#the way i immediately recognized jikook's outfits from That Video
lesbiansloveseokjin · 11 months
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day 307/548 of seokjin’s military service
this selca was posted on 160921, most likely to troll jimin after this post, with the caption:
Seokjinie #SJ
this bangtan bomb was posted that day:
[#BangtanBomb] 1 to 1 (guidance) starting from extra teaching all the way to individual tuition - Rap Monster & Jin's Dance Stage behind the scene #ReallyIt'sAFightAgainstOneself #That'sThePathOfTheTwoWings
(T/N: Two Wings is a nickname given to Jin and RM because they tend to be placed on the side in choreography formations - trans cr: Alli @ bts-trans)
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I wonder: if I showed this simple (and definitely incomplete) list of things Jikook did with each other to some outsider... would they think they are a couple or not?
(-> YES. YES THEY WOULD. The fact that people have the gut to discredit them because they are same sex members of a boy group blows my mind! The overly pushed heteronormative is especially disgusting :/)
JM is JK 's emergency contact
JK has JM initials tattoed on his ring finger
they know e/o's family very well JK's mom loves JM JK references JM's father multiple times JK's brother seem to like JM a lot
JM gave JK a '(love)bite' on his neck
JK nibbled on JM's ear on a stage in front of 66k people after saying 'I love you'
JK called JM baby
JK called JM dangshin
JM called JK puppy prince
JK drops honorifics with JM
you are me I am you
they where together on free days/national holidays
they are often seen arriving and leaving together in the same car
JK said JM is the perfect person to marry
JK always gives JM his full attention when JM is talking
JK said JM is the member who gave him the most confort
they went to see the first snow together
they wore matching outfits on valentine's day
they went on a private holiday together (JK's present to JM for his birthday)
JK recorded their holiday together and published the video as his last present to JM (said video has romantic undertones and lyrics)
JK has preferential treatment for JM - pancake - never getting angry and letting JM get away with anything - scolding the other members when they talk over JM
they have special voices/tones for e/o
they share or match clothes jeans shirts green jackets vampire t-shirt olive brewery sweater grey t-shirt pants/shirt by LV check collection olive green and balck plaid jacket purple shirt and purple marni sweater shoes on several occasions
they went on a date to disneyland
they went on a date bowling
they went on a date ice skating
they touch in sus places neck (both) inner thighs (both) waist (JK to JM) chest (JM to JK) hair/face/lips (both) ass (both)
they hold hands for no reason
they back-hug for no reason
they side-hug for no reason
they hug for no reason
they sit on top of e/o
JK gravitates towards JM
JK stares at JM a lot esp his lips
they cuddle
JM said he would go to the moon with JK
JM said he would feel safe with JK even on a deserted island
JM said JK is a reliable banreyo
JK said everything about JM is cute
JK said JM is the cutest
JK said JM with makeup is sexy
JK said 'if it's sexy, it's JM hyung'
JM said he loves waking up and seeing JK
JK portraied his and JM morning routine in the music video for LGO bc he wanted realism
JM said the part of his heart that thinks about JK is quite big
JK woke up early on a 'retreat' in New Zeland to collect snow and gift it to JM
JK said JM's existence is honey for him
they have been seen going shopping together
they have been seen working out together
they have given e/o plenty of compliments (even on their phisical appearence)
the thing JK is most sorry for is an argument with JM when they were younger
jin repeatedly teased them for their couply behavior
they flirt on stage magic shop
they naturally pair up for group pictures
they wait for e/o to head home
they give e/o advice on dancing, performance and singing
they are together at weird hours at night (night buddies coff coff)
V called them out several time for being together alone instead of with him (vlives)
they said they better not do vlives together bc they distract e/o
the members refers to them as a unit
staff has said they never see them separated
they have questionable selcas together (of buised lips and shared beds)
JK said JM is shameless
they flirt a lot during downtime
JM seems to like being picked up/carried around by JK
JM said JK is his happy virus
JK said he makes JM happy. JM didn't deny
rabbit spit
JM saying JK likes being tied up
allusive pick up lines everywhere my heart is burning why are you acting cute detective play with me arrest me do you think you can always be forgiven bc you are cute it's not our first time I want you why do you always come to my room give me a kiss why am I so erotic? I am going to be your future boyfriend are you happy bc of me? Don't you hear my heartbeat? I purple u do you like me that much? This is my toy JK's holy sweat You gotta spank him although he's older
questionable subtitles provided for context star, wind and romance mood and they lived happily ever after JK is happy with JM kate minslet and leonardo jungcaprio JM is JK's favourite model the director is getting into it JM and JK are one the maknae is happy thanks to JM hearts, cute comments and music from the editing team over their interactions
the sun and moon duo
golden closet film
big romantic gestures for e/o JM getting back to korea from Paris for JK's birthday JK singing romantic songs to JM
korea's open secret
being seen together taking a covid swab
JM always stays afterhours to reharse with JK
they are e/o biggest fanboys
JK is protective of JM (airport)
jimmeo and kookliet
JM got annoyed Jin called him while he was spending time with JK
they went on a boat date to see the red moon
they went to see malta together
JK is often potographing or filming JM
they have moments together that are proper misteries and so weird the mosquito net incident the whole osaka vlives fiasco the various 'home' references laguna beach the kiss sound video while JK reharses weird tweets/hashtags what do you want for your birthday, do you have a desire? Ambiguous use of the world ARMY what is tasty in Busan JM's manager the tissue incident the incriminated-selfie gate
they seem to know everything about e/o
they mention e/o a lot
their last two solo songs are love songs (finding love in unexpected places and the joy coming from happy love)
j-hope mixes them up a lot
JM has plenty of cute pet names for JK
JM said 'it could appear as if JK is simply somebody close to him who is younger (but...)'
JM is always with JK when he is phisically or emotionally hurt
JK often massages JM for his chronic pain
JM often massages/caresses JK bc yes
JK imitated JM's dangerous dieting in order to make him realize how bad it was
they have private (questionable) videos dancing together/practicing alone
JK took over a call JM did to Jin on vlive to say 'I love you'
JK said 'I love you JM' in the mic after a concert
JK said 'I love you' to JM on the red carpet in sign language
They both said they get hyped when they make eye contact on stage
JK gave JM the cutie award
JK stays close to JM when JM falls asleep in public places
they blew kisses to e/o
they got lost staring at e/o and forgot what they where doing JM on the red carpet both of them at awards
they paired accessories
they paired hair colors
they have a lot of admiration for e/o as people
JK lets (or makes) JM win
they get frequently lost in their own world
they reference things only the other understand
JK sometimes puts up a bit of a jealous act I do not approve of this
JM lets JK scold him
JK said to JM 'you are always number one for me'
JK said to JM 'I am always watching you'
JK has been recorded softly containing JM when he's on a perfectionist streak
they seek e/o out for comfort after performance hugging/hand holding
when one is hurt the other looks like he's suffering too JK on stage when JM broke down in the first virtual concert JM when JM got denied in a game
they defend e/o from the other members and have e/o's back
the other members separated them on several occasions when they got too touchy
personal space who?
They know things about e/o that are clearly not shared with the class brushing teeths snoring alarm ring sleeping time
black swan performance
they put e/o hands under the other's clothes to touch bare skin
JM kissed JK's neck
they feed e/o
spanking and ass-grabbing
they were caught on camera ogling e/o shamlessly
JM's weird strenght kink
JM said his camera roll is full ok JK
they have a different smile for e/o
other members said suspicious things about them together
JK only saw JM and J-hope during their official break
all the members minus JM complain about JK not answering his phone
heart eyes
drinking from the same bottle
blindly recognizing e/o's body parts just by touch or out of context photos
napping on each other (yeah, you read that right)
non-verbal communication over 9000
weird editorial cuts in backstage videos when the two of them are together
JM said 'JK falls asleep hugging me'
JM said 'JK plays hard to get but when he thinks I am sleeping he comes by and say I love you'
JM said he is the main model for GCF
JK said JM's photocard is sexy
JK sometimes hesitates in touching JM or holding him when he knows they r on camera
JK said JM is a fallen angel
JK praised JM's dancing several times
JK likes to tease JM
fixing e/o clothes
JK closes his eyes when JM touches him
JM run trough a whole stage abandoning his stage persona when he hought JK was being sick
JM puts JK's happiness first
similar mindset about important stuff in life
JM sat on JK. Uh. Different ways
JK putting his hands over JM while being hugged in order to drag JM even closer
JM ordering JK around and literally dragging him around
JK being overprotective
the members subtly panicking when JK/JM have to interact closely on camera
JM having to fight for JK's forgiveness while Jin was immediately let off the hook
Quite a list anon, lol. You put so much work into this list I couldn't not post it.
I do agree with most of your points if not all of them, but a good example of just how much there is out there to show how these two are the real deal.
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 20-29
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I’ll be totally honest here - I was kind of worried when I took this on that looking closely would end up convincing me that I was just seeing things through shipper goggles. And, sure, there are moments that have had their significance overplayed because all of the guys are touchy. But overall, I've ended up being even more convinced there's at the very least something unique about this relationship!
FYI - I started putting these notes together a few months ago, so my memory about certain episodes has grown a little hazy. In the interest of not needing to rewatch these episodes for a third time, I’ve decided that if I don’t remember much about the episode, it must not have been that memorable, and that’s reflected in the (totally subjective) rating. 
Thanks so much to everyone who shared moments I’d missed last time around - please continue to do so! 
Ep 20 "The Taste of Korea" (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
The one with Tae’s squirrel plate and JK’s sticky sweet potatoes 
01:45 - Jimin stands super close to JK
12:55 - Jimin laughs particularly hard at JK's glazed sweet potatoes sticking to the plate
13:15 - JM and JK lock eyes as they joke about the sweet potatoes. Then Jimin continues laughing at JK's antics even when they start going on a bit too long
15:05 - Jimin is the only one to laugh when JK makes another joke about the sweet potatoes 
17:44 - JM is the only one paying enough attention to laugh with JK at Jin's comments on the sweet potatoes
Ep 21 "Board Game Competition" (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one I recall almost nothing about beyond that the room was ugly (and maybe in Chicago?)
12:44 - JK has moved next to Jimin during the cut. JK pats JM on the shoulder and starts to say something about him, but gets cut off. 
12:54 - JK compliments Jimin's card-dealing 
15:46 - JK tries unsuccessfully to get JM's attention so he can advise him what color to pick 
Ep 22 "Hangawi Festival" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The one where the members wear hanbok to make food and play games
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3:18 - When Suga comments that JK is good enough to be a songpyeon artist after retirement, Jimin says JK has a lot to do after retirement since JK told him he wanted to run a BBQ place.
7:01 - Jimin leans in close to JK and asks him to vote for his songpyeon (weirdly, hearts pop up on the screen when he does). Despite his desire to win, Jimin cheers loudly and puts his arm around JK when JK's songpyeon gets the first vote. He keeps his arm around him the entire time the voting is happening and as they start announcing the votes. 7:45 - When the other members go over to look at the dishes, JM and JK stay behind together. 21:00 - After watching Jimin spin in fascination, JK tells everyone that Jimin used to be a dancer (no idea why he says that like it's new info for anyone lol) 29:11 - JM and JK walk off together BEHIND 2:58 - JM and JK look over all the songpyeon together and Jimin compliments JK's 3:55 - more footage of the super long amount of time JM had his arm around JK
Ep 23 "Pet Friends" (Ep: 5 / KM: 1)
The one where adorable boys play with adorable dogs 
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5:16 - Jimin seems to find JK's joke about eating dog treats as snacks hilarious and adorable  18:01 - JK and JM address each other when bragging about their dogs and have a moment of just looking at each other  19:50 - Jimin smiles when JK enters with his dog and the captions feel the need to clarify that it's a "brother-like smile"
Ep 24 "BTS vs. Zombies" (Ep: 4 / KM: 0)
The one where BTS (minus JK) is too afraid of zombies to complete any tasks
Ep 25 "Game King" (Ep: 2 / KM: 3)
The one that reminds us video games are more fun to play that to watch people play (but it’s super fun to watch Jimin dance while water is poured over him)
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1:36 - JK walks over and puts his arm around Jimin when they get put on the same team. He does the same to Jin after and there are much better jikook moments in this ep, but including it for the sake of completionism  22:32 - JM sits right up next to JK and is kind of touchy when they pick a punishment. 22:56 - When the producer asks what song Jimin should dance to while getting water poured on his head, JK requests "'Blood Sweat and Tears,' a sexy one" and then gets shy and rubs at his ear.  23:32 - Jimin has his arm around JK when saying goodbye. 23:52 - When Jimin says he's nervous to dance, JK asks them to play the music loud. They're all staring at Jimin when he dances while getting soaked (because how could you not?), but JK's face at 24:16 after he gives JM a once-over is pretty great. And I think it's JK who yells "so hot!" at 24:23. He's also the only one still clapping at 24:43. 
Ep 26 "Secret Agent" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one where the boys wear tuxedos and drive go-karts
15:19 - Jimin comments that JK will like the laser part of the course. 17:38 - JK taps JM on the shoulder to indicate something. 24:30 - JM proudly tells JK that he heard he scored the highest (even though that is a. not true and b. would be bad for Jimin's team). BEHIND 0:15 - Jimin reaches over to pat JK's stomach even though Jin is the one who messed up.
Ep 27 "Welcome to Your First MT Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where BTS play games, sing karaoke, and have a BBQ
6:22 - Jimin points out that they shouldn't make things harder for JK's team and imitates JK's confused big eyes. 7:48 - Jimin is playing the nonsensical answers game and is doing well until they ask what JK's favorite color is and Jimin immediately says yellow. Then, looks over at JK with an embarrassed smile. 13:55 - Jimin loses again with JK involved and, after, keeps looking at him and sings something I don't recognize.  19:22 - When Jimin has to do the nonsense game again, JK cheers him on with a "Jimin fighting!" even though they're on opposing teams. 20:50 - When Jimin has to drink lemon juice, JK volunteers that Jimin will be good at that since he likes sour things. He then repeats that fact another two times.  24:30 - Not super shippy, but the sound effect JK makes for Jimin's die toss is pretty great. 24:44 - When JK argues that Jimin's team should get less time, Jimin looks at him and acts cute so JK laughs and stops arguing. 28:18 - When Jimin gets an answer wrong in a funny way, JK says "this is is how he makes the show awesome."  BEHIND 0:58 - Jimin complains that the shirts with JK's face on them make Jungkook look "too cute."
Ep 28 "Welcome to Your First MT Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
6:50 - Jimin doesn't even glance at J-Hope when he makes a comment to him while JK is singing
Ep 29 "...Be Each Other's Stylist" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The one where the guys all dress each other 
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10:18 - Jimin says he wants to try Jungkook's clothes because he thinks he might look great in them.  This whole scene, JK seems kind of nervous and keeps hovering near Jimin - it's especially apparent at 10:45
13:25 - When he gets picked to be styled by Jimin, JK celebrates, calls JM Jimini-ssi, and clasps his hand. 16:36 - Not a shippy moment per se, but the look on JK's face when Jimin holds up the pink shirt he's considering dressing him in is pretty great.  17:14 - Jikook keep joking around with each other about the pink shirt while the others are introducing their styles. JK swats at JM with the prop rose at 17:45 as part of this.  21:19 - While the guys are getting changed, Jimin calls everyone's attention to how he's dressed JK and gets them to compliment how good it looks. Then, V comments that it's the boyfriend look and Jimin says he wanted it to look great.  23:21 - JK trails his eyes up Jimin's body as JM poses. 23:27 - This starts the sequence of JK modeling Jimin's clothes, which involves a lot of laughing and looks plus JK imitating Jimin's hair sweep. At 23:54, JM calls JK Jungkook-ssi and says he looks even better than he thought. JK immediately stops posing and gets shy and earnest as he asks "really?" and says thank you. Then he takes JM's hand and holds it a few seconds and his entire face lights up.  (This isn't a moment I'd given a lot of thought to before, but watching it now, I actually think I'd put it on my "moments that highlight how differently JM and JK interact with each other than with anyone else" list) 29:10 - While doing his model walk, JK imitates JM's hair sweep again and then does a piece of JM's choreo from "Save Me." JM cracks up the whole time and they do a bro-hug when JK is done. 33:00 JM and JK crack up together in the middle of the final poses.  BEHIND 5:29 - As they get changed, JM and JK joke about the fit of the pants JM is trying on. 6:58 - JM and JK decide that JK should change into the outfit JM originally picked out. JK does and then starts imitating JM, which makes JM laugh and playfully smack him. They keep talking and at 7:40 JM briefly touches JM's back. 9:10 - J-Hope says that Jimin said before the episode that he wanted to dress JK. JM corrects him that he said Tae. 
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rozymochi · 8 years
Wrecker | 01
word count: 3.392
genre: fuckboy!Jungkook, best friends w Jikook, angsty shit and fluff in later parts
A/N: So another series guys. I just can't help myself, lol. I was really inspired to write this one and I think I like wrecker more than my other serie better. Oh and the love story thingy won’t happen between y/nxjimin only y/nxjungkook. :) Although Jimin is my bias, I can write more about Jungkook, i live for fuckboy Jungkook lmao. I hope u like it xo
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You had always thought that idols were just people set up bij agency’s with too much fame. They only had to dance and sing and thousands of girls/boys would come after them. But you never thought you would become friends with one of them. Until Jimin and Jungkook came in your life, crashing in to you, literally.
-1 year ago - Jungkook POV “ Hyung we need to go now, there is no time for your hipster selca’s! Our flight is almost departing!” “ Slow down Jungkookie, no stress. Just one more for twitter than we can go.” “ Park Jimin-ssi, there is no time!” And with that I pulled Jimin away from the starbucks while he was taking pictures of himself as always. It wasn’t my fault this time, that we were late again. I’m usually stuck with Jimin when we’re flying, not that it’s unpleasant. It’s just that we both take a lot of time for everything and we’re extremely slow. So two slow people? Nah, that can’t be good. “ And you call me hyung while treating me like this. How dare you to drag me to the gate huh! I blessed Busan girls with this beautiful selca yesterday, did you bless Busan?” He said nagging me, while I was still running with him to our gate. Damn, why was it so far away. “ I blessed Busan with my birth and my… Shit!” I crashed into some girl who was apparently running too. “ Yah, look out. I’m late for my flight already and now my shirt is wet too!” It looked like she wanted to sound angry, but actually she looked really cute with my coffee spilled over her shirt. It was kind of funny. “ I’m sorry can I do something for you to make it okay?” Jimin said, apologizing for me. I was still impressed by her cuteness. “ No it’s okay. It’s your fault that my shirt is wrecked and I’m late again.” She faked a smile. Damn she has an attitude. The most surprising was that she didn’t recognize me or Jimin. “ Aren’t you guys from that blood sweat and thingy video?” I was laughing out loud right now. “ Yes we are indeed. I’m Jungkook and this is my tiny friend Jimin from Busan.” Jimin hit my leg but I liked teasing him so much. “ Oh yes the scouting boys, I remember my friend talking about that. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N” Her name sounded foreign but also not. When I looked at my watch, I was shocked to see our plane was supposed to depart 5 minutes ago. We were late again. “ Shit, hyung, we are late again!” I began to run, but Jimin just stood there with the girl watching me run to the gate. “ What’s the point of running, PD-nim can’t be that mad again. And MAMA rehearsal only starts in 5 hours, chill down.” He was right, we could just say we had to pee and forgot the time. “ Well let's talk with the coffee spilled girl then.” “ Yah! I have a name!”
Y/N POV Well that was interesting. I just met two idols and I wasn’t even excited or something. I just wanted to take a picture with them in case my friends wouldn’t believe me. “ So, I have to go change my flight. It was nice meeting you bye!” Just when I was about to leave. Jimin grabbed my hand, refusing to let me go. “ Why don’t go together. We have to change or flight too. We can grab some coffee and talk a bit.” To be honest, I really didn’t want to be alone. But talking with idols with girls running over them didn’t seem like the best idea ever. “ I don’t really know, what if someone thinks I’m a crazy fan only wanting to talk with you.” “ Then we will tell you are just a girl with coffee on her shirt.” Well guess who spilled the coffee. Jungkook didn’t said anything but just stood there staring at my shirt. When I looked down I saw my shirt became a little bit see through. “ Oh no, I don’t have a spare shirt in my bag.” What was I supposed to do now? “ Oh wait I have one, it’s white too and without coffee.” Jungkook grabbed a shirt out of his bag and handed me it. It smelled like soap. “ I’m going to change in the washroom!” I said walking to the washroom. “ Don’t you dare to run away!” Jimin said. When I came back, Jungkook was filming himself with his phone. When he saw me he immediately came over to me and my face showed up on his phone. “ So army, this is y/n. The girl who we just met.” He said. “ Who look y/n, everyone is calling you pretty!” Jimin said giggling. And he was right, all the comments on Vlive were about me. Their fans were calling me pretty. I felt pretty flattered. “ Hi guys, I’m y/n nice to meet you.” I blushed, I never showed my face on social media. So all these compliments were new to me. “ We have to go and change our flight. Sorry PD-nim, we will gladly accept our punishment in Hong Kong.” He joked a little saying his last words and stopped the live. They were going to Hong Kong to? “ Are you guys going to Hong Kong?” “ Yes have you been there? The food is awesome!” Jimin said. “ I actually am going to Hong Kong today. My friend is living there and told me she wanted to do something for her birthday.” It was true, I met Yuri my best friend in high school. We parted when we went to the university. My university was in Korea and Yuri’s was in Hong Kong. But we never lost contact and always were together for our birthdays and most holidays. “ Oh you are Korean?” Jimin asked. “ No not really, my father is Chinese and my mother is European.” My mother was Croatian and my father Chinese. That’s why I had dark green eyes instead of brown like every asian. But the rest of my features looked all asian like. “ That’s why you have green eyes, but you look really like a real Korean, and you speak Korean well.” Jungkook said while inspecting my face. “ Well we are going to Hong Kong for the MAMA awards.” “ Oh shit.” Jimin said “ we have to change our flights quick, a hour passed already.”
- 8 months ago - After the first day you met Jimin and Jungkook. You went to the MAMA awards after to visit them with Yuri. Yuri like the real kpop fan freaked out after seeing you on their vlive. Now it’s been 2 months and you were sitting with them here in their dorm. Your head laid on Jimin’s shoulder and your feet on Jungkooks lap. In the time you guys spent together, you fell in love with Jungkook. But you couldn’t just say that because you know became best friends. And the first time you met them you had a thing for Jimin. But that faded away when you realized it was just friendship between you and Jimin. On the other hand you did really like Jungkook, from the way he laughed at your stupid jokes to his little scar on his face that got your notice when he showed off his features ( that’s what you thought, he was actually just being the golden maknae ).
“ Y/N spacing out again?” Jimin ticked your head, like you were a brainless human being. “ Huh sorry what did you say?” You were to busy with thinking about Jungkook not even noticing Jimin was talking to you. “ You always seem to be like this when Jungkook is in front of you.” That little jerk Jimin. You hadn’t told him about your crush on Jungkook, but he did notice. And he confronted you with it. Although you had denied, you still blushed. And he knew he was right. “ Jimin pabo, what are you talking about. I was thinking what to wear to the party tonight.” “Oh yes you have a party right? Can we come with you pleaseeeeeeee.” Jungkook was such a cutie. He could beg like a puppy, but fight like a monster. “ Well, I don’t know if it’s aloud to take outsiders..” The truth was that I wanted to go out again. I needed this after all the stress. And if I take them with me, they would only draw attention. And that means that all the fake girls would come and talk to me like I’m their best friend, only to get in bed with Jungkook or Jimin. “ Pleaseeee y/n, hyung and I will behave. And when we come with you, there will be lots of people who want to dance with you.” “ That’s only because they know y/n is our friend.” Jimin said, I knew he didn’t really like parties. Because when he goes to one, he goes completely wild. And that’s one thing an idol can’t do. “ If you help me picking my dress for tonight, and buying me food, then yes I will take u guys to the party.” “ Yes! Thank you y/n! You are the best! Jimin will take you to the mall today.” And he stormed to his room, and left both me and Jimin confused.
“ I don’t understand why I have to go with you. Not that I don’t like it. It’s just that he insisted on going and now I can’t go to Yoongi hyung.” Jimin pouted, he was always a sucker for Yoongi, Jimin looked up to Yoongi and always wanted to do everything with him. “ Well, I don’t understand why he wants to go so bad. Like it’s just a frat party, nothing special. If he wants to go out, you could go to a fancy club with the boys or something.” I sighed. I just hoped that Jungkook would take me to the mall, but yeah that won’t happen today. “ It’s okay y/n. It’s not like he doesn’t like you. He totally likes you, maybe he just wants to go to see you in a short dress.” He grinned, what an asshole. An asshole who I cared so much for.
In the mall we were looking for something I could wear. These days everything is just so short and revealing, that just wasn’t exactly my style. But Jimin said one night would do no harm. So here was I standing in the changing room with a too short pencil skirt on and a bare shoulders crop top. It looked pretty, I admit. But just too revealing. You could see my cleavage if I bent down. “ Y/N-ssi are you done with changing already? Or are you not showing me the outfit? Show it to me please, show me the red one I picked.” And with the red one he meant this too short off the shoulder crop top. I stepped out of the changing room and Jimin gulped when he saw me. “ Jimin isn’t this a little bit too revealing?” “ uhm… well… Jungkook won’t dislike this.” “ I don’t know Jimin…” I was really not sure about this outfit, insecure, I thought my legs were too thick, my belly too fat and my arms clumsy around my body. “ You look stunning. I will pay for the outfit, just wear this tonight. If Jungkook doesn’t notice you then obviously someone else will.” “ No thank you Jimin, I will pay myself.” So with that, I bought the outfit. With my own credit card. And Jimin bought ice cream for me. On the road back home, we talked a lot about our love life which we don’t talk about a lot. “ Why do you actually like Jungkook, y/n-ssi?” He asked “ I don’t really know. The first time I saw Jungkook he was really handsome I have to admit, but I mostly like his personality and how he treats me and stuff.” “ Oh yes, when I was in love with Sunny, I liked everything about her. We just didn’t click, although she was the best girlfriend I ever had.” He was with sunny a few months before we met. I heard a lot about he since Jimin loved her dearly, they just fought a lot. And it got tiring. “ Who was your first love y/n?” He suddenly asked. “ To be honest, it’s Jungkook.” “ What? Really, so you haven’t had loved anyone before? Not even in high school?” “ I’m sure that Jungkook is my first real love, because I have never felt this feeling ever before. I had crushes in high school, but that isn’t love.” My first crush was indeed in high school. His name was Jackson, he did ask me for prom. But I said no, because Yuri and I were supposed to go date-less together. And no one means more to me than Yuri. “ That’s impressive y/n. You know, Jungkook has never loved someone, he never told me he really liked someone. He just likes to fuck.” Jimin said like it was the most normal thing ever, but it was my first time hearing it. “ Jimin, does Jungkook fuck around?” “ Oh, you have never heard it? Well, he used to yes, now not so much.” So Jungkook still does fuck around, wow what a information. “ I’m sorry I told you this y/n, this is so disappointing for you. I should watch my mouth.” “ No Jimin, it’s not your fault he fucks around. It’s just that I didn’t thought of him like that.” I was a little bit disappointed, because Jungkook was always so sweet and honest about everything. I didn’t see this one coming. “ Good, don’t think about Jungkook in that way, he truly is a good guy.” “ I know Jimin, I know.” After coming home, you changed in your outfit and you guys left for the party. Jungkook and Jimin both looked good in their sort of matching outfit, Jungkook in black pants with a white v-neck, and Jimin the other way. Jungkook did stop breathing for a moment when he saw my outfit, maybe it was because he hadn’t seen me like this before. I blushed and just kept walking. Wouldn’t want my feelings to ruin this night. It was a nice party. The alcohol was good, there was a lot of soju. But your favorite whiskey was there too. You could easily drink some shots without getting drunk or passed out. After a while you saw Jimin leave with girl to go the the front yard. Finally he had been getting his free time and his mind of Sunny. And Jungkook, well he disappeared the second you came in this house. In high school you went everywhere with Yuri, but now both of your friends were gone you had to look for company. The first guy you laid your eyes on was probably Jinyoung, he looked a lot more different during school days. You shared an English class and he was really nice. Maybe you should just talk to him. “ Hey Jinyoung! Long time no see.” “ Indeed y/n, you look sexy tonight.” He always made really sarcastic jokes about everything, and most of the time to make you feel good. He praised a lot, just like Jimin. “ Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself either. How have you been doing?” You didn’t want anything else but a friendly conversation, but there were already eyes on you and Jinyoung. He was one of the popular guys of the school. “ Doing this and that, pretty busy I guess. You came with Jungkook and Jimin again?” “ Yes, next time I won’t tho. They always leave me alone.” “ How can a pretty girl like you be left alone?” Suddenly a girl came to him and asked him to dance with him. “ Oppa, can you dance with me. I have been waiting all night for you.” “ Yeah sure Tiff. Y/n I see you at English, bye hun!” And he walked away with the girl.
I was a little bit bored and alone. I declined a lot of offers from guys to dance with me. This outfit really draws attention. I got up and went upstairs to find a bathroom. I wanted to fix my make up and find Jimin after. I opened a few doors, but none were a bathroom door. I walked into a few people in ( almost ) fucking. And I was fucking sick of it. Damn these parties and all the horny people. Why isn’t here a fucking bathroom. There was still two doors in front of each other. This was the only blue door, so I assumed it would be the bathroom door. But no just another bedroom. But when I looked clearly, I saw two people fucking in the bed. A voice that was so familiar, it almost sounded like… Jungkook “ Leave the fucking room and close the fu…” Jungkook stopped in his sentence when he recognized the person standing in door. “ y/n?” I couldn’t hold my tears, my heart broke and I ran away. He had asked me to come to this party only to fuck with some random uni girls? Did he use me to come into these parties, where there won’t be any paparazzi and enough girls who want to go to bed with him. Sure, Jimin warned me saying Jungkook fucks around. But I didn’t prepare for this feeling, I felt broken. And he wasn't even my boyfriend, I couldn’t be angry and I didn’t have any right to be mad at him. The first person who came to my thought was Jimin, I had to find him. I should tell him.
“ Jimin, Jimin!” I shouted with tears in my eyes. I ran of the stairs to the front yard. I saw Jimin drinking with a few other guys, but I couldn’t hold back my tears. “ What’s, going on? What the fuck happend?” He asked worriedly and taking me to a much quieter place. “ He was banging a random girl, and I walked in on them. I couldn’t hold my tears. Jimin why am I like this. Why does it feel like he betrayed me when he isn’t even my boyfriend?” “ This is how it feels when your trust is broken in the one you love. Come here y/n.” He hugged me and patted my head. The only thing I wanted right now was to cry in my bed. Why was I even sad? I knew there was no chance Jungkook and I could be together, but I always thought there was a connection. But apparently the only connection he saw was getting free uni girls to fuck with. “ Jimin, can you take me home please?” I said still sobbing. “ Offcourse y/n, grab your coat, we’re going right now. You should go home and rest.”
The ride home was horrible. Jimin wanted to cheer me up, but he stood no chance. I always saw Jungkook in the good light, never like this. I always thought Jungkook was no fuckboy like everyone is right now. But he is, and my thoughts will never be the same. Maybe it was my fault for falling for him. Because he didn’t even knew. When we arrived at my home Jimin asked to stay with me, but the last thing I wanted was for him to give up his friday night to stay with a sobbing girl with her first heartbreak. “ Y/N You know you are no trouble to me, if there is anything I can do for you I would. But I am not good with feelings.” I forgot that all this maybe have led Jimin to think about Sunny again, and I felt really guilty for that. “ I know it is hard for us both. I think I just need to figure this out on my own. Thank you Jimin.” And he left.
All night I laid in bed, thinking about Jungkook. Did I even see the real Jungkook. Why did I knew so few about my best friend whom I was in love with. My did my tears keep streaming down even when I didn’t want to. Why was I like this. Did love hurt so much?
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