#the white flowers are Chrysanthemums which are usually used to say goodbye forever
chris-spacehere · 2 years
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"Fucking Utah..."
This is a redraw of a thing I did last year when I got my first wacom :DD (original under the cut)
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look at that fucking piece of shit neck, shame on you
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tomthesoftie · 4 years
the right decision pt. 2
❧ prompt: you and tom grew up together but always as enemies — nothing more, nothing less. as you grow older, you must realize it’s time to be mature. you either must throw tom out of your life or take him in as an ally. which will you choose?
❧ pairing: prince!tom holland x princess!reader x prince!park jimin
❧ genre: angst, barely any fluff, e2l
❧ warnings: light swearing, slight verbal abuse (nothing too heavy, only degradation), heartbreak ?
❧ a/n: lmao there are so many hidden symbols in this fic except some are revealed so i’ll explain the color symbols in this fic: orange is the change of attraction, pink is romance, and purple is the two characters coming to peace with each other. also this is a bit longer than what i usually write so ;P hopefully the second part makes up for the shitty first chapter lmao. shit, i was originally not going to write a third part but umm... shit. ok see you in the third chapter lmao smh
← chap. 1     chap. 3 →
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In your white organza, you let your fingertips graze over the delicate petals of the gorgeously growing gardenias. Your dress flows with your movement as you step forward, observing the chrysanthemums. Looking as perfect as usual, you moved ahead to observe your candytufts. All flowers were white, like your dress. 
Truthfully, how you obtained these enchanting flowers still puzzles you. They just suddenly appeared one day when you were considering doing something with the empty space the flowers had suddenly occupied in the garden. However, you don’t care. The flowers are perfect.
Life has become quiescent ever since Tom has left you alone, almost to the point you regret pushing him away. Of course, there was a reason to why you acted the way you did. It was time for you to mature, and Tom wasn’t helping that growth whatsoever. Although the more you think about it, the more you realize that you could’ve taken him in as an ally. You couldn’t avoid him forever, and neither could he. Eventually the two of you would grow to rule your kingdoms as king and queen.
Shaking off the growing feelings of regret, you twirl back to the kingdom, hair whipping around with you. Taking one last breath of the fresh air surrounding you, you drag your heavy body back into the same, old, stodgy castle you’ve been living in for years. 
To your surprise, a handmaiden is waiting for you, instructing you to follow her on behalf of the king, your father. Leading you to the doors of the dining hall, she adjusts and cleans off your dress, combing your hair until it neatly falls onto your shoulders.
“She’s ready,” you hear the handmaiden whisper to the tall standing butler before quickly rushing off.
“Madam,” he says sticking his arm out as the door opens, “Her royal highness, Princess Y/N L/N.”
Awkwardly curtsying in your dress, you look up to see unfamiliar faces sat across your parents’. The first face to draw in your attention is a man that looks young — a bit older than you but almost your age. Suddenly standing, the man bowed, no words spoken. You smile awkwardly before moving to take the seat beside your mother and across from the man. 
“Ah,” the woman sitting across from your mother spoke, “how nice it is to finally meet you.”
You smiled warmly, though forcibly. Your hands rest in your lap, each finger toying with the other. You look down at your manicured hands, taking a moment to put together the pieces, but nothing came to mind. Looking up in frustration, your eyes meet the man across from you. He looks angelic.
His silver hair and pale skin made him look soft. Not only that but his eyes are enchanting. They are a beautiful crystal blue color, reeling you in like you are under a spell. He has plump, pink lips, glistening every time he licks them. 
You hear someone clear their throat, “May I introduce King Park and Queen Park of South Korea and their son, Prince Park Jimin.”
 Looking around expectedly, waiting for your father or mother to speak up, you are only met with eyes staring at you.
“O-Oh,” you cough gingerly, “It’s a honor to meet you, King Park and Queen Park.” Looking over at the silver-haired boy, you shyly smile, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Park.”
He smiles, and you feel your heart clench at the sight, “And I, you, Princess L/N.”
He stands as you do, bowing to you before stretching a hand out for yours. Hesitantly, you place your hand gently in his and watch as he lightly kisses the back of your hand. Sitting back down, you feel heat rising to your cheeks as your thumb strokes the tingling sensation on the back of your hand. 
“Great,” your father quips, “Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves, let’s talk about the marriage.”
At the word, your head snaps up to look at your father. Your gaze seems to be searching for something, a sign that tells you that your ears are deceiving you. Sadly, nothing suggests that your ears are wrong. 
For the rest of the discussion, you’re not in your body, soul floating about and out of the kingdom. What pulls you back to reality is the sensation of the chair attempting to be pulled out from underneath you.
Abruptly, you stand up, curtseying the Park Royalty goodbye.
“See you soon, princess,” Jimin says, exchanging the title for a cheeky nickname, before kissing the back of your hand once more but letting his lips linger longer. 
You blush away from his touch and give him a shy smile as you watch his slim figure slip out of the large doors.
Once the family is no longer in your sight, you burst at your parents, “Marriage? Seriously?” 
You are infuriated. You never expected to be married off to some stranger, nonetheless at such a young age. You had just turned 21, for fucks sake. Moreover, they didn’t even consider discussing the situation beforehand.
“Look, darling,” your mother places a delicate hand on your cheek, “We’re growing old and soon we won’t be able to protect this kingdom. We need to pass it on to someone more reliable and trustworthy.”
“Yeah, then pass it on to me. Just me,” you clarify.
“As much as I’d love to do that, you know it’s not possible. You’re not possibly strong enough on your own,” she gives you sympathetic eyes.
“I’m- Excuse me? Not only are you stripping away my freedom of choosing my own significant other, but you’re now degrading me?” You snap, seeing red. 
“You know that’s not what I mean-” your father cuts your mother off.
“Enough! We gave you a chance already,” he huffs, anger rising as well.
“What chance? Vincent? If I had known that-”
“Vincent? That silly boy? No, that was show enough that you can’t choose the right people to help rule this kingdom, but albeit that wasn’t your chance. There’s someone else that’s been beside you all your life. It’s been planned for ages, and you just had to go off and ruin it,” your father roars.
“Who else is there? My handmaidens?” You laugh sarcastically, tears filling your eyes.
“Think, you foolish child! If you can’t even figure out who it is, you definitely won’t be able to rule a kingdom alone,” you shake angrily at your father’s debasing words.
Thinking as hard as you can through your sorrowful rage, a face pops into your head.
“Has it finally clicked yet?” Your father’s voice breaks your trance.
“Tom,” you whisper, weakly.
Without any other words, he nods, escorting your mother and himself out of the room, leaving you to think to yourself. 
“Excuse me, ma’am,” a handmaiden spoke up, “would you like us to prepare anything? Like a bath or supper?”
Shaking your head, you dismissed her, thoughts racing in your head.
It suddenly got all too stuffy to be staying in the kingdom. You had to get out. You had to breathe in the fresh air of the wet grass, old, growing trees, and your precious flower garden.
Moving as fast as your heel-clad feet could take you, you rush out and towards your white flowers when you notice a silhouette standing above them, watering them.
His brunette locks shine in the golden light of the setting sun. As you move closer, you can see his well-constructed body through his garments. What he wore wasn’t anything special, just a white button down and grey trousers. 
“Did you know?” You ask, voice wavering.
“Of course I knew,” he replies, quietly, voice soft to soothe you.
“Why didn’t you-” you felt yourself choke on your words, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to force you into falling for me,” he simply shrugs, hands playing with your flowers. “Although, seeing where we are now, I can’t say that what I did has encouraged us towards marriage.”
Standing in silence together, the pair of your stare at the flowers, the white of the petals turning orange, then pink, and then purple, following the shifting colors of the sky. 
“I’ve missed you,” you suddenly blurt out.
Tom turns his head to face you, “I’ve missed you as well, darling.”
Tears erupt from your eyes, and you fall into Tom’s chest, arms wrapping around his torso.
“I’m sorry,” you sob, “I didn’t mean what I said at the ball. I don’t know what got into me.”
You felt him press a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“It’s alright, darling,” he sighs, hand rubbing the arch of your back.
“It’s not. What I said was wrong. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” you shake your head, hair sticking onto your wet skin.
“I forgive you, darling. Please stop crying,” he says sweetly before pulling back to wipe away your tears.
You look at him with glistening, doe eyes. Your hair is a wild mess, and the minimal makeup you wore had smudged off, revealing your natural beauty.
“Do you want to know something about your flowers?” Tom asks, trying to change the subject and cheer you up.
Nodding, you give him a silent answer.
“These,” he points at your chrysanthemums, “mean truth,” next, the candytufts, “indifference, and finally, my favorite,” the gardenias, “secret love.” He looks over to see your sparkling eyes of fascination, “Ever wonder how you got these?”
“Yes, I wonder every time I see them. Do you know who or how?” You ask, completely oblivious to the fact that he knows you didn’t personally request for the flowers to be planted.
He chuckles, “It was I, darling.”
You turn to face him in shock, “You?”
“Let me explain,” he smiles, “I first sent these to you when I realized my feelings for you. The gardenias represented my hidden love for you, the white chrysanthemums represented that I was going to tell you soon, and the candytufts represented you and your indifference for my feelings. You were perfect. You are perfect,” he corrects himself, “Then, when you started Vincent, I became jealous, and I was mad that you chose the man that you had barely known over me. I was beside you all of your life, yet you chose him,” Tom’s face contorts in jealousy. “I became bitter, and whenever I saw you, I saw him. He was always beside you. I treated you more harshly because of him, but when I heard news of your breakup, I immediately regretted the way I treated you. I should’ve protected you, rather than ignoring you.”
With eyes of awe, you whisper to yourself, “Tom likes me?”
“I’d say ‘love,’ but if you’re more comfortable with ‘like’ then I happy that you’re happy,” he chuckles.
You warm smile drops, “I’m sorry I treated you with such dislike. If I’d known, I would’ve respected you.”
The smug look on his face drops as well, “Does this mean you don’t feel the same way about me?”
“Well, to be honest, Tom, up until a couple weeks ago, I thought we had a mutual hate, but I do think that I have potential feelings for you that are slowly but surely arising. Although, even if we wanted to be together, it would be impossible,” you look down at your hands, tears developing in your quivering eyes at the mention of the arranged marriage.
He smiles lamentably, “I know.”
The two of you stand in silence, heads hanging in despair. None of you have anything else to say, only there to enjoy being in each others presence. You only move when you hear sniffles that don’t belong to you.
“Tom?” You say his name, hopelessly. Not receiving a response from him, you look up to see his shaking figure. “Oh, Tommy,” you coo, taking him into your arms. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you rub his back, face snuggled in the crook of his neck.
You let Tom sob in your arms until he ran out of tears to cry. When he finally collects himself and is in the right state of mind, again, he places a gentle kiss to your cheek before running off and leaving you to yourself in your dark garden.
You look up at the sky. The sun is already long gone, and the stars have come out to play with the moon. A tear falls down your cheek, left with confused feelings and a broken heart.
Jimin sits on the marble seat of his balcony, staring up at the dark sky, wondering what you were up to at the moment. He was infatuated with you at first glance; your beauty lures and traps him. 
Jimin smiles at the twinkling stars, a sense of thrill flowing through him.
There were three stars that shone especially brightly that night. One of said stars twinkled its last day, falling unannounced, leaving the one star sad and confused and the other excited and ready.
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daydreambts · 3 years
Seokjin had it drilled in him, that when in doubt always dress to impress, and right now he wanted to make sure he would look absolutely perfect. It was his wife’s big day, he wasn’t going to make it go south with a badly pressed shirt. Maybe he was exaggerating but still he really wanted to be perfect, perfect for you. Putting on an off white collared shirt and a pair of black slacks, he pushed his hair out of his face the way you liked. “Oh Princess if I’m waiting for this, I’d wait forever. You look beautiful baby, gorgeous and I know your paintings are gonna be gorgeous as well, I can’t wait for seeing which ones you included” he said kissing you on your forehead before giving you a soft hug, and patting your back encouragingly. As you led him to the kitchen his heart warmed, seeing the familiar take out bag of Jeonbokjuk. “It is delicious, Mother orders this before every big day for all of us, from this specific place. I had this on my graduation, my first day of college, our engagement. She says it’s the perfect amount of deliciousness with nourishment.” He said looking up to Ms. Lee knowingly, he knew how much family mattered you and he also now knew his mother absolutely adored you. 
Throughout breakfast he smiled each time he asked you to open his mouth, so he could feed you a bite. Something about him making sure you were well prepared, for your big day. “You know today I’m going to find out, what painting were included, you have no secrets now Baby” he teased as he guided you the garage, having a little surprise of his own. Well it was less of a surprise and more of just extra but absolutely necessary theatrics. “I borrowed Namjoons very specifically cream coloured convertible, figured my sports car isn’t the brand for a dignified exhibition” he added before opening the door for your seat.
"It's delicious! Mother's so sweet," I gushed, happily eating a spoonful that Seokjin offered. "And these are wild abalones... no wonder they're so flavorful." I picked up a piece with my chopsticks, admiring the vivid color, before popping it in my mouth. After breakfast, we bid goodbye to Ms. Lee before heading out. I giggled at Seokjin's teasing, although I couldn't help a small quiver of nervousness--he would see himself among my paintings after all. "Hmm, you're very good as the proper husband and date. I guess the sports car is better for when you're all wolfish," I quipped, my mind straying to how wild he was just earlier this morning. I winced a little as I took my seat, still feeling rather tender. Turning to Seokjin, I caressed his face. "You look even more like a work of art, in that outfit and with your hair pushed back..." I gave him a peck, then retrieved something from my purse--a finely-wrought men's brooch, a cherry blossom branch in rose gold. I put it on his shirt, pointing at the delicate cherry blossom necklace I had on. "We match." I felt a blush bloom on my cheeks; I had the jewelries for a while, but never got the courage to give his to him. "I got them as a pair when I visited my parents shortly before we got married. I guess I never really got the chance to give them to you... but now seemed like the right time."
Our enjoyable ride to school felt shorter than usual; and soon the two of us were stepping inside the alumni hall hand-in-hand. My classmates greeted me, with them elbowing each other before greeting Seokjin; the girls giggling and the boys looking a bit wary. Taehyung waved from where the other freshmen stood, looking nearly unable to stay still for the short ribbon-cutting ceremony. I clapped politely and greeted the professors, but made a beeline for the section where my paintings hung, my long skirt fluttering behind me as I hurried as much as I could while maintaining my poise. "It's over here," I told Seokjin, tugging at his hand. My paintings were on one panel: a rose bush blooming in the summer, a maple leaf and chrysanthemum flower arrangement, a snow flower blooming amidst frost, and at the end, the painting of Seokjin, surrounded by cherry blossom trees. I waited for his reaction, suddenly feeling rather shy.
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