#also how HOW is this a threat? like even if in some insane version of reality this /is/ what the trans woman said
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
ok cos i doubt any non-brit is gonna have heard about this, but there's a councillor who's claiming she had small talk about the broken hand dryer with a trans woman in a toilet and told her that she was going to 'wipe her hands (dry) on her penis'... and this was published... in an actual newspaper (if u can even call the daily mail a newspaper lol...) and also written it in a letter about 'safeguarding women' to an mp and like...
at no point does this woman think that maybe mAYBE she misheard this woman cos who the fuck would say they're gonna wipe their hands on their dick, even as a threat (as the councillor believed it was) like ??? terfs please use your fucking brains for once in your goddamn lives challenge jfc lol
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 6 months
Could you maybe do a child reader x Ozzie and fizzy? The details are up to you, I just want them to be my dads! Thanks❤️
AWE OMG ☹️☹️☹️☹️ MY FIRST OZZIE AND FIZZ ASK BLOWS UP (i love them a normal amount) YES!!! This will be more in a headcanon bc I have so many thoughts and if this was a fic i think i would spend a year on it LMFAOO- Reader will be around 11-13! Slightly older kid but still a kid at the end of the day!! Also because my tiktok feed is filled with lamb girl reader will also be a lambkin!! A good portion of the beginning is me explaining the lamb demon premise lol
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To be love is to be changed | Fizzmodeus x Child! GN! Reader
Relationship: Familial Warnings: None!! Pretty fluffy!!
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You weren’t the typical demon, looking more like the sheep in the overworld than any demon in hell. 
Soft fluffy wool covered your body, save for your face. Your rounded snout and big eyes with semi-long lashes differed from the other hellborn children. Black hooved for feet and hands, making it slightly inconvenient to do day-to-day tasks, however, your kin adapted. Visibly the image or purity in a place of debauchery. Seemingly the only speck of light in a place that was consumed with darkness.
Fizz was the one who found you in the greed ring, taking you in after seeing you steal from a Shark Demon. He liked the balls you had to do that (and was insanely worried that something would happen to you if you got caught.)
Since Fizz welcomed you with open arms, and you weren’t that much of a threat (you are literally a child lol), Asmodeus opened you with even wider arms.
Ozze is the mom while Fizz is the dad. Nothing you can say will change my mind on that.
While Fizz does fret over you, it is nothing compared to Ozzie. If Ozzie is at work and gets pulled aside to be told that you hurt yourself or are sick, he will cancel his show and head home immediately.
While Ozzie is a worryrat, he isn’t a helicopter parent. He actually believes that you need your independence, especially since you aren’t that young. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the hell version of Life 360. He tracks your ass so much that if he gets the low battery notif, he is calling you to tell you to charge your phone. 
Fizz on the other hand is more of the chaotic parent. As in you both are banned from the kitchen, both separately and alone. To make a long story short, it started with the fork on fire and escalated to the hallway mat being singed. If you look under the replacement mat, you can still see the scorched marks of soot that were just too hard to get out. But that doesn’t mean Fizz can’t be stern with you. If anything, you prefer it when Ozzie is stern, since it is a little eerie to you when his smile isn’t there. 
Do not be fooled, while they will give you some of the things you want. you will not be spoiled insanely. You still have to pick up around your room (they told the staff not to clean your room), and in turn, you get an allowance so you can buy the things you want. 
If you try to hustle them and tell them that the other hasn’t paid you to get double the amount, literally do not get caught. They won’t pay you for your next allowance LMFAO.
In the beginning, you only called them Fizz and Ozzie, which they respected. It made sense in their heads since they weren’t really your dads, and they kinda just picked you off the streets. However when you got comfortable enough to refer to them as your dads? They were over the moon and cried to each other. 
How you approached the topic with them was by having them sit down in the living room with you.
Ozzie and Fizz were sitting down on the couch as you paced the floor. You had invited them to the living room stating that you needed to talk and asked them to sit. Albeit they were very confused as to what you needed to talk about, and seeing the worry on your face, didn’t really help with the nerves. They were holding one another’s hand as a comfort. There was a brief moment where you stopped and looked at them, before turning and beginning to pace again. Fizz and Ozzie looked at one another, asking if the other knew what was going on and denying it.
“Uhh…Kid?” Fizz starts after a bit, looking back at Ozzie for a moment before he looks back at your pacing figure. “Is everything alright?”
Instead of answering, you stopped and looked at the two of them. You left the room, furthering their confusion. It didn’t take long for you to come back with a laptop, the same one they had gifted you after a month of your stay. You connected it to the TV and put on display a PowerPoint.
You had made a PowerPoint to talk to them and ask them if it was okay if you could call them dad
In said PowerPoint, you gave all the reasons (most of which said that you were awesome) and benefits of adopting you (benefits were that they get a cool kid in turn). You also went over the possible dad name variations for them and the reasons behind them. You even gave the origins of the names which amused Fizz to no end.
To make a long teary heartfelt story short, they adopted you. 
However, they had to do so in a way that didn’t get the media’s attention. Just because they were celebrities and figureheads, doesn’t mean they want you in the spotlight. Rather they agreed to wait until you were either close to being or were an adult to even announce that you were their kid (if you wanted to).
This also means that if you wanted to go out, you couldn’t go out with either of them, since the media knows that they were together, it wasn’t too far out of the picture for them to have a kid. This also extends to you not going to hospitals, rather they get a physician to come to their place and check on your health. It is this whole thing where they have a security check the doctor for any decisions or any stuff that could record your existence. (Said physician is threatened that if anything about you was leaked, they would hunt him down personally.) So sadly not a lot of days out together, however, they make up for it with at-home movie nights, game nights, and even sleepovers.
Very keen on your privacy, both in the public and at home. They always knock and make sure to not do anything to cross any of your boundaries. 
Ozzie has to be careful not to talk about too much of his work around you. You may not be a little kid, but you are still a kid and he believes that no kid should be exposed to his field so early in their life. Fizz is also careful not to talk about Ozzie’s work and doesn’t go too in-depth about Mammon’s treatment around you. 
If you are prone to nightmares, they will both personally comfort you. Even if you feel silly about it, since in your tween mind, you are too old to have your dads wait for you to fall asleep because you were too scared, they don’t mind. They will drop whatever they are holding if it means making you comfortable. 
Overall very lovely parents, and they love you dearly. With you in their lives, they feel that they have changed for the better and they cannot imagine their lives without you. Seeing you as their shining light, as they continue to raise you, they hope that your bright light never diminishes.
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omg dude i rewrote this so mant times because the first attempts were kinda depressing bawling NAYWAYS IM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS CAME OUT AND HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED HEHE
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Hello what if in sagau the reader thinking about the idea to make big shelter for tramuatised creatos of alternative tevyat this time reader one night drinking with other archons (of course zero alcohol for nahida only some strawberry jucie or something) and in drunked state reader comes to idea of creating shelter for creators of alternative trvyats the archons thinks that just reader begin drunk.....but no reader is serous and day after the archosn must help reader establish the shelter for goodly victims of the cults and like that zhongli venti ei nahida and foclaors relaized how some of thier alternative version are insane(yandere cult au) or morons( most impostors au)
Oohhh, interesting, interesting...I'll see what I can come up with!
So...You may have had a little too much to drink when you decided to hang out with the archons, and you spilled your idea of wanting to create a shelter for alternate teyvat universes where the Creator gets treated like absolute crap.
At first, the archons present (there's only 5) were shocked—who would dare try and hurt their own creator in their own universe? Then, right after you pass out from alcohol consumption, the archons convince themselves that it was just the drunk-ness speaking and not actually your idea.
Boy, were they wrong when you showed them your latest creation.
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Ei, Nahida, and Furina Reacting to Reader's Shelter for Other Creators.
(Warning! Might Be OOC & Using the General Sagau!Imposter!AU Stuff For This!)
Man really thought you were joking. When you weren't, safe to say he wished he wasn't trying to get himself wasted during that time.
He was very cautious not to trouble the residents of the Shelter you created since yk PSTD and all that, even if it is annoying that you spend all your time there and he wants to barge in and drag you out to go and have a drink or two.
He isn't sure how he feels exactly, knowing what the other versions of you went through...so safe to say that he tries his best to keep his distance. He personally finds it awkward, and he tries to excuse himself from the situation whenever you try to invite him to greet the other versions of Creator.
"Ehe, I'm honored, Your Grace, really! Unfortunately, Sir Captain Kaeya promised me a drink today at Angel's Share in trade for my latest song. I can't miss out on that, you know?~" You can barely tell nothing's wrong with how well Venti hides his emotions and tactics on a day-to-day basis.
He may eventually get along with the residents of your Shelter area, but as it stands right now...he's keeping his distance for them to cope.
Same as Venti, he really was not expecting this. Sure, he had only a cup of alcohol unlike a certain drunkard bard he knows, and he had contemplated whether or not you were going to do it...but seeing things and speculating things were two different concepts.
He is polite to the residents that have the courage to come close to him, smiling and politely keeping a good distance while also making sure he is not seen as a threat.
He tries his best not to do anything suspicious—he always makes tea in front of their eyes, the tea leaves freshly picked, dried, and then boiled in hot water. The last thing he wants is for any versions of his creator to pose him as a threat in your world. You especially help reassure others at the Shelter that Zhongli's tea isn't poisoned either, so that's good.
"Fear not—Your Grace has been with me these past few weeks, inspecting my tea before I bring it before you." Zhongli sips his own cup, and you follow suit, grinning because you know for a fact it ain't poisoned one bit. "Please rest easy, knowing you will not be harmed here."
Overall, he becomes this sweet grandpa who tells stories while also respecting other people's boundaries. If ever there is a threat, he's already shielding everyone with his ever-famous geo shield, but that's the furthest he does as you insist you take care of the threats yourself. After all...most versions of the Creator have major PTSD from seeing Zhongli wield his polearm.
Raiden Ei
She feels incredibly guilty, knowing that other versions of her raised their blades against their version of the Almighty Creator than to protect.
She practically froze when you drunkenly mentioned about the other versions of you, and it got Ei thinking how bad it was. Though she was reassured by the other archons present, she now wishes she had followed her gut. She was not prepared to meet the Other Versions of the Creator.
Very similar to Venti, she tries to distance herself. Unlike Venti, however, Ei directly declines your invitations to meet any of the residents at the Creator Shelter, thinking her presence would only do more harm than good. In a sense, she goes back in this similar trance during the Inazuma Archon Quest. While she's present in Inazuma, she doesn't step a foot near the Creators' Shelter.
"I apologize, Your Grace....It is best I tend my duties here instead of meeting the Residents of your protective Shelter. If, however, they ever wish to visit Inazuma, I will ensure they meet no harm whatsoever—and do my duty that which the other versions of me failed to succeed in—to protect them with my blade." Every single time you try to invite Ei, she makes this very long speech similar to this. Ei feels awkward, to say the least. After all, she doesn't know how to deal with emotions...
Though it may be irritating that you can't get her to see them, you respect Ei's wish and openly invite others to Inazuma. Safe to say that Ei keeps her word and does indeed protect the other versions of the Creator with her Misou No Hitotachi.
Nahida, Nahida...With the General Imposter!Sagau AU idea, Nahida is the only one of (when there was only 4) the archons available that would not attack you, but would rather help you instead. However, due to unpopular Sagau AU ideas, Nahida is also a part of the team that wants the Creator dead. So, in a sense, Nahida is a 50/50 amongst the residents, but it's safe to say that she's by far the archon most versions of the Creator would approach freely.
When she first heard you talk about the Creators' Shelter and their lives (albeit drunk), she found it both scary yet curious. However, since there was no proof of whether this was true or not, Nahida had turned a blind eye on the possibility for the time being, as it could have just been you drunkenly seeing and knowing things.
She was pretty much half-prepared to meet the Residents of the Creators' Shelter...but at least most of them like her? I mean, they allow her to hug her...that's a good start, right?
"It's okay, Your Grace's Guests! I promise, our world would never hurt you, no matter what!" She tries to use this opportunity to try and have the other versions of the Creator open up to other people—after all, their world of Teyvat was different, and vast! She didn't want them to miss it!
You know Nahida's Skill line, "Everyone Hold Hands!" ? Yeah, she wants everyone to get along and smile and be happy!
I am proud to say that Nahida keeps the Creators' Shelter up-to-date with the stuff happening in your Teyvat while also trying to coax them to meet other people. And she's doing a great job!
From the very little research I did, it seems that Fontaine's Stance in the Imposter!Sagau AU ideas is more sophisticated—but, if Reader turns out to be "guilty," then that could possibly mean public execution. In this case, with the knowledge gained, Furina's stance in this is the same as her personality likeability: 50/50.
When Furina first heard you talk about it, she thought that this entire thing you were going on about was interesting! She loves herself a good opera, and she would gladly play a role in your show! She just didn't like how it was versions of you from the Imposter!Sagau aus (she's the only one who'd probably remember what you called them and use the same terms), as it makes it hard to really prove to others that Fontaine was the best nation of Teyvat! Not that she wants to flex or anything (she wants to flex)
As it stands right now, Fontaine is pretty new. Most likely only a few recent versions of the Almighty Creator would have some form of PTSD with Fontaine, but most of general residents at the Creators' Shelter are from when Fontaine was yet to be released. This means that many people would cautiously approach Furina to ask what Fontaine would be like, while the very recent versions of you might be more frightened to go near her.
"Ah, yes! Fontaine has the best places to view the grandest and most extravagant buildings you will ever see! If ever you wish to visit, I shall personally escort you to the Nation of Hydro, and we may feast on both the justice we place put, and the opera we present to please! Now, I shall go and ask Your Grace if I may bring you Desserts from Fontaine—toodle-loo~" Furina gladly lets the other versions of the Creator see her enigmatic personality, not afraid to present herself as she usually does.
However dramatic and ever-flamboyant she may be, Furina isn't stupid. She can see wariness and suspicion seeping in to some of the most recent Imposter!Sagau yous, so she immediately yet cleanly makes sure she takes her leave, her curtain call with a promise to return in the near future.
She's probably the second-most visiting archon the Creators' Shelter sees, but Furina's visits are always short. At least she brings desserts from Fontaine to share with everyone!
And we're done! Boy, this took longer than expected...I hope you guys enjoyed it, though!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have not been keeping up with what's going on in the Sagau Genshin Community, so Furina's bit may be very off on what is actually going on in the general Sagau Community. Sorry on that part.
I was originally tempted to try and do my own interpretation of Fontaine's stance in the Sagau!Imposter category, as they are known for their justice and love of good plot story. If you think about it, Fontaine might be more intrigued with the idea than be heavily offensive about it—after all, Fontaine loves their opera. I vetoed the idea though bc this request needed a focus on the generic stance of an Imposter!Sagau Au so I scrolled through a few posts to see what others were up to.
But yeah, I'm alive! I honestly love how like—no one has made the "sagau furina" tag yet and I had to make it myself LOL. Man, I've really been dead on Tumblr, huh?
If you're still on the radar for The Lost Shining God of Celestia, don't worry—it's not being cancelled. I'm still on hiatus due to writer's block (it only has two paragraphs im sobbing at my inactivity), but I'll get there eventually! Sorry for testing you patience lol—
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
I don't know why, but I love the idea of Dream being dark, but Hob is so unhinged that he doesn't notice.
Like a Human AU, where Dream meets Hob by chance and falls in love/becomes obsessed with him. He makes a voodoo doll or casts a spell to make Hob fall in love with him.
The twist? Hob is just as unhinged, and the spell or doll didn't work because he also immediately loved Dream; Hob is just better at controlling it/pretending to be normal.
So Dream thinks their entire relationship is built on a spell or the voodoo doll, and... maybe he feels a tiny bit guilty. But only a little, because Hob is amazing to him. He's loving, and kind, and does a million little things for him and they regularly blow each others backs out (because I ascribe to the idea that they're both switches).
Meanwhile, Hob has been equally obsessed with Dream from the first time they met and he's slowly realizing that he doesn't have to hide just how unhinged he is because Dream is equally absolutely insane about him and Hob is completely gone for him. He'd probably genuinely kill someone if Dream asked. And Dream may or may not be willing to make people disappear if he thinks they pose a threat to his and Hob's relationship.
They are the definition of 0 to Married in barely a week. Probably not even that. And the sex. Christ, the sex is mind-blowing no matter who tops. Dream is used to being quiet in bed, but every touch from Hob, every thrust, makes him want to scream his pleasure. And Hob is NOT any better.
Just the absolute best/worst version of Feral4Feral. They totally stalk each other, too.
- 🐺
They're so fucking stupid and creepy and weird about each other. Dream is all dark magic and angsting over Hob in the middle of the night, desperate that Hob should never leave him... while Hob is all sunshiney and warm and also maybe looking up "ways to make your partner stay forever" and "how to put secret cameras in your house" and then forgetting to delete his Internet history.
They go on one (1) date and Dream texts his sibling group chat and he's like "would it be weird of me to propose on the second date" and everyone agrees that it IS weird. But they're obviously WRONG because on the second date Hob shows up with a jet studded engagement ring and then Dream is kind of mad because HE wanted to propose!!!
They have a weirdly perfect relationship. They bicker, sure, but they don't fight. They make great compromises. They have the kind of sex that makes other people jealous. They hold hands and make out in public and its sexy rather than annoying. Hob showers Dream in gifts and Dream writes poems for Hob.
And in the brief moments when they're apart, Hob will bring up the tracking app he installed to keep an eye on Dream’s phone. And Dream will do some kind of creepy ritual with Hob’s blood that he collected when he nicked himself shaving. The joke is, neither of them would even mind if they knew about the other's weird habits. If anything they'd be flattered.
Thank god they have each other, because they'd be a scurge on society otherwise <33
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wildglitch · 6 months
What if Zombies!Spidey x DCU LETS GOOOOOOOOO-
O K-
So, This is the (Probably not the last, don't worry) post with ideas for my What If Zombies!Peter In the DCU AU. This is the post that (Finally) Focuses on the DC side of things. This post Is also going to be mainly focused on Peter and what he's up to cause he's the focus of this AU, but I’m probably gonna make another post with info on the other heroes, so If your interested in that, don't worry cause I am thinking about them (Bucky & Loki = Brainwashed bros)
Its also part 1 of Idk since this post kinda got away from me with its length (oops)
Anyways, without further adieu, let's start :D 
-So! starting this off with something fun and not that serious that I just found out. this should have probably gone in the first post but I didn't know this until now so here, a +1 info on “facts about the zombie apocalypse” tm. 
Ok, so at this point you know I like to play around with the timeline right? Ok so, I’m researching the dates and events things take place in right? Turns out, the snap happened in either May or June, and one source even said that it happened on May 31. Now, with this in mind and the fact that I said the apocalypse lasted between 7-8 months, what happens if you subtract 8 months from May? You get October. And if you add the date to it? Guys…I accidentally made it that the zombie apocalypse starts on Halloween! That's just insane!
The official timeline now is 8 months of the zombie apocalypse, no more no less, sorry, I don't make the rules :^ (omg I made Antman & the Wasp a halloween movie lmao. It fits)
-Alright so, Peter, Head Scott/w the cloke and T’challa are on a plane on their way to Wakanda when all of a sudden, well, how many of you seen the Young Justice Episode s1e19 Misplaced? (Btw have I talked about how much I love Billy batson? I will one of these days ok, and that's a threat) well anyways
Airplane squad: *”peacefully” traumatized on a plane to Wakanda
Airplane squad: *the people on the plane fucking fazes out of reality leaving him alone to fly the plane*
Peter: *Panik*
Peter: *feels a pull wanting to take him but fighting it off as he tries to fly a fucking plane*
Peter: *also fades out of reality but much later the other and is now falling to certain doom in the middle of the ocean*
Peter: “Oh What the F-”
Ya that-
I mixed aspects of the snap and scene from misplaced as their way of splitting up. And, they did split up. A high speed plane plus the time it took them to disappear firmly separates Peter from the rest of the heros. And thus the adventure commences
-unlike Billy who can fly, Peter falls head first at top speeds and a thousand meters high into the ocean.  This can happen a few different ways
1) Peter is stranded, and is found by Young Justice or any superhero team that was passing through the ocean and thinks “Oh shoot, that's a child”. And this is how he ends up with the league. This one is kinda fast and there wouldn't be any identity reveal since at this point this Peter has no concept of such a thing. But a good way to work around this is memory loss. Not really my cup of tea but I can very much see this happening considering how hard he hit his head
2) …So Peter fucking dies-
Listen! I somehow started off with my 2 most opposite extremes of ideas, but hear me out. The fall? It kills him. But lets say that some cult or the league of assassins or some shit find his body, realize he’s a “meta” and decide “Yeah, this is a good revival candidate” And they revive the poor sucker. He is held captive HYDRA style and they try to turn him into a weapon. Obviously, he escapes, set free onto the world with a few months of trauma and a stolen one way ticket anywhere. And that anywhere just so happens to be Gotham. I’ll let your mind take it from there
3) This is the last version of events I’m gonna mention and I think this one is the one I'm sticking with, purely for the comedic potential I can see coming out of this. So Peter fought back the spell right? Well unlike the snap where he was fighting a force of nature were he would not have won, Peter was fighting Loki off, which,
Yeah, so since Loki had to focus on getting that idiot spider child to cooperate, he loses track of everyone else, and all of a sudden, the fuzzy mental image he had of everyone dissipates, and Peters becomes the full focus. This lets him save the kid from the crash, but he now doesn't know where all of the others are, including his brother, and now he can't really get to any of them.
Peter: Fighting off that staticy feeling that's trying to take him
Loki: *Genuinely struggling to get this non magic kid to corporate with him*
Loki: Damnit CHILD! I'm trying to save your worthless life!
Peter: *Legit almost wins and gets left by himself in the zombieland* 
Loki: …What did they feed you?
-Peter is saved with a spell that's basically the bubble from steven universe but Loki style. He can breathe just fine, but he can't get out or call for hell. He spends many Hours like this.
-Ok so, Loki is a god. We have established this, I keep mentioning it (sorry) he himself brings this up multiple times. What is something gods tend to have sometimes? Avatars, people who act out their will on Earth. You see where I'm going with this? Since Peter is the only mortal from his world he has access to, and because he is stuck on the watchtower, he decides to make a deal with Peter to make him his Avatar and have him look for the others (Thor). Peter, after having most of the situation explained to him, accepts his offer, with a few conditions here and there that prevent Loki from taking full advantage of him. But at the end of the day, they are both desperate and accept the others' offers and conditions with little fuss.
-Deals and conditions for the avatar contract between Peter and Loki
Loki’s Mission: Find the other mortals and spread chaos as his agent Loki’s Offer: Slight magical aid, “ability boost”, Protection from other magical entities, Godly guide and knowledge and Loki wont force Peter into doing anything too grotesque Loki’s conditions for Peter: He will be able to access anything Peter is seeing and be able to take control of any situation if he sees it fit, he must go on the missions he sends him on, And if the situation ever truly demands it, he will listen to everything Loki tells him to do Peter’s Mission: Finding his friends and finding a cure to his world in this new one as Loki’s Agent. He must also make good impressions on other Magical being in this world as to not shame the god he’s representing Peter Offer: His loyalty and tentative trust, he won't argue too much and will do his absolut best to find Thor. he will Listen to Loki and do what he says Peter’s Conditions for Loki: Will become his Avatar as long as he gets to keep being a hero and doesn't have to hurt or kill people. He will only do a mission once a month, and he will not advertise the Avatar bit. Peter gets free will, He can refuse to do something as long as he isn't demanded of it.
With this, a hand shake, and some blood, The deal is made in the bubble in the middle of the ocean.
-Peter is now Loki’s Avatar, Moonknight style, Yay! They don't really like each other that much due to circumstance but it's fineeeeeee. I did this because 1) I thought of a scenario that didn't really make sense unless Peter was somehow talking to him 2) It’s a little nod to the fact most of the fics have the snapped souls with Peter on his adventure. I thought that this way he can still have his voice in his head , it's not that crowded because it's only one voice, and it's not that Intrusive because Loki isn't going to be with Peter 24/7 only when he needs him, he's using some of his powers, or when he can sense distress or danger coming from Peter- Other than that he's stuck at the watchtower trying to plan his next moves. And 3) Cause the thought came to me and i thought it was fucking Holirouse.
-With Some trickery, Peter sneaks onto a boat and spends his time hidden under the deck pretending and hides like a corner spider the whole trip
-Peter in his, Hasn't been around actual living breathing humans for such a long time, self, breaks down and cries at the docks. Coincidentally, The bats are doing a drug bust there and a wearhouse not 10 feet away from him blows up. 
-Peter in his typical fashion, Puts on his mask and runs into the building looking for survivors.
-The bats, not knowing what happened, see’s this costume stranger helping the thugs get away and immediately clocks him as a villain. Opps
-They fight, misunderstandings happen and now, The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Is on the front page as gothams hottest new Rogue. Well shit
-Peter being the smart guy he is, squats at an unoccupied apartment and claims it as his. Then Loki shows up after weeks of radio silence, takes one look at the place and says, hell nah, and fixes the place up with magic making the place more than livable. With some (probably magical) persuasion, the guy renting out the place actually puts him on the lease with 50 bucks of monthly rent. Does Peter feel guilty…well? Gotta roll with the punches man. Plus, this place looks nice, ignoring his 20 something neighbor that has enough blood on him to turn his white hair dye red that had sent his spider sense. This is fine.
-With some help from the voice in his head and walking through dark alleys at night, he finds a guy that works for immigration and was selling sketchy (But legit) identities. Not really trusting the guy but in desperate need and ID for the lease he was about to sign, He coughs up all the savings he had, took a Photo, and Ben P. Riley was born. He said he didn't trust the guy.
-Peter has decided to go by an alias for a few reasons, like not knowing if there was already another Peter Parker in this reality and not really wanting to risk it or the plain fact that he didn't really trust anyone in this new reality with it  (Loki and his magical guidance, he has firmly decided to never give out his name so freely ever again). His name is one of the last things from his past life that he can call his own, And if his “Villainous” identity was revealed as Peter Parker, he didn't know if he could handle it. The most simple reason was that he just missed his family and wanted something in this new life he was making for himself to remind himself of them. Ofcourse, he still added that P in there middle so as to not completely erase himself.
-Peter spends a full month just trying to get used to living in a society again, This causes some problems and misunderstandings.
-After many series of misunderstandings and mishaps, everyone thinking he's evil, Peter decides, YK what's, If I can't beat them, join them. Peter starts going out as the “Villain Spider-Man” doing sketchy shit (normal teenage shit) and causing a commotion in Gotham. Peter counts this as his act of mischief and Loki agrees when he sees the kid sell his own photos to the newspaper. Peter isn't actually doing anything evil, it's just his presence that brings fear. The fact that the bats have caught him breaking into multiple high security facilities doesn't really help his case
-Peter spends his months looking through files and files of info searching for the others, but has just about no luck on anything.
-Peter, forced by a mission, goes undercover in Gotham prep to follow one of Loki’s leads. He doesn't really know what he's doing here, but this Tim guy is pretty nice
-Cause of the amazing pictures he keeps selling to the paper, the company hires him full time as their photographer for special events and even lets him write a few articles when they see the notes he puts next to his pictures that provide contexts and stuff like that. This job opens Peter to search to a whole new horizon.
-With Peter's new job, hes sent to many different cities which introduces him to many different people
-He meets Jimmy Olson on a trip to Metropolis and hits it off pretty well with the older man. Jimmy introduces him to his friends and coworkers Lois and Clark, both of whom are just a delegate. Though that Clark guy as not stopped setting of his spider sense since he met him
-The next place he went to was a city called Fawcett, where he was sent to help with a story with one of the local reporters who was apparently his age.
Boss guy: Ben, meet Billy. You two will be working together on the report for this years summer festival
The two sniff each other out as godly “employees” and exchange numbers. And thus, a friendship was born as Billy decided to keep an eye out for any other reality travelers, and Peter is put as one of his emergency contacts to help him get out of shit since he was “technically 20 according to his ID”
Peter: *Looks at Billy*
Billy: *Looks at ‘Ben’*
*Insert that one Spider-Man meme*
-Peter is also sent to Gothams sister city Bludhaven. Peter,ends up meeting a weird police officer that keeps expecting him to take pictures of the guy. But he's nice enough and bought him a hotdog and a cinnamon roll(even though he now thinks he's allergic to them), so the weird outweighs the good.
-On his trip to Bludhaven, Peter decides to go out as spider-man. Not to cause trouble, but to go sightseeing and swinging without the interference of a bat. He ends up sitting upside down on an old building (like that one Atsv scene)  working on some leads he has when all of a sudden, Nightwing appeared right behind him dangling off the side of the building like a mad man giving him a heart attack. Nightwing is about to confront the spider after his sneak attack was caught, but before he does, Peter holds out the cinnamon roll towards the vigilante as a peace offering rushing out the words “Please don't hit me!” and Nightwing just stares. He stares long and hard looking between the treat and the Spider mask. Peter was about to run from them when Nightwing sort of just…sits. Or sits at the best of his abilities with no gravity defying powers. He actually does a pretty good job at it. Nightwing takes to offering with a nod and the 2 just sort of sit there in silence. It's awkward and weird, and quiet but for some reason he doesn't feel as uncomfortable as he thinks he should. Even less when he feels the ringing of his spider senses slowly die down as the minutes pass until it's just a constant hum at the back of his head
-They don't talk after that but from here is a turning point as to how the Bat clan view the spider.
More? Nay I say! (There will be a part 2 to this specific post, but it has gotten too long and I need to go to bed. So hopefully this will do for now :^) Plus this feels like agood stoping point since I feel like that ending would mark the ending to an arc
Please let me know what you think of this AU. I love seeing other people's ideas and thoughts. It fuels me lo
And make sure to keep an eye out for Part 2 of this post.
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thepersonperson · 3 months
On the note of sukuna inflicting insane amounts of violence onto those he finds interesting, I wanna bring up the parallel between gojo and sukuna with how in shibuya gojo in the 2v1 goes for hanami first and how many times he mentioned how unique her presence and technique is in chapters before that like he goes for her first bc he believes jogo to be weak (and maybe he expected more from hanami, having survived a hollow-purple from him before and all, but she doesn't respond or entertain him the way he wanted and just dies, also the glee with which he crushes her with his limitless like he expected her to overcome it somehow and the angry/irritated look he has after she's dead and he's left to fight choso and jogo)
I never thought about Hanami and Gojo's relationship that way, but looking closer there is definitely something going on. And I think it has everything to do with Toji.
(Used TCB Scans. Click images for captions/citations.)
Gojo both massively respects and fears Toji for getting past Infinity. He respects him enough to steal his fit and raise his kid free of Zenin nonsense, but he also fears being made that vulnerable again. So Gojo does this thing where he simultaneously looks for other Tojis while mercilessly destroying anything that resembles Toji. The go to example of this is:
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The cursed tools capable of piercing Infinity have been personally dealt with by Gojo so another Toji incident won't happen again. It's a reasonable trauma response all things considered. What's unreasonable was his treatment of Miguel whose Cursed Technique (CT) mimics Toji. (Though it doesn't seem like it was ever activated in full during their fight.)
Despite part of that beatdown being racially motivated, Miguel's Black Rope did remind Gojo of Toji's Inverted Spear of Heaven, hence him getting rid of it. So while Gojo has enough respect for Miguel as a strong individual he can trust with training his students, there's that underlying fear from being too much like Toji. (Tbh Gojo being wary of his build is similar to how unnerved he was by Toji's physical prowess too.)
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Now that we've established Gojo's weird relationship with Toji ghosts, back to Hanami. The first thing he notices about them is how good they are at hiding their presence and running away. Who else specializes in that kind of stealth? Toji.
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So while Gojo is excited to have someone who might be his equal again, the fact that they're enemies has Gojo jumping straight to Hollow Purple to get rid of that threat. I don't think it's a coincidence the damage Hanami and Toji receive looks similar side by side.
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And going to their fight in Shibuya, Gojo does something really weird to this curse that resembles Toji—he puts Limitless down. It was a bait tactic for sure, but it's almost like he is forcibly reliving his trauma. Toji first attacked when he turned Limitless off and from behind. And here Gojo turns it off again, and puts his back to the not-Toji.
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But unlike with Toji, he senses when Hanami goes for him and turns around to torment and kill them. The cruelty with which he deals damage to Hanami exceeds even that of Jogo. It feels like he's using them as some kind of emotional punching bag where this time he kills the Toji before everything goes wrong.
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I think his facial expressions being a more monstrous version of the ones he made while fighting Toji supports this theory as well. Gojo makes weird frog faces during the Sukuna fight, but they're just nowhere near this unhinged.
This could also be why he looks so upset after they're dead. Yes he killed the Toji, but now he doesn't have that rival. (Wow it's just like Sukuna being upset at the toys he broke.)
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
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CHAPTER SIX: "Loathe the way they light candles in Rome But love the sweet air of the votives"
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The response to fear or threats has several reactions, Often being called the Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn response.
Fight means to confront the threat. Flight means to run away from the threat Freeze means to shut down and block out the threat Fawn means to appease the threat.
Slow and cautious footsteps walked carefully down the hallway as if something was going to jump out at her any second. Shoulders tense, Her eyes travelled around the space in front of her.
It was the shrine hallway. Dimly lit. Hues of marine tinting the walls, ceilings and floorboards as she stalked along them, Okobo sandals clacking against the hardwood as she did.
[F/N]'s hand trailed along the wall beside her, Keeping close towards it.
She had woken up about half an hour ago, Tucked into the futon she had woken up from before with a throbbing migraine and aching legs.
[F/N] had lain there on the mattress, The memories of what happened some unknown time ago still fresh in her mind. She had tried to escape, She had gotten far too. Running for ages yet despite all her efforts it didn't matter in the end.
[F/N] had just wound up right back where she started. Her burning lungs, Beating heart and exhaustion. It was obsolete. She had just gone in a loop with all her effort gone to waste.
And him. Her captor and his insane ramblings, She didn't want to think about him.
She didn't get up for a while after that. Finding little to no motivation to do so coupled with her mind barely processing the information in her mind, Feeling as if she had been shackled to the frame. Like the bedding was trying to keep her down, To not let go. Feeding her false promises of ignorant bliss, Like it was just any other day back at the Kakushi base.
But [F/N] knew that was not the case.
She knew she had to get up eventually, It was an awful remembrance. Even worse when she eventually hauled her aching body off the futon, Swinging her tired legs over the frame and dragging herself out of the room.
[F/N] just wanted to go back to her bed, To crawl under the covers and never get out again. But to spite everything she so desired. [F/N] pulled herself out anyways, Not really knowing why.. Maybe to get a proper look at her birdcage, Perhaps.
The shrine was nigh identical to the one she had resided in before. From the hallway layouts, The group kitchens and to the library it was kept the almost the same to the one back in the real world. The keyword here being almost.
Everything was the same. Everything except a few key differences.
For one, The shrine didn't have any of the expansions the corps had built when they came. There wasn't any of the newer passages, There wasn't an aviary and the library was much smaller than it was.
Even then, [F/N] recognised this place. It was the older version of the shrine, The same once she had stumbled across when she was much younger. How it was here in this nightmare dimension was a mystery to her, It just added to the dogpile of questions she had spinning around in her head. One's she'd need to find the answer to later.
Two, While it was basically identical to the older version of the shrine, There was also a few changes of layout.
Some of it was small, Like a misplaced support beam or tapestries being of different patterns and shapes. On the other hand however, The differences were more.. Large.
For instance the wall she was trailing her fingers across wasn't like any the shrine had harboured. It was like wooden jacktop fencing, A criss-cross structure with diamond shapes as gaps letting spits of light through, An unknown source but one that wasn't aquamarine. A welcome change
Another was the shrine walls, The large stone fortress and the big mahogany gates separating the main building from the outside world were completely gone. Disappeared as if they were never there.
Lastly was the courtyard. Instead of compacted and smooth dirt as flooring it was replaced with a wide open port, Like something large ships would anchor down at but rather one that connected all the docks outside to it like the base of the tree and it's roots.
With both the courtyard and the walls gone it left just the shrine on its own, All by itself in this infinite sea.
But the one thing that ate away at her, The one thing that made the entire shrine feel so wrong in the first place. It was the emptiness.
There were no Kakushi or shrine maidens passing through the hallways, Their conversations and laughter ringing down the passage.
It was instead being replaced by cobwebs and their spiders, Scuttling quietly in the dark corners.
The libraries? Cold and dust-ridden. The kitchens were barren, Dirty and uncared for. Everything was old and seemed to fall apart. It was disgusting and [F/N] couldn't deny the pang it sent straight towards her heart.
[F/N] felt like her situation still hadn't registered in her mind, The entire thing scrambled in pieces. It was so overwhelming, This wasn't real. This can't be.
[F/N] stopped in the middle of the passage. Leaning up against the jacktop walls as her hand gripped the side of her jinbei, Hand over her heart as she tried to steady her breathing. Telling her everything would be alright.
Head leaned back as she calmed the rhythm of her lungs, She clenched her hands tight to feel the soft feeling of fibre in-between her palm.
Oh right.. That's why she got up.
Opening her hand she revealed a scrunched up note, One she had found beside her futon with a small serving of lukewarm soba. It was a note from him, The demon.
To [F/N].
When you receive this note, You should have already awoken from your slumber.
Once you finish reading this note, I expect you to eat the bowl of soba I have provided to you on the vanity desk. Once you have consumed it, Make your way towards the main dining room. I know you know your way there.
Wait patiently. And do not keep me waiting.
[F/N] crumpled the paper into a tiny ball within her palms. She tossed it aside and let out a breath of air she didn't know she was holding as she mellowed out against the wall.
He wanted to see her. She wasn't completely sure of the reason but [F/N] had a creeping suspicion crawling up her spine. It was the same reason she dragged herself out of bed, Why she was going in the first place.
She wanted answers.
[F/N] placed her hands either side of her on the wall, Pushing herself up she dusted off her jinbei.
She had already spent what little time she had mapping out the fake-shrine. Don't keep him waiting, He said. Being on time wasn't exactly her strong suit but the vision of those amber eyes stalking her, Appearing in her peripherals yet disappeared when she looked that way.
It felt like cold water was being poured down her back. [F/N] felt helpless, More so than usual. She had no mask nor sword, What Kokushibo had done with them she didn't know. But [F/N] felt naked without them, Without it [F/N] was just herself..
And that didn't sit right with her at all.
The tiny flame was brought up to the tip of the incense stick, The tiny fire starting to catch onto the wood, The flicker of an ember sparking up at the end.
Mitsuri set the incense down onto the platter. The aroma of cherry lotus started the dance in the air as it burned, A scent she breathed in deeply.
The smoke was sweet, It smelt like crushed cherries and freshwater rivers. A cool breeze on a summer day, A sacchariferous taste lacing it as the wind danced across the valley. It was calming, It was nostalgic. Anemoia, Yet Mitsuri knew it all too well.
She turned around towards the bath, Steam rising up from the water within. Mitsuri rested her hands on the cedarwood sides and slowly got in. Watching as the water parted for her as she sunk inside, Rising up until it was at her neck.
Mitsuri stared up at the ceiling above her, She felt.. fine.
She didn't feel good, Not by any stretch of the word but she didn't feel that bad, Not right now anyways. She just felt fine, For how long she didn't know. But right now was okay.
The smell of the incense kept the bad thoughts at bay, Keeping them away out of mind. Along with the bath that was hot against her skin, Most of the thoughts were burned away along with the sticks. Though, Only one still lingered in her mind.
Shinobu. Mitsuri knitted her eyebrows.
What she said to her the other day bubbled up in her mind like the foam rising up from the bottom of the bath. Mitsuri regretted it, She shouldn't of said something like that and it had been eating away at her for a good few days now.
"G-Get out.. Y-You did this, We both did.. But.. Y-You don't even care at all…"
Mitsuri sunk a little lower in the bath. It was wrong, She knew as soon as Shinobu closed the door that it was wrong. But everything felt just so wrong in that moment. Looking back on it, Mitsuri wanted someone to blame and Shinobu was just an easy target.
Mitsuri grabbed the oil from the side of the bath. Popping open the cap she poured some onto her hands as she started to massage it into her hair, Washing out all of the grease built up over weeks.
Mitsuri would need to apologise. It was nasty what she said, She'll need to see Shinobu later and apologise for their entire meeting.
Though that wasn't to say nothing good came out of it at all, This was the first time in weeks Mitsuri had bothered to leave her room. Not to go outside, Get food or bathe. She didn't want to leave either, The outside world feeling so foreign, So terrifying that she barely left the safety of her covers.
It felt like she was trapped under them at times. The weight of her heavy heart keeping her stuck down on the mattress. [F/N], Mitsuri never really knew how fast a loved ones face can melt away into an abstract masterpiece after they died.
But now as she watched [F/N]'s face appear inside her head, A faded blur of what it once was she understood perfectly now. The features on her face slipping away from her, Only the general splotches of colour and shape left now.
It was terrifying, But her meeting with Shinobu and Obanai seemed to make her shift. Pull her out from under the covers only slightly. The state of the room helped snap her out of her trance too. The rotten food, Piles of clothing and the gathering of dust.
It all helped, If only a little bit.
The promise Shinobu had given told her, The promise of revenge on the demon who did this. It was the one thing that got her moving, The last working cog. Vengeance, She desired it so bad her chest started to throb.
Mitsuri felt a small tear roll down her cheek, Letting it mix in with the bathwater. Even if she was able to get out of her bed, Pull herself and try to wash away the stains. How could she go on now, How could she get vengeance for her?
She could wash off the dirt all she wanted, Scrub and scrub until your skin is spotless but the filth she felt stayed on her like a cancer. How could she ever go on? [F/N], The person she grew up with, The person who stayed with her through thick and thin and the person who loved her despite all of her flaws.
It was hard enough when Rengoku died, Her master who she looked up to like a big brother and taught her everything he knew. When the crow delivered the news she was distraught, But then she at least had [F/N] there to hold her hand, Pull her into a hug and tell her everything would be fine.
But now [F/N] was gone there was no one to do that for her. Comfort her and tell her everything would be fine, Because the truth is it wasn't. Everyone around her that she loved and cared for were dying left and right and soon enough there would be no one left.
[F/N].. Mitsuri could lose everything in the world. She could lose her job, Her friends and her limbs. Even then she could smile and say it was okay, But [F/N].. She just couldn't lose her, Anyone but her.
Mitsuri can't go on, She just can't.
"I want you to know I did it I did on my on voilition. I chose this, You have nothing to feel bad over."
"How could I not feel bad over you, [F/N]?" Mitsuri whispered, Running her fingers through the strands. "You're my best friend.. My first friend. We were suppose to do this together yet I let you down.. I-I deserve this.."
"You deserved a better friend than me."
"That's not true.. You're the one who deserved a better friend.. I was stupid and did nothing at all to help you at all, I did this to you.. How could you say I deserved better..?" Mitsuri mumbled.
"The truth is its you. You were the only thing that made me feel like I had a family, Like I had my childhood, Like I was a normal person for once in my stupid little life. I adore you, Tsuri. I really do."
Mitsuri's tears started to pick up.
"I-It's funny.. You were always able to see the good in others, Even if they were horrible and mean-spirited you were able to find their worth. In everyone.. Everyone except yourself.." Mitsuri sniffled.
"I'm living a lie, Everyday I go to work as someone I'm not because of myself. It's pathetic. There isn't any meaning, I'm sorry for saying this but as these are my last words I feel like it's necessary."
"D-Don't ever say that about yourself.. Don't apologise.. Y-You have nothing to be sorry for. Just because you were someone else doesn't mean your true self has no value.. I-It's not pathetic.. Never say it is.." Mitsuri felt the oncoming tears flow out of her slowly.
The voices stayed silent for a moment. Mitsuri watched the ripples in the water as her vision blurred up.
"I love you, And I wish I said it sooner"
Mitsuri sunk just a little further into the water, She tilted her head up towards the ceiling. Staring far-off somewhere else. The cherry lotus incense still burned bright as ever, Smoke dancing in the air.
"Me too.."
The ticking of a clock, An earworm that wouldn't stop ticking. Over and over, It repeated without any sign of stop.
There was no clock within the room however, The sound a hallucination to accompany the beads of sweat building up in the humidity of her palms. Ones that rested uncomfortably on her knees as [F/N] sat on the tatami mat.
The dining room, It had barely changed from the real one. Ignoring the dust and cobwebs scattered here and there things like cabinets filled with old china, Several talisman statues and empty incense platters were still lying about.
All of this of course was settled within the long layout of the room supported only by rickety wood support beams. [F/N] bit her tongue, The high ceilings and wide structure made her feel small within the confines.
She couldn't help but scan her eyes left from right, Trying to spot any sign of Kokushibo.
[F/N] had been sitting here for over fifteen minutes now just waiting for him to arrive. She had no idea how he would know she was here and waiting, How he predicted when she would be awake but figured he had some sort of way. However disturbing that way might be..
She rubbed the back of her neck, Trying to massage the ache out of it. [F/N] barely could recognise that same familiar sensation of eyes watching her, It only registering in her mind once she felt the cold breath hit her neck.
[F/N] froze, Body stilling like a lake.
"Good.. You are here." Kokushibo mumbled, Only a foot behind her as his eyes dug into her skin. His stare, It felt like it reached deep into her soul and was looking straight at her very being. Scrutinizing her, Judging her every inch.
[F/N] quickly exhaled, A shaky breath escaping her. She didn't dare to turn around, Gathering her bearings as she spoke.
"What do you want." [F/N] asked, Eyes dead set on the wall opposite of her. She didn't even need to turn around to feel his frown etched deep onto his face.
"When you speak to me.. I expect you to show some respect in your tone.." Kokushibo said. His voice was stoic and unwavering yet held such weight to it that [F/N] couldn't help but swallow down her nerves.
When she didn't make the move to speak, Kokushibo took the chance for her.
He placed down something in front of her with a clank, One that was so quiet yet sounded like sirens within the silence of the dining room.
It snapped [F/N] out of her nervous stupor and brought her eyes down to the object in front of her, Revealing it to be a cooked and cut unagi and rice. Grilled river eel that seemed to be sprinkled with chopped leek and black pepper.
[F/N] stared down at it, Seemingly surprised at what it turned out to be as Kokushibo sat down at the other end of the table.
She looked up at him. Even though he was sitting down on his knees, Hands on his shins he still stood towering over her. The darkness of the room cast a deep shadow over his face, One that was staring right back at her, Not saying a word.
They stayed like that for a few moments. [F/N] couldn't help but feel the growing sense of awkwardness under all the tension as she looked over at him. It was quiet, Unsettlingly so.
Compared to how he acted earlier, This was more.. Hands off than before.
When she had first awoken in her caricature of a bedroom he had been there, Watching her from within the murkiness. Once she raised herself from the bed he hadn't taken any time on approaching her, Grabbing her by the cheek and trying to display some kind of faux affection.
It sent shivers down her spine just thinking about it. He had gotten so close like it was a regular occurrence. He didn't want to let go either, Keeping her in place backed up into the corner in fear. He had absolutely no qualms about invading her space.
Though it must of changed once she had gotten out of there, Ran away down the shrine hallways and came face to face with the void outside. Maybe it was what she said to him or the fact that she had tried running away.
"Tire yourself out all you want.. Run as long and as far as you like but you will never be able to leave me.. Not again. When you come back.. Do not expect to be treated with such affection that I have offered you thus far.. Not until you stop with this stupid rebellious phase of yours.."
[F/N] supposed he had kept to his word. He wouldn't be treating her with any kind of 'warmth' or 'affection' as he so put it, Not until she stopped her 'stupid little rebellious phase.'
Her lip quirked. The way he phrased it sounded so wrong. So infantilizing like she was just a rowdy teenager with a lack of basic manners when in truth she was a wounded hostage, Desperately aching for escape, Salvation.
[F/N] hated him, The way he looked and the deepness of his voice. She hated it all. She feared him too, Right now she was helpless. Without the mask or her sword she was useless, Completely at his mercy.
The dressing around her mid-section was the reminder of that, He could kill her anytime he wanted and the fact that he didn't pissed her off.
Somehow, someway. [F/N] needed to find a way out of here, Away from this nightmare, Away from her captor.
"[F/N].. Eat.. I took time in preparing you that meal.. And I expect you to accept and consume it gratefully.." Kokushibo rumbled. His voice sharp and cold like the edge of his sword, Like he was pointing it right at her, Ordering her to do as he says.
[F/N]'s lip thinned before nodding slowly.
"Use your words.." Kokushibo interrupted, Not accepting her non-verbal communication. [F/N] itched, The words seemingly lost at the edges of thought before she spoke.
"Yes.. Thank you.." [F/N] muttered, Eyes locked onto his middle pair as she waited for his response on baited breath.
Kokushibo stared back at her, A blank unfeeling gaze seeming to weigh her words on a scale. He didn't speak, Just hummed lightly.
"Acceptable.." Was all he said.
He continued looking upon her as [F/N] shakily picked up her pair of chopsticks. The thin wood hovering over the unagi, Trying to determine whether the meat was laced or not.
[F/N] gulped. Was she willing to take the risk?
"What..? It's perfectly good eel, I should know.. I caught it myself." Kokushibo asked lightly. His head cocked to the side, Eyes unblinking as he stared her down. "..Why aren't you eating..?"
[F/N] bit her lip, Thoughts scrambling to find a good reason to present to him.
"I-It's just.. The bowl of soba earlier was enough.. It.. It kind of made me lose my appetite is all.." [F/N] said. It was a lie, The bowl of soba that came along with the note wasn't even touched. She didn't feel hungry, She hadn't for a while now.
Kokushibo's eyes narrowed.
"Impossible.. You have been asleep for weeks, One single bowl of soba is not enough.. You must eat.." Kokushibo argued, An accusatory tone lacing him like a prosecutor as he examined her form.
[F/N] gulped. Weeks. Right, Apparently she had been asleep for weeks? It didn't quite register inside her mind, Her sense of time seemed muddled. Minutes and hours mixed together and became one, Measurement wasn't reliable.
[F/N] exhaled.
"R-Right.." She mumbled. The pair of chopsticks still shaking in her hands she slowly lowered them down towards the unagi. Kokushibo watched as she picked up a piece of eel in-between the sticks before raising it towards her mouth.
Nerves irrationally racing under his gaze, [F/N] parted her lips and placed the eel in her mouth as she stared back at him.
She chewed, A sudden sweet taste started to flood onto her tongue as she did. It was soft, Similar to squid in its texture and was unlike her expectation of a bitter, salty and greasy taste.
"..How is it?" Kokushibo asked.
[F/N] swallowed the chunk in her mouth.
"Good.." She answered and this time it wasn't a lie. It did taste good, It was perfectly cooked and seasoned, Made with care and wasn't laced, At least she thinks so anyways. It was good, But it didn't take away the way it felt strange in her mouth. Not from the taste or personal preference but instead in the way you'd try to eat more on a full stomach.
Kokushibo nodded.
"Continue then.." He said, And [F/N] complied under his command. She continued to eat the unagi however awkwardly it felt, Trying her best to focus on the bowl instead of his face. It was quiet, Neither [F/N] or Kokushibo spoke.
"..How was your sleep?" Kokushibo questioned, Breaking the silence between them.
[F/N] looked up at him, The grasp on her chopsticks grew slightly tighter at his attempt to start a conversation. For whatever reason he wasn't going directly in with the questions, It unsettled her stomach and quite frankly annoyed her.
"Fine.. Could of been better.." [F/N] grumbled, Alluding to the bloody dressing and the room walls surrounding her. She said it with a sarcastic tone and a bead of cold sweat running down her brow as she took another bite of the eel.
Kokushibo paused.
[F/N] kept her eyes down, Hoping she didn't go too far.
"You are still opposed to your new living arrangements.. I suppose.. It's understandable. This is a big change for you.." Kokushibo drawled. [F/N] felt another spike in her annoyance, It was that same infantilizing tone.
[F/N] decided to push her limits.
"Why am I here? Like.. H-How is this place even here.. I want you to give me the truth.." She asked, Raising her head up to meet his and lowering down her chopsticks. Her brows were furrowed.
Even though he had "explained" some of it earlier [F/N] had rejected it entirely. She wanted a truthful answer not hidden behind delusion or manipulation.
Kokushibo was quiet for a moment.
"I have told you over and over.. What I say isn't false nor do I intend to trick you.. What do I need to do to convince you of that?" Kokushibo's voice stated to grow colder, It started to sound irritated at her denial. It seemed like [F/N] was near the limits she could push with him.
"You are my younger sister.. I am your older brother. You are here because I want you to be.. This place is your new home now.. You will not be leaving anytime soon so I suggest you start to accept that.." Kokushibo said in a near deriding tone, Making sure to annunciate every word as clear as day to her.
[F/N] shook her head, She opened her mouth ready to speak but was cut off by Kokushibo's own speech.
"I suppose you already know why you're here.. Except for trying to spend some time with my little sister.. Which you ungratefully don't want to do.. It is also because I have questions of my own.. So.. Here is how this is going to go.." Kokushibo started.
"I will ask a question.. And you must answer truthfully. After you have answered.. You may also ask a question of your own.. And I will answer honestly in return.. We will take turns asking until we are both satisfied." Kokushibo suggested.
[F/N] bit her lip. The proposition he had offered to her was appealing to say the least. She would be able to get her answers while he would be able to get his, What kind of questions he had she had no idea.
It didn't matter though. [F/N] wanted to give in to the temptation, Whatever he could ask her couldn't hurt. She'd get her answers and have some kind of basis on this place.
[F/N] nodded.
The strong smell of chemicals singed at the tip of her nose, It was the only thing she could sense with her entire sight being a dark nothing. She couldn't hear anything either, Nothing except from a high-pitched ringing that is.
The girl groaned, She writhed around tossing back and forth. It felt like every inch of her was in pain, All of her nerves flared up like bottle rockets and exploding in agony. It was barely bearable.
Where was she?
She had no idea. All of her senses were muddled by the pain in her body, It was hard to tell. A metallic bitterness in her mouth, It was really the only thing that she could taste and the only little thing she could sense.
What even happened, Why was she in so much pain? Everything was in pieces, Parts of her mind scrambled into thousands. It felt like something was just out of her grasp, A lost memory, Something she felt was.. Important.
She stretched out a hand, Reaching out into the abyss. Her fingers tried to grab down on something, Anything that she could touch within the shadows.
As her arm extended forward she could feel a sort of.. Light.
It was hard to explain to her, It wasn't visible nor was she sure it was really there. It was strange like a ghostly apparition reaching back out to her, Their spectral hand grazing the tips of her fingers with a cold touch, Sending shivers down the girls spine.
The girl reached out further, A sudden determination to fight through the agony as she tried to grasp the phantom hand.
Tears prickled at her eyes, The pain was excruciating but she fought through it anyways. The palms of her hands starting to graze the hands of the apparition.
The girl grappled onto them, The freezing touch of their grasp embraced hers like a mother holding their child's hand. It was comforting, Even though it chilled her to the bone it was nice, One that felt familiar.
The hand moved, Bringing the girl forward. The pain had completely dissipated now as she was guided upwards, Gently brought forth into the void.
Though as she felt herself rising upwards the darkness enveloping her started to shift too, The shadow parting for her as she went. A new light started to become visible, One independent from the hand as it started to shine.
The girls lips parted, She felt air rushing into her lungs and escaping out through her mouth. Was she not breathing before? The rhythm of her heart started to beat as the light started to grow larger and larger.
It was so blinding that she had to close her eyes. A sudden resonance echoed from within her mind, Lost memories starting to rise.
The girls obsidian eyes opened wide, The light fading out into the clarity of a room. A sharp gasp came from her, Hands gripping the bedsheets she lay on.
She remembered now.
[F/N]'s brows knitted together, Her lip bit as she waited on baited breath for his question. The tension built up seemed near visible in the air, Almost suffocating so within the darkness of the room.
Kokushibo sighed, Stoic in face, Completely blank making it near impossible to tell what he was thinking. It was uncomfortable to say the least, [F/N] squirmed around under his gaze.
Though she quickly stilled, Keeping her composure. This was her time to get answers. She couldn't falter here, Not now. She needed to stand her ground, Raise her shoulders and look him straight in the eyes, No matter how herculean of a task staring at them was.
"So.. For my first question.. I'll start easy.. " Kokushibo started, Silence broken as his voice echoed lightly in the room.
"..What is your full name?"
[F/N]'s mouth turned into a frown. A rather anti-climactic question from what she was expecting, Though to be fair she didn't know what she was expecting. [F/N]'s shoulders drop only slightly.
"[F/N] Fujimori." She answered quickly.
Kokushibo stayed silent once more. A bead of sweat rolled down [F/N]'s brow, Though she tried not to show it from her hardened expression. What was he thinking..?
"Alright then.. As per our rules you may now ask me a question.. And I will answer honestly." Kokushibo said, Nodding slightly to urge her on.
A question. It was her time to ask.. But what? Where should she start, Which one out of a thousand should she ask? She could only ask one but that was nowhere near enough.
Another bead of sweat dripped down her side.
[F/N] bit her lip. Start easy. Take a deep breath, You'll be fine.
"Okay.. Where am I.. What is this place?" The first question that came to mind. [F/N] steadied her breathing, Good. It was probably one of the better questions she could of asked. She should get a basis of where she is first, Use it as the foundation to base her next few questions off of.
Kokushibo hummed lowly.
"You are in a replica of your shrine.. I ordered this place to be built a few centuries ago after your.. Accident.." Kokushibo paused. "Though it is not exact.. You may have noticed a few modifications.. They are rather recent and have been made for your comfort here.."
Comfort? Like hell this place could be of any comfort to her. It was a mockery of her home, Her sanctuary. Whatever modifications he could have made would never be able to provide any kind of solace to her.
But it was another part of his sentence that drew her attention.
"Accident?" [F/N] queried, Curiosity building on her tongue.
"It is my turn to ask questions.." Kokushibo cut in, Sharp tone cutting through her with a drop in temperature fastly following it.
[F/N] froze, But nodded along quickly not wanting to push her limits any further.
"Second question.." He started "When I found you once more.. You were injured by me in the rubble of your shrine. You appeared as a man, A Hashira.. Not just any but the one who killed a thousand of my kind.. So my question is to you, Why are you a slayer.. How did you do it..?"
Kokushibo's voice was calm yet [F/N] could sense a new undercurrent of bafflement mixed with.. Disdain. It was confusement, One of the only feelings he had shown throughout their conversation.
And if [F/N] was being honest, She shared the sentiment.
"Well.. I.." [F/N] stuttered. Answer honestly, Those were the rules of the game. But [F/N] barely knew what the truth was.
"..I became a slayer because I.. Because.. My friend was going to become a slayer and I just came along for the ride.. How I killed a thousand, I didn't really intend on doing so.. It just kind of happened.. " It was the truth, [F/N] didn't lie when she answered. But it wasn't exactly the full truth either.
Kokushibo's eyes narrowed.
"You became a slayer because.. You followed a friend?" Kokushibo asked. The disdain in his voice more prominent now as he stared her down. [F/N] swallowed.
"My turn." She answered, Expression turning to stone.
Kokushibo's nose twitched.
"Touché.." Was all he said.
"About the accident you mentioned.. What are you referring to?" [F/N] asked. Accident, The way he said it earlier was like the word was stuck on his tongue. [F/N] could tell it was hard subject, Both from the way he said it and how his face seemed to fall once she asked it.
Kokushibo took a moment before responding.
"Your accident.. Yes. It was around five hundred years ago now in the Sengoku era.. It.. It's still fresh in my mind." Kokushibo's voice started to go down, Only in a single pitch as he spoke. Eyes wandering off somewhere else.
"A few months before it happened you had fallen ill.. A hereditary sickness passed down from our mother.. I had been searching months for a cure to no luck. I had came back to your shrine with.. A kind of cure per se but when I had arrived.. It was too late."
[F/N] listened on intently. This was manipulation, This just a lie. But.. Did he really need to create such a narrative? He had explained her falling ill, Going so far as to describe it as an illness from 'their' mother. Was he really going this far..?
"It wasn't the illness that killed you.. Instead it was a pair of slayers. When I had arrived it was in the middle of winter.. A blizzard had picked up and you had ran out into the snow to escape.. You were fatally wounded and by the time I found you.. You were dead, Curled up in the snow, Your body was already frozen over.." Kokushibo trailed off, His voice growing lower until it wasn't heard anymore.
Kokushibo looked up towards [F/N], Eyes looking upon her form. She was still, Unnaturally so.
Not a single muscle moved, Neither from [F/N] or the demon across the table from her. Her lips were parted, Eyes stuck dead open as she stared down at the table.
"I.. You.." She stuttered. Her voice was so quiet, Her jaw started to shake.
[F/N] looked up to him, Glazed over eyes staring at him with a horrified yet disbelieving expression. She stared as if he had three heads, Her head shook.
"A blizzard.. You said.. You said it was a blizzard?" [F/N] stammered. It sounded like she hadn't spoken in days, Like all water had been deprived from her throat. A blizzard, He said she died in a blizzard.
Kokushibo's frown deepened, A grimace starting to play on his face. He didn't even care that she asked another question, The terrified visage she wore distracting him from that fact.
"..Why? Does that mean something to you..?" Kokushibo queried.
It did. It meant everything to her, Her dreams. The original visions that have been haunting her like spectres for months, The blizzard she had trudged through night after night only to collapse time and time again.
He told her it was the way his sister died. She was killed off by a couple of slayers, One's that fatally wounded. It matched up to the unbearable pain in her chest whenever she was there, The way she felt so frantic in escape. It matched but.. How?
These dreams she barely told to anyone, While she had admitted she suffered from night terrors what happened in them wasn't explained to anyone. No one he would have in contact with should know about her nightmares.
But somehow he knew, It was exactly like how he described.
"Answer me.. And consider it my next question." Kokushibo broke her chain of thought, Yet she could barely hear his annoyed voice from the cold sweat building up on her palm.
A voice she hadn't heard in a good long while cried out inside her mind. It was her.. Her double. The start of deviation in her visions, She had came to her with a warning. One she couldn't decipher.
Neurons connected. The end of her dreams, When she had fallen into the snow and curled up into a ball she looked up. And every time she'd see a man rush towards her, Clothed in a lavender nagagi kimono and hakama trousers..
[F/N]'s bottom lip shook, She tried to verbalize her thoughts. Put them into words yet it seemed so difficult from under the weight of her raging mind.
This.. This couldn't be what she thought it meant. It couldn't. It can't..
Kokushibo's expression was unreadable, It wasn't like the annoyance before but instead it was like ice. He was stone, Whatever he was thinking didn't show. And it scared her even more.
"Explain. Now." He said just like his expression, Levelled and untraceable.
[F/N] tried to steady her breathing. A little voice in her head spoke out. Don't falter, Ask further.
"I.. I.." [F/N] stuttered, Setting her hands down onto the table and trying to organise her words. She swallowed back a lump in her throat, Making way for her explanation.
"I.. F-For a few months I've been having.. Nightmares." [F/N] started, Slowly pronouncing her words as if to test them on her tongue.
"Nightmares..?" Kokushibo mulled. He didn't make a change in his expression, Nor did his glare stray from her for a second.
[F/N] nodded.
"Y-Yes.. I've been having night terrors for a while now and in these nightmares.. I wake up in a blizzard." She confirmed.
Kokushibo's stare was blank, His eyes near draining the life out of her as his lips parted slightly.
"What occurs while you are having them?" He asks, But [F/N] only shook her head.
"..Isn't it my turn to ask a que-"
"Forget the questions." Kokushibo interrupted. "Tell me what happens.."
[F/N] froze. His sudden aura of authority was something she could feel in her bones. She was never one to obey any kind of Jurisdiction or higher human power, It wasn't in her nature or her nurture to do so.
But a natural instinct burst up inside her from the new atmosphere surrounding him, One that made her want to answer in fear of the consequences.
"I.. E-Every time I fall asleep I wake up in a blizzard.. I'm in the middle of a forest.. There's this pain in my back.. I.. I'm trying to get out of there but every time I get far I collapse into the snow.." [F/N] explained, Repeated almost exactly what he described back to him.
She decided against telling him the last part after seeing his expression.
Kokushibo at this point had a hand resting on his chin, A nail dug onto the pale moonlight shade of his flesh while another pulled gingerly at his lip. He wasn't readable before, But now [F/N] could feel a sense of.. Elation.
She noticed his face start to turn only slightly. The corners of his mouth starting to tug up subconsciously into a small smile.
It was disturbing, It looked so unnatural on his face like it was a cheap replica of an honest smile. But [F/N] could tell this was genuine enough, All from the way his arachnid eyes gleamed. Though despite the light in his eyes he radiated a darker aura. Something she recognised from the time he had sliced her abdomen.
[F/N] shuddered. He was happy.
"I see.. So you do remember something.." Kokushibo muttered. His eyes were off in thought, His grin was so small yet contained such a feeling of obsessive glee. It sickened her, It made her want to puke.
[F/N] tried to shuffle away slightly on the tatami mat she was sitting on, The bowl of unagi went abandoned as she felt her instincts kick up again.
This was impossible, This entire situation felt so wrong. When at any point in her life did she think she would be here? Staring down the unhinged monster opposite from her while he tried to convince her of blood relation. Through her dreams, No less.
"I-It's only a vision. It.. It means nothing." [F/N] blurted out. A thought that ran through her mind and one that she didn't mean to articulate out loud. Also one that she regretted immediately.
Kokushibo didn't seem wavered at all, His claw just continued pulling at his lip.
"No, No. Even if it is just subconciously.. There is still a part of you that remembers.. This.. This is great." He said just a little louder this time, Exasperated and maybe even a tiny bit excited.
If [F/N] thought his visage couldn't get any more hideous then she was proven very wrong. The way his smile stretched wider to reveal his canines, The way his cheeks made way for it and the way all six of his eyes sparkled under the pale light.
It was horrifying.
She barely registered him getting up from his knees, Standing at his full height within the shadow-infested room. He stalked over, One foot in front of the other barely made any sound as slowly made his way towards her.
[F/N] was only snapped out of her trance one he was now looming over her crouched form. She gasped, Shocked at the sudden closing of distance between them. She tried to move her body away, Try to gain some space but she felt fixed to the floorboards, Body unable to move.
Kokushibo went down onto a single knee, He hunched over with his middle eyes meeting her own in a locked stare down.
He seemed to examine her just for a moment, That smile smaller yet still stretched upon his face as he looked at her.
"..The chances of your dream matching up to my own tale is.. Improbable to say the least. You must agree that it's uncanny.. Do you agree, Little one?" He asked. It was almost as if he was taunting her as she tried desperately to think of an exit, Instincts on overdrive.
[F/N]'s jaw trembled. She was unable to pry her eyes away from his, Keeping her steady in place. She felt words grow on the tip of her tongue, Ready to spill.
"E-Even if what you're implying is right.. If your story has any truth to it.. Even if I am your sister.. Why did you kidnap me and take me here?" She squeaked, Shrill and high-pitched under the intense gaze of the Uppermoon.
It didn't make sense to her at all. It was one of the question she had been wanting to ask for a while now, His story didn't add up. Between both the ruthless nature of demons and their lack of sentimental attachment it just didn't make sense.
If she was his sister then that wouldn't constitute kidnapping her, It wouldn't change the fact that he should of killed her. Why he was so insistent on keeping her here, Why he had such an insane demeanour to him eluded her.
Kokushibo let out a breath of air, A shine in his eyes that could of been mistaken for fondness gleamed bright.
And his teeth glowed even lighter under the pale luminescence.
"Because.. Kidnapping you was a necessary evil.. The outside world is dangerous for someone like you.. If I let you out the chance of you getting injured or killed grows too high for my liking.. You need to stay here where it's safe, You need to stay here with me.." Kokushibo started.
[F/N] had no idea what to say, There was nothing to say. What words could she ever use to explain the overwhelming feelings rushing around inside her. Fear.. Anger.. Confusion and Hopelessness.
None of those words portray how she really felt. How much it felt like her heart was going to explode or how badly she wanted to run away.
"I'm your big brother, It's my job to protect you.. That's why you're here with me. I can't let you go back to those pathetic little slayers.. They are the reason I lost you for so long in the first place.."
He continued his rambling, Spoke about her colleagues and comrades with such acidity. The expression on his face was growing even more deluded and unhinged by every syllable spoken. [F/N] couldn't understand a single word, All mixing into a hazy mess.
"Besides.. If you just accept your new living situation then I'm sure you'll grow accustomed well enough.. If you would just stop with your little tantrum then you'll be much happier.. I can assure you of tha-"
Kokushibo paused mid-sentence
[F/N] watched in confusion as his smile fell and his face reverted back into his usual cold and serious expression in an instance.
He got up from the ground and tilted his head up towards the roof of the room, Seemingly engrossed in something [F/N] couldn't make out.
"Muzan-sama.." Kokushibo spoke lowly, His voice was filled with cordiality and stoicism similar to how a knight would speak to a king.
[F/N]'s eyebrows raised, Her lips pressed tightly together careful not to make a sound. Was he.. Was he speaking to Kibutsuji? The demon king, The progenitor of all demons and the bastard who had ordered her to be killed?
That's.. Not good.
[F/N] didn't speak a word though, It looked like they had some sort of telepathic link. Her sweat dropped more than it already doing, One after the other things got more and more insane. How much more can she handle?
The silence was louder than any sound, It felt suffocating yet she didn't dare to break it for a second. She didn't think she'd be intimidated by the progenitor, The passage of his name back at the corps meant nothing to her but now?
[F/N] was alarmed, On edge. Her fate was juggled in the hands of demons and death would be the better option in this scenario. She needed to wait on baited breath and see what the verdict was.
Kokushibo stood there, Nodding once or twice without ever saying a word. However whatever conversation they were having seemed important, She could tell by the sharpening of his eyes and the way his shoulders stiffened.
Was he going to tell him about her? What were they talking about? It was impossible to tell.
"Yes.. I will head over now." Kokushibo said at last. It was the final thing he said, A small nod before all movements went still.
They stood there, It was dead quiet.
Kokushibo looked down at her, That same cold expression on his face as he looked back at her.
"..I have been ordered to leave.. While I am gone I expect you to behave.. Do not try and run lest you wish to waste your energy.. Think over what we discussed here today and then maybe you'll start to see reason.."
That was all that he said to her. Kokushibo didn't wait for her answer before vanishing into thin air, Gone in an instant.
[F/N] exhaled, A breath she didn't know she was holding was released into the now empty room. It was colder now, The silence returned once again to invade every corner of the walls confines.
She came in for answers yet came out with more questions than she expected or wanted, The entire ordeal rewinding in her mind like a cassette.
This couldn't be real, She just wouldn't accept it.
[F/N]'s feet dragged behind her out of the room, She didn't bother sliding the door shut. Too enraptured with the thoughts of her own mind to care.
She trudged down the hallways, Her head felt like a hurricane right now. Swirling and rushing around at high speeds, Thoughts coming in and out even faster. [F/N] felt like a weight was dropped in her chest, Doing the best of her ability to breathe in and out and not collapse onto the wall.
What were the chances that her dreams and his story matched up? It was impossible, He had described the exact sequence of events that occurred and had linked it to his sister's death.
[F/N] couldn't be related to him, She couldn't be related to Uppermoon one, A centuries old demon who has most definetly killed thousands at this point. But.. The coincidence was too big to be considered one.
She was conflicted to say the least, It felt like her brain and her heart were at war with each other. Her brain was telling her that there was no way that this could be possible, There was no feasible way.
Her heart on the other hand said otherwise, It told her that he was telling the truth. That there was some semblance of honesty to what he was saying yet it also told her that she should run. It resonated in her like nothing else.
It's words reminded her of that dream, Her double's warnings screaming into her ear like an air-raid siren. Crying and wailing out into the storm.
Her double spoke as if they were one, Which they technically were but it felt different. It felt as if they were really the same person, Not split into two but just one single person.
[F/N] thought it was a prophetic dream from Inari, A warning about the shrine's future attack and to be prepared. At the time it felt like the most rational meaning. But now she didn't think that was the case anymore, It wasn't about the shrine at all.
It was about Kokushibo.
Her double spoke as she knew him all too well, She was scared of him. She told her he wasn't the same, Could that be referring to him being a demon? Maybe, [F/N] wasn't sure.
Or could it be referring to his behaviour. Back when he was towering over her, Leaning down to her level she could see the primal feeling behind his eyes, Like a feral animal. Not unlike a rabid wolf, It was a look she hadn't seen in anyone.
He was so sure that she was his little sister, And at this point? [F/N] had no idea what to think.
Everything was so complicated, It was all happening in such a short period of time that she just couldn't wrap her head around it. [F/N] didn't even want to think about it anymore, It made her head throb and even though she had only been up for an hour or two she just wanted to go to bed again.
[F/N] kept walking through the hallways, She had decided that it was exactly what she was going to do. She needed to sleep on it, Come back tomorrow and figure things out on a clean slate.
[F/N] raised her head from the ground. The old floorboards made a loud noise up ahead from behind the corner. [F/N] could tell it was from the lowering of a foot, Heavy and firm.
She groaned. Kokushibo was back already? That was quick. She didn't want to put up with him again, She just wanted sleep. One that actually made her feel like she was refreshed and rested once she woke.
Sighing, She called out to him.
"..I don't want to continue talking, I'm tired and-"
[F/N]'s speech was cut off, Her pace freezing like water in a single instant as she stared the man down.
That.. That isn't Kokushibo.
The man that turned the corner didn't look like him at all. Instead it was a young man of average height. He had a salmon shaded short-cut for hair and his skin was so pale that it was near sheet white, The only breaks from the artic colour were the thick navy blue streaks wrapping around his entire body.
His eyes widened at the sight of her, They were golden with his sclera like broken glass. It seemed he didn't expect her either.
[F/N] inhaled sharply. The kanji in his eyes catching her off guard. This is a demon, Not just any.. But Uppermoon three.
He opened his mouth to speak, Vampiric fangs glistening in the turquoise light.
"You.. What are you doing here?"
The evening sun was lowering down on the horizon, The sky painted with hues of red, orange and purple made it look like a masterfully painted watercolour canvas. It was beautiful, Along with the cool breeze brushing into the valley it made a perfect landscape.
The butterfly mansion sat as tall as ever. Several Kakushi and slayers walked in and out about the building, They were sparse in numbers.
Most of the injured from a few weeks ago were already healed back to full health and were sent on their way. The ones that remained still lain on their hospital bed, Being treated by the residents here.
Shinobu wiped her brow, Beads of sweat brushing off onto the side of her wrist as she knelt down in front of the garden patch. Cabbage and turnip halfway grown within the fertile soil. She was currently picking weeds out from the stone lining around the vegetable patch, Gloves clad on her hands as she plucked another out.
Shinobu felt the cold breeze brush against her skin and flow through her hair. She inhaled, Taking it all in. It truly was a beautiful evening, It felt serene. Tranquil in the warm rays of the setting sun.
She listened to the birds chirp and the grasshoppers sing from the bushes. An amaranthine setting. So peaceful that she could pick up the soft footsteps approaching her from behind.
They were slow and Shinobu could hear them stop a metre or two away from her, She didn't need to look up from her work to know who it was.
Shinobu smiled quietly as she pulled out another weed.
"Mitsuri-chan.. It's nice to see you outside." Was all she said to her, Focused on her work.
Mitsuri stood a fair bit away from Shinobu. She was dressed in a white kimono decorated with vivid burst of colour, Blues and pinks morphing into a floral pattern. Both it and her dripping watermelon hair gently wove back and forth in the wind.
Mitsuri didn't smile, Only looked down at her sandals.
"Shinobu-chan.. I.. Are you busy? I can come back later if you are.." Mitsuri asked, Her voice was as quiet as the breeze around them as she fiddled with her fingers.
Shinobu shook her head and stood up from her crouching position.
"No, No! Just doing a bit of gardening is all.." She said, Turning around to meet Mitsuri with that same smile she always did.
Mitsuri looked better than she was last time Shinobu saw her. Her hair wasn't plagued by grease and her kimono looked fresh and recently washed. Though Shinobu could pick out a few outliers like the bags under her eyes and the way her braids weren't as carefully done as they usually were.
But overall, It was a good change.
"If you came here to apologise, It's fine." Shinobu spoke. Though her smile was taught her tone was genuine. Mitsuri shook her head.
"No.. No it's not. I said some really nasty things that I shouldn't of said. I'm really sorry Shinobu-chan, I-I hope you're doing fine.." Mitsuri sighed. She couldn't bring her eyes to meet Shinobu's, Too ashamed to see her face.
"Really, It's quite alright. You weren't thinking straight, I understand that.. And if it's any consolation I didn't take anything to heart." Shinobu assured, Taking a few steps towards the other girl.
Mitsuri didn't answer, Neither did she look up from the ground in shame.
Shinobu took a few more steps forward until they were only three feet apart, Approaching slowly her smile started to slightly decrease.
"Mitsuri-chan. [F/N] wouldn't of wanted you to be like this, I know this because it was in her last words.. I know it's hard but you need to stop blaming yourself." Shinobu assured, Her voice grew to a gentle whisper as she approached the other girl.
Mitsuri's expression didn't change.
"I-It was my fault though. And entirely mine.. I'm sorry about that by the way.. But the thing is if I had just tried a little harder or recognised the signs sooner I could of prevented this.. I could of done something.." Mitsuri lamented, A dull sorrow in her voice as she looked up at Shinobu.
"No, You couldn't of. Things like these are hard to recognise.. Some people can appear so happy and carefree but we never know what's going on down below. You couldn't of known.. I promise." Shinobu reassured her, Her hand reached out and grabbed Mitsuri's shoulder in a comforting manner.
Mitsuri's frown started to shake.
"N-No.. Shinobu. I could of, I did. I knew it was there yet I did nothing.. And now I need to live with what I've done.. What I could of done to stop her." Mitsuri whispered, Tears starting to prickle at her eyes.
Shinobu looked back into her shamrock eyes, Her glazed over violet a comfort to the girl.
"She really meant that much to you, Didn't she?" Shinobu asked lowly.
Mitsuri sniffled.
"She's half of my soul, As the poets may say." She replied.
Shinobu smiled.
"That's a quote from a book, Isn't it?" She asked, A lighter tone playing on her words.
Mitsuri's frown tried it's best to turn back into a smile.
"You've read that one too..?" She asked her.
"Of course, It's a romantic tragedy. One of my favourite genres.. I'm guessing it's one of yours too then." Shinobu questioned in turn. Mitsuri nodded.
"Yeah.. I was always into those kinds of romance books when I was younger and I don't know why but.. That quote kind of stayed with me, You know..? I always thought when I grew up that I'd find the person who I could say that about" Mitsuri's smile lowered.
"..I guess I just didn't realise I had her until she was gone.." She mumbled.
Shinobu rubbed Mitsuri's shoulder, A comforting action to try and soothe her nerves.
"I know.. I.. I'll miss [F/N] too. She really was one of a kind.. One day we'll avenge her though, We'll find the demon alright? We'll make sure her death meant something.." Shinobu admitted lowly, The smile on her face now gone as she looked down downwards her shoes.
Mitsuri thought over her words, Considering every vowel and consonant. All before bringing Shinobu into an awkward hug.
It was one that made Shinobu flinch on touch, But her figure relaxed before returning the gesture, Arms wrapping around Mitsuri's back.
"Alright.. We'll find them. We'll get revenge.." Mitsuri confirmed.
Shinobu was unable to see her face but she could feel the patter of tears fall onto her haori. Shinobu nodded, Staying silent.
They stayed like that for a good few seconds, Before a voice called out to them both.
"Lady Kanroji, Lady Kocho!" The voice yelled out.
They instantly retreated back into their previous positions away from each other. Shinobu recognised the voice as Aoi, One of the staff working at the estate.
She stood wide within the doorframe of the main entrance, Her face was alarmed as she looked at the both of them.
Shinobu and Mitsuri shared a look before running over to Aoi, Stumbling to a halt in front of her.
"Kanzaki-san, Is everything alright?" Shinobu asked, Her personality switched back into it's usual exercised type. A serious expression lain on her face as she looked at her staff.
A bead of sweat rolled down Aoi's forehead. She took a deep breath in, Unable to find the words.
"I shouldn't explain it, I think it's better if you hear it yourself.. Lady Kanroji, You especially." Aoi said. She took no time in turning around and speed walking down the hallway, Head motioning the two to follow her down the passage.
The two followed along with her down the butterfly mansions hallways, Their footsteps echoing out as it hit against the polished wood. Pristine white walls and mahogany doors passed them by as they went, But they were focused on following the girl in front of them.
Shinobu wondered what could've gotten into Aoi for her to act like this, All while Mitsuri was confused on why her especially needed to be there.
It wasn't long until they reached a certain door at the end of a hallway, It was cracked open only slightly letting the light from inside the room flood into the passage.
Aoi didn't hesitate to push the door open and step inside. Mitsuri and Shinobu following after as the room came into view.
It was a single bedroom, One usually used to care for patients in critical condition. It was decorated with a single bed in the middle, Two nightstands at the side and a closet. The source of light being a tall window to the side of the bedding, Letting a single warm ray shine down onto the patient on the bed.
Laying down under the covers was a small girl. She was wrapped in bandages and her unruly blonde hair was a mess, She looked tired when her dark eyes peered up to meet the three who just entered the room.
"H.. Hey.." She stuttered out, Her throat hoarse.
A neuron connected in Shinobu's mind. She remembered who this was. Her name was Maika Heihachiro, She was one of the shrine-maidens at the Kakushi base. A few weeks ago she was found passed out under a bunch of rubble, Right next to where [F/N]'s pool of blood was.
She wasn't able to be questioned on what happened however. Maika had suffered several injuries including severe blood loss, A deep cut on her back and bad frostbite. She had to be put into a medically induced coma to let her body heal.
Though she had awoken now, Conscious and sound of mind by the looks of it.
Shinobu quickly brushed past Aoi and Mitsuri, Speed walking over to the girls smile. Façade brought back on.
"Hello there! Are you doing alright? You've been asleep for quite some time!" Shinobu exclaimed, Looking down at her with a sugar sweet smile.
"I.. I'm fine.." Maika coughed. Shinobu quickly reached over to the wooden nightstand beside her and grabbed the pitcher of water.
She handed to the girl who gratefully accepted the refreshment. Mitsuri moved over to the other side of the bed to look down at the girl. Her expression still hurt by her mourning but curiosity danced along her features anyways as she looked at her.
"Mitsuri-chan.. This is Heihachiro-chan! She was one of the shrine-maidens back at the Kakushi base" Shinobu started.
"I.. I see." Mitsuri responded solemnly.
"That's not all, But you were also there when Fujimori was killed and eaten, Yes?" Shinobu asked, Turning back around to face Maika with an expectant look on her face.
Mitsuri's eyes widened in shock, Surprise coursing through her bloodstream as she looked down at Maika with wide eyes. A sudden hope rising inside her, Circling in her chest.
Maika paused, Then shook her head.
Mitsuri's face fell, Her thou-
"T-That's not what happened..!" Maika exclaimed however instantly broke out into another coughing fit, Body spasming and her hand covering her mouth.
Mitsuri's brows knitted together, The words coming out of Maika didn't make sense. Not what happened.. What.. What does that mean.
Mitsuri came closer, Her hand reaching out going to grip Maika's free one with a reassuring hold. Mitsuri's fingers entwined with hers as she looked down on her.
"What do you mean..?" Mitsuri whispered. Eyes not taken off Maika for a second.
Maika's coughing fit died down, Her body laid peacefully on the bed.
"[F/N]-sama.. Fujimori-san.. T-They're the same person!" She explained.
Shinobu shook her head.
"Yes.. We're aware. But, Do you mind telling us what you mean by 'that's not what it happened'?" She asked softly.
Maika paused for a second, The sunlight from the window rested down on her face. Pale skin glowing in the luminescence as she spoke.
"[F/N]-sama.. She.. It's hard to remember, It's all fuzzy in my mind but.. She.. She wasn't eaten.." Maika explained, Eyes clenching shut. A headache forming in her frontal lobe as she spoke.
Both Mitsuri and Shinobu looked at each other. A shared stare that meant disbelief, Confusion and sheer bafflement. Maika didn't stop explaining as she squeezed Mitsuri's hand, Bringing her back into the conversation.
"What.. What do you mean [F/N] wasn't eaten?" Mitsuri asked, Levelling herself closer to Maika. Eyes wide as she looked at her, Confusion played all over her face.
"S-She wasn't eaten.. No.. S-She.. She was taken.. I.. The demon that tried to kill her just.. He just stopped.. Picked her up and.. and walked away.." Maika said. "It's all so fuzzy.. I.. I'm having a hard time remembering..
Mitsuri and Maika's eyes locked. Mitsuri looked at her, A sudden shine sparking up inside her like a lighter grew bright in her eyes. It was one she hadn't had in weeks, It was the glimmer of hope.
"I-It's fine.. But what.. What are you saying?" Mitsuri asked, Her voice was so small yet her face held such light to it.
"I-If I am right.. If I am remembering correctly.." Maika's eyes shared that same spark, That same light swirling around in her eyes.
"[F/N]-sama is alive."
Next Chapter
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b3achysurfer · 9 months
SBG POST!! (hxh moots please ignore this 😓)
** disclaimer: DO NOT SEND HATE TO ANYONE!!!! whether or not they agree with what I’m going to say, please don’t send hate to them. if anything I say comes off as harsh/rude, just know that’s not my intention.
deadass wasn’t gonna say anything because I genuinely don’t care, but some of my friends/supporters are getting hate and it’s starting to annoy me. also my name got dragged in so it’s free game now 😛 **
posting this on my main for reach, but my side blog for sbg is @b3achysurfur !!
Someone sent me a post that was talking about how the fandom thinks it’s okay to hate Logan for being a nerd but not anyone else for the tropes they’re based on. They also said that people have been “getting defensive about their right to hate a charater”. The person probably has me blocked and won’t see this but idrc bc they were talking about me (to some extent).
no one is getting defensive about their “right to hate a character”. from what I’ve seen (and posted) it was just people pointing out how silly it is to say “oh you can’t hate this character 😡”. that’s literally it lmao. that’s not being “defensive”, it’s just pointing out how stupid you guys sound. also, it applies to you too? you can hate/like whoever you want.
“i'd be stabbed 27 times and set on fire for saying anything remotely bad about aiden but logan gets away scot free bc he's a ‘nerd’ and ppl simply dislike him bc of his trope? the double standards are just odd, that's what i'm addressing.” Scot-free? No I didn’t “get away scot free”. I got sent death threats, sm1 attempted to dox me, my dms were full of hate, and there was post after post of people saying things about me (some of which came from people you associate yourself with op). It just looks like I “got away scot-free” because I’m not a little bitch and can deal with backlash for my opinions.
you guys created this environment where everyone has to like everything! everyone has to feel the same way about everything! and a lot of you have this mob mentality and just follow the crowd instead of having you’re own opinions. There is no “double standard”. You guys hate on anyone and everyone for their personal opinions.
“what's the difference between them and everyone else? i'm "allowed to hate" these characters, but if i posted my opinion on someone like aiden, who is a mostly beloved character by the fandom, i'd get Rattled.” Nothing! There’s no difference! Only problem is none of you have the balls to express your opinions out loud. Not that I blame you tho, from my experience the fandom is very agressive when you disagree with them. And by the way, I was never “allowed to hate” Logan. Can’t even count how many people made posts saying, “dni if you hate Logan/any of the main cast” lol. Which also confuses me op. You can’t really complain about it when you’re apart of the problem, no?
“and anyways i'm talking abt the fact that people are defending beachy for their opinions, the majority of us dislike them but it's still insane the difference” I know people hate me, idrc ab that. but the fact that you complained about not being able to dislike any of the main charaters than added that you (as well as most of sbg tumblr) don’t like me bc of my opinion is so hypocritical. Do you not hear yourself?? Also people defend me because you guys get nasty quick. most of my posts are JOKES. yes I hate Logan, but I’m not being serious when I write things about him. Not to mention most the people who defend me now were at my thoart when we first started interacting.
Having different opinions on characters and vocalizing it is very important to fandom growth. You guys need to understand this. If you force everyone is like a charater then not only does it make the fandom boring to interact with it but it also creates drama. AKA THE WHOLE “LOWAR”. SHI WOULDVE NEVER HAPPENED IF I WAS ALLOWED TO DISLIKE LOGAN LMAO??? Not to mention, it allows you to see different perspectives and versions of the same charater just through someone else’s eyes. That’s why our fanon versions of charaters are just copy and paste of the canon versions. Because you guys never give anyone space to be creative. As soon as you don’t agree with it, you all jump on the person and make it a problem. It’s annoying.
If you don’t want to be attacked for your opinions on a charater then stop attacking others for their opinions. Obviously this problem won’t be fixed immediately but it’s one person at a time yk? Just know if you hate a character, you should expect at least a bit of backlash and debate. Shi I still argue with people and it’s been like 3 months. Just remember to be open minded, respectful, and have fun!!
“Hating” on a charater doesn’t have to be negative/drama. it’s you guys that make it into that. Relax a bit and have a little more fun. Or don’t, it’s ya life 🤷‍♀️
—- btw if you ever have a problem with me, talk to me about it or stfu. Stop attacking my friends/supporters. you can dm me, tag me in a post, send me an ask, comment, reblog, idc. I’ll respond (on my sbg side blog). Or just block and ignore me. Thanks 😛
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere joker x hero reader like reader used to work for the Justice League with Batman
Sure! The version of Joker is kept general. Heavily implied to be from the general comics, though. I haven't written for Joker in years so I hope he's in character :)
Yandere! Joker with Hero! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Sadism, Torture mention, Unstable mental health, Manipulation, Blackmail, Obsession, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping mention, Jealousy, Murder mention, Vague "relationship".
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It's hard to get a proper personality for Joker when writing his character, as he is described as "unpredictable".
If you were a hero that used to work for the Justice League alongside Batman, he takes sadistic joy in this.
You knew Bats!? Well, then you'll get along just fine!
He's probably going to hunt you down as you know his pal so well.
Finding peace after retiring from hero work, or even being a hero still is nearly impossible.
No, now you're going to have to deal with the plague known as Joker.
He gets so upset when you contact Batman about him.
Him coming to see you is supposed to be private!
He probably met you when you helped Batman capture him once.
You're not like those Robins he carries around.
No, you're much more fun!
It's then that the Joker sets his sights on you.
You'll be trying to do your own thing and the clown prince himself barges in like he knows you personally.
"Hey there, doll! Mind if I join you?"
He usually addresses you by some sort of nickname based on your alias and makes himself at home wherever.
He becomes more and more troublesome as time goes on.
You already saw him as a threat, the feeling intensifying whenever he tries to physically touch you.
He makes it a goal to become closer and invade your privacy and mind.
His laugh echoes in your ears and you find him an annoyance.
You're very confused as to why he's so friendly with you.
Batman shares the same confusion.
You have an effect on him.
Joker comments with disappointment that whenever you call Batman for help, it's as if you're treating Bats as his babysitter.
"Come on, dear! We're all adults here aren't we? Why can't we have any fun without a supervisor?"
He will soon get tired of you crying to Batman when he's around.
It's best not to flare his temper.
Joker would find a lot of joy in playing around with a hero! darling.
You are great to use as leverage against Batman and he loves the idea of tainting your mind.
Joker would kidnap you and he'd kill for you, when he will is unknown.
The entirety of the clown prince is a game of chance.
He's nearly impossible to read and is a bomb waiting to explode when around you.
There's no doubt he gets jealous of other heroes or civilians around you.
Which leads to murder... that part is somewhat predictable.
He'd hurt you and find it funny.
He seems like the type to toy with his darling.
Although, he probably has a soft spot for you
He knows he can't kill you, no, he needs you.
Instead he relishes in the idea of tormenting you and making you rely on him.
Although, that isn't always his motive.
Joker does like your smile and laugh....
A pleasant sound and a sight for sore eyes.
A delightful counterpart to his haunting laugh and grin.
The Joker has a soft spot for you which can be used, both for and against you.
You can lure him in for capture.
That or the Joker can make how he feels about you known to blackmail you.
If you don't play his game many could get hurt.
You're too soft to want that, right?
He'd break into your home easily, just to greet you with a playful yet deranged smile.
"Looks so boring in here... how about some company?"
He probably likes to feel your touch.
He's insane but he'd probably be touchstarved.
He's seen crying in the comics on the laps of flings or Harley so he's clearly unstable.
He'd do the same to you with no warning.
Joker likes the idea of playing with a hero's emotions and bringing them to their knees.
But he also genuinely craves your affection.
To you, Joker is a disease.
He plagues Gotham and should be Batman's problem.
So why did you have to be wrapped up in the clown prince problem?
The Joker is a parasite to you, clinging to you and refusing to let go.
You're cursed with him and soon... no one will be able to help you.
"Why so quiet? Come on, where's that laugh? Don't be such a downer like Bats, dear... he's such a bore!"
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crepesuzette2023 · 7 months
Your account is honestly such a blessing. I’ve found so many good Mclennon fics because of you it’s actually insane. Now for my ask, what are some good AU Mclennon fics ?
Thank you for asking! I already listed a few AU stories in my overall faves post, e.g., under J/P without the Beatles—but I didn't really focus on fully realized, different-time-different-place-different-everything-AU stories. Here are a few I loved:
in our house we never get bored (@backbenttulips): The Beatles live in a polyamorous marriage à la sedoretu (Ursula LeGuin). Enchanting and enchanted. Soothing.
a great threat (@pauls1967moustache). Yoko is a woman and an artist, and so is Paul. Theirs is the superior battle for John Lennon's apple. A battle for each other, really. I can't overstate how much this works for me. They compete for fame and artistic collaboration, not for anyone's half-hard dick. This feels like the real Paul/Yoko dynamic in many ways.
@saint-mona: You Gave Me the Word. 1958. John is troubled after his mother's death, and befriends Paul, a bookstore owner who shares a past with Julia. Paul and John become friends—and more? Sensual and tender. Younger John & older Paul are good for each other.
snugglesweaters: You Might As Well Arsk: Hilarious, uplifting, and profound epistolary/email modern AU, with excellent (written) supporting turns by Ivan and George. It does take a fucking village.
@dailyhowl: Sleeping Sand, Morning Moon : On the other end of the tonal spectrum, this is a long, dreamy and wintery novella about grieving London playwright Paul and Scottish village eccentric John, and their long, slow way to each other. Set in 1966. Contains a surprising core of Paul & Brian, and very interesting memories of Paul/Ian.
Only a Northern Song (@stonedlennon): 1963, Liverpool: Paul works in a record store (yes, for Mr. Brian), and John is a dock worker and poet. They find each other. A long, long time after reading this, I can still 'hear' the two of them talking to each other.
Thank you @javelinbk for pointing me to and why the sea is boiling hot (madamboogie)—a reincarnation fic set starting in the late 90's. I'm only a few chapters in, but it's interesting and different!
Speaking of: @javelinbk also wrote many great AU's: John and Paul as the two nice men at the flowershop (Double Fantasy), Paul as wealthy business man, and reluctant #1 son, with John as his hot mess driver (The Life of Riley), John and Paul as stepbrothers after Jim gets married to Mimi (Brother Dearest with the follow-up I love even more, because it's melancholy and romantic and complicated, and it has Mike McCartney: Father and Son)—but a recent favorite is Our Version of Events, in which John Lennon is introduced to Beatles fan fiction by May Pang, and has questions for Paul. Set in '71. I love how this one is both an ode to fan fiction and a damn good story (with a non-tropey ending).
I also enjoyed many AU stories by @unchaineddaisychain. For instance: You've Got to Pick Up Every Stitch (Halloween! Modern AU, Paul is John's boyfriend for the night to stick it to John's ex, very sweet morning after), We are Stardust (Brit Paul and NYer John meet at Woodstock in '69, and it's so fucking romantic), and These Nights (modern AU, slightly jaded rock journalist John unexpectedly spends a night with rising pop star Paul. Cold shower, please!)
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(Bucky Barnes) A Little Messed Up #1
Warnings: Hey y'all this short story is not gonna be a cute or romantic plot. Just wanted to warn y'all that this short fanfic is more of a breakup plot between the two characters.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Cheating, Arguments, Threats, Angst
Also I wrote this years ago, so it has been sitting in my wattpad unpublished dungeon for ages. I just thought that I'd give everything I ever wrote more of a chance to shine on Tumblr to see how it does.
For some reason I just feel more comfortable publishing things here. Even if I have multiple versions or drafts of a story.
Also all gifs included are from @k-fangirledits unless it's linked to the original wattpad post then idk where that gif came from.
Main OC Character Dahlia
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Plot: Dahlia is Bucky's girlfriend. They met when he had just escaped HYDRA. She helped keep him hidden. Being a secret little goodie goodie she never really got to do anything exciting with her life so she saw this as a chance to live her life well and help someone along the way. After a while of training and recruitment once Bucky and Dahlia become part of the Avengers things are not seemingly going smooth as Natasha and Bucky are sent out on a mission together and he comes back distant. This triggers powers in Dahlia that she hadn't used since her childhood when she was going through a dark time dealing with bullies, and judgement. 
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Dahlia snickered to herself as she sat at the island in the kitchen.
Bucky hadn't attempted to contact her in the month that he had been gone.
On a mission with Natasha, and yet Nat is the only one out of the two that cares to give her updates of their well being and how the mission is going.
Apparently Bucky had been spending time going to the bars then coming back late in the night. Thinking he was slick and that Natasha wouldn't notice his change in behavior.
To Natasha, she thought he was absolutely insane and such an asshole to neglect his GIRLFRIEND whom is patiently waiting for him back at home.
This bullshit decision of not notifying the wonderful woman that she considers a sister who is also his GIRLFRIEND.
Phone Call:
Natasha: What do you want me to do Li? Should I confront him and beat his ass for you? 
Dahlia: No. Don't do anything out of the ordinary. Keep me in the loop like you have been and we will see if there's anything truly going on. 
Natasha: Li, he's been coming home with the obvious scent of a woman. Are you sure? It's difficult for me to report this back to you but I want to be as honest as possible.
Dahlia: That's fine Nat. Be honest, I don't want you to sugarcoat anything from me. I am a grown, adult woman and I can handle it. If that's the verdict from your position, once you arrive back at base I'll handle this. We'll see if he comes clean about his choices. 
Natasha: Alright, but only if you're sure sweetheart. I gotta go before they get suspicious of my phone call being too long for just a bathroom break. I love you to the moon and back. See you soon darling. 
Dahlia: Love you too Nat.
End of Call
Unbeknownst to Dahlia her eyes had lost their shine.
The whites of her usually glowing brown eyes, now replaced by a dark abyss matching her pupils.
She glanced down at her hands surprised seeing a dust like dark mist floating around. Similar to when Wanda activates her power but more fluid and constantly there. 
Dahlia wasn't known for any special power with her position in the Avengers.
She never knew how to control her powers growing up.
The only aspects she knew how to control was manipulating shadow people and manifesting them into a physical form, telekinesis, and hiding herself within the shadows.
Any other power she held only came out with impulse based on her emotional and mental state.
Although she couldn't control her powers unless they were triggered. She has no control over when it activates. 
Startled by the footsteps coming towards the kitchen, Dahlia quickly hid in the shadows escaping to her bedroom without anyone actively seeing her abilities.
Unfortunately for the young woman, even that attempt to hide anything from Friday had already been captured and alerted Tony and Captain Rogers.
Saying they were shocked while reviewing the security footage would be a heavy understatement.
"She h-has powers? I- I- I th-thought she was just a simple assassin." Tony stammered.
Steve sighed wishing they could listen to the audio but Dahlia had always requested for Friday to keep every single conversation she has muted for her comfort and privacy as a condition on her staying with the Avengers.
Steve sighed as he continued watching the footage on a loop.
The more he watched
The more he noticed little things in her behavior tells.
Her body language, the tears that started streaming down her face before her powers triggered, the tense posture.
By that alone, he already knew that whatever triggered her abilities to manifest, started with an intense emotional reaction.
Whatever it was, he was determined to make sure that she would never have to go through that again for her powers to trigger. She just needed time to herself, and the right training in order to get everything under control.
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Dahlia sat on the floor in her room with her legs up to her chest. She buried her face in her knees, taking deep breaths to calm down. Once her anger subsided she felt her eyes morph back to normal. 
A gentle tap on her arm shocked Dahlia out of her position as she jolted herself back away from the unknown force.
Catching herself against her palms she looked at the figure that was kneeling in the middle of the room to match her height, making sure she knew it meant no harm. "Shit." She whispered. 
With a wave of her hand the shadow figure had manifested into someone she hadn't needed to see for 15 years.  
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"Heya gorgeous, been a long time." Xander greeted.
Dahlia looked at him with tears in her eyes as she realized why he had become part of the physical part of her life again.
She was going  through a dark time, so her inner darkness would always come out to protect her when she couldn't be reliable to do so herself. 
Xander looked down at the young woman with a determination to make her feel better.
"Come on gorgeous, we haven't seen each other since we were seven years old and I helped beat up the bullies. I'm only here now since you're going through a big turning point in your life and you can't lock yourself away from socializing to someone. You'll only drive yourself crazy trying to isolate from any form of society." He conveyed.
Dahlia let his words sink in.
It hurt to admit but he was right.
Seeing as she was still processing this new information Xander took this moment to bring her to bed.
Being well acquainted with the young woman, he laid next to her on the bed, pulling her close to his chest for comfort. 
Dahlia automatically snuggled into Xander's chest. She missed having her best friend around. When she was young, he came and went so quickly that she always wondered if he was just a dream at times.
After a moment she pulled away slightly to observe her friend that she had not been in contact with for a while.
"What happened to you?" She whispered, referring to the scars on his face.
Xander took one of her hands in his, separating her fingers gently. It was a sweet gesture, something they did when they were young to help him or her focus on any difficult conversation.
"Just because you may think I don't exist when I am not in your physical world doesn't mean I'm not a real entity at least Dahl. When I'm not here to protect you, to help you, to comfort you. I go back to the shadow world, a void, and when you are going through issues in your life... I form scars. Depending on how much it has impacted you. As the main shadow figure in charge to protect you, our bond is just that powerful." He explained. 
The entire night Xander had explained to Dahlia what her powers are and how to control some of them up until she fell asleep.
He sighed sadly seeing the tear stains along her cheeks. He had never observed her so happy before until she had met Bucky. Never seen her so broken until Bucky. 
Xander watched over the young woman as she slept. Manipulating her dreams to something more peaceful whenever he sensed her heart rate picking up in pace.
That was the norm for Xander.
Always making sure that her escape from reality was as comfortable as possible. 
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thorns-and-rosewings · 7 months
I think after some of the more recent episodes of TSAMS I am in need of updating some of the things in the Reaper King AU 💀. As I now have a few more ideas of what happens next. I guess this is the Part 8 of the AU then :)
I also now have a few VERY interesting ideas about some of the other characters in this AU and what is going on with them. Specifically Sun, Ruin and Eclipse.
Oh boy do I have some fun things here... But also some dark things.
TW: Same as before. Actually quite a bit of gore in this one... And some seriously disturbing imagery.
-Slight change to the lore of this AU, Ruin DID create Reaper Killcode... HOWEVER... this is not Ruin faking being cured, this is Ruin being cured and making a MASSIVELY BAD DECISION...
-He created Reaper KC to play the villain... So HE could defeat him and play the hero... He created Reaper with a weak spot. Essentially a hole in his chest that would have been how Ruin planned to defeat this new enemy.
-...his actions were driven by loneliness and his desire to to really become a part of the Celestial Family.
-Unfortunately the second Reaper Killcode took Stitchwraiths core and added it into the hole in his chest, it actually upgraded his body and made him into the insane threat he's become... As the core upgrades came as KC was literally it's 'Perfect Host'
-Moon discovered Ruins part in KCs revival and ran him out of the Pizzaplex in a fury.
-In spite of him having brought KC back, he was not responsible for Eclipse's revival... Or at least he's not aware of it if he is. He did kinda blackout on some alcohol and he apparently does weird things when he's drunk, soooo that's kinda up in the air at the moment.
...now to the present...
-Sun and Moon opt to go see what is up with a huge mountain range suddenly just appearing outside of the city. They stop by the ranger station and meet Harper... Who is surprised as hell at the sight of two more sentient robots. Still, she treats them politely. Tells them about the park... And the legends of how the forest is a hotbed for Cryptids. With the most feared being the 'Reaper King.'
-She also says yes, she is aware that something is weird and she's realizing she might not be in the same universe she was a few days ago...
-Honestly... Not the weirdest thing she's experienced with this job. And she wants them to be careful as this forest is notorious for its disappearances.
-She's dating and having 'Smoochy Time' with the alpha cryptid in this area. She's pretty familiar with weird... But Moon and Sun don't know that...
-Sun and Moon kinda brush the cryptid thing off and just opt to explore this place a little together. Neither are taking this very seriously as they walk deeper in.
-Things seem semi-normal... At least until they pass through one particular clearing and something catches Moons eye and he ventures off the trail to get a better look at this thing. It looks like a ghastly old tree... Only carved into it are frightening images, particularly of what looks like some strange demonic faces... Hanging from the trees are bones and the truck is slathered in blood.
-He and Sun are VERY unnerved...
-Even moreso when a herd of deer suddenly rush through the clearing... But one deer is being pursued closely by what looks like two wolves and there's something already on its back holding onto its neck... One of the creatures trips it up and the deer goes down. The animal making agonized screams as the creatures tear into it... Until finally it goes silent.
-The thing on the deers back stands it's about the height of a young boy, showing grey skin and semi-glowing eyes. And blood staining its mouth and dribbling down it's chin, while one of the pursuers stands... Showing it to look like a child version of the Wolfman, also just as bloody from the ordeal.
-They grin at each other then pet the actual wolf that was with them before looking back into the forest from where the deer heard had initially run from.
Vamp: Brothers! How was that?
Lycan: We brought it down! It's a good size! With seven points on its antlers!
-Moon and Sun are crouching down near the tree watching this scene in horror. As everything proceeds to get MUCH worse when from just beyond the treeline another figure approaches the boys and the wolf... A figure that both of the animatronics had hoped they would never see again...
-He approaches the group, a strange blue ball of fire floating near him as he walked, and the wolf immediately rushed up to him... Showing that it's head bore a sickening deformity, like it nearly had two heads but it never got far enough and was just a conjoined skull. But to the shock of the secret onlookers, Bloodmoon greets the animal with pets as it licks the maniacs face... That shock easily quadrupled as the Blood Twins looked to the dead deer and then brought both of his hands up and rubbed both of the boys heads.
Bloodmoon: Not a bad kill... You got this one without my help. Next time you will have to take it down without HunterKiller helping.
Vamp: Did we did ok?
Bloodmoon: You did great! It is dead after all! Very dead! (Bloodmoon puts an arm around each of the boys as they look down at the deer... And his disgusting tongue comes out and licks across his sharp teeth) And now my little brothers... We FEAST!
-Bloodmoon, the boys and the wolf immediately begin to tear into the deers carcass... The sounds... The wet sounds of the ripping and tearing of the deers flesh. The loud crunching as Bloodmoon bit into bones in order to get at the marrow... And then the boys eagerly requesting him to bite other bones, as they were unable to get marrow themselves due to their teeth and jaws not being as strong... And so much blood just splattering everywhere...
-Moon regains himself first, reaching down to get a grip on Suns shoulder... And pulling him up, but only just slightly. As not to alert the freaks just a short ways away from them.
-They need to leave... Now!
-Sun is just locked up in horror at what he just watched but he yielded to being pulled back by Moon... They both turned to creep back the way they came-
-Only to stare at the sight of a young girl made of blue flames, holding one of the deers antlers in her hand and a piece of twine. Clearly staring at the brothers in shock.
...But Sun sees something different...
...for a moment he can see the little girl as she was before she mutated into a Wisp...
-This sight triggered something in Sun, the part of his coding that sought to protect children... and before Moon could stop him, Sun grabbed the little girl up and just starts booking it as fast as possible. His intent only being to get this child away from danger...
-Wisp, understandably, starts screaming
-Its a blood chilling, eerie sound that seems to carry in all directions without losing any volume. Immediately getting Bloodmoon and the others to freeze. All of their faces thoroughly soaked in blood and gore. Bloodmoon looks around, only to spot Moon and Sun... With Sun holding his little sister and dragging her away.
Bloodmoon: WISP!!!! Let go of our baby sister!!!
-They abandon their meal and started to chase Sun and Moon. The boys, Lycan and Vamp starting to make calls, strange whooping calls into the woods as they are just... Tearing after Sun and Moon
-Wisp is struggling amidst Suns grip and crying, while Moon is just screaming at Sun to drop her. But then the little girl ignites! She badly burns Suns arms and hands. Escaping Suns grip and rushing back to Bloodmoon and the others... Actually she plowed into Bloody so hard he actually fell backwards... Buying some time for Moon to pull up Sun and start partially dragging him away.
-Sun regains himself enough to just be running alongside his brother... And he makes the fatal mistake...
Sun: I think we lost them!
-A MASSIVE Wendigo-esqe creature explodes from the nearby trees, running on all fours it lowers its head that is adorned with huge pronged antlers and rams into both Sun and Moon. Sending them cascading down a steep hill
-After hitting the ground, Moon groaned in pain but managed to get to his knees pretty quickly. Only to realize they were now outside one of the Ranger cabins near the entrance of this park... He got a brief flicker of hope for a moment, thinking they might be able to escape if they booked it from here.
-That tiny moment of hope was dashed when the Wendigo creature leapt off the hill and landed only a short ways away from them. It's skeletal head lowered and blazing eyes locked completely on the brothers...
-Out of nowhere, chains seemed to snake out from amidst the foliage and ensnared both of the Celestial animatronics. Pulling them backwards until they were slammed against a tree and further wrapped up in the chains.
-From off to the side an eerie floating spectre was revealed to be the source of the chains... A young girl, probably in her mid-teenage years became visible. Wearing a raggedy dress and a hooded shawl, the chains seemingly coming out from the shawl...
-And within a few seconds, the vampire and werewolf children... Along with Bloodmoon and the mutant wolf. The little girl made of blue fire, Wisp, was in the form of a tiny ball of flame and positioned on the top of Bloodmoons head...
Wendigo: So... What happened? It's not every day you guys let out calls for all of us to get involved in one of your hunts.
Bloodmoon: We'll tell you later, but for right now... (He turns his hateful gaze straight at the bound forms of Sun and Moon... Particularly Sun) We have an old score to settle...
(That's it for this part, I promise to get the next part up soon but this was already going on for too long at this point...)
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lemonisntreal · 9 months
heyo! Just found your blog and I was scrolling through your stuff and noticed your AU tone deaf. And I haven't found anything about what it is or what your idea is behind it. So I wanted to ask if you could give me an introduction to your AU!
Oh! And I absolutely love your artstyle and how you draw Buster! Anyway, hope you drink enough water and have a good day/night! ;)
Dear god this has been in my drafts for a while-
Hiya! Sorry for that lack of info lol, I'd been inactive for a long time, and the time that I actually WAS posting consistently was back when things were still being sorta fleshed out. But I've got a pretty good idea of how every single part moves at this point, so sure :D I'll give a not-so-brief summary lol [under a cut because I couldn't not dump multiple paragraphs teehee ~_~]
Tone Deaf is like a dystopian version of Sing, if I were to put it super duper simply. One where Buster's issues get more emotional focus, and we get actual bonds with the cast because the movie forgot to do that.
Buster is, also, a lot more unhinged, fair warning. This fic's gonna contain violence and tackle some darker subjects [adjacent to grief and denial more specifically] so if it feels like I jumped a lot of sharks, it's because I 100% did.
It kinda started with me noticing how, in the actual movies btw, smaller characters like Buster and Mike had more difficulty getting around places. This led me to ask myself about how species differences could lead to struggles for certain animals since the city just isn't built for everyone [this is NOT Zootopia]. Ash's quills, and Meena's towering size were things I noticed too that would be massive problems, realistically. So after a lot of pondering, now we're here.
The world of Tone Deaf in present day is in a post-war period that's lasted about 50 years now [Crawly is actually a veteran from this war- which was more like complete and total anarchy if I'm being real, since there weren't really any sides until near the end...]
Long story short, the wealthy capitalized off of the war and taking people prisoner- so they purposefully kept it going. A resistance ended up forming to stand against this [Miss Crawly being one of the generals, with that classic missing eye] and after their army stormed the unsuspecting stronghold, the war finally began to conclude. It still took around a year after that to release all of the prisoners of war, and by the end of it all, the damage that had been done to some races was permanent. Even extinction-level in some cases- some animals just straight up don't exist anymore because of it.
Back to Calatonia. Laws that are in place to protect animals from tearing eachother apart are still relatively new, and the criminal underbelly of Calatonia is kinda out of control. Animals get kidnapped/poached, smaller animals are at a huge disadvantage and have basically no power [politically or otherwise], endangered species are a very real thing, poverty is a huge issue for most of the population- and in the middle of all this is Buster Moon.
He's gonna be the main perspective. And the story will also serve as a slight character study on him, mixed with my own grittier and batshit insane changes/headcanons/alternate universe ideas on his backstory. He's a ray of sunshine with a lot of bottled-up feelings that will kinda really take control of the story.
Buster has been arrested multiple times. He's been put in unsuccessful therapy. He's still grieving his dad. He's committing crime and compulsively lying about those illegal actions too. He has emotional difficulties that he hasn't dared try touching on in years, and he has issues with letting go- which, is kinda how all of his new problems come to be.
The threat of his theater being repossessed if his show isn't a success gets a LOT more emphasis too.
But on top of that is the added threat of Buster getting sent out of the city if he can't get his business up and running. Remember how I mentioned endangered animals?? Well Koalas are one of them. One of the big ones, actually. He's the only Koala in a city of almost five hundred thousand, and it's been that way for almost half a decade now. It's been causing issues for the people in charge for half a decade now. Koalas have government-protected settlements far away from here due to their numbers being so few, so if Buster loses the theater? That's the next step for him.
But, to help this poor dude through all the stress of life is the found-family he develops with the cast he hired. He helps them for a lot of the first act, and then they give back his kindness in the second. They connect through their similar experiences, as well as their shared passion for music and performance. And by the end, maybe Buster's okay. Or maybe he's had a complete downward spiral [not gonna speak of act three 🥰]
Other characters have also had a shift in their dynamics. Things in the story have changed. Like for instance- Gunter already knew Buster and was a close friend of him and Eddie before the show, Judith is now the mayor and a main character, Pete has been put in place of the banker in charge of Buster's accounts, Buster unfortunately gets involved in politics, Mike actually gets to bond with the cast- actually the cast gets to bond with the cast point blank period [idc what you say, this just straight up doesn't happen in the canon movies], and to top it all of is a generous helping of angst with a few acts of violence sprinkled in 🤭
The actual Act I summary is this right now:
Buster had been in tight situations before-- suffocating situations, even. He’d been in every kind of trouble imaginable, he thought. With family, friends, local businesses, the law. But he'd always wormed his way out, either through loopholes or by charm. Or usually just by stacking another lie on top of his already crumbling facade. But this time it's gonna take more than a cover-up to fix this. ‏‏‎ Buster’s dishonesty takes him too far once again, a simple typo causing him to unintentionally land himself in a wager that could cost his very life. He has two months to fix this- to ACTUALLY fix this. And the worst part is that he hadn't even meant to lie this time. ‏‏‎ The First Act of Tone Deaf.
TLDR; Buster learns to love again after experiencing the horrors of animalkind firsthand and being healed by theater kids LMFAO
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Since we haven’t gotten a story mode yet, I’ve made up headcanons of at least 3 different versions of what Francis’s character is like in my head. They’ll change once the game’s updated in the future.
1) Average Joe Francis: Francis is just your basic white guy. Nothing remarkable about him. He just wants to live a normal life but gets really worn out by his job. All he wants is to do his work and get back to sleep. Doesn’t like to stand out, really simple but very shy and humble to everyone. He doesn’t have much confidence in himself and is pretty lonely. He may or may not have a normal upbringing or he could have a neglectful family. I headcanon that this version of Francis had a fling with Nacha because he was desperate for companionship but ended up getting her pregnant. He still pays for child support and cares for Nacha and Anastacha but gets very awkward around them.
2) Dead on the outside, dead on the inside: this Francis grew up in an abusive home that warped his perception of others and love in general. He was mistreated by everyone as a child that he developed some form of mental illness that kept him up all night. Francis became an empty shell of a person when he grew up and just works to survive. He’s not afraid to get bloody if anyone crosses him and it gives him a form of sick delight as the life fades from his victims eyes. If some housewife wants to have an affair with him (I.e Nacha), Francis wouldn’t have a problem with it not because he’s excited about wrecking a relationship, it’s because he’s got nothing better to do. Deep down, he believes he’s unlovable and that he screwed up all his life. If he does end up caring for someone, he will turn even more insane for them. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that person stays with him.
3) A true goth underneath: this is based off Yog Sothoth from the nightmare mode. I think the reason why Francis is a vampire is because of the inside joke that milkmen are known for home wrecking like vampires sucking away the blood and life force but that’s based on how the doorman sees him. Contrary to popular belief, this version of Francis prefers to not sleep with anyone at all. He just wants to do his job. Nacha might be an exception because I think they liked each other at one point but their relationship fell off because Francis was really moody and pessimistic. And since Yog Sothoth has a goth design to it, I feel like it can also reflect this Francis’s behaviour as a typical angsty brooding goth who hates life. This Francis loves dark places, loves sad music and writes poetry in his free time. In short, he’s a dark artistic soul /j
What do you think?
I love first one the most! Yeah, thats more or less my vision for him (except I have my own backstory for him and Nacha), just Some Guy tryna live his life while also going through his day with the threat of the doppelgangers. And tbh I think thats the most 'canon' way to see him.
Second one- I don't think Nacho-sama would make it canon, or at least not seriously, but again it is kind of sus that Francis's doppel and nightmare version is related to blood. Even though its fanservice I still see Yog being a vampire to allude the whole 'milkman are homewreckers' thing back in the 50s. But yeah I wouldn't be all that surprised if theres a twist of him being like that (especially since we already got confirmation that Afton has something going on, if one neighbor can be sus why not two. Or three. *Looks at Angus*)
HELP GOTH FRANCIS REAL?? LMAO I love that idea. RIP Francis you would have loved modern alt fashion.
(Sorry you didn't ask for this, but about Nacha- my backstory for them that I hope to write a fic for is that Nacha was married before her husband was a cheater. She had a one night stand with Francis (who didn't know she was married) and then left her husband once she realised she was pregnant. After giving birth to Anastacha they moved around a lot before finally settling into the current apartment. That just so happens to be where Francis lives)
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konahrics · 4 months
I once made a post about the DG dlc and how it didn't live up to its potential, but every time i read it i feel like it's just a wall of disjointed text lmao so here's a better version for those interested:
- Harkon should have been more insane. His personality is fine, he should just be more obviously bonkers while being a haughty power-hungry mf, and it would come into play later for the radiant quests
- I wish the Volkihar members were more interesting. I haven't really counted how many npcs have backstories/unique lines in the Dawnguard vs the Volkihar so i won't talk numbers, but the Dawnguard npcs are just more memorable overall imo.
- Serana should lead the Volkihar at the end if you side with the vamps, not the pc. I know every questline in Skyrim ends up making the pc the leader of their faction, with the Dawnguard being an exception, but Serana just fits the bill better: she's a pure-blood while the pc is a half-blood, she's much more experienced in vampire politics and she's Harkon's daughter.
- For players who actually want to lead, it could be an option once you've done a lot of radiant quests, like how you restore the Ratway to its former glory in the Thieves' Guild questline, except instead Serana goes "hey yknow what? I don't even want to lead and you've been doing a lot. Here's your new crown."
- THE RADIANT QUESTS. Omg the potential. For the Volkihar: that's the part where Harkon having become obsessed with the prophecy would play a role. He's been neglecting his territory, other clans are encroaching and he either didn't even notice or didn't care. Now it's your problem. Also, you need to cull vamp numbers in the province so people don't make Dawnguard 2: electric boogaloo, both because of vampires invading from other provinces to take you territory and because of newly-formed covens, and you need to recruit more actual Volkihar by turning people (i like the quests that are already there for turning npcs tbh). For the Dawnguard: oh shit turns out the Volkihar were keeping other clans at bay and culling their own numbers, and now that they're gone, it's your job ig. The in-game quests are already pretty good, but introducing foreign clans would add to the world, essentially.
- Why does it feel so much like a good vs evil plotline? The Dawnguard admittedly has some nuance to it (they're good people who want to protect others from the vampire menace, but their leader has a torture chamber next to his bedroom...), but the Volkihar literally live in a castle whose floors are splattered with blood and have human cattle in the basement. I wish at least once Harkon is defeated, if you were on the vamps' side, you could choose how to run the faction. Maybe the "cattle" could be volunteers only and not kept in cages, or something, my point being that it should be left up to the player. Ngl, every time i side with the Volkihar, i feel bad about it.
- While the Dawnguard are making moves and recruiting in preparation for their fight against the Volkihar, the vamps are kinda just sitting there. There could be an internal struggle between those who are loyal to Harkon and those who believe he isn't fit to rule anymore (instead of the Vingalmo vs Orthjolf feud being about which of them can lick boots better, they could each represent the pro- and anti-Harkon sides), the result being that they're still not really reacting to the Dawnguard threat, but now there's a reason; they're too busy plotting against each other. And once Harkon's dead, the surviving vampires can work together and be less likely to stab each other in the back, which in turn sounds less exhausting for whoever ends up leading them.
Tbh the whole reason behind this rant (i guess "these rants" now...) is that some custom followers don't trust or react badly to a vampire pc, and with the game as it is, it makes total sense, so i wish Skyrim vampires weren't mustache-twirling villains. Also maybe i'm planning a fanfic with this Volkihar headcanon and wanted something to reference so people wouldn't think i'm misremembering the hell out of this game lol
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kermit-coded · 4 months
for the choose violence ask game:
1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 18, 22
answer whichever ones you want, i'm really curious about your dead boy detective and fantasy high hot takes are lol 🫶🏼
i know you said fantasy high/dead boy detectives but unfortunately most of my fandom takes have to do with comics so here we go.
the character everyone gets wrong.
kristen for sure. a lot of people paint her as this silly, irresponsible person who doesn't care about the consequences of her actions, but that's so derivative. she was raised in a restrictive, bigoted cult and it informs how she acts!! she's a teenager learning how to make her own choices after spending her entire life in an environment where thinking for yourself was actively discouraged, if not outright punished, so of course she's going to be messy.
3. worst fandom take i've seen.
hoo boy.... when you're a comics fan you've seen some abysmal takes. gotta be the takes surrounding how bruce is a coward for not wanting to kill people. yes, even the joker. is he flawed? yeah, but not wanting to permanently end a life is not one of those flaws. full stop.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about.
honestly anything to do with tim drake and to an extent all of the bat siblings. theres a reason why i stopped engaging with the batfandom on a larger scale and that's because it has a tendency to sand down any interesting character traits in order to fit them into a nuclear family-esque dynamic. i really don't see tim and jason ever being that close, and i think they don't really see each other as siblings. also, dick was tim's robin, not jason.
10. worst part of fanon.
i'm going with comics again because it's insane how many people not only don't read the source material but actively brag about it. i think if you are going to call yourself a comics fan, then you need to read comics. otherwise you're a fucking poser. also i hate the damage xfi did to shatterstar as a character. peter david turned him into a slutty bi stereotype when in x force 1991 he literally has a panic attack the first time he gets a boner and is very specific about the people he trusts. that's not someone who would be sleeping around a lot, and yet so many people buy into that version of him and write him like that in fics. demisexual shatterstar ftw.
12. unpopular character that i actually really like.
hmm, not quite unpopular so much as niche but amadeus cho. he's such an interesting character and he deserves more love. he's a fun little anarchist and he hates the avengers and is wracked by guilt over his family dying because shield decided that a thirteen year old genius was a threat to national security and bombed his house. really interesting guy.
18. absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
charles and his trauma. maybe it's the aro in me but sooo many people seem only focused on charles in so much as him being in love with edwin back and im like... he has character traits outside of that.
22. my favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
EVERYONE GO READ X FORCE 1991. rictor and shatterstar my underrated x men beloveds...
🔥choose violence ask game🔥
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