#the valentines day one has such a cute emu too and the white day event has a knight tsukasa which i ADORE <3 knights are so my aesthetic
kellystar321 · 2 years
#periodical life updates#HUH. OKAY. MANY THINGS OF NOTE. things im not excited for first!!#im going to go into coding now because my parents want me to so whatever i guess!! i think coding is cool anyway and im willing to learn#its such a vague job. my sister recommends front end web development. i still dont know. i guess i'll look into it. gwuah.#registered for classes and now im just waiting for them to start. i dont know if i can do four classes. ive tried and failed before.#but im grown now. classes should be simple. i should be fine. i have to finish this soon.#im going to the dentists soon and as much as i hate toothaches i HATE THE DENTISTS i hate them im so scared of them u-u <33#i probably need a lot of fillings and sht and im not hype about it. i hate the dentists but i know my teeth will hurt bad so i will go ughh#im tired and i need to cook spaghetti soon and life is currently so up in the air right now. i have things i want to queue but everytime i#go look at my drafts i just close the tab again guhhh. okay lets talk about other things now.#changed my profile pic!! its so cute i love my orange pattern shirt <3 daily eca is posted and that ones cute too <3#im excited for the pjsk pop in my heart event; ive been waiting for a four star emu for so long and nicori smile survey is a fun song <3#the valentines day one has such a cute emu too and the white day event has a knight tsukasa which i ADORE <3 knights are so my aesthetic#got to say good morning to darling and eros today <33 might make an oc for a friend on twitter's oc storyline which is fun <3#finished some things up yesterday that i dont have to deal with anymore.#im trying. im trying really hard. we'll get there eventually. *sighs*#napping now maybe. i love you <3
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project-sekai-facts · 9 months
so, the new years line up just dropped. what are you predicting now?
i typed an answer to this 3 days ago but my shitty wifi deleted it so here we go again orz
okay so next event is vbs WLE we already know that. afterwards is rui4, and i have some thoughts on that. first off, it's cute attribute. second, i reckon Rin will be the vsinger 4* - her last 4* was on Stick to your faith, and currently she's gone the second longest amount of time since her last 4*, only beaten by Ichika. Also wxs rin has never had a 4* on a wxs unit event, only mixed banners. I'm a bit torn as to who the other 4* will be. Emu is the one I would say is most likely, but she also has a mixed event coming up (there's only 3 characters left now) and a WLE 4* in March, plus if her mixed event ends up in a perm slot that means she's gonna get a lim soon on top of that, so we could very much end up in an Emu spam situation. Nonetheless, I still feel she's pretty likely just based on the fact that Tsukasa and Nene have been rateup on 2/3 Rui events so far. In the case of Emu 4*, Tsukasa and Nene reward cards could go either way, but I'm gonna say Nene 3* Tsukasa 2* just based on how long its been since their last ones, and also because Nene was literally just a 2* a couple months ago on Tsukasa4.
However, in case of Emu spam, she works fine as the 2* and then just slap Tsukasa as the other rateup card (i would say nene also works but considering the likelihood of this event being cute attrib she's tied for most cute cards in the game right now).
so for rui4, one of
4* Rui/Emu/Rin, 3* Nene, 2* Tsukasa (<- most likely?)
4* Rui/Emu/Rin, 3* Tsukasa, 2* Nene
4* Rui/Tsukasa/Rin, 3* Nene, 2* Emu
(you could always swap rin for wxs miku and put rin on haruka4 or honami4 but i don't want to make this too overcomplicated)
the mixed event is where this shit gets horrible though
excluding Break Down The Wall and rui4, there are 6 events until we reach the 3.5 event at the end of march. one of those events in the WxS WLE in march event slot 1. 2 of these events are limited banners.
There are also 4 characters left to get their 4th event (Honami, Haruka, Toya, Ena). Last year, 3rd rotation ended the event before Resonant Town/2.5th. 4th rotation began the event afterwards.
We have 5 available event slots, and 4 characters. If we keep both the valentines and white day events as mixed events, we will go over 3.5th by one event. to me, it seems like they're trying to get 4th rotation over and done with by the half anni again.
That means either the valentines or white day slot could likely be taken up by a unit lim event.
There are so many characters due lims in the next few months that at this point I think they're gonna go over a year without one.
And here's my really, really messy thoughts on things
The limited banner won't be Haruka, nor will it be Ena (ena4 will have Mizuki as rateup, and Mizuki just got her 6th lim)
Honami works if you make Ichika and Saki rateup (we established earlier that the next vsinger lim with be KAITO for MMJ or N25, so no vsinger here). Honami is pretty due a lim, and its been long enough since Saki and Ichika's last lims. Shiho hasn't had a 3* in 2 years, Ichika has had 2 recently, and Saki has the most reward cards in the game. This makes a lot of sense honestly. Also Leo/need is due an event soon so you could put this in the valentine's slot no problem
Toya also works if you make An and Kohane rateup. Toya is the character in the game most in need of a lim right now (his last one was the white day one in february last year), but An is the 2nd most due (her last one was last march on 2.5). It's also been 6+ months since Kohane's last lim. Akito doesn't need reward cards though, but it's not like he has the most yet. There is also an issue here with proximity to the VBS WLE. I reckon Toya might go last in rotation 4, or at least very near the end (makes sense given that Rui4 happened a lot earlier than anticipated so it didn't clash with WxS WLE).
However the devs might decide they do not give a fuck about when they finish rotation 4, and run valentines and white day as normal
In that case, white day will definitely be Akito. I would've said Rui as the other rateup, considering there's only 4 possible cross-unit pairings between the boys, but white day is directly before wxs WL, so no. Looking at who is most in need of lims, we have Toya, An, Ena, and Mafuyu. All of these make a lot of sense, aside from Mafuyu, but he has met her. I'd say Ena is most likely though, since she's not a VBS member. This does land you in the issue of the 3rd rateup character though. Because you could slap N25 KAITO on there we've established KAITO lim coming soon, but also KAITO was rateup on last year's white day. So was Toya. I mean this event doesn't have to be white day themed though...
That leaves us with Emu and Kanade, one for Valentines, and one for 3.5. Only they both already have valentines lims. Do you get why I'm saying hona4 might be in the valentines slot atp?
You could do Mafuyu/Emu for 3.5 i guess. plus n25 kaito. and then. I dunno. We can't give Toya/An/Ena all lims before they hit 1 year under the assumption of hona4 being lim so. out of them i'd say toya because he knows Emu, doesn't actually have kizuna with her yet in spite of that, and wasn't on the 2.5 anni event.
i do think akito/ena/toya for white day slot is very possible though. akito/ena/an also works ig
this gets worse when you actually line it up on a schedule because no matter what order you put the events in you end up with hypothetical cards near b2b.
anyway i think it's better if we think about february and march events closer to the time with the current hell schedule
also akito just got a lim really recently didn't he. maybe he'll be perm mixed then
But for January lims at least:
4* Honami/Ichika/Saki, 3* Shiho, 2* vsinger (probably MEIKO or KAITO) (<- most likely? but less hesitant this time)
Akito, Kanade, or Emu banner + one or two out of Toya, An, Ena, and Mafuyu as the other rateups.
that's it
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^ Visually here's what I think is most probable for January based on actual card stats etc but staff does not give a fuck so some of the other possibilities I mentioned are in the running (I'm fairly sure about lim hona4 but rui4 could swap the Emu and Tsukasa cards)
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