#the whole push and pull between kiro n mc here had me feeling all kinds of hot
cheesy09 · 5 months
[CN] Kiro's Wrapped in Silk Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Note: This date explores some very suggestive themes, so if you do not meet the game's recommended 17+ age rating, I'd suggest to avoid reading this date.
[PART 1]
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The clear night sky seems to have been washed by spring water, and the stars are akin to diamonds against the dark blue gauze.
[MC's Company Name] has recently discussed collaboration with LEEZY, a well-know foreign fashion brand, and therefore I personally made the trip to come to their headquarters in West Asia.
The first reason being because they attached great importance to this collaboration, and second one being because Kiro too was filming in this city.
It's been three months since Kiro came here to film a movie. During this time, all we could do was accompany each other through the tiny screens of our mobile phones every day.
So when this opportunity to "visit work" presented itself, I immediately applied for a visa and flew over.
After several days of meetings and visits, the contract was successfully signed. The other party hoped that we could promote the latest season of their clothing.
I was also invited to attend this charity dinner party being held by the lake tonight.
In my drunken stupor, a slight sense of dizziness floods my head. I lift the shawl of my dress, shake the wine glass in my hand and look at the figure standing close by--
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Kiro smiles and talks to the person in front of him, his golden hair shinning brightly in the darkness of night.
Seemingly noticing my gaze, he turns his face slightly, and his blue eyes catch my sight.
I raise my glass, smile at him, and take another slow sip. His eyes flicker for a moment and he calmly looks away from me.
Not long after, he smiles, nods, and comes to me with a glass of wine, lightly touching it to mine.
Kiro: I'm back!
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MC: Was that the producer who invited you to the dinner just now? Why don't you chat for a little longer?
Kiro: We've already chatted for quite a bit. He even asked for my autograph for his little daughter.
Kiro: So, from now on, my time is all yours, MC.
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Kiro: That being said... how much have you had to drink?
He seems to have noticed the unyielding warmth on my face. He raises his hand and gently touches the side of my face with the back of his hand.
That familiar body temperature departs as soon as it touches, leaving me feeling a little disappointed. I simply pinch his fingertips and take the opportunity to slip my fingers into the gaps between his.
MC: Not a lot, maybe... five or six glasses.
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Kiro: That's not a lot...?
He lowers his head slightly and draws closer to me, the glimmer of expectation in his eyes quietly falling into mine.
Kiro: MC, should we run away?
MC: Now?
Kiro: Well~ You're going back to Loveland tomorrow afternoon, and I won't be back in China for another three weeks.
Kiro: There are less than 15 hours left. I don't want to waste another minute.
That reluctance tucked away in my heart is outlined by his words and tugs at my heartstrings.
All the work that needed to be discussed has been taken care of, so I nod. After paying our respects to the organizer, Kiro takes my hand and leaves the venue.
The taxi takes us all the way back to the hotel. After getting out of the cab, I stop, shake our intertwined hands and look at him eagerly.
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MC: ...My feet hurt.
A smile seems to flash across those blue eyes. The next second, my body grows light and I'm being held in his arms.
Kiro: [chuckles indulgently] Hold me.
Amidst the cool night breeze, the embrace I am nestled in is particularly affectionate. I put my arms around his neck, and from time to time I run my lips across the side of his face, which is now slightly cooled by the night wind.
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After entering the room, he bends down and gently places me on the small sofa.
The warmth that came from being close to each other seems to escape. Just as I am about to reach out and hug him, I suddenly feel my clothes tighten. Seemingly pulled by something, he too, falls towards me--
Those slightly wide blue eyes suddenly close in within my field of vision, and a warm softness unexpectedly falls against the corner of my lips.
[PART 2]
The bright moonlight falls on the tip of his slender eyebrows, creating a faint white circle, akin to a piece of fallen snow.
His blue eyes appear deeper than usual. Through the moonlight, I can clearly see myself reflected in that clear spring.
The tenderness lingering at the corner of my lips stays for a moment, then departs slightly.
Kiro: Sure enough, you still smell like champagne.... I'll get you a glass of water.
I don't let go of the hands holding him. All I do is blink my eyes and soften my voice.
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MC: ...I don't want to let go.
Noting my retention, he doesn't get up and just gently kisses my ear.
Suddenly, he pauses slightly, picks up the beaded chain on my clothes with one hand and shakes it.
Kiro: Turns out that there was a "trap" waiting for me here.
I follow his line of sight and see that the pearl chain from my clothes had somehow managed to get entangled with the accessories on his outfit.
Kiro: I won't leave. So... there's no need for this.
Those slender fingertips travel along the intricately wound chain and slowly disassemble it under the moonlight. Every now and then the silver chain reflects a cold silver light, like starlight dancing along his fingertips.
The alcohol gradually takes over my brain, and the person in front of me appears to be covered in a layer of mist under the moonlight.
My hands slowly slide along his arms to his back, feeling the familiar contours of his muscles under the thin layer of fabric. And when his tight buttons block the path of my fingertips, I gently undo them--
His white collar falls open a bit, revealing the lines of his collarbone.
Kiro: [Almost breathlessly] ....Why are you still being naughty?
MC: How could I....
When my nails gently scratch his waist, I feel the body under my fingertips stiffen slightly, and the breathing in the air suddenly grow heavier.
I blink innocently, finding some kind of pleasure in this long wait, and gently squeeze along his waistline.
Just as I'm busy enjoying myself, he suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist and then raises it above my head without any explanation.
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At some point, he manages to untie the longest chain of beads and holds it casually between his fingertips.
His eyes, which have always been clear, are now stained with a hint of drunkenness, influenced by my own, and even his voice sounds hoarse.
Kiro: [huskily] If you keep making trouble like this, we won't be able to finish undoing this tonight.
Kiro: [x2] Leave your hands to me for now.
A cold touch falls on the skin of my wrist. Along with the slight rustling sound of metal, something wraps around my wrist one after another. Belatedly, my somewhat sluggish brain realizes that it's the chain that was untied from my dress.
My heartbeat inexplicably speeds up.
MC: [blushing] Kiro....
Kiro: [voice soft yet seductive] Don't move, it'll be fine soon.
As he says this, he deliberately slows down and enjoys every minute the peaceful moonlight has to offer.
The cold tassels brush against my skin from time to time, leaving at the first sign of touch. Tiny stimulations flow along my skin and blood vessels, causing my heartbeat to grow a little faster.
MC: Mmn...
I shrink on reflex, and he gently holds me down.
Taking in my state, he smiles softly, supports my knees and raises them slightly, lowering his head and kissing the spot where the chain grazes me.
His overwhelmingly hot breath seems to carry with it a small fire, burning along the blood in my veins.
As time passes by, the body's sensitivity seems to be heightened, feeling the other person with every ounce of strength.
I want to hug that warm back, but I find my hands tied together, unable to move freely. So I simply raise my ankle and gently press it against his calf.
As if eager to occupy the little time we have left, the breath tracing the side of my neck grows more and more rapid.
In the room soaked in moonlight, the tips of my fingers are tightly clasped, as if the vacancy formed during this period of time is being filled.
The overlapping of shadows is reflected on one side, almost blending together, blurring the slowly approaching moment of separation.
This night seems to go on forever, but also seems to pass by in an instant.
And amidst the chaos, I feel as if I'm being held in a scorching embrace.
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Wanting to turn over a bit, I felt my wrist tighten. And when I open my eyes, I find a familiar metal chain still hanging on my wrist.
The other end of the chain is loosely wrapped around Kiro's wrist. Looking at the bright white pearls, my mind goes blank for a while.
At that moment, the mobile phone screen next to my ear lights up, and a travel information prompt pops up.
"The pre-scheduled flight has arrived. Please arrive at the airport two hours before departure to complete formalities..."
In that instant, the strength against my waist tightens slightly, and a tired warmth presses up against it.
Kiro: [sleepily] ...Is it morning already?
MC: Mm. It's time to get up.
I forcefully turn over and peck him softly on the lips.
He lets out a "Huh", turns over and pushes me under him. Using the grip of the chain, he grabs my wrist and nuzzles my neck.
Kiro: Okay, Kiro is attempting to get up. Progress is 1%, 14%...
Kiro: [sighing in mock defeat] Kiro has failed to get up and has now entered the Miss Chips mode with a five-minute countdown...
The person behind me mutters and hugs me tighter.
I don't know how many five-minutes pass before we finally get up from the bed and wash up.
Holding me in his arms, he helps me tie the straps behind my back.
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Kiro: You really don't need me to take you to the airport?
MC: No need. Didn't the director give you an "ultimatum" to arrive on set by 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the latest?
MC: You concentrate on filming. I'll contact you when I get to the airport.
Hearing this, he curls his lips in frustration.
Kiro: Sigh... I wish I had a time machine. It could take us back to last night, or take me to 20 days later, when my filming ends.
I suppress the longing in my heart, raise my head and gently kiss his lips.
MC: You can rest for a few days when you get back. There are several new handicraft stores that have opened on Huapu Street. We can wait in line to visit them.
MC: Or we can play games together at home and rest together.
Kiro: Okay, it's settled.
Warm fingertips occasionally glide across my skin through the chiffon fabric, taking their time, fearing that this little time will quietly slip away from our fingertips.
Feeling a sense of comfort in my heart, I change my position and lean into his arms, gazing up at him.
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MC: How long will it take you to fasten them?
Kiro: It's a bit complicated. Might take a while.
He looks at me and says earnestly.
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Kiro: So, before you get ready and leave for the airport... let me hold you like this for a while.
[PART 3]
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After returning to China, I put the new collaborative project on the agenda. And in the storm of work and overtime, three weeks quickly pass by.
Kiro has successfully completed his filming and returned to China. Our reunion lasts for about two nights, but I'm unable to find the time to fulfill the promise I made to him about going shopping together--
The release date of LEEZY's new season of clothing gradually approaches, but I still haven't formulated a promotional plan that I'm sold on yet.
MC: What's missing....
Facing a dozen documents on my computer, I find myself feeling a little distressed.
Just as I am about to pick up my mug and take a few more sips of black coffee to refresh myself, a warm embrace greets from behind.
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Kiro: What are you sighing about?
I put down the black coffee, smile, turn around and hug him back.
MC: Did you sleep well?
Kiro: Mm-- I just dreamed that my Miss Chips was being chased by the document monster, and I quickly woke up.
MC: ...Don't tell me. That dream is quite vivid.
Noting my slight frustration, he rubs his chin on the top of my head and looks at my screen.
Kiro: Are you still writing about LEEZY's announcement?
MC: Yeah... Their latest season's clothes were the ones they gave me before, with a lot of straps on them.
MC: I've made several promotional plans, but they all seem to lack a bit of novelty...
Kiro: Generally, brands will focus on a theme when designing a new season clothing line. Wouldn't it better to explore options based on their theme?
MC: Their clothes this season all have a lot of straps and chains on them. Their theme of design is said to be "Entwining".
MC: But this theme has been done by other brands before, so I couldn't find a unique direction to take it in.
Kiro: If you can't get any ideas by just looking at the information, shouldn't you try out some other methods?
MC: For example..?
Kiro thinks for a moment and then snaps his fingers.
Kiro: I've got a good idea. Besides, I've got nothing to do today, so let me be Miss Muse's inspiration-finding assistant!
MC: [excited] What?
He pulls me up from my seat and winks.
Kiro: Of course, we're going to use the method we're both good at - shooting!
Kiro: But this time, let's switch roles. You can be the model.
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Kiro: Hmm... This angle of the light box should be fine. For the lighting...
I change my clothes, walk into the huge dance studio, and see Kiro adjusting the bracket of the lighting board.
The backdrop has been decorated by him in a simple manner, with various colorful ribbons hanging loosely but not messily. A stool is placed in the center of the background wall.
When he sees me come in, his eyes light up, and he comes over and takes my hand.
Kiro: I want the opinion of a professional producer: What do you think? Is it pretty good?
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MC: It's very layered, and the color and backdrop complement each other well!
Watching my eyes light up fills him with a sense of pride.
Kiro: Feeling the theme for yourself might give you different ideas.
He leads me to sit on the stool, guides me to hook my hand on the hanging ribbon, raises his camera and presses the shutter.
After taking a few photos in various positions, we lean in front of the camera and look at the pictures.
Perhaps because of his rich shooting experience, Kiro is very good at guiding postures and states.
Kiro: What do you think?
MC: The composition and lighting are very good, and can be used as a photo album. It's just... I still feel clueless.
I look through the pictures carefully one after another, but I still get the sense that something isn't right.
MC: ....Is it possible that the characters don't fit the environment well enough?
After listening to my words, Kiro also lowers his head and thinks for a while.
Kiro: Wait for a moment.
I watch him drag out a box from the standing cabinet on the side and rummage through it. Then he picks up a large number of differently styled decorative chains and ribbons.
MC: Why do you have so much of this stuff?
Kiro: They were all leftover props from previous shoots. I had a feeling that they'd come in handy sooner or later.
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Kiro: Now, let me "transform" the model and scene.
After we add some of them to the background wall, we open the stool up wide and I sit directly in the middle of this tangled up scene.
Kiro holds a long ribbon and casually wraps it around my thigh.
The cool silk gently touches my skin, making me shiver and my entire body tenses up.
As if noting my slight nervousness, Kiro chuckles, drawing the ribbon around my waist, and then wrapping it loosely around my wrist.
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Kiro: Don't be nervous. Do you still remember the lesson in perception you took before?
I follow his voice and recall that in the greenhouse, he had once taught me bit by bit how to use senses other than sight to feel.
Note: This is a callback to Perception Date :>
Kiro: [voice enticingly soft] Try searching for the feeling of having your body wrapped in ribbon.
Following his voice, I carefully feel the silk wrapping around my skin - soft and thin.
Kiro's mirthful voice is akin to the ribbon entwined around my body. He gently lifts it, leaving my heart feeling a bit itchy.
Kiro: [x2] Raise your right hand a little higher... yes.
The hand holding the ribbon moves, and the soft fabric slowly slides along my skin and tightens slightly. My eyes subconsciously follow it.
The soft click of the shutter occasionally dissipates in the quiet air.
He adjusts the position of the ribbon around my body, arms, neck...
And the soft fabric seems to come to life in his hands, ensnaring all of my thoughts and following in his lead.
Occasionally, he adds one or two thin pearl strands that make a crisp sound every time my body sways.
I think of the chain wrapped around my wrist on that moonlit night.
My heart beats loudly, and my ears are so hot that they are on the verge of bleeding. I can't help but move my body.
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MC: ...You - please be serious.
Kiro: Hm? But I am seriously trying to help you find that "entwining" sensation.
His eyes widen slightly, but the curvature at the corners of his lips betrays the cunning in his heart. It's as if he's playing an interesting "game".
I purse my lips, suddenly curious about the "reason" that has captured his interest, and with a bit of force, I grasp a hold of his wrist.
His surprised face gradually enlarges in my field of vision. He stretches out his hand to the wall beside my face in order to support and steady his body, and for a moment, his breathing becomes chaotic.
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MC: In addition to being entwined, I too want to experience what it's like to entwine someone...
MC: Can this superstar help me out?
[PART 4]
There's a hint of a smile present in his brow.
Kiro: Sure.
The hand holding me tightens. He turns me over and my entire body presses up against him.
A scorching body temperature comes from our closely connected skin, and the side of my face and the base of ears are also dyed in a slight warmth.
I prop up my body, and following his example, I slowly pull a ribbon from the side and gently touch it to his ear.
His whole body seems to relax, lazily waiting for my next move.
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Kiro: [whispering temptingly] Need help?
MC: I - I want to experience this for myself first.
Even though I say this, I'm unsure as to what to do next. I aimlessly wrap the ribbon around his slender fingers and slowly slide it down...
Stopping on his well-jointed wrist.
I wrap the ribbon in my hand around his wrist, imitating his actions from that night, and tie it into a somewhat clumsy knot.
He arches his eyebrows slightly and glances at me.
Kiro: [I HV NO IDEA HOW TO DESCRIBE HOW SEDUCTIVELY HE DRAGGED HIS VOICE HERE BUT HNNG-] I see... I reasonably suspect that you're trying to "avenge yourself".
MC: I'm just serious about set design!
Another pale yellow ribbon is loosely wrapped around his neck. I hold the other end of the ribbon and trail it across his arms, chest, the curves of his sides...
Then, gently tighten it.
The hair of the person in front of me is slightly tousled, and entangles with the strings of ribbon scattered on the side.
Among these bright and beautiful colors, those blue eyes gazing at me get darker and darker.
Kiro: [temptingly soft again] Does this give you inspiration?
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MC: My eyes have captured it... But I also wanted to capture this on camera.
I lift up my camera and capture this scene.
His languid eyes look directly into mine through the lens, like a warm current hitting my chest.
Kiro: [x2] Actually, there's something else that could also help you.
MC: ...What?
Kiro: [x3] Unlike entangling something, untangling these entanglements could also be fun... Do you wanna try it?
He holds my hand, guides my fingers to pick up a ribbon that had dropped onto his skin, and slowly pulls it away.
I look down at him, wrapped in colorful ribbons, and at this moment, he looks as if he's waiting to be unwrapped...
Like a gift.
The memory hidden in the recesses of my mind cause my heartbeat to pound a bit out of control.
Noting the pause of my hand, Kiro raises his eyes slightly, a couple of doubts present in his eyebrows.
Kiro: ...What's wrong?
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MC: It feels like I'm opening a gift...
He startles slightly, and then a smile appears on his lips.
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Kiro: I've always been a gift belonging to you alone. You can open it at any time.
The black ribbon absentmindedly wraps around his fingers, drawing out lingering memories and taking me back to that Valentine's Day filled with the scent of essential oils.
This time, I take over the role of "signee". I lower my head a bit and approach him, gently tugging on the silk threads in my hand.
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MC: You are also the most precious gift given to me by God.
All of this is a call back to Entwining / Unwrap the Gift Date released for the game's first Valentine's day event :>
What answers me is a gentle pressure on the back of my neck and a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.
The pounding in the left of my chest grows faster and faster, as if mirroring my desire to open this long-awaited gift to see what surprises are kept in store.
One by one, the ribbons are pulled away from him and scattered to the side.
After tearing them all off, I am left confused for a moment. He takes my hand and gently places it on the button of his shirt.
Kiro: [voice dark & husky] You're not done yet.
A burning sensation comes from beneath the thin silk fabric.
Kiro: [x2] Continue.
Bewitched by his gentle voice, my hand slowly travels down from his collar, and with just a slight flick of my fingers, the buttons of his white shirt come undone.
One, two...
Those blue eyes seem to bear an indescribable gravity. Just the way he gazes at me alone prompts me to draw closer and closer.
By the time the last button comes undone, our breaths completely merge.
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His slender fingers grasp my wrist unobjectively and he lowers his head a bit, biting the chiffon string on the bust of my dress and gently tugging it open.
His scorching hot breath falls on the skin of my chest, like a falling spark, setting my entire chest on fire.
Kiro's eyes are half-lidded, and his somewhat hoarse voice carries an inexplicable rough quality to it that gently caresses my eardrums.
Kiro: [x3] Did you like that?
His headless and baseless words are so soft that they almost scatter with the heat of his breath, but they fall heavily onto my heart.
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MC: Of course I liked it... In this world, I like you the most.
Upon hearing my answer, his breath suddenly surges and almost melts into my body.
Even though it's obvious that there is no pull from any thread, my body feels bewitched. I unconsciously murmur his name.
MC: Kiro....
My fingertips glide over his skin, seeking out his deeper exploration. He deliberately feigns ignorance, however, and tilts his head in curiosity.
Kiro: What's wrong?
His curled fingers tighten a bit, and the breath in my ears makes me feel as though my ears are about to combust into flames.
I bite my lip, unwilling to lose in this silent tug-of-war, and turn my face a bit to the side.
MC: I was just thinking that I do have more ideas... Mmn.
As if dissatisfied with my answer, he lightly nips at my collarbone, causing me to tremble slightly.
Kiro: [with the hint of a sulk] I can't believe you're still thinking about "work" right now, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Looks like I'm gonna have to get even more "serious" to make you think of me with all your heart.
There's a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice, and he presses the tip of his tongue to my collarbone and gently licks it.
He unties the chiffon straps on my chest bit by bit, slowly and carefully, his gaze, now shrouded in desire, still feeling extremely precious.
Due to the time we spend together, this throbbing that almost engulfs me never seems to fade away. It only gets stronger and stronger.
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MC: I always think of you with all of my heart...
I close my eyes and allow our interlocked fingers to tightly intertwine.
The last strap of chiffon is finally undone. He gently releases his teeth and the soft strap drops to the floor beside him.
Daylight gradually fades, hiding away all the warmth and turbulence of the night.
More Translations: Here
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nootgi · 4 years
MLQC Victor
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MC deals with the drag of life and tries to face her emotions. Will she accept the hand that reaches out to her or push them away like she always does.
A/N: HHH victor is my biggest comfort character so it feels right to get back into writing with him. Also one of my favourite fic tags hurt/comfort! I hope you enjoy it ^-^ 
Word count: 4478
There was a white light shining above me and the brightness pried my eyes open. When my eyes finally adjusted I was standing, surrounded by darkness. All there was, was a bright spotlight. 
I tried moving my body but it felt like lead, stuck in its place no matter how much I struggled. My mouth was too dry to cry out, the only thing that seemed to respond was my eyes. They bounced around, trying their best to understand but there was nothing in the dark abyss. A small whimper slipped out of my throat and suddenly the shadows began to move. 
One by one, eyes started to appear, all so familiar yet so cold. All the warmth was taken from them but the piercing one of them all were those ruthless purple eyes. They were so sharp as if cutting into my soul and laying my faults out to bare, so calculating as they judged me. Desperately I tried to defend myself but nothing came out except pathetic sobs, my face stung in the cold void from the downpour of tears. 
In the middle of a sea of darkness, eyes judged me as I lost myself. 
My eyes snapped open and I found myself in my apartment. My body shivered from the cold sweat mixed the draft from the open window beside my desk. It seems I fell asleep whilst working on Victor's proposal…
Victor… What was that dream? My brows furrowed as I tried to remember the dream but the more I tried, the more it broke apart. All I remember was the cold. My deep thoughts were disrupted by my phone alarm ringing, when I turned off it's obnoxious beeping, it set in that it was Monday. The start of a new week, the bright beginning! To shed the dead weight of last week and get to it!! The sheer thought of putting on that mask made me groan. The past week has been draining to say the least, Kiro's behind the scenes set was swarmed with fans, leading to extra security detail to be reviewed and approved. Then Reek messed up a sponsorship deal which meant the whole episode had to be re-filmed but since it was such short notice some guests couldn't attend. That in turn caused some public backlash which caused many late nights of apology to passionate fans. With so much on my plate, I couldn't help but look eagerly towards the weekend already. Just 5 days, that's just 120 hours. 
I put on my shiba slippers and walked towards the bathroom, able to take it slow this morning since it was a late start. When my light flickered on, I glanced up into the mirror to catch my reflection for a second before looking away. If you look too closely every flaw will bloom. I brush my teeth, staring at the tap like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Probably was in this apartment honestly. Once my bathroom routine was finished, I started to prepare breakfast when my phone rang again for the second time. 
"Anna? What's up?" I answered with a yawn, looking at the calendar hung on the wall. 
"Have you forgotten!? Today's presentation day!!" I gasped as I saw the red circle and arrows all point to this day. 
"It slipped my mind! I'm coming as fast as possible so please hold them off!!" My words tumbled out as I stopped all my breakfast preparations, throwing on my clothes and heels. Anna gave me a 30 minute window as a maximum. Once I got my files together, I sprinted out of the apartment. Mowing over my landlady who grumbled about running in hallways. I couldn't stop, this was too important. 
'You can't even remember something so important as this? You really are pathetic.' 
No time to address my thoughts, I reach the LFG building in record time. In front Anna stood there with a coffee and a grim smile. I took the coffee out of her hand, chugging it down, not knowing when my next break was. We walked quickly across the lobby as Anna filled me in on who was attending this talk. Ever since the company took off, more and more investors have begun to take an interest. If this talk goes well, we can begin to take on bigger and better productions… create a company dad would be proud of. Just the thought of it made my heart leap. 
When we stopped in front of the boardroom, Anna turned to me with a frown. She began to fuss over my hair, my skirt and the messily tucked shirt. I try to bat her hands away, not wanting to keep them waiting when a dark shadow looms over the two of us. I turn around quickly, getting immediately absorbed by sharp purple orbs. Victor. Just as I was about to speak, a sharp pricked my heart and cut my words short. There was something building up in my chest, like a string being wound up so tightly. 
"You're late." He says bluntly, it feels like he's speaking down at me…
"Sorry, just slipped my mind." My words left me before I could stop them, Anna looked over at me with her eyes wide. 
"If this kind of talk 'slips your mind' maybe you shouldn't be here at all." He doesn't pull any punches, huh? Brushing past the two of us to enter the room. Anna reaches out to pat my shoulder but I turn around with a practiced smile. 
"Let's do our best!" She nods reluctantly and enters the room. I take a few moments to relax my clenched fists and push down the emotion blooming in my chest. This is business, nothing more. Once again that mask slips on and the talks begin. 
After a long 5 hours, the end is finally called allowing me and Anna to collapse into our desk chairs. Both groaning at the ache in our feet and relief that the end is in sight. All that's left is the investors to speak amongst themselves and begin preparations should they choose to back us. 
"I need to go pee!" Anna blurts out weirdly, standing up instantly. I look at her questioningly, watching her back as she sprints off to the toilet. Guess she really needed to pee..? Thinking I was alone I let myself sink back into my thoughts. In my mind the talk replayed over and over, every little mistake stuck out. The long pauses between a question and answer, words and numbers blending into one and worst of all my voice cracking. Slowly the small regrets spiral into a kaleidoscope of my worst moments. All the shame and embarrassment caused the red in my cheeks to burn and my eyes glaze over. 
'How could someone like you ever make him proud?' Those words slip venom into my thoughts as the bright office lights are dimmed by the shadows growing. Suddenly the space around me changes and again I feel piercing eyes surround me. They're judging me. Who wouldn't? My skirt is short, my shirt is wrinkled and my hair is hardly in the ponytail anymore. The chances of getting the investment seemed bleaker, the tension in my chest grew more insistent. I tried to ground myself, digging my nails into my palms and looked around to distract myself. 
Just a few more hours and the fragile mask can be put to rest for today. 
"Earth to dummy?" Fingers snap in front of my face and I'm dragged back into the bright office light. Victor was standing beside me, a frown etched into his usual poker face. 
"Yes? Sorry." I look back down instantly, trying to avoid his eyes. My hands began to fidget causing me to hide them under my thighs. 
"Are you okay? You don't seem… like your usual self." He pauses, thinking of a way to phrase his sentence. When my mouth opens to respond my mind is conflicted between two responses. The truth or the usual lie… what good would come from the truth? 
"Nothing, just monday blues." I shoot him a tired smile, as his mouth opens to press on further Goldman returns to call us back to the room. Anna arrives at the same time and immediately we're swept back into the business talk. 
… In the end… WE GOT THE FUNDING! Me and Anna screamed at each other as soon as we stepped outside of LFG. Passerbys looked at us oddly but we couldn't bring ourselves to care. This was definitely the push our company needed to grow. We rush back to the office to tell the team the great news. Willow, Kiki and Minor upon hearing the great news suggest a night out. A round of drinks to toast to our future. Feeling the adrenaline from this morning leave my body, I pass on the celebration but promise to treat them all to lunch one day. The company closed early, the spirits bright, warm and lifted. You couldn't tell it was monday. 
So why is it that I feel so hollow? 
As I leave the building with the gang, Anna pulls me aside. 
"Just know I'm here for you." Those simple words gave a prick of warmth, my smile is just a ghost by this point. I just nod, fearing if I speak that knot in my throat would snap. I waved them all off and began my walk home. The crisp autumn wind kept my lonely self company, dancing around my body and trying to enter the warmth of my clothes. 
There was nothing to occupy my thoughts other than the crunch of the leaves under my boots. Anna's words and Anna's warm smile replayed in my mind, chipping away at my resolve built out of ice. I want to reach out, I want to talk but every time I cry out I'm silenced. Why should my darkness taint their light? Why must I burden them with nothing? There was swell of emotions that caused my footsteps to increase till I began full sprinting down the street. My lungs and legs burned as I collapsed inside my apartment. 
The mask finally shattered and the ugly emotions bubbled out of my chest. Sobs wracked my body and my arms wrapped around myself. 
On my cold apartment floor, I cried myself to sleep. 
There was a knock at my door, breaking my sleep at the very first rasp. My body was stiff from the floor and my eyes felt puffy. Rubbing my eyes a little aggressively, I open the door and see a delivery driver. I tilt my head confused as he leaves a bag in my hand, leaving without payment. I locked up my door once again, putting the bag down in the kitchen to retrieve my phone. It was 11pm. There were a few drunken texts from Minor and pictures from the girls updating on their night out. I laughed fondly at the picture of Minor with his ass stuck in a bush when Victor's face flashes on the screen. He's calling me. My mind blanks as I let the phone ring, once the call drops I let out a sigh of relief. 
With that the days blended into one repetitive cycle, each moment becoming more taxing than the next. It was always paperwork, meetings, filming and then home. My only relief is the click of my front door locking. I settled down at my desk with some cup ramen and began my work again. This is the quarterly report for Victor, it had to be perfect. Otherwise- I don't think I could handle his critique. If you could even call it that… more like an emperor looking a gladiator in the eyes as he puts his thumb down, sentencing the poor soul to death. I laugh slightly at the thought of Emperor Victor, he is a good leader, confident and smart. Yet compassionate and looks out for the little guys. I don't think there is a thing in the world that can shake Victor. He's so perfect, you forget that he is only human. 'Stupid perfect Victor and his perfectly perfect hair and his handsome face.' I grumbled to myself, finishing my dinner and getting back to work. 
When I put my empty cup ramen down, the heavy weight of the fork inside knocks it down onto the floor. The clattering sound echoes around the apartment, serving as a reminder that I'm alone. I groan and get up to clean when I finally take notice of my room. Clothes, fresh or used, thrown across the room, my snacking habits revealed from the countless chip packets, cup ramen and chocolate wrappers. When did my room get like this? When I turn to my desk I see the building pile of used dishes from weeks ago, there was even dust beginning to collect on them. I should clean… 
Finding no motivation to clean, my productive flow was cut off for today. No matter where I looked, there was some sort of reminder of my failures. That feeling in my chest had started to build again so I climbed into bed. Surrounding myself in the only warmth I could accept, I laid there tracing patterns onto the duvet mindlessly. Time ticked away as the warm glow of the evening diminished into darkness. I didn't even move from the bed to turn the light on, the darkness far more comforting. In all that time the only thought through my head was: I'm lonely. 
It was my own fault really, I push everyone away the second I feel bad. I'm too busy drowning in my own pity that I can't help people that need help more. I'm disgusting. Pathetic even. Crying over something I caused myself, over something that could be so easily solved! Even when that painfully obvious truth was there my heart remained shut, not letting in the people most dear to me. 
Another memory began to play in my mind. Stood in my teacher's office. My head was bowed, my eyes focused on the fidgeting of my fingers, as he scolded me over crying about his harsh feed. 'This is life!' and 'Stop being so fragile!' played in my mind. You shouldn't be here. Victor! My gasp slips out as I realise that I'm sobbing, my pillow drenched. I sat up, trying to supress my loud sobs and held my hand against my heart that felt like it was beating out my chest. Stop- Stop, Stop! I begged myself to calm down, feeling that I was losing control on the emotions I reigned in so tightly. 
That night, I cried alone in the darkness of my apartment. Begging for anyone to save me.
After that night I decided to take a sick day, feeling unready to feel the world's cold embrace. Anna had offered to present the report to Victor but I rejected it saying that I could still do it. I picked up my phone, opening my contacts and almost dropped it at the amount of missed calls from Victor. Had I been avoiding him that much? I clicked on his chat to see his messages, all seemingly concerned but who wouldn't worry over their 'investments'? If to borrow a few words from Victor. I was about to click off till Victor's face popped up as a call. Out of habit I picked up instantly, my body responding slowly to my mind screaming no. As I scolded myself mentally, I heard from the CEO after almost 2 weeks. 
"Hello? Are you there?" There was some traffic in the background, he must have been just walking into the office. 
"...Yes-! Hello Sir!" Great response said no-one.
"Sir? I thought I told you to call me Victor. Anyway I decided to call since I've been notified that a certain little idiot is sick." He heard already? I only told Anna… 
"Y-yeah, really sick- You shouldn't worry though!! Only a small hiccup, should be back on my feet tomorrow." I wave my hands around even though he can't see me. There was a pause only hearing the ding of an elevator. 
"I hope it is, business doesn't stop for anyone but… If you need anything at all, just- call me." The way he spoke so tenderly at the end caused my knees to shake and my eyes to well up again. It's there! The hand that I could reach out to…
"Thank you Victor, goodbye." My voice threatened to break as the knot started to tighten again. I couldn't possibly drag him into this mess, drag him into me. The well of tears remained on the edge, threatening to spill as Victor bid his farewell too. I knew there was more he wanted to say but he also knew I didn't want to hear more. When the phone call ended, I dropped back down into my bed and stared up towards the ceiling. What shall I do today? 
The apartment felt too stuffy for me so I decided to take a walk, my legs carried me to the park. Despite it being autumn there were still children running around, jumping into piles of orange leaves or the old man that fed the bird by the fountain. I walked towards the fountain, taking a seat a few spaces away from the man. I had accidentally spooked some of the birds but they settled back down. I had apologised to the man but he laughed and shook his head. 
"You were more cautious of these birds than any busy body in this city." He says gesturing to the few people that sprinted through the park, holding briefcases or speaking rapidly into their phones. That would've been me too… 
"I would've been them on any other day." I force a sad laugh and look up to the sky.
"That's the problem with you young uns, always pushing yerselves too hard. Though I cannot pass judgement, I was the same back in my hay days!" When I finally look back at him, he keeps his eyes trained on the birds he feeds. 
"How did you… escape it?" Was there a way to get out without hurting anyone around me, without burdening them?
"The answer is so simple my dear, find your warm place." My warm place? Where could that be? My eyes catch a scene of a father holding his daughter tightly in his arms as she cries over her scratched knee. My eyes widen as I watch him tickle her, raising her high above his head to bring back the smile on his daughter's face. The man watches with me, his eyes holding the same nostalgia that rings in my heart. 
"And… If your warm space is gone? Then what?" 
"They never leave you. Just as a river never flows the same forever, you can find comfort from elsewhere but that doesn't change the memories of the past. The path it has carved remains." It was true that my father was the only one I could confide in with my emotions. He read me like an open book at times. I used to think it was because dad had a superpower but he always told me 'If I didn't know what my princess was thinking what kind of papa would I be!' Is there anybody that I could trust like that? 
"If you don't mind my asking, what is your warm space?" I turn to the old man and see he's already gone, the birds around still remain undisturbed. I guess that's my time at the park, done. I got up, deciding to stop by convenience store to get some more snacks. What could my space be?
Just like that another month flashes by and the final contracts have been signed. Miracle Finder has gained another 2 investors through LFG. In order to celebrate, Victor had arranged a party to be held. I say party- it was more of a formal ball! When I asked Victor about it he just said his typical response 'This is a networking event, whilst it might be to celebrate the company I hope you don't grow complacent.' UGH! Stupid Victor!! I screamed in my head as I entered the main hall and was instantly submerged into the high class society. The long night of fake smiles had just begun and my mood was just not there. However it felt nice to see my late night studying of the guestlist was paying off. The whole time at the party I felt his eyes on me but he never once approached me. Every time I couldn't look back at them. 
The night was going well but my feeling of dread continued to grow and grow. Not being able to shake it off, my discomfort was apparent enough for Mr Kim to point it out. 
"Are the old men scaring you Miss." He laughs, the group joining in on the laughter. I try to force a laugh, sounding more like a cry for help, I shake my hand. 
"No no! It's not like tha-" I get cut off as the group bursted into laughter and just like that my dream flashes in front of my eyes. The chandelier that hung above us feeling like the spotlight, the men's loud laughter attracting the prying eyes of everyone around. People began to whisper and hiding their smiles behind their hands. They're laughing at me. I bow trying to excuse myself but Mr Kim reaches for my hands. In panic I slapped them away and ran off and I failed to notice the pair of sharp violet filling with rage. 
Cold winter air bit at my cheeks as they glowed red and cooled the warm tears staining them. My mind conjuring up the worst scenarios, adding more straws to the camel's back. I need to regain control- I can't show weakness! If I can't handle this, I'm not worthy for the company. What would dad say? Would he wipe away your tears or try to fight those men. My laughter escapes me when I think of my Dad. 
"Laughing and crying? If anyone saw you they'd think you're insane." That deep voice rang out from the balcony door. I turn around and see Victor walk towards me, his suit jacket hung in his arms. Those words had a teasing tone but his face was tense, jaw clenched and brows furrowed. Without thinking I meet Victor half way, reaching up to soothe his eyebrows. Despite his shock he leaned into my touch, face slowly relaxing into the usual poker face. Even this close I couldn't look him in the eyes. I could feel his search my eyes but I kept mine trained on his tie. With a sigh he takes a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe my eyes softly, the soft material soothing the rough skin. 
"Dummy." Those words caused my dam to burst as I fell into Victor's embrace, crying. He said nothing, holding me tightly till I tired myself out. 
That night I cried in his warm embrace, that protected me from the cold winter's night. 
When my eyes opened I was still on the balcony, laying on the bench covered by Victor's suit jacket. My head was resting on his lap as he looked out at the night view. Still in a tired daze I stare up at his face. The city lights created an orange glow that caressed his face and defined every single one of his perfect features. My eyes trail up his face from his lips to his nose and when they finally reach his eyes, he's looking back. With a gasp I sit up.
"Finally awake? I wasn't expecting you to snore so much." He says, a slight quirk to his lips. 
"I do not snore!" I gasped and hit his shoulder lightly till I realized what I did. When I was going to apologise he rubs where I hit him and frowns. 
"Someone's getting bold lately." His tone was serious but his eyes were nothing but playful. It caused a genuine laugh to bubble out and my cheeks puffed as my smile was pulled widely. When my laughter died down, I realised I was looking Victor in his eyes. Were they his eyes? Instead of the sharp purple blades they were like a soft vortex, swirling with stars and emotion. My words were stolen as I got lost in his galaxy.
"Looking into eyes now?" His voice was soft, practically a whisper but it was the only sound in the frozen night. 
"I- I was so scared." I admit to him. Victor reaches to tuck my hair behind my ears, the simple gesture causing my heart to race. 
"You don't need to fear me. I'm here for you." Those words again, the hand is there again. Tentatively I stretch my arm, placing my hand in his warm palms. In his hands I place my trust. A river never flows the same forever. 
There was a white light shining above me and the brightness pried my eyes open. When my eyes finally adjusted I was standing, surrounded by darkness. But this time was different. In darkness shined a pair of purple eyes, they drew closer to me. My eyes tightened shut as he entered the spotlight. I was terrified, I didn't want to fall again. He wiped the tears that poured down my face and whispered into my ears. 
"Open your eyes." I trusted him. I opened my eyes and the eyes that were cold were illuminated with light. The eyes turned into familiar faces, filled with warmth. 
Anna stood there with a supportive smile. Willow, Kiki and Minor were grinning from ear to ear. It was like a fog being lifted from my mind, I saw everything with new clarity. There was still darkness but never once was I alone. He was always by my side. My eyes snapped open as my phone began to ring. 
Ah! I must've fallen asleep whilst watching TV! I picked up my phone and it was a call from Anna.
"Boss! I sure hope you're ready for the storm coming…" In the background I heard Kiki whine at the comment and Minor cheer excitedly.
"I'm more than ready." I laugh, looking at my cleaned up apartment, not a stray sock or wrapper in sight. Food was cooking in the oven for the home party. The sun shone through the open curtains, its rays falling onto a photo of my father. Beside that was the matching shiba cups I had gotten with Victor.
Everyone faces their own demons, but that doesn't mean you should do it alone. I learnt that the hand wasn't to drag me out of the abyss but to connect our lights and face the dark together. 
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