#the whole yiga clan circus
ridreamir · 1 year
Yiga Clan & Master Kohga /Captive Reader TOTK Quick (Semi-Crack) Imagines
Kohga will with all seriousness complain of cravings for bananas and of 'hormones' because of his potbelly 'food baby'. This is absolutely just an excuse to laze around and not do anything remotely considered work. He's on maternity leave and it's not even paid!
He's mostly disinterested in what you're doing around the place, but he'll call for you like you're one of the clansmen if he's bored and has nothing better to do. He likes getting in the way of you doing chores, even though he was the one that suggested you 'earn your keep' around here anyway.
He likes tinkering and will mutter to himself the whole time.
"Hmmm.... maybe if I just... put that there... and this goes there... Yeah, that seems that'll do it." "Hup, heavy, up we go."
Sometimes he'll forget you're there, though he's the one that asked for you not even ten minutes ago.
"Don't do that!!!" or "Holey Schmoley!!" "--You shouldn't do that to a guy!!!"
"...and...huh...maybe if I-" *pauses, suddenly whipping his head to look in your direction* "--and you!! Quit staring at me with those two eyes!!! It's really unnerving!!"
He's flustered when you catch him making mistakes, even though he's admittedly pretty good at what he does.
Sometimes he stops what he's doing and cranes his neck to the side a little without explanation. Or he'll walk into a room and stare unresponsively at nothing for an uncomfortable length of time. You have no idea that he's not actually dissociating in the direction of the wall, he's giving you the side-eye while you go about whatever you're doing. It's not exactly inconspicuous, but you think nothing of it as he nods to himself and walks out.
He doesn't show it, but he pays you a lot more attention than he lets on.
The same can be said for most of the clansmen. You pretty much live in a prison cell turned bedroom, and your only door is a dismantled wooden spike lever system that sort of holds up a shoddy curtain on a good day. That said, you've missed the small gaps between the door frame and the curtain enough times that you've definitely been accidentally peeped on, much to the embarrassment of both parties. You've been careful not to repeat that mistake after it happened more times than it should have. They've learned not to barge in without announcing themselves at the very least.
With the introduction of the 'Hydrant', a mysterious Zonai device that spits out water, they're getting a little crazy with the building expansion ideas. Needless to say that the first iteration of the spontaneous indoor water fountain was a sheer failure-- or a resounding success depending on who was asked. In fact, water in the desert has become a big talking point, and with the introduction of these weird bulbous gourd-fruit-things, you're definitely not worried about shriveling up to a crisp anytime soon. Not when you've been ambushed a countless number of times for target practice and smacked right dab in the face with exploding water plants. It'd be more likely your skin would rinkle like a raisin from all the splashing at this point. Hydrants, splash fruits or whatever they were calling them... Your torture never ceased.
Kohga might snicker, tossing them at you from behind a wall or pillar, but his joy is short-lived when one of his blades masters catch him and pluck him off the ground, ushering him back to his makeshift workshop while he whines and kicks the whole way back.
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