taste good.” (Did turtles eat flowers? Probably not…whatever, I’d already said it now.)
  Raph smiled bittersweetly and set the egg down in the grave. 
  “Bye little guy. …Love you.” He said softly, and picked up his shovel again. 
  And without saying a word, we buried the little turtle in its final resting place. Somewhere along the line his sad chirp sound started up again, but I didn’t mention it and he didn’t notice.
  I stood up finally and tossed my shovel aside. “We can make a grave marker tomorrow, but in the meantime…” I plucked one of the crocuses by the creek and set it on the grave. 
  Raph nodded, pulling himself up. “That’ll work for now… C’mon, let’s steal Mikey’s oreos and watch a movie or somethin’.”
  “Sounds good to me.” I said, holding out my hand.
  With a half smile, he took it.
  “Hey, (Y/N)...thanks.” He said quietly as we headed back towards the farmhouse. 
  I squeezed his hand, smiling lightly. “Anytime, Raphael.”
  “Oh, and mention this to anyone, an’ I’m shoving my sais through you.” He added, but there was no venom behind his words, so I just flicked his mask tails again.
  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” I grinned, and he squeezed my hand, and we went inside.
  The next day, we found a piece of wood that Raph painted a picture of a turtle on, and we stuck it in the ground over the grave.
   Life would go on.
Leo, glaring at Raph and (Y/N): “Guys, care to explain why I saw you two out there with shovels last night?”
Raph: “We…murdered someone…?”
(Y/N): “Yup. Lotta blood. Lotta violence. The dying part was unintentional. I always did say I’d help ya hide a body though, so…”
Leo: “I’m sorry wHAT?!”
Author's note: Requests for the 2012 characters are open now on my account :)
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astridthevalkyrie · 10 months
chand ko chakor dekhe, tujkho naseebo wala (the bird looks at the moon, a lucky one looks at you) | hawks x reader | chapter 6
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“You’ve died twice? From clocks? “I know you’re not blind to the rocks and debris flying literally everywhere! The world would be better off without you in it!” you scream at the villain. The machine is even louder as it breaks and jams into the ground. “Flying building pieces or something, I don’t know—one hit me yesterday. The first day I got knocked into a wall, and then I woke up hugging my body pillow. Same thing the next day. And the next, and the next. Did my number three pro hero partner save me? No, he let me get stuck in a fucking time loop!” Or, you’ll do a lot of things with infinite time on your hands, but falling in love with Keigo Takami isn’t one of them.
a/n: yesssss update's out have a fun time reading!
warnings: suicide attempts (with the understanding that she will reset), hawks pins reader to a building, rudeness, icky romantic stuff 🤮
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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“Whoa.” Your hands come up in front of your chest as the kid’s arm crackles��crackles?—with lightning. “Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on, I don’t fight children!”
You don’t think the nerd hears you, because he’s jumping forward with wide, fearful, despaired eyes. “Detroit”—of course he’s an All Might copycat, USA lover, star spangled stripes, would still smash their number one hero, though more like she’d smash you because she’s super strong—”SMAAASH!”
Fuck your life. Truly.
You go back to the beach the next today. Not to kill All Might again, even if you did cheat and break the vow you’d made to yourself the first day you officially started training to be a hero (haha your soul is broken you’re going to hell except you’re not because you’re stuck in a time loop and ohmygosh maybe this is hell maybe when you got hit by the rock that first day you died what the shiiiiit). No no, you won’t kill him again, because you’re just far more interested in who this tiny little green loser is and just how he KOed you with one punch.
That’s not, like, easy. You killed the top ten heroes minus the dumb bird! By right of passage, that makes you the number one! Or at least the number two if Hawks is de facto one even though he totally isn’t. He admitted MULTIPLE times that he would have just let you kill him. Who needs a flimsy number one hero like that?
Speaking of flimsy number one heroes.
You’re probably losing your mind more than you thought. Why are you looking at a chibi version of All Might?
Goddamn are heroes stupid! You’re perched up just barely out of view and neither the LITERAL NUMBER ONE or his protege have noticed you as they eat and yap about CLASSES of all things!
Okay, so when you killed All Might, he wasn’t exactly himself because he hasn’t had his Snickers bar yet or whatever. Which means you didn’t really kill the number one, and so the right of passage still leaves you at number two (yeah yeah, de facto Hawks number two, then you). 
So if Small Might (good one! that’s original!) can’t fight you, that would mean the real foe you’d need to defeat is YOUNG MIDRORIYA! Only problem is that YOUNG MIDORIYA! is a child and y’know, you’re not quite that comfortable in your amorality yet. Already you feel queasy every time you think about the way you killed LightMight. 
Still, one doesn’t just go around California Cabana-ing every single person they see, so when YOUNG MIDORIYA! starts walking back to whichever hovel he crawled out of, you follow him until you see someone trip in front of him, large drink in their hands. 
What would have soaked his shirt now completely coats his face with just a liiiiitle bit of wind.
Respect your elders, kid. You’ll never be the next Mini Might with that attitude. Although, that isn’t any reason to apologize that profusely to the lady that spilled the drink. No, there’s no need to buy her a new drink either, your face got soaked, not her’s, she was the one not looking where she was going. OFFERING AN AUTOGRAPH FROM ERASERHEAD? HUH? DID SHE LOSE HER DRINK OR DID SHE LOSE HER WHOLE GODDAMN FAMILY?
Oh, she doesn’t even know who Eraserhead is. Ha. That’s right, walk home with your sorry little green head all wet. That’ll teach you not to bribe civilians.
The next day, you wake up, ignore Hawks’ text first thing in the morning, open your window and jump out. Then you wake up in your bed again, and repeat. Repeat. Repeat. It’s entertaining for all of six minutes before the nothingness and despair becomes passionless.
What’s left? What more is there?
Well, it was kinda fun taking Ryukyu up to space (no it wasn’t?). You could try that again. Opening the window, you go up this time, instead of down.
Today, you’ll try to reach the sun.
First, you’re shot by someone who must think you were a stray bird. First, rude. Second, still illegal. Rot in jail. You love being a pro hero, the police do whatever you say with overt rudeness but begrudging submission. 
Second, you look into the sun too long and uh. Die. That one’s embarrassing.
Third, claws dig into your hips and yank you down. 
“Hey!” You scratch at the hands assisting gravity in bringing you closer to the ground. “What the hell, what are you doing? You never get here this early!”
“What are you doing? Where are you even going?”
“I will kick you in the balls if you don’t let me go, you dumb shit!”
“You’re so nice,” Hawks drawls, and his legs wrap around yours too, one arm around your front to pin your arms to the side. Now it’s only his wings keeping you afloat, his air giving you flight. It infuriates you, appealing muscles aside. “Someone just took a picture of us, by the way. Have fun explaining that one.”
You growl as fiercely as humanly possible, wriggling in his grasp. “Stupid stupid stupid bird impedes justice, gets murdered for it.”
“Too wordy for a hashtag.”
“Okay, how’s about—” It makes your chest hurt when you do it, but you suck in wind towards you using your own breath, and shoot it down to throw his arms away from you. “Hashtag I Did Hawks’ Dad!”
His wings flap as he falls, but he catches himself in no time. You’re propelling back up already, clouds not even within touching distance yet. Not that you wanna touch them. They’re really cold. Might as well touch Endeavor’s heart while you’re at it.
“For your information.” His nails graze your nape this time, and he grips the back of your uniform. With a grunt, he pulls you back again, too strong for those weak birdy bones. You shoot downwards, gasping. “That would make you a criminal fucker.”
You’re sideways, hair twisting in strange ways as you glare up at him. His wings expand impressively, blocking the sun and giving you a good look at a world of crimson gold. 
“Sorry about your dirtbag father. Can you get out of the fucking way?”
Hawks holds up a finger with a condescending look, pointing to his right, then his left. “See these? These are legitimate directions to fly in. Up is nothing. Up doesn’t have anything for you.”
“You’re a fake friend,” you spit, jetting up with a fist raised. 
He blocks, immediately raising his leg to kick you, but you saw that move coming because sometimes you watch his fight compilations for entertainment (and his compilations in real life too, duh). His foot connects with your arm, and the sunlight gleams in his visor. “Is that so? Elaborate for me.”
“Do you know how fucking bored I am? Do you have any idea how much I hate every single fucking person on this planet?”
You land a square hit on his chest; the victory is short lived. Feathers sneak into your sleeves and pull you down, ignoring your kicking and screaming.
“Who could you possibly hate?” he sings.
“You, for starters, winged piece of shit! And Endeavor, yeah, that’s right, dickrider. Cry about it. I hate All Might too—did you know he’s a fraud? And his stupid ass sidekick, or ex boyfriend, or whatever, I paid him a visit and every time he’s about to tell me my future I end up dying, because life hates me just as much as I hate life! I’m not even allowed to know how I go out! Ryuku and Best Jeanist think they can appeal to my better nature, well, I DON’T HAVE ONE! Oh, I hope you get to marry someone someday, Hawks, and I hope they cheat on you and take all your money.”
It might look like you’re flailing, but you’re not. You’re just trying to air out your own clothes to get the feathers out. The man who had taken a picture of you is not full on recording the fight you and Hawks are having.
You flash him two matching middle fingers. 
“Stop it,” Hawks snarls, apparently fed up now (one word against Endeavor and Fanboy Hawks comes out to play). “That shit’ll go viral, you know it will.”
“Sorry to ruin your perfect image, golden boy.” You finally rip the last feather out of your sleeve, biting it in half and spitting it out just to spite him. “Kiss my ass—fuck!”
You’re pinned. Fully against the building. The feathers aren’t under your clothes, they don’t need to be. They connect with each other to form a link that pins your ankles and wrists individually and before you can suck in any air a few more stuff into your mouth as a makeshift gag. Upside down. “I’m not worried about my image, songbird. Your popularity rating is at an all time low lately.”
Because you don’t pose for posers the way he does. And also maybe how not child friendly you are in interviews. Maaaybe because most of the other heroes don’t even like you enough to team up with you.
Not! That! It! Matters!
Hawks can read you well enough from your eyes. He maneuvers his body upside down to look at you face up, and looks into your gaze with a slight quirk of his lips. “What’s the matter, Nightingale? You hate hero society all of a sudden?”
“You wanna skip patrol today?”
“Why not?”
“Sorry, gonna need your mouth to transcribe that one.” The gag is lifted and before you can scream he covers your mouth with his hand, “Hey,” he coos, looking like his hair is flying up, “I’m serious. We can skip patrol, or I can do it on my own. I’ll cover for you, no problem.”
“Dude,” you choke, and the wetness running up your temple makes you realize you’re crying, “I wanna die.”
His face changes immediately, dropping every bit of his persona in an instant. The feathers loosen and release you, dropping you, and he catches you bridal style before you can turn on Aerial. 
“Alright, hang on.” His face is pained as he nudges your window open, carrying you in. “Hang on.”
The blood rushes back to your head, and the tears fall normally. He places you against your headboard, right next to the body pillow you always wake up next to. The sight of it makes you cry harder.
“Hey, hey.” Just like he did every time you tried to manipulate fighting tactics out of him to use against Endeavor, Hawks’ thumbs come up to brush your tears away. He sits at the edge of your bed, as though he’s visiting you in the hospital. “Hey, pretty girl, c’mon. Talk to me. Tell me everything. Let me help you.”
Your hands tangle in your own hair and your eyes shut, looking every bit the crazy lady you’ve become. “I want to fly into the sun. Please, just let me do that.”
“I can’t,” he pleads, taking his visor off and setting it aside. His jacket goes next, and he drapes it over you like the two of you aren’t indoors. And not on a date. He’s watched one too many cheesy romcoms. His favorite is John Tucker Must Die. You think that’s because he has mommy issues.
“I can’t,” he repeats, nudging himself next to you and moving your hands from your hair to your lap. His own hands go up to pat your hair down, and brush your shoulders, touch as light as a feather. 
He’s grooming you. Dumb bird. 
A painful sob escapes you, and you fall into him as he rubs your arms, your back, your hair. His bodysuit quickly becomes wet with your tears, but he doesn’t seem to mind, lips on your temple and arms tight around you. He even leans down and kisses a tear straight off your cheek.
“I’ve been living the same day again and again. I’ve lost count of the days. I killed people and I manipulated you and you keep helping me but nothing works. Everyday I have to go through this. Everyday the universe finds a way to kill me. I haven’t—” Your own wail cuts you off, and he squeezes you closer. “I haven’t seen nighttime in forever! I’ll forget what nighttime looks like soon, I’m so sick of the sun!”
He doesn’t say anything. Sometimes he believes you straight away, sometimes he doesn’t, but either way he eventually takes it in stride. He cheers you up. He takes you places or he talks and talks and talks until you’re laughing, laughing so hard you almost don’t feel the pain when you die.
His lips burn on your skin. He keeps them on your temple, warming you far more than his jacket does. 
“I hate telling you this every time,” you sniff, “I wish there was a way I could fast forward it.”
Still, he doesn’t talk. He moves instead, holding you to his heart like you’re.
When Hawks does speak, his voice is thicker than normal, like he’s holding back something. Tears of his own, or a confession. Too many times he’s seen you vulnerable now, even if he doesn’t remember, and you don’t think you’ll ever see him in such a state. 
“If you wanna fly into the sun, I won’t stop you.”
You look at him. No hint of a lie in those golden eyes. Pulling away from the safety you’d embraced for a second, you sit back and swallow. “Yeah? No lie?”
“No lie. You’ll come back, right? The day will reset. So it’s okay.”
“Yeah.” Unless today is finally the last day. But you doubt it. You’ll know when it is. If it ever comes.
“Then you can go. Or…”
A few minutes ago, you’d have jumped out the window the second he stopped holding you back. “Or?”
“Or.” His tongue pokes into the side of his cheek. Thinking face. One of the few people who doesn’t have a dumb thinking face. This one actually looks like he’s thinking. “You let me take you somewhere.”
“Surprise,” he says softly, “you’ll like it. Promise.”
And you figure you can always fly into the sun tomorrow. The giant ass star isn’t going anywhere.
He’s had a hand over your eyes for a couple minutes now, guiding you inside…somewhere. Every few seconds he makes a shushing sound, to who you assume are bystanders wondering why the rude hero who trended number one on Twitter this morning (#FrightingaleBreakdown) is wandering around.
“Are you taking me to a strip club?” you ask suddenly. “I really don’t wanna go to a strip club right now.”
“No, but that’s a good idea. Tell me that one later. Or, tomorrow, or whatever. Whenever you want.”
Yeah. Okay.
A door closes, and that’s when he finally moves his hand. You’d assumed you would have to shield your eyes from some ceiling light. But instead, you’re met by even more darkness.
Well. Not total darkness.
There’s a hint of white. A sliver of silver. And it’s everywhere.
You honesttoGod gasp, staggering back as you witness the night sky. The stars twinkle like shiny teeth (that sparkle, adding beauty to my faaaace, my shiny teeth that glisten, just like a christmas tree, you know they’d walk a mile, just to see me smile (woo!) my shiny teeth and me). Your hands tremble as they close over your mouth, and you don’t realize that you’re tearing up until Hawks’ fingers are under your eyes again, catching the tears before they can fall.
“I know a planetarium isn’t the same as the actual night.” He glows like this, how does one do that? What’s his skincare routine? “But…it’s better than nothing, and I’ll bring you here whenever you want. You say the word to me and we’re here. Or anywhere else. If you can’t get out of the loop, then you should take advantage of it. Have fun. Do things you’ve never had time to do before. I’ll help you.”
For all this trouble, you should stare up at the faux sky, not at him.
“And um, to speed up the process.” His cheeks dust pink, and he whispers, “Keigo.”
That’s when you find your voice. “What?”
“Keigo. My name. I’ve never told anyone, so, you know. I’ll believe you faster.” His face is red now, all the way up to the tips of his prickly ears. 
“Kei-go.” You test it out on your tongue, eyes on him. “Well, what if I’m just messing with you and I’m not actually reliving today?”
He exhales in a way that tells you the thought didn’t even cross his mind. As if you’re sooo goodhearted you would never do such a thing. But you absolutely would.
“It’d be worth it.” Hawks—Keigo—shrugs. “To hear you say my name.”
You step forward, you think, to kiss him, but before you get the chance the ground shakes, and then crumbles directly under your feet. You don’t even hear his cry of surprise. Is this an earthquake? No, quicksand? But that makes no sense—except the curse doesn’t make any sense at all, so yeah. Sure. You’ll go out like that.
You wake up with the taste of sand and good sense never to try and kiss your partner again. 
“You’re early!” Hawks greets you at patrol.
“Yeah, well.” You sigh, blowing into the cup of hot tea in your hand. “We don’t all take our time like you, Keigo.”
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via-the-cryptid · 11 months
I am so invested in this AU. I just wanted you to know that. Especially when it comes to the Snow Betty & Magic Simon Adopted Children Collective.
...Though, actually: How does the Farmworld visit during the Multiverse Travel Trip to Save Betty From Dying For Being 1000+ Years Old go? IIRC, in canon, Farmworld Finn did not have a good reaction to Simon wanting the Ice Crown and stuff, so like. How does that go?
Or does Farmworld happen in the SQ AU even?
Farmworld does happen in this AU! just as in canon, it’s the first dimension they visit after being yoinked into the wish cube by Prismo, who’s trying to keep them away from Scarab (this is directly after Scarab took the crown and put it in an egg). Prismo tried to hide them, but just as before Scarab finds out about Fionnaworld due to, y’know, Fionna and Cake being there, and the gang is forced to leg it to the next dimension.
Simon has already seen what will happen if the crown is damaged and can’t provide magic to Betty, but now the crown is gone entirely, which is Bad. she’s deteriorating faster now, mostly subsisting off of Simon’s own magic (which he’s now consciously offering her, rather than it being an unconscious miasma like before since he now knows better), but it’s not a permanent solution. They need to find another crown, and quick, or else Betty will die and Fionnaworld will go with her.
(also: after Prismo talked to Simon about the situation with Snow Queen’s head storage and Fionnaworld, he elected to still leave it there and just let it be for a while, and he was reading the books instead to find out how Fionnaworld was doing. he found the series surprisingly compelling.)
but we’re getting very off topic! Farmworld Finn is a little less reluctant to help them after hearing that Betty will literally die otherwise and that Magic Simon can make sure she doesn’t start icing things, but he still doesn’t entirely trust them and asks them to stay the night in the barn so he has time to think it over. just as before, however, Jay and Little Destiny meet up in the crater, Scarab happens et cetera et cetera, and the crown is revealed to be broken. this time, however, Scarab’s fight isn’t so easy.
because this time, they have Magic Simon.
in the end, they still lose. they still run away, but Farmworld Finn is able to take his children and Little Destiny and run. Scarab doesn’t bother chasing, because his target is right in front of him, and they’re… escaping through that portal actually. well, no matter — with Prismo in an egg, Scarab has the power of the Wishmaster’s wish cube at his disposal. it’ll be no trouble at all to track these mischance down.
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yfmconfessions2 · 6 months
If the YFM members were in an apocalypse/Dead Rising/Resident Evil type situation (yes this might be sad and long sorry friends)
I like to think they were having a concert when the outbreak happened. Like Puff in the middle of a song goes “C’MON, GUYS! LETS GO CRAZY!” to the audience only for them to erupt in horrified screams as a literal wave of zombies bust in through the walls like the Kool Aid Man. The YFM van was tragically destroyed in the process (RIP)
Obviously the band said “hell no” and ran the fuck out of there. Puff insisted they set up camp near a hospital because of the amount of “resources”… despite most of the outbreak happening there… and half the med equipment being useless because they don’t know how to use it… and that everything in that hospital could be contaminated
Even though they’ve been friends since at least fourth grade, an apocalypse isn’t exactly good for friendships. Arguments insue over a lot of stuff—food, water, gas for the generator, who goes out to get the food, water and gas, you get it. They still are good friends and they do care for each other, but the stress from the whole apocalypse thing really puts a damper on their mood
Benatar still writes little songs in his notebook that he miraculously saved while they were dipping the fuck out. The whole band still makes music in their spare time; hell, sometimes they can be as loud as they want!
Sometimes a group of survivors come by and trade resources (y’know, with money being completely obsolete and such). DeeJay’s the one who does the negotiating and stuff because Puff Puff causes fights with them half the time and Axel and Benatar are socially illiterate
Axel dies first—like, almost a week after the apocalypse starts—because he decided to Fuck Around And Find Out with the zombies. One of them started approaching him and his dumbass thought he could take it on only for him to get completely devoured like a Ritz cracker
Our favourite martians keep Axel’s Viking hat as a little keepsake and set it up by the campfire. It almost feels like he’s still here
Puff dies second from the virus that caused the outbreak. He consumed or came into contact with a contaminated object/person (most likely a contaminated bandage on an opened wound or something) and because the symptoms didn’t happen the second he got infected he acted all smug about it. It didn’t go well
DeeJay was the one to kill Puff before he could infect him or Benatar. That was a very Not Fun day
DeeJay and Benatar hang on for a while. Now that two people were gone, they don’t have to acquire as much food. Still, it feels so much more empty with Puff and Axel gone
Benatar does little crafts to keep him occupied. He becomes very fond of sewing and drawing in particular
DeeJay managed to find some old comic books while looking for some food. It reminds him of his childhood, and it just so happens to be the only form of entertainment available
Unfortunately, DeeJay dies third during a trade gone wrong. There was a disagreement over the exchange and one of the rival groups cancelled his life subscription in a fit of rage and basically mugged him
Benatar surprisingly lasts the longest of them all. He doesn’t go outside much unless he’s looking for resources, he doesn’t use too much at once and doesn’t really fuck with anyone. He managed to last a few years before the military found him and took him to a bunker
yeah 😐👍
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raaaandomficssss · 1 year
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Daryl Dixon x Fiona Masters
Alexandria era - before the saviors - fluff - angst
Fiona and Aaron sat silently in the car on their way back from a run. Just moments before this, they had run into a small group of people. They were hoping to bring them back but they started to attack the pair. Aaron being new to fighting  wasn't much help so he relied on Fiona to step up and save the day. And save the day she did, she even got stabbed to prove it. Well, that's not why, she got stabbed so that Aaron didn't. But you know, same thing. 
“It wasn't your fault” fiona said breaking the silence 
“You can't save everyone, A.” she whispered looking at the man driving 
“I know that, I do. I know some people are to far gone, I just thought I had gotten better at figuring it out” Aaron admitted 
Fiona adjusted in the passerseat, doing her best to apply pressure to her wound. Thankfully it wasn't too deep. 
“Y’know, this probably need stitches” Fiona said trying to change the subject 
Aaron stopped the car all of a sudden, 
“So you cant hide this from Daryl?” he questioned rather quickly 
“Well i wasnt planning on it, why did you stop?” Fiona said taken aback 
“Let me see” aaron said trying to look at the wound on the womans shoulder 
“No, jesus aaron what the hell is wrong with you, can you go I am literally bleeding out?” Fiona asked the frazzled man 
“Daryls gonna kill me” he whispered more to himself 
“Daryl?” Fiona questioned 
“Yes Daryl, he made me promise!” Aaron said 
“Would you relax and just drive, this hurts” Fiona said, slightly ignoring what the man had just said.
Aaron looked at the woman tying some fabric around her wound before slowly making their way home, thankfully they were only an hour from home. 
After 5 minutes passed Fiona spoke up “so uh, what did Daryl make you promise?” she said smirking 
Sighing Aaron responded to her “damn i was hoping you forgot about that” 
“Nope” she responded popping the “p” 
“Before we left, daryl made me promise to keep you safe” he said defeated 
She just stared at the man “shut up no he didn't!” she responded not believing the man 
“Oh my god, you don't see it do you? Of course you don't!” Aaron said laughing 
“See what?” Fiona said chuckling slightly 
“Nothin’ Fi, nothin’” aaron responded softly 
Fiona decided not to push it any further. Instead she looked out the window and thought about Daryl. She thought about when they first met, how he is her best friend, how she'd die for him. She thought about what Daryl made Aaron promise, and what the hell Aaron meant by “not seeing it”. Fiona had loved Daryl for a long time, but never pushed anything with him. She was content just being his friend. She was sure he didn't feel the same way, but lately she wasn't sure. 
Lately Daryl would do things he never did before. Sure he always protected her, but he protected everyone so she never read into that. But now, he would bring her flowers he would find. Just last week Daryl found her a book and every night she reads a couple pages to him. Fiona sometimes catches Daryl staring at her and unlike before when he would look away, this time he held eye contact giving her a small smile. 
She tried not to read into it but it was hard. All the little things had to mean something right?
“Fi? You ready?” Aaron said pulling her out of her thoughts 
The woman just nodded, slowly and carefully getting out of the small car. By now, a small group of people have formed around the car to help unload the supplies. 
Fiona had tried to help unload but was stopped by a concerned looking Carl “you need a doctor, you’re bleeding” he said putting his hands on Fiona’s elbows
“I’m fine Little G, just a scratch” she smiled weakly 
The young grimes boy just looked at Fiona. She knew better than to argue with the stubborn teen, she nodded slightly before making her way over to the infirmary. 
Fiona approached the door and knocked lightly walking in. “Hellooooo?” Fiona questioned 
“In here!” denise called back 
Fiona walked towards the doctor's voice and saw her with her head in a book. 
“Just a couple stitches please doc?” Fiona said smiling at Denise 
“You know the drill, wont take long” Denise responded sweetly 
Fiona was here often, she was a clumsy girl. Often throwing herself in danger to save others, so she was no stranger to this. Fiona and Denise didn't speak. It made the whole process go by faster, and thankfully it was over before Fiona’s mind had a chance to wonder.
“Thanks Doc, I owe you” Fiona said slowly putting her shirt back on 
“no –” Denise began before she was cut off 
“Fiona!” Daryl called out 
“He sounds pissed” Fiona said to herself 
“Yeah, good night Fiona” The doctor said chuckling 
“Hey daryl she's in there” Denise said walking by the angry man 
Daryl wasted no time going over to the injured girl 
“Lemme see it” he demanded 
“I am fine Daryl, its bandaged anyway” Fiona said dismissing his request 
Daryl scoffed, backing away, “the hells the matter with you?” 
“What?” Fiona said in disbelief 
“Aaron said you jumped in front of the knife Fiona! Who does that?” Daryl said frustrated 
“I was saving Aarons life!” she defended 
“And what about your life?” Daryl said getting more upset
“What about it Daryl? I am right here and all you're doing is yelling! What the hell is the matter with you?” she looked at him, waiting for him to answer but, he couldn't find the words. She was right, she was here and he was being a dick. He didn't mean to get so upset but the thought of losing her made him sick to his stomach. 
He took a deep breath before quietly whispering “m’ sorry” 
Her gaze softened at the man in front of her 
“You made him promise, didnt you?” she asked stepping closer to him 
Daryl just shrugged, he couldn't find all the words he wanted to say. 
She smiled softly at him, slowly pulling him into a hug before saying “its you and me until the end Dixon, I will always come back to you” 
and in that moment Daryl knew, he would never let her go and that was a promise.
A/N: thanks for reading! I am super new to writing so any feedback would be great! Hope you enjoyed (: <3 - N
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blueinkie · 2 years
Some alchemist pirate au stuff
Dark choco joined the party hurray
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For people who can’t read my shitty handwriting( very understandable):
First image:
Yogurt Cream: Is that a fellow prince I see?
Dark Choco: Huh?
Third Image:
Yogurt cream: Y’know,Lilac, I’m really starting to like the pirate life! I mean I can still do what I what I normally did before, collect valuables, but instead of buying it trading for them I can just steal them. Isn’t that fun?
Lilac: uh…sure?
*They are quite literally on the run*
Context for those who care:
Basically Plain Yogurt hires Scorpion to kill his brother again while Lilac is at the cookie kingdom ( he was teleported there with a cookie cutter), and he and Alchemist go back to Yogurca to save Yougurt Cream. They succeed and leave Yogurca on Pirate’s boat, however Plain isn’t going to let them get away that easily. He asks his father for a naval crew to go retrieve his brother since he’s been “kidnapped” by Lilac and his friend ( Alchemist) because he turned rogue. He gets one and is now sailing the seven seas with Scorpion to finally kill, not only Yogurt Cream, but Lilac and Alchemist too.
So yeah Yogurt Cream taking a liking to being a thief isn’t really the best outcome from this. They’re already on one persons hit list, they don’t need to be on more lol.
More context for Dark choco:
Alchemist is obviously going to be friends with the dragon tracking guild ( that’s what I call them anyways) and with Longan and Lychee going missing after a huge battles with them and the other dragons, they can’t be too sure if everything is back to normal. They use the ship as a means of transportation since it’s a lot better than constantly asking Mango to take them places. One day, Milk wants to take the rest of the Dragon Trackers back to his home tribe cuz why not. they then hear rumors of Dark Choco being spotted in the woods, and set out to find him. And they do ( shocker I know). After Milk and Mala Sauce hold Yam back for immediately fighting Dark Choco, Milk and Dino ask if he would like to join them their adventures. With Dark Choco being to afraid to go back to his kingdom, and face his father, he agrees. He also wants a change of scenery ( the less edgy reason as to why he agreed lol). He joins the ship and becomes a shipmate, hurray. ( and then he and Dino kiss and cuddle and get married, he also rejects milk lol)
Tbh if I were him, I wouldn’t want to jump into a full fledge relationship too if I had spent over a decade in a cursed, trauma filled, daze. I would want something causal too. Just saying. I prolly go into DarkDino and how I imagine there dynamic to be in another post.
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whoredmode · 1 year
thinking too hard about dex’s “troy gets a pass, and you come after me?” line from GooH. again. why the fuck would they use such a good line in that game. the game where it literally doesn’t even fucking matter anymore because for some reason they sent both of them to literal, actual hell. absolutely insane. oh my god.
i did an animatic of srtt rewrite dex saying that line to anteros forever ago for the rewrite and it’s still 100% canon to the story. because y’know what? when anteros and dex finally have their confrontation, before they start actually fighting/when they’re just exchanging words, dex would ask him that. after everything, after all is said and done—you’ve forgiven the liar, the man who, even if he did it unknowingly, had some hand in where you ended up. what happened to us. how did we get here. can we ever go back to the way things used to be? are we worth saving?
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Bruce Wayne upon Henry Cavill returning to the DCU as Superman: 
“Oh, I see somebody decided to go and STEAL MY ENTIRE CHARACTERIZATION on his summer vacation. Nice. Boy scout, my ass. Well, don’t forget where you are now. You’re not in Kansas anymore. OR Middle-Earth. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant “the Continent” (look, all fantasy lands are the same, everyone knows that. Its called the United States of Narnia? Read a map?) Whatever. Just don’t go around thinking you’ll be bringing any of THAT role into this one. Stay in your lane, Kent. I do the brooding around here, and I DON’T share well with others. Ask literally any of my children. I even compete with each of them for their siblings’ time and attention, lmao like why would I share my stuff with you? I’ve never even adopted you, like even a little bit, helloooooo. 
Oh, and btw, I still have my anti-Superman armored suit down in the Batcave. Its filed in the Aisle of All My Mistakes, Obsessively Archived For Posterity and Also Memorialized In A Super-Healthy And Not At All Concerning Way That Has Nothing to Do With Routine Self-Flagellation Because Reasons, no matter what Dick has told you. He’s a habitual liar, picked it up from me. I’m very proud. In addition to my anti-Superman suit I also have a lifetime membership to the Can and Will Repeat My Worst Mistakes Like Clockwork and Learn Nothing From Them Ever Club, so despite how disastrously everything went the last time I got my ass beat by you even WITH ‘prep time,’ no matter what the reddit Rumbles thread started by my sockpuppet account claims - y’know, back when I was manipulated into seeing you as Satan by a supervillain who looked at my ego and paranoia and said well this looks so easy even I almost feel bad about weaponizing it for Evil? - well, Poor Life Choices is the longest committed relationship I’ve ever had in my life and I’m WAY too invested to back down on that front now. I’d just look flaky. 
So in conclusion to this impromptu Powerpoint presentation that I just happened to have handy despite zero advance indicators I might need it and suggests either that I probably SHOULD be tested for the meta-gene or else that I really AM an extra-dimensional Batgod and everybody should be wildly concerned about that, the point is I’m ready to willfully disregard ALL of the aforementioned self-awareness and life lessons that didn’t stick, 100% prepared to throw down all over again if I see even a hint of that lip curling in a derisive half-smirk that suggests ‘I am cursed to share this planet with incompetent dumbasses.’ Just because my legal department still hasn’t figured out how to trademark a Mood even when its mine and I basically invented it, I’m pretty sure, well, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna just stand idly by and let you STEAL IT when plagiarism is a felony that carries a five year sentence. Minimum. Probably. Idk. Look, in this particular universe I mounted machine guns on my car instead of ridiculous physics-defying grappling hooks. I lost sight of Proportionate Responses literal decades ago. This is not new information. Let’s move on.
 Wait, what? No there’s nothing to read into the fact that I make a habit of watching your lips. You’re an alien. I’m a detective. I’m documenting how the topography of your face shifts in response to each and every emotion-incited twitch, all so I can plausibly pull off my ‘I can see into a man’s very soul by deciphering his micro-expressions’ bullshit with you too. Its literally for Science? I’ll write a book on it someday. Maybe. And if I do there will obviously be zero subtext about why I detail Kryptonian musculature in vastly more explicit detail than I do the mechanics of heat vision, duh, like lmao you sound so unhinged right now, literally what even is your deal.”
Bruce, walking away muttering: Who the fuck does this guy even think he is? And just going around adopting random orphans he trains to fight bad guys and save the world? That’s MY move. Everyone knows that! Respect my brand and go get your own, asshole. Jeez.
* this is a joke post that is not in any way meant to speak to OP’s actual interpretation of any Bruce Wayne that matters, just a random expansion on DCU movie Bruce Wayne who I disavow for being the Ultimate Bad Take of that universe on account of what the actual fuck am I supposed to do with a Batman who has his car gun down random henchmen in the name of literally nobody even knows at this point. Like, hello? Now what are he and Jason supposed to fight about and be forever tragically estranged because of? You guys gotta THINK about this stuff before you just go around throwing hundred million dollar budgets at the first pitch to go “here’s how a Superman and Batman fight to the death can still win, actually.” No, but seriously. For real. I just really hate Batfleck’s characterization. Like, with the fiery passion of a hundred thousand suns all competing in the official Universe’s Hottest Supernova competition. And as you can see, I am super reasonable and rational about this and am definitely probably likely to change my mind about it if exposed to just the right counter-argument that I have just never considered or been approached with before. And ‘tis not even an objection to his casting, the aesthetics, not the DC movie universe as a whole. Nay. Nay I say, with much over the top ridiculousness to blunt the edge of any inclination one might have to treat this post seriously because Somebody On The Internet Is Being Wrong persists as a problem that occasionally besets us all. No? That’s literally just me projecting and my experiences are not actually universal? Huh. Weird. Not sure I like that. ANYWAY, to return to the afore-mentioned NAY I SAY(s)....my grudge match is against Batfleck’s characterization and Batfleck’s characterization only. Consider this my love letter to how absurd I find it, rather than an invitation to The Discourse as even my substantial history of arguing molehills into Mount Everests isn’t up to the task of expanding on a thesis that is basically just “I just think it sucks and I hate it, bye.”
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zaradrawsyourmom · 2 years
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Who wants to read a cringe comic I made when I was 8!?
this comic is basically supposed to be some big movie special with all of my characters. Think Precure All Stars DX3 but in my oc dimension. The main plot involves some rejected prototype of Kyubey ( their name is literally Pubi lmfao) and canon ships….y’know what, I’ll just give you the dialogue.
Zara (the main character): (thinking) You gotta do it. He did it to save China…..*jumps in lake* *swims…I guess?* *sees Zee, aka the second main character and main character’s crush* *insert gasping even though we’re underwater* (they both swim to each other and apparently share a kiss *little me scribbled that part out so it’s hard to tell*)
Zee: You came back!
Zara: Of course. Now let’s find the mirror.
PICTURE 11 (the pictures were mixed up but pic 11 is part 2)
*the two main characters enter some Rapunzel esque-Tower and see China (the mascot, not the country) tied up in weird depression vines*
Zee: China…!?
Random arse side character that never shows up for the rest of the comic: I transform.
Evil antagonist lady who looks like a Kuromi cosplayer: Death it is.
2 mins later
Both: Rainbow Ray…BEAM! *attacks evil demon lady*
*tower starts crack-ilacking*
Zara: 123 JUMP!
*the heroines jump out of the tower*
Dazzle GoGo (goofy ahh name lmao) Rainbow Super Sparkle!
*scene of everyone looking defeated and scratched*
MK: Pubi…
Pubi: I’m so sorry….
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PUBI’S PAST (detour from the main plot)
Pubi: Um…hi…
*2 seconds later*
Random arse person: I no longer need you.
Pubi: What? But-
Random dude: ENOUGH! *throws Pubi in a portal looking thing*
ok back to the main plot!
Demon lady: Alright, you asked for it *teleports everyone to outer space*
*everyone supposedly gives Zara their power*
PICTURES 7, 8, 9, 10:
Demon lady *with weapon in her hand*: Ok u asked 4 this! I’ll eliminate you all!
*everyone looks mad and the two mascots use their powers*
Zara: Go China and Bootsie!
China: KAME…HAME….HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *demon lady is zapped with by the good guys and is now presumed dead, there’s an explosion too*
Everyone (who was just watching the fight I guess): HOORAY!
Zara: Everyone….we did it! We defeated our greatest enemy!
Zee: We’re heroes!
*everyone has a big celebration, there’s confetti, food, and rejoice over the team’s great victory! There’s a chariot with a unicorn that takes them to their dimension…I guess. Everyone cheers, and I guess the live happily ever after..the end*
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ok that’s it baiiiiiiiii!
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[comic review] robin, vol. 2: triumphant (1991-93)
“detective work is often made up of intangibles. it’s looking for the out-of-place, the unusual… even the unthinkable.”
the first comic in this collection is batman #465 “debut” which covers tim drake’s first official night as robin out on patrol with batman. it’s an alan grant-penned story and you know how i usually feel about those, and there is some of his usual weird bullshit politics happening. the art is great, though, and i do like the bits that are just robin on patrol. but the story as a whole is just… not great. c-rank
thankfully we quickly switch gears to a three-issue arc by the chuck dixon, batmans #467-#469 “shadow box”. there’s a kinda annoying throwaway line early on about a seized weapons shipment looking like “saddam hussein’s christmas list,” but it’s from a fed who is set up to look like an asshole so i’m gonna let it slide. the story as a whole features the return of robin’s first major adversaries, king snake and lynx.
in addition to moving his operation to gotham to escape the imminent transfer of sovereignty to communist china,6 king snake is also out for revenge on robin. he sends batman several grisly messages letting him know that he’s gunning for the boy, and bruce takes tim of the case while lying to him about the reasons. i hate it when he does this, but it is pretty good storytelling and gets the audience to really identify with robin, so i’m not knocking it from a writing standpoint. just, y’know, ffs bruce. plus robin totally gets vindicated when he goes against batman’s wishes and ends up saving his life, so take that bats.
anyway, yeah, this story is pretty great. literally my only real complaint is i would’ve liked a lot more lynx toying with robin, but i get that she’s just kinda in his rogues gallery now and they can just have them fighting each other without preamble. i just really like seeing boys i relate to get bullied for some reason, no idea why that could be. b-rank
next up, we have the second robin miniseries, robin ii: the joker’s wild! this four-issue limited series was another chuck dixon venture. there’s some weirdness with the joker’s escape that i didn’t love but don’t really want to get into right now, but that’s more or less my only real complaint. from this point on the joker enacts one of his characteristically massive schemes, kneecapping the city’s infrastructure with a computer virus that he forces a tied-up and drugged computer genius to deploy for him.
the vast majority of this miniseries focuses on how rough it is for tim to keep up with his school/social life while also spending his nights trying to protect the city from the joker. it really takes a toll on him, and by the end of the story alfred tells him he doesn’t think batman could’ve done any better. there was some really fine character work in this one, on top of some great detective stuff and superhero stuff. just a really great miniseries in every respect. a-rank
and lastly we get another chuck dixon miniseries, robin iii: cry of the huntress. this one again has some fantastic character work with tim, this time dealing with his father’s return home and facing increasing scrutiny that makes it harder for him to operate as robin. bats actually ends up grounding him anyway because black mask’s emergence in gotham is leading to an uptick in gang violence and bruce is worried tim will get hurt, but when tim ends up stumbling into a situation in the wild involving a girl he starts immediately crushing on getting abducted by the russian mob, he starts sneaking out to do some solo robining.
there’s some political weirdness in this one, which i suppose is pretty unavoidable when kgbeast is involved, but it could’ve been a lot worse. and also like… even here, the politics weren’t all bad? like, there was this russian emigrant who gives robin some helpful information, and i honestly loved how he was written? he helps robin because he wants to help protect his new community from the kind of violence he fled newly-capitalist russia to escape. i’m frankly pretty surprised to see american comics doing this sort of thing so soon after the end of the cold war.
i also honestly really enjoyed how pulpy all the gang stuff was. also lynx and the ghost dragons end up getting involved, and i love how they’re continuing to be a going concern for tim. there still wasn’t nearly enough of lynx bullying him for my liking, but she certainly wanted to and that’s not nothing.
anyway eventually robin is getting his ass kicked when huntress swoops in to the rescue, and they end up joining forces to investigate the russian mobsters. i had at least one issue of this miniseries as a kid. i pretty much scooped up whatever comics i occasionally saw that said “robin” on the cover or prominently featured him, so yeah. it was cool to finally get around to reading this in full. a-rank
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