#the way terfs view penis' as inherently idk... evil? is just so strange
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
ok cos i doubt any non-brit is gonna have heard about this, but there's a councillor who's claiming she had small talk about the broken hand dryer with a trans woman in a toilet and told her that she was going to 'wipe her hands (dry) on her penis'... and this was published... in an actual newspaper (if u can even call the daily mail a newspaper lol...) and also written it in a letter about 'safeguarding women' to an mp and like...
at no point does this woman think that maybe mAYBE she misheard this woman cos who the fuck would say they're gonna wipe their hands on their dick, even as a threat (as the councillor believed it was) like ??? terfs please use your fucking brains for once in your goddamn lives challenge jfc lol
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