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It’s not the future that you’re afraid of. It’s repeating the past that makes you anxious. 
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Caturdays With Baby Braska
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Going through things you never thought you’d go through will only take you places you never thought you’d get to. 
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Scratch that, you are MORE than enough. Today I'm reflecting on my self-worth. I need to remember to speak to myself kindly, surround myself with people who bring me up, and practice gratitude. By appreciating myself I hope to naturally have an appreciation of who I am, and I hope to have the power to stick up for myself. When you live your life to satisfy others or make others happy, you're not living the life that makes YOU happy. If you hide behind a front, if you hide behind this fear of being afraid to show everyone who you truly are, how can you expect others to respect you or have confidence in you or to love you, when you don't yourself?
Originally posted on: IG: Cristina Anne Art
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Kirsten Handelmann Paintings
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The whole world is a manifestation of your relationship within. What kind of relationship are you choosing to create?
#PantaRhea #quote #empowerment #selflove #selfcare #selfdiscovery #selfmastery #angelicreiki #crystalreader #magick #witch #witchesofinstagram #yogi #lightworker #higherconsciousness #spirituality #webstagram #vsco #instamood #instapic #instadaily #instagram #instafollow #hippie
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Today’s #LovePunch ❤️👊🏽✨ • There is nothing more empowering than showing up in this world exactly as you are. . . . . . . . . . #selflovetribe #leadership #confidence #lifecoach #spiritjunkie #spirituality #success #empowerment #selflove #selfworth #motivation #inspiration #lifeisgood #positivity #positivevibes #love #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #consciousleader #consciousleadership #consciousentrepreneur #wisewords #authenticity #realtalk
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Rise, 2017. By Jessica Andersdotter. Click here for more of my art.
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6 Powerful Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever
Found this article by tiny buddha, and duh I’m going to do this exercise. They have the best articles to understand yourself!
So here goes. 
1. What do I absolutely love in life?
List anything that you love about the world and the people in your life. Think about any activities that get you excited and enthusiastic and make you feel most alive. This can be absolutely anything: music, sports, cooking, teaching others, learning, watching movies—anything. Within your love for these things lies deep passion.
Hmmm. I always find this question to be tough. I love so many things, but how do I get to the root of it all? Not to mention, I constantly overthink every question that I’m faced with. I think I’ll just list out everything - in no particular order.
Educating others
Learning how other people think (psychology in a nutshell)
Being crafty
Managing my money
Waking up early (once I get up, I feel so good about it... the hard part is getting out of bed)
Home decorating
2. What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? 
List all of the moments that you are proud of as well as the times that you’ve succeeded. To have accomplished these, you would have used some of your key strengths. See if you can identify why you succeeded. Also, list any activities, hobbies, or anything else that you do that you complete with ease. Within these lie greatest strengths. 
Honestly, I’ve never really thought about this question before. It’s challenging for me to thing about the things I’ve accomplished or the things that I’m proud of... I suppose that’s because I’m extremely self-critical of myself. I always want to do better so I never settle or sit back to say, hey, Cristina, take a moment and recognize how awesome you are for accomplishing that. To be honest, that’s just not how I roll. 
But as I’m sitting here, a couple of things are coming to mind. 
Singing and playing the piano in front of my school
Winning a state championship in softball - I was so proud of myself and definitely very happy. I’d say on paper, this was a great accomplishment, but sometimes I question how much it really means to me? 
Attempting to make my art a business; IG: Cristina Anne Art
Getting out of a deep period of depression in my life
Helping my friends out of bad times in their lives
 3. What would I stand for if I knew no one would judge me? 
List everything that you would do if you weren’t afraid, even your wildest dreams. This will help you discover your greatest values. 
Quit my job and work full-time as an artist, and just be as crafty as possible
Travel around the world and break through my comfort zone
Start some sort of business
Explore the idea of going back to school for psychology
Do graphic design or UX design
Start singing again
Be an stronger advocate for anti-racism (I do this today, but I could be better at it)
Stick up for myself more
Do you ever feel like you like the idea of a lifestyle, but you’re unsure if it’s the right path for you?
4. If my life had absolutely no limits and I could have it all and do whatever I wanted, what would I choose to have and what would I choose to do? 
Describe your ideal lifestyle. List what you would do throughout the day if you knew that you were bound to be successful, what kind of person you would be, how much money you would earn, and where you would live. This question allows you to realize who you would truly want to be if there were no limits. By aligning with this you can begin working towards the life that you truly want to create. Know that you wouldn’t have a desire if you didn’t also have the ability to fulfill it. 
I sort of feel like I just answered some of this question in number 3. My ideal life style? Gosh. This is a really tough question for me. I always ask myself, what’s feasible? what can I do and still make it financially and with stability? 
I label myself as a control freak sometimes - and that’s because... hey I’ll admit it, I’m scared of not having control over my life. At the end of the day, I have the power to change anything I want and what if I make the wrong choice? On the other hand, if I feel that way, then what’s stopping me from being successful right? If I’m careful while I’m outside my comfort zone than what’s stopping me? 
Ideal lifestyle: 
I’d wake up early and work out
I’d go sit on my porch and drink an espresso in the morning, or tea
I might meditate before getting my day started 
I’d spend time painting outside... in the sun :) 
I might work on my singing skills and learn more on the piano
I’d somehow start my own business... not sure what yet.
I’d be crafty, maybe take old things and make them new again
I love decorating, so maybe I’d help people decorate their houses
It’s hard for me to put a number on how much money I’d make... I’d like to make at least 60k a year to be comfortable. (Right now at least.)
Where would I live? Somewhere that’s sunny, somewhere where I could walk to a coffee shop, somewhere full of art culture, somewhere that is more liberal
I would be the kind of person who gives more, who makes others happy, I would be more selfless, I would laugh more, I wouldn’t care as much about what other people think
 5. What would I do if I had one billion dollars?
List everything that you would really love to do if you had all the money in the world. Okay, so you would probably travel the world, buy a house or two, and give some money to your family. Then what would you do with your time? This question helps you to think without limitations. When we are able to remove limitations and boundaries, we can discover what we really want to do. 
This is the hardest question for me. Do we want to do certain things because that’s what society tells us to do? Probably. 
Of course, I’d probably pay off debt, help family out, I’d travel and maybe buy a lake house ;) but at the end of the day... 
I’m not sure. It hasn’t really been about money for me. I know the world is at my fingertips and that with hard work, I can make things happen. So maybe I would give it to others that need it more? Other than that... this is the best I got:
I would start my own business
Probably do most of the things in question 4
6. Who do I admire most in the world? 
List your greatest inspirations and the qualities that you admire about these people. Think about what really inspires you in this world. What you admire about others is also a quality that is in you. Know that you admire someone because they have similar qualities to you. 
My sister, Caroline - hard work, selfless, giving, goes after what she wants, deals with confrontation, sticks up for herself
My mom, Jean - tactful, warm, nonjudgemental, easygoing, understanding, loving, never gives up, strong
Artist, Amira Rahim - (Now, I don’t know her personally, but... here are some qualities I see.) woman entrepreneur, driven, strong, focused, colorful, in a world where there’s so much sadness she shows the happiness through her artwork
There’s this girl on America’s Got Talent - Mandy Harvey - (I also don’t know her personally but... listen to this story): “Mandy lost her residual hearing in 2006-2007 at age eighteen due to a connective tissue disorder that effected her nerves and left the program. She pursued several career options, including education, but returned to music in 2008, her true passion could no longer be denied. Though her hearing loss is profound, her timing and pitch are perfect and her passion is tremendous. With support from friends, family and her faith, Mandy continues to find joy in music.” Can you believe her?! I don’t even know her but she inspires me to never give up - no matter what. She is deaf, but still sings. She made her dream possible even though she was faced with the ultimate obstacle. 
It’s interesting that this article says:
“What you admire about others is also a quality that is in you. Know that you admire someone because they have similar qualities to you.” 
This is such an interesting viewpoint. I’ve never thought this, rather I’ve seen it as qualities that I aspire for. I still see it this way even after reading this article and writing down the qualities they have. I think there are some things that are alike between me and these 4 women, but I’ll continue to strive to be like them... to be who I strive to be. 
Taking the time to answer these questions will change your life. 
The more that you can implement your passions, strengths, values, desires, and motivations into your days, the happier your life will become! You can study to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or anything else, but this knowledge will only take you so far. Meanwhile, discovering the deep wisdom of self-knowledge will ensure that your life is far more meaningful and fulfilling. I’ve got a feeling that is what Einstein meant when he said “Information is not knowledge.” The most valuable knowledge that you will ever discover is, and always will be, within.
What are you answers to this questions? Would love to hear them!
XOXO,  Cristina
IG: Cristina Anne Art
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✨ This sounds like wishful thinking, but it’s true. When it comes to how I experience life (my happiness and general mood) the state of my mind is more influential than the state of my circumstances. The world holds no inherent meaning beyond my perception of it. Nobody’s perception of reality is objectively true; everyone’s point-of-view is merely an interpretation. If 100 people sat where I am sitting now, each 100 people would have a different interpretation of their surroundings based on their points-of-view and past experiences. The world is a blank canvas. My perception creates the picture.
When I perceive imperfection in another person or see a flaw in my life, do these flaws actually reside in the person and my circumstances, or does the flaw reside in my perception? My thoughts are so fundamental to my interpretation of life that I rarely notice how every day I am painting the canvas of my experience through the lens of my perception. Every thought is another brush stroke. Each subconscious judgement is another color. Soon I am looking at a painting (my experience of life) and have forgotten that I created it.
The kindest thing I can do for myself is remembering to slow down and observe my thinking mind – each inhale and exhale of thought – instead of giving it free reign to shape my experience of life without supervision. This is the point of meditation. My mind has the power to perceive both heaven and hell in each passing moment. Heaven is the state of unbiased and non-attached awareness. Hell is the hurricane of mental chaos. Regardless of what is happening in my life, I have the power to choose my point-of-view. My thoughts may seem insignificant compared to the big bad world, but the state of the world – with all its monsters, demons, angels, and lovers – does not impact my emotions as much as the state of my mind.
Logic does not help here. Only awareness. Because the world is an unfair place, seeing life from a happy perspective is not always rational. There are a million good reasons to be unhappy and blame others. But when I shift my focus from my circumstances to my awareness, I remember that peace-of-mind is always a choice.
Follow me on IG @ shityouregosays
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The most important thing for you to do in this moment is to experience joy in each of your movements. Don’t hurry to finish and go do something else. That is meditation! Meditation is offering your genuine presence to yourself in every moment. It’s the capacity to recognize clearly that every moment is a gift of life, a gift from the Earth and sky.
Thich Nhat Hanh, in ”Peace Is Every Breath: A Practice for Our Busy Lives”. (via abiding-in-peace)
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How do you feel at the moment?
In this very moment, I feel bliss.
Once I dissect it a bit more, you’ll find that I’m not all bliss all-the-time. You have your own issues - so do I. We all have them.
Lately, I’ve been trying to compartmentalize my life better. The things that give me anxiety, the things that bring me joy, make me bored, exhaust me, anger me. You get the point. It’s helped me identify the triggers and control my feelings a little more peacefully and logically. However, I can assure you - this doesn’t mean it’s been an easy process. 
What are some things that make me feel good? 
That I’m deeply in love with Spencer (boyfriend)
Writing gives me a voice (and some passion tonight)
Painting and music give me joy and bliss
Cooking calms me down
Design and psychology make me want to learn
Helping people makes me feel like I’m making a difference
Waking up early in the morning is hard, but I feel better when I do it
Eating healthy makes me feel fresh and thin
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Michael Carini | Beautiful Accidents
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For more fitness motivation: in-pursuit-of-fitness
For healthy living and fitness tips: for-fitness-sake
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For more fitness motivation: in-pursuit-of-fitness
For healthy living and fitness tips: for-fitness-sake
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