#the very embodiment of darkness ; a form given all new meaning.  /  vanitas.
dawnled · 8 months
tag post #2 ( character tags ) !
#the keyblade's chosen hero of light ; a precious friend that leads me home. / sora.#more than just a princess of heart ; a shining light that guides me home. / kairi.#a keyblade master of light and dark ; with strength to protect what matters. / riku.#a thief of body but not of mind ; my heart you cannot conquer.  /  ansem.#i'm me and you're you ; the same in body but different in heart and mind.  /  replica.#striving hard to become his own person ; in body heart mind and soul.  /  roxas.#more than the puppet they think you to be ; you are your own person.  /  xion.#a bright fire of burning protection ; not to be underestimated.  /  axel / lea.#more than the chains that bind you ; more than the memories you've made.  /  naminé.#an oath sworn and a promise made ; the strength to protect what matters.  /  terra.#kind and gentle like the ocean waves ; but also terrifying like its depths.  /  aqua.#a joyous youth who shines so bright ; as gentle and swift as the wind.  /  ventus.#the very embodiment of darkness ; a form given all new meaning.  /  vanitas.#a guiding hand during darkest times ; thank you for helping with my struggles.  /  mickey.#the darling queen of a kind mouse king ; a ruler of power and Light.  /  minnie.#disney castle's court magician ; with magical power unrivalled.  /  donald.#the captain of the royal knights ; with a shield ever-protecting.  /  goofy.#the protector of sora's documented 'ventures ; but also so much more.  /  data riku.#a digital copy of sora from his 'ventures ; but with heart beyond the data.  /  data sora.
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hakurion · 5 years
The Master of Masters identity I The secret of the black box
Here is my take on this.
This is a very long post and maybe somewhat confused to you, so I divided it into many parts, I’m totally aware of this having flaws somewhere. I’d be glad if somebody helps me research more. I’ll update if there’s more detail come in time.
Behind the Foretellers masks
Luxu’s true identity
Dive to the Heart
The secret movie, Shibuya
Who is the Master of Masters?
This is based on evidences the game provides for us, so I don’t think any of this is meant to be a coincidence.
The MoMs characteristic is particularly playful and the way he speaks very much more like a mature version of Sora. And there’s more than that.
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When it is revealed that Sora has more hearts beside his own, Donald teased Sora that he has so much hearts that he can’t bear to count. Who has the same characteristic? The MoM.
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The MoM, seemingly, joked that Luxu was thinking he has many hearts that himself can’t even count. Hinting that the MoM and Sora all have the power of hearts connection.
The MoM has 6 disciples connected to his heart, each of them represents for 7 deadly sins :
Ira : Unicorn - Anger (Wrath)
Invi : Snake - Jealousy (Invidia)
Aced : Bear - Sloth (Acedia)
Ava : Fox - Greed (Avaritia)
Gula : Leopard - Gluttony (Gula)
Luxu : Goat - Lust (Luxuria)
Super : Lion - Pride (Superbia). This is the MoM’s name which is engraved on the black box.
All the 6 disciples were given their Keyblades by the Master who united them. We could say they, as the Masters hearts, receive his power. The Foretellers situation is extremely similar to the ones who connected with Sora’s heart, however, unline the Foretellers with virtues, the ones connected with Sora’s heart leaning toward the meaning of 7 deadly sins :
Roxas (Anger) : Roxas is easy to get angry, he is a very hot-tempered character. Very quick trying to attack Riku & DiZ who persuaded him return to Sora. Showing data-Sora the real hurt. And he got the Keyblade as Sora’s Nobody.
Namine (Jealousy) : She is, indeed, jealous of Kairi, she can’t stay being alone for so long, that she replaced herself with Kairi inside Sora’s memories in COM. Even she didn’t admit it but that is what her true feeling to Sora. As a Nobody of Kairi’s heart and Sora’s body and soul, Kairi can use the Keyblade after Namine returned to her heart. It is self-understanding that Sora gave Kairi the Keyblade’s power through Namine because she’s connected to his heart.
Ventus (Sloth) : Sleep within 11 years. Ven wasn’t able to use the Keyblade during his training with Xehanort until he merged his heart with Sora’s brand new heart. Xehanort might have known Sora is the Master of Masters heart, which is why he brought Ven to the Destiny Island, so that the MoM could reach to his broken heart and made it whole again. I mean, how does Sora speak to Ven when he was such a baby? It does not sound like a newborn baby at all. The MoM became Sora’s heart when he talked to Ven, Sora is the MoM’s alter-ego. After they joined hearts each other, Ven is able to use his Keyblade, due the MoM bestowed his power as a part of Ven’s heart.
Plus :
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We know that Ven used to live in the Age of Fairy Tales (KHX) and was chosen to be a leader in one of Five Dandelions. I’m sure Ven is the chosen one inheriting the Book of Prophecy in mention. What kind of book can shape worlds? I would say it is like the MoM’s heart, well, it is said you can shape worlds through your heart and dream. Same case with Sora’s Journal, which contains everything inside his heart.
Take this into account, the MoM meant Ven would be the one inheriting his heart (aka Sora). There’s one scene Vanitas says to Sora (KH3): “I am the shadow that you cast”, but Vanitas is supposed to be Ven’s darkness before he merged his heart with Sora’s newborn heart. How could he be Sora’s shadow? So due to the fact that Ven inherited the Book of Prophecy, he inheriting the MoM’s heart similar to a spiritual ceremony passing the ability to wield the keyblade. That made Ven’s heart and the MoM’s united as one, it’s why Vanitas was born as Sora and Ven’s shadow at the same time. So Vanitas is also like the MoM’s shadow.
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It is dangerous to let anyone else sees the book beside Ven. What if Xehanort discovered this secret? It is strange that Xehanort aimed at Ven from beginning and he made Ven’s heart broken. As the one inherited the Book of Prophecy, the MoM can seek for Ven’s broken heart and combine with him. So there is possiblity the MoM’s heart is what forged the X-blade. Ven + Vanitas = X-blade.
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Master Xehanort, the man who gets bored with such a small world. By using Ven, the boy inherited Sora’s heart (the soul of the Book of Prophecy) finally can open the door. As you can see, Ven pointed his Keyblade forward the sky, this action is shaping a totally grand new world thank to Ven’s heart carries the heart of the Book of Prophecy, exactly as Master Xehanort wishes, he wants to get out of a small and empty world, his smile shows you that. Oh, very likely Xehanort is the one causing Sora’s birth in the Destiny Island.
KHI - Coded - DDD
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We have the same familiar line “This world has been connected.” All started at the Destiny Island.
KHI : The Real World
Coded : Datascape
DDD : Sleeping Worlds
Isn’t it obvious that Sora is the one who connects every world he goes to, see? Because he is the heart of the Book of Propecies, and the one who writes the books is the MoM. It is outright to you that their hearts are one and the same.
In KHUX, we heard Blaine explaining : Before the Keyblade War, Book of Prophecies pulled the projected worlds from the future, the worlds which are real. Worlds that never real in the first place weren’t being pulled, they stay in the books and still existed, joined to Daybreak Town, only time set in the past, ie you can’t change the events, that is datascape. And after the Keyblade War, these worlds that were once joined together were scattered apart, so in order for “worlds from the future” to be projected into Daybreak Town without the Book of Prophecies, several worlds were converted to data. From real worlds to data worlds. Daybreak Town should be the real world, but a data world phenomenon is happening there. ‘The Grid’ in DDD is an example of a data world within a real world.
Link KHUX World Explanation : https://twitter.com/Daybreak_Town/status/1117926949337174016
So in summary, it’s likely Sora and the others come from the worlds are also data and their datascape is supposed to be ‘datas within a data’!? But this is just still unclear, at least until the Dandelions done with their investigation.
Lea (Greed) : Desire to get his friends back, no matter how it cost, to the point he betrayed the Organization countless times. Lea did pick up Ven’s wooden keyblade in BBS, this act similar to the ceremony to pass the ability to wield the Keyblade. Sora’s heart gave Ven one, then Ven gave to Lea. Lea received the Keyblade when he decided to become a guardian of light.
Xion (Gluttony) : she absorbed almost of Sora’s memories through Roxas and started to become Sora herself. Can use the Keyblade due to her direct connection with Sora’s heart. I always find it strange that Xion was picked to replace Sora as the real Organization, whether she bears Xehanort’s essence or not, there is one holding the Kingdom Key in Scala ad Caelum. So if Xehanort inherited the MoM’s No Name, which means he united with the MoM’s heart and power through the spiritual ceremony. That makes Xion suitable enough, because she was created from Sora’s heart and Sora’s heart is the MoM’s heart.
Vanitas / Xehanort (Lust) : I include both because these two similar in this part. Vanitas always desire to be united with Ven’s heart, to become one soul with him. Vanitas got the Keyblade because he is originally Ven’s heart. After Ven united his heart with Sora, Sora influences on Vanitas too, thus Sora’s heart is the one who gave Vanitas the Keyblade. Xehanort seeks for bodies/vessels to implant his essence, lust for power.
Sora (Pride) : In a positive connotation, Sora’s pride expresses his connection toward hearts. Their choices and actions independent his self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging. Sora’s original design is a hybrid-lion, an embodiment of Pride, like the MoM.
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The MoM bestowed the Keyblades to his 6 disciples, in case those 6 disciples are connected to his heart, or the Five Foretellers are the MoM himself. It is exactly the same with Sora, who bestowed the keyblades power to 6 people who connected to him, 5 among them are Sora himself.
Furthermore, Sora was able to use a Keyblade from the start without being bequeathed by anyone through a spiritual ceremony because he’s naturally the Master of Masters who owned No Name as the most ancient keyblade.
Sora is an unique person who can return to his human form after he became a Heartless and needlessly destroying his Nobody. So if the MoM could give himself a new life form (newborn Sora), why couldn’t Sora? In the MoM’s case, he shaped his life form thank to Ven’s light, as the result they joined hearts each other. As for Sora, he regained his form thank to Kairi’s light. Basically, their hearts can shape everything into their own forms, even a lifeless object or an empty puppet and give them hearts.
The MoM can create Dream Eaters (Chirithy). Sora has a strong relationship with Dream Eaters, he can enter the Realm of Sleep whenever he wishes. So who says the MoM can’t enter the Realm of Sleep and recontruct the worlds called “Unchained Realm”, gathering every remnants of light in order of conserving the balance and erasing the memories of Tragedy? If Sora could time-travel back to the Age of Fairy Tales (KHX) to reset everything and make the world better like he wants.
I’ll give a way how Sora could travel back to the past even if no version of him exist there :
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“Worlds from the future” are the worlds that Sora and his friends come from. He can easily go back to the Age of Fairy Tales if his world is converted to data, but that world must be connected to Daybreak Town. As you already knew in Coded, real people also would be able to go inside datascape without having themselves converted to data, like Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pete and Maleficent. If Sora’s datascape is projected as an entrance/portal in Daybreak Town, then it wouldn’t be hard for him going back to such an ancient time. Remember the Destiny Island was hinted to be connected to Daybreak Town (where connects to other worlds according to the Book of Prophecies) in everytime Sora presenting here. And Maleficent hinted us there’s a link between the Book of Prophecies and Sora’s Journal as well.
Anyway, the MoM seems very sinister and sharp, those are the opposites with Sora, but we all know Sora’s growth throughout KH3, his connection with his friends get weaker (100 Acre Wood). After his experiences in the Keyblade War, would his heart and mind still the same like before? He felt loss and he felt that strong connection would lead to some broken hearts, that’s why the Master gives each of his apprentices differrent roles, differrent unions and does not allow them cooperate each other, even making them doubt each other through claiming there’s a traitor. That is the proof showing his mind became twisted, his intention gets darker, it is the mark calls out his growth. So the MoM fits to Sora’s future self.
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The Keyblade “No Name” has a lion head, goat horns and dragon wings, the “Gazing Eye” looks like a snake eye. It is a Chimera that has a body of a lion, a goat emerges from its back and a snake as its tail, which also at one point was a symbol of Lucifer the being who represents the sin of Pride. The dragon wings is symbolic of power and influence, and dragon is arguably the most ancient and imposing. Chimera is an organism that contains cells or tissues from two or more different species. The animal being a Chimera also fits with Sora having many hearts joined to his as he isn’t just a single person any more. 
The sight of a Chimera was an omen for disaster. As in KH universe, it may describes a strong connection will bring disaster, as Luxu warned Sora “if you put too much that power in one place, some of those hearts might ended up breaking.” This happened during his first visit of Keyblade Graveyard (KH3), however, the MoM carefully orchestrated everything by using his connections towards the Foretellers to gain his goal, a mastermind plan.
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Its keychain is symbolic of a six-winged angel. A six winged angel is a seraph or seraphim. They are heavenly attendants to God on his throne. It also represents for Lucifer as the "Morning Star" and the strongest seraph, the highest ranked angel serving God prior his fall from grace.
Lucifer’s human element is wisdom or applied knowledge, with time, study and practice it is believe that man can attain the Lucifer state, this only through applied knowledge or wisdom. By all the mean, through the learning of wisdom, ‘an ordinary boy’ like Sora can also attain Lucifer state, transforming into the being called ‘the Master of Masters’.
The ‘Gazing Eye’ is a symbolism regard of ‘All-Seeing Eye’ :
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The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence).
One of the key symbols of the New World Order (NWO) is the eye. Jesus said in Matthew 6:22, “The light of the body is the eye...” It is through the eye that light, or in a spiritual sense, KNOWLEDGE, enters the body. This is the spiritual sense of the word. There are 33 different degrees in the Masonic order. Each new level entitles the participant to acquire additional occult KNOWLEDGE. Occultists view Lucifer as the good god who gives knowledge.
The All-Seeing Eye symbolizes Lucifer, but it represents the spiritual knowledge of good and evil which the serpent promised to Eve if she disobeyed God. This knowledge includes the knowledge that Satan is the god of this world, who rewards them that serve and worship him (Matthew 4:8-10). The average person is woefully ignorant of spiritual matters, because they do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior (1st Corinthians 2:14-16). This is why tens-of-thousands of celebrities, corporate big shots, religious leaders and famous people flash El Diablo signs, darkening one of their eyes (see below) and displaying occult pyramids and eyes on their works. Sadly, most Christians are also ignorant, because they are not interested in the truth.
The eye is symbolic of secret societies; but moreover, the eye represents the forming New World Order and the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12), and ultimately Satan himself.
Carefully notice that the New World Order is symbolized with ONE eye; but God gave us TWO eyes to see the truth for ourselves if we truly want to see it. Think about that.
He, being the Master of Masters has an eye capable to see the future, the ‘Gazing Eye’ has the same meaning with the ‘Eye of Providence’, which is believed to be the eye of Lucifer. The ‘Gazing Eye’ surrounded by keys and enclosed by the Keyblade ‘No Name’. So he is like a God watching over all the future of humanity, desire to see how they would guide the keys more than the fate of the world. In other words, the MoM’s true purpose is establish a ‘New World Order’ after the Keyblade War.
Doves flying in the Station of Awakening has a meaning :
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The dove was associated with one of the mother figures, Venus. Lucifer’s planetary element is Venus, Lucifer being known as the “Morning Star” or first star of morning, otherwise known as Venus. Venus, known as the “Planet of Love” represents the beauty of Lux Ferre (Latin for light bearer/bringer or Lucifer).
The dove is Lucifer’s animal symbol when he was an angel, whose real name is Helel (Shining Star or Morning Star). He was created to be the highest spiritual power of heaven.
The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, because of Matt. 3:16 "And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. " NRSV.
Btw, the “End of Pain” Keyblade (DDD) obtained after you completing all Special Portals has a similar design to “No Name” and it looks similar to Sora’s outfit design in KH3 :
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Its animal is a ram and the keychain looks like a butterfly.
The Ram is a male of the sheep and allied animals. The Ram Christian Symbol represents protection as the ram protected the herd and also symbolises sacrifice as the ram was one of the first animals to be sacrificed on alters, hence their Latin name Aries which comes from aris meaning "alters".. It is a symbol for Christ taken from the Old Testament.
In KH case, it might referred Sora is a sacrifice for his friends sake and Riku is a protection for Sora as his Dream Eater.
In many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul – further linking our meaning of faith with the butterfly.
In Greek myth, Psyche (which literally translates to mean “soul”) is represented in the form of a butterfly. Befittingly, Psyche is forever linked with love as she and Eros (the Greek god of love, also known in Roman myth as Cupid) shared an endlessly passionate bond together – both hopelessly in love with the other.
Also, the design of the inner of the butterfly looks like flowers petals with pink color, and flowers link to the design of Kairi’s keyblade. The butterfly keychain is associated with the soul, meaning Sora and Kairi shared an endlessly passionate bond together and very possible in love with the other.
In Christianity, the butterfly symbolizes the resurrection of Christ.
Beside that, the End of Pain keychain is attached a gazing eye in it, which is noteworthy, because we merely see the MoM and Foretellers keychains having gazing eyes so far. And since “No Name” keychain is a six-winged being, this may be a reference to ‘Revelation's four living beings’ :
Revelation 4:6-8 New International Version (NIV)
Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,’
who was, and is, and is to come.”
The MoM’s animal symbol is a lion and this refers he is a lion with 6 wings and covered with eyes (in this case, the gazing eye). With this meaning, the Keyblades have more than one gazing eye must be related to MoM or they’re part of the MoM’s essense. And remember 6 winged-being also represents for seraphim, extension of Lucifer’s symbol. The lion and the gazing eye on “No Name” all have bright blue eyes, it is the MoM’s eyes color.
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Sora has the same bright blue eyes and Sora’s embodiment is also a lion. His theme is same with MoM as Lucifer is the “Morning Star”, a Light Bearer, who is a six-winged angel, the strongest seraph. Since I’ve explained 5 Foretellers are the MoM’s vessels, same situation with Sora, who also got 5 vessels containing his essence. This must be the reason all of them (the MoM/Sora and Foretellers) has a ‘gazing eye’ attached on their keychains.
Lucifer’s color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and water representing that Lucifer is all around and within us. That Lucifer is the prime element/energy that motivates and cultivates our world. The blue’s literally linked to Sora, as his name in japanese means ‘sky’ (Sora = 空 = sky). It’s very fit to him being the MoM’s incarnation. His keyblade ‘End of Pain’ has similar design to ‘No Name’, which Riku can also wield as Sora’s Dream Eater.
‘End of Pain’ Keyblade’s design can also be viewed as a Gargoyle (Ram Horned Gargoyle with Demon Wings). 
Gargoyles are figures often carved into the architecture of old churches. Some believe gargoyles on a church were meant to ward off evil; it’s also possible that the gargoyles symbolized evil spirits, monstrous entities, and damned souls. The thinking was that the church offered spiritual safety for those who accepted its authority, but outside the church was spiritual danger. The gargoyles were thus a warning to the populace that it was better to be inside the church than outside. It’s also possible that the thinking behind gargoyles was to create a symbolic representation of hell; again, the outside of the church was contrasted with the inside.
Describing Sora was inside of hell and Riku was outside of hell, in order to fighting off evil from Sora’s nightmare.
This might be a stretch but I think the blade of ‘No Name’ symbolizing Gemini zodiac sign :
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Gemini means “the twins” in Latin. A Gemini is a mix of the yin and yang, so they’re represented perfectly by the twins. They can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality.
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So since the lion symbolizing Sora and the goat symbolizing Xehanort, Gemini is known for having two opposite personalities that converge in one soul, the Chimera aka the MoM or rather Soranort. Gemini also fits Sora very well for being empowered by the presence of others hearts inside him, like The Lovers fills his need.
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Gemini’s glyph looks like the Roman numberal for two because, as you know, a Gemini thinks there’s nothing quite as sad as being lonely. Like its ruling tarot card, the Lovers, Gemini is as a symbol for opposing forces like light and dark or true and false, each of which can’t exist without the other.
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As ‘No Name’ had been passed through generations, like a way that the MoM trying to communicate his inheritors with its power, so ‘No Name’ gives the way they communicate and absorbs great amounts of information through the Gazing Eye watching over the future of humanity. It identifies the MoM’s mind and how well he can relay messages to others carrying ‘No Name’.
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The name Sora (空) also stands for 空中, meaning air. And how well it fits to an obverser of the world around them, like the MoM, as well as the sky always connects everything.
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Yellow is typically attributed to Gemini, which certainly fits its sunny, friendly personality, it does match with Sora’s personality ultimately.
The Gemini constellation represents the twins Castor and Pollux (Polydeuces), also known as the Dioscuri in ancient times, in Greek mythology. Gemini is known mainly for its two bright stars, Castor and Pollux, the neutron star Geminga, and several notable deep sky objects. One is immortal, the other mortal. Herein lies the very cool duplicity of Gemini.
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Take that Sora being Castor and Xehanort being Pollux in our situation, as Luxu (the first incarnation of Xehanort) places his heart into vessels in order to continue living throughout centuries, so Luxu is kind of immortal twin and Sora doesn’t, so he is mortal twin, therefore, they fit to The Twins symbol. As the event of DDD shown, Sora witnessing his own dream, everytime he “dies”, he always being brought back to life, as if someone having the power of time reversing to save his life and knowing how much Sora has been repeating this again and again like deja-vu, that person is no one else but Young Xehanort. So they’re, no doubt, have a strong connection like the twins brothers, Castor and Pollux.
One interesting thing is if you try to invert Sora and Xehanort’s colors, you would have their inverted colors match the others original colors :
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Sora’s inverted colors : white (mix with blue) hair + yellow eyes + dark skin
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YX’s inverted colors : brown hair + blue eyes + light skin
Plus, blue and yellow colors mix together would create green, and the Gazing Eye has a green surrounding the pupil as well. Sora and Xehanort are very similar to Gemini, they’re like yin and yang, light and dark, two sides of one coin, two personalities of one person.
Gemini also represents for Ventus and Vanitas being The Twins, as their combined hearts giving birth to sort of yin and yang symbol, Ven being the pure light and Vanitas being the pure darkness :
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Extreme similar to Sora and Xehanort’s union would’ve made a perfect yin and yang symbol.
When Sora’s new heart reached to Ven’s light and became one soul with him as one pure light, and also thank to Sora’s light, Ven’s heart was mended to becoming whole as an individual heart again in KH3.
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Link gif : https://giphy.com/gifs/hQocbtrfymNPxxMsUy/html5
The dove is the symbol of Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is referred to as "the Lord, the Giver of Life" in the Nicene Creed, as Sora’s heart gave Ven the second change of life. Thus Sora’s heart is like a universal creator of giving life to everything.
And Vanitas, being the pure darkness, reached to Xehanort’s side after being defeated by Ven :
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Vanitas connects to Xehanort by soul and heart, as the part of yin (dark). Just like how Ven has a strong bond with Vanitas, Xehanort has a strong bond with Sora in similar way. They both make a balance of light and dark, which is the inseparableness of life. A human made of 50% good and 50% bad. The duality. The Twins (Gemini).
The Foretellers animal masks and Keyblade animals also represent their sins. Luxu is the only one receiving “No Name” from the Master, as Luxu’s sin is ‘Lust’ whose animal is a goat, which also resides in “No Name” as the lion with goat horns. They both formed a secret relationship, that Luxu and the MoM’s connection just like Xehanort and Sora.
The head’s shape of ‘No Name’ looks similar to an eagle spreading wings :
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In early Christianity the eagle was seen as a symbol of hope and strength, representing salvation. The eagle appears twice in the book of Revelation; both times in a context that suggests it is on the side of God. 
The eagle is the chief over all the winged creatures. Eagle conveys the powers and messages of the spirit; it is man's connection to the divine because it flies higher than any other bird. The eagle brings the message of renewed life because it is associated with the east winds - the direction of spring, dawn and rebirth.
As an ancient symbol the eagle is associated to solar and the Greeks regarded it as the sacred emblem of Zeus and as the highest god by the Druids. For those fighting for freedom, the Eagle's ability to fly high to the tops of mountains and silently into valleys, makes it associated to a free spirit. In myth and legend, the Eagle represents the Sun God who symbolizes light and power fire and water as its elements. It is also a symbol of spiritual power and courage because it does not fear thunder and lightning.
Eagle is spiritual symbol of the ruler of the skies. As eagle soars through skies... he owns the skies, he is the ruler of the skies as he is one of the largest birds capable of taking flight.
An eagle flies in the sky and Zeus is the god of the skies. An eagle is a very fierce, majestic, strong bird and a ruler of the universe would want a symbol that matches him and Zeus is fierce and strong.
Who fits to the “sky” symbol more than Sora?
Symbolism of ‘sky’ and ‘ReMind’
About the traitor in KHUX :
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The Foretellers Book of Prophecies all missing a page which divulges the info about the traitor. The most suspicious person who owns the full book, as well as the Lost Page, is the Master of Masters only, who plotted everything.
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The traitor in question is the one who bears the sigil and they are unable to permit disharmony. In other words, they can’t accept the unbalance between light and dark (sounds very similar to Master Xehanort). That’s why the traitor was trying to end the world by starting the Keyblade War, which is the Master of Masters doings, who sow seeds of doubt on his disciples. Ava seems to know who this text is talking about but she’s hard to believe it.
I have a feeling the Foretellers all cast their suspicious on the MoM but they just don’t want to believe it since they wholeheartedly trust their Master’s teachings.
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It is clear that the MoM is the traitor who wants to preserve the balance between light and dark, which is why each of unions have to act alone and trust no one but themselves. Remind me of the loss in Sora’s past, he put too much light in one place and unfortunately, those hearts lack the balance to resist darkness, it is the reason their hearts were easily torn apart by heartless. And the MoM fully acknowledged this as if it was his past experiences.
Also, the MoM’s name is engraved on the black box, ”X Super”. The MoM represents for the sin of Pride by the lion’s head Keyblade (No Name) and in Latin : Pride = Superbia.
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What about the “X” stands before his name? The sigil X seems to be a symbol for the MoM which ties close to his name. Therefore, the Master of Masters has full potential to be the traitor in question.
The name of Lucifer, the embodiment of Pride reveals some point :
Lucifer means Light Bringer, from the Latin lux “light” and ferre “to bear or bring.” The word Lucifer is found in only one place in the Bible — Isaiah 14:12 — but only in the King James and related versions: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! . . .”  In other translations we find: “O shining star of the dawn!” (Moffatt) or “O morning-star, son of the dawn!” (Hebrew Bible). The King James Version is based on the Vulgate, the Latin translation of Jerome. Jerome translated the Hebrew helel (bright or brilliant one) as “Lucifer,” which was a reasonable Latin equivalent. And yet it is this Lucifer, the bright one or light bearer, that came to be understood by so many as the name for Satan, Lord of Darkness.
Sora has always been a hero of light, a Light Bearer aka Lucifer. And the word lux (aka light) in Lucifer’s name which bears the letter X on it, so essentially, light is integrally linked to the sigil X.
In DDD, before fighting Xemnas, he says to Sora “As the Flash bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that of a recusant.” He referred Sora’s flash or light (meaning lux in latin) contains the sigil X, this also links to the MoM whose name including a recusant’s sigil : X Super. It basically confirms Sora and the MoM are one and the same.
And one more thing is the boxes colors seem to match Sora’s clothes as well, especially in DDD :
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Sora wears black and red clothes, and bears the sigil X on his chest, which matches the box with same colors. And the inner of the mark looks very much like a lion’s head, which also fits well with Sora’s spiky hair.
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Stretch the meaning of the colors :
The color black symbolizes suffering and death in the Bible.
Red symbolizes atonement, sacrifice, life, death, and flesh.
The color white is the presence of all the light in the visible spectrum.
The color white is the color of the sigil X on Sora’s shirt, it is the symbol of lux/light in this case. The red indicates Sora will voluntarily sacrifice for anyone as a hero of light and the black symbolic of his death or in other words, the expiry of the light, as the white of X (lux) lies in the black of death. As in- light falls into darkness.
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There are a total of 13 spikes that point out the inner and 7 spikes of the inside. 13 darknesses and 7 lights forging the X-blade, the counterpart of the true Kingdom Hearts. It alludes to Sora being the personification of the X-blade and also the true Kingdom Hearts.
Furthermore, Sora’s hair shape is extremely suitable for the pattern of the X-blade, both shaping into a triangle :
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I think this pattern is a symbol of Halo. Halo, also called nimbus,  in art, radiant circle or disk surrounding the head of a holy person, a representation of spiritual character through the symbolism of light. It does pretty fit to Sora being the symbolism of light and also the X-blade personification.
Besides, talk about X-blade and Ultima Keyblades, I think their shapes taking the form of Phoenix’s wings :
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The mythical phoenix animal totem is the keeper of the fire in all of creation. It represents transformation, death, and rebirth in its fire. As a powerful spiritual totem, the phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength and renewal. As both a fire and solar symbol, the phoenix animal guide is symbolic of the sun, which “dies” in setting each night only to be reborn in rising the next morning. In this sense, it never truly dies; rather, it is an immortal creature continually rising from the ashes. All of its attributes stay on theme with these ideas. In addition to the above mentioned traits of power, transformation, rebirth and life, the phoenix spirit totem is also widely regarded as a prominent symbol of season, coherence, longevity, imagination and protection.
The phoenix’s ability to sacrifice itself willingly to death only to be reborn was a strong representation of Jesus for Christians. Even up until the Middle Ages, people of this region associated the phoenix in ashes with Christ dying on the cross and returning from the dead after three days.
The legendary phoenix is a large, grand bird, much like an eagle or peacock. It is brilliantly coloured in reds, purples and yellows, as it is associated with the rising sun and fire. Sometimes, a nimbus will surround it, illuminating it in the sky. Its eyes are blue and shine like sapphires. It builds its own funeral pyre or nest, or ignites it with a single clap of its wings. After death, it rises gloriously from the ashes and flies away.
So if the Ultima Keyblade is Sora’s strongest weapon as the figure of the Phoenix folding down its wings, then the X-blade is highly possible his true Ultima weapon as the Phoenix with wings out stretched and also associated with Jesus on the cross. The Phoenix always being resurrected from its ashes and never truly dies, it will be reborn over and over, the Phoenix represents the idea that the end is only the beginning. It seems like KH3 is the end of Sora’s journey with his disappearance, in fact, it is a fresh beginning for a new chapter.
Read about Ultima Weapons reference to Kairi’s keyblade here.
Also, I found an interesting info that might be the origin of X-blade, as well as how the true Kingdom Hearts was created in the first place :
God promised Abraham that if he found only twenty righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah, he would not destroy both cities. Solomon spent 7 years building the house of God in Jerusalem and another 13 years building his own home for a total number of 20 years. After he had completed both buildings, Solomon gave Hiram, the king of Tyre, twenty cities in the land of Galilee.
If you take Sora as the thirteen darkness. The number XIII of one tarot card, it symbolizes “Death”. The tarot card “Death” means : Endings, Severe illness, Profound change, Letting go of attachments, Failure, Mortality.
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All of these words describe the major turning point of Sora’s fate. Especially his fate in KH3 : his ending, his mortality, his loose of connections towards everyone he loves... ect...
Death Tarot Card Meanings and Description :
The Death card shows the Messenger of Death – a skeleton dressed in black armour, riding a white horse. The skeleton represents the part of the body which survives long after life has left it; the armour symbolises invincibility and that death will come no matter what. Its dark colour is that of mourning and the mysterious, while the horse is the colour of purity and acts as a symbol of strength and power. Death carries a black flag decorated with a white, five-petal rose, reflecting beauty, purification and immortality and the number five representing change. Together, these symbols reveal that death isn’t just about life ending. Death is about endings and beginnings, birth and rebirth, change and transformation. There is beauty in death, and it is an inherent part of being alive.
A royal figure appears to be dead on the ground, while a young woman, child and bishop plead with the skeletal figure to spare them. But, as we all know, death spares no one.
In the background, a boat floats down the river, akin to the mythological boats escorting the dead to the afterlife. On the horizon, the sun sets between two towers (which also appear in the Moon Tarot card), in a sense dying each night and being reborn every morning.
As applying to KH meaning of ‘death’, like Sora’s disappearance in KH3. This card does not foretell physical death, but deaths of other kinds: spiritual, mental, emotional. While it is associated with foreboding and doom, Death Arcana also symbolizes metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles. So the fact that Sora misused the power of waking to put everyone’s heart back to the original states meaning the fate has dealt his Death, but it is the path of his choosing whether to avert or accept the fate that allowed him to go so far, hinting that Death may be Sora's true arcana.
However, while Death depicts inevitable change arising from endings, it is important to understand the card also holds the seeds of something new; new life imagery is as abundant in the Death card as images of endings. Therefore, while things inevitably end, they also clear the way for something new. With this mean, Sora completed a chapter in his life, putting the past behind him and creating a whole new life for himself. Free himself from a past that no longer serves him well and proceed toward the future.
And one more thing is Death tarot’s element being Water. Like if someone falls in the state of sleep and find themselves drowning in water or darkness, which also mean ‘death’ is getting close to them.
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That being said, the Darkside made of water symbolizes Sora’s death as he stepping in the Final World (where I believe Kairi’s heart was there too after she was taken by the swarm of shadows). And after being struck by Xehanort, Kairi’s body turned into completely water, same situation applies to Xion (being Kairi in Sora’s memories), whilst they were touching ‘death’. Though, I think Kairi and Xion’s deaths are the exceptional case, because Kairi is the most special one to Sora. Then like, they share one soul / heart, making her ‘death’ too, having the form of water, similar to him. So on, the Darkside merely got its upper in water and the lower part is black, meaning Sora hadn’t completely died yet due to Kairi holding him back to this world as she was staying with him in that Darkside form.
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“Some say “kye”, but the meaning is the same. Death... A letter that spells endings.”
Exactly the same meaning with ‘Death’ arcana. Spelling the ending of Keyblade War, including Sora’s ending, thus, ‘X’ tied close to Sora’s fate. It is not a coincidence Xehanort picked Sora being the thirteen member to fulfill his goal. The number XIII is the ‘Death’ arcanas number. Sora sacrified his life to save everyone, which in turn, spelled out the ending for him but also a new beginning for the world, as Master Xehanort’s wish is to restart the world to its original state began in darkness, also a new beginning for everything, a new start.... so this means Master Xehanort actually the one who won in the end, all of this already decided in his plan.
Let’s connect the dots :
X Super = Lux Superbia = Lucifer Pride = MoM = Sora
Another meaning is Lux also stands for Luxu, full name is Luxuria (Lust). And “Lust” is the embodiment of Xehanort’s sin, because the goat’s head symbolizes Young Xehanort’s Keyblade and Master Xehanort’s chess piece and his armor (in Scala ad Caelum) also have the form of a goat-head. Therefore :
X Super = Luxu Superbia = Xehanort MoM = Xehanort Sora
Btw, Xehanort or ‘No Heart’ without the letter X in anagram has different meanings. As in- ‘Another’ or ‘A Thorne’. Thorne comes from the Old English or Old Norse words which mean thorn.
’Xehanort Sora’ means ‘Another Sora’, or ‘A thorn in Sora’s heart’ or ‘A thorn in the lion’s paw’. Indicating the MoM is Another Sora with twisted mind. He’s certain that you can’t change destinies, no matter how hard you tries, as he said he just need the world after prophecy, no need the world before it and he was waiting for THAT future comes. Xehanort (A Thorne) has always been a thorn under Sora’s paw, under Sora’s control and also causing the pain for Sora. It basically confirms the MoM coaxed Luxu (the previous incarnation of Xehanort) into fulfilling the future, and no Book of Prophecy for him causing any paradox. Ordinarily, a paradox is impossible since we were informed that destiny can’t be altered in any way and we all know that multi-worldline can be contructed within KH universe.
To be more specific, the laws of causality do not allow contradiction to occur. If the result of the event - the effect - is changed, the event itself - the cause - also changes to prevent a paradox. Whenever a major event causes divergence to change, the timeline is reconstructed to prevent paradoxes from occurring. For example, let’s say that a major event causes this worldline to diverge into a new worldline, call it worldline B. On worldline B, Sora won his battle against Xehanort. As the timeline is recontructed, all of your memories of the tragedy and light expiry will disappear, to be replaced by memories of you doing something else. In other words, by changing the present, you change the past. And it should be impossible for you to retain memories of a previous worldline. Unless you too are a time traveler. Young Xehanort is an example of a time-traveler, that’s why he keeps the memories of everything Sora has done when he altered the present, including how many time Sora was stucked in time-loop.
I’m thinking that by changing the present of his friends hearts being torn apart, Sora even altered the past of this timeline. His doing did reconstruct the entire timeline from past to present, that would be sense about Young Xehanort playing chess in Scala ad Caelum looks younger than Young Xehanort in DDD who still lived in the Destiny Island. Because they are Xehanorts from different-worldlines.
Unless you let your past self knowing about you in the future, seeing what you do, well yes, that could cause a major time paradox. Because of that, the MoM doesn’t give Luxu a copy of the Book of Prophecy to preventing Luxu would divulge that info to Sora (the MoM’s past self). Plus, the MoM doesn’t want to let Master Xehanort know that himself (as Sora) can overwrite realities in some way, so this means except Young Xehanort, no one else knows Sora changing the past. The MoM just needs the fate of the world come after prophecy, after all. It is a loop. A complex conflict between Sora and Xehanort, they are in quantum entanglement until the cycle is broken. Luxu has a connection to Xehanort, since he is responsible for passing down ‘No Name’ to his apprentices through ages. And the MoM has a strong connection to Sora. In other words, the two of them is like two sides in one coin. Sora is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
The fact that the black box is eerily similar to DDD Sora must mean something... Why Sora materializes his dreams inside the Realm of Sleep and why Riku could gain the ability to dive in Sora’s dream as his Dream Eater? Remember Sora’s dreams are EXTREMELY similar with the Sleeping Worlds that can also be unlocked through Sleeping Key Holes. Not to mention Sleeping Worlds are the worlds that fall into darkness. So does this mean Sora’s heart has always been in the state of sleep from the start? Those are suspicious situations, no matter how you think of it. And remember what Young Xehanort told Riku :”How did you get here? By choice or change? You cannot control what you’re not aware of. This wakeless sleep will be your prison... to wander forever” sounds very fishy. He’s wondering why Riku was sent to Sora’s dream, more than that, why does he say for sure as if Sora has been in a wakeless sleep and will never waking up? He even said Sora’s heart’ll sleep forever in darkness and no way for him returning to the original world, Sora being the 13th darkness is already decided, what’s destined to be happen can’t be changed. This guy knows a lot of things about Sora that no one does. And consider that Sora went to the Final World at the start of KH3 and some strange situation leads Riku suddenly got a new haircut, did timelines swap? ...possibly something happened between those timelines that leads to a divergence of universe?
Continue from here : How do worldlines work in KH universe?
And there Sora’s words expressing his feelings after the ending :
“They can take your world.”
Their world was plunged into darkness in the Keyblade Graveyard.
“They can take your heart, cut you loose from all you know.”
By abusing the power of waking, Sora used all of his heart to save every hearts connected to him. Per the result, he was cut loose from all of his connections. This is what the Organization wanted, isolate Sora’s heart from all he knows.
“But if it’s your fate, then every step forward will always be a step closer to home.”
“Home” here means ‘Shibuya’ in the secret ending, right? Due to the fact Sora and the MoM were in that same place after Sora disappeared, indicates that was their ‘home’ before they went apart.
Now think about it, the MoM kept saying “The thing about me disappearing is not decided” until all of his apprentices actually understood their roles, then the Foretellers started the Keyblade War, after that time, the MoM truly disappeared. EXTREMELY similar to Sora, who also disappeared after the Keyblade War. Sora and the MoM share the same fate.
What’s inside the black box?
The Book of Prophecy, or rather, the MoM’s heart. Similar situation to Sora’s journal, KH Coded does explain this :
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The Book of Prophecy and the MoM’s heart are deeply connected. It is why I said the book and the MoM’s memories / heart are one and the same.
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What was locked inside the box is, likely, the MoM’s memories. Or rather, the MoM locked his old memories away. The heart locked everyone important to him, it is Sora.
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Sora’s journal and the Book of Prophecy all can create data-scape, like “shaping worlds”.
As the journal and the Book of Prophecy represent their hearts, Sora’s heart is similar to the MoM, they all can create events or even worlds that not yet take place. The MoM shapes the world through the Book of Prophecies. Sora overwrites realities or shapes a new worldline. In other words, both can create a new reality.
There’s more reference than that :
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The covers of the Book of Prophecies have the mark of a demon-wing and an angel-wing on each side, and the heart shape inbetween them. Riku’s “Way to Dawn” Keyblade also has an angel-wing and a demon-wing with its heart-shape keychain. This decribes the balance between light and dark (yin-yang) and the MoM definitely requires the balance of all the worlds.
Sora shaped the Sleeping Worlds through his dream and Riku dives in Sora’s dream, since both of them are the necessary of making sure the worlds wouldn’t lack the balance. And due YX split the worlds, they had to separate each other. During this time, both worlds exist parallel together and they can all be viewed as Meta-Worlds.
The black box works same with Schroedinger's CatBox in a meta-way. Until the box is opened, multi-worlds/possibilities all exist at the same time and when the cat is revealed, only one state will become true.
The universe of Kingdom Hearts held in Meta dramatizes the struggle between consistent histories and the re-coherence of opposing observers into one 'true' observation. The black box does not exist until the end of the Keyblade War, as Maleficent states :
“I mean the box does not exist now. Light and darkness are fated to clash. A Keyblade War is upon us. We need only wait for that destined moment. No matter the victors, the box will be revealed.”
That is the moment one history becomes the truth inside the black box (because the Book of Prophecy shaping it through Sora’s dream). Sora altered the fate of light from being expired by shaping his dream as an opposing observer of the former reality into one ‘true’ observation : Xehanorts losed in the Keyblade War and his friends were saved.
This message is trying to tell you that “The future in the Book of Prophecy is already seen by your eyes, but you are the ones who shape your dreams and dive along with it, in order to make it becomes a new truth. A new future.”
Also, Luxord mentioned “the box contains hope”. Easy to see that, because it can create a new future. “In every heart, there’s hope.” - Sora (San Fransokyo).
Sounds familiar with Pandora’s box :
According to Greek legend, the first woman, Pandora, was actually sent as a curse to Zues' men (See, you knew it was true, guys) and was given a present upon her marriage. The present was a box that she was told never to open. Needless to say her curiosity got the better of her (like eating forbidden fruit) and she unleashed eight demons unto the world. The first seven being the seven deadly sins, and the last, which she managed to capture, was hope.
The box contains a heart, the MoM (aka Sora)’s heart. Sora is the Hope that looking for the light in the darkness, one absorb despair and return it to hope.
In short : Sora’s heart = the Book of Prophecy = the MoM’s heart.
The Master of Masters is like the creator of Kingdom Hearts universe, he wrote the entire book and make sure it goes along well with his script without any mistake. His eye can see through the future, none of the events beyond his Gazing Eye, so he is like an Omnipresent being, the God of Kingdom Hearts. Sora is the only one who can perform reality-warping / rewrite the script of the MoM, so he is indeed at the level of God. It is self-aware to see that they are the same person, because only the creator himself is entitled to rewrite his script for whatever he wishes to change.
More crazy twist : inside the box is the entire Kingdom Hearts universe we have been witnessing. It doesn’t sound so surprise since we all know that the book can truly make up an entire world, like a fairy tale. Some evidences showing this is : when Luxu was asked what his mission is, he looked at the box and said “it’s a long story”. So we can guess that the events he has been travelling all lying inside the box. Luxu actually disappeared in the box, that’s why the MoM had to reveal the secret of the box to Luxu and also why Luxu brought it along with him before he disappeared and reappeared again with the box beside him at the Keyblade Graveyard.
The MoM set everything in motion beforehand for his younger self going to the future and finish it for the MoM returning in Shibuya. The X-blade returned to Sora (the MoM), which forged from “No Name”, presumedly it would turn back into “No Name” after Sora closed Kingdom Hearts. It is why Luxu could take it back in the Secret Ending. And yet, Verum Rex’s maybe one of the worlds that never existed in timeline that Blaine mentioned, same as we got Wreck-It-Ralph in KHUX, the worlds of video games now in account of breaking 4th wall and were connected to the data-world within the real world. They’re gonna bring up more and more layers of fiction here.
The Book of Prophecy stored inside the box is part of plan to conserve the MoMs old memories and possible to come back in the future by putting his own memories back and revived. I think 'Shibuya’ is not a world pulled from Book of Prophecies, but a video game connected with some data-world, just like Wreck-It-Ralph, and it probably influences on the real world if they’re gonna make it becomes a ‘break 4th-wall’ phenomenon. The reason why the MoM and Sora ended up in ‘Shibuya’ together might because he was separated from Sora’s heart after he overusing PoW, possibly he would merge with Sora (the memories he locked away) to be completed. To that end, the MoM would be awaken and return to his apprentices.
Also, who is back in the Secret Ending? Luxu and 4 Foretellers. It is a sign that the reincarnated MoM did summon his disciples. Sora overused the Power of Waking to saving the hearts connected to him (aka the MoM) and that brought all of them back. As Luxu told Sora “Accept the power you’re given. Find the hearts joined to yours.” Yes, Sora follows his heart and called Luxu and the Foretellers hearts back through the Power of Waking because he is the MoM’s heart. Sora, the Hope carries the Foretellers moving forward the future.
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