#the work he did was great but hes not even clooose
ocular-intercourse · 2 years
i'm currently ghost writing my brother in law's master thesis which is a mess considering the due date is tuesday but he offered to pay me like.. 500 bucks and thats possibly half my tattoo sooo 👀👀👀
but the whole time i'm just sitting here like.. hagshfjfjfj to imagine somebody with no background knowledge writing this
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youaremynewdream · 8 years
Dragon Age Asks: Hawke + Companions
God I’m so sorry I’m still bored so here’s more I’’m not even asking anymore. boop. This is for my cannon playthough, Shannon Hawke
Original ask here
Isabela 1. Did Isabela return at the end of Act II? Was your Hawke angry if she did not return? Were they pleased if she did? -Nope, she left for good :/ Hawke was upset, but understood.  2. What did your Hawke think of pirates? Did they approve or disapprove of Isabela’s title as a “pirate queen”? -She thought it was great, she always wanted to  meet a real pirate. 
3. How did your Hawke feel about Isabela’s indifference to the mage-templar war? Were they offended? Or indifferent themselves? - a bit offended, but they just decided not to discuss it. 
4. How did your Hawke respond to Isabela? Were they well-matched or ill-suited? -They were chill at first, but once things got more serious, it got harder to remain friends. 
5. Was your Hawke close with Isabela throughout the Acts of Kirkwall? Did they remain in contact with her? -First act, yes.  She does remain in contact, though not as much as she’d hope. 
Fenris 1. Did your Hawke also hate Tevinter, like Fenris? Were they influenced by him? - Yup. Screw slavery man like wtf. 
2. If his personal quest was received, did your Hawke allow him to kill his sister? Why or why not? - She didn’t let him. Family matters, she couldn’t let him do it.
3. How did your Hawke’s final decision between the mages or the templars affect their relationship with Fenris? Were they forced to kill him? - She chose the mages, but she rivalmanced him so although he was against it, he decided to go with her. 
4. How did your Hawke respond to the mutual resentment between Fenris and Anders? Did they intervene? - She was friends with anders, so she just kinda lived with it.  It reminded her of the Twins. 
5. What motivated your Hawke to be either a friend or a rival to Fenris? Were they indifferent to him? -ok I can right an essay on how in love with Fenris she is, but that would be too much.  They disagreed on so much, but they listened.  They cared.  They changed and worked together, becoming better people.  In the end that’s what mattered, is that they stayed with each other. 
Merrill 1. How did your Hawke react to Merrill’s use of blood magic? Were they shocked? Pleased? -Shocked, but okay with it as long as it wasn’t used for anything *bad*
2. Was your Hawke intrigued by Merrill’s Eluvian? Were they concerned? - she was fascinated, and wanted merrill to work on it
3. Did your Hawke understand Merrill’s attachment to her clan? Were they confused by her dedication to her clanmates? -Nah she understood familyish stuff and ties.
4. What sort of relationship did your Hawke have with Merrill? Were they protective of her? -Hawke was originally kind of romantically attracted to her, but it turned into a close friendship.  She was verrrryyy protective of her, like a sister. 
5. Did your Hawke remain close to Merrill after the end of Act III? Did their choice between the mages or templars affect their relationship? -Yup. close close clooose friends.  
Aveline 1. Did your Hawke help Aveline in wooing Donnic? What did they think of the whole affair? -Oh god yes.  Hawke would do anything for Ave, but maker is that woman not good with courting.
2. Did your Hawke empathize with Aveline’s grief at losing her husband? Did they attempt to comfort her? -She tried to comfort her, but hawke has a problem with uh... making jokes when they probably shouldn’t be made...
3. How did your Hawke respond to Aveline’s position as Guard-Captain? Did they respect her authority? -in the end she does, but that won’t stop her poking fun at Aveline at every opportuity for it. 
4. How did your Hawke’s relationship with Aveline change throughout the Acts? Did they connect to her because of their mutual escape from the darkspawn in Ferelden? -Mom friend is one of the best friends. Ye. 
5. Did your Hawke agree or disagree with Aveline’s position on the mage-templar rebellion? -Eh eventually Aveline understood and was on hawke’s mage side. 
Varric 1. Was your Hawke curious about the story behind Bianca? -Oh definitely. 
2. Was your Hawke comfortable with Varric’s story-telling hobby? Did they predict that Varric would write a story about them? - Oh yeah.  She would give him one liners to stick in whenever she could, and would retell any stories he might have missed. She demanded that she review the first copy of that book though. 
3. Did your Hawke allow Varric to keep the lyrium shard? Why or why not? -No. She knew that if that shit fucked up his brother, there was no way she was letting him hang on to the stuff. Not even if it was locked up. 
4. Did your Hawke relate to Varric’s rocky relationship with his brother? How did they feel about Bartrand’s betrayal? -It reminded her of carter, but she felt horrible that the bastard did this to her best friend. 
5. What was your Hawke’s opinion on Varric’s chest hair? - hot af wow bang me now pls
Anders 1. How did your Hawke feel about Anders’ clinic? Did they ever spend time there? - She felt comforted there.  She would come for magic neck massages just to talk.
2. What did your Hawke think about Justice/Vengeance possessing Anders? Were they unsettled? -unsettled but kinda just went with it. Everyone has their quirks.
3. What was your Hawke’s relationship with Anders like before the Chantry explosion? How did the explosion change their perception of him? -Good friends. She cared a lot about him, he reminded her of her sister.  She cares so much for the mages. She was so upset by the chantry explosion, but she couldn’t bring herself to kill him. 
4. Who did your Hawke back, mages or templars, and what became of Anders? -Mages, kept him alive.  In the end she understood the meaning behind it, even if she condemned the action. 
5. Did your Hawke believe Anders’ solution to the mage-templar problem, the chantry explosion, was the correct action? What would they have done instead? - Didn’t agree it was the right action, you can make a message without hurting people, but in the end it did make some noise. 
Bethany  1. Did Bethany become a Grey Warden or die of the Taint or was she taken to the Circle? How did your Hawke react to what became of her? - She went to the Circle.  Hawke was super upset but at least she would be okay. 
2. How did Leandra and/or Carver’s death affect your Hawke’s relationship with Bethany?  - Became SO much closer, even though they were already close.  Shannon clung on to her so hardcore, she couldn’t lose any more family. 
3. Due to Bethany being a mage, was your Hawke influenced by her when making the choice between mages and templars? - yyyyyyyup. She heavily influenced Shannon’s decision to back mages.
4. How close were your Hawke and Bethany before they fled to Kirkwall? Did they grow closer or drift farther apart once they were settled in Kirkwall? -Very close already, but became closer at kirkwall
5. Did your Hawke stay in contact with Bethany after the mage-templar decision in Kirkwall? -Yup yup yup ain’t losing contact with the baby sister nope never
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