#the way she's persuaded because she's the team butcher she deserves it all
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Shauna Shipman in S2E09 'Storytelling' of YELLOWJACKETS (2021-) / Agamemnon, Aeschylus
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queencatherynerhys · 6 years
Taken - Part 5 TRR AU
A/N: As a part of my 100 followers celebration, I decided to release 2 chapters!! This one was definitely exciting to write. I am so in love with this series. Please don’t criticize me too much. I am way out of my element in this chapter.
Summary: Have they finally found the information they need to find Catheryne?
Movie Inspiration: I would recommend you watch this video to really understand and give this chapter the justice it needs because I might butcher it. Here is the link for it:
Tag List: @captainkingliam @decisso @devineinterventions2 @madaraism @theroyalweisme @drakewalkerwhipped @laniquelove @drakesfiance @hhiggs @hellospunkiebrewster @alicars @mrswalkerreynolds @mfackenthal @simplyaiden-blog @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @cocomaxley @boneandfur @lizeboredom @crayziimaginations @umccall71 @zarina-x-zig @trianiasti @ranishajay @heatherfilliez @flyawayblue56 @pens-girl-87
Previous Parts:
Part 1 │ Part 2 │ Part 3 │ Part 4
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 “Drake, what are you talking about? You’re freaking out?” Liam inquires his friend with confusion. “The mountains, Liam. The tunnels. What if they’re real? What if those fairy tales weren’t just fables? What if there are really tunnels underneath the mountain?” Drake spits out the question as he runs down the hall to the security rooms. Liam follows him, not caring if the servants sees him so un-regal. “Drake, wait, what are you talking about?”
“Just follow me. We don’t have time for me to explain it to you,” he arrives at the security room. “Bastien, I think I may have a lead to where Knightely is being kept. My mom used to tell me stories about tunnels underneath the mountains where Aurelia used to be. Could she be there?” Drake rushes towards the towering man. He is breathless from his sprint to the chamber.
Bastien takes a moment to analyze the information before speaking, “There is a chance, and it’s the newest evidence we have.”
An analyst with dark brown hair and glasses named Paolo speaks up, “Well, if it is a tunnel-like structure in a mountain it would match the data from the phone call. We spliced the background and we could hear a distinct echo. An echo is a result of a closed structure and high ceilings like, well like a mountain. Also, the video did show the walls being made of stones and rocks, therefore, solidifying the lead.”
Liam begins to feel an ember of hope, something he has not felt in a long time. It feels almost alien to him. Could this really be it? Is she there? Well it can’t hurt to check out. It’s not like I have anything else to lose? “Follow up on it now. I am supplying with all the resources of the country. Use it! Check with satellite, thermals, anything!” he orders all the analyst to work as he sits on the head of the conference table. He dares not let the spark fan into a full fledge fire, afraid for it to be crushed into nothing but ash. Please, let this be it.
After lengthy half an hour, Paolo acknowledges him, “Your Majesty, after analyzing all the data using satellite thermal imaging we can clearly see a lot of heat originating at this specific area.” He points at a screen in one of the computers. Liam stands and gets closer. “This mountain area is not any type of volcanic formations so for it to emanate this amount of heat is out of the ordinary. It is impossible for us to get any more data than that. I apologize.”
He claps the tan-skinned specialist on the shoulders, “Never apologize, Paolo. This is further than we have gotten in the last month and a half.” He whirls around taking his place in the head of the table once more. The chairs are now filled with his security forces including Drake, Maxwell, Hana and Bastien. Clearly Drake called his other two friends to make sure they stayed up to date on the information. “Given this new evidence, I am proposing for a small tactical team to be arranged with me and Drake in tow.”
The large chamber erupts in protests from his friends and his head of security. He raises his hand to quiet the room. “This is not negotiable. Bastien, do not persuade me otherwise. I have been trained and so have Drake. We have sufficient training and education to handle ourselves in this mission. You trained us after all and my father was adamant about me being able to hold my own in a fight. Hana and Maxwell will stay here to oversee the court and hold off the headquarters. I doubt they will be happy if they learn that their king has left for a dangerous assignment,” he musters his most commanding tone, looking through his shocked audience.
“Your Majesty, as your head of security, I advise against this with a passion. Although, you are trained, being in the field is much different. It is life or death and we cannot sacrifice you,” Bastien argues with his king. Liam meets Bastien’s dark eyes with his blue pair and lowers his voice almost threateningly, “You will not convince me out of this. Catheryne has suffered enough. She has been mercilessly and brutally punished because of me and my crown. There are somethings I must even if it means it costing my life and this is one of them. I will be the one to get her. No ifs, no buts. End of story.” With that, he walks out.
In the next week, they plan their mission to retrieve Catheryne out of the attacker’s stronghold. Their tactical team consists of Liam, Drake, Bastien, Mara and three other elite guards named Brock, Antoine and Mack. They will be split into two teams. Alpha Team being the King and their main priority is Catheryne’s safety. Bravo Team job is to provide combat support in the cave, meaning responding and neutralizing the threat. Mack is the pilot responsible for evac.
The day has finally come to execute the mission. Everyone is tense as they gear up for the dangerous task, but everyone knew what they were going into. Their conviction is strong. Liam is confident that she will be there. He is sure of it. Finally, they will be reunited again. I hope she doesn’t hate me when she sees me. He fastens his Kevlar vest around his torso and Hana walks up to help him. She stands quietly as she works with all his complicated armor. “Liam, please bring her back. Alive,” she whispers as she finishes. “Be careful,” her voice full of sorrow and grief.
He rests his hands on her shoulders, encouraging her, “Don’t worry. I will bring her back. I swear. And I’ll make them pay for what they did. I promise you.” His voice is dark, hostile and determined. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure she doesn’t explode from worrying,” Maxwell chimes in from the corner of the room. He nods at Liam; a quiet understanding passes between them. An understanding other than his team with Catheryne in tow no one gets out alive from that cave.
He looks to his team. They are all geared up with black armor and weapons. Liam and his team members carries an M16 across their chest with a full-sized Beretta 92 fastened on a holster on their thigh.  Their vests are lined with magazines and clips for their weapons on the right side and a series of grenades and smoke bombs on their left. They all carry a pack of essentials on their hip for just in case emergencies. Bastien and Mara carry a black backpack behind them full of extra supplies they might need during this task.
“Are we ready?” he asks his committed team. They reply in unison, “Yes, sir.” He nods at them to get ready to move out. Hana and Maxwell give him and Drake one last embrace before they head out to the hangar holding the chopper they’re using to get to their destination. Everyone is quiet on the drive there. All know the stakes of this mission, but all willing to lay down their lives. They already know that these attackers will show no mercy, and they all agreed that they will show none as well. They shoot to kill. No prisoners. These people didn’t deserve to live.
They leave the capitol in the afternoon so that they get to their destination in the dusk of night. It takes a couple hours to travel to the mountains of Aurelia. Liam feels knots in his stomach. He is ready for all of this to be over, ready to crush his enemies down in a hailstorm of bullets. He is ready to hold Catheryne in his arms again. Drake, who is sitting beside him on the floor of the helicopter, touches his shoulder as if he knows what he is thinking of. He glances at his brother and his eyes matches his, filled with fire and rage, ready to annihilate these monsters into nothing but ash.
They land in a secluded meadow just below the mountain. They had turned on a radar scrambler a couple of klicks before they touched down just in case the enemies were monitoring the area. They needed this mission to be as stealth as possible, if they had any chance of getting out of there alive. Liam grips the rifle in his hands to steel his nerves. Here we go.
“Falcon, make sure you stay alert out here. And get ready to bring this bird up in the air as soon as we send the signal for evac,” Bastien says to Mack the pilot, codename Falcon. For security purposes, they were all given codenames just in case their transmitters were compromised. Liam addresses his team, before they head for the trek up to the tunnel entrance, “Listen up, as your monarch I am amazed by your determination and willingness to go into this mission. Even with the obvious risk you didn’t show any falter. Now, as a person of your equivalence, I am forever grateful for your presence and support to get the love of my life out of there.” It wasn’t the time for fancy words, he just simply did not have the energy for it.
His team heads out into the forest, the last bit of light guiding them through the woodland. The team travels in a tight line formation; Bastien being in the lead with Liam and Drake behind him. Mara and the Bravo team covering their six. Bastien holds up a fist, signaling the force to stop. They finally arrived at the entrance. Liam uses thermal binoculars to investigate if there are any guards in the front. Nothing. No movement whatsoever. How cocky could they be? I guess they figured we wouldn’t find this place. Big mistake!
They trudge forward, ever so stealth and quiet. Liam’s nervousness is replaced with revenge, a murderous urge for vengeance. His team enters the tunnel being concealed in the shadows, their gear helping them. He sees two guards faced away on the other direction. He look at Drake and nods, motioning him to neutralize the watchers. He moves to the one on the left and his friend on the right. He puts the sentry in a chokehold and covers his mouth to prevent alarming others. Thanks to his broad build the struggles of his enemy didn’t faze him. He drags the limp body away towards the blanket of darkness near the opening.
They continue to move forward in formation until they come at a crossroad in the long tunnel. Alpha Team takes the left while Bravo takes the right. They march further into the passageway. Drake, along with Mara, oversees the lining the walls with explosives to bury this place to the ground after their mission. Liam passes a cavity where a burst of clips and images are being projected into a white board. He flicks his away from the bizarre chamber. Right now, he must stay focus to the task at hand: getting Catheryne out.
Bastien eliminates another sentinel ahead by knifing him on the side, quickly and soundlessly. They approach another spot. This area looks like a holding cell. Liam grips his gun. Is she here? He whispers lightly, “Catheryne? Are you there?” He can’t quite see into the compartment. “She’s in the torture room,” a voice calls back from one of the cells. Liam follows the mysterious voice and he recognizes the man as the doctor in the videos. He inquires the man for directions to where he might find her, and he replies weakly, “Straight, first left, door ahead. Guards distracted. Amir gone. Hurry.” He thanks the man and says, “I am eternally grateful, and I promise we will come back for you when we find Catheryne.” They head out following the doctor’s directions. They hastily make their way now that they know that the guards are currently preoccupied.
They arrive at the door where she’s being held. Liam instructs the two men to stand guard outside while he goes in. He draws in a deep breath and pushes the door open. There in the middle of the room, lying on a cold, metal slab is the love of his life. His breath lodges in his throat. The memory of her in his mind didn’t match the image that is in front of him. She looks worse than in the videos. There was no part of her that wasn’t covered with marks, cuts, bruises. Her angelic features gone and replaced with a broken shell.
He’s afraid to touch her, afraid to make it worse, but he does it anyway. He needed to believe it was her, that it wasn’t just a dream and that she wasn’t going to disappear just as he’s about to reach her. He hesitantly strokes her arm, feeling scars instead of smooth skin. Her body is cold, and he doesn’t know if it’s because of the room or her situation. The heart monitors shows her weak heartbeat and his breaks at the sight. His once strong woman, what have they done to you? He caresses her beautiful face, still perfect even with the bruises. Her eyes flutter at the touch and she croaks with a raspy voice, “Liam?”
“It’s me, sweetheart. I promised I would come for you and here I am,” he says with tears in his eyes. He is distracted when he hears Drake in his earpiece, “Alpha, get out of there. We may have been spotted. We’re running out of time.” On cue, he hear gunshots being fired outside and he hurries to unchain Catheryne from the table. He cradles her in his arm and search for the injection in his pack. “Ryne, this is adrenaline,” he pulls out a shot with a long needle. “I’m sorry, my love. You are going to feel this,” he shoots the chemical straight into her and she jolts awake with energy. She gasps for air and her eyes widen. She grabs onto Liam as he pulls her off the table, “Come on, sweetheart, we have to get out of here quickly.” He covers her with clothes and shoes that he asked Bastien to pack. “Wait... wait... I have to tell you something about me, Liam. Something dark about my past,” she hurriedly say, and he doesn’t pay attention because Bastien and Drake barge into the room for cover.
“Always had to take your sweet time, didn’t you, Knightely?” Drake yells through firing. She glares at him and turns back to Liam. “Liam, listen to me!” she yells grabbing his attention. “I am sure Bastien pulled my background when I entered the social season. There is something missing in that file, expunged, erased. My parents were not doctors. They were spies – dangerous, killing machines. They renounced their life when they had me, but they never really stopped being one. They trained me to become like them. I think you should know before…before you see me in a way that you may never erase from your mind. It’s how I lasted so long being tortured,” she looks at him dead on, nothing but the truth in her eyes.
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cookiepiefrenzy · 7 years
Integritale 18 - Arachnophobia
Again, Sans woke up next to Serifa. He was feeling very disappointed. How many times had he failed already? Would this ever end? Would he ever be able to save her?
Again, he woke her up. Again, he informed her of the situation. Again, he persuaded her to let him fight. Again, they walked to the door.
-Listen... If we are to succeed in this... I'll need your help.
-Anything you need, Sans!
-We need to be a team. I'm powerful, but I'm just one person against the whole Royal Guard and who knows what else.
-What are you suggesting?
-I'll need your help. You need...you need to fight too.
-I can't fight...you all have magic down here, I don't!
-I don't mean for you to purposely fight. I just want you to be able to defend yourself, even if it is temporarily. You know, in case something happens before I notice.
-And how will I do that? Judging from my last experience with Royal Guards...I'm no match for them.
-Come with me.
Sans led Serifa to the kitchen. He opened a drawer and took a butcher knife out.
-You can use this if someone comes too close...
-No. This is dangerous, I don't wanna hurt anyone.
-There we go again... Sans sighed.
-What do you mean? We can't just go around killing people!
-You know what, forget it. I'm too tired for this. Let's just head out.
Sans turned his back angrily and started walking towards the door. Suddenly, he felt Serifa's hand grabbing his. He stopped walking without looking back.
-Are you...mad at me? Serifa sounded worried.
-Well, of course I am! Sans yelled and turned around, looking at her. I'm trying so, so hard to save you! You have no idea what I'm going through right now! And you just HAVE TO make this difficult! You don't want us to hurt anyone but your own life is in danger! Do you understand this? Do you realise that, at any moment, someone might attack us? We can't afford to play nice!
-But there must be a wa-
Both Serifa and Sans were ready to break down. Serifa's eyes had already started tearing up. Sans noticed it, and looked away, taking a deep breath.
-Will...a bat do? You can just use it to push people and attacks away if they come too close. It...won't hurt them much.
-Alright... I guess I can do that.
-Wait here. Paps has one in his room. It's a baseball bat he found at the trash. I believe it's from the surface.
Sans went up to Papyrus's room and returned with a white, beat-up baseball bat. He gave it to Serifa.
-Is this okay?
-Time to go then.
They teleported to the Riverperson and got in the boat, just like before. No one was talking. Serifa was sitting in the corner, looking down at the river. Sans didn't know what to say. He was psychologically drained. If he hadn't repeated time so much, he wouldn't have been mad at Serifa at all. But he was too tired to hold back. Every time, she would bug him about the same things, she would tell him the same stuff. He realised that even talking to her had gotten exhausting and repetitive.
It was clear that all this repeating was slowly destroying their relationship. Whenever he thought of her, he thought of trouble and of failure. Maybe, after all, he should have stopped trying long ago. Maybe he should have given up on her. Maybe...
-Get a grip, Sans! he thought to himself. What are these doubts? Just go talk to her, you idiot! It's not her fault she doesn't remember!
He slowly moved towards her and tapped her shoulder. She turned and looked at him without saying anything.
-Look... I'm sorry for before. I'm tired and...I took it out on you.
-I know...you only want to protect me.
-And I manage to hurt you instead.
There was a small pause.
-We both hurt each other, don't we? Serifa looked away.
-Yes, we do...
Serifa looked at Sans. She had a broken smile on her face.
-Well... That means we care a lot, doesn't it?
Suddenly, Serifa hugged him, burying her face in his chest. She was probably crying, but she didn't look too sad anymore. The moment she hugged him, Sans felt a strong light illuminating his thoughts. Right then, he felt like everything was going to be okay. Like they were going to get through this.
-Here we are! the Riverperson sang out. Tra la la!
-Thank you! Sans smiled at him and helped Serifa our of the boat, shortly following her after.
Blasting the elevator open, they used it to go to the third floor, like before. As expected, it took Sans less energy to lift the cabin up this time. It also took him less time to figure out the vent puzzle. He then proceeded to blast the next door open. However, even though it took them less time, the Royal Guards managed to follow them.
They stayed and waited outside  Muffet's den.
-Listen carefully, Serifa. I'll have to fight these guys here. As for you, I want you to watch our back. This is a spider den, and these aren't the spiders you're used to seeing on the surface. They are much bigger and, if they bite you, their poison sends you to a deep sleep. If you see them, please inform me immediately.
-Why don't we just move forward?
-The spiders' leader will delay us. I know that for a fact. We can't have Royal Guards chasing us while that happens. They've seen us now...Alphys managed to delay us enough.
-I'll tell you later. Just watch out for the spiders, the moment they notice the fuss, they'll be out. Can you do that for me?
-Yes! she nodded in agreement.
It wasn't long before the Royal Guards appeared. With Serifa watching their back, Sans felt more relaxed. There was no use trying to compromise with them -Sans knew it already. But, for the sake of Serifa, he had to retry. She had to see for herself that there was no other way than fighting.
Again, negotiations failed. Again, another battle began. Again, Sans tried to immobilise them without killing them.
-Sans, the spiders are coming!! Serifa yelled.
Sans looked behind him. The spiders coming out were countless. There was no way to mind them and the guards at the same time. Using three gaster blasters, he killed the guards...again.
He instantly turned back and used his gravity change to push the spiders back to the wall. However, using this power on so many monsters at once was too much. Holding his head in his hand, he fell back, only for Serifa to grab him.
-Sans!! Sans what's wrong? she panicked. Sans!!!
-Give me...a moment... Sans mumbled weakly.
The spiders had started moving again. Scared and injured from the impact, a lot of them crawled back into the den. The rest of them continued attacking.
-I won't...let them get you... I'll...I'll protect you as you protected me!
Serifa laid Sans down and stood up, bat in her hand. She had to defend Sans. As each spider approached, she screamed and hit it with all her might to shove it away. Most of the spiders got too scared after being hit for a second time and went back. Each time, fewer and fewer were attacking. The hooded figure was watching carefully, unbeknownst to everyone.
Serifa was struggling with both the fight and herself. She hated hurting the spiders. With every attack, she hated herself even more. She just couldn't stand it, but she knew what she had to do. It was her turn to save both of them. With every attack, she was unconsciously using more strength. She wasn't realising it, but the anger she had towards herself and the whole situation, she vented towards the spiders.
Sans was slowly recovering. In his dizziness, he could only hear Serifa screaming. He only imagined the worst. When he managed to open his eyes, he saw her fighting. At first he was relieved, but it was obvious she was suffering inside. He needed to get up immediately and end it. But he still couldn't. Suddenly, the screams stopped. The spiders weren't attacking anymore. The bat fell from Serifa's hand and she dropped down, crying out loudly.
Gathering all his strength, Sans walked to her and wrapped his arm around her back.
-Darling...I'm sorry you had to go through this...
-I...I killed it!! That poor little spider... It can't go back home anymore!!!
Serifa pointed towards a spider on the ground. She had hit it too hard and it couldn't get back like the others. It was struggling to survive, desperately moving its feet and trying to escape.
-But...it's alive...you didn't kill it...
-It's gonna die!!! Can't you see it? It's dying right now and it's my fault!!
Serifa had lost it. She was screaming and crying, repeating ''I killed it'' over and over. It pained Sans too much to see her that way. He summoned a bone that came from the ground and pierced through the small spider, killing it instantly.
-You didn't kill it. I did.
-What...? Why did you do that?
-It was suffering and I ended it. I am the one who killed it, not you.
-But it was because of me...
-I would have killed it anyway. I would have killed all of them once I was able to. You didn't kill ANYTHING. By scaring them away, you actually saved them.
Serifa took a deep breath and wiped her tears.
-I...I understand what you're going through now Sans. To protect me, you become...you...you have to... I...didn't realise how hard it must be on you...
Sans gently took her hand and kissed it.
-Let me worry about that, okay? he smiled sweetly. Come on now, let's move. The spider leader won't be happy about this. We need to be careful.
They walked into Muffet's den. There was only darkness inside. They could hear footsteps all around them. Sans hugged Serifa to protect her from all sides, since he didn't know where an attack might come from.
They suddenly screamed, as they felt a giant spider leg piercing through their bodies. Sans was strong enough to survive it. Serifa wasn't.
-Hey, Serifa! Wake up, please! Sans shook her, tears falling from his eyes. You have to wake up...Don't leave me again...please...
The lights turned on and Muffet was standing in front of them, chuckling.
-You...you did this, Muffet...WHY? Sans yelled angrily.
-You both injured my children! You even killed one of them! You deserve it!
-They attacked us first!
-But didn't kill you!
-Only because we defended ourselves!
Sans let go of Serifa and stood up.
-Well, either way, you won't get your so-called revenge, Muffet. You can't beat me! he said as he glared at her.
-I know... Muffet smirked, looking at Serifa. But my revenge is already taken.
Muffet's evil smile made Sans mad enough to summon his blasters and burn the whole place down, along with every life form in it. He didn't see many spiders, however; Muffet had probably warned them to evacuate. He turned and looked at Serifa's dead body, as his left eye started flashing.
-I'm sorry, sweetheart... I promise you, I won't let you go through this pain ever again.
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