#the ultimate henry cavil fangirl
ofqueensandwitches · 2 years
I had never seen my dad smiled so big, so genuine, and so fucking besotted, in my 20+ years of life.
And then he saw Henry Cavill as drunk Sherlock Holmes, and he went all 😍😍😍
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ageless-aislynn · 5 years
Three weeks ago on July 8, 2019, I had my final birthday with my mom. She’d had congestive heart failure for the sixth time the week before but it was the massive heart attack two years ago that would be the ultimate cause of her death on the 13th.
I’m still partially in shock. I just honestly can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’m never in this life going to talk to my mom again, to hug her, to laugh over the million in-jokes that we had.
I’ve lost family members before whose deaths caused great pain, my two grandmothers in particular, but it doesn’t compare to the loss of my mom. It feels like my heart has been ripped out of me and only half of it stuffed back in, to try to keep beating while severely bleeding. My mom has been ill for many years and I’ve thought many times about the possibility that she would one day be gone but the reality is nothing like I ever imagined. Everywhere in my life is an empty place where she used to be. It’s the silence across the table where I used to hear her fingers tapping on the keyboard. It’s the flannel shirt she used as a jacket left casually tossed over the back of the chair.
I’m so thankful for all of the many good times that we had together but right now all I can see is her absence. All I can see are the things we didn’t get to do. The small things in particular hurt: she loved Toothless from the How To Train Your Dragon series and we’d just bought the 3rd movie but didn’t have time to watch it. I held off buying Thor: Ragnarok until I got it on sale even though we’re both massive Thor/Chris Hemsworth fans. It came the other day but she wasn’t feeling well so we put off watching it until “later.” Later never came. We hadn’t gotten to see either of the final Avengers movies. We’ve been fans of the Fast and Furious franchise for forever. We’re fans of the Rock and Jason Statham. Hobbs and Shaw comes out next month and we’d already talked about preordering it because she wasn’t able to go to the movies anymore. How am I going to watch any of them now? Yes, watching a movie isn’t a major thing comparatively but I’m finding that it’s the small things that can sink a sharp knife into you the deepest.
My mom and I shared a lot of fandoms and fannish things. She beta’d all of my vids, whether she knew the fandom or not, and could give me spot-on advice whenever I could tell something just wasn’t right in them.
She developed a love of Harley Quinn even before she saw the Suicide Squad movie because of this little Harley...
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When I bought her, Mom kinda did that wrinkly nose thing of silently saying Okay, why? So when Harley got here, I did my best ta-daaaah presentation and said in a little squeaky voice, “Hey there, girlfrrrrriend! I hear you like Henry Cavill. I’m his number one fan! Got any videos we can watch together?” My mom ADORED Henry Cavill, especially as Superman, and the next thing you know, Harley ended up sitting on Mom’s computer desk with her little feet propped up, facing the monitor, and yes, they watched every Superman vid and Henry Cavill interview they could find. Whenever Mom was feeling down, I’d grab Harley and have her say, “Hey, girlfrrrriend!” and it would never fail to make her laugh.
Harley still sits facing the monitor but it’s been dark for weeks now and I can’t see that she’ll ever “talk” again. That was just for Mom. But one day, when I can, I’m going to bring her around to my computer and we’ll watch some Henry Cavill vids and hopefully I can smile through the tears. Not yet, though. Right now there’s only tears.
I wanted to make her a Harley/Superman video for her last birthday but things were too hectic so I went with a more straightforward Lois/Clark vid (she loved Amy Adams as Lois, too). I told her I had a little extra vid I was going to make her “as soon as I could.” That never happened. I dunno, maybe I’ll make that crossover vid one day anyway. Maybe not. Right now “creative” is the last thing I feel. I only feel grief.
I’m telling you all this because I just felt the need to memorialize her in some way in this fannish place because of all of the ways we fangirled together. To not just say, like people often do, that “she wasn’t just my mom, she was my friend,” but to show you a little bit how. She was a loving, wonderful mom and she was a fun, amazing friend.
Sometimes, when the grief feels like an actual tangible, physical weight too heavy for me to bear, when I can actually feel my heart squeezing under the grip of this terrible pain and I just want to give up and give in to it, I try to make myself remember that of all the things my mom was, she was a fighter first and foremost. Her heart took “profound damage” as her cardiologist told us from the heart attack in 2017 but it refused to quit. Her other organs failed at that time but eventually healed. Her heart, however, had to keep beating even as part of it died. It had to beat even as it tried to heal. She had less than a 20% chance to survive what she did in 2017 but she did. Her heart carried her two years longer than most people’s hearts would have. She would not give up, she fought to stay for me, my dad and the rest of our family. She fought hard. She’d want me to fight just as hard now. 
I’m trying. I really am. But it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life and, for the first time, I have to do it without her right here beside me. I know I’ll see her again one day but for now, that day seems far away and the world seems gray and cold. I’m thankful for those extra two years but they just weren’t enough. A lifetime wasn’t enough.
I love you, Mom. You can rest now. I just miss you so much and I always will.
Goodnight, girlfriend.
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seriouslycromulent · 7 years
So I have a slight conundrum...
I am not one of those nerds with an absurd amount of discretionary income, so when I go to comic/sci-fi conventions, I often only attend for one day. Also, I don’t do well with crowds, so one day is usually all I can take of most conventions and festivals.
Here’s the thing:
I have a Saturday ticket to ACE Comic Con for December 9th in Long Island. I bought it in September when the tickets first went on sale. At the time, the website didn’t say that the stars of the Justice League would only be doing a Q&A on Sunday. If I had known, I would’ve bought a Sunday only ticket. 
So now to make the most of my Saturday experience, I’m electing to get a combination of autographs and/or photo ops. Fellow nerds, I ask that you help me decide.
Here are my options:
1) A photo op with Henry Cavill - $175
Keep in mind 2 things: A) Henry’s been the wallpaper on my cell phone since March of 2016 and I’ve never connected with any other version of Superman in the last 40 years of the franchise, and B) this purchase will wipe out all of my spending money. 
2) A photo op with Ray Fisher - $65 + An autograph from Ezra Miller - $60 = $125 total
This is the option I’m leaning toward most because I get to actually put my arm around Ray and I get to awkwardly gawk at Ezra’s cheekbones while he’s signing my photo. Not a bad con experience if I’m looking for a fun substitute for the Q&A. Plus, it won’t break the bank ... entirely.
3) Autograph from Ezra - $60 + Autograph from Ray - $50 + Photo op with Jason - $85 = $195 total
This option would make the most of my Q&A-less Saturday at the con where I get to interact with the newest members of the JL team and get my ultimate fangirl on, but it also costs the most. So I might be forgoing food for a week. Also, it might be a time-crunch to fit all 3 lovelies in my schedule for the day. I’ve been to enough conventions to know how the lines and scheduling are not great, despite best intentions.
So what do you think fellow nerds? What would you do?
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egooksconnolly · 7 years
Who will be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig?
Michael Rodio
Getty Images
The mystery over who might play the next James Bond after Daniel Craig has evolved into something of a real-life spy thriller.
Now that Craig is (basically) confirmed for the next Bond film, there has been plenty of speculation about who will take over once he finally retires from playing 007.
Many thought that Craig was done after Spectre—his own words did the job on that one when he said he was exhausted from donning the famous tuxedo—but with the date set and the 25th installment of the franchise coming on Nov. 8, 2019, it’s clear that Craig is (very likely) returning.
But what happens after that installment? With the film being the 25th Bond movie and Craig’s fifth turn as the iconic character (Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, Spectre), it would be the perfect sendoff. So who takes over 007 afterwards? 
The rumors have gone wild with names like Tom Hiddleston, Superman himself Henry Cavill, and all-around ass-kicker Idris Elba as options to step into the role.
Early rumors had Sony reportedly offering Craig an astonishing $150 million to not only reprise 007 for the fifth movie in Craig’s contract, but also add a sixth movie to the slate, a Sony source told RadarOnline. To put that number in context: Even if Craig signed a deal for half the money and only one movie, he’d make $75 million—more than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, the highest-paid actor in the world, made in an entire year. (Cash: the ultimate workout recovery tool!)
Of course, no amount of cash can stop the speculation. “The greatest thing about this entertainment industry is that whether there’s a movie out or not, people can find some entertainment from it,” Cavill remarked about the ongoing Bond rumor mill in his September Men’s Fitness feature.
Here's a not-too-scientific look at who the bookies are favoring—and who Hollywood might have in the wings just in case Craig finally decides he’s hanging up the bowtie for good.
Who will be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig?
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Ben Watts
Henry Cavill
Cavill may not be the bookies’ favorite at the moment, but Hollywood producers wouldn’t have to think too hard about casting our September 2016 cover guy as the next 007—especially not after he got epically ripped for Justice League. As for his spy bona fides, Cavill already distinguished himself in the art of espionage with 2015’s The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (he wasn’t drinking a Vesper, but still).
Plus, he’s up for the challenge: “It’d be awesome to play Bond, a classic Bond, really,” the Man of Steel star said in his September cover feature with Men’s Fitness. “I don’t think I’d be the person to outdo Daniel Craig at doing Daniel Craig’s Bond. I would love to do a different version and just have enormous amounts of fun with it.”
Tom Hiddleston
Though he burst into Hollywood (and hearts of fangirls) with his turn as the scene-stealing Loki in Marvel’s Thor and Avengers movies, Hiddleston has a remarkable pedigree in both quintessential Englishness (Eton, Cambridge) and leading-man action roles involving firearms expertise (The Night Manager, Kong: Skull Island). And while Hiddleston's Bond odds may be a little longer since his split with Taylor Swift—shake it off, Tom!—he's still got the chops and the cheekbones to pull off a turn as 007.
Idris Elba
The London-born son of working-class immigrants from Sierra Leone, Elba could deftly craft a blue-collar Briton’s Bond that is equally smoldering and no-holds-barred action brawler. He has serious acting chops—he’s scooped up awards for his starring roles in BBC One’s Luther and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, not to mention his classic role as Stacker Pentecost in the modern cult classic Pacific Rim—and could easily bring his formidable martial arts ability to the role, since he’s already making a TV show about literally kickboxing his way around the world.
Also of note: Elba was reluctantly drawn into a firestorm over the Bond role after writer Anthony Horowitz, who has been tasked with writing new Bond books, said Elba was “too street” for the role. (Horowitz later apologized, saying he meant no offense.) 
Aidan Turner
Turner isn’t as familiar to American audiences as Cavill or Elba, but he may be soon: The 33-year-old Irish actor (and Glamour’s Sexiest Man of 2016) is one of the bookies’ favorites to suit up for 007, with the kind of smoldering looks and Briton-centric acting experience (a leading role as the gold-hearted seaman Ross Poldark in the BBC’s 2015 adaptation of The Poldark Novels) that make for perfect MI6 training.
And if there’s a hint at just how gloomy his Bond could go, tune in to the BBC’s adaptation of Agatha Christie’s And then There Were None, in which Turner plays a cynical soldier of fortune with a “complete disregard for humanity.” Beat that, Daniel Craig.
Margot Robbie
The first female Bond is a possibility, at least if the betting markets have anything to say about it: Ladbrokes has given “any female” 1/14 odds to get behind the wheel of the Aston Martin, which puts the listing squarely in fifth among the current Oddschecker.com rankings. (That’s better than even Cavill, for the record).
And since a female 007 would mark a major step in cinematic history, who better to flip the script than Margot Robbie, the Australian stunner who's showcased remarkable talent for stealing every scene from every movie she’s been in? Just ask Leo DiCaprio (who appeared with Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street) and Will Smith (ditto for Suicide Squad and Focus): It doesn't matter who audiences hope to see when they walk into the movie—when they walk out, they're talking about Margot Robbie.
Jack Huston
Huston may not yet have the onscreen presence of other potential Bond actors, but he has the pedigree: The scion of the legendary Hollywood directing dynasty (his grandfather is John Huston) and an actual British dynasty (his maternal grandfather was the 6th Marquess of Colmondeley), Huston is the odds-on favorite to play the next bond, according to bookie aggregator Oddschecker.com.
He’s also had experience holding down both high-concept movies (David O. Russell’s American Hustle) and big-budget leading roles (the 2016 Ben-Hur remake) that demand range and action versatility, plus a smattering of quintessentially English film and TV parts.
James Norton
As British as tea and red double-decker buses—he attended Cambridge and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art—the 31-year-old Norton is a veteran of quintessentially British TV series like War & Peace and the crime procedural Grantchester. But it was his role in Happy Valley, as the vile killer Tommy Lee Royce, that seemed to cement his place as a dynamic, multifaceted actor in the popular imagination.
The only knock against Norton is that he’s blonde—but that didn’t stop Daniel Craig, did it?
Tom Hardy
Hardy is one of the UK’s most enigmatic actors, if only because he can seem so damn difficult to pin down. One minute he’s punching the snot out of Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) or whipsawing his way through the desert (Mad Max), and the next he’s singlehandedly holding down an entire screenplay while doing nothing but talking on the phone and driving (Locke). Or, you know, he's punching the snot out of someone else, as in Warrior. Point is, Hardy could easily carry the Bond torch lit by Daniel Craig—that of a physical, enigmatic 007 who is just as comfortable taking care of bad guys with his Walther PPK as he is with his bare damn hands.
Charlize Theron
If there's one requirement to play James Bond, it's that an actor needs to convincingly handle a supercar at dangerous speeds, preferably while dispatching bad guys with an array of firearms. So who better for the role than Charlize Theron? The South African actress shot, swore, and drove with the best of ’em in Mad Max: Fury Road (just ask Tom Hardy), and she'll likely be doing much of the same as the villain in Fast 8 (just ask Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson). Like Robbie, Theron has a talent for upstaging Will Smith—see The Legend of Bagger Vance and Hancock—but more importantly has remarkable acting range, whether it's in sci-fi thrillers like Prometheus or the dark serial killer drama Monster.
  Kit Harington
If there were an Olympic competition for perpetual poutiness, Kit Harington—aka Jon Snow—would have easily conquered it out of an already competitive British field. With Game of Thrones nearly wrapped and his face firmly fixed as one of Hollywood’s most bankable up-and-comers (a mere Harington haircut makes for major news), Harington could be a dark-horse casting decision for a Hollywood producer who decides that Jon Snow might know something after all—particularly how to order a certain secret agent’s preferred martini.
Alicia Vikander
Vikander has a talent for making any movie absurdly fascinating, whether the plot is straightforward (Jason Bourne) or high-concept (Ex Machina). Vikander is so eminently watchable, in fact, that she singlehandedly transformed The Man From U.N.C.L.E. from a Henry-Cavill-vs-Armie-Hammer glowerfest into a remarkably fun spy romp. (Yes: The best feature of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was a woman.) Plus, with her action-adventure credentials burnished even further by the newly announced Tomb Raider reboot arriving in 2018, Hollywood has every reason to cast the Swedish actress as Britain's foremost secret agent.
Michael Fassbender
Fassbender is already Hollywood royalty—the Irish-German actor is equally adept in straight-up blockbusters (X-Men, Prometheus, the upcoming Assassin’s Creed), TV series (Band of Brothers) and critically beloved movies that ended up becoming blockbusters anyway (12 Years a Slave, Steve Jobs). If he were any type of Bond, he’d be the critically beloved (and German-speaking!) variety.
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Movies and TV
Article source here:Men’s Fitness
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rodrigohyde · 7 years
Who will be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig?
Michael Rodio
Getty Images
The mystery over who might play the next James Bond after Daniel Craig has evolved into something of a real-life spy thriller.
Now that Craig is (basically) confirmed for the next Bond film, there has been plenty of speculation about who will take over once he finally retires from playing 007.
Many thought that Craig was done after Spectre—his own words did the job on that one when he said he was exhausted from donning the famous tuxedo—but with the date set and the 25th installment of the franchise coming on Nov. 8, 2019, it’s clear that Craig is (very likely) returning.
But what happens after that installment? With the film being the 25th Bond movie and Craig’s fifth turn as the iconic character (Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, Spectre), it would be the perfect sendoff. So who takes over 007 afterwards? 
The rumors have gone wild with names like Tom Hiddleston, Superman himself Henry Cavill, and all-around ass-kicker Idris Elba as options to step into the role.
Early rumors had Sony reportedly offering Craig an astonishing $150 million to not only reprise 007 for the fifth movie in Craig’s contract, but also add a sixth movie to the slate, a Sony source told RadarOnline. To put that number in context: Even if Craig signed a deal for half the money and only one movie, he’d make $75 million—more than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, the highest-paid actor in the world, made in an entire year. (Cash: the ultimate workout recovery tool!)
Of course, no amount of cash can stop the speculation. “The greatest thing about this entertainment industry is that whether there’s a movie out or not, people can find some entertainment from it,” Cavill remarked about the ongoing Bond rumor mill in his September Men’s Fitness feature.
Here's a not-too-scientific look at who the bookies are favoring—and who Hollywood might have in the wings just in case Craig finally decides he’s hanging up the bowtie for good.
Who will be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig?
1 of 12
Ben Watts
Henry Cavill
Cavill may not be the bookies’ favorite at the moment, but Hollywood producers wouldn’t have to think too hard about casting our September 2016 cover guy as the next 007—especially not after he got epically ripped for Justice League. As for his spy bona fides, Cavill already distinguished himself in the art of espionage with 2015’s The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (he wasn’t drinking a Vesper, but still).
Plus, he’s up for the challenge: “It’d be awesome to play Bond, a classic Bond, really,” the Man of Steel star said in his September cover feature with Men’s Fitness. “I don’t think I’d be the person to outdo Daniel Craig at doing Daniel Craig’s Bond. I would love to do a different version and just have enormous amounts of fun with it.”
Tom Hiddleston
Though he burst into Hollywood (and hearts of fangirls) with his turn as the scene-stealing Loki in Marvel’s Thor and Avengers movies, Hiddleston has a remarkable pedigree in both quintessential Englishness (Eton, Cambridge) and leading-man action roles involving firearms expertise (The Night Manager, Kong: Skull Island). And while Hiddleston's Bond odds may be a little longer since his split with Taylor Swift—shake it off, Tom!—he's still got the chops and the cheekbones to pull off a turn as 007.
Idris Elba
The London-born son of working-class immigrants from Sierra Leone, Elba could deftly craft a blue-collar Briton’s Bond that is equally smoldering and no-holds-barred action brawler. He has serious acting chops—he’s scooped up awards for his starring roles in BBC One’s Luther and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, not to mention his classic role as Stacker Pentecost in the modern cult classic Pacific Rim—and could easily bring his formidable martial arts ability to the role, since he’s already making a TV show about literally kickboxing his way around the world.
Also of note: Elba was reluctantly drawn into a firestorm over the Bond role after writer Anthony Horowitz, who has been tasked with writing new Bond books, said Elba was “too street” for the role. (Horowitz later apologized, saying he meant no offense.) 
Aidan Turner
Turner isn’t as familiar to American audiences as Cavill or Elba, but he may be soon: The 33-year-old Irish actor (and Glamour’s Sexiest Man of 2016) is one of the bookies’ favorites to suit up for 007, with the kind of smoldering looks and Briton-centric acting experience (a leading role as the gold-hearted seaman Ross Poldark in the BBC’s 2015 adaptation of The Poldark Novels) that make for perfect MI6 training.
And if there’s a hint at just how gloomy his Bond could go, tune in to the BBC’s adaptation of Agatha Christie’s And then There Were None, in which Turner plays a cynical soldier of fortune with a “complete disregard for humanity.” Beat that, Daniel Craig.
Margot Robbie
The first female Bond is a possibility, at least if the betting markets have anything to say about it: Ladbrokes has given “any female” 1/14 odds to get behind the wheel of the Aston Martin, which puts the listing squarely in fifth among the current Oddschecker.com rankings. (That’s better than even Cavill, for the record).
And since a female 007 would mark a major step in cinematic history, who better to flip the script than Margot Robbie, the Australian stunner who's showcased remarkable talent for stealing every scene from every movie she’s been in? Just ask Leo DiCaprio (who appeared with Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street) and Will Smith (ditto for Suicide Squad and Focus): It doesn't matter who audiences hope to see when they walk into the movie—when they walk out, they're talking about Margot Robbie.
Jack Huston
Huston may not yet have the onscreen presence of other potential Bond actors, but he has the pedigree: The scion of the legendary Hollywood directing dynasty (his grandfather is John Huston) and an actual British dynasty (his maternal grandfather was the 6th Marquess of Colmondeley), Huston is the odds-on favorite to play the next bond, according to bookie aggregator Oddschecker.com.
He’s also had experience holding down both high-concept movies (David O. Russell’s American Hustle) and big-budget leading roles (the 2016 Ben-Hur remake) that demand range and action versatility, plus a smattering of quintessentially English film and TV parts.
James Norton
As British as tea and red double-decker buses—he attended Cambridge and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art—the 31-year-old Norton is a veteran of quintessentially British TV series like War & Peace and the crime procedural Grantchester. But it was his role in Happy Valley, as the vile killer Tommy Lee Royce, that seemed to cement his place as a dynamic, multifaceted actor in the popular imagination.
The only knock against Norton is that he’s blonde—but that didn’t stop Daniel Craig, did it?
Tom Hardy
Hardy is one of the UK’s most enigmatic actors, if only because he can seem so damn difficult to pin down. One minute he’s punching the snot out of Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) or whipsawing his way through the desert (Mad Max), and the next he’s singlehandedly holding down an entire screenplay while doing nothing but talking on the phone and driving (Locke). Or, you know, he's punching the snot out of someone else, as in Warrior. Point is, Hardy could easily carry the Bond torch lit by Daniel Craig—that of a physical, enigmatic 007 who is just as comfortable taking care of bad guys with his Walther PPK as he is with his bare damn hands.
Charlize Theron
If there's one requirement to play James Bond, it's that an actor needs to convincingly handle a supercar at dangerous speeds, preferably while dispatching bad guys with an array of firearms. So who better for the role than Charlize Theron? The South African actress shot, swore, and drove with the best of ’em in Mad Max: Fury Road (just ask Tom Hardy), and she'll likely be doing much of the same as the villain in Fast 8 (just ask Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson). Like Robbie, Theron has a talent for upstaging Will Smith—see The Legend of Bagger Vance and Hancock—but more importantly has remarkable acting range, whether it's in sci-fi thrillers like Prometheus or the dark serial killer drama Monster.
  Kit Harington
If there were an Olympic competition for perpetual poutiness, Kit Harington—aka Jon Snow—would have easily conquered it out of an already competitive British field. With Game of Thrones nearly wrapped and his face firmly fixed as one of Hollywood’s most bankable up-and-comers (a mere Harington haircut makes for major news), Harington could be a dark-horse casting decision for a Hollywood producer who decides that Jon Snow might know something after all—particularly how to order a certain secret agent’s preferred martini.
Alicia Vikander
Vikander has a talent for making any movie absurdly fascinating, whether the plot is straightforward (Jason Bourne) or high-concept (Ex Machina). Vikander is so eminently watchable, in fact, that she singlehandedly transformed The Man From U.N.C.L.E. from a Henry-Cavill-vs-Armie-Hammer glowerfest into a remarkably fun spy romp. (Yes: The best feature of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was a woman.) Plus, with her action-adventure credentials burnished even further by the newly announced Tomb Raider reboot arriving in 2018, Hollywood has every reason to cast the Swedish actress as Britain's foremost secret agent.
Michael Fassbender
Fassbender is already Hollywood royalty—the Irish-German actor is equally adept in straight-up blockbusters (X-Men, Prometheus, the upcoming Assassin’s Creed), TV series (Band of Brothers) and critically beloved movies that ended up becoming blockbusters anyway (12 Years a Slave, Steve Jobs). If he were any type of Bond, he’d be the critically beloved (and German-speaking!) variety.
12 photos
Movies and TV
from Men's Fitness http://www.mensfitness.com/life/entertainment/who-will-be-next-james-bond-after-daniel-craig
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valerie · 7 years
TWITL – week sixteen – movie edition aka what I do for the fellas… @simonkass #HenryCavill
Unforgettable on Saturday afternoon
Two movies came out on Friday, one in theatres and the other on Netflix. Let’s start with the theatrical release.
Unforgettable – I must have impeccable timing because how is it that I start on a new fella (Simon Kassianides) and he has a movie released a few months later? Timing, I tell ya. And as I am the supportive sort of fangirl, I knew that I’d go see the movie upon release because how can I resist seeing one of my fellas on the big screen? I can’t resist… Unforgettable isn’t the type of movie I’d usually see at the theatre but I was quickly taken in by the movie from the start. The two leads– Rosario Dawson and Katherine Heigl– were quite flawless in their performances and they were a joy to watch. Heigl as Tessa was downright scary at times through all that coolness and steel. Dawson was amazing as the strong but haunted Julia. The confrontation at the end paid off for me (with a twist I didn’t expect). It’s about the journey, isn’t it? And the journey of the characters was interesting to watch… The men in the movie were definitely secondary to the ladies. It was great seeing Geoff Stults (kinda love him) as David, Tessa’s ex and Julia’s intended. He was dutifully handsome and understanding as well as attentive but perhaps a little clueless. Still, quite adorable. And then there’s Simon Kassianides as Michael. He had just a few minutes of screen time (ALAS) but he definitely made the most of it. His character was this unseen presence for Julia, so much so that when he finally does appear in person, she almost doesn’t seem to believe he’s actually there. I know I shouldn’t have been excited about seeing him since Michael was not a good person but in those few minutes I saw the moment from his point of view. He was messed up for sure but he was also manipulated without realizing it. Did he deserve what he got? Hmmm… I walked out of the auditorium glad to have seen the movie and Simon in it. Would I recommend it? Depends on what you like, I suppose…
Sand Castle – I liked this movie. It was well done, well acted, thought provoking,and seemingly ultimately futile… I think I would have eventually gotten to this movie at some point but I watched it upon release because of Henry Cavill. He played Captain Syverson and was not one of the main actors (Nicholas Hoult and Logan Marshall-Green had more screen time, I think). I liked Henry in this movie. He was down and dirty with the nearly shaved head and full beard– goodness me! And lo, his accent! Southern sort of accent. Texan? Whatever it was, sweet goodness!… Captain Syverson had some interesting moments. I especially liked when he was a bit of an ass when they were meeting with the head local person… Would I recommend it? Yes, most definitely. And not just because of Henry Cavill…
So yes, I watched both those movies because of the fellas. I’m supportive like that! 🙂 But seriously, they were both worthy in their own ways. For one movie, I had no idea what was happening (Sand Castle) and for the other, I knew the basic premise (Unforgettable). Will I watch either of them again? Mmmm, YES…
WRITING Utterly stalled on all my stories. I keep re-reading my old ones with the thought of doing some editing but all I do is keep reading. Oh, and for some reason I started yet another story! I really need to finish one of these latest Listworthy inspired stories. Why does my mind wander so much? Why can’t I just focus?
LAST BABBLE When I stepped out of the movie theatre, the outdoor mall’s music was playing the song “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” (Ella Fitzgerald version?) and I started singing along as I walked to my truck. Then I realized the lyrics and it made me laugh a little… I’ve got you under my skin I have got you, deep in the heart of me So deep in my heart that you’re really a part of me I’ve got you under my skin
I’d tried so, not to give in And I said to myself this affair it never will go so well But why should I try to resist when baby I know so well That I’ve got you under my skin
I’d sacrifice anything come what might For the sake of having you near In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night And repeats, repeats in my ear
Don’t you know, you fool You never can win Use your mentality Wake up to reality And each time I do just the thought of you Makes me stop before I begin ‘Cause I’ve got you under my skin
I would sacrifice anything come what might For the sake of having you near In spite of a warning voice comes in the night And repeats how it yells in my ear
Don’t you know, you fool That ain’t no just win Why not use your mentality Wake up, step up to reality And each time I do just the thought of you Makes me stop just before I begin Because I’ve got you under my skin Yea, you grab me under my skin
And that’s what the fellas do to me… 😉
from TWITL – week sixteen – movie edition aka what I do for the fellas… @simonkass #HenryCavill
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