#and what he send me was like.. maybe 3 chapters of 8 or so ( 60+ pages) finished and the rest just loose keywords or graphics
uefb · 2 years
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I posted 158 times in 2022
That's 158 more posts than 2021!
61 posts created (39%)
97 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 158 of my posts in 2022
#newt scamander - 111 posts
#fantastic beasts and where to find them - 60 posts
#autistic newt scamander - 56 posts
#my stuff - 56 posts
#tina goldstein - 49 posts
#newtina - 31 posts
#theseus scamander - 30 posts
#fantastic beasts fanfic - 30 posts
#fic: with its head under one wing - 26 posts
#fantastic beasts - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also i have so much in my brain abt interwar history rn that no one understands my jokes rn bc they’re referencing events that are 90 year s
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello, Wizarding World fandom -
if this isn’t appropriate for every single war and relationship in your brain, then I don’t know what will be. Currently tearing up about Newt & Tina it’s fine
My knuckles were bruised like violets
Sucker punching walls
Cursed you as I sleep talked
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Spineless in my tomb of silence
Tore your banners down
Took the battle underground
And maybe it was egos swinging
See the full post
25 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Jacob Kowalski doesn’t need magic to make chaos:
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There is absolutely some reality out there in which Jacob shows up to a friends&family holiday party grinning like a loon, thinking he is THE funniest person in the world as he watches Newt and Bunty unwrap these: 
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Newt blinks.
Bunty snorts a giggle.
Tina takes it upon herself to correct the punctuation while Queenie charms the words a brilliantly glittering gold—
At which the niffler in the depth’s of Newt’s pocket sniffs and leaps: 
It shatters a mug and tips over the menorah, setting the Christmas tree on fire in one chaotic swoop
See the full post
30 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
Newt Scamander and Stimming: One of many possible examples
Not me watching clips of these movies over and over and over again because I’ve never seen someone who moves quite like me (and isn’t a manic pixie dream girl) represented in media.
Sorry, I couldn’t get it to download with captions. You can watch it with captions at this link.
32 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
I will die on the “Theseus & Newt actually love each other dearly they’re just wildly different people” hill. (Or, rather, they are similar people whose “means to the ends” just look very different.)
So have some adorable 8-year-old Newt and 16-year-old Theseus.
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Also this is unedited forgive me the excessively long sentences
39 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Headcanon: Why do I feel like this sums up Theseus and Newt’s entire relationship / their entire family all the way back through childhood?
Blue screenshot from unposted chapter of fic x
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Age 6: Newt’s dissection of a horklump is so precise his mum sends off his sketches and notes to the Hogwarts library and theseus doesn’t find out until the next spring when he’s scouring the stacks for a diagram for his Care of Magical Creatures final
Age 8: Newt’s mum puts him in Muggle primary school to help him learn social skills but the kids are boring and awful so Newt starts accidentally magicking himself into the woods outside the school for 2 weeks straight and just walks back to the yard for pick-up in the afternoons. Doesn’t tell anyone until the Ministry shows up at their house to ask his parents if they know their son’s been performing complex underage magic
Age 10: Newt gets bitten by a ridiculous number of doxies while investigating an infestation and his parents only find out when he passes out at the dinner table and Theseus only finds out when he comes home for Easter and asks his brother why his arm looks so lumpy and why he has a children’s ward hospital bracelet
Age 13: Leta bullies Newt into trying out for the Hufflepuff house team in September because they’re down players and he’s absurdly fearless when it comes to flying, and then he’s on the team for a full year, but his family only finds out when the Prophet covers the final matches of the Inter-house Cup in May, and Newt immediately quits after the final game (“it was cutting into my forest time!”), much to his brother’s chagrin
Age 14: Newt gets a school-wide award for an herbology essay on the scientific and magical distinctions between plant and animal characteristics in semi-sentient plants like venomous tentacula and devil’s snare and his family literally doesn’t find out until his expulsion hearing (but his mum still puts the award up on the wall anyway)
Age 16: Relatedly - Newt gets rather dramatically expelled but Theseus only finds out two days later when he runs into Newt in the DMLE corridor on his way to his hearing, because poor communication runs in the family and their father forgot to tell Theseus where he went Tuesday night after that barrage of Hogwarts owls showed up at 10PM
I could go on
why is this so funny to me
53 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ocular-intercourse · 2 years
i'm currently ghost writing my brother in law's master thesis which is a mess considering the due date is tuesday but he offered to pay me like.. 500 bucks and thats possibly half my tattoo sooo 👀👀👀
but the whole time i'm just sitting here like.. hagshfjfjfj to imagine somebody with no background knowledge writing this
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crystalline1206 · 3 years
The Rifle
Chapter 1 “Kal'Tava”
Title: The Rifle Pairings: Mandalorian x F!Reader Rating: E (for language, sexual situations, No YOUNGLINGS lurking where they shouldn’t) Setting: Before Season 1 (briefly), before Season 2, leading into Season 2 eventually, slower burn. Summary: You always believed that trouble had a knack for finding you… You just never realized what trouble really meant until you met him. — “Why did you help me?” “…You looked like you needed your rifle,” Warnings: Age gap (LATER) Older man/younger woman, explicit sexual scenes and sexual situations leading up to it after chapter 8 Word Count: 1446 A/N: Hello! Welcome to my first story I actually have a plan for! I fell down a deep dark Mandalorian hole and I plan on making a living here. So sit back, relax, and enjoy! If you have any pointers or tips feel free to send them my way, but please, be kind! Banner inspired by @valkblue​
This story takes place 10 years before Mando and Baby Yoda leave Nevarro as a clan of 2. I did some quick math and estimated that Din was born around 3251 LY / 26BBY which is a few years before the clone wars and therefore he is around 35 years old when The Child is found in 3286 / 9ABY. All that said, Mando is in his mid 20’s to your teens and any and all romance will be much much later. P.S. Yena is a play on y/n, thought it’d be a clever way to handle that!​
Chapter Summary: You never get a second chance to make a first impression
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“Did you see the Mandalorian in town?”
Your father couldn’t help but notice you perking up after overhearing your sister’s conversation. He swung around to your work station and gave you a nudge to get you back to work, which you returned in kind at being caught. Sure, Odell and Ravi could stand around and talk while putting merchandise away, but as soon as you so much as tilt your head, you get stuck with the reprimand. You did allow yourself a small bit of pride at being the best out of your siblings with fixing blasters and the occasional landspeeder, but at the cost of being able to walk into the market and gossip with friends, it didn’t seem like all that great of an accomplishment at the moment.
“A Mandalorian? Those are the bounty hunters right? With all the weapons and armor?” You piped up from your little corner as you fiddled with the blaster in your hands, only to have it yanked from your hands as your father towered over you.
“No no no, I know you. You keep your head down and stay out of trouble, Yena. I mean it,” Your eyes crossed as he waved a meaty finger in your face.
“But I—“ Your voice pitched in defense.
”Calm down, Cadri. It’s hard not being curious about new people here, she doesn’t mean anything by it,” Your mother, ever the voice of reason, seemed to understand you teenage curiosity more than the rest of your family.
Your father, however, was strict man, quiet, and kept to himself; all qualities that he “claimed” helped him live through some of the galaxy’s more tumultuous years… Honestly, you thought it had more to do with the fact that you all lived in the shadiest part of the outer rim. Nonetheless, your father strove to instill these qualities into his many children, mostly through manual labor and a lack of free time. Hard to get into trouble when you hardly left the weapons mechanic shop, but you always swore that you never went looking for trouble. Truly, it just always seemed to find you. You always thought it had more to do with being one of the younglings and getting left behind to fend for yourself out of your three sisters and two brothers.
“Oh come on, Baba. I don’t get into trouble!” You exclaimed heatedly.
“Ha! If you lied half as well as you fixed blasters then maybe that would have been more believable,” You heard your sister’s snarky comment from the corner of the store.
“Nobody asked for your opinion, Odell—“ You snapped.
“It’s not an opinion it’s a fact,”
“I’ll show you a fact, when I come over there and kick your a—!” You had already started to get up to lunge towards her when your father tried to intervene.
“Girls! Enough—“
“… Do you carry ammo for Amban rifles?”
Five pairs of eyes turned towards the lone figure that had just stepped through the doorway. Your eyes immediately focused on the T-shaped visor set in smooth silver beskar. Even out here, you and your siblings were all trained to know quality steel when you saw it, what with your family being in weapon and ship repairs. This was your first time seeing real Mandalorian beskar in person though, much less on a real Mandalorian. You knew there had been a Mandalorian in town a few years back but you’d never actually seen him since he worked for gangsters. Your family must have though if the wide eyed looks of your family members were anything to go by, he definitely did cut an intimidating figure.
“… Yes. We don’t have much in stock but we do carry the rounds,” Your father finally broke the tense silence, startling your sister and mother into action as they shuffled over to the stock room.
“I’ll take what you have. How much?” The Mandalorian swung his rifle around to place in front of your father, but something in the movement caught your eye.
“15 wupiupi—“
“Your rifle… it has a short in the barrel,” You vaguely heard your father’s harsh whisper of your name as you tentatively reached for the rifle, “The trigger is loose, and butt of the rifle is worn down as well… probably from the recoil when you fire,”
You looked up and met the empty glare of the T-visor, your breath caught as you realized that you had essentially taken his gun out of his hands and given him unsolicited criticism on the maintenance of said gun to his face— or rather helmet. You knew you were right in your assessment, you’d been working on guns your entire life, but being met with silence made your stomach drop. You resisted the urge to blurt out that you didn’t really know anything, that you were just a stupid 17 year old trying to impress a bounty hunter, when he finally spared you from the embarrassment. After what felt like ages, but was surely only seconds, the Mandalorian inclined his head mildly in your father’s direction.
“How much for the repairs?” If anyone saw your knees buckle, you were glad that they hadn’t mentioned it.
“The repairs and the ammo for 60 wupiupi, no less,”
“Fine. How long for the repairs to be done” At this the Mandalorian turned your way and you nearly choked, was he expecting you to do it?
“Uh-hrm… a-a couple of hours? 3 tops—“
“You’ve got one and a half. I’ll pay half now and half when it’s finished,” he neatly dropped a pouch into your father’s unexpecting hands and walked out. The silence left in his wake was deafening, until…
“ Yena , what have you gotten yourself into? You foolish girl!”
To say that your parents were mortified, terrified, and petrified by the spectacular heights of your audacity and stupidity would have been an understatement. Your father cursed every piece of faulty machinery in the shop as he helped you strip the rifle, and despite your mother’s many exclamations of being at a loss for words, she still proceeded to nearly shriek at you for the next 20 minutes as you scrambled to get your workstation together. All in all, you were nearly to the point of tears and you only had an hour left to fix the damned thing.
“I take back every time I said I didn’t get myself into trouble, you were right, you were all right,” Your mother’s hysterics must have rubbed off on you because you were nearly inconsolable as you tore your station apart for a driver small enough to tighten the trigger to the firing mechanism.
In a moment of clarity, your father finally kicked your mother and sisters out so you could focus, not that it helped much at this point as you glanced at the clock every 5 minutes. After the 5th time you burned yourself with your welder you finally stopped watching the clock and finished up. The short itself was an exposed wire that was messing with the transfer of the Tibanna gas and creating more force than necessary during firing, which resulted in the excessive recoil and a loose trigger. Your father’s store didn’t carry the type of gunstock necessary to replace the worn butt of the Mandalorian’s rifle, so all you could do was clean, reassemble, and call it done. You wiped your brow and looked up at the clock and realized you had actually made it with 3 minutes to spare, sobs of relief nearly melting you out of your chair as you held the rifle reverently to your chest.
“Get down!” You felt the shock of the explosion before you saw the smoke and ran out into the street with the rifle still pressed to your chest.
“What’s going on?!” You managed your pull one of your neighbors towards you from the people running away from the blast.
“That Mandalorian, the-the crew he was with turned on him! It’s a disaster, he’s holed up in a house, they have him pinned cuz he got hurt saving Ravi!” You felt your blood run cold.
The Mandalorian had saved your sister…
The Mandalorian had saved your sister and he had gotten hurt doing it, and now he was trapped in a house getting shot at by his own crewmates.
Your feet began to move before you had even finished thinking of a plan, rushing into the store and grabbing a box of the ammo the Mandalorian had requested. You strapped the gun to your back and rushed out the back door. It was starting to look like trouble was going to be a friend of yours now.
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wickedobsessed101 · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
[SOURCE: criminal-minds-fanfiction: Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I’d try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog!]
I’m answering all of these b/c I love Q & A’s about my writing, both for my fics and other things.
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? It was 2013, so I was 14 years old. I’m now almost 23.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? I’m mostly in the Wicked Musical fandom, but I like to read for other fandoms, like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Chronicles of Narnia, ect.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer. OCs, but I’m more than willing to create an OC for someone based on characteristics they give me.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? I love me some fluffy romance and hurt/comfort, but I also love some angsty drama.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? OMG, don’t make me choose! They’re all my babies! I love all my children equally! They all hold special places in my heart.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? Goodness, most of my stories prior to 2017, because I was in high school and had no idea what I was doing because I was just getting my feet wet with writing.
7) When is your preferred time to write? Anytime really. The latest I’ve stayed up writing a fic was 4AM. *Glares at ‘Threads of Truth’*
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? Where ever it happens to come up. I’m not picky. Movies, music, people I’ve seen on the street, random thoughts that enter my head, anything.
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote? In ‘Threads of Truth’, it’s a tie between Villy’s first date, and an argument that happens in an upcoming chapter. And that’s all I’m saying about that.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind? In ‘Play The Game’, I liked the epilogue ending that I gave Elphaba with her family, even without Fiyero. I like writing her with kids. Another ending would be with the Fiyeraba still together, but I’m satisfied with the ending it has.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? I’ll go back and fix typos that are pointed out, but I don’t change plot stuff. Like, I wrote what I wrote and I will amend my technique in future stories.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? Other than my OCs, because I get to fully create them and my lowkey babies, I’d have to say G(a)linda. She has so much potential and she’s so much fun.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? Boq. Not because I hate him (I don’t!), but because I don’t normally know what to do with him. If he’s not with Nessa, he’s literally just standing there like a brick wall. No offence, Boq!
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories. [Ask me about a specific story(ies)]
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? I usually change consonants and vowels to already existing names, or add unnecessary letters because... reasons.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx? [Ask me about a specific story]
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on. “Hopefully, this will soak up any more leaks.” (Upcoming Wicked fanfic)
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? Yes, 2. Both of them are a few years old and I’ve grown as a writer since then. Maybe one day, I’ll edit them and repost, but not anytime soon.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? Not everything can have a sequel, y’all! XD
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently? Yes! Around 60% of them.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? @vinkunwildflowerqueen @raven-curls @mylittleelphie @weaselspeedfanfic Ultimate Queen of Cliffies
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? This goes back to Question #6; most of what I posted prior to 2017.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? Silence. I need to focus.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? I can’t write it. They’ll make out, and then be pregnant in the next chapter. Y’all can do the math for yourselves.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? YES! Yes, I have! Both sad tears and tears of joy. I’ve also cringed from second-hand embarrassment at the things the characters do and say. I’m not in control of their actions all the time. Sometimes they tell me what they’re gonna do, and I’m like, “Well, alright, then.”
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write? [Ask me about a specific story]
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? I write bullet points of things I want to happen in a chapter on the Word Doc, or in the story as a whole, and I try to keep those bullet points in order. And the Notes App on my phone holds a lot of my ideas, and sometimes full scenes.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? That I’d become obsessed with writing and continue doing it for almost ten years, as well as expanding to writing plays and musicals.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like? Yeah. I’m not gonna say which one, but just know there’s one... or a few.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? Yes, and I’m still not gonna say which one(s). I want all the love!
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec, not the answerer) Yeah, sure!
32) Are any of your characters based on real people? Yes. Villy Doiir from ‘Threads of Truth’ is based on 4 people I know in real life, all mixed together into one wholesome, mother figure/ mentor. Perhaps that’s why I like writing her so much.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? All reviews keep me going, no matter the length. But I love it when people review saying that they picked up on little references that were really just for me. It makes me feel like we’ve shared a moment.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? A guest reviewer once said, “You tend to write Fiyero as an abusive person”. It wasn’t harsh, just... NOT TRUE. Especially for the story they were reviewing.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? Close to my chest. I’ll share it with the world when I’m ready.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? NOPE! You’ll just have to wait and see! LOL!
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written? I... really don’t know. My stories all have their funny moments.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. I’m very busy, and collabs aren’t really my thing, but I’m always willing to lend an extra pair of eyes pre-posting.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person? I’ve written one story in the first person and it was fun to get into the character’s head, but I love third person, cause I like knowing what everyone is thinking. Second person makes me feel a certain way and that don’t really like.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction? IRL, no. It’s not something I bring up over dinner. I’ll talk about my plays and musicals, but not fanfiction. I like keeping my fics for the online peeps and my more personal writings for the RL peeps.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written? My OC, Princess Hannalyn, from ‘A Royal Romance’. She was so much fun!
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx. I haven’t done a song fic.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? Not fully, but they’ve had little inklings, but certain details were still a surprise. And I’m not mad about it.
44) What is the last line you wrote? “I don’t want this to be the last time we see each other.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process? When I’ll have one idea, and it spirals into many others, and when the characters write themselves. It makes it so much easier for me. Sometimes they tell me that they’re about to make a bad decision, and I just go along with it. They need to learn and grow somehow.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it? [Ask me for a specific story]
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about? [Ask me]
48) What’s your favourite trope to write? I love a good Royalty AU (not fully AU ‘cause of our princey-prince, but still) and Holiday AUs. And I’ve never written a Coffeeshop AU, but I LOVE reading them. I’ll read anything. I’m not picky, and I love to see what ideas others have.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? Yes, and both of them were Gelphies: 1 - “Easier Said Than Done” by mecelphie - It’s part of a long, wonderful series of Elphaba and Glinda together at Shiz and how their lives evolve together and has many lovable OCs. 2 - “The Thropp Diaries” by denpa wave chick saki - It’s first-person Elphaba POV of the book. It expands on lots of mentioned moments and we get to journey through Elphaba’s thoughts.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? I’d have to say fluff, so I can get my escape from reality. But it’s hard to write pure fluff without a little bit of conflict.
If you wanna read my stories, they’re all right here: Fae’sFlower
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guardianofjunmyeon · 4 years
Finding Atlantis (part 12)
Genre: Action/Adventure, Enemies to Lovers, PirateAU
Description:  20 years ago the seas became angry. Unruly and unkind to any sailor, to  any ship that dared venture too far out in her waters. Many a man has  heard the tales of Atlantis, the lost city, the key the ocean. But fewer  men know the tale of it’s missing child. The key to the ocean, the key  to Atlantis but a lost little one. The power one would hold should they  find this child would be nearly that of Poseidon himself. Thus, the hunt  began.  
A/N: heres the last 1/3 of the last “chapter” so this is short sorryyyy. Slight smut warning??? Like...almost smut but not really, you’ll see skjdhkjhf. I’ll upload the next chapter this weekend!!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
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“I’m okay.”
“But your leg-”
“I said I’m okay.”
“But what about-”
“Captain,” Yixing says with a frown. You cross your arms over your chest. “Junmyeon is fine. All of his injuries are superficial and his leg will heal fine. No one was severely hurt by the sirens.”
“We can’t say the same for the sirens though,” Seulgi adds with a bright smile.
Minseok nods along. “As far as we could tell, we killed most of them. The ones that attacked us, the ones guarding you all, and the ones we found trying to escape or hide.”
“How many did you all kill?” Jongin asks with wide eyes.
Minseok and Seulgi share a look before silently coming to an approximate number. “Around 60,” Minseok says simply.
“60? With just the 4 of you?” you stare at the group impressed.
“We had planned on getting you all out quietly,” Kyungsoo supplies. “But some people were more determined to get you all out of there than others and botched the plan,” he says with a glance across the table.
You cock your head to the side and open your mouth to investigate when Baekhyun jumps in.
“It doesn’t matter. Everyone is back safe and sound. It all worked out,” he huffs out.
“Yeah I guess,” you say slowly, casting a glance in his direction. He rolls his eyes and flicks at a wad of parchment sitting on the table. “Everyone is safe, but I was worried that wasn’t going to be the case. They’d said that they were going to kill us, but keep Junmyeon alive. Since it’s not as though we’d have been able to get out on our own, Krystal told us of their plan. I wasn’t really worried about Junmyeon’s immediate safety as much as I was about him being found even if we were killed.”
“Krystal?” Seulgi asks.
“The leader of the sirens,” Jongin supplies. “She was the one in charge. Blonde hair, really pretty, evil as fuck.”
“Was her appearance all that important?”
“She was really pretty,” you defend Jongin from Baekhyun’s judging question.
He rolls his eyes and kicks your ankle under the table. You hold back a smile.
“She’s probably dead now right?” Chanyeol chimes in.
“Who knows, who cares. We survived the second trial all alive. Isn’t that enough?” Junmyeon’s voice is grim.
You give him a concerned look.
“You said they were going to keep Junmyeon alive? They told you that?” Yixing asks.
“They told me the same,” Junmyeon adds. He shifts in his seat. “Don’t know why, but I wasn’t really in a place to do the interrogating.”
“It was for Poseidon. To get to your father. They thought that using you as a hostage would be enough to get him to turn them back to the way they were before they were monsters,” you inform him.
His expression darkens. “My father…” you place a hand on his thigh to calm him. He takes in a breath. “Well they wouldn’t have gotten shit. They’d have been better off killing me and then leaving my body on his doorstep if they even wanted him to even blink an eye over me.”
“Junmyeon,” Yixing starts worriedly.
“It doesn’t matter.” Junmyeon brushes off your hand and settles his angry expression into something blank. “Their plan wouldn’t have worked, and we can move forward to the final mission.” The finality in his voice is like a bucket of cold water on everyone in the group.
Chanyeol coughs into his arm nervously.
“Uhm…well then I guess we should start preparing for the last mission then,” Jongin starts tentatively.
“There’s not much we can do. We just have to keep sailing and…wait,” Baekhyun says. You sigh tiredly and close your eyes. A hand rests on your thigh and rubs softly in reassurance. You don’t have the heart to open your eyes to confirm who is trying to comfort you although you already know, internally.
You cross your legs and the hand disappears, you open your eyes again. “In that case, let’s keep going. We've made it this far and we’re nearly finished.” You look at each of the faces at the table. “We’ll have Junmyeon use the compass to make sure we’re still heading the right way—” the compass.
Where is the compass?
The last place you remember seeing it was on your nightstand a few days ago. You hadn’t touched it, but it was definitely no longer where you’d left it.
“Oh shit I think I lost the compass-”
The compass clatters on the table in front of you. You blink at it in surprise.
Why did Baekhyun have the compass?
Junmyeon grabs it and opens it wordlessly. You can’t get yourself to see where it points, your focus on Baekhyun and trying to figure out what he was doing with the compass on his person.
“I’ll get Sehun and Yeri so that we can continue to sail on,” Junmyeon mumbles.
“I’ll help you,” Yixing offers. He stands and hands Junmyeon his crutches.
“I should get lunch ready for the crew,” Kyungsoo says softly. “Chanyeol…”
“I am your humble servant just tell me what you need me to do and I will do it-”
“…just stay out of my way.” Kyungsoo stands and leaves the room with Chanyeol scrambling to his feet behind him.
With a sigh, Jongin stands as well. “Captain I’ll prepare some ointment for your injuries. Can you come to the infirmary when you are finished?”
You offer a smile and watch as he exits and Junmyeon and Yixing hobble out behind him.
“Meeting adjourned I guess,” you mutter to yourself. You push yourself away from the table so that you can get the soothing cream from Jongin to put over your rope burns. Minseok grabs your wrist to stop you from leaving.
Seulgi and Baekhyun leave the room together laughing in quiet voices. You blink after them and then to Minseok’s hand around your wrist.
“I don’t think Junmyeon is going to be himself for a while.”
“What? What do you mean?”
He exhales and removes his hand. “I know you also noticed how he seemed a bit…” Dark. Scary. Grim. “…off. With everything going on I don’t think that he’ll be returning to normal for a while.”
You set your lips in a line. “I know…I agree. He’s…he has a lot to deal with and I don’t think we’ll be able to relieve him of the burdens and darkness settling in his heart. I’m just worried that it all will put out his light forever.”
“You know him Captain. Junmyeon is smart and strong. He just…needs time. He needs time and for us to just be there for him until we can get him home. He’ll bounce back in no time.” You nod in agreement. “You on the other hand…”
Your eyes widen in shock. You point a finger at yourself. “Me?”
“I’m worried about how all of this is going to affect you.”
“I’m fine. I’m going to be fine. I want to get Junmyeon home safe, that’s all that matters. If he’s happy then I’ll be happy.”
He frowns. “I don’t quite believe that, but if you think so then I’ll believe you for now. You’ve been handling everything well so far, so maybe you’re right.” He pauses and looks towards the cracked door of your quarters. “I wonder if that’s because you’ve found someone you can lean on when he’s gone...”
His words settle uncomfortably in your mind.
“Minseok what are you trying to say?”
He turns away from the door and plasters on a soft grin. “Nothing. I’m just speaking to myself.” He raises a hand to pat the top of your head affectionately. “I just hope you will also continue to be strong through to the end.”
“You’re weirding me out-”
“Blockhead,” he laughs as he flicks you lightly in the forehead. You scowl at him. “Oh…and he brought the compass with him when we went looking for you all. He seemed convinced it would help him find you all. Him and Kyungsoo.”
You narrow your eyes at the sudden shift in topic while Minseok stretches out his shoulders lazily. “I should go see what our new chef and sous-chef are making for lunch. I’m starving.” Without another word he struts out of the room.
You’re left alone to your thoughts.
Baekhyun took the compass to Isla de Sirena as a way to find Jongin and Chanyeol? Smart. You’ll give it to him.
When did he discover that it would point to one of them?
You walk towards the infirmary, mind hard at work trying to figure out how the compass would have worked to get Baekhyun to you all.
“The compass points to the thing you want most in the world and it brought him to us…” He wanted to find his crewmen most in the world? He must really appreciate them. Can it detect things like that? Would it have pointed to just one of them specifically? Would he have had to think about just one of them really hard to get it to point to them? Of the two of them you figure that he is closest to Jongin. Maybe the thing he wanted most in the world was to find Jongin and then he’d have looked for you and Chanyeol afterwards. Why would it point to Jongin of all the things in the world that he could want?
You pause at the door of the infirmary as realization hits you so hard you have to physically stop moving.
“He’s in love with Jongin oh shit- oh SHIT!” A hand comes around your forearm and pulls you away from the infirmary and into a corner hidden from view of the rest of the ship. A small space between the infirmary and the entrance to the crew cabins.
“What are you mumbling to yourself about?” Baekhyun asks you quietly, his voice nothing higher than a whisper as he talks directly into your ear.
The sound sends a pleasant shiver down your spine. But then you remember what you were mumbling about and you push him back just a tad so that his lips aren’t almost touching the shell of your ear.
Baekhyun is in love with Jongin.
Heat rushes to your cheeks. Embarrassment. You’re embarrassed. He’s always seemed to dote on him. They’re constantly at each other’s side and worried about each other. More so than they are anyone else…
Can your situation get any more pathetic?
“Wait…are you okay? You seem ill all of a sudden,” Baekhyun says. Is he worried about you? You can’t tell.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine I’m completely fine.” You straighten in your spot and realize belatedly that he’s boxed you in against wall. The embarrassment intensifies at the position. Him leaning over you and the closeness of your bodies causing desire to rush through your veins unbidden. You feel dizzy. “Did- uh did you uh need something?”
He blinks twice before you start to see the color rising up his neck and ears.
“I…” He swallows and his eyes dart across your face.
His drawn out silence makes you more nervous, more embarrassed. The heat rushing up your face sure matches that of what you can see on his.
Finally he exhales heavily and lets his head drop. “This is so stupid,” he grumbles to himself.
You have to agree.
When he lifts his head you see a confidence in his eyes that wasn’t there a few seconds ago. The pink is still visible in his face but there is a set determination in his eyes that captures your attention.
And then his lips press against yours.
The first touch of his lips surprises you. It’s nothing more than a peck. A simple connection of lips, but it’s a question.
It’s a request for permission that he leaves for you to answer when he pulls away and waits –looks into your eyes for your response. Desire flares through the pit of your stomach and you answer back without hesitation.
Without words. Without thought and without doubt and without shame.
You lean forward and kiss his lips again. Harder. More desperate.
You throw your arms around his shoulders and pull him against you, letting his weight press you harder against the wall.
You’ve been wanting to do this since last night…You wonder if maybe he feels the same.
His body presses harder into yours, hands grab at the softness of your body as if it’s the only thing keeping him above water. As if this moment has thrown him into the deepest part of the sea and you're a life preserver.
He could like whoever he wants, be in love with whoever he wants, but you don’t think that you’re ready to give this up. Ready to give up how good it feels to touch and be touched by him. To feel like maybe you’re his just for moments like these.
Not yet.
When his hand slides up to rest just under your breast you have to bite your lip to hold in the pitiful moan his touch pulls from you. He smiles against your lips and kisses the corner of them, drags his lips to your ear.
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already making such dirty noises,” he says with the amusement of someone far too happy with the knowledge that he can cause your undoing with the smallest ministrations.
Oh. So that’s how he wants to play?
You hook your leg around his calf and drag his lower half closer to you before you press your tongue to the skin of his neck and lick as slowly as you can right up to his ear. He keens and shakes so hard at the act that you think he might cum his pants right then. With a kiss to his ear in encouragement when you feel him rolling his hips against you to relieve some of the pressure building in his cock, you snort right into his shoulder.
“You planning on dry humping me out in the open? The least you could do is at least fuck me if you’re trying to get into exhibitionism,” you joke.
He pulls away quickly and there is nothing but seriousness in his eyes when he says, “Don’t tempt me.”
Your mouth dries at the (threat? Promise?) words.
Someone fake gags. “Gross…” A pause and intake of breath. “THEY’RE FUCKING WHERE EVERYONE SLEEPS NOW!”
You yelp and go to push Baekhyun away when he pulls himself closer and hides his face in your neck.
Oh yeah. You’ll give him some time to gather himself.
“I’m going to kill Sehun I fucking swear,” he growls out. You don’t try to hold in the laugh that bubbles from your chest. Baekhyun whines pathetically against you; you figure you should at least untwine yourselves. “Don’t move,” he starts. “Please. Just…stay like this for a little while,” he murmurs. You hear the tinge of embarrassment in his voice and decide to spare him any more torture by staying where you are and letting your fingers idly brush through his hair.
“God. Fuck. Is no place on this ship sacred? I swear to Poseidon…” Kyungsoo grumbles when he peaks around the corner, Sehun laughing soundlessly behind him.
“He’s crying. Just give him a couple of minutes.” You pout and stroke his hair more purposefully.
“Eh?” You feel Baekhyun pulling away to deny your claim so you tug him closer.
“Oh it’s okay, you don’t have to cry I understand. It’s perfectly normal to experience erectile dysfunction at such a young age as yours-”
“I am going to fucking kill you,” he pulls away fully and you can see his face turning red with angry embarrassment. You glance down and notice that at least his arousal isn’t as apparent. Mission accomplished?
“I’m going to vomit,” Kyungsoo laments dramatically before stalking away. Sehun comes over with concern painting his face, his early amusement nowhere to be seen.
“Captain you need to eat more eel. I read once that eel is great for male virility and will help you. You could have come talked to us you don't have to be embarrassed about it-”
You let Sehun’s speech cover you in your escape to the infirmary. You catch Baekhyun’s angry eyes briefly and offer and full smile in return before leaving him trapped in the corner.
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fanfic-scribbles · 4 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
I did this last year and thought it would be fun to do it again this year. Happy new year, and may 2021 treat us all a little bit better.
1). 220 notes - Mar 8 2020
Gremlins – Bucky/Steve/Reader
This is a new shirt.
Bucky really likes it.
It, too, is gone.
“What the fuck,” Bucky says and flings the not-favorite shirt across the room. It lands with a ‘thud!’
And an “Mm!”
He whips his head around and sees you peeling the shirt off your face. You give it a once-over and then turn a wry smile at him. “At least it’s clean.”
You hand it back and look over the small piles of clothing scattered across the bedroom floor. “What’s going on? Is that shirt still missing?”
“Four shirts,” Bucky grumps and flings the one he’s holding down to the floor. He rests his forehead on your shoulder and sighs. “I don’t know what the hell I did with them.”
He expects comfort, but the way your body tenses is…confusing. At first he thinks he’s heavy or has somehow made you physically uncomfortable, but before he can pull away you rub his shoulders and absolutely every aspect of that motion feels awkward.
And when you say, “I’m sure they’ll turn up eventually,” he knows you’re hiding something. He just doesn’t know what.
Or why.
2). 167 notes - Jun 19 2020
Life of the Party – Bucky Barnes/Reader
“Don’t relax; we’re not safe yet.”
You don’t even realize it at first; you’re so fucking done with the whole damn day you just roll your eyes and say, “Boy, you’re a real party, huh?”
He freezes in the middle of loading a gun and you gasp when you realize when he just said. Well shit.
“You know,” you chuckle, because what is your life right now, “–I thought we’d be in the middle of pulling off a prank or something. Not, you know, a war zone.”
He shakes his head. “I didn’t…think of it,” he says, then flinches and looks at you, brows creased in worry. Or is that aggravation? No, that looks like worry.
“Cool,” you say and smile at your soulmate. “I have no expectations to live up to. That’s nice.”
The lines in his face soften. He raises one eyebrow. “What expectations do I have to live up to?”
You run your hand over your arm absently, though the words are covered by a jacket. His eyes flick there and linger. “Well, I always thought you were a troublemaker,” you say lightly. “But here you are, saving my life.”
3). 72 notes - Sep 20 2020
Marry Me – [established] Steve Rogers/Reader and [past/future?] Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
A hand sets on your shoulder and you flinch. “Sorry,” the voice says. He sounds gentle, so you look up with a cautious sense of hope.
You gasp at who it is. “Bucky?”
His smile is pained, but he holds out his hand and helps you up. “I guess Steve told you at least some of it.” He looks back and frowns, then faces you. “I’m sorry but we’ve gotta go.”
“I should call Steve,” you say and pull out your phone.
“No. In fact–” Bucky snatches it from you and tosses it into a nearby garbage bin. You barely get out an offended yelp before he’s dragging you along.
“They’re tracking it,” Bucky says, speeding up. “And they’ll be back soon.”
You get to a motorcycle and Bucky grabs a helmet and holds it out towards you. “I know Steve doesn’t have a lot of reasons to trust me right now, but please. I want to help.”
You take the helmet, because you trust the latter sentence. And it’s not his fault he’s wrong about the former. You think you’re the only one who actually knows why.
4). 67 notes - Jan 5 2020
Dinner Date: Chapter Two – Steve Rogers/Reader
“Hi lovebirds.”
I jolted back from the table as someone– two someones– slid into the empty chairs on our sides. It was just Clint and Natasha, but they looked shockingly normal and well-matched. Clint looked nice, like a normal person and not an absolute disaster, while Natasha seemed mildly dressed down in an obviously well-loved jacket and muted colors.
“Is your hat a polar bear?” I asked, staring at her beanie. It had little ears and everything. “That is so fucking cute.”
“Thanks,” she said and pulled over a menu from the little stand in the center of the table.
Steve cleared his throat. “Natasha. Clint. What are you doing here?”
“Looking into a new lunch place,” Natasha said, not even looking at him. “It’s a free country, Steve.”
“Then maybe you can get your own table, Natasha.”
I had no idea what the hostility was all about but Clint started picking at Steve’s plate, distracting him long enough for Natasha to lean closer to me and say my name. “So you’re making an honest man out of our captain?” she said.
“Oh my god Natasha.” Steve was so red I practically had to smother myself to keep from laughing. “We talked about this!”
“We did,” she agreed easily but angled her body towards me. Something about her face made it easy for me to stop laughing. “You said I couldn’t talk to her while she was on her own. So now you get to be present for it.”
At first I couldn’t fathom what ‘it’ was, until I took in Steve’s face (a mixture of annoyed and concerned), Natasha’s body language (very business-like), what Natasha had said (about making an “honest man” out of Steve), and added it all together.
“Is it shovel-talk time?” I asked in wonder.
5). 62 notes - Jan 28 2020
A Little Pickle – Gabriel/Reader
“I’m just saying– we have to wait for our heroic rescuers anyway, so why not have a little fun in the meantime?”
“Oh no. Full name.”
“Oh yeah full name. However, ‘on the bright side,’ I now have one whole bar of cell service and I’m sending a text out.”
“Don’t you want to wait?”
“No. Oh look, it just went through.”
6). 60 notes - Nov 11 2020
Dinner Date Chapter 12 – Steve Rogers/Reader
He didn’t say anything at first. He turned slightly to wrap both arms around me in a hug. “You’ll always be safe with me,” he murmured and squeezed momentarily. “I can promise that.”
“I believe you. I trust you, so much,” I said. I kissed his shoulder. “Thank you. For staying with me, and not going after him– even though I know you probably wanted to.”
“I did,” he admitted. “But I wanted to make sure you were okay more.”
I took a satisfyingly deep breath. Sleep was pulling hard. “You’re the best.”
“And you’re soft,” he said and gave me a gentle kiss. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell.”
“I know.” I smiled and let my body relax fully at last. “I trust you.”
7). 58 notes - Dec 22 2020
Supernatural Fic Masterlist
8). 52 notes - May 15 2020
Dinner Date Chapter Seven – Steve Rogers/Reader
“Hello Natasha,” I said to the woman looking intently through my cupboards. I had a bunch of questions: ‘what are you looking for,’ ‘do you think I keep a safe in there,’ ‘your hair looks very bouncy today are you going somewhere nice,’ and, my personal favorite, “How did you get in my apartment?”
“Trade secret,” she said and shook a half-empty box of cereal. Okay, by the sound of it there was a lot less than half. “Do you not have any real food?”
9). 49 notes - Feb 27 2020
Dinner Date Chapter Five – Steve Rogers/Reader
“I’m sorry,” I said, still buried in his shirt. “It was really nice.”
“It was.”
“I’m sorry I fucked it up.”
“You didn’t fuck anything up,” he said, too quickly.
“I did; I just got…overwhelmed, I guess?” I lifted my head for a moment, barely caught a glimpse of his expression, and then immediately shoved my face back in his chest. “That sounds stupid; forget I said anything.”
He shook with quiet laughter and I grumbled, “Shut up or I’ll pinch your tit.”
“Don’t move too fast for me sweetheart,” he said and, damn it, that made me laugh. He cleared his throat and said, “Would it make you feel any better to know you weren’t the only one feeling overwhelmed?”
10). 48 notes - Feb 11 2020
Dinner Date Chapter Four – Steve Rogers/Reader
“What time is it?” I asked, already sinking into a measure of comfort. At last.
“Almost midnight,” Steve said, sitting next to me. He handed me the cow, which was nice, but…
“It’s late,” I said and looked at him. “Do you want to stay tonight?” Wait, that was terrible, I was gross. “You can have the bed, if you want; I can take the cou–”
I didn’t even get up on my elbows before Steve lay down, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me into him. I snuggled even closer and he flicked off the bedside light.
“You know if you wanted me to stay you could just say so?” he chuckled in the warm dark.
“It seemed rude to assume you’d want to,” I said and shut my eyes. “You’ve been so good to me. I don’t want to…take advantage.”
“I don’t mind,” he said softly, running his hand up and down my back. “I hated being sick. I like being able to help.”
“Mmm.” I started drifting off. “Did you have someone to take care of you?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, a little sadly. “My ma was busy a lot but she always did what she could. Bucky took over the job. He was even stricter than she was.”
“Good,” I said. “You would need someone to browbeat you into bed.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I really did,” he said fondly. “But you couldn’t blame me. God; the home remedies we had…”
“Don’t give me nightmares,” I said without meaning it.
“All right,” he whispered, a smile in his voice. “Go to sleep, sweetheart. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
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thecrenellations · 4 years
Return of the Thief Notes, Part One: The Book of Pheris, Volume I
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part Two | Part Three | TaT)
Contents:  "So, so, so” watch, Costis watch, swearing, trashing the king’s attendants, being objectively wrong, boundless enthusiasm and love 
I promise I’ve had more developed thoughts since these often incoherent ones, but I’ve enjoyed having these notes to refer to - for sentimental reasons and for  entertainment, so here they are, for others who enjoy liveblogs and/or being whisked back in time to their first read of this wonderful book.
Format: Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Dedication, Table of Contents, Exordium:
There it is – to Sounis
Exordium – vocab #1
Interregnum?!? Alyta?
Yeah I love him from the first page
A new level of unreliable narrator
Moira, messages of Gods, Pheris, messages of __
Wtf is going on in this study? A zoo?
high king vs great king vs annux?
okie dokie dude
Chapter 1
1. Susa – Costis
2. Infirmity – who gets to be hero/tell story (I started reading right after the book launch, in which mwt spent some time talking about her writing influences and decisions connect to this question - Pheris isn’t her first disabled protagonist and storyteller, of course, but it was lovely to meet him properly directly after hearing her talk about it. Book launch foreshadowing part 1...)
Is this why he wasn’t taught to read?
3. Always the summer
4. Hunting cat… hm…
Ok … shrine … 😬
5. Once again we start with a disaster or having to flee
Which Eugenides precipitated
Little monster :(
6. Falling…
7. :( :( :(
His purpose? D:
Chapter 2
9. Hello there! (Gen!)
Massive chair?
10. CRACKED WATER JUG (amphora motif???)
11. Triangle from seal!
Gen that’s rude to Pheris :( (“He will fit in very well with my attendants”)
Wait. This must have happened before ACoK! (nope)
12. :(
Xikander … never made an impression before
How old is Pheris? (lol)
13. Philologos come thru!
Royal closet reappears!
14. Hello weird secondhand scene!
He is Eugenides
15. Petrus? GALEN? OH SHIT! 
Is this why Galen was called? (nope)
16. Hell yea Petrus
Miras’ golden balls oh no
All these previously unnamed sucky attendants!
17. Ula – goddess of hearth and healing
Ok … Galen … or a god? Eugenides????? (why did these options occur to me before Mr. Shows Up At Your Bedside At Night himself)
18. Finally the attendant floor plans I crave + hunting scenes!
19. EXCUSE ME he slept through Sounis + Eddis wedding!!!
Again – high king!
20. So Ion is beautiful … hmm.
Yeah … Sejanus has facets. I like it.
21. Clearly no one would know what king would do … lol
Don’t mind me just sorting the attendants on a spectrum of awfulness!!!
22. SO SO SO – ION!!!!!
How many fucking attendants are there and how many are on my hit list!
Is “the necessaries” bathrooms or like … him stealing? (just the bathrooms ... the Gen-Pheris parallels were really getting to me at this point)
Also … frogs. Frogs.
24. Big day for Gen huh
Definitely an aura of Something as he writes about Gen
26. Sorry Kamet, Pheris does the physical descriptions better. They’re beautiful
I’m blacking out at Eddis and Sounis
27. Jesus Christ. The bear.
Cousin time!
Under the table is the new up on the roof!
Uh… twin imagery ….
Gen’s feet!
Jesus. The matching
28. Cleon … wtf? A cousin?
A trial for Sophos?
Show! Us! Sophos’s! Shoes!
29. If u throw things out the air shaft you might hit the king
Was it a chicken?
Lol nvm the guy at night is Gen. That is … very sweet
- Showing up at night
- Accent
- Complaining about Petrus
- Swearing
- One hand
I am judging Costis and Sophos for not describing the paneling in Gen’s room!
Chapter 3
30. Was it a chicken?
An earring huh, good hand huh
31. Literally screaming “NO!” at Gen. Don’t joke about dying! I am killed by Gen on annux day. This is. My boy. Yes he is perfect. Yes he will refuse to get up. I love him. I died on page 31
Philologos is still the best of them
32. Dancing bear indeed
Always the powdered gold
Ruby!!!!! <3
Aww a smile!!! <3
Pheris he likes you!
33. They both love invisibility and lost it … I cry
Erupt like the sacred mountain excuse me!
OR WORSE return to bed! Lol
34. He’s Eugenides when he’s talking to Attolia
Ouch hero talk
! from Irene!
My queen!
Hey Phresine!
They way we do <3 he’s hating it but he’s so comfortable with her
Sister and bro mention! C’mon!
I love them
35. Honestly that’s a yes (“I have no idea what you mean, my queen”)
It’s so cute they hang out in the morning … like how long was it even since they’ve seen each other lol
:( tough walk for Pheris
Is it prophecy time?
Lol how long does this construction take?!
Also … she’s pregnant, huh? but no one knows (nope)
Is befriending someone weaponized as a prank count for Gen’s enemies to friends list?
Also SHOW ME the magus. I know he’s here!
36. Pheris excuse me, why not recreate this!
Lol cast off language of history indeed
Feel the thrum of the goddess!
EXCUSE ME… a minor goddess? Mystery goddess? Or Philia?
Oh Gen
37. Well, Gen, someone is having a worse day than you.
Damn, how far we come.
Aww Sounis, babe, I love you and so does Gen
[drawing of the four of them sitting in a row]
38. Artadorus???? Pomegranate?
39. HEIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend! Also lol. Two smiles, for Pheris and Heiro..
40. Yesss Melheret joke in action.
Costis has left tho right?
Jesus, Melheret
SHE GAVE HIM A HORSE (I COULD NOT DEAL with this entire conversation, but then again I could not deal with this whole book.)
41. I love them all so much
“on that horse, you will look like a king” I can’t with her sense of humor
He sure did say that
I feel like I’m missing something with the fight on foot thing … remembering battles?
Helen called him Gen!
Sophos stop talking about yourself and bringing apricots into everything lol
Lol these bystanders don’t know how lucky they are. Nor does Pheris, yet
42. She’s protecting him
Also … Gen … you didn’t want to be a soldier.
43. Guards have capes
2 startled men … hm …
Oh Gen. The fucking brutal echoes…
44. :( :( :(
Gen tell your wife you’re sick!
The attendants are so dumb
45. So, so, so :(
Tell who? Petrus?
46. Bleeding! Salt! Lemon! Heck no! What is he, a piece of meat?
47. “savoring each bite as if it were my last” ... Same … but with this book
Hmm… Alyta! Goddess of the gentle rain! (despite this “hmm,” I did not put the pieces together)
48. Oh no Teleus! And someone?
Aw he realized <3 lemon water
49. Gen eat your broth lol
50. I love them.
Ion’s really trying to make up for what he did that one time
51. Without the approval of the great goddess HAHAHA
I love them. Cousin time! Growl?
Idk whether or not to be reassured, Gen.
Wow Cleon I do not like that. Also didn’t he die? (...)
Comma (“I am not, Eddis”)
Go smack him!
52. Gen I love you.
Helen I love you.
He’s so bad at self care but I love him
Chapter 4
55. love that our narrator just disappears and reappears
56. Attolia’s brother’s bedroom? Yikes. Ominous. A detail in a story we’ve already gotten, different every time <3
57. fucking attendants. 3 good ones. Medander you were beneath Costis’s notice before but I hate you. Costis didn’t have time for you or Xikos or Xikander and nor do I
58. interesting pawn talk!!!
59. <3 Pheris :(
The Gen comparisons though
:( :( :( :(
60. flamboyance <3
Cemphora bush
61. I love him
62. I love them
Also lol “Your majesty?”
63. Name … hm … (“I have deliberately omitted [my tutor’s] name here”)
64. more twin imagery I swear
WAIT … it was his birthday! Not just Annux day?!! Gen was born in late summer???
Attendant list thank you
65. laying it all out there, huh … (that one Gen quote)
Lol they’re the same but Pheris likes horses
66. Insellia! Hello nice to meet you
67. Gen that’s mean. (“He is hardly even half of one.”)
68. Coleus leves???
“I am Eugenides.” <3
Gen why
69. Gold cups???? Hmmmmm. Also lioness. Def invoking Costis. (they’re probably not the cups, but STILL)
70. Moira! Hi!!! Rainbow shawl!
Like a rabbit!
I’m … very sad he uses his Attolian accent with Helen
71. Aaah so good
Moira knows another messenger?
Does he think he can’t die in battle?
72. hmm are they WRANGLING?! (Galen and Petrus and my Fire and Hemlock word association)
Kill that pastry Irene I love you
morning training with his … guard? (Is that the whole guard or a guard? Costis senses tingling once again.)
73. Oh gen.
Ouch! (“to send people to their deaths and not risk my own is contemptible”)
Is she implying he’s paying Therespides?
74. Interesting Cleon plan. So many doubles
OUCH. (“Only if he comes back from the dead.” I assumed Lader had died in the war; it’s a different ouch now. I love that they both accidentally say things to each other that poke old wounds, and it’s not a big deal but it’s also not dismissed! Their relationship has come so far, and I love them so much.)
75. Verimius – Lavia – Celia??? Somebody is queer in there!
This scene confuses me. Xortix? Layteres? Aris! but dice thing is less political … so maybe? (just wait....)
76. So many reasons to hate Medander
Hey Costis! You exist! KoA happened!
Gen is just … still so uncomfortable and miserable. He chose, he has people, but still.
RIP Clopius also WHAT
77. Lol Hilarion’s grand statements
78. Yorn Fordad Hello!
Luxurious mustache
The mighty Pents?
Besin Quedue – she’s coming 4 you watch out
79. RIP Baron Hippias
Chapter 5
80. Spring! Plays! Cenna!
81. Oh dear
Oh dear
At least they said he was pretty
83. ?!? :( wine
Uh oh. Stockpiling
85. What even.
86. Omg Irene. Hissing. I love her.
Also … Gen’s the viper
Also this scene was written by Pheris.
87. oh no.
What better man
She fucking quoted Howl. I love them.
Also, bees (this scene killed me)
90. Falling?
Oh shit
Also … Juridius and Pheris, Susa and Costis (comparing demands for information)
93. oh my god (IT’S THE WINDOW SCENE)
Oh my god
94. She! Called! Him! Gen!
I love this and it scares me
Lol Chloe
Irene you learned from her though
95. D:
96. :(
97. water stuff
98. what the heck
OH NO (Quedue scene)
100. yikes
102. yikes yikes YIKES
103. a blade has protruded from his chest (tbt to The Thief)
106. shit
Did Gen hit him?
108. lol Phresine
109. lol
I want genuinely every character’s reaction to this shit
Chapter 6
111. what the heck Gen.
112. like a god [crown doodle]
114. Perma?
116. Gen. Gen. Gen. Do not.
117. AAAA (god intervention)
122. Juridius to Dite
124. bye Iolanthe and Ileia! Tell us about Caeta and Silla.
125. did not expect so much Ion
Chapter 7
127. Fryst god of winter
She laughed!
They’re so married
128. OH SHIT (Costis ship is sighted and I remember what’s about to happen next)
Interesting timing
He rode the horse home?
131. Beauty and good, beauty and kind
134. The gods’ goodwill
Keep them safe <3
135. Is that his MOM?!! Wtf (it was!)
Pheris steal those earrings!!!
137. AMPHORA EARRINGS (and flowers)
138. I love Phresine
139. Why do I feel like all the game birds are pigeons
140. meanwhile Gen’s been hanging out with Kamet. Shit. I cannot.
141. lethium soup! The reversal
Safe for you
142. of course he knew <3
143. Kamet time! I love him. We get to see Kamet!!!
Also … echo of Gen’s notes on Mede
145. very handsome. … gaycostis vindication (referring to @costis’s url at the time and this post. Little did I know what else was to come in the next chapter and then a few months later with the adaptation news...)
Do you know who I am?
Chapter 8
147. Of course he’s a cartographer
A favorite huh
148. of course she didn’t tell us his age!
149. the angsty window staring I crave
151. adventure, huh
I do have a soft spot for Melheret
152. concerned about amphora gift
153. Glad they can be well and united in spite!! (Gen and Melheret)
154. Pheris loves math and I love him
155. Hello Teleus. Hello olives
Lol Relius is not into math
156. pigeons. Inkpot!
157. yeah honestly. He tortures people. He was NOT tortured by the king
159. lol (“I have noted the elective nature of certain behaviors” ... I love Relius and Pheris.)
160. The Invitation! I <3 it
FOLKS HERE WE ARE (I cannot overstate how wonderful it was to read this page. I did not know who the poem was from, and “Someone loves me very much, even with all my faults” is even sweeter to reread, but it’s just ... his confidence is so different from the tentative consideration of a new philosophy of trust and love we see in KoA. And there is subtextual queerness in the books before this one, some more apparent and some more subtle (and what is obvious to one reader may be subtle or invisible to another, in these books especially), and there is the attendant love triangle a few chapters back, but HERE - here, Pheris acknowledges the real feeling and love in Legarus’s disastrous relationship and tells us directly that his lover was a man, here he seamlessly makes it clear how bi and poly Relius is, and he quietly ties these relationships and realities to his growing understanding of the world. It’s not subtext. And there’s a lot more to come, but this page really hit me, and sort of promised the “more to come” while assuring me that what had come before, more subtly, was there. I used to have heteronormative readings of both these books and myself, and when Thick as Thieves brought them crashing back into my heart after years away, I knew better about myself, and I saw that - or the possibility of that reading -  reflected in the new book, and it was such a good surprise. It meant a lot, and this page meant a lot, and that is why I’m writing a small essay to accompany this note.) 
Lol wow
162. Where are you traveling, man (this question remains)
163. Fuck you, Orutus
164. Stole an inkpot!
165. the map!!! (Kamet’s)
166. I love them!
167. The Math Master hmm
Am I an oracle (Nope! :) )
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aquariumcat-shdwpch · 4 years
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Hello! Invented my own chapter for the game "Dead By Daylight" :”D  I decided to share with you^^ 
P.S. Actually i was planned to recive this stuff to BHVR, but when i send the message they don't responde (and this is kinda sad xD).
The Survivor: Character info. 
Name: Ann Lightway
Difficulty rating: Intermediate.
Resolute altruist with spotless mind and pure soul. Being near, she supports hope of other survivors.
Her unique perks “Let there be light”, “Saving lighthouse” and “Random luck” help to find Flashlights for personal objectives, to escape last hit and leave or make the Killer confused.
Since childhood, Ann was kind and impressionable child. That is why she could be surprised with every simple thing or situation: something like first snow or watching TV with family. 
Sometimes luck was not on Ann’s side and something could going wrong, but Ann wasn’t upset anyway, she didn't even bet at luck. Moreover, why does she need luck, if there are family and friends who can help anytime?
Ann loved family walks around the lake in City Park, and feeding ducks, that could fight for food. Ann thought that childhood will be going forever, and all about will be only better and happier.Nevertheless, one evening, her father told about bad news: he is dying and has only few month before death. Ann’s father got deathly diagnosis. Since this moment, all was going broken. All family money was spending for trying to save dad’s life. Ann was trying to do all possible moves for making last moments of dad’s life happier. However, despite all efforts, every next day, something into Ann was broken. 
She became more silent, dark and always into her own thoughts. Yes, she tried to pretend all is fine, but every night she tried to not screaming while she was crying into her pillow.Unfortunately, even spent a big money to specialists, it was not possible to save life of Ann’s father. Sometime after father’s funeral, Ann moved away from close people and specifically from her mom. Ann’s mother started to drink alcohol often, and every night she came home in terrible state. Few years ago, ended institute, Ann made a decision – she want to help everyone who needs help. 
She thought, her dad would like it. In couple of days, Ann became volunteer and all her time she gave for helping to homeless people. Every evening Ann fed hungry homeless animals.After another argue with her mom, Ann took own stuff and leaved hometown (Sparks, Nevada). Ann did not come anywhere… Police got a phone call about missing Ann and reacted without waiting. Looking was doing few days, and after all, police found only Ann’s personal stuff by the road.It is all what they could find. Ann is hopelessly gone...
Detailed description for perks: 
1. «Let there be light»
You have a knack to finding light in the darkness. “Let there be light” guarantees a standard Flashlight with common Add-ons on your first completed Chest Search.
Flashlight consumption will be slower by 10%/15%/20%. Impact to killer Increased by 0%/5%/10%
                                                  «Like I said, Light always wins Darkness.» 
2. «Saving Lighthouse»
Your aura is visible to other survivors in range of 10/15/20 meters.
When injured survivors are in your range of 3/5/10 meters and catch hit, they get Deep Wounds for 10/15/20 seconds. Survivor has this time for mending himself.
Perk “Saving Lighthouse” has cool down 300/250/200 sec.
                                 «No matter what happens, I will help you. Just find me»
3. «Random Luck»
On a failed Repair Skill Check will, Killer will see Alert of your and closest to you Generators. If all closest Generators are in Repair process by other survivors, “Random Luck” will not work.
Perk “Random Luck” has cool down 140/100/60 sec.
                                                                         «Maybe I will be lucky today.» 
Survivor’s look .
The girl with short curly hairs colored wheat. Long forelock is pinned at left side, and on the right side is little curly hair tail by few strands of hair. Eyes are dark-green with confident look. Snub nose and pale thin lips. Dressed in dirty white star print T-shirt, torn moderately wide jeans with few multi-colored patches. There is bloodied bandage on the left wrist. Light yellow suspenders attached to the top of the T-shirt to the jeans. White socks and ordinary shabby sneakers with dirty soles on their feet.
The Killer: Character info.
Name: Andy Henderson (Obscurant)
Difficulty rating: Hard.
Killer absorbed by Darkness and Desperate, he can make a Gaps and make Survivors feel fear, because he has a Power – Bowels of Darkness. His unique perks are “Hex: of the Last Forces”, “Mark of Rejected one” and “Sacrifice of Courage” and make him use injured Survivors for him own objectives, make them slower and punish them for their mistakes. 
Personal map: Amusement park «Happy World».
Speed: 4.6 M/S
Terror Radius: 32 М
Height: Tall
Being child, Andy Henderson already knew all about desperation, when he lost her father. In this cursed night, Andy was with his dad, who was hit a car by. There was road full of blood. The Man in a car just took more speed and leaved this crime place. Until dawn, Andy sat about dad’s body. Only in morning police found him, there was his mother too.
Since this moment a long time gone, but Andy did still see that terrible picture of Death. Visits to doctors never ended something good. His mental condition became worse every day: he got hysteria, non-controlled aggression and fear outbreaks. That is why medicine doctors made a decision to stop classic treatment and turn Andy to home learning and treatment with special medicine drugs.
Few years of persistent learning and rehabilitation helped Andy to start normal life slowly. When he ended his learning, he got job in old amusement park “Happy World”. It was necessity for Andy; he has to care to his old mother. He made all possible for making mom feel good. That is why he got this job without long thoughts.
Andy has a depression like his father and last months it was harder. It was so hard to deal with complicated situations. It seemed like nothing will be worse, because it is worst situation already. However, there was a surprise – amusement park “Happy World” became close because it has a little count of visitors. It was last straw of Andy’s patience and he got a disruption. Andy injured his arms, lost a lot of blood because he hit a tree many times in rampage outbreak.
Next evening Andy turned back in park with his mother for taking his own stuff home. When they came back to the car, they met few people in masks and with knifes. Andy got a strong hit by something heavy and fell immobilized passing out. Later he awoke in same night and first what he saw was a body... That was disfigured body of his mother in garbage bunch.
All human things that left into Andy was gone. There was a new start for deep, strong Darkness. This night he left. Next day there was founded few unknown bodies expiring some black matter.
Detailed description for perks:
1. «Hex: of the Last Forces»
While the Hex Totem is active, hit on Survivor makes him feel Status Effect “Exhausted”, what spreads on 2/3/4 last Survivors get hit.
- Status Effect works until Hex Totem is still active.
                                                                        «He feels your weakness.»
2. «Mark of Rejected one»
You become Obsessed with one Survivor. Your Obsession got Status Effect “Oblivion”.
Every successful hit to your Obsession or becoming Obsession injure, this Survivor get decreasing speed of any moves by 10%/15%/20%.
Any survivor in range of 15 meters of Obsession become same decreasing by 2%/5%/10%
You can only be Obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
                                                                «He is enjoying your helpless…»
3. «Sacrifice of Courage»
You are summoning Entity for influencing to Exit Gates in last moment. You punish most boldness Survivors.
When Exit Gates will be able to open, perk “Sacrifice of Courage” will be active in 20/30/40 sec and Survivor will get Alert. Any Survivor, who will try to open Exit Gates, be injured and get new Health State (from Healthy to Injured, from Injured to Dying).
                                                        «He always overtakes most courage.»
Darkness inside supply limitless hating and eats by hopeless evil, inspiring fear to others. Press activity Power button for making Gap at any vertical surface. The longer Gap is active, than bigger is expiring Darkness*. - Available count of Gaps – 10; - Maximum range expiring Darkness from Gap – 10 meters; - Lighting from Flashlight, Darkness turning back at 5 meters every time; - Time for activating Darkness after Gap making – 15 sec; - While cleaning Gap up and there was failure of Skill Check, time for clean will be more on 2 sec; - If Gap cleaned by Survivor up, Darkness will gone. The longer Survivor get Darkness influence, than higher is Survivor’s Status Effect “Fear”. At the Fear I, Survivors get Darkness influence more than 10 sec, begin “Stumble**” while run, that makes them slower by 2 sec. At the Fear II, Survivors get Darkness influence more than 15 sec, get Status Effect “Dizziness***” and it complements with Fear I Effects before. At the Fear III, Survivors get Darkness influence more than 20 sec, suffer from “Hand Tremor****” Effect, and drops their Items every 8 sec. That Effect complements with Fear II Effects before. If Survivors are staying on the Light, Fear’s levels are turning after 20 sec down. 10 sec on the Light – stopping “Hand Tremor”. 15 sec on the Light – stopping “Dizziness”. 20 sec on the Light – Survivors don't “Stumble” anymore. _________________________________ * Darkness from the Gap - dense, black fog, that doesn't leave place for the Light. The closer to the Gap, the stuff around is darker. Survivor's vision there is worse. ** Stumble - New animation, there Survivor starts stumble; *** Dizziness – New Status Effect and Visual Effect on borders of screen, that makes vision worse; **** Hand Tremor – Survivor drops his Item and get Alert about it.
Description of Gap making animation.
Obscurant stands up about wall. Becoming little higher and stretching his hand out, makes sharp move from top to bottom. That makes very annoying sound with terrible noise. His claws make the Gap: from this Gap goes deep Darkness out.
Available Add-ons.
- 2 Ultra Rare; - 1 Very Rare; - 3 Rare; - 4 Uncommon; - 4 Common.
Detailed description of Add-ons.
Bunch of bloodied garbage that was under body of Andy’s mother.
- Killer becomes Obsessed with one Survivor;
- Obsession can not to clean Gaps up;
- Killer can only be Obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
Traces of blood that left on the road at night when Andy’s dad was kill.
- The Darkness from Gap is longer by 10 meters;
- Survivors after being in the Darkness starting leave black traces while 15 sec.
Sudden hit, that done with this item, made Andy’s mind gone into darkness. Last what he saw was face of one of hitters without mask…
- After Survivor clean Gap up, his Aura is visible to you for 3 sec.
Those strange pills, left by father, if you take it, all around seems like unreal, but it makes you courage.
- Moderately decreases cleaning of Gaps speed up;
- While cleaning Gap up, Survivor get Status Effect “”Oblivion”.
Advertisement about vacancy for amusement park “Happy World” that found Andy.
- Moderately increases speed of making Gap;
- While you make Gap, radius of you Terror are 3 meters more.
Mask that has taken off, when Andy has been attacked. It supplies him rage and Darkness.
- Time to activate the Darkness from Gap decreases for 5 sec.
Old and shabby sign of amusement park inspires strange unsure feelings.
- While Survivor clean Gap and make failure of Skill Check, you see his placement with Sound Alert.
Crumpled statement of therapist for taking Andy home treatment to.
- While Survivor clean Gap and make failure of Skill Check, cleaning process turning back by 10%.
Pills for decreasing aggressive outbreaks and fear outbreaks.
- Decreases your Terror radius on 10 meters.
Count of available Gaps decreases on 4.
Remains of weird black matter on unknown bodies that killed in amusement park.
- Time of repeated of activation Darkness from Gap, after lighting by Flashlight, decreases on 5 sec every time, until Gap is cleaned by Survivor up.
Mask for good sleeping that belonged to Andy’s mom. Sometimes it is useful.
- While Survivor is in Darkness from Gap area, he get Status Effect “Blindness” before leaving this area.
Used plasters with dried up blood from injured arms.
- While injured Survivor is in Darkness from Gap area, he get Status Effect “Hemorrhage” before leaving this area.
After pills, you get bad feelings by slowly body moves.
While Survivor is in Darkness from Gap area, he get Status Effect “Hindered” before leaving this area.
Torn nails of Andy’s mother left in dust after murder.
While Survivor is in Darkness from Gap area, he get Status Effect “Exhausted” before leaving this area.
MEMENTO MORI description.
Rising above the Survivor, Obscurant open his mouth and show white fangs. Parts of the Darkness* oozing from his mouth... Survivor begins to panic and try to leave and hide. Long and dirty with something hands of Killer catch Survivor for waist and bring him closer to his ugly face. One hand Killer still hold Survivor, and other hand catch him for his back and bends, that makes Survivor’s face freeze in painful grimace and open eyes and mouth wide. Next second into Survivor’s face start to flow Darkness. It is black, viscous. Darkness attacks Survivor’s eyes and mouth. Survivor begin to shudder in agony and soften lifelessly after it. Obscurant drops dead body carelessly.
Killer’s look.
The man with short black hair and disheveled in different directions bangs. His face looks mostly like beast’s face; he has big white eyes and creepy grinning fangs. Left side of face, few parts of body, eyes and mouth covered by black spots of oozing black substance. He looks like he is melting, but still hold human form. Hands and feet are unnaturally long; fingers with sharp talons little shiver. Hands, bottom of legs, shoulders, cheekbones and hips covered by black, hard sticky wool. Ears looks terrible long, like horns with dark short wool. He dressed in torn leftovers of clothes.
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71
                                                   Chapter 72
For that farewell and welcome, they chose one of the many entrance rooms at the very front of the castle. Here were all their bags, weapons, parchments and books of new plans, all hurdled waiting for their transfer. Those who had to leave, found it hard to depart from the arms of those they loved, kissing, and wishing words as if they were the last ones. It was highly likely and so they told everything they could.
 Alfred and Arthur settled with one another in deep comforts, the smaller close to crying, holding himself by keeping a strong grip to his husband’s cloak. Roderich and Elizabeta kept saying words of poems, tight in the gaze of their eyes, refusing to look at anything else. Renata drowned Antonio in blessings, Lovino and Augustino joining in a last family embrace.
 “I would have gone with you if I could,” Aldrich told them, his posture weakened, the wrinkles and white strands in his hair more noticeable than ever before. No one was going to permit him to go to war at the heights of age, now with loss, gone his beloved King grandson.
 “You are needed here,” Roderich told his grandfather, taking his hand in a beloved hold, Aldrich sharing in it, for once a smile, if even small, in this gloom.
 “We will send what we can from battle,” Antonio reminded.
 “We’ll be here, ready to act at the worst,” Kiku bellowed, straight and ready to command that instant. Despite his scars, the tiredness that he pushed aside and the pain in his eyes at losing his King, he was a Jack at full service and well still to rule the kingdom. Herakles stood beside him proud.
 “I grant you blessings, safety, protection and every strength the Aces can offer us now,” Aldrich wished them all in might, ever the show of a King.
 Lili sighed, whispering to Kiku, “it’s hard to believe the Aces can offer us anything.” How it hurt the Jack to see a girl usually so hopeful and believing, discard such wishes as if talking of fairy tales and legends…especially from a girl that was technically still a child.
 “If the Heart Kingdom needs defending, we’ll come back as quick as possible,” Emil promised, the first to take his bags and standing near the door.
 “May it never come to that need,” Louis kept optimism.
 After him, all began their dreaded picking, their dreaded steps with direction to head out of the castle, on to their waiting transport that would take them their separate ways to play their part in the war. Last embraces, last kisses, and waves…fearful that these were perhaps last sights. Arthur was the first to stomp inside, trembling and surely begging for loneliness, to show his emotions how he wanted by himself. This was no time for a Queen to show any kind of weakness to any kind of people. Louis did not share in that sentiment, for she wept and depended on Aldrich’s hold to stand.
 One by one, slow and agonizing, did they make their way into the castle, dreading another meeting to discuss the bloodied passing and more dead ends.
  “-Greece will refuse to send more of their people into battle, and I agree. So many must remain to guard the protection spell were planning on doing. If either Khaos or Destro comes to Hearts, the Greecians islands will be the first place they meet. We need their force there,” Kiku commanded, pointing and marking on the large map of the four kingdoms.
 “Are you sure this protection spell will work? My kingdom is depending on the very same one,” Lili still doubted.
 “It was a spell from Augusta herself. I’m sure it will buy us time,” Renata added.
 “I’m confident in it and the strength my province has,” Herakles was clear.
 “Alfred is ready to use it in his own kingdom,” Kandake informed.
 “When Khaos approaches, we will truly see then if it is worth the use in Diamonds and Hearts,” Aldrich said.
 “Re-reports of where Khaos and Destro…cur-currently stand?” Vincenzo’s voice was hoarse, the only one who kept a sitting, more heavily bandaged than any of the newcomers. Every move he made looked strained, every breath shook him with pain. Renata feared the scars she would meet under those bandages, not from their looks, but showcasing the horror her husband went through. So many thought he shouldn’t be there to gather more burden, but he insisted, wanting to keep his part somehow.
 “Destro is currently ravaging Hungary,” Renata answered, biting her lips, not wanting to tear more than she had already done.
 “While Khaos makes fast approach to the Amazon. The Spadian border is preparing for the oncoming battle,” Louis informed from letters she just finished reading.
 “More of my people are coming from hiding to help them. Others were evacuated to Hearts and Spades. Our people can no longer call Clubs home,” Kandake told with hurt.
 “Who is fighting Khaos and who Destro?” Aldrich demanded.
 “The Royal Heartian Battalion are currently trying to whether down Khaos. They also have the aid of the Arabian Soldiers of Diamonds and another special Clubian Fighter Squadron where Ivan is in,” Arthur informed, placing their symbols on the map with his fast wielding magic.
 “Another part of our army faces Destro, along with the people of the White Kingdom and the Spadian High Protection Squadron,” Kiku continued.
 “What have they been using to fight? These monsters are still standing and destroying. We must plan new tactics immediately,” Aldrich imposed.
 “We’re going through every single book that Ludwig and Feliciano got from Khaos’s library,” Lili exasperated, not liking the dictate her grandfather asked it in.
 “I believe we have to start looking at something else other than these books,” Louis felt like she was getting betrayed by them.
 “What other thing can we possibly read into to get ideas now?” Elizabeta glared.
 “Maybe this,” there was the add of a new book, dropped unto the table, seeming to glow alone on top of all the items that were there. The voice was not one that had been there with them…one that they thought they wouldn’t hear again as lively. When they raised their eyes, they didn’t think he would be standing as he did before them, dressed, cleaned, Pookie well placed on his shoulder, licking his paws as if nothing. He shone ready for what was to come as the days before the alignment.
 “Feliciano…?” Herakles was the first to say a word, like the rest, startled into a stupor.
 Renata couldn’t hold it, rushing and tumbling, the first to give him an embrace, probably his first in a long while. To the surprise of all…Feliciano smiled, his arms around her, cradling into her neck and accepting a settling.
 “You’re actually here?” Arthur was finding it hard to believe.
 “I…I think so…aren’t I…aren’t I here?” His tone was sure, with chuckles and brightness that brought ease once again after so long.
 Kiku was the next, laughing and instigating his own embrace, joyous and as the times from before. It was like they were seeing other again after years. “You are…and it has brought me more happiness than you can imagine.” To whimpers they surely would have gone, but with a silent understanding, they knew that they had done well enough of that. As the Queen and Jack, once united to their King so strongly, Kiku felt the loss almost as profound as Feliciano, and so they understood the pain the most, the perfect console in their grasps and cradle.
 “Are you sure you are well?” It made Kandake as ecstatic as the rest, but she wanted to know if his health was the right one to be able to stand so righteously as he did.
 Feliciano touched himself as if trying to find some new bruise. Upon not finding it, he gazed back sure, Kandake confident in that air of perseverance.
 “I’m…still…really sad, and I still…feel pain and it hurts me…in a way I assume none of you will know…I miss Ludwig, I miss him dearly and… I would still pay anything so he wouldn’t have given his life as he did.” There was deep mourning in his eyes, there even when he had entered the room. They were too surprised in his sudden presence to have noticed it. “But despite that…I can stand…I can move, I can act… I’m still…able to do something…” he breathed, as if once again coming to the realization that he could do all these very things. “My world is at stake…everything we know could die and I…” he gripped his hands, feeling well the jewels. “Cannot let that happen…I cannot let all those I care for and love die. I have a responsibility for my children… I have a duty as Queen… and as Augusta’s chosen…” He came close to the table, his hand reaching to read a letter from Diamonds, one of a small village heavily fearful, their concerns drowning, some accepting the outcome of death and thinking themselves forgotten by their kingdom. “I will take part. I will do what’s necessary and fight if I have to,” he declared, a proclamation well stated, and all knew they could not back him out of, no matter what concerns they still held.
 “Glad you can join us, your majesty,” Louis bowed, with a deep smile that Feliciano gave her back, despite her excessive greeting.
 Vincenzo wished he had the strength to stand and hug his son, but he settled with a smile and a grip on the table, “well, let’s get straight to work then. What have you brought us?” He pointed to the book, bringing all their attention back on it.
 “The Soul and Spirit Interludes,” Elizabeta offered to read aloud, being close, her own welcome to Feliciano but a grasp of her hand to his to show her support.
 “This is only about the afterlife,” Aldrich said.
 “How can we use it?” Lili agreed with her grandfather’s skepticism.
 “To be honest…I don’t know. I was only given a sign by Augusta herself…I haven’t sat down to read and figure it out,” Feliciano admitted shyly.
 “If Augusta told you, something indeed must be kept in it,” Kiku took it and offered his start of a read, with an introduction, explanations, and simple spells that all in this table surely knew.
 “Why are we checking for new ways and reading into books about the dead? Feliciano is awake, he has power of the alignment to go and face Khaos and Destro. We should settle off this instant,” Herakles put in, thinking it the clearest answer.
 “Feliciano was underground, protected by a Validity Sphere field…nothing from that power came to him. He well missed it,” Lili informed.
 “Are you sure, Feliciano?” Kandake wanted to make clear. Perhaps he still grasped something and maybe they couldn’t see it…maybe Feliciano could feel it…but he moved his head in a negative, assuring that no new magic had surged within him.
 “This is the power we hoped for to save us all. What else can we depend on now?” Aldrich insisted.
 “Whatever that book has,” Lovino pointed, obvious, easy and every answer at their disposal. He spared a smile at his brother, both not being able to embrace each other because of their distance.
 “I would prefer something immediate,” Aldrich, even as he gazed forward, with the ever stature of a king, there was trembling in his tone, a shining worry, all understanding that his insistence was on fearing for his people.
 “I’m afraid…” Kandake gazed over to Kiku, taking in every new word in the book, but not enlightened enough as if to shout a new idea, “…we must wait still.”
 “And what do you suppose we do in the meantime?” Arthur glared, indeed not liking how no sort of action was to take even with Feliciano awakened.
 “We read, we write, we talk, about whatever that book has. We’ll go through every detail, every idea…” Lovino explained.
 “Something…something must be in here,” Kiku said.
 “And the war?” Arthur wanted to return them to those currently in battle.
 “We keep fighting back with whatever we can,” Feliciano leaned close, now a sure add.
 “We’ve used everything. Nothing has been successful,” Aldrich exasperated.
 “No, we haven’t,” Feliciano fought back, in a defend that all were impressed by. “There is so much we believe to be useless that can be just what we need. Herakles! Are you willing to lead at our borders?” It was sudden, the imposed responsibility that shook him that moment…but quick, he stood, forward, nodded sure, ready. “By my command…the moment Destro touches Austria in Clubs…I want you to head off to the Grecians islands and help everyone not just for a protection spell, but for a Tuemia spell as well.”
 “Tuemia?” Arthur grimaced, almost disgusted.
 “Isn’t that spell just used…for fireworks?” Louis found herself confused.
 “When heightened and the force intensified, the cracks can be as deadly as our most powerful fire spell.”
 “I know the tactic. Herakles, I can teach you it myself,” Kandake offered.
 Although hesitant, his trust in them was more than his questions, so he nodded, ready to practice.
 “I want messages sent instantly to the fronts telling them to try this spell as well. I must know if there is any other reaction that can help us.” Some set off to work on the writing. “Diamonds is at risk at being attack by the Georgiatian sea. Lili, I need you to send immediate messages to guard the entire line that faces it. If they must come from battle, so be it.” She nodded and went to writing herself. “Arthur, of the Sloan cannons, begin to spread of the lesser ones around your kingdom. Where is the big Sloan currently?”
 “It’s being used against Khaos on the front in Russia.”
 “Keep it always by them then. After every Tuemia, fire a shot. Send whatever aid to keep the protection spells on the soldiers strong.” And like that commands continued, a movement in the room constant in action and working towards any kind of advance.
  Days went on of the same actions, now spread across the castle as they kept researching information in any of the libraries and studies, taking it with them even as they rested, as they chatted, as they cared for little Augustino. The Queens and the Heartian Jack took it to only study ‘The Soul and Spirit Interludes’, always huddled in a tightness that almost looked private and secretive, their chats so low as they used whatever energy to try and concentrate on the fullest.
 Feliciano’s suggestions on battle have proven to be successful enough. Khaos and Destro were still menaces rampaging and killing, but the Tuemia had managed force enough to even move them away from paths largely populated, given enough time to get the people evacuated. It was not the defeat they wanted, but as Feliciano had intended, it gave them time to huddle and give all the depth to the reading of this book.
 Arthur groaned, now angrily tapping his fingers to the table they used, “we know all this.”
 “Patience, we must keep reading, I’m sure the answer is right before us,” Kiku told as he continued his reading, only stopping to add notes in the many parchments they had.
 “The deceased enters. The first realm is a mirror lake. All resided magic must be released. This takes a period of four days by our time. Second realm is the Inhabitance. A stronger aware comes, with speech and understanding to the movement of your new spirit body. From the magic of mourning in the living, it estimates how long you remain. Some stay only a mere amount of days, others months. The third realm, although it is not a new location, it is a period of transformation into your soul, an outlook that can take the form the Aces decide. The last and fourth realm is the sea passage, a route to the heavens. Angels come and guide you to the other world of our Aces, to serve them until they send you to a new life,” Elizabeta repeated the known process of afterlife from the notes they had taken. The book did go well into detail on each realm’s structure and workings, fascination to some, to others, those who were utter experts, found it a bore and found themselves less patient.
 “We still haven’t finished it. I’m sure there has to be something in the last two chapters,” Lili reminded.
 “There has been cases of people coming back from the dead while being in the fourth realm,” Kiku said as he read one of the last paragraphs in the current chapter. It was one of the details that perked their interest, but they knew it would be useless in the war, so they continued in their indifference.
 They stood staring at a beautifully decorated seal, they guessed a representation of the door of entrance into the fourth realm. Wondered they were at the shine, that the tittle of the next chapter came like a sudden breaking.
 “Self-passage through the Soul and Spirit Interludes,” Feliciano read aloud.
 Arthur sat up, leaning with the rest, “Self-passage? …It almost sounds like a map to go.”
 “…and come back,” Elizabeta caught the words, pointing them, right in the very first page of the chapter.
 They all froze at the realization of what it could mean.
 “Is that…what Augusta is trying to tell us?” Feliciano questioned.
 “You are Augusta’s chosen, she lives within you, you should know more than we do,” Lili said.
 “She never told me anything on how I can use the Soul and Spirit Interludes.”
 “I don’t understand what could be in there that we can use,” Kiku said.
 “We are not finished yet,” Arthur interrupted, attentive now more than ever, begging in his closeness to continue.
 Indeed there were still two chapters left, and so this time they tried to hurry, difficult as this chapter gave grave details on a journey that done the wrong way could mean immediate death or even getting lost between, with no onward to the heavens or a return to their world. They wrote as serious as if they were to take that trip themselves, trembling and hesitant, hoping each new page brought something that didn’t mean submitting themselves to this.
 That last chapter gave the reasoning, the purpose.
 “The Eternal Reserve,” Lili read breathless.
 Already it promised greatness, all staring between themselves, ready for what could be the answer they were looking for.
 “As all humans and creatures go through this process, power and magic is also part of the transition,” Feliciano joined in reading aloud, the rest of the passage only mentioning a known process of when magic and power dies.
 “Some join the Aces in their heaven, some disappear from existence, and some, if even a short time, can remain in the Eternal Reserve, found between the first and the fourth realm in a unique connection,” Arthur shook along with the rest, anticipating.
 It began to list all kinds of powers that had been stored there, great ones that had them gasping and creaking. “-the Fickicious Blow and the power of the universal alignment,” Kiku read and almost fell from his chair.
 “There’s our answer right there!” Lili pointed, standing, her chair screeching in her loud proclaim.
 “Hold it! We haven’t finished reading,” Elizabeta raised a finger, commanding silence, this time putting Arthur to read since Kiku looked too taken to his thoughts to do so.
 “-all of these have been proven to be transportable. Once in the human world they regain their power in their original form.” Even so, they excited, for once a light in this long tunnel of despair appeared and they were ready to submerge no matter. “-there are even ways to heighten the power, but only the Aces, or someone of their power, can achieve that.” They all looked to Feliciano, longing and waiting for a reply from him…but he remained silent, yet with widened eyes and a shake now with worry. They returned their gaze back to Arthur for the next part of the reading, but no more came. The Spadian Queen stared extensively at the design of a jewel at the very end…hoping for any new words.
 “Is that it?” Lili tried to wake.
 “Indeed. There is really…nothing else.” To demonstrate, he shut the book, the first time done since Feliciano had presented it.
 Stillness as each was devoted to their own thoughts, their own conclusions and plans, breathing in and out as the only chorus of the room.
 Their next step was present, it was surely decided the moment the necessary lines were read. Now they were missing a declare, for someone to stand up and word out exactly the new comings. Lili was the first to not take this silence any longer, not while there was a war, with her brother still fighting. She stood, loud despite her smallness, “It’s obvious what we have to do. Someone has to go to the Interludes.”
 “A process which involves actually killing one of us in order to even start,” Elizabeta reminded.
 “The book itself mentions that it has to be dealt with extreme caution and in very specific ways. We push too much or miss a step, and we have a body in which the spirit and soul cannot return to. Then indeed it is a permanent death,” Arthur added.
 “Not only are we left with the weight of killing someone of royal importance, but losing the last chance we had to getting something to win this war,” Kiku said.
 “We have to be extremely cautious on how we do this. We can’t go headfirst and risk ourselves without a proper understanding,” Elizabeta continued.
 Lili sat back, feeling embarrassed and frustrated, a heavy sigh, gripping her hands and biting her lips, deep anguish for her family and kingdom.
 “Lili, we understand what you’re feeling right now. We all want to do something immediately. But we really can’t mess this up…not when it’s the only thing we have,” Arthur told her in the small calm and composure he could utter.
 Silence came once again, Lili this time accepting it…finding it fair to put her mind and find the proper way.
 “What should we start with?” Kiku sat straight, ready to begin this arduous planning.
 “I guess…who’s going to go…” Lili said.
 They all inhaled as if they were all placed under a sword to partake immediately.
 “…does it really have to be one of us?” Arthur groaned.
 “It is us that everyone is looking upon,” Kiku had begun to bite his nails, thinking it in the worst case of both…none of them looking well no matter who did it and how.
 Arthur sighed, “is there really nothing else we can do?”
 “What else? Besides, if we do find something different, it’ll be the same levels of dangers as this,” Lili pouted.
 “This is the only way,” Elizabeta only said what surely all knew. It was currently their only door.
 “Then…we must head…and we have to start as soon as possible,” Arthur had no choice but to agree.
 “Then, let us begin as gruesome as possible…how exactly are we going to fulfill this killing…our entrance to the Interludes and what do we do to get them back?” Kiku went straight to, “if one of us is going to risk themselves, then, at least we should know beforehand how exactly it’s going to work.”
 “What exactly did the book recommend?” Arthur took it, looking through the pages.
 “…drowning…” Feliciano uttered, low and shinning with the most dread in his expression.
 “…along with a suspension freeze spell. The body must remain in the water for the entire process,” Lili added, knowing Feliciano must still be in the deep shock to give more words.
 “Those who stay must remain watchful of the body and make a mourning for once they reach the second realm. The longest we can let the person stay is a month,” Kiku continued.
 “I’m going to assume it’s just enough time to get this thing in the interludes,” Arthur said.
 “How exactly do we even find it there?” Elizabeta got the book this time, wanting specifications.
 “Found between the first and the fourth realm in a unique connection,” Kiku repeated the words, “nothing else is mentioned.”
 “So, whoever goes has to find this on their own once there?” Lili trembled.
 “Precisely,” Elizabeta assured, finding nothing else in the book. It made the mission harder, more prominent in its danger.
 “And…let’s say that whoever goes, finds it. How will we know that? When will it be safe for us to revive the body?...How do we even do it?” Arthur asked.
 “The notes here say that the person is able to bring themselves back if they find what they need,” Lili rummaged through the papers.
 “The month limit is for if it takes too long and we don’t want to risk them truly dying,” Elizabeta said.
 “And for that we just stop the suspension freeze and bring them out of the water,” Lili continued.
 “Where are we going to keep them? How will we deal having one of us missing?” Kiku worried.
 “There’s many baths in this castle. I’m sure any will be sufficient,” Lili said.
 “There’s more than us working on the war this instant while we discuss. If one of us is gone, it will be a chance to save the four kingdoms. They will understand,” Elizabeta said.
 “But we have to keep watch on the body,” Lili reminded.
 “And we can do that while also working on the efforts of the war,” Elizabeta was sure.
 “Then…once again…whose going?” Kiku brought them back to their first point.
 And they were back in silence, in wondering, in biting their lips, searching for the push, that bravery that could raise their hands in the acceptance of such a faith. Minutes went on, lost in nothing, hesitant, still questioning its true eligibility, but it was the only one, it was the only answer, and it annoyed Feliciano greatly that they were debating to do the only thing left. He stood, not taking it, this his form of explosion, if even surprisingly calm for him, “when can we start?”
 “Once we know who-”
 “I’m going,” fierce and powerful, a demand that had all in the table meeting their gaze to him in shock and question. “So… when can we start?”
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surrealsunday · 4 years
Ok so now that I recovered and processed it, im back to attack your inbox and I already apologize in advance for the potential spam. First of all THE COUCH PART: the flirty and carefree and so clearly in love but in even bigger denial UGH they are killing me!!!! I loved every part of it bc duh! But just the way they were so comfy with each other and messing around as if theyre the only ones in the whole world! And the fact that Lucas knew about the threesome thing killed me😩1/8
Them at work? Idk why but it felt different than other times more carefree (again using the word wow)and i was very 👀🤔 at the Jeremy situation i gotta admit, did lucas tell him off fully or what? Emma being all yeah hes happy and clearly being fucked well and Imane is there all 👀i wonder why hes so happy👀 poor eliott, but then when lucas got him coffee it kinda made me all happy bc he remembered that lil convo in the morning, hes so sweet but trying to act like hes not. 2/8
And Mika knowing about Elu and not even giving them a chance to deny it 😂 OH SHIT how could i forgot Lucas hugging Eliott in the locker room! Idk why but that part had me so warm! Like he really did need eliott in that second! then when he kissed him i really thought jeremy would walk in based on his amazing timing in the past but oh well! But the fact that Lucas showed any affection to eliott felt like such a big step for him! This boy is so in love, we love to see it! 3/8
NOW THE TRIP! I was sure theyd go either with the whole group/friends would “force” them for a trip or maybe theyd visit Claudine BUT THE FACT THAT HE MET HIS PARENTS?! BITCH MY WIG! GONE. I can just imagine Lucas freaking out, especially bc he was all “everyone loves emma!” About her meeting alex’ brothers. I can just imagine him being the same level of nervous if not more! But i was so excited that we met Eliotts parents! Especially since usually we dont get this side. 4/8
And Bas “walking in” on them gave me a tiny flashback to Tempo 😂 AND LUCAS JEALOUS! Hand on his thigh! Boy, its okay you’re all he sees anyway! OH SHIT HOW COULD I FORGET THEIR WEIRD WAY OF DECIDING TO SEND EACHOTHER DICK PICS 😂 idiots! Side note: JAIME THE TATTOOS! ANY PICTURE WITH EVEN A CENTIMETER OF A TATTOO!! MY NEW WEAKNESS AND ITS NOT EVEN REAL!!!!! Oh shit and the reason why he got the tattoos!!!! I teared up! I’m could see them getting matching tats later in life 5/8
Him being afraid of the ghosts and then the next day being “afraid” of eliotts mom and hiding under the covers😂😂 also the (no its not my own YANN) MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD! The dinner scene made me so soft but also feeling upset for Eliott like poor bby no wonder hes feeling like shit when he comes to visit his parents but then LUCAS DID THE HAND THING AND HELD HIS HAND AND IT MADE ME FEEL SO FUCKING WARM INSIDE MY GOD YOU KNOW HOW TO WRITE TO MAKE A BITCH FEEL 60 EMOTIONS AT ONCE! 6/8
honorable mentions: lucas saying eliott is different when it comes to standing up for himself it made me very emo but also it reminded me of the ugly doctor. Im loving the Brat/Average nicknames! Especially average always used so nicely. Lucas being all “you dont have to cuddle me but if you do i wont mind but you dont have to” ALSO ELIOTT REALIZING THAT HES FALLING and the ending ‘im glad i came here with you’ well fuck jaime just rip my heart out and take it. I clearly don’t need it. 7/8
I dont think i need to even try and explain my feelings about the bathroom scene..I think the fact that it took me hours to recover from this chapter speaks for itself.I was surprised that they posted eachother on their social media. I am also surprised that Arthur knows about them which made me a little 👀just fucking amazing! 100000/10 as usual! My new favorite chapter! I am in love! Every week you make me fall more in love with them! And ranting/spam is finished.. sorry🥺 8/8
Don’t apologize for sending me your thoughts! I love them!!!  
I love the couch scene too. I love the unadulterated flirtiness of it all. They’re both just super giddy and happy to be together and even though Lucas is still a little bit of his prickly self, there’s just a lot more of that casual comfort than there had been when they first woke up together at Lucas’s place. And of course part of that is how Sofiane treats the whole situation with a lot of ease. Oh and yeah - had to bring up the whole threesome thing because that couldn’t have been kept from Lucas and was also the perfect chance for Eliott to tease him hehe (especially because it’s very clear to them both that neither of them are the least bit interested in the idea). 
There’s definitely more ease between them at work too. And yes, Lucas had a convo with Jeremy. He wouldn’t have told him off - in fact he would have been as nice as he possibly could about it (too nice) but this time Jeremy got the message because he’s put two and two together and gets that it’s about Lucas and Eliott. 
“BITCH MY WIG” made me lollllll. Yeah, I really felt like they needed to get away from the hospital and everyone they knew to be able to completely drop their defenses and get a chance to really be together, and be a lot more honest about how they were communicating. So a little trip to Eliott’s it was! And that also gave me a chance to give you a lot more depth on Eliott and his background and relationship with his parents. You’ll get more next chapter. 
Oh and you ain’t seen nothing yet as far as the tattoo edits go! My faves are in chapter 9 and the epilogue hehe.  
I love all of the other moments you mentioned. I love just hearing about the moments that really got to you!!! Thanks so much for sending your thoughts. 💕💕💕💕💕😘😘😘
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
list of stories as of Jan 30, 2020
Thanks for following ….find updated list by clicking here
Warnings 18+ lots of smut, angst, fluff. X-reader, mostly AU Bill Skarsgard & his characters but a few stories include other Skarsgard brothers, Deadpool, Tom Holland and other actors. Feel free to send requests & reblog. 
Early home coming:  Bill & X-reader warnings: angst, slight smut, fluffy. Bill comes home early after an annoying work issue forces him to leave a project. You attempt to help him get over it all before he has to go promote another project. 
The Dress: Just because I like writing the continuing story of Bill & Princess. This is her first time at an awards show. Also includes Alex Skarsgard, Scarlett Johansson and a few others. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5
The Island: various fandoms, Its a continuation of The Charity. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4
Moroccan Sands: This is Bill Skarsgard and Tom Holland with x-reader. It takes place on a movie set for the most part. Ch1, ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader This a AU mystery piece that includes most Avengers actors and skarsgards plus a few others I love. Some chapters are  very smutty. used suggestions from readers who wanted to be with Bill, Tom &/or Scarlett.  ch 1, ch 2, ch3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch7, ch 8
A story of friendship: Roman Godfrey & X-reader AU Hemlock Grove. I was in a Roman mood so this is what came out  ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4 ch 5
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party: The Kid & X-Reader This plays off some talk of who the Kid really is in the Steven King Universe. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader: Merry Christmas ch 1 ch 2
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader AU Mark survived his town going nuts and is now in college where he meets you.  ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader . This is a continuation of Villains in a AU. Something like this should happen. ch 1 ch2 ch3 ch 4
Prequel Villains: Mickey and Jules Celebrate Christmas
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist this is in and AU after all the stuff in Deadpool 2. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
Santa’s fav ELF Bill & X-Reader You are an extra in one of Bill’s movies and you you get a long very well. ch1 ch2 ch 3 ch 4
It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader , A crazy Hemlock Grove alt reality fanfic part 1  part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Bill & X Reader: Jealousy,  You are dating Bill Skarsgard & get invited to a ex’s party. 
Joy and The Angel This is a Castlerock fanfiction
Snow in Hollywood This is a reimagining of Snow White starring all Skarsgards Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Red and the Full Moon This is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood incorporating the lyric to the 60s song Little Red Riding Hood. Featuring Bill Skarsgard and Alex Skarsgard. 
A  Little Extra for the Extra This is extremely loosely based on my recent time working as an extra in a Tom Holland and Bill Skarsgard movie filming near me. It was great fun. Tom was cool to the extras if you were at the right place at the right time. I only got to see Bill from afar but maybe that was a good thing LOL. In place of Bill & Tom you can easily put in your favorite actor or actress in your mind.
VEE This is an epic kind of Vampire Romance crap that came about after a dream I had. It features Bill & Alex Skarsgard as brothers but Alex is more like Eric from True Blood. This story doesn’t have warnings on the top but the tags have any warnings you might need. Although Vampire romance should give you a good idea of what you are getting to with this one.  Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5  Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 
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mystery-star · 5 years
Threshold of Space - Chapter 1 To Pass or not to Pass
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Pairing: Spock x OC
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death
Words: 6246
All Parts: 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
With a deep frown, the brunette stared at her fellow cadet who had just passed out in the captain’s chair.
“I guess that’s it then” Carissa’s fellow helmsman muttered to himself “The simulation is over” he got up with a shrug
“Wait a moment” she called “This may be a simulation, yes. But if this was real, you couldn’t just get up and leave”
“And what do you suggest we do, Wiley?” he asked
“We need an Acting Captain”
“We have no First Officer”
“Then we vote” she said “But quickly” she added, glancing at the screen to the many Klingon vessels
“If you’re so eager to complete this damned thing you do it” Carissa shrugged as some others murmured in agreement
“Is there anyone else who wants to take charge?” no one said a word “And is anyone not happy with me taking over?”
“Do whatever you want, Wiley. The examiners will stop this scenario now anyway since Evan is out, so better hurry if you want to shine”
“Then I shall take over until they declare that it is over. Now get back to your post” with a shrug, David did as she ordered. It felt strange to have that much responsibility and she was glad that this was only a simulation.
“Yes, Captain” he said mockingly as he sat back down “What are your next orders, huh? Shall we all go to a corner and cry?”
“A bit more seriousness. We are under attack” she replied and turned around to the Communication officer. “Jackson, can you reach the Kobayashi Maru?”
“I’ll try” he said and gave an affirmative answer a couple of seconds later
“Good. Ask them if their transporter is working, if not tell them to evacuate their ship”
“The Klingons would continue to fire on the pods”
“I know. But I am sure they won’t waste their time to follow all of the pods. Besides we can beam them aboard like that. Now do as I say or it’ll be too late”
“We can’t save everyone” she nodded.
“But we can try to get as many out as possible. We should start a diversionary maneuver. Let’s give these Klingons a nice taste of our Phasers.” she rubbed her hands and prepared everything before turning to the fellow helmsman
“Take evasive actions, 60 degrees to the right”
“But their shields are up, firing on them will be of no use”
“Do you think I am blind? I know that, I only want to distract them a bit to give the Maru time for the evacuation so that we can beam them aboard later on. Jackson, let us know when they are ready and sent off their first pods”
“Yes, Ma’am” Carissa couldn’t help but smile. Although she had never wanted to be Captain, it was nice to be addressed so formally. “They’re ready” Jackson informed them only two minutes later.
“Very well. Tell the transporter room to lock the signal on as many pods as possible and beam the people inside aboard”
“The Klingons are firing on us” David shouted
“Keep diverting” Carissa told the other helmsman “Let’s make it difficult for them to get us. Jackson, keep in contact with the transporter room and tell them to keep us updated as on how many crew members they could rescue.” he confirmed and did as requested.
“Shields at 47 percent. Three more hits like the others and we’re dead”
“Inform that Kobayashi Maru that we might not be able to save everyone. Maybe they should use shuttlecrafts, so that we can beam them aboard quicker and needn’t lock signals on different pods”
“Captain, they want us to stay and rescue them” Carissa bit her lip. Of course, they wanted to be saved. But they had to understand that there was no sense in staying to get them killed as well.
“Shields at 19 percent”
“That’s it. We have to leave. Head back to… the nearest space station.  Transporter room, how many people could we save?”
“48” Jackson told them
“That’s not too bad” Carissa muttered more to herself “Inform the Starfleet Command we’re heading back to the station and that we could only save 48 crew members of the Kobayashi Maru” she wiped some sweat from her brow with her sleeve
“Captain, one of the ships is following us”
“Shit” she could feel the blood leaving her face “Faster. Give us everything the Trainor has”
“Aye, Aye” Jackson said but after about a minute later, his mien changed “Ma’am the Warp drive failed. We’re only running on impulse now” she got even paler.
“The Klingon vessel’s slowed down to sublight speed as well and seems to be getting ready to destroy us”
“Fuck” she took a deep breath. Although she understood why it had been programmed that it won’t work like you wanted and add complication after complication, she made a mental note to have a serious word with Spock for scaring and challenging her that much. Somehow she wished the examiners would stop the simulation so that she could get out of here.
“What now? We can’t get away and they’ll destroy us”
“Hail them. Hail them!” she shouted in panic. Jackson merely nodded and pressed some buttons
“They don’t answer”
“Then send them a message that we surrender”
“What are you planning to do?” she licked her lip
“We’re trying to bait them by telling they can have the ship. Once they lower their shields to beam on board we fire everything we got at them”
“That may work” David mused.
“No it won’t” Jackson said bitterly “Still no answer”
“Tell them we can have the ship, which means they can get to the station without being noticed. Try it on every frequency we’ve got. They need to answer!” she got up and pressed a button on the arm rest of the Captain’s chair
“Crew of the USS Trainor. We need to evacuate the ship” she repeated the order before sitting down at the helm control “That applies for you as well. Out with you” she told the bridge crew. David and his friend got up, the rest remained seated.
“I’m still trying to reach them” Jackson explained. “But I’m pessimistic about it” another thundering noise and blinking lights told them that the Trainor had been hit again.
“The shields are down. The next hit will destroy us”
“Leave too. I’ll try to distract them a little longer” she took David’s seat and tried to dodge a little
“That won’t work with impulse drive”
“I know. But I can’t just sit here… and I ordered you to go and save yourself”
“What’s going on?” she heard a slurry voice behind her and Carissa saw Evan getting up slowly
“Well you passed out and I took over the bridge and as it seems we’re all gonna die now. We’re evacuating the ship” she told him “Go and get a rescue pod” he looked at her and nodded. However, he didn’t make it out because the Trainer was it one last time and all lights went out. Carissa had failed them and they all died. Shortly after the door opened and Admiral Foster stepped into the room.
“Cadet Cook.”. Evans, who was talking to David, wanting to know what had happened, looked at him
“Did I pass?”
“Yes you did pass. Pass out!” he showed him to follow with a simple head movement. “The rest may leave. Except for Cadet Wiley. You’ll come with me as well and wait in front of my office” she hung her head and got up after a nod. It seemed like she was in trouble. She shouldn’t have taken over like that. When they were going to the Admiral’s office Evan shot her angry glares more than once. Now she wished she had just followed David’s lead and left the simulation after his friend got unconscious. Once they reached the office, Admiral Foster told the male cadet to go inside before turning to her and ordering her to wait here. With a nod she leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. She really was in trouble. If only she wouldn’t be punished for what she did. It seemed like the only logical thing she could do had this been a real situation. Although, if a cadet passed out during a written exam, you couldn’t take over for them either. So it had to be a violation of the rules. But David should be here too. He was the one who had been defiant all the time and left his post before he was relieved off duty.
“Cadet Wiley” at the sound of the familiar voice she turned to see Spock, a professor and her boyfriend, coming towards her.
“Professor” she commented, smiling and holding herself back from touching him since they could be seen “What are you doing here?”
“Admiral Foster had let me know that he wanted to speak to me about the programming of the Kobayashi Maru scenario. As it seems, a cadet succeeded in finding an option which I have not considered and therefore not programmed. I would ask you what you are doing here but seeing that you have been participating in the simulation I can only conclude that Admiral Foster wanted to speak to you as well. The reasons for this, however, must be unknown to you as well”
“Yes, Sir” she said “But is an option missing good or bad? I mean isn’t it a bad sign if someone managed to… I don’t know reach the limits of the simulation?”
“It is neither. But once the addition programmed, this option may provide a whole new scenario, which would theoretically increase the chance of effectively winning by 6.3 percent”
“And what kind of addition are we speaking of?”
“I was told that Cadet Cook tried to hail the Klingons upon being alone with one of their ships. But that could not happen since I have not made an interaction with the enemy in that situation available yet” now she actually smirked
“It seems like you’re misinformed. No offence. I was the one who tried to contact the Klingons. Not Evan” he raised an eyebrow
“I must admit, I did not expect that. Since it was Cadet Cook taking the test, I figured that it had to be him as Admiral Foster did not say any names. May I ask how it came you were the one to order hailing the enemy ship?”
“Oh… Evan passed out just after we realized there suddenly were nine Klingon ships and that they started firing on us.”
“He has lost consciousness? But that would have resulted the examiner in ending the simulation”
“Well they didn’t… I mean as soon as I realized that Evan was out, I told the others they had to stay in place until we were told that it was over… so uh… it happened that I became Acting Captain and gave new orders” again he raised his eyebrow
“Then the examiners have decided to see how you were doing until the end. Now I believe I know the reason you are here. Admiral Foster must want to discuss your performance with you”
“What?” Carissa shrieked “Do-do you think they marked me?”
“It is possible. However, given the fact that you were not actually designated to take this test, I believe that they will not make this an official evaluation unless you choose to. But you did show great quality by taking over charge in such a situation” she shrugged
“But are you not mad that I… well… broke your simulation?”
“As I said, what happened is neither positive nor negative, it merely showed that I did not consider all possibilities, cadet”
“But there must have been other cadets that tried to contact the Klingons?”
“There were, but that is something I have thought of. However, you were the first one who managed to be alone with only one of the Klingon ships. It is only logical that the Klingons will behave differently when they are on their own”
“So you could contact them at the battle place but not when you’re further away because of the different reactions?”
“Exactly. As long as they have back up, Klingons would never negotiate and merely tell us their conditions for our surrender. Provided the fact they choose to not just destroy us without giving us a chance”
“This means when Jackson said we received no answer from the Klingons this was because the simulation could not provide any?”
“And do you think it is likely they would have agreed to take over our ship and beaming on board?”
“I would say so. While I cannot tell you how high the chances are exactly, I would estimate them to be about 73 percent, depending on how damaged the USS Trainor is at that point. However, the chance that they would kill your crew once they are on board is at 96.2 percent”
“Well I did not actually plan to let them take over the ship, Sir. I just wanted them to lower their shields so that we could fire at them and destroy them”
“That sounds logical and the chances of success are about 81.5 percent”
“So you’re saying I could have done it if you had had already programmed the option to contact the Klingons when…” the door opened and Evans walked out
“He’s asking for you” he said, not sounding very happy and shot an angry glare at her. It was not her fault he passed out, so why was he hostile towards her? After all it was his idea and request to be an actor in this simulation.
“Cadet Wiley, please come in”
“Coming, Admiral” she informed him and turned back to her boyfriend “See you later, I guess?” she asked quietly
“If I am not obliged to make the modifications right away, yes” she nodded and entered the office.
“Cadet Wiley” Foster said with a smile. Maybe Spock was right and he wasn’t mad at her after all? “Is Instructor Spock already here?”
“Yes, he arrived some minutes ago”
“Could you ask him in as well?” this made her heart sink. What if he had found out about their relationship? Or had he just heard the rumors and thought there was more to it? She’d rather be in trouble for taking over during the test. Because if he found out about the relationship id didn’t only affect her but Spock as well. She nodded and did as she was told. Her boyfriend entered and closed the door
“You have asked to see me, Admiral?”
“Indeed. I take it you know Cadet Wiley?”
“I do. She is in one of my classes” the Admiral nodded.
“Good. And you know she was supposed to take part in Cadet Cook’s Kobayashi Maru scenario?” Spock nodded “However, he passed out after mere minutes into the simulation as more and more ships arrived”
“And Cadet Wiley took over. I have been told already”
“Yes. That is the reason you are her. Because I wanted you to see her performance and tell me what you think the result would have been. After all she has tried something that was not programmed”
“Of course” he crossed his arm and when Admiral Foster showed them a video of the simulation, starting from the point where Evan passed out, Carissa wanted to drop dead. She couldn’t help but throw occasional glances to either of the males, to find out what they were thinking. Oddly, she got more information from the Vulcan’s stoic mien than from the older man. Finally, the tape ended and the brunette breathed out in relief. “Interesting” was her boyfriend’s only comment.
“What do you think would have been the outcome had she managed to contact the Klingons?”
“I am sure they would have agreed to take over the ship after Cadet Wiley told them of the opportunity to get into the station unnoticed. As for the planned destruction of the bird of prey, I cannot say if it would have succeeded before the USS Trainer would have been destroyed.”
“Alright, thank you, Commander” Admiral Foster nodded at him “I would now like to talk to Cadet Wiley alone and have a word with you again afterwards” Spock agreed and left the room.
“Am-am I in trouble because of what I did, Sir?” she asked carefully.
“You are not. Captain Thomas wanted to stop the scenario once your fellow cadet was out but when I saw that you were taking over I told him to wait. I wanted to see how you would react and I must say I am rather impressed. We had two similar cases where the cadet taking the test either left or passed out. But no other participant of the simulation had the idea to finish the mission in their stead. You showed a great sense of responsibility and your performance was indeed impressive, especially when you consider that you decided everything spontaneously since you had no time to prepare yourself for the scenario”
“So you are saying what I did was right?”
“Yes. And therefore the other examiners and I have decided to evaluate your performance if that is your wish”
“This means you will mark me and make it official?”
“Exactly. And I strongly advise you to let us do this for all I have seen you could actually pass. If not, what do you have to lose?”
“You are right, Sir” she smiled “Then I would like you to evaluate me. Although I don’t think I would ever want to be Captain. It is too much responsibility”
“No one says you have to become Captain just because you passed the Kobayashi Maru scenario”
“Oh right”
“Very well. Then I will inform the other examiners and inform you about the outcome as soon as possible” she nodded with a smile.
“I don’t need it immediately” she assured him.
“Alright. That is it from my part, Cadet Wiley. You may leave”
“Thank you, Sir. Goodbye” she nodded at him and left the room, throwing a short smile at Spock as he got called inside.
“How was the simulation?” her best friend and dorm mate Nicole asked as they were on their way to Diplomacy class the next day “Did Evan kill you all?”
“Actually I killed us all”
“How that? Did you do something wrong?”
“No” she grinned and told her the story and her friend laughed
“So you not only brought the test to its limits but you probably also passed the whole thing?”
“Instructor Spock must be fuming”
“He’s Vulcan” Carissa only said
“Right” she chuckled “But if he lets you fail his class you’ll know why”
“I don’t need him for that. I can fail by myself” she sighed. She just couldn’t get the knack of it and hated almost everything about the subject. The only thing that made the lessons bearable was the fact that Spock taught them.
“For heaven’s sake. Just go and get help. It’s of no use if you fail”
“I-I really don’t want to bother him” besides, when they started their relationship they had agreed they wouldn’t talk about anything that related to the courses so that she would not be in an advantage.
“He’s our teacher. He is obliged to help” Carissa shrugged
“I’ll see” they arrived at the classroom and talked to other classmates. Suddenly Evan appeared, angrily tapping Carissa’s shoulder.
“What did you do?”
“What? About yesterday?”
“You just took over!”
“So what? I thought if this was real that was supposed what someone should have done”
“You stole my chance”
“Look, if this had been real we couldn’t have just waited until you were conscious again. I am sure the examiners wouldn’t have paused the scenario if I had done nothing”
“I swear if you benefit from my attempt, you’ll pay”
“Mr Cook. I hope you won’t make these threats come true or you will be in serious trouble” they heard Professor Bennett’s voice behind them and shot a quick glare as he walked past the flock of cadets to open the door. Evans glared daggers at his classmate
“Your lover may have saved you this time. But I will find ways” he whispered in her ear before leaving.
“Oh God. Is he now claiming too that you have something going on with Bennett?”
“Just because of your grades? Or because he’s mad?”
“No idea. But someone needs to be on top of the class. I can’t help that it’s me in most classes…”
“Well I need to admit, your grades are not just top of the class. They’re perfect almost every time. Not that I’d believe the rumors but I can understand that they think like that.” Carissa shrugged.
“Just let them talk. I don’t care. I know the truth and so do my friends” technically, her friend’s didn’t know the whole truth. Although she wasn’t dating Bennet, she still was in a relationship with another professor.
“That’s the spirit. As long as no one suspects you’re actually liaised with a professor” she felt her heart bumping
“Exactly” they entered the classroom and sat down.
The rest of the day flew by and before she knew it, Carissa was trying to complete some homework when she saw a new message. This must be her results from the Kobayashi Maru and her heart made a leap. A part of her wanted read it now, but she decided against it, wanting to finish her homework first.
“What’s this? Got a love letter?” she was asked
“Nothing” she replied, not wanting to brag that she completed the Kobayashi Maru. But she knew that should she pass, sooner or later everyone would know. And she was quite afraid of Evan’s reaction.
“Why don’t you read?”
“I can imagine what it is. And I want to finish this first” she looked at her friend before focusing on her essay again. But Lucie just crossed her arms
“Fine, then I’ll hack into your account and read the message myself”
“Stop this” she hissed.
“Oh come on, Carry, I want to know what it says. Is it really from Admiral Foster?”
“Yes. As the name says”
“Please?” she looked at her friend with puppy eyes. Carissa sighed and read the document, ignoring her friends, exited shrieks and handclapping.
“How old are you exactly?” she shook her head but grinned. The grin disappeared when her eyes scanned the evaluation “Oh my God. Oh my God” she couldn’t help but shriek
“Good news?”
“Yes. I passed the Kobayshi Maru scenario”
“Wait what? When? How?” once again she found herself telling the story, this time with a broad smile. “That sounds fantastic. You’d make a perfect captain”
“I’m not so sure. I’d prefer to be more of an advisor. Then I don’t need to be the one making a decision”
“Fair enough” she squeezed her shoulder “Oh Carry, I can’t believe it. Not many pas this simulation. And you weren’t even prepared”
“I think they took that into consideration as well”
“What are we even sitting here?” Lucie asked and put her PADD away “Let’s go and celebrate” Carissa shrugged, throwing a glance at her essay. She would finish it later as she probably couldn’t concentrate.
In the next morning she regretted her choice. The moment she walked into Spock’s classroom she realized that she had forgotten to finish her essay. Trying to hide in her seat, she took out her things and stared at the table. Her head only snapped up when the lesson started.
“Your essays from last week have been graded” the whole class gasped.
“Will this grade be official for the semester grade?” a classmate asked
“No, but it is for you to see how you are doing” he took a bundle of papers “please hand in your new ones within the next five minutes.” Carissa kept getting more and more nervous and she opened the corrected document. She stared at the numbers of her essay and let out a sad huff 37.7 out of 100. Nevertheless she felt a slight smirk appearing on her face, after all Spock was the only professor who used decimal places. Sluggishly, submitted her unfinished essay and raised her hand to tell the truth.
“I uh… couldn’t finish it” she admitted. The Vulcan only cocked up an eyebrow “It’s just… I’m not trying to justify anything but I got this news and well…”
“That news being?”
“Kobayashi Maru?”
“What?” Evan exclaimed “Don’t tell me you passed. That was cheating”
“Cadet Cook, I do believe this is no concern of yours” Evan mumbled something she didn’t get. “Please see me after the lesson, Cadet Cook. There is something I wish to discuss with you” obviously he must have heard what he said. Carissa bit her lip to hold back a smirk. “With you as well, Cadet Wiley” he said. When he started the lesson, she let out a small sigh of relief.
For the remainder of the lesson she couldn’t help but dread the end of it. It really sounded like she got into trouble. Once the rest of the class was allowed to leave, Evan threw an angry look at Carissa as Spock told them to sit down in the first row.
“Cadet Cook, I expect you to explain your behavior towards your fellow cadet, Miss Wiley”
“It can’t be that she got to do this Kobayashi Maru. It was my test, not hers. This is not fair.”
“Your anger towards Cadet Wiley is out of place since none of this is her fault”
“She should have just kept her mouth shot like she always does. She stole my chance”
“Mr Cook, is it Cadet Wiley’s culpability that you lost consciousness during the simulation?” Evan shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but got cut off “Then I can only emphasize how inacceptable your behavior towards her is and I demand you to stop this. Else I will be obliged to inform my superiors of this case” Evan glared at her and she wished Spock had just let it be. He had probably only made it worse with his lecture.
“Evan look, I am sorry” she said “I never meant to steal the show or whatever”
“Then why did you take charge?”
“I just wanted David to wait until it was over officially. But let’s assume this would have been a real situation and your Captain passed out. Would you do something or just sit there and wait?”
“But it’s just a damned simulation. That’s the fucking point”
“There is no need for such foul language, Cadet” Spock reminded him “Besides your classmate is correct. It could have been real. Then everyone expects you to show responsibility, even if you are not a Captain. Cadet Wiley did exactly that and I daresay this is the reason that she has passed. Though her splendid approach must have had something to do with it as well” why, oh why couldn’t he just shut up? Did he not see he was making everything worse? Carissa wanted to be anywhere but here.
“Teacher’s pet” she heard Evans mutter and she clenched her fists. It probably wouldn’t have affected her that much if it had been any other professor. Luckily her boyfriend kept quiet this time and the brunette had the impression he did not even know what the words meant.
“Professor” she said, looking at Spock “thank you for your help but I think I can handle him by myself. He’ll just be mad at me for a little time but it will pass. After all we never had a problem before”
“If you say so” she nodded. “Cadet Cook, you are free to leave” Evan jerked up and wanted to storm out of the room “But be warned. If I hear of any other nastiness towards your classmate I will take action as I cannot tolerate such behavior” he stared after him until Evan left the classroom and closed the door before he turned to his girlfriend
“That wasn’t necessary” she mumbled
“He had no right to treat you like this. Besides, his hatred towards you is highly illogical because none of what happened is your fault”
“Well tell him. He’s just…”
“Acting out of fierce emotions”
“Yeah” she chuckled “dead on”
“However,” he continued “I wanted to talk about your latest essay, cadet”
“The one I forgot?” she asked shyly
“No, not that one. The one I have corrected”
“Oh right. But… am I in trouble because I didn’t finish the other?” he raised an eyebrow
“This is your first time neglecting homework, thus there will be no consequences. In case it happens again, you will need to complete supplementary work or any other form of compensation”
“Okay, thank you Sir” she breathed out in relief. “And what about the other essay?”
“I could not help but notice that your essays are getting and getting worse. If you do not change something you will fail this course”
“I uh…” she swallowed “I don’t really get the hang of this”
“Are you trying to say that you have difficulties in understanding the subject?”
“A bit more maybe. I’m clueless” she admitted
“And why did you not consult me?”
“I-I thought… when we got together” she looked at him “you said that we mustn’t talk about topics that are related to classes and all. So I tried to teach myself by reading books. But that didn’t help”
“I would have gladly taught you anything you wanted to know if you had just asked. Just because I am with you does not mean that I would not tutor you if necessary. When I said this, I meant that I cannot tell you more about the exams or any other matters that could give you an advantage”
“Well, I guess I didn’t want to bother you”
“Bother me? You would not be the first cadet I am tutoring. Moreover, I am teaching advanced topics to cadets who wish it.”
“So this means you will help me?”
“That would be the only logical thing to do” she nodded with a bright smile
“Thank you”
“But I will contact a few of your classmates as I have seen that some others seem to have troubles as well”
“Sure. It’s better to learn in a group anyway. Besides, then I won’t feel so strange when it’s just us. I mean, then it doesn’t feel like you don’t waste your time on me”
“Carissa” he said softly “Any time I spend with you is not wasted” she giggled at his sudden informality.
“And why again did you think you can’t be romantic? This might be the cutest thing anyone’s ever said to me”
“Then I suppose it is good to hear that telling you this simple fact has made you feel happiness”
“Of course it makes me happy. And do you know what else makes me happy? Being with you” since this was now getting a bit strange when she sat at a desk and he was standing in front of her, Carissa got up as well. A part of her wanted to touch him but they were in a classroom and anyone could come in any moment so she held herself back.
“Are you getting ready to leave?”
“There are only 6 minutes and 23 seconds left until the next class starts. So maybe it would be best if you headed there. My next cadets should arrive soon as well”
“Oh sure” she said, grabbing her bag. “See you around I guess? Or at the tutoring?” he nodded
“I will let you know when I have gotten into contact with the other cadets to let you know about time and setting for the tutoring” now she couldn’t help but place a hand on his arm
“Thank you”
“I see no point in thanking me since this proposal bases on logical conclusion and thoughts”
“It means a lot to me anyway” she replied “so thank you” she gently squeezed his arm before pulling back and leaving the classroom.
Much to her surprise, Evan actually left her alone. Sure, he mentioned the matter another few times in the following days but he seemed to have calmed down after a week. Carissa had the impression that word about her success at the Kobayashi Maru scenario had gotten around and she had the feeling as if everyone from her year who wanted to take the test wanted to have her on board. Since she found it a good way to learn more about the life on the bridge, she mostly agreed, unless she didn’t like the cadets at all. She was a little surprised, when suddenly someone a year above wanted to have her participating in her test. And after that, also a few other people from years above hers asked her to join them. If she was honest, Carissa didn’t like the attention too much. Somehow she had the feeling as if she was something like a mascot for them.
One day, as she was sitting outside, an older cadet plopped down on the bench next to her
“You’re Clarissa Riley, right?”
“Carissa Wiley” she corrected. He wasn’t the first one to get her name wrong.
“Well anyway. You’re the one who somehow beat the Kobayashi Maru test. How did you do it?”
“I just made the right choices” she replied “and as you might have heard, I wasn’t actually supposed the test. I took over”
“So you cheated?”
“Hell no”
“But I heard the test had to be reprogrammed after you took it”
“It didn’t had to be reprogrammed. They only had to add another feature. I just was unlucky enough to be the one to find out. But I was told, if the feature had been there, my chances of surviving would have been quite high”
“Nevertheless, you passed”
“So what?”
“I heard you’ve taken a liking to take part in other cadet’s test”
“Would you to me the honor to join me for my attempt?”
“Okay, why not? When?”
“In two days at 11AM. You know where.” only after he left Carissa realized that she didn’t even get his name.
Only about half a minute after the simulation had started, she regretted her choice to participate as an actor. He seemed too confident of himself and didn’t take it serious at all. Obviously she wasn’t the only one who wanted to slap him.
“So what are we gonna do about the Klingons?” Carissa asked, suppressing a sigh
“Oh just leave it all with me, sweetheart”
“Excuse me?”
“Three more Klingon vessels are approaching”
“Alright. Inform the Med Bay to take all the injured from the other ship”
“Shouldn’t we do something about the Klingons first?” Carissa wanted to know, already sensing they would be destroyed any minute.
“Captain, love, you forgot the Captain”
“You can’t be serious, Captain” she sneered “We could die any moment and all you can think of is your title, which you don’t even have by the way and won’t get if you continue like that”
“I didn’t invite you here to be such a spoilsport” he pouted. She was that close to choking him. “But you are right, we could die any moment” he walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glared at the hand as if she could burn a hole into it. “So why not…”
“Captain! Shields are only at fifty percent. Maybe we should fire back?”
“Nah” suddenly the power went out
“This can’t be, we can’t have lost already.” Carissa said. Or were the examiners fed up and stopped the simulation? Suddenly the power came back on.
“Oh no, don’t worry, sweetie. Now the real fun begins.” he said with a smirk as he plopped down in the Captain’s chair again and bit into an apple. “Open fire! Let’s send this bastards to hell”
“Jim, their shields are still up”
“Are they?”
“So what are you waiting for, sweetheart? Destroy them” the cadet called Jim said and winked at her “The sooner this is over, the sooner we two…”
“Captain!” she protested “I hope you know that I have a boyfriend” she blurted out. This actually was the first time she mentioned this to anyone. If only no one asked questions… with a sigh she did as he requested and locked target on the birds of prey. It all went smoothly and not even a minute later all Klingon ships were gone.
“Now we can start the rescue mission” everyone started at him as Jim got up “Let’s sum this up… we have destroyed all enemy ships, no one on board was injured and we can now save the crew of the Kobayashi Maru” Carissa stared at the buttons in front of her. She had participated in more than 18 simulations in the past months. And it had never been that easy. Something was wrong. No one ever managed that much. The simulation went off and the participants were allowed to leave. After stepping outside, she saw Spock marching past her, looking puzzled if not irritated. Suddenly Jim’s behavior towards her during the simulation. He had touched her and flirted with her. She could have slapped herself, he must be jealous. If that even was a thing among Vulcans…
Next Chapter
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makeste · 6 years
Oh right, I forgot to ask now that you finished the Yakuza/Overhaul arc but on a scale from Endeavor to All For One, where does Overhaul fit on the bad dad scale?
somehow this very simple ask which could have been answered in like three sentences turned into my definitive ranking of the top ten Known Dads in BnHA. I’m not sure how either. but here we go
(spoilers in this post up to chapter 165!)
10. Overhaul
dad score - [unknown] [the scale broke when we tried to measure him]
is asked to care for his boss’s granddaughter; proceeds to torture her for profit
constantly tells her that she’s cursed and all the bad things that he does are somehow her fault
doesn’t even bother to give this kid some fucking shoes
keeps killing her babysitters
I know I already said it, but it really can’t be stressed enough, this guy routinely disassembled her limbs on a molecular level, causing her excruciating pain and trauma, for the sake of trying to make himself the new drug-dealing kingpin of the underworld. he is sooo bad you guys
9. All for One
dad score - 11/100
is super creepy and manipulative and purposely brainwashed Tomura into hating All Might through a series of meticulously calculated encounters
decided the best way to help Tomura reach his full potential would be to step out of his life and get himself arrested
hasn’t even seen his other son, Izuku, since he was a baby! what a fucking deadbeat smdh
but on the other hand, he does seem supportive and indulgent towards Tomura and gives him lots of praise and encouragement
8. Endeavor
dad score - 39/100
abused his kid
abused his kid’s mom, in front of his kid
you wouldn’t even know it, but he actually has other kids, whom he never seems to acknowledge or pay even the slightest attention to whatsoever!
only had kids in the first place so he could raise his kids to beat All Might. has no problem telling this to said kids and even to All Might’s own face
having said that, the only reason his score isn’t in the negatives is because as of chapter 165, it seems like maybe? possibly? he just might be trying for the first time ever. or like. trying to try. if you can count showing up to Shouto’s supplemental course to shout “SHOOOOOOOOOOUUUUTOOOOOOOOO” at him from the stands as trying. but like, I feel like he is attempting to be encouraging. it doesn’t mean he’s not still a piece of shit, but if the guy is trying to be better then, like, it’s better than him not trying, you know?
but he’s still terrible
7. Kurogiri
dad score - 60/100
Tomura’s Actual Dad
is calm, rational, polite, and a respected doctor of medicine (probably) (idk you guys I just still get that vibe)
took Tomura and all the other kids on a character-building trip to Villain Island in an omake from chapter 149 which I consider to be canon
there’s nothing more dadlike than taking your kids camping and trying to teach them how to survive in the wilderness
taught Tomura how to get along with others
always seems to have his back, which is real important you guys
6. Gran Torino
dad score - 70/100
not the best score but a C is still respectable. mostly it’s just cuz he was out of the picture for so long. although we’ve since found out that Toshinori by his own admission had a habit of pushing away people who cared about him, so that may have had something to do with it
cares a lot about Toshinori even though he’s shit at showing it
made him into a man by beating the shit out of him until he got super strong
was right there in the thick of things with Toshinori during both of his fights against All for One. he straight up risked his life to back him up against the strongest villain alive
took it in stride when he found out he had a grandson that he’d never met, and took him under his wing as well and raised him for like three whole days and taught him how to use a microwave
5. Ochako’s Dad
dad score - 80/100
I probably should have given him a higher score, honestly. he seems really sweet. he’s probably a better dad than Bakugou’s Dad tbh, but Bakudad gets the edge just for the much steeper difficulty level. because let’s be honest, there’s a biiiig difference between raising a sweet baby angel like young Ochako, and raising a sentient roman candle with a potty mouth
but he works so hard to make ends meet, and somehow he and his wife managed to scrimp and save enough to send Ochako to U.A. because they wanted her to follow her dreams and they want the best for her
and they’ve always been so supportive of her on like the three occasions we’ve seen them in flashbacks or talking to her over the phone or visiting her after the sports festival
look at this thumbs up though
Tumblr media
tell me that’s not the most dad thing you’ve ever seen in your fucking life
4. Bakugou’s Dad
dad score - 82/100
has like two lines in the entire series, but
as previously mentioned, raised Bakugou Katsuki and somehow survived to tell the tale. so honestly he probably deserves some kind of medal
also, since we know virtually nothing about him other than what was in the omake profile from volume 11, I’ve been imagining him as being kind of like Calvin’s Dad from Calvin and Hobbes
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so he gets bonus points for that positive association
really there’s no reason for him to be this high up tbh except that I firmly believe he’s a great dad and I’m just waiting for canon to prove me right. I’ll be right here waiting, manga
3. RockLockRock
dad score - 90/100
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he’s awesome
also, look. being a hero is inherently dangerous. you never know where you’re going to get called to next, and any mission could end up being your last. injuries and trauma go hand-in-hand with the job. most of the hero characters we’ve seen don’t have families, and I have to assume that’s not a coincidence. so to me, all of this means that if a hero character actually does go through with starting a family, it means they wanted that family more than anything, and you can bet they freaking love the shit out of said family. I have no doubt that RLR is and will continue to be an amazing dad
plus his kid is just too damn cute
2. Aizawa
dad score - 95/100
first of all, if this was a ranking of Hottest BnHA Dads, you better believe he’d be at the very top and it would be no contest
he has 20 kids and somehow he’s able to handle each and every one of them
risked his life to save the kids barely two weeks into the school year with no hesitation, even though he nearly died
did the same thing again barely two months later. this time thankfully without the nearly dying
has the total respect and trust of each and every kid in his class. and considering the personalities of some of them, that’s no small feat
specifically, it says a lot that even Bakugou doesn’t give him any lip and always listens to him without complaint and is even polite
speaking of Bakugou, he defended him to that Jerk Reporter during the Hideout Raid arc and proved that he understands his students better than anyone
isn’t afraid to deal out strict discipline when the situation calls for it, but it’s always for the students’ own good
isn’t above trolling the shit out of his kids on occasion when he feels like it
is good with kids of all ages and not just teenagers, as evidenced by how good he also was with Kouta during the forest invasion arc
lastly, as we saw in chapter 136, he has an untold repertoire of secret dad moves just waiting to be unleashed, such as (a) crouching down to a seated Deku’s eye level, and (b) gently punching him in the chest while affectionately calling him by a nickname. who knows what other moves this man has in reserve. I for one can’t wait to see more
1. All Might
dad score - 96/100
indisputable best dad. A+. although even he didn’t get a perfect score, because nobody is perfect and there’s always room for improvement
always knows exactly what to say. despite constantly seeming to stress about it. probably he only stresses because he cares so much and he’s worried about doing things exactly right
loving father to the two most difficult children in the whole series, Midoriya “which bones did you break this time” Izuku, and Bakugou “like I said, anyone who even attempts to parent this child automatically deserves a medal” Katsuki
this man literally got down on his hands and knees and begged Deku’s mom to let him try to be the Best Dad Ever to her child. he loves him so fucking much
gives THE best dad hugs
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I need more All Might hugs
honorable mentions: 
Nighteye (I forgot about him until after I had already made the list and was too lazy to go back and insert him in his rightful place at number 3. 92/100. loses points for FUCKING DYING AND MAKING ME CRY)
Fat Gum (same deal as Nighteye in that I forgot about him. 75/100. he’s loving and jolly and gives out free candy, but he let Kirishima get all beat up. BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME)
Vlad King (haven’t seen his dad skills in action much, but according to his profile he’s nicer to his kids than Aizawa is. okay but DID HE NEARLY MAKE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE FOR THEM though. because Aizawa did. 85/100)
Present Mic (not a dad. is at best a Weird Uncle. 70/100)
Jirou’s Dad (I forgot about him too lol. he’s a wacky dad who likes to rock and roll! he tried to be a Stern Dad to impress All Might and Aizawa but failed miserably. took his wife’s last name!! so secure in his own masculinity. wants his daughter to live her best life and follow her passions. 93/100. he’s fucking great)
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stories-by-shanna-p · 6 years
Plot Bunny Adoption Challenge 2019
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Fandoms Involved In This Challenge: Supernatural, Hobbit, Harry Potter, Star Wars (A total of 62 Plot Bunnies!!!) 
Hey there everyone! As promised, I am hosting a new challenge in 2019 for plot bunny adoptions! I know a lot of people make new years resolutions to ‘write more’, I know I did, so I thought I would contribute!!! :D :D :D
So, if you are interested and want a challenge, read the rules and plot bunnies below! Maybe one of them will be going home with you! Just like previous adoptions, only one person gets a plot bunny so it will be completely unique to you, no one else gets it, so enjoy! 
Also, to note, some of the ideas are multi-chapter ideas, as I saw some people saying they wanted some new multi-chap ideas...so have fun. Feel free to make them one-shots or multi-chapter! ^^ There are one shot ideas too, I tried to make a variety for different tastes! Also, if one of the plot bunnies says ‘reader’ or ‘OC’, feel free to change it or make them any gender! It is your plot bunny! XD 
Rules of the Challenge:
If you would like to enter the challenge, you need to send me an ASK with the plot bunny you would like to adopt! 
Only one person per plot bunny! If it has been adopted before you ask for it, you will have to choose a new one. It will be first come first served! 
The story, or first chapter of the story, will be due by February 28th so the Master Post for the Challenge can be posted March 1st! 
When posting you need to tag me (so I can add it to the Master Post) and also include the tag #Tale Teller’s Plot Bunny Challenge 2019 
Plot bunnies available for adoption are below the keep reading line!
If you finish early, you are welcome to request a new plot bunny but only after the first one has been posted! 
Let me know via ASK if you want added to the tag list for this challenge! OR!!! Reach out to the writer, I will list who is doing what below, and let them know how excited you are for the story and ask them to! Who knows, you may make a new friend in 2019!!! :D 
These plot bunnies are story ideas I that I have had, so if you want more ideas or such on a certain bunny, shoot me a message! Below is just a vague outline, I’m happy to chat more if you would like more inspiration or are curious what my brain came up with...But feel free to run with an idea and make it yours! I am looking forward to see what amazing stories these plot bunnies inspire! :D
Plot Bunnies up for Adoption:
Supernatural Fandom
·         Plot Bunny #5: High school AU where the Novaks move to a new school as Gabe takes an interest in a girl, but the guys say don’t bother, she is too stuck up and thinks she is better than everyone. But Gabe likes a challenge, and the girl seems nice, so he decides to befriend her.  His heart breaks when he finds out the secret truth hiding behind her emotionless mask. 
·         Plot Bunny #6: While making his rounds as the trickster, Gabriel gets in a chat room and meets someone. They become quick friends and continue to chat for months, until one day they ask to meet him.  
·         Plot Bunny #8: Highschool AU. You are dating the popular senior, Dick Roman, when the Shirleys move into town. Your life gets turned upside down when the shy new kid, Castiel Shirley, catches your eye. 
  Harry Potter Fandom 
·         Plot Bunny #12:  Girl is in Gryffindor, but is mischievous. Need a group of four in potions and gets put with Draco, Crabb, and Goyle.  Become slight friends, but have falling out when they find out she is muggleborn. But can friendship over come those differences? 
·         Plot Bunny #13: George, wanting to spend time with his girl over the summer, signs up for summer camp (week long) that she is doing. It is a muggle camp, so she makes him leave his wand with Molly.  George learns how hard it is to cope without magic. 
 Star Wars Fandom 
·         Plot Bunny #14: OC is resistance spy, but saves Hux’s life. Could friendship or love come from such differences? 
 Hobbit Fandom
 ·         Plot Bunny #15: After reclaiming Erebor and the restoration is mostly done, the princes decide to put their skills to work by creating a memorial in the hall of kings for their father. 
·         Plot Bunny #16: You are friends with Thorin, Dwalin, and all.  You are a bar maid in Ered Luin, they always bring liveliness to the place, and are very protective of you. 
·         Plot Bunny #19: Bilbo tries to teach Thorin how to garden, and Thorin tries to teach Bilbo blacksmithing.
·         Plot Bunny #20: Upon his return, Bilbo throws a dinner for his family to explain his absence.  He assumed Thorin, the Dwarf King, would be fine…but Thorin is in over his head…then add Lobelia to the mix. 
·         Plot Bunny #21: Modern AU: Bilbo is a school teacher (younger children) and Fili and Kili are his students.  When they get into mischief, the school calls Dis, but since she is busy at work, Bilbo gets to finally meet Uncle Thorin. 
·         Plot Bunny #23: After Thorin, Fili, and Kili’s death, during the burial, they are there to say their final goodbyes to the company.  
·         Plot Bunny #29: Thorin watching Fili and Kili while Dis and her husband have alone time. They are both such a handful as children, especially with their favorite uncle.  
·         Plot Bunny #31: Thorin is with a very young Kili and Fili in Ered Luin when he looses track of them.  They find their way to a bakery, where a human woman takes care of them, until Thorin finds them.  Could this be the start of something new?
·         Plot Bunny #32; When they were toddlers, Fili and Kili were stolen by rogue dwarves, but were found by Hobbits, and taken in by a young Belladonna Took (before she was married), so when Gandalf sends the company to the Shire for their burglar, they assume it is her, and everyone is excited to see her again…but then they find out she passed away, and the one going on the trip is her child, Bilbo. 
·         Plot Bunny #40: You are from our world, and survived the journey and BOFA.  When the time comes for the kingdom of elves, dwarves, and man to make peace, they need a mediator.  Your name comes up, as you are completely unbiased, as you have no loyalties since you are not from this world.  So you become the mediator, having to find a peace between Mirkwood, Dale, Erebor, and Dain (Iron Hills).  
·         Plot Bunny #43: You were Kili’s love before the journey.  And you were so happy to here they were alive and well, until you receive a letter from Fili telling you about Kili and Tauriel. But what happens when Kili realizes realizes how much he misses and loves you, and not Tauriel...can he win you back? 
·         Plot Bunny #47:  The reader, by some magic, after wishing she could help the company more, is sent to Erebor where she meets Smaug.  For some reason, he doesn’t kill her and then they become friends. Can this new ‘friendship’ change the outcome of something already destined? 
·         Plot Bunny #48: Story of little moments that the spymaster, Nori, sees when he is being sneak.  1: Ori setting up a prank on Dwalin, but working it so Fili and Kili get the blame 2: One where Thorin and Bilbo are trying to keep their relationship under wraps, Nori spys a private moment.  3: Kili and Tauriel where they discuss how they are secretly already married, and how their “second wedding” that is being planned is pointless.  
·         Plot Bunny #49: Instead of dying at Moria, Frerin was taken by the Orcs and kept prisoner. After BOFA, they tracked the Orcs back to their big camp and find him.  He is brought back to Erebor, where he helped settle in and meets the company, including Bilbo, and.the girl they found along the way. Can all of his friends and family help him adjust to the new life? 
·         Plot Bunny #50: Thorin goes back to the Shire to live with Bilbo.  When Frodo comes into the picture, it is almost hilarious how Thorin and Bilbo view raising him…as Bilbo is a first time parent and Thorin raised Fili and Kili.
·         Plot Bunny #51: Thorin passes the throne to Fili and goes with Bilbo to the Shire.  Hobbits are suspicious at first, so Thorin decides to do his best to acclimate. The clothes, no weapons…no shoes. It’s a nice gesture...so why does it keep going wrong? 
·         Plot Bunny #52: Being King doesn’t allow much time to spend with his love, Bilbo, so Thorin takes advantage of every moment he can.  Otherwise known as: Always getting Caught
·         Plot Bunny #53: Bilbo stays in Erebor at Thorin’s side as King’s Consort.  Thorin is proud and happy how Bilbo is coming into life under the mountain, taking everything in stride, but can’t help but laugh when Bilbo snaps one night after a meeting about how something must be done about his chair…because his feet won’t reach the ground.  
·         Plot Bunny #55: Modern AU: When something breaks, Bilbo goes into town to find someone to fix it.  In this case, it happens to be the handsome Thorin.  When he leaves, Bilbo knows he has to meet him again, so he breaks something else for an excuse.  But how many things must he break before Thorin picks up on it?   
·         Plot Bunny #56: When a soul leaves, sometimes it has unfinished business.  Thorin had unfinished business, so he wasn’t prepared that when he closed his eyes, he would open them again…or when he came back that he would be a grown Hobbit…outside of the Shire…maybe the universe is trying to tell him something? But will our hardheaded king listen...or go back to Erebor? 
·         Plot Bunny #57: Everyone lives AU. The company (dwarves) decide to get together for a reunion. They decide to go to the Shire since that was where it started.  It is like Deja vu, especially since no one bothered to tell Bilbo about it.  
·         Plot Bunny #60: Random inner dialogue of different people at memorable parts, cause don’t you always wonder what was going through their minds? 
·         Plot Bunny #62: Getting the company to sing “Hi Ho” while on the journey.
·         Plot Bunny #63:  Seeing you feeling down, the company try to cheer you up by learning songs from your ipod before it dies and putting on a performance for you.
·         Plot Bunny #64; Reader is from modern world and descends to middle earth and she has cancer, the company finds out halfway through the trip that she only has a couple months left.  She survived the battle as does everyone else, but eventually falls to the illness. Thoin has her buried in the hall of kings. But that isn’t the last they see her...she is the angel that guides them peacefully, when it is their time, to Mahal’s Halls. 
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Mineta Is Terrible Pls Don’t Forget That
I’m surprised and kinda concerned at a rise in people trying to defend Mineta. So I want to talk about all the gross shit Mineta has done, pointing it out chapter by chapter. ‘Cause this kid isn’t just some funny pervy teenager he is a predator in the making. I will be counting strikes against Mineta cumulatively seeing as there are so many instances of him being inappropriate minor or no.
Ch.8-9: So I’m going to go ahead and say that I am only pointing out these two minor offenses because they set the precedent for who Mineta is for the rest of the Manga. Really, I would normally not point this behavior out as inherently bad and maybe even laugh a bit at it, but in this case it’s setting the stage for some disgusting behavior. Mineta’s comment on Uraraka’s Hero costume in Ch.8 ; He will not remove his gaze from Yaomomo’s breasts. 
Ch.14: Mineta makes gross, backhanded, and completely inappropriate commentary on Tsuyu’s breasts. They are in danger yall, and this is what he’s worried about? It shows a real lack of maturity
Ch.17: Mineta grasps onto Tsuyu’s breast. Y’all I would have been more inclined to believe it was an accident if he hadn’t blatantly GRABBED. Gross.
Ch.22: “Maybe it’s that ti...” Tsu slaps him before he finishes his comment about Uraraka. I’ll admit not the worst, but it all adds up. Not even particularly perverted so much as it is just rude and derogatory. Pointing to his poor view of his female classmates.
Ch.26: Mineta grabbing onto Yaomomo to get through the race. This would be fine except he makes it clear he does so to also grab at her in inappropriate places. “Two birds, one stone. I’m a freaking genius!”
Ch.27: His concern over trying to team up with girls. If it weren’t for his clear predatory behavior this would not concern me.
Ch.31: Tricking the girls into cheerleading uniforms Yes, Denki does join in on this, but this would be his first strike. Also consider that Denki has not once made inappropriate commentary about his female classmates thus far. He has also not once laid his hands on his female classmates in an inappropriate manner. This IS inappropriate on his part, however I will not be considering it as condemning as it is with Mineta. Who has prior offenses as well as a growing list of offenses against his female classmates.
Ch. 44: The Swimsuit Issue. Okay. So I am fairly certain this ties into the first episode of season 3. When we get the swimming episode as filler. Mineta and Denki devise a plan to see the girls in bathing suits. Not inherently bad, even on Mineta’s part. I don’t think I would even mention it outside of the fact that Mineta CLEARLY had disgusting thoughts on what his classmates would be wearing. As well as how his other behavior would lead to believe that he would be attempting to physically grab them. Thankfully Midoriya turned that day into a full on training session. A good boy. Look, let me address the Denki issue here too. This would be Denki’s second instance of some level of perverted behavior Compared to this being the 8th on Mineta’s part. Also, even as the second instance, it isn’t severe. I believe Mineta may be a bad influence on Denki. However even in wanting to see his classmates in swim wear, Denki was shown to stay true to their personalities. Even going to far as to acknowledge how Tsuyu would almost cover up COMPLETELY. Denki is a perfect example of how a funny and perverted character should be played. He isn’t constantly dogging after his female classmates. He is shown to respect their autonomy, their personal space, and just in general respect his classmates.
Ch. 59: Peeping. So here we get to one of the more major incidents, where Mineta blatantly/shamelessly/unapologetically attempts to peep in on the girls changing when he finds a hole in the wall.
Ch.60: Okay so all we have here is Mineta yelling about bathhouses. Not so bad, if you don’t pay attention to what he does later. This one small scene makes it clear he was planning to be inappropriate as seen in later chapters.
Ch.67: Mineta’s concern for not being able to touch Midnight is dumb and immature. Disgusting. Here in this chapter we also see him contemplating his entire reason for trying to become a Hero. I’m pointing this out because people want to claim he can’t be so bad. He joined the Hero Course after all! Well. Here he points out that he is only in the hero course to meet and grope women. It isn’t even a revelation moment for him where he might suddenly think “Aha! That is not what being a Hero is about”. He is truly disgusting.
Ch.68: “I need night vision goggles” Again this is a precursor to later behavior from Mineta. The students are talking about going shopping for supplies. He points out he “needs” night vision goggles. Context clues and behavioral patterns indicate that this would be so he can spy on the girls.
Ch.70: “A bountiful babe buffet!” Mineta is drooling and ogling the girls. He refers to them as a buffet, dehumanizing them. He clearly has no respect for them.
Ch. 71: The bathhouse scene. I don’t think I need to really say much, it speaks for itself. Mineta attempted to scale the wall between the girls and boys baths so he could ogle the girls. From past behavior I would not be surprised if, were he successful, he would attempt touching. He didn’t even try to hide it from the other boys, or even the girls. Yelling loudly that he was doing this and no one would stop him.
Ch. 98: “The baths and laundry are co-ed? Someone pinch me!”; Challenging the girls to the dorm contest specifically to go through their stuff
Ch. 99: Not even trying to hide as he goes through Hagakure’s drawers to find her underwear
Ch. 106: “Sticking our faces in a lady’s buttcheeks” Like…what
Ch. 169: “If her skirt flies off, her panties might too!” ; Titty bar….
Ch. 173: To ERI “I’m looking forward to meeting you in ten years!” GROSS PLS KEEP HIM AWAY FROM HER FROM NOW ON!
So that’s what I have at this point. Mineta is not just a pervert but a predator. He has shown no remorse for his behavior, nor has he shown any intentions of changing. He has no problems with encroaching on women’s personal space and touching them inappropriately without any sort of permission. So it is highly upsetting to see people try to defend him, especially when their arguments are incredibly weak.
“He’s just a kid! He will grow! Expelling him would be too harsh!” No, no he will not grow. Mineta is only getting worse. The girls have to take action against him because no one else will. So far we have seen him face a grand total of 0 punishments for his behavior. Not even for attempting to get into the girls baths. NO ONE DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT! You know what this message sends? That he can do this with no consequences, no severe ones anyways. Expelling him and sending him somewhere that might be able to help him, MAYBE that would work to get him to grow. As it stands staying at UA will only result in him becoming a predatory “Hero”.
“He joined the Hero Course he can’t be that bad!” Look to Ch. 67. His WHOLE REASONING was to BE predatory and perverted.
“He has had a lot of good moments!” I personally don’t see them? Other than him showing concern for his classmates, typically Midoriya. Sure, it was sweet of him to show concern for others, for once. However this really proves nothing as it happens far less often than his perversion does.
“Denki is just as bad, you all just like him because he’s ‘hot’ and Mineta isn’t.” Denki had maybe 3 or 4 moments where he was perverted in any nature. Perversion in and of itself is not necessarily bad. The difference between Denki and Mineta is that Denki respects women. He might want to look at them, he is a curious/hormonal teenager after all, but he never touches. He maintains a respectful distance, and doesn’t seem to look at the girls like meat. Mineta cares nothing about how the girls feel about his unwanted touches, his eyeing them like food, talking about them crudely. He just does what he wants.
“He’s funny!” No he isn’t. I have yet to see one genuinely funny moment from him. Yes, it is funny watching the girls whip his ass around for his behavior. That isn’t HIM being funny though. That’s him getting what he deserves.
               Mineta is not cut out for the Hero course. He is cowardly, whiny, immoral, and just down right disgusting. If allowed to continue like he is he will only get worse, and most likely become more of a harm than help to society.
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kitsunebi-uk · 5 years
@mandolinearts tagged me to post ten songs I cannot stop listening to and then tag ten more ppl, so here we go!
Honestly, I tried so, so hard, but there are 13 here, and trimming it down to just that was painful. Music means so much to me as a (YOI) writer and a person - memories, emotions, headspaces . . . And a heads-up to artists I love whose songs don’t even appear on my list - Led Zeppelin, Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors, Nightnoise, Jethro Tull, Rush, Pink Floyd, Queen, REM, Rolling Stones, Simon & Garfunkel, Styx, Tom Petty, The Who, Bob Marley and the Wailers, and many more.
In no particular order.
1.     Spring, from The Four Seasons – Vivaldi. Because it may be the most exuberant piece of music I’ve ever heard, and makes me think of bright sun shining through windows on a beautiful day.
2.     Requiem in D Minor, Confutatis and Lacrimosa – Mozart. Haunting and powerful on its own, it also features in a scene from the 1984 film Amadeus that still sends chills down my spine, where the dying Mozart is dictating this genius vision to the astounded Salieri, one of the few people of the time to appreciate just how talented he was. (It’s believed that Wolfgang’s older sister Nannerl might have been equally as talented – but gals in the 18th century, honestly, what chance did we stand.)
3.     I Get Around – The Beach Boys. I love their harmonies, and I have the silliest YOI headcanon based on this, where Yuuri and Phichit have put together a pairs skate in Detroit based on this song to do just for fun. So many 50s and 60s songs would lend themselves to skating. OK, so Yuuri probably would not be into that kind of thing. But it’s fun to imagine anyway.
4.     The Devil Went Down to Georgia – The Charlie Daniels Band. Why do I like this? I don’t know. Maybe because for me it blends the best of country and bluegrass with the ancient ballad tradition, doesn’t take itself seriously, and is rollicking fun. Of course Yuuri and Victor dance to it in 1393 in a castle in my WIP. If you’d like to know why and how, watch this space, because it won’t be long. 😀
5.     Land of the Livid Dead – Nowhere to Run (Rayman Origins Soundtrack) – Christophe Héral, Billy Martin. Totally obscure, total genius gaming soundtrack. This dude/bloke took a different musical genre for each land he created music for, and totally ripped it and owned it. It’s got big band, mariachi, metal, didgeridoo – and this, which sounds like a funked-up spaghetti western. Utterly unique and strange and wonderful.
6.     Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry. Quintessential 50s rock & roll, long before Marty McFly got his hands on it – though that was cool too.
7.     Fotheringhay – Fairport Convention. I love Sandy Denny’s lilting, haunting voice. This song (about the final days of Mary, Queen of Scots) has been in my mind a lot lately purely for the mood, because at the end of my WIP, this totally captures it – sad and angsty. And a castle.
8.     Who Do You Love? – George Thorogood and the Destroyers. I love rock & roll with a heavy blues base, and George Thorogood makes no apologies for borrowing from it. I have always envisioned this song as a sort of “opening titles” accompaniment to a film of my first fic, The Other Side of Sunset, where Yuuri and Victor are cowboys in the Old West.
9.     Wheel in the Sky – Journey. I love Steve Perry’s voice, and this has always been my favorite song of theirs – there’s something wistful about it.
10.  Solsbury Hill – Peter Gabriel. A beautiful song about leaving things behind that you’ve outgrown and finding the courage to reach for something new.
11.  Reckoner – Radiohead. I was introduced to this song in one of the late chapters of Proantagonist’s “Winter Song” – Victor choreographed his comeback skate to it. And I can totally imagine him doing this, so much so that I see it in my head every time I hear this winsome, gorgeous voice. And Yuuri jumping on his bed in excitement, cheering him on from Japan as he watches on the TV.
12.  Hold On; The Eyeball Kid – Tom Waits. While he has his clear influences, as every artist does (from the blues and rap to gin-soaked Las Vegas lounge-lizard nightclubs, always sprinkled with a good dose of the dark side of romantic Americana), he is completely and utterly a phenomenon unto himself, wildly creative and adventurous. These are two of my favorites of his that are less gargling-broken-glass than usual.
13.  Sharp Dressed Man – ZZ Top. Another YOI headcanon for an 80s child. This goes through my head every time I think about Victor in his knockout suit in Episode 5, and I got to write a similar moment in my fic “All That We See or Seem”, when he gets dressed up to go and meet his crush (who, to his consternation, skitters away – how could he not remember that banquet where they danced together?).
 I’m tagging @themayflynans @adrianners @sheepskeleton @pro-antagonist @amy-on-ice @kazul9 @uzaisozai @inlovewithyoi @nikiforoov @thatshamelessyaoishipper @mazarin221b @katzuyas
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