blakkat5158 · 2 years
you have hollow bones;
bird bones
empty, empty on the inside
with so much engraved.
you are
taking off and
flying to somewhere
I cannot follow.
I want to dig my
fingers into your
hollow bones,
break your bird bones open,
snap your ribs apart and read
the song you have
let me pick,
pick at your insides and
into your hollow bones;
your bird bones
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
Sorry to sound ignorant, but I genuinely don’t understand what Putin could stand to gain from invading Ukraine. Can you shed any light on the subject?
He doesn't. That's the super frustrating part of this mess. Everyone with an ounce of knowledge about European-Russian international relations is scratching their heads going "what is this, and why now? He gains nothing."
A lot of people will blame this on NATO expansion concerns, but the truth is that NATO expansion has been a "concern" for years and nothing like this has ever happened (even the Invasion of Crimea in 2014 wasn't near the level of what's happening right now). Putin's not afraid of NATO; NATO's largely proved to be 'all bark and no bite' in response to repeated acts of Russian aggression since 2008. He's gotten bolder and bolder and tried to assassinate an ex-FSB agent-turned British spy on UK soil less than 5 years ago, for god's sake. Also, Ukraine's not even in NATO; if he wanted to be aggressive on that front, he'd go bother the Baltic states. If people think he's scared of NATO, they're not paying attention.
There's basically two answers that I can give that might make some sense:
Ukraine has a lot of natural gas and mineral resource reserves, and he could be trying to control them. He could also be theoretically be trying to gain control of Ukraine's southern ports, since having access to those waters been an everlasting Russian NatSec and trading issue for say......the last thousand years. That doesn't really make much sense considering the circumstances, though, especially since Russia already controls Crimea.
He's an ex-KGB officer whose pride was mortally devastated by the fall of the USSR and has been longing to recreate what was lost for thirty years. He wants to reinstate the Russian Empire (or at least the USSR as he remembers it), and he's tired of waiting for these silly little democracies on his western border to give up their "teenage rebellion phase" and come home to Mother Russia. It would explain Russia's ongoing attempts to undermine democracy worldwide (including in the US in 2016) and their cyberwarfare against the US and UK too, since a Divided West is a Weak West and a Weak West is a Beatable West. It's Russian imperialism at its finest, led by a man emboldened by his hurt ego, the West's appeasement tactics re: Crimea, repeated lack of consequences for Russia's aggressiveness on the world stage, and four years of Trump sucking up to him.
That's.....unfortunately all I've got. #2 makes total sense and is absolutely what's happening, but the way he's going about it and his actions over the past few weeks are really baffling me, because it's a completely irrational and politically stupid way to actually achieve his intended purpose of re-consolidating the former Soviet Bloc (and make no mistake because that is his purpose, which anyone who's ever listened to one of his annual speeches at the Kremlin would know).
So the only answer I really have for you is "he's finally gotten impatient waiting to re-draw the map of Europe by force and thinks he can escape permanent consequences by doing so now," even if it still doesn't truly explain what the fuck he thinks he's doing by invading Ukraine now with the strategy he appears to be using.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
when life slips between your ribcage
like sand through an hourglass
and sand through my hands;
when you have run out of time—
i will stare out my dirty windows,
hoping to catch a glimpse of you
in the shapes and shadows of my world
as i listen to the absence of your breath
and the absence of your heart,
and i will whisper to the wandering wind
that sways the leaves of cypress trees
for the ear of the life i’ve outlived
“Thank you for being mine.”
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
i’d like to nap on a warm rock
and have the sun sink into my bones
i’d breathe in the breath of spring
and i wouldn’t mind being alone
so i’d sit until my soul sings
and forget any tick or tock
what great joy did it bring
to take a nap on a warm rock
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
Chapter 6 is out!
Interlude I: Vicissitudes
[ Vicissitude, a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. ]
Everything is forfeit when you enter the Abyss.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
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Writers don’t get to rest.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
B(ii): Abyssal Energy
The atmosphere in the Abyss is… toxic to living beings. This toxicity is not in reference to the vapourised poison in the air. It’s more akin to a taint in the entire realm. Most humans don’t last more than three tides, or days, before dying. In special cases, some humans begin generating their own Abyssal energy in their bodies to combat the taint in the atmosphere—to fight fire with fire. To kickstart this process, the human in question must kill and carry the legacy of their prey. The speed at which energy is generated increases with the number of imprinted souls one carries.
Mental instability, loss of control of body, dissociative identity disorder, loss of cognitive ability, scarring, and death.
So, while Abyssal energy may be incredibly useful with its versatility in healing, increasing speed, connecting with elements, etc, please be reminded to balance its volume by expelling it from the body appropriately.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
one good thing about december on this hellsite is that this gif will be making its rounds again
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
Chapter 4 of AHGTTA is up!
B(i): Weather Issues
The weather in the Abyss is... fickle. Usually, you get this impossible humidity that is toxic in large amounts and absolutely ruins hair. Thankfully, while uncondensed, it's pretty much harmless compared to the Abyssal taint in the air. The problem comes about when it's in liquid form. It is pertinent that you find shelter immediately or risk death by rain... Not something to brag about with fellow ghosts afterwards.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
i suddenly want to right one of those secret relationship tropes. like imagine this between persons A B and C
A: drinking at a bar waiting for B
C: drunk and wants to sleep with A
B: walks in on C throwing themself at A who is very uncomfortable
B: Beats C’s ass
C: “Is this some sort of misguided chivalry??? A can say no themself if they want to.”
A: tries to calm B down by running hands through their hair
B: forgets about C, gets lost in A’s eyes blah blah blah
C: “you fucking hypocrite”
B: eyes narrow, bares fangs, smells blood in the air. “Do you know what’s the difference between you and me?” Head cocks to the side, like a predator surveying prey.
A: still playing with B’s hair
B: “That’s my fucking wife.”
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
If you're reading this...
go write three sentences on your current writing project.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
Chapter Three of AHGTTA is out!
Chapter 3: Section B: Surviving the Abyss
Step 2: Find a Teacher
When in doubt, look for someone with more experience in surviving than you. You can endear yourself to them and become a leech. Please note that doing so will likely endear them to you as well. But survival rates in the Abyss are greatly increased due to more sleep and a buddy system for hunting when accompanied by someone else. Some cons include that more food and water is required, and if you don't have a hydro vision or don't know how to use Abyssal energy to purify things, it is highly recommended that you stay far far away from the river water.
Worst case scenario, you can cannibalise your companion. Unless they're stronger than you, of course, in that case, hope that they're kind enough to grant you a swift death before you latch onto their soul to continue your journey in spirit.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
Chapter 2 of AHGTTA is up! 
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
So remember this? Well the first chapter of AHGTTA is out!
Title: A Househusband’s Guide to the Abyss
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character:Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe's Family (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe's Siblings (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe's Mother (Genshin Impact), Teucer (Genshin Impact), Tonia (Genshin Impact), Anthon (Genshin Impact), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Skirk (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Albedo (Genshin Impact), Durin (Genshin Impact), Venti (Genshin Impact), Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Tsaritsa (Genshin Impact), Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Dainsleif (Genshin Impact), Diona (Genshin Impact), La Signora (Genshin Impact) Pairing: Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Teucer (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Tonia (Genshin Impact), Anthon & Tartaglia | Childe & Teucer & Tonia (Genshin Impact), Anthon & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Kaeya & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Albedo/Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Albedo & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Skirk & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Tartaglia | Childe's Family (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), Kong | Aether & Tartaglia | Childe & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Dainsleif & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1038
Summary: In which Ajax falls into the Abyss for three years instead of months. It spits him back out differently, with a taint in his heart and more battle experience than any mortal since the archon war. That’s the thing about the Abyss; it takes something from you when you enter.
And when you leave?
It gives something back.
Everything you need to know about entering, living in and escaping the Abyss. Also includes how to make yourself a wanted criminal in your home country, how to take care of your family while running from said country, how to snag yourself a foreign Archon for a husband, how to wage war on said husband's ex-bosses, and more.
Note: Do not attempt at home.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Abyss (Genshin Impact), Abyss Order (Genshin Impact), Abyss Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), Call of the Abyss, Abyss Lore (Genshin Impact), POV Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe-centric (Genshin Impact), Canon-Typical Violence, Worldbuilding, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Khaenri'ah (Genshin Impact), Khaenri'ah Royalty Kaeya (Genshin Impact), The Fall of Khaenri'ah (Genshin Impact), Khaenri'ah Lore (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is Not a Fatui Member (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is Called Ajax (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is Good with Children (Genshin Impact), big brother Ajax, childe is a good brother, Tartaglia | Childe and Zhongli's Marriage Chopsticks (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Tartaglia | Childe Friendship (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe's Real Name (Genshin Impact), Childe's unnamed older siblings, thank you for being my plot devices, Pre-Canon
So I have a fic coming soon. Planning has been absolutely mad since I’ve had this idea since June. I titled it ‘A Househusband’s Guide to the Abyss’ and every chapter’s summary is done in this commentary documentary way that I find absolutely hilarious. Here’s a sneak peak to chapter 1’s summary.
Section A; Method 1: Accidents Happen
Sometimes you run away from home, into the large scary forest that everyone tells you not to go into, get chased by wolves and bears, slip and fall, and the ground swallows you whole. Very rarely does this happen, but some people just have really good luck. Of course, this means you entered the Abyss through its natural gateways.
Hopefully, if you time the Abyssal tides correctly, you can exit through a natural gateway before it closes on you and you die a horrible death of suffocation and have your life drained out to be dispersed in the Abyss as energy.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
So I have a fic coming soon. Planning has been absolutely mad since I’ve had this idea since June. I titled it ‘A Househusband’s Guide to the Abyss’ and every chapter’s summary is done in this commentary documentary way that I find absolutely hilarious. Here’s a sneak peak to chapter 1’s summary.
Section A; Method 1: Accidents Happen
Sometimes you run away from home, into the large scary forest that everyone tells you not to go into, get chased by wolves and bears, slip and fall, and the ground swallows you whole. Very rarely does this happen, but some people just have really good luck. Of course, this means you entered the Abyss through its natural gateways.
Hopefully, if you time the Abyssal tides correctly, you can exit through a natural gateway before it closes on you and you die a horrible death of suffocation and have your life drained out to be dispersed in the Abyss as energy.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
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First batch of easy answer images.
Easy to make and easy to use! Save these pictures and the next time an anti tries an overused argument, you’ve got an answer ready to go. Just post the picture instead of typing the same thing over and over again. Free for anyone to use with or without credit.
Thanks to @ship-is-love, @shipping-isnt-morality, @forest-of-stories, and @shippingisnotactivism for their contributions.
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blakkat5158 · 3 years
A little girl A little lost A little forest A little frost
A little snow A little shiver A little wind A little wither
A little snake A little bite A little venom A little blight
A little girl A little lost A little forest A large cost
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