#the weirdest crush I've ever had is on a bun
scekrex · 4 months
I just got another idea for Adam and Reader. My intrusive thoughts didn't let me down again :p
So imagine a Reader meeting Adams friends for the first time, they get along, talk for most of the time with shakes and then one of them asks the reader a question. The question is ”How did the two of you actually started to date?” Adam and Reader glance at each other, Adam is more smug than not, but Reader is really embarrassed. That's because they met in the weirdest way, Reader has gone to ask his crush out, but was rejected and his intrusive thoughts get the better of him. So he asked the first person he saw on a date and that was Adam.
Hope you'll like it :p
Omg I adore it, this is low-key me coded hehe also might re-use the friends of Adam that I've described in this fic in the future.
I could treat you so much better I've known you forever figured you out
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: beta read by @drxgonspine
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While your boyfriend was known for making questionable decisions, he definitely knew how to pick his friends because the people that surrounded you were the most relaxed angels you had ever met. The dudes’ vibe was so chill that you seriously considered hanging out with them more often.
They were a group of four. On one end of the couch sat Glenn, a blonde, quite tall dude who was built to look broad, he seemed to regularly hit the gym. Glenn’s face was peppered with the cutest freckles you had ever seen and his short, fluffy looking hair was slicked back. He was extroverted and loud, yet not loud enough to cause the situation to feel unnatural or cringe, if you remembered correctly he was also the drummer of Adam’s band - at least you were quite sure you had seen him on stage before.
Next to Glenn there was Nathan, though he had introduced himself as Nate. Nate was rocking a wolf cut, his black hair framed his pale face in a handsome way. His eyes held a lot of curiosity in them and you noticed that one of his legs was constantly bouncing up and down. He was about half a head smaller than Glenn and was wearing a lot of jewelry - you made a mental note to ask him where he bought it.
On Nate’s other side sat Jesse. The dude’s buzzcut was dyed a bright pink, he was about as tall as Glenn and carried himself would cause strangers to think of him as arrogant but once you got to know the man, he was a total sweetheart. His ears were pierced and a tattooed snake was wrapped around his neck.
And last but not least and therefore on the other end of the couch there was Shawn. Shawn was easily the smallest out of all of them, he was about two heads smaller than Nate, wore his long brown hair in a man bun and seemed quite confident - all of Adam’s friends seemed quite confident. Shawn was not only one of Adam’s closest friends, he was also the bassist in your boyfriend’s band.
Adam patted his leg, “C’mere babes.” A sly grin was on his lips as you made your way over to your lover to sit down on his lap - the dudes sitting on Adam’s couch left no room for you and therefore the brunette’s lap was the only seat available for you. Not that you minded, you liked being close to Adam, his friends’ company did not change that.
Glenn leaned forward, his arms resting on his legs as he looked at the two of you, “How did you even manage to pull Y/N, dude?”
Nate next to him added, “Y/N’s a fucking treat, ain’t no fucking way Adam pulled him, it must’ve been the other way around.” Adam rolled his eyes at that - if only they knew. But they didn’t and the fact that Adam would get to finally tell them how you and him met caused the brunette to grin the most smug grin you have ever seen on his lips as he looked down at you.
You looked up at the tallest man in the room from the corner of your eye and groaned in annoyance and embarrassment as soon as you saw the grin on his lips, “Fucking forget it.” You kept a careful eye on Adam’s body language and when you heard the brunette inhale deeply, you covered your face with your hands and mumbled, “Oh dear God please have mercy with my soul.”
But the first man ignored your silly little comment and told his boys the story anyway.
The weather was amazing, it was warm enough to wear a t-shirt but not warm enough to feel all icky and sweaty - a typical day in heaven. You were walking next to Zack - one of your best friends - as you sipped on a milkshake you had bought a couple minutes ago. That was until your redheaded friend pointed out that your crush was walking right towards you.
“You know what? I’m just gonna ask him out,” you hummed around the straw in your mouth and before Zack was able to stop you from doing so and getting your heart crushed, you were already gone. Confidence was the word that would describe your body language best in that moment, your back was straight and you had a soft and natural seeming smile on your lips.
“Hey,” you greeted the taller man with a fist bump, “Nice to see ya out here, whatcha up to?” The male in front of you smiled back at you, apparently he was just as happy as you. “Oh y’know a lil bit of this, a lil bit of that,” he answered your question without actually giving you an answer - to be honest it was nothing that really bothered you.
Liam did that a lot. “What about you?” the male you were interested in asked. You breathed in, there was no point in tiptoeing around it, not when you had been so confident about it just a couple moments ago. Where did that confidence go? You did not know. Oh fuck, this was so much harder than you would have thought. You exhaled before your eyes met Liam’s.
“I actually wanted to speak to ya,” you began to lead the conversation in the direction you wanted it to go. “See, we’ve known each other for I dunno how long - fucking long though - and I wanted to ask if you would be interested to go on a date with me?” The smile on Liam’s lips disappeared the moment those words left your lips, his expression soured a little and while he did seem sorry, he also seemed slightly disgusted.
“Dude, I can’t date my brother from another mother,” Liam responded. He tried a little too hard to play it cool, instead of just rejecting you like any other of your friends would have done it, he made you feel kinda bad about it. Because you were unbiological brothers, at least that’s what you called each other. And the thought of that caused you to feel slightly disgusted by yourself.
“I have to go, I’m about to meet Harper,” Liam’s eyes darted over to where Zack was impatiently waiting for you to get your ass back to him. “Tell Zack I said hi,” and with those words he brushed past you, accidently knocking his shoulder against yours as he did so. Great, that had gone according to plan. What had caused you to think asking Liam out would end up with a good result?
“I swear,” you growled, your mood was ruined, your milkshake empty and Zack had that certain look in his eyes that was supposed to tell you that ‘Dude I fucking told you, next time you’re gonna listen to me’. Not that you would listen to him ever - hell fucking nah. “I’m gonna ask the next dude out that we meet,” and God must have been listening because just as you had finished that sentence, a familiar tall man rounded the corner and walked into your view.
Fucking great, you and your big, stupid mouth. You were not in the mood to get rejected again . not that you had ever talked to the first man before. You had visited a couple of his concerts, had seen him walking through heaven’s streets with Lute by his side more often than you remembered. And now you were going to talk to him - ask him out even.
“What did you say?” Zack grinned as he spotted the first man. That comment earned your best friend a slap on the back of head, making him hiss. Not that you cared about that, you had more important things filling your head - the thought of hitting on Adam like those cringy fangirls you hated so much, oh fuck it.
You had been able to ask Liam out, you would survive it to ask the first man out as well. Adam was someone you were able to avoid if things would go south and you would embarrass yourself in front of him.
So before your mind started to overthink it all you closed the distance between you and him, the cocky grin on your lips told Adam everything he needed to know and if he was being honest he wanted to see where this would go. So he let you shoot whatever shot it was you had in store.
“Hey handsome,” you physically cringed at your own words, a shudder ran over your back and you flinched at the awkwardness that had just left your lips. ‘Hey handsome’? That was everything your stupid brain was able to come up with? At least the chances of getting rejected twice within less than thirty minutes was higher than it had ever been before. But a soft chuckle made you look at the first man who seemed visibly amused by your sad excuse of a flirt. You swallowed the last bit of pride you had within you and just got it over with.
“So whatcha doing tonight?” Oh so that was what you were aiming for. The grin on the brunette’s lips only widened as he took a step closer to you.
His wing wrapped around you and his arm came to rest on your shoulders, “Well now it seems as if I’m having dinner with a motherfucking hottie.”
Jesse snorted at Adam’s story, shaking his head in amusment, “Adam can be fucking happy that this Liam dude clearly has shitty taste.” Glenn agreed with his friend by humming as he was chewing on some chips. Your face was still hidden behind your hands, the first man seemed still very proud of his little story,
“We had lunch and then we fucked - it was absolutely fucking amazing. You should’ve seen him - bros I swear there’s nothing more beautiful than this man naked.”
The taller male who’s lap you were using as a seat squeezed your hips, causing you to squirm, “Stop that.” But it was Adam, he did very much not stop - in fact, he made it worse by nuzzling his face against the crook of your neck and blowing air against the sensitive skin.
“You fucked and then started dating?” Shawn questioned, slightly confused as he frowned at the couple. Adam pressed a quick peck to your neck before he backed off to answer the question Shawn had just asked. “Oh nah bitch, shawty and I didn’t start dating until decades later. For the longest time we’ve been just fucking around.” That caused even more questions to form inside Shawn’s head, “And how did that happen?” But the brunette shook his head, “That’s a fucking long story.”
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 7.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
I sat at the counter with my notebook and pen, scribbling down ideas for new recipes or drinks. My mind frequently wandered to johnnie, and it worried me. I couldn't get what Jake asked me out of my brain. did I like johnnie? I couldn't tell if what I was feeling was just having a really good friend or something more. I cringed at myself. I doodled on the side of my page, drawing hearts and stars until someone walked in.
"Hello, miss." the man said with a heavy southern accent. I suppressed a laugh, thinking about Jake.
"Hi, what can i get for you?"
"Let me get the peanut butter mocha, please. That'll be all." he sighed. I nodded in response. "You got a boyfriend?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I immediately thought about johnnie. "No, sir."
"Well, don't worry. once you find someone, you'll know." he had a crooked tooth grin.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled. it confused me where this came from. "Why do you say?"
"You learn to read how people feel when you have a bipolar wife." he snorted.
"Well, you were spot on."
a woman walked in behind him on her phone. she looked up and smiled at me. she was beautiful, even if she had a messy bun and no makeup. she seemed sweet.
"Listen, you seem like a nice girl. you've got looks on your side, too. I say go for it. I know I don't know your situation, but when you look back, you'll regret it."
I was getting a little more concerned each second. this was almost creepy. how could he be so right? I passed his coffee over the counter. "Thank you." I said genuinely.
he nodded, not saying a word as he walked out of the cafe.
"What was that about?" the girl asked, walking up to the counter.
"Apparently, he could sense how I was feeling. I've been overthinking about this guy I met, and he was spot on." I shrugged.
"so, when's he going to tell my fortune?" she joked, pulling out her wallet. "tell me about this guy."
"well, I met him a few days ago. I think he's really cute and we've had our... moments, I guess. i think I might be gaslighting myself into thinking I don't like him like that. I've never had a boyfriend, let alone a genuine crush." I rambled. "I genuinely do not know why I'm opening up to strangers."
"I mean, who knows if we'll ever cross paths again."
"still, I feel stupid." I shake my head. "anyway, what can I get for you?"
"can I just get an iced caramel coffee?" she asked with a sweet smile on her face.
I hum, turning around to make it. What a weird night, I'll probably end up rephrasing to tell johnnie later. we talked little after she asked.
"I hope you have a good night." I smiled softly as I handed her coffee over the counter.
"you too." she smiled back before walking out.
I sat back down and continued to try and write, but my mind frequently wandered back to johnnie. was he even coming tonight?
about an hour and a half later, the door bell rang. "Hey, y/n." Johnnie's tired voice called. I looked up, he carried his computer under one arm.
"johnnie, how bad is your sleep schedule?" I teased, "this is the 3rd night in a row you've come to see me. you must love my face to come here at like 2 am every night."
"what can I say? I get really bad nightmares and your face does in fact make me feel better."
my gaze softened as I smiled.
"do you mind if I hang out in here and edit a video?"
"I'd love that." my heart fluttered at Johnnie's presence.
I turned around to clean the counters as he chose the table closest to where I was. he lazily opened his computer and pulled up the needed footage.
I hummed quietly to what was playing in my headphone as I finished wiping everything down. I fixed myself a coffee and went to sit across from him.
"I had the weirdest fucking encounter today." I mentioned.
he looked up. "what happened?"
"This guy came in and told me that I seemed stressed over a guy and that I'll know if he's the right person and I shouldn't fight my feelings off." I blurted, not bothering to rephrase it.
he made eye contact with me again, curiosity glistening in his eyes. "so, like, a connection you can't explain? thats really poetic."
"yeah, it's scary cause he's right." I mumbled.
"well, if you think you've found that person, then go for it. life's too short to not." he looks back down at his laptop.
"what if I'm not sure if he likes me back?"
a twinge of hurt flashed in his eyes. he seemed to be scrounging for ways to respond. "well, what if he's just as unsure as you?" he asked knowingly.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "so should I really think on it?"
"you might be wasting time, but you never know. maybe waiting is a good decision." he avoided eye contact with me.
"are you good?"
"yeah." he trailed off, rubbing his arm.
silence filled the room for a good minute, I zoned out, staring into my coffee once more.
"have you ever felt that way?"
"felt like what?"
"when you like someone but you're terrified it'll ruin something good?" I pondered.
he looked up, his gaze softening. "yeah, the fear of losing someone so special even though nothing has happened yet?"
"yeah, exactly."
"well, I guess we have to take risks. step out of our comfort zone, you know?" he paused. "at least we could say we tried, right?"
"right." I whispered, awkward tension filled the room.
he cleared his throat. "when you know, you know."
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Keeper Summer Week #12
Deleted Scene from Flashback 
I cut this scene because the Healing Center sequence was such a huge chunk of the book that I needed to limit it to the most essential moments. I had to cut anything where Sophie wasn't learning something significant or making progress on her recovery. And since this was neither of those, it had to go.
“Okay—enough chitchat,” Ro said, marching over to Elwin's office. "I was promised ooze!" 
"Yeah, let the Great Fitzphie Ooze Fest begin!" Keefe commanded, pumping his fist. 
"It's going to be a few more minutes," Elwin warned them. "I'm still finishing up one of the poultices." 
"Is there gross stuff in it?" Ro asked hopefully. 
"Some of the worst I've ever seen," Elwin agreed. 
Keefe smirked at Fitz and Sophie. "Excellent." 
"But hurry it up!" Ro added as she paced around the room. 
The third time she passed Sophie's cot, she paused to ask, "Are you aware of your hair situation?" 
"Situation?" Sophie repeated. 
"Disaster zone' might be more appropriate," Ro warned as she pulled a compact from the back of her breastplate and held the mirror up to show Sophie. 
Sophie blinked. "Oh wow." 
She wasn't sure how hair could stick out in so many different directions and also be plastered to her head. And the more she tried to pull it into a ponytail, the more it rebelled. 
"Okay, now it's getting pathetic," Ro said, smacking Sophie's hand away and taking over. "You can all thank me later." 
"Uh, what is happening right now?" Keefe asked. 
"I'm helping your girl look less like a newborn yeti." She used her claws like a comb, trailing them gently across Sophie's skull. "Worried I'm going to shred the skin off your scalp?" she asked when Sophie flinched. "I could, you know." 
"I'm sure you could," Sophie agreed. 
Just like she was sure that Ro could crush her head like a grape. "It's weird, isn't it?" Ro asked, separating Sophie's hair into sections. 
"This truce between our species? I mean, if someone had told me last year that I'd get this close to an elf and not want to rip out their throat—especially one of the little brats who attacked our capital city- I'd have broken every bone in their body. But here I am: styling elf-y hair in Sparkle Town. And the weirdest thing is—I don't totally hate it. I mean, I could do without all the glitter—and the perfumy smell. But the drama and obliviousness make it pretty entertaining." 
"Obliviousness?" Sophie asked. 
"The fact that you need me to spell it out for you kinda proves my point. But don't worry: Someday you'll figure it out—and then things will get very interesting. In the meantime—behold!"
She held up the mirror again, revealing the two messy buns she'd twisted Sophie's hair into—which was a little Princess Leia meets Minnie Mouse, if Sophie was honest. 
Ro sighed. "Clearly you need to start seeing yourself the way others do. Check out the staring boys if you don't believe me." 
She pointed to Fitz and Keefe, who were indeed staring. 
"What?" Sophie asked, heat creeping up her neck. 
Fitz blinked. "You look… different in a good way." 
"Dude, is that the best you can do?" Keefe asked. 
"I don't see you doing any better," Fitz argued. 
"Oh, I could. But I'm trying not to make you look bad. And can we be done with the makeovers? I came here for ooze! Come on, Elwin—you're killing me!" 
"One more minute," Elwin called back. "Still finishing up the new poultice."
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